
How to install, update, and remove apps from the Windows store. How to install, update and remove applications from the Windows store How to install programs on Windows 8

All users of Windows operating systems are accustomed to the fact that in order to install any application or game you need to have a disc or installer file, run it and install it on your computer/laptop, but in Windows 8.1 in addition to this standard method You can install applications and games using Windows Store(on tablets with version of Windows RT 8.1 installation of programs is only available from the store). That is, you simply go to the store, select the required application and click the “Install” button to install it. The system resembles well-known App Store or Play Market For Apple devices and Android respectively.

In this article I will describe step by step the process of installing applications, or rather games. I would like to note that games such as solitaire, minesweeper and others are not available in Windows 8.1. enable as in Windows 7 , or you can supply it from the store.

In order to use the store, you must have a Microsoft account; more details on how to register in the article Registering a Microsoft Account in Windows 8.1 . After you have registered, go to the Metro interface (click on the "Start" button) and click on the Store window. You can guess this icon from the picture of a bag with the Windows logo.

Select the required category, in this example, Games.

After this, games grouped into groups will appear; in this example, I will choose among free games.

Select a game, in this example I chose " Cut the Rope", click on it with the left mouse button or with your finger (for tablets).

A window about the game will open, where there will be print screens of the game, reviews and ratings; to install, click the " button Install".

During installation it will say " Installation<название игры> "

At the end of the installation, a message will appear in the upper right corner that the application has been installed.

After that, go to Metro mode (Start button) and:

Press the down arrow - on a computer/laptop

Swipe down - for tablets.

You will see all installed applications, including the installed game.

If you want the app to be in the Metro main menu, right-click on the game and select " Pin to home screen ".

Now you can see installed application on the Metro home screen.

In the shop Windows applications So far there are few applications, but this issue can be fixed and soon I think there will be plenty of them. I would like to note that all applications are saved in your account Microsoft records. That is, if you once bought a game, then to install this game on another computer with Windows 8.1, you will only need to log in to your Microsoft account and, without purchasing again, you can install the game without any problems.

Lesson 18 Windows setup 8

There are two options for setting Windows settings 8. Firstly, you can use the parameters mode, which is mainly used for touch panels. To call this mode, move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the screen and select the charm button from the buttons that appear Search . Enter the word in the top field Options and click on the inscription below Options .

A window with different parameters will appear on the screen.

Let's click on any inscription and a window with different modes and parameters will appear on the screen, as shown below. On the left are the names of the sections, and on the right are the parameters that relate to the selected section.

There is also a control panel mode. In order to call it, you can go to the list of programs, for which in the initial screen, right-click on an unoccupied part of the screen, click on the button that appears All applications , which is located at the bottom right of the screen, move the list of programs, find the Control Panel icon and double-click on the icon with the left mouse button. The mode window will appear on the screen.

If you see a window with different content, then click on the icon Small icons and in the panel that appears, select the mode category .

There are several particularly frequently performed modes, which we will consider further. For

Placing a picture on the desktop (wallpaper).

Select the mode in the control panel -Design and personalization.

Then select the mode Changing your desktop background In chapter Personalization, that is, click on this inscription with the left mouse button.

In the main window fieldThere are standard types of pictures on the desktop. As you can see, there is a picture that appears after installation Windows(there is a check mark at the top right of the picture). You can select a picture from those presented on the screen by clicking on it. The selected pattern will appear on the screen. To specify a different source of photos, click on the buttonWindows Desktop Backgrounds.

If the user has his own photos that need to be placed on the desktop, then you can use the Review , find the desired folder and select a photo.

You can also set the appearance of the drawing on the screen. There is a button at the bottom of the window filling , if you click on it, a panel with modes will appear, as shown in the figure: in the first one, the image is stretched to fill the entire screen.

