
How to install local Apache server with Php, MySQL, phpMyAdmin on Windows computer. Selecting and installing a local server Local server for windows 7 64

The popularity of the server is due to the quality of the product, big amount tools, good information support. In practice, the XAMPP build, for unknown reasons, is more popular among Western developers.

System requirements for installing XAMPP

There are no pitfalls to be expected from XAMPP. Everything here has been refined to the smallest detail. XAMPP can be installed on your local machine, with operating systems: Windows 2008, Vista, Win 7, Win 8. There is even an option for XP SP3.

What's included in the XAMPP build?

The XAMPP acronym means that this assembly can be installed not only on Windows, but also on any other axis. This is indicated by the first letter [X]. The letters AMP stand for the classic Apache+MySQL+PHP, but the last letter [P] stands for the Perl programming language. This is why XAMPP is called a cross-platform local web server build.

XAMPP local server and Bitnami

The XAMPP developers went further than others and created the Bitnami cloud server. Bitnami for XAMPP makes it much easier to develop PHP applications on top of Apache. Using Bitnami you can easily install popular open source CMS: WordPress, Drupal and Joomla! and so on.

Where to download XAMPP

XAMPP local server no need to search on forums and other resources. There is an official website with a free download of the release. XAMPP official website: Download .

Download XAMPP

On the official website we download the version for Windows 7. First you need to decide which version of PHP you need to work with. There are three PHP variants: 5.6.30, 7.0.15, 7.1.1. The lower version of php changes periodically. I choose: xampp-win32-5.6.30-0-VC11-installer.

For information: On the same page you can download XAMPP for Linux and OS X.

Installing XAMPP on Windows 7 step by step

As you can see from the name of the release, XAMPP is downloaded with an installer, which greatly simplifies its installation.

For peace of mind, we check the downloaded file with an antivirus. After checking, run the installation as administrator.

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

We skip Bitnamy, so we open the check side.

Step 5.

Step 6.

The installation process is quite long, please be patient.

Step 7. Finish

Launch XAMPP

We work on Windows 7.

XAMPP is installed, it's time to launch. XMAPP is launched with the “XMAPP Control Panel” shortcut.

XAMPP open panel

When you open the program, XAMPP checks the computer system. If the system meets the XAMPP requirements to run modules, there will be no errors. Errors will be visible in the information window and highlighted in red.

Here is an example of a screenshot with errors. In the example, I see that port 80 is busy and Apache cannot start.

XMAPP, port 80 busy: how to release port 80

The inability to start the Apache module due to port 80 being busy is one of the most common Windows errors. If you see information like this, it means you won't be able to start Apache. Your task is to release this port or run XAMPP on another port.

Windows port 80 release example

When I was preparing this article and reinstalling XAMP, I received an error that port 80 was busy. When I try to open the address in the browser: http://localhost I see this picture.

To do this, go to the Control Panel tab>>>All small icons>>>Programs and Features>>>Turn on and off Windows components and disable IIS and reboot the computer. All port 80 is free.

Disable IIS

This is just an example of several possible scenarios why port 80 is busy. You can even run XMAPP on another port, for example 8080. Link to corrections up in the text.


Let's get acquainted with the XAMPP panel.

  • Launch XAMPP as administrator;
  • We look for the absence of errors;

The XAMPP panel contains all access to work with platform modules and all necessary tools Windows.

  • Buttons on the right: XAMPP settings and Windows tools
  • We see the columns: Start, Admin and Config.
  • Start, also known as Stop, start and stop modules. Mercury is a mail server.
  • Admin. These are access buttons to the administrative panels of the modules.
  • Config. Great buttons. On the Config buttons you will find access to all configuration files of system modules.

