
What parts are needed to assemble a gaming computer? How to build your own gaming computer from scratch. System unit - how to choose components

A gaming computer can be considered a computer that is capable of playing all modern games, providing an acceptable level of comfort from this entertainment. But user requirements differ, so very few fall into the category of gaming PCs. different devices. For many users, it is enough that games play smoothly, the game world is displayed correctly and there are no control problems. Professional gamers (who make money from gaming) and those who spend a significant portion of their leisure time playing games have more stringent requirements for PC performance.

This material will tell you how to assemble a gaming PC with your own hands, both for users who just need a smooth rendering of the picture on the screen, and for gamers for whom the quality of graphics is paramount. Of course, for these two categories of buyers, both the performance of the components and their cost will differ significantly (up to ten times). But the general recommendations on how to assemble a gaming PC with your own hands will be similar for everyone.

Assembling a PC on your own is, first of all, a solution that allows you to choose the optimal one for your needs. specific user configuration Also, setting up your own computer is a way to save money. The question of how to build a cheap gaming PC interests many users. Unfortunately, the performance of a computer largely depends on its cost. Therefore, it is now impossible to assemble a completely cheap (for example, for 10-15 thousand rubles) gaming PC.

Where to begin

Budget is a key factor when choosing components. Therefore, first of all, you should decide how much money will be allocated for the purchase. It also matters whether the system unit itself is needed, or peripherals(monitor, acoustics, keyboard, mouse).

IN model range Each manufacturer has several sockets (processor sockets). Each of them requires a motherboard with its own connector. If the CPU is equipped with Socket 1155, then the motherboard must have the same. In addition, you should consider the compatibility of the board with specific models processors. As a rule, board manufacturers publish lists of supported CPUs on their official websites.

The requirements for the board itself are determined based on the number and capacity of the strips random access memory that will be installed, the number of connected drives (HDD, SSD), their interfaces (SATA, PCI-Express or M.2) and overclocking capabilities. The future upgrade also matters: if one is planned in a couple of months or years, you need to choose a motherboard with big amount interfaces and a fresh chipset (for example, MSI H61M-P31/W8 for Intel, ASUS M5A78L-M LX for AMD). If you are renting a computer for a long time and there is no provision for upgrading its components, you can save a little on the system board.

An advanced motherboard is needed if an upgrade is planned

Video card

The GPU in a gaming computer is just as (if not more) important than the CPU. It is the video card that is responsible for processing the three-dimensional image and displaying it on the display. However, you can’t just pick up and install a powerful video card and save on other hardware. Information for subsequent processing GPU prepares the “CPU + RAM” combination, which, in turn, receives data from the drive (HDD and SSD).

A weak processor will not allow you to unleash the potential of a gaming video card

“Weak link” (regardless of whether it is a processor, video card or HDD) will pull the system down, becoming a bottleneck. An analogy can be drawn with a logistics terminal: no matter how high its throughput is, no matter how many cars are loaded, if there is a lack of loading equipment and labor, expanding the capabilities of the terminal itself will not help speed up its work.

Tandems of the “inexpensive” type Intel Core i3 (or similar AMD FX 4xxx series) + Geforce GTX Titan X” are thus extremely inefficient and a waste of money. The “ceiling” of such processors is video cards of the Geforce GTX 750 Ti class. Such a chip will not reveal the potential of a more productive GPU.

To assess whether the combination of the selected processor and video card will have optimal ratio possibilities, you can compare their prices. The cost of the GPU should exceed the price of the CPU. In the budget category (Intel Core i3, AMD FX 4xxx and 6xxx series) the difference is 10-30%, and in the niche of more expensive devices it can reach 100%. That is, if you plan to buy a processor for 8,000 rubles, then there is no point in installing a video card for 15,000 or more. But the GeForce GTX 980, costing up to 50 thousand, will be optimally combined with an Intel Core i7 CPU for 25-30 thousand.

You can install 2 video cards if the motherboard supports SLI technology(For Nvidia GeForce) or CrossFire (AMD Radeon). In the budget segment, such a solution looks pointless (1 GPU for 15 thousand will be more productive than 2 for 8 thousand). In the top class, connecting two video cards allows you to achieve an increase in performance that cannot be realized in other ways.

Two video cards in SLI will increase the performance of your gaming PC

If you plan to upgrade your PC, you can purchase a motherboard that supports two video cards and get a GeForce GTX 960-level GPU. For now, the capabilities of this video card are enough to play all games, and in a year you can pair it with another one of the same kind to improve performance.

It should be remembered that to work in SLI/CrossFire, video cards must be, if not identical, then built on the same version of the graphics processor.


When choosing RAM, the main thing is to take into account the compatibility of generations and operating frequencies. For example, sixth generation Intel Core i7 processors (and motherboards compatible with them) work with DDR4 RAM sticks, and AMD FX 8xxx - DDR3.

DDR4 memory is faster, but not supported by all processors

The amount of RAM is limited by the wallet and the number of slots on the motherboard. RAM is a resource that can never be enough (thanks to software developers who, after switching to 64-bit Windows, do not bother themselves with excessive efforts to optimize memory consumption). Therefore, whether to install 8 GB of RAM or 32 is up to users to decide.