In this case, the vertical and horizontal dimensions increase proportionally, and the unnecessary part of the picture is cut off ( Filling); in the second, the drawing is positioned according to its size. If the picture is smaller than the screen, black bars will appear ( To size); however, you can stretch the drawing to fit the window. In this case, the vertical and horizontal dimensions may not be proportionally increased ( Stretch); or stretch it like wallpaper, that is, several identical patterns will appear horizontally and several vertically ( Pave), in the latter, the drawing will not be stretched and will be shown as it is. In this case, black fields may be around the picture ( Centered).

Setting the screen resolution.

Let's choose a mode Control Panel→ Screen → Setting the screen resolution.

There is a field in the window Permission screen that contains a slider that changes the size of the image displayed on the screen in pixels. As you can see, the resolution is set to 1280 by 800. If you click on the () button, a resolution scale will appear, as shown in the figure.

This is the maximum resolution, since the slider is located at the very top of the indicator. This means that the resolution can only be reduced. Let's move the slider down. There are several possible values, let's settle on 1024 by 768. Click on the button OK .

There will be a transition to the new resolution. A confirmation window will appear on the screen. If we are satisfied with the new resolution, then click on the buttonSave changesand the new resolution will be installed. If we press the buttoncancel changes, then it will return to the previous resolution.

Screensaver (screensavers).

The first computers used cathode ray monitors, the screen of which was coated with a phosphor. Over time, the phosphor faded and a picture remained on it, which was most often displayed on the screen. Since the most common program was Norton Commander, even when the display was turned off, the image of its window remained. To avoid this, the system Windows screensavers were turned on, that is, a mode in which after a certain time the screen went dark and a dynamic picture appeared, for example, an inscription moved across the screen or a geometric figure rotated. Now screensavers are not relevant, but, nevertheless, they continue to be used to make the screen look more attractive when taking a break from work.

Let's choose a mode Control Panel→P personalization (Changing the screensaver).

After installing Windows 8 there is no splash screen. The screen saver type can be selected in the field Screensaver , to do this you need to click on the check mark, point down () in this field and a panel will appear, the appearance of which is shown below.

Let's choose a mode Geometric Waltz, which will appear in a window on the display screen. You can change the inactivity time (the time during which there was no user access to the keyboard or mouse), after which the splash screen appears, in the window Interval.

Some types of screensavers can be changed using the mode Options . You can select a different type of screensaver, and also set the time when the screensaver will appear if you are not working with the mouse and keyboard. If you press the button View , then the screensaver will appear on the entire screen for a few seconds.

Installation and removal of programms.

Installing programs is quite simple. Open the Explorer program (that is, launch it). Find the program's installation file, which often has the words setup or install in its name and has an exe extension. If the program is not yet installed, search it on the Internet and download it to your computer. Double click on the program file icon and it will start executing. As a rule, for a standard installation you should press the button Next or Install . Sometimes programs require you to agree to license terms, in which case click the type radio button I agree to the license terms, or sometimes you need to click on the window with the text of the license agreement and scroll to the end (but this happens very rarely). At the end a button will appear Ready . You can learn how programs are installed in the second part of the site - Tutorial for free programs.

To remove programs, you must enter the modeControl PanelPrograms (Uninstall a program).

Let's select the program that needs to be removed, for example, 7-Zip, by clicking on its name.

Click on the button that appears Delete , which is located at the top of the screen.

A request will appear in which we confirm the need to remove the program by clicking on the button Uninstall . The program will begin uninstalling. You may be prompted to restart your computer. If we set the switch Reboot now, then the computer will immediately begin closing all programs and reboot.

After deletion, the program name will disappear from the list of programs.

Please note that after uninstalling the program, the amount of occupied space on your hard drive will be greater than before installing the program. The fact is that some of the modules that were loaded into the Windows system libraries are not deleted, since it is possible that the same modules are used by other programs. Therefore, installing a lot of programs and then uninstalling them will fill up your hard drive more and more and can cause your computer to slow down over time. In this case, only reinstalling the system can help. Windows. Therefore, if a program is not needed, then you should not install it; have only those programs that you will use constantly.

Installing and disabling devices.

Devices that connect to the USB connector can be connected to a running computer. Other devices should be connected when the computer is turned off, as problems with the motherboard may occur.

