
How to access the router page. Additional functions and settings when using a router. Configuring the computer's network card

A router (aka router) is, according to Wikipedia, a specialized network computer, which has at least one network interface and forwards data packets between different network segments, connecting heterogeneous networks of different architectures, making forwarding decisions based on information about the network topology and certain rules set by the administrator. More to the point in simple language, then we usually use a router to create a network between computers, as well as so that they have the opportunity to access the network. True, this mostly applies to offices. At home, the router connects to one computer and actually works as an Internet Wi-Fi device.

In order to properly configure the router, you need to use its interface. Many users don’t even know how to get into this very interface. This is exactly what I want to talk about today. By the way, this issue is active on the pages of the site, but I decided to include it in a separate article. So to speak, for convenience.

For my example I will use D-Link router Dir-300 is one of the most common models on the market, so I decided to write an article specifically around this device. But in fact, it’s not so important what brand your router is, be it TP Link, ASUS, Zyxel, Upvel or any other. They all work using the same algorithm, which means there will be minimal (if any) differences in the procedure I'm describing.

Instructions for use

The first step is to plug the device into a power outlet. Then on its back wall we find a panel for connecting wires.

We take the cable included in the kit (usually it is blue) and insert it at one end into network card on your computer or laptop, and the second - into one of the LAN ports on the router (not Ethernet!). Now on the device itself, in addition to the POWER LED, the LED with the inscription LAN should light up. It is possible that your LEDs are not marked, this is not so important. The main thing is that we have just established a physical connection between the computer and the router.

Now open your favorite browser on the computer itself. It doesn’t matter what kind of browser it will be: even Mozilla, even Opera. You must enter the router's IP address in the address bar. You can find it on a sticker on the router itself (usually it is located on its bottom panel). For example, the address could be or

If for some reason you cannot find this sticker, no problem - use it. Click on the “Start” button, in the “Search programs and files” line, write the word cmd (without quotes) and press Enter. A command prompt will open. Type the word ipconfig and press Enter. You will see various options. Among them you need to find the “Main Gateway”, opposite which the very IP address you need will be located.

So, we figured out the IP. We enter it into the address bar in the browser and press the Enter key. A window will appear in front of you where you will need to enter your username and password. If you don’t see anything, for example, a blank page opens, then you entered the wrong IP address. Look at it in the way that I described just above (using the command line). If you can't do this, you can use another method. Go to the control panel, select “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" After the page opens, on the left side you will see an inconspicuous link “Change adapter settings” - click on it. Then select your connection, right-click and click on “Status”. Network status information appears. Click on the “Details” button and look at the IP address located opposite “Default Gateway IPv4” - this is the address we need.

But we got a little distracted. Finally we got to the settings panel, or rather, to it home page. Here you will need to enter your username and password. This data is needed so that no one can log into the router’s control panel and change the settings.

There are unlikely to be any problems with the login, since it is usually the same for everyone - admin. But you can struggle with the password. The fact is that if it was changed by someone, it will be possible to get into the router settings only either or with the help of the person who changed the settings and, accordingly, changed the password.

If the password has not been changed, then you can find it on your router - exactly in the same place as the IP address for entering the panel itself. To be honest, the combinations are usually extremely simple:

  • Login: admin, password: 1234.
  • Login: admin, password: admin.
  • Login: admin, password: password.
  • Login: admin, password: 12345.
  • Login: admin, password: not used.

Try one of the combinations, it may work for you. If the data turns out to be correct, then you will be able to appear in the router panel and change the settings as you wish.

How to enter the router settings? This material is suitable for all models. Logging into the router settings is a fairly common action that all Internet users resort to. Reasons - there is a need to change the password, the name of your Wi-FI point, change other important parameters that will affect the operation of the router. In any case, all this will be impossible to do unless you log into the control panel. After all, this is where you can change the settings.

This procedure is quite simple. It does not depend on the model of your device or the place where it was made - the instructions are the same for everyone. All routers function approximately the same, and the work with them is similar. True, there are small points that you will need to pay attention to in one case or another, but first things first.

What is a router? This is a separate device that has its own software, which is why sometimes you have to set the necessary operating parameters. To gain access, use a regular network cable. Then the question arises - what kind of disk is sometimes included when purchasing a router? Its contents include special program, which clearly explains how to enter the control panel and lets you do it. This is the first method you can use to get to the settings page. The second, faster one is using a browser. Regardless of which settings option you choose, changing the settings will be easy.