When selecting RAM sticks, it is recommended to install them in pairs or triplets. In this case, the chips operate in two or three channels (depending on the CPU model and motherboard) mode. In this case, the speed of data exchange theoretically increases, respectively, by two or three times. Two 4 GB modules will work faster than 1 8 GB module.


Hard drives are gradually losing ground under the pressure of rapidly reducing prices, gaining capacity and becoming more reliable SSDs. Since it is impossible to build a powerful gaming PC without a high-speed drive, a gaming computer cannot do without a solid-state drive. Capacity of 256 or 512 GB is enough for Windows installations and games, and for multimedia content (music, movies) you can simultaneously install a capacious HDD of 2, 3 or more terabytes.

The capacity of modern HDDs has already reached 10 TB

Very often, when we want to assemble a computer, we turn to stores that sell computer equipment, components and peripherals.

In the sales floors, managers smile at us, and in the shop windows we are warmly greeted by ready-made system units.

I admit, a long time ago I myself confused the processor and the system unit. A lot of time has passed since then and a lot of water has flown under the bridge, I have become somewhat more knowledgeable in matters of assembling a computer and selecting components.

I’ll try to help you figure out how to assemble a computer with your own hands.

How to assemble a computer yourself

If this is your first computer, and before that you have not had experience in selecting components, subsequent assembly of finished system units, as well as the small “joys” of operation - upgrading, cleaning and blowing them off dust that accumulates during operation, it is best to contact knowledgeable experienced friend, comrade.

If this is a computer that you want to assemble yourself, then you must first understand a few important points for yourself.

We assemble the computer ourselves. Assemble a computer with your own hands

Where to start when assembling a computer, how to choose components. What are the differences between different platforms? Write down your answers to the following questions:

  1. The basic requirements for a computer are solving office problems or gaming (teenagers most often mean the latter)
  2. Budget. How much are you willing to spend on purchasing components to assemble a system unit? Please note that in addition to the system unit, you need to buy a monitor, a mouse with a keyboard, and peripherals (if desired and necessary).
  3. Possibility of expansion and upgrade (further additional installation of RAM, video card, data storage drives).
  4. Possibility of connecting peripherals and information display media (monitor connection via DVI, DisplayPort, HDMI ports, number of USB 2.0, presence and quantity of USB3.0, ThunderBolt, MiniHDMI, connectors for memory card readers).
  5. Ergonomic requirements (size, color, visual style of the system unit, availability of wireless keyboard/mouse, etc.).

You should also take into account that the most popular software is the operating system. Windows system, antiviruses, archivers is paid and quite expensive.

Eat free alternatives paid programs— and the light, beta, and demo versions have not been canceled.

Let's look at several typical computer assembly tasks and areas of computer application.

Typical budget options for building a computer

There are several typical options for selecting components and assembling a computer yourself.

  1. Build a computer cheaply, inexpensively for office tasks and for surfing the Internet, watching movies, listening to music, and playing arcade games.
  2. Collect powerful gaming computer for demanding games with high screen resolution.

Both options have the right to be implemented. It all depends on your requirements and capabilities. But, before choosing components, you should pay attention to the fact that each motherboard has

  1. processor socket for a specific type of central processor;
  2. connectors for RAM of a certain type - DDR2, DDR3, DDR4;
  3. different number of USB ports, connectors for connecting storage devices and expansion cards
  4. video core, or lack of a built-in video card.

Therefore, the selected models motherboard, processor, RAM must be compatible!

How to build an inexpensive computer

To assemble a cheap computer with your own hands, you should focus on components that do not have a discrete (separate) video card. A cheap computer cannot be a gaming computer, and for a gaming computer a decent video card starts at $200. You should not save on a processor, since upgrading it is expensive, and you won’t be able to sell an old weak processor for a high price.

  • AMD processor is preferable. Typically, AMD processors and platforms are much cheaper than components produced by Intel. Current generation processors already have built-in graphics core, which allows you to do without purchasing a discrete video card.
  • Economy class motherboard. What does it mean? The chipset is not advanced; the motherboard has a basic set of connectors for connecting components and peripherals. Typically, such motherboards are miniATX or microATX in size.
  • One stick of random access memory (RAM) with a capacity of 2 or 4 gigabytes. Today the standard is to use DDR3 memory. I recommend taking 4 GB, since with the current optimization and gluttony software, as they say, “there is no such thing as too much memory.”
  • Hard HDD drive. Since the computer is budget, the choice of SSD was excluded initially due to high cost drives of this type. There is a lot of debate online about the reliability of modern HDDs from leading manufacturers such as WD (Western Digital), Seagate, Toshiba, Samsung, Hitachi. This is more a matter of personal preference and experience. The main parameters of the HDD that you should pay attention to when assembling a computer yourself are volume, spindle speed, cache memory size.
  • Power supply and case. The case is chosen according to one’s liking, and rarely does anyone think about the quality of the metal, the ease of installing drives and storage devices, or the calculated air flows from a heated processor, video card or chipset.

