
How to install the 1c 8.3 protection driver. Correct installation of 1C:Enterprise. Downloading configuration installation files

Hello dear readers website! Recently I was faced with the need to study and in-depth work in the 1C program, since I was offered the position of a consultant, it was decided to start, as they say, from the beginning and almost instantly the question arose: how to install 1C 8.2 yourself?

Usually, the installation and configuration of 1C software products is carried out by employees of the franchisee companies from whom you purchase the program, but there are cases when you have to install it yourself. Just like in my case, it was I who had to go to clients and install 1C, while previously I worked with 1C only in user mode. There may be other cases when you need to install 1C yourself, for example, if you buy a basic version of the configuration, or you are too far from the nearest 1C partner company, and they send you the program by mail.

It is in such cases that when installing the program you should follow the following directions:

The installation files of the 1C 8.2 platform and configuration are located on the disk included in the package.

First of all, install the platform, preferably in a directory available by default.

For file databases, when working in Windows OS (32 and 64 bit), select the 32-bit platform.

If you use hardware protection, install the protection driver if software license with activation by PIN code, then you refuse to install the driver. There is no need to configure the platform. More information about installing the platform is written here

Launch the program from a shortcut on your desktop, click " Add… - Creating a new infobase - Creating an infobase from a template".

Then specify the name of the infobase and the installation directory. Leave the settings and launch mode as default and click " Ready".

The base has been created!

Now you can run your configuration from the list. If you have a software license, then you need an Internet connection to activate 1C 8.2 using a PIN code. After activating and launching the program, it is recommended to download the address classifier (KLADR) to correctly enter the addresses of your organizations and counterparties when initially filling out the information base.

You can also download data from other 1C 8.2 configurations, for example from Accounting 7.7 to Enterprise Accounting 2.0. You can read detailed articles about installing and configuring 1C on the website, there is quite a lot on it necessary information. If you are just starting to use the 1C 8.2 program and are entering data about the organization for the first time, then I recommend using the Start Assistant. With its help, you will enter data about the organization, configure accounting parameters, accounting policies, etc., depending on the configuration. If you have basic configuration, then it will be updated from the program itself; for this, in the package, find an envelope with a PIN code for self-registration on the 1C website and register. After registering on the site, you will be able to use the received password to download updates. The login will be the registration number of your software product.

This is detailed instructions for installing 1C configuration and creating a 1C database (from the installed configuration). Don't forget what you need first.

If you work in an organization and use it, then you also need it. Additionally, information can be found here.

Installing 1C configuration on a computer. Creating a 1C database from the configuration. Creating a 1C database from CF. Creating a 1C database from DT.

What needs to be done to install the 1C configuration?

1C configuration is a template. Based on this template, a 1C database is created. The number of 1C databases based on one 1C configuration template is unlimited.

Thus, the essence of setting up a 1C configuration is creating a database.

You can create a database in the following ways:

  • Install a configuration (template) on your computer and create one based on it
  • Create an empty database and load CF into it
  • Create an empty database and load DT into it
  • Restore the 1C SQL database backup to another database and connect it to the 1C server.
    • Installing the 1C configuration from the distribution kit on the computer

      The configuration distribution is distributed on disk (select the Install menu item to install) or as a self-extracting archive via the Internet (unpack it anywhere and click setup.exe).

      Installing a 1C configuration distribution kit asks only one question - the installation directory. By default, the 1C configuration is installed in the templates directory.

      This is a standard directory. For 8.1 it is usually located in “C:\Program Files\1cv81\tmplts\”, for 8.2 in “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\1C\1Cv82\tmplts\”.

      As a result of installation, a folder with the installed configuration will appear in the tmplts directory. Inside this folder are folders installed templates configurations. They contain documentation and “additional things”.

      For the structure of the tmplts folder and a description of the files in the configuration distribution, see the end of the article.

      Creating a 1C database from the installed configuration (file version)

      The configuration is stored in a directory on disk (the file version, which is what we are considering).

      It is necessary to select a location on the disk where we will create the configuration, for example “C:\1C Database\”. Let's go or create this folder and create a database folder in it, for example: “C:\1C Databases\Trading Management Training Base”.

      Let's launch 1C. In the database selection window, click the Add button.

      Select “Create a new information base” and click “Next”.