XAMPP Settings

  • Netstat- An excellent button that will show all the ports that are used by the system on this moment. This button will help you, “without dancing with tambourines,” see what is hanging on port 80.
  • Shell- command line.
  • Explorer- will simply open the XAMPP local server installation directory. Analogue Computer>>>Disk C.
  • Service- pop-up window with a list of all running services on the axis. Analogue: Control Panel>>>All elements small icons>>>Administration>>>Services.
  • Help and Quit no comments.
  • Buttons on the left: start/stop modules
  • Buttons on the left: administration

Notice the admin button column. This is the entrance to the module administration panel. Let's check their work using phpmyadmin as an example.

XAMPP phpmyadmin panelWe see a standard phpmyadmin panel with which you can work without dancing with tambourines, such as in Denver.

Note: If XAMPP were in Russian, there would be no price for it.

How to run XAMPP

After correcting all errors, you can launch XAMPP. Launching XAMPP is the start of the modules necessary for operation: Apache, MySQL.

required XAMPP modules

Checking XAMPP is working

To check the operation of XAMPP in the address bar of the browser we write http://localhost.

If everything was done correctly and everything works correctly, we see the server panel with control buttons.

XAMPP local server admin panel
XAMPP panel phpmyadmin
XAMPP php build information


In this article, I showed how to install XAMPP local server on Windows 7. I introduced you to the panel and configuration of XAMPP, launching the modules necessary for work and gave a link to fixing the error.

Why use a full-fledged web server on Windows 10 if it is better to use Linux?

  1. If you want to create and test, but do not want to buy hosting and so that your friends can visit your site.
  2. You are creating a website for a game server and you need to have remote access to the database on free hosting This function is not available only in paid ones tariff plans and not in all hostings. In this way, you and your friends can test a full-fledged website for free.
  3. Well, the most common reason is that using Linux very complex that would make it difficult for many or would make no sense at all.

Web server installation

There are several web servers on Windows, but in this case Vertrigo Server will be considered; you can use it from the official website or from the mail cloud.

A little about the installation - inside the folder with the program there will be a www folder in which you will place your site. To avoid clogging system disk It is recommended to install the program on one of the non-system ones.

Launch and use

After installation, launch from the shortcut on your desktop. If you have not created a shortcut, you can create it manually and specify the path to the program executable file (vertrigo.exe). In the window that appears, click the button shown in the screenshot below. The program will be minimized to tray and the web server will be launched.

Once launched, you can place the website files in the www folder inside the program folder. To view the website on your computer, enter or http://localhost/ in your web browser. These methods will allow only you to view the website, and to view it via the Internet you must have port 80 open and external access to you. To do this, you must have your antivirus turned off and Windows firewall or included in exceptions. In order to be able to access you via the Internet, you must find out your external IP address and enter it in a web browser (http://your ip/).


To access the Vertrigo database, enter in the address bar of your web browser. By default, login: root, password: vertrigo, after that you can create or change a database, export, import, change login and password.

A few days ago I was once again visited by a thought. The idea was not new and quite intrusive: “let's switch to Windows8. Well please." And since there was no way to drive her away, I stocked up on tea and cookies and got started.

For installation of the system and all necessary programs it took no more than two hours, but then the most interesting moment came: I needed to deploy a working environment, namely GIT + local server (Apache, MySQL, PHP, nginx, memcached, mongodb). Remembering the experience of previous installations, this time I decided to document the entire process and save it for posterity.

Disclaimer number one:“I’m not a programmer” (c), but an interface designer and front-end technologist (but in some cases I can help my colleagues and code something like that, and even then they won’t beat me for it)

Disclaimer number two: Yes, I perfectly imagine that in Ubuntu all this is done much faster. But I work on Windows, this is how it historically happened.

So let's get started.

Our work plan includes installation of the following products:

  1. PuTTY
  2. Denwer (Apache, MySQL, PHP)
  3. Nginx
  4. Memcached
  5. MongoDB

1. PuTTY

PuTTY- freely distributed client for various protocols remote access, including SSH, Telnet, rlogin.