How to assemble a gaming computer with your own hands

A typical task for using a modern computer is modern games. I want it to assembled computer remained relevant for a long time (not requiring an upgrade). If you want to play all the new games with high resolution and maximum effects, you will have to fork out some money. A modern gaming computer will cost about $2,000, or even more. When choosing components for assembling a gaming computer, you should pay special attention to the following:

  1. High performance current generation processor. Today, it's flagship models Intel i7 series. Modern AMD flagships are significantly inferior to their competitor's flagships.
  2. A high-performance gaming video card is practically the main budget eater. A good gaming video card starts at $300, and the most powerful solutions are priced at $1000. Some enthusiasts use 2-3 video cards, which means the motherboard should support the ability to install multiple video cards (for future upgrades).
  3. Large amount of RAM - memory must be fast. Today, 8GB of RAM is the de facto minimum for a gaming PC. It’s better to immediately buy 16GB of fast DDR3. Or aim for DDR4.
  4. Power supply - a gaming video card consumes a lot of electricity. The gaming PC's power supply must cope with such a load and have a power reserve. In addition, the power supply must be equipped with appropriate power connectors for connecting the video card (a pair of 6+6 or 6+8 connectors).
  5. Motherboard from good manufacturer with a high-quality processor power subsystem and controller wiring, with the ability to install several memory modules and support for a large amount of RAM.
How do you like it? -

A new computer is priceless. But not so much that the inheritance to the grandchildren consists of an unpaid loan. Of course, we are exaggerating, but you yourself know how much good PCs cost. And it’s very good when there are stores that allow you to save money. And save not on the quality of the computer, but on taxes. For example, the ComputerUniverse online store offers very favorable purchasing conditions: here you do not pay VAT, and as a cherry on the cake, the service promises fast delivery. In addition, the euro exchange rate has dropped, and in the PC world there have been changes that are pleasant for consumers, in particular, new processors have appeared from both AMD and Intel. So now buying a computer is very profitable.

First, a little about the service - it is German. What associations does this word evoke for you? That's right, quality and pedantry. And I must say that it fully corresponds to these stereotypes that are flattering for Germans.

Of course, the “fault” for this is not the Teutonic mentality, but banal marketing and the struggle for the market, which play into your hands. And one more thing: you will laugh, but buying and ordering a computer from Germany is cheaper than purchasing analogues here in Mother Russia. How this is possible, and why it seems like a cheap trick, we will tell you and even recommend several life hacks that will allow you to save money when purchasing equipment. But first things first.

Firstly, the secret of the benefits is very simple - you don’t pay VAT. This extra cost is 18% of the cost of the product, that is, by purchasing something for, say, $1000, you fill the state treasury with $180, do you need it? Given today's exchange rate, this may not be a tidy sum, but it is an impressive one, with which you can buy far more than just a mouse pad and keyboard.

Secondly, it is fast and relatively inexpensive delivery. Delivery is carried out by German postal services to our borders, and then the Russian Post takes over the baton. You won't have to wait long - two weeks maximum. Its cost, in turn, is 29 euros (plus additional costs depending on the purchase price), up to an amount of 971 euros. If higher, then 64 euros. All shipments include insurance and all items come with a warranty regardless of payment method.

Thirdly, as you might guess, new models of computers and components appear in Europe earlier than in Russia, and you have the opportunity to drive at new capacities much earlier than many compatriots.

Fourthly, due to its popularity in Russia, the CU website has a Russian interface, so purchasing and ordering will not be difficult, and you definitely won’t need a dictionary. There is even a service to clarify all individual nuances and quickly solve problems.

In general, these are not all the benefits that await you from this service, but in our opinion, they are the most important.

Now we’ll tell you about life hacks: how to save on VAT, and how to protect yourself if your goods are defective or mangled by crooked movers.

It is better to pay via PayPal - this payment system is a partner of CU and acts as a guarantor if problems arise. That is, if you received broken components, a crushed monitor or something like that, then Paypal undertakes to quickly compensate your loss or resend the order. Yes, it costs 5 euros more than regular payment by bank card, but it seems to us that this is not that much money to risk your nerves and time. You can do without PayPal and pay directly from the card, but then it must be issued in your name. The store itself is willing to make contact and is always on the buyer’s side, and any problem can be solved without this payment system, but how long it will take is the question.

But the most important thing is, of course, not to yawn yourself - never, again, never sign papers confirming receipt of delivery until you see the integrity of your order in the presence of a postal employee. This is the only way you can prove that the mistakes are not yours and get your money back. In short, draw up reports, if something is wrong - only on their basis ComputerUniverse makes decisions on compensation. And yes, one more important nuance: if you still decide to pay with PayPal, you should know that this system’s exchange rate conversion is far from the Central Bank, and often the transfer of rubles into euros is not in your favor. Therefore, it is better to disable this conversion and use the conversion in the seller’s invoice. And don’t forget that you can link a card from any bank to PayPal, but eyewitnesses say that they have problems and delays in paying out money, and advise that it is better to integrate PayPal with the Kukuruza card from Euroset. In the store itself, prices in rubles are tied to the Central Bank of Russia exchange rate. By the way, Kukuruza converts at the Central Bank of Russia exchange rate, which reduces costs compared to other banks.