When connecting a device, such as a keyboard (but not with a PS/2 connector) or a mouse (but not with a PS/2 connector) or a flash drive, operating system will detect the presence of a new device, select a standard driver for it, and you can work with the device. If the device requires its own driver, the Found New Hardware Wizard window will appear on the screen. We have already looked at connecting a printer. Since the installation is similar, we will not describe this process.

You can painlessly disconnect devices that do not have a clipboard, for example, a flash drive, mouse, keyboard, connected to the socket USB . To disconnect external hard drives, you must either turn off your computer or select the Safely Disable Devices mode, which is located at the bottom right of the screen.

To disable external drive, connected to the connector USB , you need to click on the triangle, which is located at the bottom right of the screen (). And in the panel that appears, select safe shutdown devices().

A panel will appear on the screen with devices that can be disabled.

Click on the desired name, for example, extract Samsung M2 Portable, that is, an external drive. After the mode has started, a message will appear on the screen indicating that the device can be turned off.

Autorun programs.

Sometimes it is required that when you turn on the computer, some program is loaded, for example, a browser for surfing the Internet Internet Explorer. A list of programs that perform autoloading can be found in Task Manager, which was discussed earlier. To call Task Manager, click on free space bottom line right click and select mode Task Manager. Then let's go to the tab.

If you right-click on the program name, a panel with modes will appear. If you select the mode Delete , then the program will be removed from startup and will not load when the computer is turned on. It can be launched from the all applications panel, desktop and other places.

operating room Windows system 8 was released at the end of 2012. This is the first Microsoft OS in which the main emphasis is on using the OS on mobile devices With touch screens. Besides the classic GUI, the system has acquired the Modern UI mode (aka Metro), for which a separate software standard has been developed, compatible with smartphones and tablet computers.

Using applications you can increase the functionality of your PC

8 are installed from a special section called “Store”. Despite the fact that these programs are designed primarily for touch devices, Microsoft has worked on making them usable with a mouse and keyboard. To download the application, you should understand the intricacies of the search, as well as find out how the update or deletion occurs.

Windows Store Search

To find the Metro App you need in the store (which many people mistakenly call Play Market for Windows 8), you will need to use the built-in search system. Not all users know that this search is contextual, and that the location where it is launched determines the area of ​​information search. For example, to find a VKontakte service client through the Windows 8 store, you will need:

  • Launch "Store" from full list programs in the Start menu.
  • On home page store to call the panel with miracle buttons. This can be done using the Win + C keyboard shortcut, as well as by placing the mouse pointer in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Click on the search button on the panel that appears.
  • Make sure that the system has selected Windows 8 Store as the search area.
  • Start dialing in search bar the name, in our example, is VK Messages.
  • Select an object from the search results and go to its page.

Important: if you have installed an update to version 8.1 on your computer, there is a separate search bar inside the Store that you can also use.

Program information

Fig.1 On the application page you can view information about the program

Next to the name of some applets you can find an icon in the form of a computer screen and a smartphone standing next to it. The presence of such an icon means that the object can be launched not only on a computer withWIN8, but also on a smartphone based onWindows Phone version 8 or higher. In addition to this information, Windows Market for a computer shows what permissions the software will request, and what special equipment or sensors it needs to perform its tasks.

How to install windows 8.1 store

Software installation is carried out literally in one click. To do this, you do not need to download the installation file or unpack archives in the OS directory - the computer does this on its own. The user only needs to click on the “Install” or “Buy” button and wait for the procedure to complete.


After clicking on the “Install” button, the Store itself can be closed and continued to use the computer. When the program for Windows 8 is installed, a corresponding notification will appear. The program can be found in the Start menu, in the section with all programs, and the user has the right to pin its shortcut on the main screen.

Removing and updating the application store for windows 8.1

Typically, when a developer publishes new version of its product, Windows automatically downloads and installs it without user intervention. However, if this does not happen, you can independently run a check for new editions, which will require:

  1. Launch Windows Store.
  2. Press the Win + I keys on the main page.
  3. Select "Application Update".
  4. Click on the “Check for updates” button.