Next, we will outline the algorithm of actions for each method: gaining access to the settings by connecting a cable to your device (computer, laptop) or via Wi-Fi. It is recommended to use the first option, it gives more opportunities; for example, this is the only way to update the router software; this cannot be done via Wi-Fi.

Instructions for specific router manufacturers

Below is a list useful links to enter the page with parameters for a variety of models:

Login from a laptop

There are many articles on this topic on the Internet, but they all describe this process in a very unclear way. It is especially difficult for those who are just figuring it all out and logging in for the first time. Start by trying to go into settings in a simple way. If unsuccessful, we will try other methods.

Connecting the computer to the router

We connect the Internet cable: insert one side into the laptop, the other into the router. Below in the photo you can see what this cable looks like, as well as which connector to insert it into.

The connectors on the router are usually yellow. There are several of them. In the image you can see what they look like.

To access the settings page, open the browser, enter the following combination of numbers in the line -, you can also use this - As for personal data (username and password), which will be required to gain access, they can be found directly on the router body. A special sticker contains this information.

Please note that the router must be in the on phase when changing its operating parameters. As mentioned above, go to the page according to one of the following addresses ( or To open the page after entering numbers, just press Enter. After this, you will see a window in which there are fields for entering data (name and secret password). Combinations are standard admin And admin. Check yourself if this is true by looking at the router case - at the same sticker.

It also happens that standard data is not suitable. The reason for this is their change. Enter yours that you installed earlier. Such cases occur because users forget the changed data. Then you need to implement , and then make the settings again.

Standard entrance:

When for some reason there is no information on the router case, you can always use the standard values:

  1. In the address line -,;
  2. Login admin;
  3. The password is the same, 1234, leave blank.

After this stage has been completed, we carry out Login (Entrance). Below is an example of the page that you should see on the monitor. It may differ in some ways, but the essence should be the same.

Did you enter everything correctly? Then you can go to settings and see your router.

When this did not happen, you need to find out why. We'll talk about this later in the article.

We are trying to access the control panel via Wi-Fi connection

This is the second method that we talked about at the beginning. The network cable may simply not be at hand, and you need to go into the settings very hard. Then do this by connecting to a wireless access point. This can be done from any device – whatever is convenient for you.

Be careful when changing settings this way. You can change any parameters, just do not update the router software. This procedure is safe when you update with the cable connected. A number of articles are devoted specifically to this problem: , .

After connecting to Wi-Fi, perform all the steps described above to access the settings page via a network cable. Let's repeat the entire procedure anyway:

  1. Open the browser - enter the address in the query bar (, or
  2. Entering the required data.
  1. Opens a page with settings.

Why can't I log into the control panel?

When the page at the entered addresses does not open, look here -. Here you will find a lot of useful tips and algorithms. Next, we’ll make a brief excursion into this situation. So, why are all attempts to access the desired page in vain?

When you try to go to the IP address, or, the error page not accessible appears, or the page could not be opened.

This information message indicates that a connection has not been established between two devices: the computer and the router. Moreover, it makes no difference whether a cable or a wireless connection is used to transfer data from one to another. Look down at the Internet icon in the corner of the screen - is there a connection?


  • It is necessary to check the network settings. It is possible that a static IP address is set, other strange parameters, it doesn’t matter. All static indicators must be converted into auto mode. Find out how it happens here.
  • Make sure that the cable sheath is intact - in case it is damaged, and therefore there is no access to the Internet. Try using another method - via Wi-Fi.
  • Now the same scheme, only in reverse - disconnect from the wireless access point and insert the cable into the socket.
  • As a last resort, you can always do it.
  • The most common reason is a broken router. Then all of the above will no longer help.

Invalid login/password. Or nothing happens after clicking the Login button.

Very often a situation arises when, after you enter data, an error pops up indicating that your login or password is incorrect, or nothing happens at all.


  • Use different username and password combinations. Try entering all sorts of values ​​- we listed them above.
  • Open the page through a different browser - this sometimes helps.
  • If you simply forgot your password, all you have to do is reset the settings.


Whatever router you use, the algorithm for entering the settings will not change. Therefore, having tried to do this once on a device of a certain model, you will no longer have any difficulties when working with a completely different brand of router. And you can always find out about the features of working with a particular router in a separate topic (the list is presented at the very beginning). We have reviewed the main methods for opening the panel through which parameters are set, step-by-step steps in both options, as well as possible reasons why you cannot access the settings and ways to eliminate them.