Now about VAT. In order not to pay the extra 18%, you need to purchase goods for no more than 970 euros and no more than once a month. Yes, this is a framework and limitation, but what did you want? But 970 euros is a significant amount, and if you assemble a computer from spare parts, you can quite easily assemble a very good device.

Buy ready computer or assemble it yourself?

This is actually a difficult question. Some people don’t want to read boring guides about the advantages of AMD over NVidia and understand the details and types of processors - we understand them perfectly well, we are like that ourselves. But a ready-made system unit costs much more than one assembled yourself, and even a schoolchild knows this. And, if you value time more than money, well, buy, of course, assembled.

But many still choose to assemble a computer themselves. Firstly, you know that and whose production this or that component is, and in general, manual assembly of your own machine is always cool, regardless of the benefits, even though they are very significant. Secondly, as mentioned above, this is savings. A finished system unit costs 10-30 thousand rubles more. There is something to think about here. And if you are still undecided whether to buy a ready-made model or assemble it yourself, we have prepared a small guide for you in which we will tell you what to assemble an office or gaming computer from.

Regular office PC

Clean: 261.93 € - 16,235 rub.
With delivery: 312.18 € - 19,350 rub.

So, if you don’t need a gaming computer, but just a work machine, the capabilities of which are enough for everyday tasks and maybe a little more - for example, Photoshop, watch TV series in FullHD and even play average games (CS, Dota, WoW and many 2D games), then the following configuration is your option.

For a simple and weak computer, the choice of processor is not so critical. AMD or INTEL is more a matter of taste than any objective differences. Both companies have processors to solve any problem. But there is one “but” - AMD is cheaper and has a more loyal policy. Intel is more popular, but a little more expensive (but thanks to AMD, prices for Intel have dropped significantly). When choosing, you should always pay attention to performance, number of cores, bit depth, socket, chipset and thermal package. The processor socket and motherboard must match, and the chipset is a set of chips that combines all devices into one, and the newer it is, the better.

Processor: Pentium G4560 -52,86 €
As we already mentioned, there have been changes in the market. Intel released the Pentium G4560 based on the Kaby Lake architecture, which is almost equal to the core i3 6100, but 2 times cheaper.

The G4560 has two cores with frequencies up to 3.5 GHz, it is 64-bit, which means it can work with RAM of 4 GB and above. If this amount of memory is not enough for you, then you can simply buy another stick of RAM. It also supports Hyper-Threadind, in other words, each of the cores will be defined as two logical cores. This has a significant impact on performance in many multi-threaded applications and games, which is why we chose this model.

Video card: not needed
We don't need a video card. The fact is that the G4560 has a built-in HD 610 graphics core, which is enough for not very demanding games - many 2D games and games such as CS, WoW, Dota. The core can handle Photoshop and full HD video. But if you have extra money, then you can pay attention to video cards such as: MSI GeForce N750TI, AMD Radeon RX460 or GeForce GTX 950/1050. These video cards will be enough for almost all old and new games, although they will have to be run on medium settings. Essentially, you add + 8-10 thousand, and here you have a low-middle gaming computer.

Motherboard: MSI H110M Pro-D -41,93 €
The motherboard must be quite reliable and at the same time inexpensive; in this regard, office computers are not at all picky. For example, MSI H110M Pro-D is suitable; it supports DDR4 RAM and has 4 USB 3.0 and 6 2.0 connectors. In our opinion, this is the best option in terms of price, quality and capabilities. Under KabyLake, you can also take a newer one, with a 270 chipset, if your budget allows.

CPU cooler: LC-Power Cosmo Cool -
Good cooling affects the performance of the processor under high loads, but if you are not going to force your PC, then it will be enough to buy the BOX version of the processor. However, we'll take the LC-Power Cosmo Cool LC. It is inexpensive and yet universal - it supports both AMD and Intel sockets.

RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX Rot 8GB DDR4 -54,20 €
Everything is quite simple here. The main characteristics are volume and speed. You can take the outdated DDR3 type or the newer DDR4. Memory does not greatly affect performance, but you should not take less than 4 GB and 2133 MHz. The Corsair Vengeance LPX Rot 8GB DDR4 2400MHz fits these parameters.

Hard drive: Kingston HyperX Fury SSD 128GB -53,70 €
If you are not a passionate porn collector, then a 128\256 gigabyte SSD will be enough. This volume is enough for absolutely everything, unless, of course, you store a bunch of information on it or make backups from time to time. Compared to HDDs, the speed increase on solid-state drives is very noticeable. The operating system loads in 5-10 seconds, and applications run much faster. You can install both types of drives if you need both capacity and speed. But we are still talking about an office computer, so an SSD will be quite enough: Kingston Hyper X Fury SSD 120GB.

Power supply: Corsair VS-Series 350W -30,17 €
The power of the power supply should always be selected based on the maximum power consumption of the processor and video card + 50-100W. For the current build, this is enough: Corsair VS-Series 350 Watt.