PuTTY includes several utilities, but in my work I only need it and Pegeant (an SSH authentication agent that stores keys to git repositories).
If you don't need any SSH, forget about this point and move on.


To work with git I've been using it for years now TortoiseGit, which is stable, flexible and covers all my needs by 146%. In general, I recommend it.


2.1 TortoiseGit requires git for Windows, which can be picked up on Googlecode;
2.2 myself TortoiseGit install from here

3. Denwer

Denver- A gentleman's kit for a Web developer (“Dn.w.r”, read “Denver”) - a project by Dmitry Koterov, a set of distributions (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl, etc.) and a software shell used by Web- developers to develop websites on a “home” (local) Windows machine.

3.1 Installation

We will need to download basic kit and additional PHP5 modules.

Lyrical digression:

no, not just download, but receive download links by email! That is, you will have to enter your email, as well as your first and last name, twice in the form under the large “Registration” heading. “Registration is required due to the future release of Denver 4.” For many years now the form has been apologizing, but I don’t believe it anymore(.

Usually, installing Denver is quick and painless, but on Windows8 I was attacked by an error that complained about a missing library msvcr71.dll. You can put the library in a folder "\Windows\System32\"(x32) or "\Windows\SysWOW64\"(x64). After the file is in the folder, open its properties and click the “Unlock” button.

3.2 Functional check

After installing Denver, we will create a test script, which will be used to check the functionality of everything that we will install later.
Let's go to Z:\home and add a new site: create a folder test.local, there is a folder in it "www", to which we add the file index.php with incredibly creative text:


Restart Denver, open in browser www.test.local, get impressed and move on

4. Memcached

Memcached- middleware that implements a data caching service in RAM based on the hash table paradigm.

Memcache- PHP extension, provides a convenient procedural and object-oriented interface to memcached, a highly efficient caching daemon that was specifically designed to reduce database load in dynamic web applications.

4.1 Installing memcached

A. download the archive with the binary: Memcached 1.4.5 for Windows from here
IN. \usr\local\memcached

4.2 Installing memcache

A. download the archive with the library from here
IN. unpack the contents of the archive into \usr\local\php5\ext\
WITH. open the file php.ini (\usr\local\php5\php.ini) and connect the extension:

4.3 Configuring the launch of Memcached along with the launch of Denwer

To run the script with Denver we need:
  1. write a script containing commands to start and stop the application/service and put it in a folder \denwer\scripts\init.d
  2. create a link to this script in the startup/stop configuration folder \denwer\scripts\main\

A. create a file named “” in the directory \denwer\scripts\init.d\
#!perl -w package Starters::Memcached; BEGIN ( unshift @INC, "../lib"; ) use StartManager; my $basedir = "/usr/local/memcached/"; chdir($basedir); StartManager::action $ARGV, start => sub ( ### ### START. ### print "Starting memcached\n"; system("memcached.exe -d"); print " Started!\n"; ), stop => sub ( ### ### STOP. ### print "Stopping memcached\n"; system("TASKKILL /F /IM memcached.exe"); print " Stopped!\n"; ); return 1 if caller;

B. Now let's create a link to the script - a regular text file containing instructions that when starting, restarting and stopping Denver, you must execute init.d/
IN text editor we write
and save the file under the name "40_memcached" to the following folders:

  • \denwer\scripts\main\start
  • \denwer\scripts\main\stop
  • \denwer\scripts\main\restart

4.4 Checking the result

We add to our test script (index.php):
$memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect("", 11211); echo 'Memcache ver: ' . $memcache->getVersion();

Let's restart Denver and see what happens

5. Nginx

Nginx- a simple, fast and reliable server, not overloaded with functions.