It may seem like a daunting task to set up new router Houses. But this is not true if you understand that the most common way to configure a router is through the web interface. The hardest part of a web interface is not the interface itself, but how to get to it. Once you've done that, the rest of the settings, at least most of them, are self-explanatory.

Note: Almost all home routers on the market come with a web interface, which is a web page from which users can view, manage and control the router's settings and functions. The only company that does not provide a web interface for the router is Apple. Keep in mind that this guide is intended for non-Apple routers only.

In this article I will talk about how you can quickly configure any router by accessing its web interface and control it from any connected computer or even tablet or smartphone.

Let's start with the basics.

1. What is a browser?

This software application, designed for retrieval, presentation and exchange information resources in the Internet. All browsers have an address bar where you can enter a website's web address, such as After that, you press Enter and the browser begins to view the contents of the site. When you surf the Internet, the address bar automatically displays your current web page address, which you get when you click a link in an email or on another web page. This web page address is called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Among the most popular browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Internet Explorer. You'll find at least one of these browsers on any computer, tablet, or smartphone, and any device from them can be used to control the router's web interface.

2. Equipment installation
When you receive a new router, setting up the hardware is very simple. All you need is a computer that has a network port (most computers have one) and two network cables (a new router comes with at least one network cable). Follow these steps, regardless of what the built-in router setup guide says:

A. Connect the router's WAN port to an Internet source, such as a DSL or cable modem, using the first network cable. All home routers are equipped with one WAN port (sometimes referred to as an Internet port); this port is always separate from other network ports and is often a different color.

Note: If you don't have internet access at home, or want to have an isolated (no internet access) network, you can skip this step. You can always perform this step later when you need the Internet.

B. Connect one of the router's LAN ports (most routers have four LAN ports) to your computer using a second network cable.

C. Connect your router to an electrical outlet using its power adapter. If your router has a switch, make sure it is turned on. Many routers do not have this switch and it turns on as soon as you plug it into a power outlet.

That's it - you've just finished installing your hardware.

3. Access to the web interface
This step involves opening a browser on a computer connected to the network and displaying the contents of the router’s web interface. Basically, you need two things: the router URL, which always has a default IP address, and registration information. Although it may seem scary, most, if not all home routers on the market have a default IP address in this format: 192.168.X.1, where, depending on the vendor, X can be 0, 1, 2, 3 , 10 or 11. For example, Trendnet routers almost always have a default address of D-Link routers, however, use the addresses and

And registration information is also quite common. The username (if there is one) is almost always admin and the password (if one is set) is usually one of the following: admin, password, default, or 1234.

Once you have these two pieces of information, on your network-connected computer, simply enter the router's IP address into your browser's address bar, press ENTER, and then enter your registration information, and you will be shown the web interface.

Please note that you can always find both the router's default IP address and interface login information in the router's manual. Some routers even have this information printed on the bottom of the case. Or you can also refer to the handy table of information for popular network device vendors that I've compiled below.

Manufacturer Default IP address Default login (username/password)
2Wire (AT&T) (blank)/(device serial number)
3Com (empty)/admin or adminttd/adminttd
Amped Wireless admin/admin
Asus admin/admin
Belkin (empty)/(empty) or admin/1234
Buffalo root/(empty)
D-Link or admin/(blank)
Linksys or (blank)/root or admin/admin or (blank)/admin or Administrator/admin
Motorola admin/motorola or admin/password
Netgear or
admin/password or Admin/1234
Trendnet admin/admin
ZyXel admin/1234

In addition, from a connected computer, you can always find out what the router's current IP address is on the local network. This is useful if the router's default IP address has been changed. On a Windows computer, follow these steps:

A. Run command line(you can find it in the Start menu, or in Windows 8 just type CMD when you're at start screen, and then press Enter).

B. In the command prompt window, enter ipconfig press ENTER. You'll see a lot of lines, but the default default gateway IP address is the router's address.

On Mac OS X:
Click on the apple in the top left corner -> System Settings-> Network -> Current connection (this is most likely Ethernet) -> click on Advanced-> In the TCP/IP tab (first tab), the IP address is displayed next to the router.