On the same page you can verify that the function automatic update active After the check is completed, the computer will automatically show a list of components that need an update and allow you to begin the procedure.

Fig.3 Check if the automatic update function is enabled

In turn, deleting applications on Windows 8 has become even easier than in other OS editions. This applies, however, only to modern Modern-apps from the Store. To remove an application, you just need to open the Start menu and go to the programs section, and then right-click on the application icon. In the menu that appears, simply click on the “Delete” button.

What to do if the Windows 8.1 store does not work

Watch this video and everything becomes clear.


Now you know how to work with the Windows 8.1 store, you have learned how to download and install programs. Still have questions? Ask them at the bottom of the article.

Windows 8- fast and reliable operating system for desktop computers, laptops or tablets. Windows 8 has a new Metro interface, which appears first after system startup and has application tiles. Scrolling in the Metro interface is horizontal. Instead of the Start menu in Windows 8, a “hot corner” is used, clicking on which opens start screen.

What's new in Windows 8

  • Added support for USB 3.0, Bluetooth 4.0, DirectX 11.1 and NET.Framework 4.5.
  • Internet Explorer 10.
  • Conductor . Includes a Ribbon similar to the Ribbon in Microsoft Office.
  • New task manager. New performance graphs have been added, management of running applications, background processes and services has been optimized on a single “Performance” tab.
  • System Restore. Two new functions - Recovery and Reset. Restore returns all system files to the initial state, while maintaining all settings, user files and applications. A reset returns the computer to factory settings.
  • Windows Store App Store. Purchasing and downloading Metro applications.
  • Ability to log into Windows 8 using Live ID. This will allow you to log into your user profile and download settings online, and also adds OneDrive integration.

Windows 8 free download

Download Windows 8 for free Russian version from the official website. Our website monitors all software updates so that you have latest version Windows.

Currently, you cannot download Windows 8 for free from the official website. Download a free 90-day trial of Windows 8.1 Enterprise.
Download the new version - Windows 10.

Windows 8.1 download 32-bit- Corporate, English

Windows 8.1 download 64-bit- Corporate, English

Windows 8.1 may take several hours to load. The exact download duration will depend on your ISP, connection speed and traffic. If the download is interrupted, it will start again from where it stopped.

Download Windows 10 Official Russian version

Not long ago, a preliminary release of the new Windows 8 OS from Microsoft became available for download. It is currently available for download in the Release Preview edition.

Before installing a new operating system, let's look at what's new in it compared to the previous version.

  1. Updated Metro interface.
  2. OS boot and shutdown times have been reduced.
  3. Reduced memory consumption compared to previous versions, and performance improvements are also affected.
  4. Updated appearance conductor. Added the ability to use the Ribbon panel.
  5. Quickly reinstall Windows without losing important data.
  6. Integration with Windows Live to synchronize files, various settings, Email and the like, between two devices that support Windows Live.
  7. Windows Store software store, with the ability to buy and download a wide variety of programs.
  8. Updated Task Manager.
  9. Improved search.
  10. Improved computer power management.
  11. As well as many other changes and improvements for users and software developers.

This is not the entire list of changes in the new OS. It is also possible that minor changes will be made during the release of the final version. One way or another, the Windows 8 Release Preview editions that are now available make it possible to fully understand what the new operating system will look like.

  • Processor with clock frequency not less than 1 GHz.
  • 1 or 2 GB random access memory For Windows versions 8, 32 or 64 bits respectively.
  • 16 or 20 GB of free storage space for Windows 8, 32 or 64 bit versions respectively.
  • Video card and monitor support minimum resolution of 1024 x 768.

In order to then more easily return (or stay on Windows 8) to the previous operating system with all previously installed drivers, programs, settings, you need to make an image of it and save it on a storage device ( HDD or flash memory). After this, it will be possible to write this image back to the computer at any time and get the previous operating system.

Now let's move directly to the Windows 8 installation itself.

