
What unnecessary applications can be safely removed on an Android smartphone or tablet? What program can you remove unnecessary applications on Android? What system applications can be removed How to disable system applications on Android

Number of companies issuing Android devices is constantly increasing. A couple of years ago, no one had heard of such manufacturers as Xiaomi or Leco. And today they are beginning to compete with such giants as Samsung and Lenovo. There is also competition in developing applications for their devices so that users can take advantage of all the capabilities of their devices. That is why when you buy a new phone or tablet, it turns out to be almost completely filled with different programs, they are also called system or stock. Whether they are needed or just taking up free space is up to you to decide. But if you still decide not to necessary programs, and at the same time clean it to speed up work, then we will tell you how to remove pre-installed applications on Android.

What applications can be deleted?

There is no single list of programs that can be safely removed without harming the system, so everyone must determine for themselves which of them are not needed. We offer a list of basic programs and those elements, the removal of which will not harm the operation of the Android device, for example, Google maps.

List of programs:

  • Voice search or dialing;
  • Help and support from the manufacturer;
  • Standard mail client or browser (Internet);
  • Unused video, audio players;
  • Not needed Google services(Maps, Gmail, Gtalk, etc.);
  • All kinds of games, books, etc.

Under no circumstances should you randomly delete applications or files you don’t like, this can lead to a crash of the entire system! Any application is a file with the apk extension. It is this file that should be deleted. If available, you also need to delete files with the .odex extension. Then this procedure can be considered completed correctly.

This is what it looks like system file programs:

Here is a list of possible system applications to remove:

  • AccuweatherWidget.apk - weather informer;
  • AnalogClock.apk - analog clock widget;
  • BlueSea.apk, Aurora.apk, etc. – all types of live wallpapers;
  • ChatON_MARKET.apk - chat from Samsung;
  • Encrypt.apk - memory card encryption;
  • Geniewidget.apk – news widget;
  • GooglePartnerSetup.apk - another one social program Google;
  • Kobo.apk – magazines;
  • Layar-samsung.apk - augmented reality browser;
  • MobilePrint.apk - remote printing of documents;
  • PlusOne.apk - another one social service from Google;
  • SamsungWidget* — different types widgets from developers from Samsung;
  • VideoEditor.apk - video editor;
  • Voice*.apk – programs for working with voice;
  • Zinio.apk – Internet magazines.

How to remove unnecessary pre-installed applications?

Removal standard programs without root rights, that is, manually, done in the usual way. Choose "settings", Further "applications". We activate the required one and click delete.

There's nothing complicated here. Difficulties usually arise when deletion is not possible, or an error occurs when performing the operation. Then you need to use special programs or simply turn it off (see our video for more details).

  1. We use ES conductor.

We have already written about where to download and how to use it. Within the framework of this material, we will talk specifically about deletion on Android.

After launching Explorer, scroll to the right or click at the top of the window, depending on the version, to open the menu. In it you need to find and activate the “Root Explorer” to obtain rights to remove pre-installed programs. It is usually located in the “tools” section.

Now you can move on to the removal procedure itself. In system Android pre-installed applications are on internal memory in the "system/app" folder. Select the required file by touch and click delete.

Some of them additionally download their updated version to the “data/app” folder. We recommend checking there for the presence of the program to be removed.

More quick way, this is to uninstall the files from the “system” menu section. It is located in the initial menu, “APPS” tab.

  1. We use CCleaner.

We have already published instructions for installation and operation. To remove pre-installed programs, run cleaner and enter the main menu. We are interested in the “system” tab. Let's select it.

The window that opens will display a list of all programs available for removal. You don't have to search for exactly where the applications are located. Removal is carried out automatically, literally in a couple of clicks (before deleting, the cleaner will ask). And then, it will reboot your device to shut down correctly.

  1. Remove pre-installed programs from using titanium backup.

In this video we offer you visual instructions Another way to remove system applications on Android.

Let us note once again that if you are not sure about the purpose of a particular program, it is better not to delete it. We hope that this material was useful to you. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. We will try to help.

You buy new smartphone, you turn it on, and a bunch of unnecessary programs are already installed. It can be difficult to understand what these applications are for and whether they can be safely removed or disabled. When I purchased it, out of 32 gigabytes of internal memory, about ten were free. The rest of the space was occupied by preinstalled programs.

In this article I will tell you which applications can be disabled on Android without any special consequences. I will not consider removing system software, because in most cases this requires root access. If you decide to get root, the Debloater program will easily cope with the removal task. You can download it on the play market or 4pda.

