
What size header for YouTube do we need? We suggest downloading a header for the Youtube channel Templates for YouTube 2560 x 1440

Hello, friends. Vasily Blinov is in touch and we continue to set up our YouTube channel. Today we’ll talk about how to make a channel header. Let's consider how you can draw it yourself or order it from a designer. Also in this article you will find marked blank template for YouTube header in psd format, archive with ready-made templates, backgrounds and a selection of clip-arts.

In addition to technical aspects, I want to tell you why a header (banner, background) of a YouTube channel is needed, what can be depicted on it, what semantic component it carries and how it affects promotion.

Yes, it, like any other element, helps make it better and significantly influences new viewers. This is probably the most important and, of course, the largest graphic element that improves the entire appearance. Without it, any channel will look unfinished, as if the author does not care; you must admit, this reduces trust at first glance.

The background should complement the channel with information about it and visually convey the theme of your videos.

If it's a personal channel where you upload live videos, vlogs, etc., then your header photo will work best. This will immediately show users who the author of the channel is and they will remember you. Remember that your face is your brand.

If the project’s channel does not have a specific author, then in this case they usually beautifully outline a logo or name that is understandable and memorable to the target audience. Some values, project goals, etc. are used.

It’s a normal thing for hats on YouTube to change, update and improve from time to time. Now our task is to make the first background, then you will find new ideas and edit it. When the channel starts making money, contact the designer and order a new, more professional one.

How to make a header for YouTube?

What size do you need? We recently tested it and noticed that if you make the non-recommended size of 2560 x 1440, then when scaling by YouTube, the image quality is slightly lost. Therefore, it is better to take a 2560 x 1440 pixel image or a template that I will give you and customize the image according to it.

The specifications also say that the file should weigh no more than 4 MB. But a 10 MB banner loaded smoothly for me.

This is what a template template for a YouTube header looks like, opened in Photoshop.

Blue stripes are a special marking so that you can understand which part is displayed on different monitor resolutions from a TV to a mobile phone screen. This markup can be disabled or enabled using the keyboard shortcut ctrl + H.

  1. Download the archive with ready-made templates for YouTube (we are still preparing)

Where can I get pictures for the header?

Here either Google and Yandex, or special photo stocks will help you.

Here is a small list of photo stocks:


When you search for images in the search, set the parameters so that the search does not show small images.

Otherwise, when stretched to fit the template, their quality will deteriorate.

Can't do it beautifully?

If you are not a Photoshop master and you don’t like the result, then contact the designers. You can find them yourself at. Making a banner will cost from 500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on what you want.

Now that you have a background image for your channel, all that's left to do is set it.

How to set a background on a YouTube channel?

Step 1. Let's go to our channel. Place the cursor over the place where the background image will be and click on the pencil that appears in the upper right corner. Choose “Change channel design”.

Step 2. Drag the finished banner into the window that appears or select it on your computer.

Step 3. If you did everything according to the template, then you don’t need to crop anything. When cropping, as I already said, the quality may deteriorate.

Step 4. Click "Choose" and the background will load.

You can watch an example on the channel "Remote Worker School". We made an absolutely simple hat. Write in the comments what do you think?

We've sorted out this setup step, let's move on... And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter.

Discover new possibilities with YouTube. In a matter of years, the service has transformed from an ordinary video hosting service into a real giant.

This is where the careers of young performers and future stars of the offline and online environment now begin.

It’s very easy to announce your creativity or unique talent to a wide range of people - just need to create a personal channel.

But not all bloggers carry success and luck on their wings.

For most beginners, the path to developing their own channel is very thorny, so it is not surprising that some abandon their project halfway......

But, as experience shows, even, to put it mildly, a low-quality project can be brought to the top and believe me, such a masterpiece will also find its admirers.

We are talking about comprehensive promotion of the channel. In other words, actions aimed at popularizing an account among visitors, improving its reputation and ranking.

For these purposes the following can be used:

  1. special software
  2. Services
  3. and much more
  1. a cap
  2. playlists and more

So, when a user logs into your account, the first thing they notice is the background image.

Everything here works according to the principle: greeted by clothes.

Let us remind you that the header is the upper section of the channel where the avatar is located.