4. Configuring basic parameters of the new router
Once the web interface opens, setting up the router is fairly straightforward. Although the interface design varies from one provider to another, most of them have a grouped menu design. Below are the main menu items and what they do. (Please note that this is just general information.):

Master: This is where you can go through a step-by-step guided installation process. Many router interfaces show a wizard when you first load the web interface. You just have to go all the way and set a few router settings such as login password (this will change the default password), name and password for accessing the Wi-Fi network. Some wizards also ask you to set the time zone, current time and date, and so on. On most routers, you can skip the wizard and configure the router manually, or you can simply complete the wizard and return to the interface to further configure your network.

Items in installation:
Wireless(or wireless settings): Where you can set up a Wi-Fi network. You can choose the network name, change the password, enable Wi-Fi protection, set it to turn on or off, and much more.

WAN(or Internet): In most cases, you should use automatic settings for this section. However, some providers may require special settings, in which case this can be done here.

LAN(or network settings): This is where you can change the settings local network, including the default IP address of the router itself. (Note that if you change the router's default IP address, you will have to use the new address to access its web interface.) Here you can also change the range of IP addresses used for local clients, as well as add clients to the DHCP Reservations list. For those on this list, their IP address will always be the same, which is required for some Internet applications. In most cases, you won't need to change anything at all in this section.

Items in the Tools (or Administration) section:
Administrator password(or Password): Change the router password. This password is required when you log into the device's web interface.

System: Here you can create backup copies of the current router settings to a file, or restore settings from a file. Update the router firmware, and so on. It's always good to create backup copy device settings before making changes.

You will find many more settings and functions in the router's web interface, when you have free time, try them out. In the worst case scenario, you can refer to the last step below to reset the router to default settings.

5. The last argument of kings (lat. Ultima ratio regum)

All routers are equipped with a reset button. This is a tiny recessed button that can be located on the bottom or side of the device. Using something sharp, such as a paper clip, press and hold this button for 10 seconds (while the router is plugged in) - this will reset the settings to factory settings. In other words, the router will be reset to the state it was in when you bought it. You can then configure the router from the very beginning, or simply log into the web interface and restore the device settings from the backup file.

That's all. If you have not found answers to your questions, send them by email in the contacts section or in the comments to the article, we will try to answer.

It is quite difficult to find now a person who has the Internet at home, but does not have the desired wireless network. A distribution point, or, as it is also called, a router, is an extremely convenient thing, because you don’t need to worry about wires - connect from any point within the radius of work and access the network: of course, first you need to configure it, so today we will give an answer to frequently asked question– where to find the router settings on your computer.

In fact, this is a slightly incorrect wording - the settings themselves will be available to you through Personal Computer, but you will log into them all through the same wireless network. There are no separate settings on the receiving device as such. In it you can only find information displaying that your computer is connected to a certain device.

For all system versions from Microsoft given the process is the same, so this article is suitable both for those who enter into the search “how to find a router on a Windows 7 computer,” and for those who are interested in this issue for older or younger versions.

All access occurs through the browser and it does not matter whether it is standard or already installed by you.

In case you forgot that treasured password and don’t want to reset it, or for some other reason you don’t have the opportunity to connect “over the air,” you can always connect directly - using a special network cable. This provides many benefits and solves some problems.

Let's go to settings

So, let's move on to where the router settings are.

  1. As mentioned above, open the browser. At least in the depths hard drive there is Internet Explorer that will come to your aid.
  2. Once opened, click on the special address bar to start entering the address. It is by entering it that you will be taken to the settings page.
  1. They try not to change the address for setting up the distribution point in production and leave it like this: 192.168., after which comes either 0.1 or 1.1 - try both options if you don’t want to go further. In extreme cases, when the manufacturer nevertheless changes this value, he writes about this on the labels of the device itself or the box. There you can find the numbers you need.

In case there is no sticker, and you still haven’t found out the address, a little lower we will give separate instructions on how to get this information using a computer yourself.

  1. In the next window you will find the usual fields for login and password. Remember that in 90% of cases this is admin – both here and there. Absolutely nothing happens? Then check the layout, that is, the language in which you enter these values ​​and double check how you enter the password. You can also again refer to the stickers, which may contain information about changing these values.

If you are convinced that you are doing everything correctly, but they won’t let you in, then that’s another problem. In this case, most likely, someone changed these parameters without your knowledge, and only resetting to standard values ​​by pressing a special key or holding down the power button will help. After this, everything will definitely fall into place.