I collected data on devices Samsung Galaxy(since I am the owner of one of them) to a summary table of applications that do not affect the performance of the phone (with a description). And you decide what to do with them. But disabling or removing unnecessary junk will help increase the performance of your mobile phone.

Please note that if you click the “stop” button, the program may subsequently restart automatically. And if you “disable” it, it does not restart until you turn it on manually. Some cannot be disabled or deleted.

Mordokniga pays smartphone manufacturers to embed the application into the firmware. Mobile client Allows you to keep up to date with your friends' events, track likes, and annoyingly notifies you about every sneeze. At the same time, it consumes a lot of resources and constantly drains the battery. Unfortunately, this infection cannot be removed in my Samsung. But you can turn it off, which I immediately did, since I don’t use this social network at all. If there is a special need, I can temporarily activate the application.

Weather apps

A weather widget is also often built into the phone’s operating system. It worked for me for 3 months, and then stopped updating data. I always need only two parameters from this program: air temperature and the presence of precipitation. If you need weather maps and other little things, then you don’t need to delete the program. In other cases, it is advisable to get rid of the unnecessary, power-hungry application that tries to connect to the server every minute. I couldn't do this on the A5.

You can always check the weather by looking out the window. And if you need a forecast, Google is a good predictor.

Antivirus programs

You need an antivirus if your phone is rooted, you are constantly conducting experiments and installing dubious hacked applications from unknown sources. Otherwise, such protection is not required. The antivirus will also eat up memory and slow down the system unnecessarily.

If you have any suspicions, install an antivirus and remove it after checking. My phone has a built-in one, which I also disabled.

Clean Master and other system optimizers

Software for “speeding up” the phone, contrary to expectations, slows down the operation of the device. Miracles do not happen, despite the assurances of the developers of these programs. Most “cleaners” only do harm. On my Samsung A5 2017, in the settings there is an “Optimization” section, where everything happens at the touch of one button. Most phones have tools for clearing the cache and remnants of deleted software. AND additional programs no installation required.

Default browser

Almost every self-respecting phone manufacturer develops and implements its own Internet browser in the firmware. It may contain spyware or advertising links. But even if they are not there, this does not mean that the browser is good. Disable it or delete it.

Best to install Google Chrome– simple and fast browser. If you care about privacy and don't want to clutter up your phone's space with accumulating cache, Firefox Focus is your choice, a private browser that leaves no traces.

I have compiled a small table for the remaining applications. Here is everything that can be disabled without consequences for Android work.