      If you installed a configuration (one or more) from the distribution kit, now you will see a list installed configurations. The following options are available in each configuration:

      • Configuration name/version
      • Configuration name (demo)/version

      The first option is a clean empty database. The second option is a database with demo data for training. We choose the second option (place the cursor on the version number).

      Enter the name of the database, it can be anything you understand. This name will be displayed in the list of databases when logging into 1C. For example, "Training Configuration 1".

      You need to select a database location. We are installing the file option, so we select “On this computer..”. When you install the client-server option, select “On the 1C server.”

      It is necessary to select the same directory that we prepared for the database.

      Creating a 1C database from CF or DT

      CF and DT are downloading a configuration from an existing database. They differ from each other in that DT includes data, while CF does not (contains only configuration information).

      After you have created an empty database, .

      To upload or download CF, select the following configurator menu items.

      To upload or download DT, select the following configurator menu items.

      tmplts folder structure

      1) folder “1C” – 1C company configuration templates

      2) folder “Configuration name” – the English name of the configuration (Accounting-Accounting, Trade-Trade Management, Hrm-Salaries and Personnel Management)

      3) “Version” folder – configuration version

      4) Configuration template folders and files.

      For example, the path to the “Trade Management” configuration template version

      C:\Program Files\1cv81\tmplts\1c\trade\10_3_9_4\

      Configuration template files

      1) Readme.txt – contents of the directory, what is where

      2) HTML files– various descriptions and help for using configurations

      3) - it is in this file that the 1C configuration is stored

      4) 1Cv8.dt – this file stores a database archive based on this configuration, usually a demo database; the file contains both configuration and data

      5) 1cv8.cfu – configuration update file, used to migrate from one configuration version to another

      6) TTF files – font files, used for example for printing barcodes, please note that these fonts need to be added to the system if they are in the configuration distribution

      7) XML files – often various classifiers are supplied with the configuration, we will consider loading them into the database in future releases, please note that these files should also be loaded into the database after it has stopped (for example, okp.xml)

      8) ExtReps catalog – external reports and processing used for accounting, often this is how reports are supplied that change frequently, for example various printed forms

      9) TradeWareEpf catalog - processing that is used to connect equipment, we will consider connection in future issues

      10) Conv_ХХХ directories – such directories store “conversion rules”, the rules by which you can upload data from one database to another

      Transfer 1C

This article will discuss in detail the algorithm for installing the client part of the 1C:Enterprise system. 8.3 (for versions 8.2 , 8.1 And 8.0 The installation algorithm is similar to the one about installing the 1C:Enterprise system 7.7 I wrote) in operating systems of the . Typical options for working with 1C:Enterprise are considered, and it will also be given short description all components of the system.

0. Basic information about the 1C:Enterprise system

The 1C:Enterprise system is a set of software modules designed for the development and use of application solutions ( configurations) - on accounting and automation of economic activities of enterprises. The software modules of the 1C:Enterprise system are universal and can work with any configuration. R Working with information bases is possible as in file, and in client-server option.

In the case of working with a file information base, the database files are located either directly on the computer of the user working in the program “1C:Enterprise”, or on a network resource to which “1C:Enterprise” is connected to work with the information base. The figures below show the most common scenarios for the 1C:Enterprise system working with file databases.

This operating mode is only suitable for information bases, with which a small number of users work simultaneously.

If it is expected that the information base will be simultaneously worked big number users, or a significant load on the information base is expected, you should use server cluster "1C:Enterprise". In this case, the database files will be located in a separately installed DBMS (database management system), and the server cluster will interact end user with this DBMS. In general, the operation scheme of the 1C:Enterprise system will then be as follows:

I wrote in detail about installing a 1C:Enterprise server cluster in the article. Next we will talk only about installation client application the 1C:Enterprise system, i.e., system modules necessary to work with file information databases or to connect to an existing 1C:Enterprise server cluster. For this we need:

  1. A computer capable of installing a client application of the 1C:Enterprise system running Windows OS.
  2. Local administrator rights on this computer.
  3. Distribution kit for installing modules of the 1C:Enterprise system. This example uses the version . Installation of 1C:Enterprise system modules over earlier versions similar.
  4. or , suitable for the required 1C:Enterprise operating mode.