  1. When you enter everything correctly, a page similar to the screenshot below will open in front of you. We are looking at the main settings page using a router from TP-Link as an example. In front of you is the same router configuration room.

It is in this place that you can spend fine tuning devices, block sites and unnecessary users if necessary, change the basic parameters for your network. There are really a lot of settings here, and for beginners in this matter, the best option would be to touch only those indicated by the setup instructions.

Articles on the topic

This is the whole sequence. It is extremely simple and does not require any action. We hope that thanks to this article, you have solved the question of how to find the router settings on your computer, and next time you will be able to quickly and easily do it yourself.

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How to enter the router settings? In this material detailed instructions, which is suitable for all models. Entering the router settings is a fairly common action that everyone resorts to...

How to enter the router settings? This material contains detailed instructions that are suitable for all models. Entering the router settings is a fairly common action that everyone resorts to...

Many of us have a router installed to distribute the Internet throughout our home or apartment. You can connect to it via twisted pair cable or Wi-Fi.

Router (router)– a device to which the Internet is connected, coming from the provider. The router distributes the Internet to users connected via Wi-Fi or twisted pair (cable). Has additional functions, depending on the model: firewall, USB connection printer or file storage, Internet distribution over time and between specific users. The main function for which home users purchase it is the ability to distribute Wi-Fi.

Regular home router

But few people know how to customize it to their needs, and are forced to turn to specialists and pay money for it. In fact, going into the router settings yourself and correctly setting up Internet distribution via Wi-Fi is not that difficult.

In this article we will look at the very first and most important stage: how to log into the “admin panel” of managing the router to get to its settings.

Step #1. Find out the IP address of the router

You can find out the IP address in several ways:

Method number 1. Sticker

Simplest. Typically, there is a sticker on the bottom of the router with information for logging into the control panel.

In most cases, the IP address looks like this: or

Method number 2. Network connection properties

It is not always possible to take out a router and look at its sticker. In this case, if the computer or laptop you are working on is connected to the router, you can find its address in another way.

The steps shown below are similar to Windows systems 7, 8 and 10.

Right-click on the network icon at the bottom of the screen, near the clock.

In the window that opens, click on the connection through which you access the Internet.

Now we press Intelligence…

And in the window that appears we find Default Gateway IP. This is the router address through which you can log into the admin panel.

Method number 3. Through the command line

To enter the command line on any Windows versions, you must press the key combination Win + R. The Run window opens.

Enter cmd. Press Enter

A command prompt will open.

Enter ipconfig. Press Enter

Information about network connection. Finding the line Main gate. This is the IP address of your router.

Step #2. How can I go into the router settings?

Now that we have found out the IP address of the router, or rather its “admin panel,” you can log into it using.

Today we will talk about how to go into the router settings. Sometimes you need to enter the settings, but many people forget how to do this after connecting and configuring the router. In this article I will tell you how to enter various models. If you know how to enter the settings of your router but cannot do it, here is an article that describes. This article is designed for the fact that your router is already connected to the computer (if the router is not connected to the computer, read the article ““). Let's get started with the instructions.

General instructions for entry.

You can enter the settings using any browser. You need to enter the router address into the address bar and enter your username and password.

First, let's figure out where to get the router address. On many models, the address is written at the bottom of the label, and the login and password are also indicated there.

If you don’t have a label or don’t have access to it, you can also look in the network card settings.

On Windows XP here>>

On Windows 7 here>>

You can find out more about how to determine the router address.

Once you have determined the address of your router, enter the address into the address bar in your browser and press Enter. An Authorization window will appear in front of you, asking for Login (Username) and Password. On many models, the following settings are set by default: Login - admin, password - admin. Also look carefully at the authorization window; they sometimes write the default login and password, for example, the Zyxel company (below I will show what it looks like). After entering the data, press “Enter” and go to the settings of your router.

Let's apply this scheme on some models. The main thing that you must understand is that further we will consider the case when the router is already connected and has standard input settings. If this is not the case, then the scheme is simple: we determine the address of the router, if we changed the password and login, we remember and enter it. Also, if you couldn’t remember the changes, reset to standard settings (how to do this is described in the article “How to connect a router”), and then simply reconfigure it.

Login to router d link dir 300

This entry method is also suitable for models d link dir 615, d link dir 320, d link dir 620. Enter into the address bar of the browser (you can go to the settings of the d link dsl 2640u router at In the window that appears, enter your login and password. If the window looks like the picture below, enter only the login-admin, leaving the password blank. :

Then click on the button. That's it, login is complete.