Housing: Zalman T5 -
It must be strong and well ventilated. Also, you should not take cases with a top-mounted compartment for the power supply. To us, for example, both the price and appearance I liked the Zalman T5. This is a mini-Tower form factor case (smaller than usual), which just fits our motherboard with mATX dimensions (smaller than usual) - we don’t need super cooling, but we do need to save space.

Powerful Gaming PC

Clean: 640.18 € - 39,681 RUR
With delivery: 708.62 € - 43923 RUR

In the case of assembling a gaming computer, everything is somewhat more complicated. If you really collect good car, which will handle all modern toys, then you need to think very carefully about the components. The performance of each device increases, which means the system should be more reliable and stable. The balance here is even more important, since our tasks include both savings and high-quality performance of each purchased element.

The assembly we offer will run more than 80% of modern games at high settings. Fallout 4, BattleField 1, Witcher 3, Dirt Rally, GTA 5 - almost everything will be tough for her. In some cases, you will have to lower the settings a little, but, as a rule, the visual changes will be almost unnoticeable.

Motherboard: MSI Z170-A PRO -99,08 €
We chose the ASRock Z170 Pro 4S ATX and MSI Z170-A PRO. These two boards are similar in functionality, and it is quite difficult to give preference to one of the manufacturers.

You can look at more budget models, but pay attention to the Z170 chipset. For Intel processors of the SkyLake generation, it is better to take this one. It is also worth noting that the price depends on the reliability of the power subsystem, the number of USB ports, various interfaces, cooling elements and reliability with the capabilities of the motherboard as a whole.

Processor: Intel Core i5 6400 -157,06 €
As you already understand, the processor will be from Intel. Their prices have dropped greatly and all thanks to AMD - they released a new line of Ryzen processors, which forced Intel to curb its appetites. Yes, AMD is returning to silicon, and that's cool. Budget Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 3 will appear closer to summer, but it is not yet entirely clear what they will be like (but we think they will be quite cool, like Ryzen 7, which is already available). All core i5 6th generation will suit us. These are 6400, 6500 and 6600K. You can take the next generation (7400/7500, etc.), but the difference is not very big. The core frequency is up to 3.3 GHz for the youngest model, and up to 3.9 GHz for the older one. The latter supports official overclocking, and its performance is enough for all video cards under 20,000 rubles. This will be an ideal option for the GTX1070 video card, especially under overclocking. We chose the core i5 6400 - it will be able to “unleash” all modern middle-segment video cards. And if you like to take risks, some motherboard manufacturers - Asrock, for example - have included in the BIOS the ability to “overclock” “non-overclockable” processors via the bus (they do not have the “K” index - our case).

Video card: MSI Radeon RX 480 Armor 8G OC -201,60 €
In the mid-segment of video cards, balance reigns, and it is difficult to choose between red and green. From Nvidia you can take 1050Ti, 1060. For the former, look for an option with 4 gigabytes of memory, and for the latter - with 6 GB. For example, MSI GeForce GTX1060 ARMOR 6G OC. And from AMD, the MSI Radeon RX 480 Armor 8G OC or any other RX 470 8.0 GB will do. If you are ready to get a little confused, you can increase the performance of the RX470 by overclocking, reading various kinds of guides on the Internet, and overclock it to the level of the RX480, which will save you some money. Another reason for choosing AMD is simply to support the manufacturer and therefore the competition.

CPU cooler: Arctic Freezer 11 LP -11,68 €
For “vigorous” systems, it is better to take coolers with copper cooling elements. Quite a popular solution: Arctic Freezer 11 LP. It is very easy to install, quite quiet and will be enough to cool all core i5s. Plus, due to the blowing from above, it will cool the board a little. For overclocked processors and elevated temperatures, it is better to take vertical coolers (in the next assembly).

RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB -56,22 €
When choosing gaming RAM, you should pay attention not only to the volume and frequency, but also to timings - delays between operations during operation. Some memory models have an XMP profile - if there is support in the motherboard, it is possible to increase the memory frequency. Corsair Vengeance Schwarz LPX 8GB is the best option. You can immediately buy a set of two 16 GB RAMs, it will cost a little less.

Hard drive: WD Blue Desktop 1TB -43,28 €
We decided not to dwell on this point in detail and simply took the WD Blue Desktop 1TB. Recent games have begun to weigh 30-50 gigabytes or even more, plus many people prefer to store BluRay movies on their hard drive, so 1TB is the best option. If you wish, you can purchase an additional SSD for the system if the speed of programs and the operating system is critical to you.

Power supply: Corsair VS-Series 550W -40,25 €
Any power supply from 400W-600W will do. Pay attention to the number of connectors and pinouts for video cards. If the video card requires 8-pin power supply, then take a unit with the same number of pins (8pin or 6+2pin). For two video cards you will need two of these connectors. We chose the Corsair VS-Series 550 Watt.

Case: Zalman Z3 -31,01 €
The cases differ in design and most of them are not particularly attractive, so we opted for more minimalistic models. For example, Zalman Z3, it has 4 built-in coolers, light, pleasant lighting, and it has the ability to install water cooling.