1. Installation of 1C:Enterprise system components

Open the directory with the 1C:Enterprise installation files and run the filesetup.exe.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 installation assistant will start, click “ Further" on the first page.

On the next page you can change the folder for installing 1C:Enterprise modules by clicking the button Change"and specifying a new path for installation, and you also need to select the components that will be installed. The list of components depends on what needs to be installed. Depending on the distribution type, not all components may be available for installation. If you need to install a component (or cancel the installation), you need to mark it by clicking the icon to the left of the component name (or the Space), in the menu that appears, select one of the options:

  • This component will be installed on your local hard drive.
  • This component will not be available.

Here is a brief description of the installed components:

  • 1C:Enterprise— the main components of 1C:Enterprise, including components for administration, configuration, thick and thin client.
  • 1C:Enterprise - thin client— thin client components only for working in client-server mode.
  • 1C:Enterprise - thin client, file version— thin client components, including components for working with the file version of the infobase.
  • Server 1C:Enterprise— components of the 1C:Enterprise server (read more about installing the 1C:Enterprise server).
  • Web server extension modules— web server extension modules required for the operation of the web client and Web services (read more about setting up web access to 1C:Enterprise databases).
  • Administration of the 1C:Enterprise server— additional components for administering a cluster of 1C:Enterprise servers.
  • Interfaces in different languages— user interfaces in various languages.
  • 1C:Enterprise configuration storage server— components of the 1C:Enterprise configuration storage server.
  • Converter IB 1C:Enterprise 7.7— information base converter.

By selecting necessary components To install, click " Further».

At the next step, you need to select the interface language to be used in the future (the operating system language is the default). Having specified the interface language, click “ Further».

Click " Install" to start the installation of the 1C:Enterprise system.

Upon completion of the installation process, the assistant will offer to install the protection driver - HASP Device Driver. It is necessary to install the protection driver only if the USB port given a HASP4 NET hardware protection key will be installed on the computer (the driver installation can be performed later using the menu item " Start» — « Programs» — « 1C Enterprise 8» — « Installing HASP Device Driver"). Leave or remove the flag "Install protection driver" and click " Further».

If the installation is successful, the final page of the installation assistant appears. If you leave the flag " Open Readme file", then a file will be opened with information that seems to be recommended to be read before using this version of the system. Click " Ready» to complete the wizard.

2. Adding an infobase to the list of infobases

During installation, a shortcut to launch 1C:Enterprise will be created on the desktop. If you launch it, the 1C:Enterprise launcher will open with an empty list of infobases and a proposal to add a new infobase to the list.

The next steps depend on the specific situation:

  • If you need to create a new database to start accounting, click " No"and first of all we set the template typical configuration, and only then based on the template we create a new information base. Read more about this in the article
  • If you need to connect to an existing information base, click “ Yes"and add this database to the list of information bases. Read the article on how to do this.

3. Installing a 1C:Enterprise license

Software products "1C:Enterprise" version 8can be protected from copying by hardware LPT or USB keys type HASP4 Net from the company Aladdin , or using a software licensing system. It is also possible to use both types of protection simultaneously. After installing the system "1C:Enterprise" and creating information databases, all that remains is to install a license to operate "1C:Enterprise".

  • I wrote about installing and configuring HASP protection keys in the article “”
  • I wrote about the software licensing system in the article “”, as well as about the case of obtaining a license for the first time in the article “”.

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Installing and updating the 1C 8.2/8.3 platform for the file version of work.

In order to install/update the 1C 8.2 platform for the operating system Microsoft Windows we need its distribution. Let's consider the most common installation option for 1C Enterprise. For example, let's take the software product platform 1C Enterprise Other versions of the platform are installed in a similar way.

Installing/updating the platform distribution kit version 1C 8.3 is similar to version 8.2 therefore this instruction suitable for her too.

Before you start, you need to download setup files distribution kit of the 1C Enterprise platform. If you have a subscription to ITS (Information Technology Support), everything is simple, go to the website and download what you need. For basic versions of configurations, an ITS subscription is not required. Detailed instructions for downloading the distribution from the users website.

It is also possible to install the distribution from the “ITS Add-on” disk. If you choose this installation option, you should pay attention to the date of its release, since the platform must be up-to-date, otherwise the configuration of a newer release simply will not start, giving an error. Detailed instructions for installing the distribution from disk.