5.1 Setting up Nginx

A. download the Windows version from the offsite and unpack it into \usr\local\nginx
B. setting up a virtual host for our test site. To do this we open \usr\local\nginx\conf\nginx.conf and add it there

Server ( listen; server_name www.test.local test.local; if ($host = "test.local")( rewrite ^/(.*)$ http://www.test.local$1 permanent ; ) location ~* \.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|css|js|pdf|txt|tar)$ ( root Z:\home\/test.local\www; ) location / ( ssi on; proxy_pass http ://; proxy_set_header $request_uri; proxy_set_header $remote_addr; proxy_set_header $host; proxy_connect_timeout 90; out 90; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Connection; proxy_pass_header Content-Disposition; proxy_pass_header Content-Length; root Z:\home\/test.local\www;
This is an example of settings from a real project, your settings may obviously vary.

5.2 Setting up Apache

By default, Apache runs on port 80, but we just gave this port to Nginx, so now we need to change the template for the virtual host in the Apache settings and assign it a port other than 80 (for example, 8080).
Opening \usr\local\apache\conf\httpd.conf and change the port number

## ## START OF VIRTUAL HOST TEMPLATE. ## ## If you want Apache to run on a port other than 80 by default, ## change the port number in the next directive. ## #Listen $&(ip:-$&(port:-8080) #NameVirtualHost $&(ip:-$&(port:-8080) # # DocumentRootMatch "/home/(?!cgi-)(.*)^1/(?!cgi$|cgi-)(.*)" # DocumentRootMatch "/home/(?!cgi-)(.*)/ public_html^1" # DocumentRootMatch "/home/(?!cgi-)(.*)/public^1" # DocumentRootMatch "/home/(?!cgi-)(.*)^1/html/(.*) " # DocumentRootMatch "/home/(?!cgi-)(.*)^1/domains/(?!cgi$|cgi-)(.*)" # DocumentRootMatch "/var/www/html/(?!cgi -)~(.*)^1/(?!cgi$|cgi-)(.*)" # DocumentRoot "$&" # ServerName "%&/-www" # ServerAlias ​​"%&/-www" "% &/-www/www" $&(host:-) # # $&(directives:-) # # ScriptAlias ​​/cgi/ "$^1/cgi/" # ScriptAlias ​​/cgi-bin/ "$^1/cgi -bin/" # AllowEncodedSlashes on #

5.3 Configuring Nginx launch along with Denwer launch

A. create a file named “” in the directory \denwer\scripts\init.d\
#!perl -w package Starters::Nginx; BEGIN ( unshift @INC, "../lib"; ) use StartManager; my $basedir = "/usr/local/nginx/"; chdir($basedir); StartManager::action $ARGV, start => sub ( ### ### START. ### print "Starting Nginx\n"; system("start nginx.exe"); print " Started!\n"; ) , stop => sub ( ### ### STOP. ### print "Stopping Nginx\n"; system("nginx.exe -s stop"); print " Stopped!\n"; ); return 1 if caller;

B. write in a text editor
and save the file under the name "50_memcached" to the following folders:

  • \denwer\scripts\main\start
  • \denwer\scripts\main\stop
  • \denwer\scripts\main\restart

5.4 Checking the result

Place the file next to the script style.css with content
h1( color: red; ) h2( color: green; )

And we will ennoble our index.php:
Test me

Test me


connect("", 11211);
echo "Memcached ver: " . $memcache->getVersion();


Now we restart Denver and admire the result. If the CSS file is connected, Nginx works fine. 6. MongoDB



A.- a document-oriented database management system (DBMS) with open source code that does not require a description of the table schema. 6.1 PHP driver Download the library \usr\local\php5\ext\
php_mongo.dll from this site: and put it in a folder. If for some reason it doesn't start, try other versions.

