
How to restore a laptop battery with your own hands. What are the ways to restore a laptop battery? DIY Sony Vaio laptop battery repair

The built-in battery allows the laptop to work autonomously for about 3-4 hours. The battery often serves properly for no more than three to four years, but sometimes problems begin much earlier. A bad battery significantly affects the performance of the laptop. The first sign of a malfunction is an alert from the operating system with a recommendation to replace the battery. The message appears when the battery capacity is already quite reduced and it cannot work fully.

"Composition" of the battery on a laptop

It’s logical to start with the “composition” of the battery on this portable device.

A battery consists of four to eight chargeable cells placed and soldered in a housing. This often leads to the false conclusion that replacing the battery on a laptop is the only way out of the situation when the device malfunctions and does not work properly; functionality can be restored in other ways.

The battery is powered by built-in batteries that are slightly larger than AA batteries, and they differ from AA batteries in capacity. Thanks to such elements, it is possible to restore the battery by replacing faulty batteries with new ones.

The main element of the battery is a microcircuit or microcontroller. This element is responsible for the operation of the battery, and also displays all the characteristics on the screen (state of charge, battery temperature, and so on).

Possible causes of malfunctions

Today, laptops use lithium-ion and nickel-metal hydride batteries. These types of batteries have replaced nickel-cadmium batteries due to their greater capacity and the absence of the so-called memory effect.
Lithium-ion batteries deteriorate quite often and relatively easily - they do not tolerate extreme heat or cold, and you also need to be careful with charging. If the battery is over-discharged, it may fail. Also, do not charge it for too long - this can also affect its performance. Another reason that can easily ruin a battery is lack of use. If the battery is in the laptop case, but the computer is running on mains power, or if the laptop has simply not been used for a long time, the battery often cannot provide the same performance.

A short circuit can even provoke an explosion. That is why a microcontroller is needed that regulates the operation of all elements and also protects against possible emergency situations.

However, if the battery still holds its charge much worse, if previously you could use the computer in offline mode about 2 hours, and now the battery usage time barely reaches thirty minutes, and the system displays familiar messages, something needs to be done.


Laptop battery repair

  1. Calibration Repairs can be carried out by calibration, which is performed by programs from the manufacturer. The purpose of this operation is to eliminate inconsistency in the operation of the microcontroller and the battery power supply. Quite often, the battery capacity instantly drops to 30%, and this method allows you to restore functionality;
  2. Recovery. Elements that no longer function are removed and replaced, then soldered into an electrical circuit;
  3. It is necessary to reprogram the device with further calibration. In this way you can return the battery to service;
  4. Replacement. If calibration and recovery do not work, then you cannot do without replacing the battery.

Algorithm for disassembling the battery on a laptop

  1. We completely discharge the battery, and then remove it;
  2. Open the battery cover. To do this, you need to know how to disassemble the battery on a laptop. You will need a thin knife blade and a small hammer. Lightly tap the battery case around the edges and insert the knife shallowly into the plastic cover. We do everything carefully so as not to get hurt. We carry out the operation two or three times until the body cracks, then we separate it into two parts. Take your time and remember to be careful. If you overdo it and do not calculate the force, you can damage the case and the batteries inside. Lithium batteries contain elements that are harmful to health. If you insert the blade too deep, you can easily damage the controller and other elements. In this case, there is no need to continue repairs; you can immediately save money for a new battery;
  3. The board on the left monitors the battery's actions, this important device with a microcontroller and memory elements that store information about the operation of the device, charge cycles, as well as other battery elements, they are on the right. There is no need to rush to disconnect these particles from the general scheme. First you need to measure the voltage level on each element. On one pair the voltage, for example, can be 1.2 volts, and on the others - 3.3;
  4. We select replacement elements and prepare them for installation. Remember the main rule: all elements must have the same capacity and type; it’s great if all the particles are from the same batch. We recommend taking several elements in reserve;
All elements must have the same resistance. They need to be installed only when discharged, approximately 3.6 V.

Products are often sold charged. Then you should use a 5-10 Ohm resistor. We discharge the elements all together, connecting them in parallel (“+” to “+”, “-” to “-”).

Let us immediately note why it is extremely undesirable to install charged elements. If you insert charged cells, the device will attempt to charge the cells. If the charge does not go (and it will not go, because there is nowhere else to go), then the system will perceive the elements as inoperative or continue charging, which can lead to quite serious consequences - failure of the laptop or even a fire.

