
How to restore visual bookmarks in Mozilla

After Yandex developed its own search engine, it updated most of its services. The so-called improvement also affected the Mazil search engine, which many users did not like very much.

That is why the question of returning to the old version of saved resources in Firefox is now very relevant.

Restoring visual bookmarks

Before starting the procedure, you need to remove the new addition. To do this, open the Firefox menu and click on the “Add-ons” column, then activate the Extensions item.

First of all, you need to download the file with the previous version and drag it into the open browser window. After completing these manipulations, the browser will open the installation window, where you will need to click on the Run Now button.

After the restart is complete, you need to go to the search engine menu and select the Add-ons column. In this column you should find the Extensions item and go to the Manage add-ons tab. To prevent visual bookmarks from disappearing next to the item of the same name, you must select the More details link.

After this, you need to disable the program update by checking the box next to Disabled. This will prevent the extension from changing automatically.

If previously saved data was lost, then it is worth trying to restore it from a backup copy. To do this, in the search engine settings, you need to select the Import and backup item and look at the possible recovery options.

Features of work

If you managed to return the old visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox, then you need to further consolidate the positive result. To do this, after disabling automatic updates, do the following:

The newly opened search engine will immediately return the home page in the old form of saved resources for Mazilla.

When answering the question of how to return to its previous appearance, one cannot fail to mention that links from Yandex can also be optimized at your discretion.

In a special window you can set the update frequency, the number of links, or set a new background image. The missing interface becomes fully accessible to the user. Recovery also involves additional activation of the necessary parameters. The user can, for example, display a panel of sites or change their number in the browser window.

To add new resources, select an empty window and left-click. Then find in the displayed area one of those sites that have recently been closed or enter the address of another.

If necessary, the windows can be moved. The following operations with resources are available to the user:

  • Editing.
  • Update.
  • Delete.

Restoring the old look of saved sites in Firefox is quite simple. To do this, you just need to select the previous modification of the panel from Yandex, install it and configure it according to your preferences.

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