Gaming machine

Clean: 905.55 € - 56,130 rub.
With delivery: 967.69 € - 59,982 rub.

So, we come to the selection of components for a serious gaming PC. You can build a computer for 100 or 200 thousand, but there is a limit, after which each subsequent ruble invested gives less and less productivity. So we won't advise you to buy the latest GTX Titan or a board for 20 thousand. The final assembly will run all existing games at maximum settings in FullHD, some even in 4K resolution, and even VR games will be tough for it.

Motherboard: ASRock Z170 Extreme 4 -123,45 €
ASRock Z170 Extreme 4 - even from the name itself you can understand that this “mother” can withstand a heavy load. This means that everything in it is designed for reliability and extreme operating conditions. You can safely overclock your processor and video card without any worries. If funds allow, then you can take a closer look at the ASRock Z170 Gaming K6+. Both boards have support for Crossfire and SLI - technology that allows you to combine two video cards - from AMD or Nvidia.

But if you decide to install two video cards, then do not take cards below the ASRock Extreme 4 level. The subtlety is that the video card is connected to 16 PCI-Express lines (this is where data is exchanged). But when installing two video cards in less expensive motherboards, the first will be allocated 8 lines, and the second only 4. This will reduce the performance of the second video card by about 20-25%. This is despite the fact that the Crossfire mode for AMD or SLI for Nvidia itself does not allow video cards to operate at full capacity. Therefore, the boards we mentioned support both technologies and allow you to allocate 8 PCI-e lanes to each video card. The 2×8 PCI-e circuit is almost as good as 2×16 PCI-e in performance, and buying a second video card will not seem so pointless.

Processor: Intel i5 6600K -213,36 €
An i5 6600K will suffice for the current configuration. The processor supports overclocking, which means you can easily increase its performance by 10% -20%. If you want 8 threads and you have enough money, then you can take an i7 6700K or new AMD Ryzen 7 1700. But there is another intermediate option - Xeon E3-1240V5. This is a server processor, but don't be scared - it's practically no different from the 6700, it just lacks a graphics core, which you won't use if you have a discrete video card. When choosing server processors, first of all you should pay attention to the socket - the Xeon E3 has socket 1151, which means it fits the motherboard we described. But such twists are more likely for those who are in the know.

Video card: MSI GTX1070 Armor 8G -362,18 €
We didn't bother too much and chose the MSI GTX1070 Armor 8G. Of course, you can get a gtx 1080, but in our opinion, it's not worth the money. Plus, as you remember, if the total cost exceeds 1000 euros, you will have to pay an 18% tax or order in two installments, which may not be so profitable.

CPU cooler: Arctic Freezer 7 Pro -15,88 €
With the Arctic Freezer 7 Pro, everything is simple: if you put it against Sub Zero, then it’s not a fact that the latter will win this fight. It is enough to cool even very hot processors.

Case: Zalman Z11 Neo -57,06 €
Zalman Z11 Neo looks quite cool and not at all pretentious - this combination, unfortunately, is quite rare today. The case is well thought out and strong, cable management is provided. By the way, if you are worried that our mail will accidentally crush the case, then it is better to get it from a local store. We did not include it in the assembly in order to keep it within 970 euros. But you can take less RAM or a less expensive case to keep the cost down.

Power supply: EVGA Netzteil 600W -46,64 €
EVGA Netzteil 600W - this supply will be enough even for an overclocked machine.

RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB -100,76 €
In this case, the Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR4 K2 is the best option. 16GB is above average, but ideal for heavy tasks. The same photoshop or prime minister are very gluttonous. Many games easily fill up all 8GB, so 16 is enough for everything. Also note that in this version the memory frequency is 3000Mhz. In the BIOS settings you will need to set the XMP profile for the dies to work to their full potential.

Hard drive: WD Blue Desktop 1TB -43,28 €
WD Blue Desktop 1TB. Exactly the same as for the previous assembly option.

On a note

We do not pretend to be ardent hardware workers. Someone more advanced will probably find more optimal assemblies. We decided to use proven components and, for example, Skylake processors in the last two builds - many may notice that older processors are no worse. But these have more features that may be useful in different operating modes. So it's a matter of taste and color. The last two builds are as you see them because we ordered them personally (with some minor changes) and they are working successfully at the moment.

It is also worth noting that if the price significantly exceeds 1000 €, the order can be divided into two parts. Even taking into account the cost of two deliveries, this may be more profitable than buying in Russian stores. Moreover, the greater the total amount, the more profitable it is. Regarding support, there are many fake groups on VK that pretend to be official. But only

  • 1. System unit– how to choose components?
  • 2. Installation of the processor, RAM and cooling system.
  • 3. Applying thermal paste to the processor
  • 4. Installing the motherboard into the case
  • 5. Connecting the case controls to the motherboard
  • 6. Installing the power supply
  • 7. Installation of drives
  • 8. Installing a video card
  • 9. Laying cables and completing work

Each of us has at least once encountered a situation when, having trusted a sales consultant, we chose a ready-made Personal Computer, and after a few months I realized that for the same money I could have purchased a much more productive option. To ensure that a similar story does not happen to any of our readers in the future, we have prepared instructions on how to assemble a computer yourself.