B. connect the extension to php.ini

6.2 Installing Mongo

A. download the archive from Mongo and unpack it into a folder \usr\local\mongodb . In the same folder we create two more folders:

B. install the service
> cd C:\WebServers\usr\local\mongodb\bin\
> mongod.exe --install --dbpath=C:\WebServers\usr\local\mongodb\db\ --logpath=C:\WebServers\usr\local\mongodb\logs\

6.3 Setting up MongoDB to launch in conjunction with Denver

A. create a file with the name "" in the directory \denwer\scripts\init.d\
#!perl -w package Starters::mongoDB; BEGIN ( unshift @INC, "../lib"; ) use StartManager; StartManager::action $ARGV, start => sub ( ### ### START. ### print "Starting mongoDB\n"; system("net start mongoDB"); print " Started!\n"; ), stop => sub ( ### ### STOP. ### print "Stopping mongoDB\n"; system("net stop mongoDB"); print " Stopped!\n"; ); return 1 if caller;

B. write in a text editor
and save the file under the name "60_mongod" to folders already familiar to us:

  • \denwer\scripts\main\start
  • \denwer\scripts\main\stop
  • \denwer\scripts\main\restart

6.4 Checking the result

Let's launch the mongo console interface
> Z:\usr\local\mongodb\bin\mongo.exe

And we will insert and output the test value into the “test” database
> name: “Habr!” ))
> db.test.find()

The result should look like this:

6.5. Installing the Mongo database management interface

There is a list and short reviews of admin panels on the MongoDB website, so you can choose according to your taste.
I chose RockMongo for myself, so with its help we will finally make sure that everything works for us and does not crash anywhere.

A. download the archive with the admin panel from this page. Naturally, we choose Windows version. At the time of writing this article RockMongo-on-Windows v0.0.4

B. take a folder from the archive \rockmongo-on-windows\web\rockmongo and copy it to the directory of our test site
Opening config.php and change the value of the parameter
$MONGO["servers"][$i]["control_auth"] = true;
$MONGO["servers"][$i]["control_auth"] = false;

C. Check the result using the link www.test.local/rockmongo/index.php

Congratulations! Now we are completely and irrevocably well done.

Bonus #1. Working with php from the Windows console

Perhaps it will be useful to someone. It came in handy for me when our evil tech lead decided that “SQL files are a thing of the past, let’s use migrations.” Of course, for the sake of decency, I tried to feign complete misunderstanding and even shed a tear, but I was exposed and sent to figure out how it works on Windows.
It turned out that all you need for happiness is add PHP directory to PATH.

Click on “Edit” and add to the end of the line

Now let's check that everything worked.
Let's create a file in the directory of the test site console.php

Open the console(you can directly from the same folder - right-click with SHIFT pressed on an empty space and select “Open command window”).
> php console.php “UserName”

The console responds:
> “Hello, UserName!”

PHP is defeated, general rejoicing, applause, curtain.

Bonus #2.

All files and examples mentioned in the article in one archive for free without SMS: on Github

I hope that this material will be useful.
I would be grateful for comments and suggestions.

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Creating your own website very often becomes a necessity. For developers of web-oriented projects who do not have special knowledge, Denver (stands for a gentleman's WEB developer's kit) becomes a very convenient development tool. Denver can be downloaded for free in Russian and is not just successful software for facilitating the creation and maintenance of websites.

The software runs on the Windows operating system and is literally a local WEB server, allowing for full configuration and debugging of applications (websites).

When installing Denver, the Apache service is installed and on a regular user's computer you can create a huge number of sites on virtual domain names (this approach greatly simplifies the transfer of a site from local storage to hosting). The main convenience is that local sites are accessed by names that have the same names as folders in Denver's home directory.

Even for a non-professional, developing a simple website takes 10-20 minutes. Once created, edited and viewed on a local computer, the site can then be placed on hosting. Denver contains all the necessary tools to create a local server.

Features of installing a local server

First, you need to download Denver (it’s free), but let’s clarify that getting started with a local web server involves going to the developer’s website, filling out a form, and downloading the installation file. However, this software can also be downloaded from our resource using the direct link at the bottom of the publication. Next, run the installer and follow the prompts of the installation wizard.