Preparing to install Windows 8

This instruction will format the C:\ partition for the subsequent installation of Windows 8. Simply put, all information saved on the C:\ partition will be deleted. Therefore, you should transfer all important data to another partition in advance or external device data storage.

Important: if you just want to get acquainted with the new Windows 8 OS, then it is not at all necessary to install it on your computer or other device. You can install Windows 8 on virtual machine on VirtualBox. The speed of work in this case will be much lower, there will also be fewer possibilities, but for simple familiarization more is not required. You can minimize, disable, or completely uninstall Windows 8 at any time and return to your operating system.

In addition, it is advisable to create images hidden sections operating system.

It is also advisable to first download and save the drivers for your computer or laptop. We will discuss the topic of drivers more informatively at the end of this article.

To install Windows 8 you will need:

  • Installation Windows package 8 with .iso disk image extension. You can download it from the Internet.
  • Program with named Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool for burning an iso image to a disk or flash drive.
  • A blank DVD or flash drive of 4GB or larger. If you install the operating system from a flash drive, then first save all the important data from it to another disk partition or to another storage device. The point is that the flash drive will also be formatted with complete removal information on it.

Important: more details about the process of installing Windows 8 from a flash drive are shown in the instructions:. This manual contains various methods installation records Windows files 8 per flash drive. Within the framework of this guide, the simplest of them will be considered - using Windows programs 7 USB/DVD Tool.

Install and run this program:

Click on the “Browse” button and indicate the location of the iso image with Windows 8:

Click on the “Next” button and move to the next window:

Preparing a flash drive for installing Windows 8

Let's say that we will install Windows 8 from a flash drive. Click on the button “ USB Device" Next, a window similar to this will open:

In the window, select your flash drive and click on the “Begin copying” button. If there are any files on the flash drive, a warning message will appear stating that all information on the flash drive will be deleted. Let's continue preparing the flash drive. The operation of formatting the flash drive should begin, and then the process of copying the installation files to the flash drive:

After a few minutes the copying process should complete:

If you were unable to obtain a flash drive with installation files Windows 8 OS, then you can use other methods. All methods are described in the instructions: . The process of preparing a flash drive for installing versions 7 and 8 of Windows is the same.

Preparing a DVD for installing Windows 8

If you want to install Windows 8 with DVD disc, then you must specify “DVD” in the media selection window:

Next, you need to select a drive and start recording to the disc. You can also use Ashampoo Burning Studio to burn Windows 8 to disk. How to use it is written in the instructions: .

When installation disk or the flash drive with Windows 8 OS is ready, you should proceed directly to installing Windows 8.

Installing Windows 8 OS

To begin with, you should configure your computer or laptop so that it boots by default from a disk or flash drive. All these settings are made in the BIOS. First of all, you need to restart the computer, then, when turning it on, press a certain key. It is indicated at the very bottom of the monitor during OS loading. Typically, the keys to enter the BIOS are F2, Del, Esc and less popular ones. By the way, how to enter the BIOS should be written in the manual for your motherboard.

After you have entered the BIOS, you need to find a menu where you can configure the order in which the OS boots from storage devices. Typically, such settings are made in the Boot, Sytem Configuration or Boot Order tabs. In order to set boot from a flash drive or disk by default, use the F5 or F6 keys and different arrow menus. How to change the boot order should be described in the manual for your motherboard.

After you have set boot from DVD or flash drive as the first priority, you should save the settings and exit from the BIOS. Typically, the item for saving settings and exiting is called “Save and exit settings” or “Save and Exit Setup”, in the English version.

After you save the settings, the computer will restart, and if everything was done correctly, a window will appear asking you to install Windows 8.

Problems that may arise: If booting from a DVD or flash drive does not start and the previously installed operating system boots, then you need to check whether you have set the settings correctly in the BIOS. If everything is correct, then you need to check the serviceability of the disk or flash drive on another computer. If booting occurs on another computer, then your disk drive or flash drive reader may be broken. And it is quite possible that the settings in the BIOS were not saved after all. If loading on another computer also does not occur, then look for a breakdown in the DVD or flash drive.

