
How to delete from recent on Instagram. How to clear search history on Instagram? Instagram how to clear search history

How to clear search history on Instagram?

Accounts, hashtags and geotags that you search for in Instagram search and go to are saved in your search history. This is convenient because you don’t have to remember and enter a search query again to find the same profile that you have already found.

And now the situation. You were looking for tits, porn, asses and other things that would be embarrassing if anyone found out about it. Well, or you were looking for your ex’s account and accidentally discovered that you were looking from your wife’s account. In this case, you want to immediately get rid of unwanted accounts in your search history. Below are simple instructions, how to clear search history on instagram.

First, let's determine where the search history is saved. To do this, go to the search section and click on the search bar. The first accounts that are labeled “Recommended” are not your search history. These are simply profiles that you have searched for and that you have had some interactions with. For example, you subscribed, liked posts, and so on. To the right of each account recommended in the search there is a cross, by clicking which you can delete those accounts that you do not want to see.

Accounts that you found in the search and went to are saved under the “Recent” label. They are located at the very bottom of the search page. It is not possible to remove an individual account from the search history list. It can only be completely removed.

How to delete search history on Instagram?

To do this, go to your account settings section. There, find the “Search History” item and click on it. On the page that opens, you will see the text button “Clear search history,” by clicking which you will delete all accounts saved under the “Recent” mark on the search page.

Almost every active user of social networks is once faced with the question of how to delete a story on Instagram. The desire to get rid of unnecessary information can be caused by extremely diverse reasons. But in such situations they have practically no meaning, since account owners are only interested in the end result, and not in analyzing the reasons that caused the desire to get rid of unnecessary information.

It should be noted that the destruction process unnecessary files extremely simple. To understand all the most important features of this procedure, it is enough to read a qualitative, detailed instructions and test the recommendations received several times in practice.

In some, most severe cases, when you cannot resolve the difficulties that have arisen on your own, you need to contact the Instagram contact center. Support operators will definitely find the error and tell you what to do to achieve the desired result.

When starting to consider the main features of deleting a story from Instagram, it is necessary to point out that those who clog up in search engines similar requests Users are trying to find answers to 2 different questions:

  • the first is related to the destruction of an unsuccessful publication in stories;
  • the second is to clear the remaining search queries.

In the first case, the owners of profiles on a social photo network are trying to figure out how to quickly and reliably destroy an unsuccessful publication. This request gained popularity quite recently, after the administration of the social network new feature, which allows you to create special posts that are not displayed in the feed and disappear a day after publication.

The second request is related specifically to search activity. The photo network automatically remembers all queries entered into the search and focuses on them when you need to find a new person or account. Sometimes this turns out to be extremely inconvenient.

How to delete stories on Instagram

Having found out what users mean when they are trying to understand the basic rules and nuances of deletion, we should move on to consider the process itself. And the smartest thing to start with is a description of the destruction of a post in stories.

Those wishing to get rid of a publication they do not like must:

  1. log in mobile application or switch to your personal page;
  2. open an unsuccessful publication or photo;
  3. click on the open icon context menu(image in the form of three dots or a gear);
  4. choose the appropriate one from the proposed actions;
  5. confirm the decision.

It should be noted that sometimes deleting such posts is practically meaningless, since they automatically disappear 24 hours after publication. It is often easier and more convenient to wait a bit than to look for a way to destroy a post. This will save you some time and avoid unnecessary worries.

How to delete a story on Instagram

Those trying to figure out how to delete Instagram history, which involves clearing their search queries, will have to take a different approach. To delete information that has become unnecessary, you will need:

  • go to your personal page on the photo network;
  • switch to the settings section (by clicking the icon with a gear on an iPhone or with three dots for smartphones on Android);
  • after which all that remains is to select the appropriate item from the proposed list of actions;
  • and confirm the previous decision.

It is worth considering that deleting will destroy old search queries, but the first attempt to find a person or account will lead to the appearance of a new story. Therefore, users can either permanently clear saved search queries or use search only in special cases.

Additionally, it is required to indicate that when using a social photo network through a computer or laptop, you simply need to clear the browser cache.

What to do if difficulties arise

In the most difficult situations when you can’t achieve the desired result on your own, you should resort to the last method solving problems that arise: assistance from support operators.

To get the support of consultants, you need to describe the current situation to them in detail and honestly and clarify what they need to help with. Instagram employees will suggest the correct procedure and try to explain what to do to delete a post from Stories or get rid of old search queries.

The help page may also be an important source of useful information. The process of destroying unnecessary files is described in detail here, so account owners who need help will simply have to follow the instructions provided.

Deleting history on Instagram

The process of destroying unnecessary information from a social photo network is extremely simple. To cope with the task and understand all the features of this procedure, it is enough to set aside a little time and thoroughly study all the intricacies of cleaning.

To get the desired result, you will need to make a few clicks, after which the extraneous files will disappear forever. As a last resort, you can contact the photo network support operators or visit the page with background information. Both of these options will allow you to understand the causes of the difficulties that have arisen and help get rid of existing problems.