Table of applications that can be deleted or disabled on Samsung

Beeline, Megafon and othersMobile operator applications
S Planner WidgetTask scheduler widget
Story Album widgetImage sorter widget
DictaphoneIn another way, “Sound recording”
Drive (Google Drive)File hosting created and maintained by Google.
Protected folderA tool for creating a personal, secure storage space for files that you would like to hide from other people
CalculatorNo comments
CardsA set of applications built on Google's free mapping service
Samsung StoreYou can browse and buy there in the same way as in a regular official Samsung store. Configured according to the location of the phone. Removal available
Mobile printingIt allows you to connect your smartphone to your home or office printer.
Print Service ModuleAllows you to print to a printer
WeatherWe talked about the weather above.
Gifts from SamsungThe best apps as a gift for some Samsung devices. Limited by time and phone models. Not much interesting. Removal available
HP Print Plug-inUsed to print output to printers
RadioRegular FM radio
DictionaryNo comments
Print spoolerA print spooler is a scheduling program that accepts documents sent by the user for printing, saves them (on disk or in RAM) and sends them in queue order to the selected printer.
Photo editorNo comments
AWADWith its help you can purchase an air ticket to anywhere in the world directly from your phone
Blurb CheckoutThe application is intended for payment transactions when paying for books created by the Blurb program
BriefingLooks like additional screen, shows news, weather, some articles and all this is interesting and convenient, and everything is in this style.
ChatONGlobal mobile communications service developed by Samsung Electronics
ChocoEUKor, CoolEUKorBuilt-in system font
Dropbox and DropboxOOBESoftware for cloud storage data
FlipboardAggregator application social networks magazine format. Collects current news from social media subscriptions. networks and news resources.
Feature advisorThe application is responsible for providing tips on the functions and capabilities of the smartphone. Appears after updating EMUI to version 9.0.1. The manufacturer does not recommend stopping or removing it.
Galaxy AppsBranded application store
Game launcherGame Launcher application developed by Samsung employees to optimize the gaming experience
Game optimizing serviceSamsung utility that notifies you about updates in games. Including, it is responsible for increasing productivity in mobile games, as well as for saving battery power during gaming sessions
GmailMail from Google
Google PhotosPhotos from Google
Google Play MarketDesigned to search for installation and removal of programs
Group PlayAble to combine several smartphones for collaboration. With its help, the user can simultaneously control several devices connected via Wi-Fi Direct and NFC
HangoutsDesigned for instant messaging and video conferencing. Replaces three instant messaging systems at once: Google Talk, Google+ Chats and the video chat service Google+ Video Meetings, as well as online broadcasting via Youtube.
KLMS AgentAn application responsible for data security on Samsung phones. The program includes proprietary data protection technology - KNOX
Knox Notification ManagerA specialized add-on for the Android OS, designed to significantly increase the level of information security on mobile device from Samsung. This system includes a set of extensions that allows you to create a secure environment on the Google platform.
Link Sharing (formerly Simple Sharing)With it you can remotely access and manage the content of Samsung devices via Wi-Fi
One DriveCloud storage from Microsoft
Picasa UploaderSome kind of crap that lives its own life (downloads, updates)
Play Games, books, music, press, filmsAll this is paid
RoseEUKorCorporate system font
S MemoAllows you to create notes using your keyboard, stylus, or voice
S PlannerTask Manager
S VoiceVirtual voice assistant
S Suggert“Advisor” for programs, an analogue of Apple’s Genius system
S TranslatorTranslator
Samsung accountAn account to gain access to the advanced functionality of a Samsung phone
Samsung Cloud Data RelaySynchronization with the cloud
Samsung HealthA program focused on a healthy lifestyle. Helps you maintain your health by recording and analyzing your physical activity throughout the day
Samsung InternetThe same built-in browser
Samsung Link (Samsung Link Platform)An application that connects all storage devices and services in one place for comprehensive search and playback
Samsung MembersThis is a place where you can ask a question about the device and chat about topics related to it. In general, the Samsung user community
Samsung NotesNote pad
SamsungSansBuilt-in system font
Story AlbumAllows you to sort photos stored in your smartphone's memory, indicating when and where they were taken
TalkBackAllows you to voice literally all actions performed on your smartphone
UBANKAn innovative online banking system that allows you to make secure money payments
WorkspaceThe enterprise work container, which isolates work applications and data from other data, is stored on the device chipset and Knox platform.
YoutubeApplication for watching videos online

Note about updates

Let's say you didn't turn anything off - let them work. Automatic shutdown background applications helps to avoid rapid battery discharge. But these programs are also updated! And in this case they do not devour RAM, but internal. So I went ahead and disabled auto-updates via Play Store. I regularly manually update only those applications that I actually use.

Android OS (version 4.0 and higher) has very convenient function- disabling applications. Not everyone knows about it, although this feature allows you to get rid of a bunch of unclaimed and unwanted programs. By the way, you can even disable system applications, except those vital for the OS, for example: ConfigUpdater. It is impossible to remove the necessary system applications if the user does not have root rights.

Step-by-step instructions for disabling unnecessary system programs and viruses on Android

Required condition: the Android version on your tablet or phone must be 4.0 or higher.
- the names of some menu items may differ slightly, depending on the manufacturer of your device and installed firmware. But understanding the menu and disabling applications is not difficult; the principle of performing the actions does not change.
- if unwanted programs (viruses) do not have a disable option in the settings, then it is better to get rid of them by removing updates.

1. Go to the settings menu of your phone or tablet.
2. Find and open “Applications”, select the “All” tab.
3. From the list of installed applications that appears, select the one you want to disable and click on it.
4. In the top right corner, find the disable option. If the application is not a system application, then the button will say “Delete” (it is better to delete it immediately), for system applications it will say “Disable”.
5. Click "Disable".
6. The system will ask you to confirm the shutdown, click “Ok” in the pop-up window that appears.
7. Disconnection is complete, you can exit the settings menu. It is not necessary, but it is advisable to reboot the device.

With these simple steps, you can easily unload the system, getting rid of unused applications and viruses, and thereby significantly increase the performance of your Android device. One of the illustrative examples of the effectiveness of this technique was the shutdown (as a result of updating Android versions up to 4.2) Google apps Media that caused tablets to slow down.

The function to disable unnecessary applications once again demonstrates flexibility operating system Android, ease of use.

There are also system applications that cannot be disabled. For example, the application Common Data Service cannot be disabled; without it, your device simply physically cannot function:

If you have malware, then the disable button may be hidden. For this option, you need to click “uninstall updates”.