  1. If the preparation is complete, you can begin installing new elements;
We carry out the replacement in the following order: first we remove unnecessary elements (you need to start from the largest “+” to the smallest). New elements are placed in the reverse order - we install the element that is on the right, with “earth” first, then “+”, then we insert the following particles in turn. Next, you need to check the quality of the work performed and soldering.
  1. Now you also need to carefully return the case to the initial state, put the covers back in place, then insert the battery into your laptop. Connect an external power source and charge.

Attention! Do not leave the device unattended when charging for the first time. Monitor the temperature of the charging battery to prevent overheating. If you notice any problems, immediately turn off the power and remove the battery from the computer.

After completing the charging procedure, we check the functionality of the battery. Time battery life should increase significantly - by an average of an hour and a half.

If everything went well, the performance of the device is increased - congratulations on completing the work!


Let's note a few tips for using the battery on a laptop in order to extend its performance.

  1. If the laptop often runs on external source power supply, it is better to remove the battery and store it separately in a cool place. But don’t forget to “drive” the battery. At least several times a month it is necessary to completely discharge and charge the battery. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if it refuses to work after a break in use;
  2. The display consumes a lot of power, so if you want to increase the battery life of the laptop, reduce the brightness to optimal;
  3. Wireless networks also have a big impact on battery life. It is advisable to turn off Wi-Fi when not in use. If possible, use wired channels;
  4. We recommend using operating schemes for laptops to save energy. OS already include designed circuits to save power. This will also help increase battery life.

Each user, when choosing which laptop to buy, pays attention to the main factor in the duration of its operation - the power and quality of the pre-installed battery.

A powerful battery will allow the computer to remain portable for a long time. A few years after using the laptop, it becomes noticeable that its life when disconnected from the power supply has decreased significantly. Laptops with failed batteries become unable to work autonomously even for 15-20 minutes. The surest way to fix the problem of an old battery is to purchase a new one.


Common causes of battery failure

The main and most common reason bad work Laptop batteries are worn out. However, battery failures can occur not only due to its aging. Other causes of battery failure:

  1. Incorrect charging method.
  2. Incorrect operation.
  3. Moisture gets into the computer, in particular the battery.

It is extremely important for every user of a portable laptop to have comprehensive information about how to and how not to charge and connect their device to an electrical outlet. You should not constantly connect your computer to the mains. This should not be done if the battery is fully charged. The battery should work cyclically: you need to wait until it is completely discharged and only then connect the power supply. Also, do not stop charging halfway. Wait until the power supply fully charges the laptop battery. Remember that improperly charging the battery of your laptop computer significantly reduces its resource and further life cycle.

Battery failure may mean that the laptop stops charging or is only partially charged. In any case, outside intervention is required. If the warranty period of your device has not yet expired, then it makes sense to contact a specialized service center to get professional computer support.

Remember that each battery has its own service life and the number of possible full charge cycles. Having exhausted its resource, the computer battery becomes unusable, so you should not try to bring frankly old batteries back to life. It will be much easier and more efficient to purchase a new one. Repair the battery only if it has not yet exhausted its service life, but has been mechanically damaged by the user of the device.

Software problems

If the device works from the mains, but does not want to function autonomously, you should check the device software for errors and, if possible, eliminate them as much as possible. Possible methods troubleshooting:

  1. Resetting the battery can solve the charging problem in most cases. Resetting the settings occurs in turn Laptop BIOS(Basic Input-Output System). Turn off the laptop and remove the battery. Make sure that it is not connected to the network and the power supply plug is not connected to the laptop. Turn on the laptop, hold the power button for 1-2 minutes, then in the first five seconds press the F2, F12 or Del key (depending on the laptop model). One of these keys can open the BIOS menu. Reset all system BIOS settings to their original values. Turn off your laptop by holding the power button for a few seconds. Insert the battery and turn on the device as usual. Connect the charger to check its functionality. If this troubleshooting method works, your computer's battery will again be charged by a plugged-in power supply.
  2. Removal software for working with a battery. Most laptop manufacturers install a special set of programs on their devices, which, according to them, can extend the life of the battery and prevent it from overheating. Often it is these programs that cause the device’s battery to malfunction. To fix the problem, you need to remove all software related to cooling or extending battery life.
  3. Incorrect charging of the computer can cause not only battery failure, but also a malfunction of the power supply or power supply plug. To fix the problem, repeat these steps: unplug the power supply and turn off the laptop. Plug the power plug into the computer. Turn on your computer. If the charging cord is broken, the laptop will not turn on. An old power supply may not be able to simultaneously charge the battery and keep the laptop running.

