
How to remove the gray background of a sheet. How to remove the background behind text in Word: a simple method. Background for business documents

Highlighting individual page elements or, in other words, color background in a text editor Microsoft Word is a tool that is designed to draw attention to a document and emphasize details. However, excessive use of this tool can seriously irritate you when working or reading. Many users today are interested in the question of how to remove the color background in Microsoft Word. This can be done using several fairly simple methods. It is also worth noting that the method chosen will depend on the version used text editor.

How to remove colored background in Microsoft Word?

In the simplest case, a color background is used to highlight the text part of a document. To solve this problem, you can try to use the simplest remedy. This is the fill button, which is located on the main toolbar. IN earlier versions In a text editor, this button was designated by a symbol with a tilted bucket of paint; in later versions of the program, a marker with a pencil and a combination of Latin letters ab are used to designate this tool. To solve the problem you just need to select a piece of text, click on the button and select from context menu no fill point. To select the entire document, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A.

How to remove a colored background when copying in Word?

Quite often, users have to create their own documents based on existing ones. In such documents, there may also be the presence of fill and colored background, not only in relation to the text, but also to an entire section or the entire document. How in Word program remove colored background of this type? You can, of course, delve into the toolbox, but it will take a lot of time. The most in a simple way will completely remove formatting, since sometimes it is impossible to perform these operations using other methods. IN Microsoft program Word 2013 for this, when you go to the main tab, you need to find a button with an image of the Latin letter A and an eraser. Again, it must be used when selecting the entire document or a specific part of it. Another simple, but longer method is to first copy the searched text into the Notepad editor. After this, you need to re-copy this fragment into the Word application. The result will be the same.

How to remove colored backgrounds in tables

Background removal operations can also be used on tabular data. Depending on what exactly needs to be removed, you can select the text in the cells, the cells themselves, and the entire table. In the simplest version, you just need to select the desired cells and then use the fill removal button.

Microsoft Word 2003

Now let's talk a little about using this version of the program. Let's first figure out how to remove the color background in Microsoft Word 2003. This modification is slightly different from later versions of the program. However, there is also a standard tool for filling text. Here, as usual, you need to select the desired piece of text, and then go to the format menu and select the “Borders and Fill” section there. In the window that appears, on the fill tab, you can remove the background.

Word 2007 and 2010

Now let's see how you can remove the background color in Microsoft Word 2010. This method also suitable for the 2007 version of the program. The final menu used will be the same, only it can be accessed by first going to the page layout menu, and then sequentially moving to the page background and borders.

Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016

These two versions of the text editor are different from the previous ones. To perform the background removal operation here, you must first use the design tab located in the main panel. After this, you go to the background section of the page, which has a special button. If you click on it, a drop-down menu will appear in which you will need to select “No background”.


Newer versions of the Microsoft Word text editor are more convenient in the sense that there are more advanced tooltips. There are also pop-up panels. They appear when certain pieces of text or certain elements are selected. You just need to select cells in the table or part of the text, and the panel will immediately appear quick access to the main functions. There are also buttons that are responsible for calling the context menu and working with the background. It is worth noting that in any version of the text editor necessary buttons, intended for access to such functions, are placed on the main panel.

Highlighting text with a background color is used to draw more attention to certain parts of the text. These can be either individual words, cells in a table, lines, or entire paragraphs or pages. In some cases, supporters of individuality, when typing, abandon the standard white background and replace it with a colored one. If you come across a document with similar quirks, but you don’t separate them and/or would like to use the document in a standard form, but don’t know how to remove the background of the text in Word, then we suggest you read this article, which will help in solving this problem.

How to remove the background of page text in Word
If the background text design is used for all pages, then you can return them to a white background as follows:
How to remove the background of parts of text
If the background color is used to highlight parts of a word, an entire word, or several sentences and is used repeatedly throughout the document, then in this case it is disabled as follows.
How to remove the background of a table or its individual cells
If the design with a colored background is used in tabular data in the text, then the previous two methods will not help you get rid of it, since tables are a separate structural element in the document and separate rules and styles are applied to them. To remove the text background in tables, do the following:
The article discussed ways to remove the background of text in Word using the text editor MS Word 2007 as an example. In newer versions of the editor, disabling the background is carried out in a similar way, only the interface and location of certain tools in the menu may differ slightly.

If you've often worked with Word documents, you've likely noticed highlighting in text, which is designed to draw attention to a specific object in the text. This could be a single letter, a word, a sentence, or even a cell in a table that is inserted as an object. It is even possible to highlight the entire sheet or the entire document as the background. But excessive highlighting can not only fail to serve its purpose, but can also be annoying when viewing and reading a document. I think that you are not carried away by such extremes (although I have seen this often) and if you come across such a document to read or review, after reading you will know how to remove the background behind text in Word, how to remove the background in Word when copying and how to make a background. Let's go in order.

How to remove background behind text in Word

As I said above, the background behind the text can be present in different elements. These include a letter, a word, a paragraph, all text, or an element in a table (cell, column, or row).

Removing a page background

To remove the page background, do the following:

  1. For Word 2007-2010 open document at the top of Word select the “Page Layout” section; for Word 2013 you need to select the “Design” section. I'm using Word 2013 and the images I provide are for that version.
  2. In the section, find the “Page Background” panel in which you need to click on the “Page Color” button
  3. In the drop-down menu, click on the “No color” link

Removing the text background

In addition to setting the background of the entire page, it is possible to highlight individual text as a background. To remove this selection:

  1. Use the cursor to select all the text whose background you want to remove or change
  2. Open the "Keyboard" tab at the top of the document
  3. Find the paint bucket icon and click on it
  4. Select no color from the dropdown list. The background of the text you selected will disappear.
  5. Another tool for removing the background of text is a marker. With its help, you can selectively mark the necessary words, as well as selectively remove the background. You simply select this tool, select the selection color (if you need to select) or the “No color” option (if you need to remove the background color) and simply interactively select selected text. You can also select all the text.