Thanks to YouTube's built-in tools, you can style it to your liking.

Most novice bloggers are interested in why a header is needed and what is its role in the development of an account?

Background features:

  1. Brand. Please note that popular bloggers have an interesting, catchy login, slogan, or image that is associated with the channel. In the future, users will recognize your page by its design.
  2. Topic. If it matches the theme of the channel, then usability improves significantly.
  3. Style . With the help of an original image you can stand out among your competitors.

5 things you need to know about the channel header

Despite the fact that everything sounds simple, you need to take a responsible approach to creating the background.

  1. pungent colors
  2. low quality pictures
  3. heavy graphics

5 important conditions:

  1. Permission . In accordance with recommendations YouTube size headers should not exceed 2560x1440 px and no more than 2 MB.
  2. Color . Use soft tones that complement the style of the channel.
  3. Topic. Use thematic images that will tell the user where he is.
  4. Quality . Try to use detailed graphics.
  5. Format. Pictures in png format are best.

All about sizes: just about the complex

The biggest challenge is what size is needed for a YouTube header ???

These are standard characteristics - they are what we will use further.

Attention! On different devices Users will see different designs. !!!

What is the header size on YouTube (on different devices):

  • 2560x1440 px - for devices with Retina resolutions (TV);
  • 2560x423 px – image for widescreen monitors;
  • 1855x423 px - relevant for monitors and tablets;
  • 1546x423 px - for mobile phones.

This does not mean that you need to make a separate picture for each user.

In reality, everything is simpler - you create a hat adapted for various devices.

For these purposes, a special template is used (has markup), which is applied as a translucent background when you make a header in the editor.

Making a high-quality “cap”: popular methods

So, it's time to give your channel a new look.

We already know what size a YouTube header should be, as well as its main characteristics.

Popular methods, how to make a hat: ↓

1 . Search engines . You can enter in the address bar Google needed request, go to the pictures section and filter images by size (for example, 2560x1440 pixels).

2 . Order . There are special companies that develop unique designer hats.

3 . Do it yourself. You need to download any graphics editor(Paint, Photoshop, etc.). Here you must create a new image, specifying the size 2560x1440 px. Using various effects, pictures, etc.

It should be noted that your header should not be copied completely from another channel, as YouTube takes copyright issues very seriously.

It will be very unfortunate if a user writes a complaint and you are blocked for some time. This will naturally damage your reputation.

After you have created a background of the desired size, color and design, you need to add it to the channel: ↓

  • go to the channel and click on “Change design”;
  • upload the image and see how it will look on various devices;
  • Using the “Crop” mode, we adjust the position of the image;
  • save the changes.

This way, you can easily organize high-quality channel design that will highlight your style.

On this page we have placed ready-made hats for Youtube channel, which you can freely download and install on your channel in just a couple of clicks.

Download header for Youtube channel

We know that sometimes making a hat for YouTube yourself is long and not interesting. In some situations there is simply no time for this, and sometimes there is a lack of inspiration or skills. Especially for such situations, we have prepared a small collection of high-quality hats for YouTube, which you can download directly from our website. All these hats were freely available, and we simply collected them in one place.

Ready-made hats for Youtube channel

Along with the header in the presented archives you will find a file with a font and instructions on how to install and configure the whole thing. Don’t be lazy to read and install the desired font, otherwise the entire effect of the header will be lost.

Why do you need ready-made headers for your YouTube channel?

As we wrote earlier, there are a lot of situations when you need to use a template rather than something original. Starting from a lack of funds and time, and ending with the banal inability to do such things on their own.

Be that as it may, we understand this perfectly well and therefore decided to help our readers and selected 20 free hats for the design of the YouTube channel, which are made in accordance with all the rules put forward by the system.

The only thing that will need to be changed is to add your name. Fortunately, each template in the archive comes with a file with fonts exactly the same as those used in the template itself. So that everything looks organic.

Brief installation instructions are also included in the archive. Everything is very simple. Even without any skills, you can do all this in just a couple of minutes.

We hope that you will find something you like in our article. If not, then write in the comments and we will help you make your own unique hat for YouTube.