DIY laptop battery repair

You should carry out repairs yourself only if you are well versed in the battery operation circuit and understand its operating principle. Otherwise, important contacts inside the battery may be damaged and the final repair will be more expensive.

First, you should consider the principle of operation of a laptop battery. The main and most common types of laptop batteries:

  1. Nickel-based metal hydride batteries. Their main feature is that such batteries are recommended to be brought to a state of complete discharge, and only then charged to one hundred percent. This should only be done for the first third of the battery life. If you do not follow this simple rule, the reserve of such a battery will be exhausted very quickly. You can find out what type of battery your device has by removing the battery. The view will be indicated on it.
  2. Lithium ion. Throughout the entire period of use, this type of battery must be charged and discharged from start to finish. Do not interrupt the charging process or charge the laptop prematurely.
  3. Polymer-lithium. Due to their low weight, such batteries can be charged even if they are not completely discharged. The lifespan of such batteries is longer than that of other types of similar products.

In order to begin repairing a damaged battery, you must first remove it and disassemble it. It should look something like this:

In ninety percent of all laptops, the battery cannot be disassembled, so you need to carefully cut the plastic case into two halves using a knife or blade. Proceed with caution as there is a possibility that important battery cells may be damaged.

Measure the rated voltage. This can be done by counting the number of battery cells and multiplying the resulting number by 1.2. The resulting number is called the rated voltage (NV) of the laptop battery. Connect the elements in series at the extreme terminals of the battery and measure everything with a multimeter; if the device shows the LV exactly the same as that obtained by calculation, but the laptop still cannot be turned on, then the fault lies in the battery controller. In order to fix the problem, you need to completely discharge all elements of the laptop and then recharge them a little. Then assemble the battery, insert it into the laptop. The fault should disappear.

Thus, you can repair all laptop batteries, however, before you start repairing yourself, watch several videos on the Internet. In which they disassemble the same type of battery as the one on your computer. If you experience difficulties in repairing, it is better to contact a specialist.


The battery has stopped charging. Solution

Often laptop users experience that the process stops in the middle of charging the battery. When you hover over the battery icon, a message appears like this: “The power supply is connected, but the laptop battery is not charging.” In fact, nothing serious happened and every ordinary user can solve the problem. The cause of the malfunction is incorrect activation of the operating system.

The problem is solved as follows: turn off the laptop, disconnect it from the power supply. Remove the battery, then wait 1-2 minutes and reinsert it. Start your computer in safe mode, wait full load systems. Connect the charger. Thus, the error disappears and the PC starts the charging process again. This type of fault may occur from time to time.

Modern laptops can work for several hours without recharging, it all depends on the manufacturer and specific model. Over time, this figure decreases, and many users are thinking about completely replacing the battery. Is it possible to restore a laptop battery on your own, and how does this happen? Let's take a closer look!

The cheapest option is to replace individual components

Battery structure

All batteries are made of several elements soldered together and placed in a housing. The reason for the deterioration in the quality of the battery may be the failure of one of these components, so you cannot immediately run to the store and throw away money on a new battery. Experienced experts say that a worn-out battery can be brought back to life.

There can be a maximum of 8 components in the battery case, all of them resemble batteries that are familiar to us (those used in the TV remote control, for example). The operation of all these parts is controlled by a special microcontroller. The circuit is designed to allow the user to view information about the battery temperature and charge level on the device screen. It is impossible to do without reprogramming the specified microcircuit during the battery repair process. This condition is mandatory; the procedure requires certain knowledge, so not everyone can do it with their own hands.


Repairing a laptop battery can be done by calibrating it. The task comes down to returning the original capacity of the product; we are talking about adjusting the operation of the power components, microcircuit and control unit. There are times when the battery loses its capacity very quickly, instantly dropping from 100 percent to 30 percent. The reason for this behavior is said to be inconsistency of internal components.

It is most convenient to perform calibration using special programs. One of these is the BatteryCare utility. Among the main advantages of this tool are the following:

  • simple interface;
  • automatic update;
  • switch settings automatically;
  • presence of useful tips;
  • does not affect system performance;
  • convenient monitoring of battery condition.

BatteryCare has a number of functionalities. For example, you can find out how much the device’s capacity has decreased compared to the information declared by the manufacturer. The laptop battery recovery program displays the number of charge cycles, voltage, calibration date, temperature and much more. She herself will prompt you about the need to perform calibration and give useful recommendations to complete this procedure. The remaining life cycle calculation is calculated based on statistical data.