After all the manipulations have been done, two icons “Denver Stop” and “Denver Run” will appear on the desktop, indicating the start and stop of the local server.

Advice: It is advisable to install the program in the root of the local disk, as this will greatly simplify working with projects in the future. The application is useful for simple debugging of the site, for experiments that can be seen on a local disk without an Internet connection.

The program includes a set of distribution kits and a software shell. Apache+SSL, phpMyAdmin, PHP5, MySQL5 - these proven and popular tools provide the necessary capabilities and simplify the work for beginners in website creation.

Denver is very simple and optimal from a configuration point of view. Separately, it is worth saying that the big advantage in its work is its autonomy. This autonomy is achieved by the following features:

  • Denver is contained in a single directory; it leaves no traces anywhere else on the disks. The software is not reflected in any way in the Windows system catalogs and does not clog the system registry.
  • The local server is so autonomous and isolated that a second installed Denver will not harm it in any way.
  • The program does not require additional running services. The software starts and just works, leaving no traces after it stops.
  • Deleting Denver means deleting its directory - and that’s it, no manipulations need to be done.
  • Convenient transfer from one computer to another (performed by simply copying the directory).

Over time, any web developer ( blogger, web designer or web programmer) will need a special test site where you can practice without any problems website development or testing another web project. Some beginners use the resources of their paid hosting and place at least two websites there. One worker ( basic), and the other ( additional) for testing. The test site undergoes various tests ( installation and testing of many plugins, themes, scripts and so on).

As a result, with this layout, the main production site suffers greatly, since most of the hosting resources are consumed by the test project. However, there is another way that will allow without loss ( both in monetary and resource terms) carry out testing of your sites, and we will now consider this method.

Why not?

You probably already know that in order to put your website on the Internet, you need to register a domain name, buy hosting, that is, disk space on some computer with a high-speed connection on which PHP scripts can run. For sites to function fully, PHP and MySQL must be installed. All this is not available on a regular computer. How can HTML and PHP files run on your computer?

A regular file can be opened with Notepad++ or even with Notepad. Write something inside, save it, and then, without any problems, open this file in your browser and see how this file would look on a hosting site on the Internet. That is, we already see a working HTML page. In it we can create certain designs, content and monitor the project without an Internet connection. Essentially, we already have everything. If we want to run a PHP file using a browser, then we will not succeed, since PHP scripts in the Windows operating system will not work without additional software.

All this is not available on a regular computer, and thus there is no possibility of working with your web projects. Therefore, some beginners start spending money on additional resources of their paid hosting. But what to do in this case? The answer is simple - there are special programs with which you can install your own dedicated server directly on your computer.

What is a server?

What's happened server and how a local server differs from one located on the network. In our case, a server does not mean a computer, but a special set of programs that ensure optimal operation of the site. In order for the site to work, we will need to install it in a special designated location on the server (). That is, we download site files to a remote computer. However, without special server programs, our uploaded files will not be visible on the network. Now, for such purposes, we will create our own server on our home computer.

For this we need special programs. But which ones are better suited and what difficulties can they cause during further work? For your information, below I list the best web servers by popularity around the world. However, this does not mean that they need to be installed immediately. I'll explain why later!

List of the best web servers

There are currently several solutions on the market from a variety of manufacturers:

  • (website - is the most widespread and popular free server on the network. It is more reliable and flexible. The server is not demanding on processor resources and is capable of serving many sites. The application is available for a wide range of operating systems, including Unix, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows and others. Apache usage currently stands at 71%. However, this is a complex program that not every beginner can handle.

  • (website - is another reliable server from Microsoft. It is firmly entrenched in second place with 14% of online usage. After installing the program, only two programming languages ​​will be supported ( VBScript and JScript). However, you can open up additional features by installing the necessary extensions. With the installation of such modules, the functionality of this server is significantly increased.