This process actually turns out to be much simpler than many non-technical users assume, but it still has a number of nuances, which we want to dwell on in detail in our material. We’ll start with a brief reminder of what a computer consists of and how not to make a mistake in choosing components.

System unit - how to choose components?

When a buyer walks into a computer hardware store and sees the breadth of choice of motherboards, processors, video cards and other components, it seems to him that in order to connect all these devices together he needs to have at least a doctorate in technical sciences. But not everything is so bad, computer hardware manufacturers took care of us and many years ago adopted a single standard - Advanced Technology Extended, which unifies all the computer hardware.

Selecting components is the most difficult task when assembling a PC, much more labor-intensive than connecting them together, but this material is dedicated to the latter task, and you can find a comparison of the characteristics of video cards and processors in our other publications.

The basis of our entire future system is the motherboard, as its name suggests. It has virtually no effect on performance, but is responsible for the proper operation of all components of our computer.

The entire process of assembling a PC essentially consists of connecting components using connectors and wires to the board, and therefore you should first evaluate what kind of computer you would like to have as an output and, based on this, choose a motherboard with a certain number of RAM cells suitable for desired processor socket and so on. Another important characteristic of the motherboard is the form factor - the size of the case you will need depends on it, so be careful and when purchasing a large E-ATX board, do not expect to fit it into a compact case.

Installation of the processor, RAM and cooling system.

To build a computer at home, we suggest starting with an “open bench” rather than immediately installing your components into the case without knowing whether the system works or not. The process is as follows: we connect all our parts to the motherboard, update the board firmware, install operating system and test the resulting assembly for errors and conflicts. If they are not identified, then we are happy to install it all in the case.

Let's start the process by installing the heart of our future PC - the processor. We must remember that the two market leaders in processor production - AMD and Intel - fundamentally use different socket designs; the former have the contact pins on the processor, while the latter prefer to place them in the socket.

For installation AMD processor you need to lift the metal lever, insert the legs into the holes provided for them, and then return the lever to initial position. Thus, we will close the processor contacts with the socket contacts and securely fix this position.

When installing Intel, you should lift the lever and the clamping cover, and after installing the processor, do these steps in reverse order. Both types of processors should be installed in a strictly defined position, which is indicated by arrows on the processor itself and the motherboard socket.

As for cooling the processor, you need to remember that they are all installed differently and the only reasonable action would be to strictly follow the instructions. For example, AMD has a passion for fasteners using plastic lugs, while Intel, in principle, does not use such a design solution. In general, most processor coolers are quite universal, and therefore can work with chipsets from both companies, but be careful when choosing - there are also models that are loyal to only one brand.

Do not forget that many coolers can be installed in two positions, which determines which wall the heated air will exit through - the back or the top. Therefore, before installation, weigh the potency of both options and your body and choose the most productive one.

After we have secured the radiator and installed the fan on it, all that remains is to connect the power connector to the corresponding connector on the board, called CPU_FAN. More expensive motherboards can provide two similar connectors designed for two coolers at once.

So, to complete the initial work, all we have to do is install the RAM modules into the DIMM slots. Each stick has a security key that prevents you from inserting it the wrong way around; also, you will not be able to insert memory of one type, for example DDR3, into a slot on the motherboard that is not intended for it. Thus, installing RAM is the simplest process in the algorithm for assembling a personal computer.

Most processors have a dual-channel set of RAM, and therefore it is recommended to insert an even number of sticks. It must be remembered that a fairly large processor cooler may block the RAM slots on some motherboards, and therefore it is worth thoroughly studying their compatibility before purchasing.

Applying thermal paste to the processor

Many beginners make a common mistake and think that assembly consists solely of assembling parts a la a construction set. No less important for the performance of the processor than itself and the cooling system is thermal paste, which helps their tandem demonstrate maximum performance. As a rule, a small layer is already applied to the fan base, so this is not necessary during first assembly.

However, if it is missing, simply add a couple of drops of the composition and spread them in an even layer over the area of ​​​​the heat distribution cover of the CPU. On the contrary, excess will reduce the thermal conductivity between the processor and the cooler, which will negatively affect the performance of the computer. If you decide to assemble a computer with your own hands, then at least do not harm it.

Installing the motherboard into the case

The main line when choosing a case for you should be the one that is responsible for the supported form factors of the motherboards. The following are the maximum possible sizes of installed components - believe me, when the time comes for wiring, you will thank yourself for choosing the most comfortable case in which you can install all the desired hardware without unnecessary manipulations.

To install the motherboard, you first need to tighten the external and internal threaded mounting nuts. As a rule, all the bolts and nuts come with the housing, they are standardized, so it is unlikely that you will need to look for something unique to install your assembly. Having secured the plugs and tightened the nuts, you can move on.

Connecting Case Controls to the Motherboard

The panel of a standard case is usually equipped with on/off buttons, as well as USB ports and a headphone jack. As a rule, these interfaces are located at the bottom of the motherboard, and therefore we find them and connect them to the case.