Using the battery recovery utility, you can also monitor the current temperature of the hard drive and processor.

The calibration process itself consists of three stages. First you need to charge the battery to 100%, then discharge it to zero and recharge it to full capacity. During such manipulations, the battery charge level on the chip will level out, and the controller will now again show the real value.

Replacing elements

The second way is to replace failed components. Batteries that have become unusable are removed from the battery, new ones are installed in their place, after which the entire structure is soldered. After replacement, it is necessary to calibrate and reprogram the chip. Solving the problem yourself is quite difficult; it is best to use the services of a specialist.

Replacing components allows you to save money, because it will cost much less than completely replacing the battery. The procedure can be repeated several times, and this is very beneficial. A refurbished battery shows even better performance than a new one.

If this does not help, and your laptop is also useful at home, you can connect it to the mains and work stationary. In this case, it is recommended to remove the battery.

Our regiment has received a very interesting specimen - a 1995 Micron TransPort XKE has appeared in my collection, a very charismatic and interesting laptop, I must say, but it had a problem - a completely dead battery. All my attempts to “rock” it were unsuccessful, and it was decided to disassemble it and try to repair it. No sooner said than done, the battery was disassembled, and a depressing picture appeared before my eyes:

What happened next? (be careful - traffic)

The cans began to leak, voltage measurements showed that two-thirds of the cans were dead.
Along the way, I had to solve a puzzle and make schematic diagram connections of battery cans (I provide a photo of a special draft, which always lies under the keyboard for urgent notes):

The circuit was simplified and it became clear that the battery consists of 3 series-connected blocks of 4 elements each:

But where did ours go? My gaze fell on a battery from a ThinkPad t60 with a dead controller and quite living elements, an autopsy showed that there were the same 3 blocks of cans, but only 3 elements each, the voltage was similar, the capacity of the IBM battery was greater, well - worse will not be. The elements were disassembled and soldered again in a form that would fit into the battery case.

Attention! You need to work with jars extremely carefully so as not to cause a short circuit or overheat the jar.

Trial testing showed that the laptop starts up with this design. My joy knew no bounds, but it was here that the first trouble awaited me, the ThinkPad cans were a little thicker and longer than the original ones, so I had to rework the arrangement of elements in the case and file the body itself, and with grief, the cans fell into place:

Everything was neatly soldered, checking the battery showed that the banks were working.

But when it was decided to pack the battery back, the problem of the dimensions of the cans surfaced again - the lid was closed only under load, and therefore, for gluing with superglue, such a cocoon was made and left for several hours (I’ll probably omit the story about the hour-long dancing around the battery with a file, curse words and tape. The fact that the lid is closed is important):

Next, the seams were sanded down, and in the end I got a monolithic structure with gluing seams that were quite good for the first clump of a pancake:

The battery fell into place like a glove, the test run was successful. Practice has shown that the lifespan of a refurbished battery is about 4 hours (I’ll test it in more detail when reviewing the laptop itself next time)

By the way, you can buy new cans for your voltage, capacity, size and color. The price will still be cheaper than a new battery.

And I repeat once again - when doing this work, you must be careful and safe, and also carefully study the parameters of the cans and the connection diagram, so as not to mess up or burn the controller.

And in the end, a special thank you, thanks to whom this beast now lives with me (I don’t post a general photo on purpose, in order to leave material for later detailed and interesting review of this device).

Battery capacity and operating time on a single charge are some of the important parameters of a laptop. They influence the final price and the buyer’s choice. No matter how high-quality these characteristics are, any battery is designed for 300–400 charge-discharge cycles. It is important to try to discharge the battery before recharging it again. Overheating, hypothermia, or leaving the laptop on until the battery is completely discharged can shorten the period of normal operation of the battery. If the charging quality deteriorates, the battery should be restored.

What is a laptop battery

The battery serves as the power supply for all functional elements of the laptop. To increase the duration of operation in the absence of electricity, it is necessary to reduce the number of operating components to a minimum, turn off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, close unnecessary applications. The battery can have an elongated rectangular or square shape. The battery is located on the back of the laptop and has a spring latch for easy installation and removal. This element is sensitive to overheating, so you should not store your laptop near heating devices.