If everything is done correctly, you will be asked to press any button or, for the English version (Press any key to boot from CD or DVD) to install Windows 8. Press the key. Next the installation will begin:

After some time, a window similar to this will appear:

Select the required language settings and click “Next”. The following window should appear:

Click on the “Install” button (Install now in the English version) to begin the installation. Please pay attention to the inscription “Repair your computer”. It will open a menu with OS recovery tools. What it is is described in the manual: .

Enter the previously saved serial number:

Reading license agreement and we agree:

Click on the inscription “Custom: only Windows installation"(Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)):

To install with formatting of the system partition, select this partition and click on the “Drive Options (advanced)” button:

Then click on the “Format” button:

The installer will issue a warning that the data on the system partition will be deleted. Click “OK”:

Now select the formatted partition and click “Next”.

Important: when creating new partitions, the installer will offer to create a small partition for system files. Usually the bootloader is stored there. IN Windows Vista and Windows 7 this partition has a size of 100MB, and in the new Windows 8 it is already 350MB:

Waiting for the installation to complete:

After the installation is complete, the operating system will reboot.

As soon as the system restarts, a settings window will open. Enter the name of your computer, and select a background color:

Then a window will appear asking you to configure the system. A list of settings will be shown in the same window. We will produce quick setup. To do this, click on the “Use standard settings” button:

A window will appear where we will be asked to enter our email for the Windows Live account, which is designed for synchronizing files, various settings, email and the like. If you do not have an account, you can create one by clicking on the link: “Registering a new email address” or Sign up for a new e-mail address in the English version below. If you do not want to create an account now, then click on the link: “Sign in without a Microsoft account” or Do not want to sign in with a Microsoft account in the English version:

The system will prompt you to register your Microsoft account again. To postpone registration, click on the link: “Local Account"or Local account in the English version:

In the next window, enter the computer user name, password for the username and password hint:

To complete the installation, click on the “Finish” button. After a little time, the Metro-style start screen will open:

Below we will describe how to return the usual Start menu and enable support for the Russian language if you installed the English edition. But first of all, you should install drivers and programs.

Installing drivers and programs

I will say a few words about why they are needed at all. For complete Windows operation with other devices on your computer, drivers are required. The G8 already has basic drivers, but they rarely allow you to use all the capabilities of your computer. To use them fully, you must install the drivers separately. Along with them, programs for configuring devices are installed.

You can find the drivers your computer needs on the Internet. It should be noted that most drivers for Windows 7 are fully compatible with Windows 8.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight proprietary programs. Some of them are necessary for the normal operation of the laptop. They are responsible for the functionality of additional keys, indication of touches on the display, operation of any energy-saving modes, webcam, wi-fi adapters etc.

In addition to proprietary programs, you need to install others. There are a huge variety of them, to suit all tastes and to solve a wide variety of problems.

How to bring back the classic Start menu in Windows 8?

One of the most unpleasant innovations in the new Windows 8 OS is that the familiar Start menu has been removed and the new Metro interface has been introduced, which most users are not used to working with.

But it doesn’t matter, the Start menu can be returned using the ViStart program. You can download it on the Internet.

During installation, you may be asked to install add-ons from Yandex; in my opinion, this is completely unnecessary and should be abandoned:

To Russify the start menu, move to the folder with the ViStart program, launch “Language Changer” and find “Russian language”:

After selecting the Russian language, simply reload the program. After this, the menu will become Russian:

Adding Russian language to Windows 8

Move to the menu on the left. To do this, move the mouse to the upper right corner of the window or use the keyboard shortcut Win + C. In the menu, select “Settings - Control Panel”. Then the “Add language” item:

Then click on Add a language:

Alas, at the time of writing there was no Russian interface. Over time it will:

Instead of the text “A language pack is not available” there will be a link “Download and install language pack”, click on it. The installation of the Russian interface for Windows 8 will begin. Next, after the installation is complete, in the interface language settings, click on the link “Make this the primary language”. After clicking on the link, the Windows 8 interface will become Russian.

This concludes the article. Good luck with Windows 8!

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