Removing the background of an entire table

Seeing brightly highlighted cells or the entire table is also not uncommon. Many financial documents look like high school holiday cards. To get rid of this do the following:

  1. Hover your cursor over the table (a cross should appear in the upper left corner of the table) and right-click on the cross. A context menu will appear
  2. Click on the bucket with the filling.
  3. Select "No Color" from the drop-down list.

Changing or removing the background of individual cells is no more difficult than the background of the entire table. For this:

  1. Select several cells with the right mouse button (without releasing it), after selection a pop-up menu should appear. If it does not appear, right-click on the selected cells. For one cell, immediately right-click on it.
  2. Click on the bucket icon.
  3. Select "No Color" from the drop-down list

Very often, when working with text, you have to select and copy text found on the Internet. Moreover, when you paste text into Word, it retains all the attributes and formatting that was specified on the Internet page, and the background text is not everything that you transfer to the document. This could be font, size, color and much more. In order to get rid of the background and all formatting in general, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the text you pasted.
  2. Go to the “Home” tab, find the “Remove all formatting” icon with an image of an eraser and a letter in its background. Click on it and Word will remove all formatting, including the text background. Another option to avoid adding unnecessary formatting to a document is to use a notepad before inserting into Word (included in the standard Windows package). Notepad does not accept formatting. You paste text into Notepad, then copy this text from Notepad into Word.

How to make a background in Word

There is no need to describe how to make a background for all elements, because... you can do all the above operations for the background building. Just instead of selecting “No color”, select the color you want.

When copying text from the Internet into the Word text editor, very often the text is copied along with . In most cases, this background is not necessary and should be removed.

In this article we will talk about how to remove such a background from a text message. Word editor. The material will be relevant for modern versions of Word, including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Option number 1. Do not copy text with styles.

If you don't need the background of the text, then it's best not to copy the text with styles. This way you will get only the original text and nothing extra. In the future, you can independently format the text copied from the Internet as convenient for you.

In order to copy only text from the Internet, paste it into Word not using the CTRL-V key combination, but by right-clicking. In this case, you will have the opportunity to choose exactly how you want to paste the copied piece of text. To insert only text, use the button with the letter “A”.

In addition, to paste text copied from the Internet, you can use the key combination CTRL-ALT-V. In this case, the Paste Special window will open. In this window, you need to select the “Unformatted text” item and click on the “Ok” button.

After that in Word document a piece of text copied from the Internet will be inserted, but without the background and other styles.

Option number 2. Remove the background after copying.

You can also remove the background after copying the text from the Internet. To do this, select the text you copied from the Internet, go to the “Home” tab, click on the arrow next to the “Text Highlight Color” button and select the “No Color” option.

If this does not help and the background does not disappear, then the problem may be that the background color is set for the entire page at once. To remove such a background, go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Page Color” button and select the “No Color” option.

If the text contains tables, then the text background can be set in the table parameters. In order to remove such a background, you need to select the text in the table, go to the “Design” tab, click on the “Fill” button and select the “No color” option.

Also on the “Design” tab, you can select one of the standard table styles and thus remove the text background.

Often, when working with various kinds of documentation, information packages and statistical reports, you will notice that the data in them is “highlighted” in a certain color. This is done for convenience in order to highlight the key points of the document.

In practice, viewing hundreds of such colorful pages leads to eye fatigue. This marking also interferes with the need to create your own report based on an existing document. Knowing how to remove the background in Word, you can avoid such problems.

Removing a page background

If the document was provided not just with selected fragments of text, but even with entire color pages, then you can remove them like this:

  1. select the “Page Layout” section;
  2. click the “Page Color” button in the “Page Background” panel;
  3. check the “No color” option.

Color assigned to pages in this document, will disappear.

Removing a table background

Highlighted tables are also not uncommon in technical or financial documentation. You can get rid of the general table background as follows:

  1. move the cursor to any place in the table;
  2. press the right mouse button;
  3. select “No color”;
  4. Click the “OK” button.

Removing the background of a table cell

The colored background of a cell in Word is no more difficult to remove than the background of the entire table. For this:

  1. move the cursor over the cell where you want to remove the background;
  2. press the right mouse button;
  3. select the item “Borders and Fill”;
  4. open the “Fill” tab in the window that appears;
  5. in the “Apply to” column, select “cell” (the default is “table”);
  6. expand the palette (the arrow under the inscription “Fill”);
  7. select “No color”;
  8. Click the “OK” button.

Removing the chart background

Graphic areas of a chart are much easier to compare on a white background. To get rid of the colored backing in them you should:

  1. move the cursor to the border of the diagram;
  2. press the right mouse button;
  3. select “Format chart area...”;
  4. go to the “Fill” item (left);
  5. put a dot next to “No fill”;
  6. click the “Close” button.

Removing the text background

Text in MS Word can be marked in 2 ways:

  • using fill;
  • using selection.

This red, gray or any other marking is also removed in different ways. In the first case it will be like this:

  1. select the “Home” section;
  2. click on the arrow next to the “Fill” button (with the image of a pouring bucket) on the “Paragraph” panel;
  3. select the “No color” option.

In the second case:

  1. select the fragment from which you want to remove the markings (or select the entire text);
  2. select the “Home” section;
  3. click on the arrow next to the “Text highlight color” button (with the image of a felt-tip pen and letters) on the “Font” panel;
  4. select the “No color” option.

The same applies to selected text in a table.

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