So, the distribution kit has been downloaded, open the folder with the distribution kit and see the following picture:

Run the installer file named “setup.exe” highlighted in the figure above.

After starting the installation program, a welcome window opens, click the “Next” button

A window for selecting components opens, and the path to the platform files is also specified. It is advisable to select the first three points. Also, if, on a computer, you plan to use remote access to the databases, through a thin client or a web browser, you need to add a “web server extension module” (Works only with managed applications).

Next, a window for selecting the interface language opens. If you have a Russian speaking operating system Leave the default “System settings”, or choose at your discretion:

Next, the installer reports that it is ready. Click “Install”:

The program installs the components we have selected. We are waiting for the process to finish.

Next, the installer asks whether we need a hardware key protection driver? If you use the “Hardware protection key” (USB device blue), then you need to leave the checkbox. If the licenses are software (Envelope with PIN codes), you can uncheck the box. In any case, you can install/uninstall the driver later, you can read about it. Click “Next”:

Next, if everything went well, we see the corresponding window. Click “Finish” and install the configurations:

One of the most popular accounting programs, 1C: Accounting 8, requires constant updating due to the development of new platform capabilities. We offer detailed instructions on updating the 1C platform, which will help you easily switch to a newer version.

To work, you will need the Internet with access to the 1 C site and 20 minutes of free time. So let's begin.

Make sure the release is correct

Before upgrading the platform, you should ensure that the configuration you are using supports running in new version platforms.

How to find out the release number of the 1C platform and configuration? To do this, open the “Help” section in the main menu and select “About the program”.

A window will appear on the screen where the platform release number will be indicated in the first (top) block, and the configuration release number will be indicated in the “Configurations” section (in the main block).

You can also find out the release number by clicking on the yellow icon with the letter “i” inscribed in it - it is located in the upper right corner of the main program window.

Download the update from the official website

We will not consider updating the 1C platform in user mode, but will perform the installation manually. You need to download the update on the official website using the following link: (authorization required!)

Updating the program version is available only to registered users, so enter the login and password that were issued at the registration stage in the form provided. If you are not registered, do so now.

Attention! If, after downloading and checking the platform version, as described in the first paragraph, old version, most likely, the incorrect installer option was selected (for example, “thin client”).

Find and run the installer

The developers packaged the updates in a RAR archive, so you will need an archiver program that supports this format. Find the downloaded platform update, unpack it into a separate folder and run the setup.exe file.

Wait while the installation preparations complete. Then, in the installer welcome window, click Next to proceed to select your options.

Select the required components and interface language

Before you update the platform, you must select the components to work with. If you not System Administrator, leave those that the system offers by default, and click the “Next” button.

In the previous paragraph, the system will suggest a folder for installation - by default it is Program Files. If the main program files are located in a different directory, install it using the “Change” button. This is important for the program to work correctly.

On the next window, select the appropriate interface language (Russian is suggested by default) and click the “Next” button.

Start the update installation process

In the new window, click on the “Install” button - after this, the installation of the update files into the system will begin.

The procedure takes several minutes and directly depends on the performance of the computer and the operation of other applications running at that moment.

If the User Account Control window appears during the installation process, agree that you really want to install this software to your computer - click the “Yes” button.

After copying is completed and settings are made to the system, the program will prompt you to install the protection driver.

If you are using a USB dongle that provides protection at the hardware level, uncheck the box - the necessary driver is already on your system. Do the same if you have linked the 1C application to a specific computer at the software level - in this case there is also no need for a driver. Go to the next window by clicking the “Next” button.

Attention! If you missed the checkbox and the driver is installed again, this will not affect your further work in any way.

Complete the update installation

At the end of the installation, a window will appear on the screen with a “Finish” button - click it.

We have described in detail how to update the platform through the configurator - if the process was successful, the program will work stably on your computer. To verify this, use its capabilities for several days.

After that delete previous versions"1C:Enterprise 8.3" so that they do not take up space on your hard drive. To do this, go to the “Control Panel”, select the appropriate item in the list and click “Delete”.

If you continue to work with configurations created for the version 8.2 platform, do not delete it.

Leave two platforms on your computer different versions(in our case 8.2 and 8.3) - they will start automatically when you select the appropriate configuration.

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