Social networks have become an integral part of everyday human life. Initially, these resources were conceived as a means of communication, but over time everything has changed significantly. Today, such resources act as powerful information systems, as well as means to attract customers. Very often, advanced users make good money on these sites. However, not everyone knows how to properly delete a story on Instagram. In this case, you should consider how, as well as what can be done additionally with this function.

How to delete

Information not always present in memory needs to be stored. In some cases, it is necessary to get rid of data. From social network Instagram, the user has the opportunity to erase all saved information. The following two options for deleting data are available for cleaning:

  1. Information from search.
  2. Personalization from stories.

Each individual case has its own order of operations, and the user subsequently has no chance of recovering the erased data. It should be understood that it is not at all necessary to erase personal information, since the profile holder has the right to completely do so by making the appropriate privacy settings.

Information from search

In order to completely eliminate these details, it is recommended to perform a certain algorithm of sequential actions, namely:

  • open the application on the device;
  • in the main section find the settings tab;
  • Next, it is recommended to scroll down the available options;
  • here you need to select the “ ” bookmark;
  • In the end, all that remains is to confirm the correctness.

If necessary, the user can prohibit saving data from the search; to do this, you need to find the “Recent” or “Best” tabs, and at the end, holding down the section with your finger, select “Hide”. Subsequently, the details will not be stored and fill the memory.

Important. The user can open the availability for storing information at any time by returning the previous settings, as well as confirming the actions.

Data from stories

If a visitor needs to delete them and subsequently delete them, he will need to do the following:

  1. here you will need to select a record;
  2. then click on publishing options;
  3. after that you need to select the “Delete” tab;
  4. In the end, all that remains is to confirm the change.

Unfortunately, there is no possibility of erasing all the information at once, which is why each publication is erased in a separate order. Immediately after deleting a record, there is an opportunity to restore personalization, but it stops working immediately after the page is refreshed.

Important. Deleting Stories from Instagram networks, a member can also update or reload their post.

Is it possible to hide your story?

  1. First of all, you need to launch the application on the device.
  2. Next, it is recommended to go to settings.
  3. After this, you need to select the “Privacy” tab.
  4. This is required for all visitors.
  5. In the end, all that remains is to confirm your actions.

After saving the new settings, access to such pages will be blocked for all visitors to the Instagram platform, with the exception of the direct owner of the profile.

Important. Additionally, the account owner has the opportunity to select the circle of people who will have access to the page and view current and relevant entries.

Such resources have become an integral part of the lives of visitors world wide web. Some people underestimate the significance of projects, as well as the opportunities that such sites provide. However, most people know that some records need to be completely cleared at certain times, which is why account owners need to know how to properly clear them.

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world. It is used by many people from different countries of the world. Using this application installed on your smartphone or tablet computer, you can quickly find interesting people, learn about the latest fashion trends and topics. It can be download from official services.

It is immediately worth noting that the application in automatic mode saves the user's search history, so everything that was entered by him in search bar, will be saved in the memory of the social network. Many people don't like this, so they systematically clear their search history so that no one else can see it. This is also true if the gadget is used by more than one person.

What to do if you want to delete your query history?

Instagram employees suggest the following sequence of actions, which is the only correct one:
1. First of all, you need to launch the application on the device, because deleting history is only possible this way (in internal memory gadget it is not saved, so the practice of deleting separate files or folder is not applicable here).
2. Then you need to go to your profile, because all actions can only be performed through it. Open your page account. If, after launching the application, you find yourself on some other page, then you need to click on the “Profile” button, which is located in all versions of Instagram in the lower right corner of the display of your gadget.

  • On devices running iOS, the button to go to the settings menu is presented in the form of a gear;
  • On devices running Android, the settings menu button looks like three vertical squares.

4. In the settings menu that opens, select “Clear search history.” If your screen is not very large, then in order to find this line, you will need to scroll down a little, because. The item is located at the very bottom. After clicking the button, the application will ask you to confirm that you want to delete. To delete, you must select “Yes, I'm sure.”

5. After all the above steps have been completed, you can check whether the search was cleared. To do this, you need to go to the “Acquaint” tab (click on the star button). There you can clearly see that the list of search tags and users has been completely cleared.

In the end, I would like to note that deleting history in no way affects messages sent to other users or anything else. It only affects your old search queries, so deleting important correspondence and posted photos will definitely not happen. Experts recommend systematically performing such cleaning.

Hello everyone, dear readers! In today's article I will tell you how to delete a story on Instagram. You can delete the current history and search archive from both iPhone and Android. Ready? then let's go...

Instagram is a widespread social platform that continues to gain momentum to this day. Every day the service is replenished with new users. Beginners often have many different questions regarding the correct use of the application. Next we will talk about how you can clear history.

How to delete story on Instagram

Most often, deleting history involves clearing search information or deleting existing history.

Cleaning search data on Instagram

Delete your Instagram story

With Stories, you can publish something like a slideshow that contains photos and short videos rollers. The peculiarity of the presented function is that it is deleted automatically after a day has passed from the minute of publication.

So, that’s all for today regarding the issue of deleting stories on Instagram.

That's all friends, if you didn't succeed and have questions, then ask them in the comments. I am always happy to help each of my readers for free. I wish everyone good health and goodness!

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