Restoring a laptop battery

If the operating time of the computer after charging the battery rapidly decreases or the computer does not turn on, this indicates that the battery has failed and the laptop battery needs to be restored. Self-recovery of a battery is a process that requires tools and skills for such work. In the absence of both of these components best choice You will need to purchase a new battery or contact a service company that repairs laptop batteries. Restoration is possible by completely disassembling / replacing the battery cells with new ones.


If you decide to repair the battery yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • multimeter - a pointer or electronic device for measuring voltage is suitable direct current;
  • knife or thin screwdriver - for disassembling or opening non-separable battery models;
  • soldering iron, solder, flux - for disassembling and joining new cans together;
  • multifunctional charger type iMAX B6, necessary for checking the charge level, firmware, and balancing batteries;
  • glue, electrical tape - will be needed when assembling the battery.

Laptop battery recovery program

Software products that, when installed on a computer, begin monitoring charge-discharge cycles and are able to determine the quality of the battery and the degree of wear and tear will help you make a decision about the need to restore your laptop battery. The most popular utilities for these purposes are:

  1. BatteryMon;
  2. BatteryCare.

BatteryMon - free Windows program for monitoring laptop batteries, determines battery performance and tendency to breakdown. The program will provide the user with the following information:

  • battery charging schedule in real time;
  • battery level log file for analysis;
  • information about the status of each battery;
  • results of the BurnInTest test produced by this software - testing battery performance under load.

BatteryCare is a utility that, based on monitoring results, will provide:

  • statistics of charge-discharge cycles;
  • calculate the percentage of wear;
  • battery capacity;
  • voltage and battery charge/discharge power;
  • current processor temperature, hard drive;
  • message about critical charge level;
  • information about the need to calibrate batteries.

DIY laptop battery repair

If you decide to balance or repair your laptop battery yourself, you will need to do the following:

  • Disassembling the battery - some models require screwdriver disassembly; in most cases, the batteries have a glued structure, for disassembling which you will need a knife or a sharp screwdriver.
  • Balancing is carried out when there are imbalances in the residual voltage or its value when individual banks are fully charged.
  • Replacement of batteries can be done partially or all batteries. When purchasing new elements, pay attention to the voltage, capacity and date of manufacture.
  • Assembly - it will be easier if you have screws, otherwise you will need instant glue for plastic.

Disassembling a laptop battery

The easiest way is to disassemble the screwed battery. To do this you will need a small Phillips screwdriver. It is more difficult to disassemble a glued structure - for this you will need a sharp knife, with which you need to find the glued place under a bright light, cut a gap, and remove the battery cover. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the cans, temperature sensor or controller board on which the connector is often installed. A standard laptop battery kit consists of 8 cells. To balance, do not rush and disassemble the banks - they can be recharged separately.

Replacing batteries

The batteries of laptops from popular brands Samsung and Lenovo use cylindrical lithium batteries 18650 with a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts, a capacity of 2200 mAh, connected in a series circuit. After 1-2 years of operation, the properties of battery banks begin to differ from the nominal values. The maximum battery charge (MCC) and capacity change, and self-discharge appears. The multimeter will be able to identify jars that need replacement - they will have:

  • minimum residual voltage (less than 3.6 V) in the discharged state;
  • high voltage when charged.

If you purchase the necessary batteries, you can replace the batteries in your laptop battery. You can revive a battery with working banks if you push each of them using charger or car battery. At the same time, it is possible to repair the battery without buying new cans. Having connected the negative side of the can to the positive side of the battery, you need to short-circuit its plus to the negative side of the car battery for 1-3 seconds, and then measure the voltage on the can. In this way, it is advisable to check all the banks and bring the potential to nominal on each one.

Battery assembly

The factory connection of battery cans is made with thin busbars and resistance spot welding, which can be replaced by soldering at home. To disassemble, heat the welding spots with a soldering iron and use a knife to disconnect the cans. When repackaging, the heated busbar is treated with flux to remove the oxide film, then solder or tin with rosin is applied to the contact point on the can and the busbar. Connect them and heat the joint with a soldering iron. After the solder has melted on both joining elements, remove the soldering iron, but keep pressure on the joint until the solder hardens.

After connecting all the banks, you need to check the charging of the battery, do a flashing by connecting the wires of the charger such as the iMAX B6 MFP to the corresponding contact pads on the controller board. After charging, use a multimeter to check the charging of the entire battery and individual batteries. When the charge level is normal, you can collect the battery. Insert the jars into the body, apply instant glue, and press the lid. Hold the parts to be glued under the press until the glue dries completely. Then install the repaired and reconditioned battery in its place in the laptop.

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