If, after entering the address, any of these windows opens in front of you:

in this case, the Username is admin, the password is admin. Click on the “Login” button. And you will immediately be taken to the Dlink configuration interface. If you are interested in setting up a Dlink router, then on the left side of the page in the menu, select the d link section. In it you will find a description of the setup of any model of Dlink companies.

We use this method for asus rt n10

This option is also suitable for asus rt n12, asus rt g32, asus rt n10p, asus dsl n10 routers. Open the browser and enter in the address bar. The name is the same as on other routers, the default is admin, the password is the same. See picture below:

Once all fields have been filled in, click the “Submit” button. And you will be taken to the router settings. By selecting the ASUS section in the left column, you will find a description of the settings for various Asus models.

It’s also easy to log into the tp link tl wr741nd router

Also suitable for tp link tl wr841nd, tp link tl wr740n. Let's carry out the same steps as described above. Open the browser and enter In the authorization window we will indicate the login and password admin and admin.

Bottom line

This scheme for entering the router settings is suitable for all models, the most important thing is to find out the login and password that you specified when setting up the router. If you haven't changed anything, then everything remains standard. Also on our website you will find many instructions and settings various models routers.

Video: What to do if you can’t access,


This question arises for everyone who purchases a Wi-Fi router for wireless connection to the Internet. In order for a device that transmits a signal to mobile gadgets, laptops and desktop computers, worked correctly, you need to change some standard options. It's not at all difficult to figure it out. The main thing is to understand how to enter the router settings. Once you have access to the general menu, you can install personal password connections so that strangers cannot use your traffic, and set some restrictions. Read on to find out how to do this.

First of all, you must establish a connection between the router and the Internet and your computer. To do this you will need to follow a simple algorithm:

  • connect the modem to the network;
  • insert the plug of the Internet provider cord into the appropriate connector;
  • connect the router to the PC using a regular network cable.

After completing these steps, the computer will “see” the new network connection and notify you about it. The following indicators should light up on the router itself:

  • router is on;
  • broadcast Wi-Fi signal;
  • the modem is connected to the Internet;
  • The modem is connected to the computer.

On the router panel you will find the corresponding symbols. If all four indicators light up, it means that the connection to the router is established correctly. All that remains is to configure it correctly so that the Internet can work on landlines and mobile devices. To do this, you must know how to log into the router and change the standard options.

General instructions for launching the router web interface

Each manufacturer of Wi-Fi routers provides an individual interface for controlling modem functions. Outwardly they differ significantly, but, in essence, the principle is the same everywhere. The user launches any browser available on the computer, enters the router address and gains access to the device management page. It sounds extremely simple, but in fact it is not entirely clear how to access the router’s website. to install remote access, you need to know the router's IP. It must be indicated in the instructions.

If you don't have the instruction manual at hand, follow these steps:

  • On the taskbar, find the network connection icon and right-click on it;
  • a small menu will pop up in which you need to select the control center;
  • after completing these steps, the network settings window will open, in it you need to find “Change adapter settings” (located in the vertical panel on the left side);
  • after going to the adapter options settings window, you will see a list of connections, including the one you need to configure;
  • By double-left-clicking the status window for this connection, click “Details...”

Having done this, you will see in front of you a summary of data in which nothing is clear. In the first column, find “Default Gateway”. Rewrite the IP address opposite. This is the direct address to your router. There are two common options used by leading router manufacturers: "" and "". Less common is the address “”.

You already know how to access the router page, so do it immediately. Enter the appropriate set of numbers in the address bar and you will see the router interface in front of you. The last obstacle remains - authorization. Similar to router addresses, manufacturers set standard login/password values ​​to gain access to device options. You can find them out by reading the instructions for the router or reading the subsequent sections of this article.

Features of individual router settings

Using the information contained in this section, you will understand how to log into the router’s web interface. The data in the table below will provide access to Personal Area user through whom it is possible to easily install New Password connect to a wireless Wi-Fi network, set a new router name and configure many other settings.

Video: how to enter the WiFi router menu

After reading this article, you have already received a general theoretical idea of ​​how to enter the router setup room. It's time to see this process with your own eyes. After watching the video below, you will receive answers to many related questions and will be able to cast aside doubts about the fact that you misunderstood the instructions. Follow the recommendations from the video and you will certainly be able to configure your modem.

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