  • NGINX (website - is the most popular web server on the Russian Internet. Compared to the first two, it is the simplest and does not have unnecessary functions. It is also praised for its reliability and high speed. The developer of this product is our compatriot Igor Sysoev. In 2004, he released the first version of nginx. Now this software product is one of the three most popular web servers in the world. Its usage is about 6.5%.

  • (website - - this web server does not have many capabilities, but it has a very high speed. It is 9 times faster than the popular Apache. Much attention is paid to safety ( its own protection against system overload, strict checking of http requests, anti-ddos and much more). LiteSpeed ​​is available for Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. The program has a usage rate of 1.5%.

Of course, there are many other similar programs, but the share of their use and trust among users is not as high as these. Unfortunately, you won't be able to do this with just one program. Not only are they useful for large projects, but they can also be difficult to install and configure. In addition, in addition to such servers, separate installation and configuration of some programs is also required ( for example, to work with a database). All this causes significant difficulties for many users. What to do in this case?

Local Server Features

At the moment, there are many different distributions that can make life easier for any novice webmaster. They are very easy to install, easy to operate, less demanding on resources and contain the necessary software elements for the best performance.

That is local server- this is not one program ( not one specific web server), but a special collection that includes lightweight versions of complex server programs. Typically the assembly includes: the server itself ( mostly Apache, but there may be others), PHP compiler ( with its help the browser can read the codes and assemble the page), components for working with databases, various installers and many other programs. All this makes things much easier than if we installed and configured each program separately.

In addition, separate modules can be connected to the basic packages of local servers to expand functionality. Another important feature is that on some servers it is possible to work from a removable flash drive. In general, such assemblies are very well suited for rapid website development, testing small projects, and sometimes even large ones.

Review of popular local servers

Here are some builds that may be useful to you:

  • (website - is a free domestic server that is designed to work with websites, web applications or Internet pages. Its developers are Dmitry Koterov and Anton Sushchev. This product contains the necessary distributions for simplified work. For example, this includes the Apache web server with various support, the phpMyAdmin panel and MySQL for working with databases and other programs. You can also work from a removable flash drive. Unfortunately Denwer only supports the Windows operating system.

  • XAMPP (website - is a special server build from Apache friends. The necessary distributions allow you to run a full-fledged web server on it. This program is distributed free of charge and supports work on Windows, Solaris, Mac OS X and Linux. There are also the following advantages: the server is popular for its very simple user interface, which makes it a favorite for many beginners; there are multiple appearances of updated versions; the update process is very simple and user-friendly; There are additional modules. You can also download the required version from another official website -

  • (website - is an excellent server from a Thai manufacturer, the concept of which is easy installation and configuration of all distributions in 1 minute. The first release of the assembly took place in 2001 and since then the number of users has been growing all the time. AppServ is very easy to install, it works stably and is no worse than official and individual releases, and its reliable performance makes it possible to create a full-fledged web server on your computer.
  • (website - is another good and easy to install local server. The assembly is very flexible, has good performance and takes up little disk space. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows OS for now.
  • Zend Server Community Edition (website - is a free server from Zend, designed to work with web applications. Contains all the necessary components to quickly deploy a local server on your computer.

  • (website - is a domestic portable local server that has high functionality for the development and creation of websites and other web projects. Has a multilingual interface ( including Russian) and is designed to run on Windows OS. Work from removable media is supported. This server is very good and serves as a good alternative to Denver.

  • (website - - another good build with a Russian interface ( there are also other languages). There is a simple and clear menu, and convenient installation and configuration of the assembly does not cause any particular difficulties. Configuration can be done without affecting configuration files, which is very useful for novice webmasters. The server is distributed free of charge and runs only on the Windows platform. Unfortunately, there is no portable version yet.
  • (website - - a very simple assembly with Russian language support. The assembly is unremarkable, does not have huge functionality and is mainly intended for testing small projects. There is support for working from portable media. This server will serve as a good replacement for Denver.
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