Perhaps each device has its own little subtleties, but in most cases this method works.

Hi all! Alexander Glebov is in touch, in this article I will talk about what built-in system android apps You can remove it and how to remove system applications on Android and clean it of garbage. It often happens that the internal memory of the phone is running out, and you need to clean it somehow, but you have all the applications you need, but there is a lot of junk like: Google Books, Google Music, Google Play Press, etc. The question is, why do we need these applications?

Which built-in android system applications can be removed - warnings

First of all, I want to warn you, deletion system applications can break your phone and it will not turn on, remove at your own peril and risk.


It just so happened that without root You won’t be able to uninstall system apps, there’s nothing you can do about it. How to get root rights on android for Sony smartphones xperia can be read on my blog, . But perhaps the article will help you even if you have a phone from another company.

The procedure is as follows:

I will show you how to remove system apps on Android on your phone. I have Sony Xperia ZR, so if you have the same one, you will have an easier time. So, let's begin.

YouTube karaoke module
- Google Lyrics Module
- Wikipedia module
- YouTube module
-POBox Touch
- SkinSelector
- Standard
- Xperia Calendar Sync
- Xperia Social Engine photos
- Xperia from Facebook
- com.sonymobile.faceregistration
- Other applications can be found in the screenshots:

The result will be about 35 applications, maybe more. After all, you can delete something else that you think is not necessary. Once selected, click the “Delete” button. After clicking, you may need to grant super user rights again, and an information message will appear that there are selected applications that you do not want to delete. Click "Yes".

After removing the programs, reboot the phone. And we move on to the second stage. Cleaning Android from garbage that remains after removing system applications:

As a result of these simple steps, I freed up about 600 MB. internal memory. A very good result, especially when every megabyte of free space is important. As always, ask your questions in the comments. I hope the article was useful.

Best regards, Alexander Glebov.

If you advanced user, then you probably want to know what's going on in the background of your phone. Just like Windows and OS X, your Android device has all sorts of apps running in the background. Such applications use valuable resources and can slow down your smartphone or tablet to varying degrees. You can work with a list of applications that have been running and disable unnecessary ones to speed up your device, regardless of whether you are using old Galaxy S3 or more new Moto X (2014). But the question arises: which applications are safe to disable or delete? Below you will find out how you can check this.

Some apps running in the background are ones you installed manually from Google Play. Other applications are part of the Android OS, and a number of them can be added by your mobile operator. If there are any apps that you previously installed that you no longer need, you can remove them so that they don't take up space or use up device resources.

However, there are other applications - those that you did not install. You might be surprised at how many apps are running in the background. Luckily, this is easy to check in the Application Manager. If you own a Samsung device, go to settings, go to the “Advanced” section and click on “Application Manager”. You'll then see a list of your installed apps, but if you swipe right on the screen, you'll have access to the full list of apps available on your device.

In addition to the applications you have installed, you will also be able to see a list of other applications and components. You will probably notice that many of the items in the list have Android icon default. This means that they are part of the operating system. To learn more about a particular application, just click on it.

By and large, it is difficult to determine from the list which applications are needed and which ones can be gotten rid of. You should experiment with services that you definitely don't use, for example, if you've never printed files from your device, then you can disable applications like EpsonPrintService. To be on the safe side, before disabling an application, you should click on the “Stop” icon and use the phone for a while. During this period, monitor for any unexpected side effects. If everything works as you expected, you can safely disable this application.

However, you should know that many applications have dependencies. Disabling one app can prevent another from working, plus there are plenty of apps you need to get Android running properly.

It is worth noting that it is not easy to create an exhaustive list of applications that can be safely disabled safely and that are necessary, since each mobile device is different from each other. But there is software that will help you with this matter, for example, System application App Remover (ROOT). Despite the name, you won't have to root your smartphone or tablet to install the above app, although if you don't have root privileges, you won't be able to use System App Remover's full capabilities.

Install and run System App Remover. After that, call up the menu and click on “System application”. After a few seconds, a list of applications will appear, at the top of which there will be applications marked “Can be deleted.” Now go back to the Application Manager and disable any application that you saw earlier is safe to disable.

Apart from this, you can also be brave and remove system applications that you absolutely do not need. Let's face it - it's a little risky, so you need to be completely sure that it will be safe for you to remove certain components. Plus, if you decide to disable or delete apps you don't need, you'll experience the benefits of a faster, smoother Android experience.

How many free space did you manage to free it by deleting system applications? Have you noticed a big difference in performance when disabling unnecessary applications?

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