The set of wires is very standard:

  • PWR_SW is responsible for the on/off button;
  • RESET_SW activates the reset key;
  • HDD_LED (“plus” and “minus”) activates the drive activity indicator;
  • PWR_LED (“plus” and “minus”) is responsible for the operation of the computer status indicator.

Installing the power supply

It's time to install the power supply and connect the cables to the motherboard. All connectors have keys that will prevent incorrect connection, so even an inexperienced user can handle it. Each connector speaks for itself, and if it says SATA on it, then it is probably intended for a device with the same interface.

IN Lately The compartment for the power supply is located at the bottom of the case for better ventilation, so make sure that the wires are long enough for components located in the part of the video card remote from the unit. After installing the unit, we stretch two main cables - a 24-pin cable to the motherboard itself and an 8-pin cable to the processor. When purchasing a power supply, we advise you to immediately purchase a bundle of nylon ties so that your bundle does not get confused between PC parts.

Installing drives

There are several drive form factors: 2.5-inch, 3.5-inch and solid-state drives with an M2 connector. The latter are installed on the motherboard itself, but the first two must first be installed in the case.

Installing a drive into a slot with a slide is as simple as installing RAM, and therefore we will not dwell on this point in detail. All that remains is to connect cables to them from the motherboard and power supply unit, which have a SATA connector.

If you want to install an optical drive, then the algorithm is the same - we fix it in the 5.25-inch bay, remove the front plug and supply power.

Installing a video card

Since we set out to assemble a PC correctly, we cannot do without a paragraph dedicated to the video card. It is installed last and the power cables are pre-wired for it. Graphics accelerator you need to install it in the very first PCI Express x16 port, but modern video cards take up two or even three slots, so access to the downstream port will be blocked.

After these procedures, all that remains is to remove the two plugs on which the radiator will be connected, and also tightly screw the video card to the motherboard and back cover housings. The number of power cables will depend on the power of the video card and in extreme cases you will have to add cables to the power supply or use adapters.

Laying cables and completing work

The entire list of components is combined into unified system, so it’s time to put the finishing touches on it. If the assembly is standard, then you just need to choose what to connect the coolers to: the motherboard, reobass or power supply. After this, you just need to carefully lay the remaining cables and tie them with nylon ties, and then close the housing cover.

After that, we connect a monitor and other peripherals to the system unit, install the operating system and use the brand new assembled computer.

We hope that our material on how to assemble a computer yourself will help you save money and choose the most successful combination of elements, without paying attention to the tricks of computer equipment sellers!

Article updated: 01/03/2019. The information provided is relevant for the entire year 2019.

It's time to change the assembly, because the previous one lasted a whole year! Yes, a lot has changed during this time, prices jumped up and down, but now we are ready for changes. I warn everyone right away: most likely, you will not meet the given budget, but this article will help you buy the most suitable hardware for your money. It will be ready when you have additional funds.

It would seem, what can you buy for 15 thousand rubles? In fact, even now it is possible to assemble a configuration for this modest amount. Let's go through each component in order and choose the most optimal ones. Let’s immediately make a reservation that we will only talk about the system unit without a monitor and other peripherals. They will have to be added separately, but with us every ruble counts. The system will definitely run GS GO, Dota 2, HotS and Fortnite without any problems with good FPS. You can even play GTA 5 and PUBG, Destiny 2, Tom Clancy and other modern games. And if you add a video card (I don’t write about it in the article because I don’t have enough money), then you won’t have any problems at all.

Let's make a shopping list, at the same time it will play the role of content - navigation through the article:

There is much more choice here, so it’s dizzying, but in fact, if you choose the minimum, there won’t be many options left. For Intel processor on the LGA 1151v2 socket we can take the H310 chipset. This is a budget option that will cover all your requirements. There is support for all modern interfaces, such as USB 3.1, PCI-E x16 version 3.0, SATA 6 Gb/s and so on. The chipset is quite recent, but has already been tested; it is advisable to periodically update the BIOS, because useful fixes may be released that will reduce power consumption and optimize the already stable operation. You can take another one with the same socket. You most likely won't notice any significant differences. The main thing is to look at the processor socket, we have it Coffee Lake (LGA 1151v2), respectively, the motherboard should have the same one. It is very important!


Video card


power unit


Final assembly

Congratulations! We just assembled a gaming computer for 15,000 rubles! To be honest, I myself didn’t fully believe in it, but, as you can see, everything is real, you just have to want it. So, for ease of reading, as well as for those who missed all the material that I presented above, I am posting the final assembly with links to Yandex Market.

That's all, dear readers. Now you can build your own computer, even with a modest budget. This could be, for example, a child’s first computer, on which he can not only do his homework, but also play a little modern games. By the way, read why games can slow down. The second option for using a computer for 15 thousand rubles could be an office. To work in such configurations as I gave above, it will be enough. If you like to play CS Go or Dota 2, Fortnite, PUBG, then this system, as I already said, is quite suitable, even though it does not have a video card. Nobody plays these two games at maximum settings anyway, since additional details only distract and interfere with concentration.

If you still have questions, ask them in the comments, we’ll look at them together.

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