Today we will talk about the visual component good channel: design for YouTube. After all, as they say: “you meet people by their clothes.” And our goal is not only a warm meeting, but also commercial gain.

Both beginners and well-known companies have long been using video hosting for precisely these purposes. If you are still not on their lists, then it’s time to correct this situation right now. Imagine that an unknown voice from above told you: “Get up and go...conquer the vastness of YouTube.”

Why do you need pictures for the YouTube header and what depends on the design

It would seem, what is the use of a correctly and stylishly designed background image? This is a matter of “taste”, “you can’t please everyone”, “and anyway, who cares about pictures if we have videos about the work of a car service center”?

In fact, many. Almost everyone.

Of course, great attention must be paid to the theme of the videos and the selection keywords, as well as annotation settings, writing a description and designing the channel as a whole. We have already told you about all this in articles.

But to achieve success, this is not enough. You need to be different from others. Do you want to become another sausage factory with cows or a cheerful bunch of pink sausages in the background?

No. You need to stand out, be remembered, attract, attract, make people admire, like, go to the site and, most importantly, buy.

Official statistics state that its audience is more than a billion users, and the number of people who start watching all videos home page resources, as if they were watching TV at home, has tripled over the past year.

All this provides you with incredible benefits of using this platform to promote your brand through video content, so why not take advantage of it?

A well-designed header for your channel is one of the commercial ranking factors. It increases the click-through rate of videos, brand awareness, helps to attract and interest new users in your products or services, which means sales, conversions, traffic, popularity and the envy of competitors.

How to make a design for YouTube: photo 2560 x 1440

The appearance of your channel is your face. No more, no less. It should fully reflect the type of activity of your company, represent your brand favorably and speak of good taste.

Immediately after creation, you will not have any image - it will be replaced by a simple gray background. The same as mine. To start the transformation, just click on “Add Channel Design”.

Then you will see various options for adding a photo: you can download an image from your PC, use a photo from the gallery, or use standard images.

While we have not yet created anything brilliant, I will choose the brightest of them as an example. Black and white foliage.

YouTube immediately shows me how it will look on devices various types. Everything suits me, I save.

As a result, I get this design.

If you are less accommodating than me, and you don’t like the placement of the picture, then you can crop it as you wish. Click on the button of the same name.

A window like this will appear. In it you can independently set the size of the displayed area. To view different possible design options, click on “View on devices.”Adjust the picture and save the result.

Here are some simple instructions to help you understand the technical side of the process. But what about the creative component? Everything is a little more complicated here.

The background image should distinguish you from the rest, be unique, memorable, of high quality: without incorrect cropping or scaling.

In addition, she should present you as favorably as possible - do everything possible to interest the user.

What characteristics should you pay attention to?

  • File weight

No more than 4 MV. Otherwise we will simply be refused.

  • Format

The most preferred is jpg. Which is quite logical, because fitting a 4 MB photo of this size in any other resolution is an almost impossible mission (unless you are a fan of monochrome or single-color shading).

Natalia Petrachkova

Lead Copywriter

In addition to these nuances, it is important not to forget about one more thing.

The image you choose to use in the header will not be fully displayed. In this case, everything depends on the type of device from which the user will access it.

Visitors from TVs, tablets, computers and smartphones risk seeing different information about you. To prevent this from happening, use a safe zone.

  • Image Size

The ideal image resolution for decorating a YouTube channel background is 2560 x 1440 pixels. Images of this exact size are displayed equally well on small smartphone displays and on large computer and TV monitors.

How competently you use your desktop (desktop of different screens) users, it depends on what information and in what quality they see.

  • The central part (1546 x 423) is the most secure. Everything located in this area will appear to users logging in from all types of devices.
  • If you add side sections to it, you can see which format is preferable for tablets (1855 x 423).
  • The entire central part (2560 x 423) will only appear to users logging in from a computer.
  • But the full image (2560 x 1440 in size) can only be seen from TVs.

This knowledge will help you correctly group the information in the picture about your company, so that all potential clients can see it.

I’ll tell you what information we’re talking about now.

Features of the design of the image in the Youtube header: from one extreme to another

When designing your background image, it is important to stay sane -Don’t go overboard with small details, avoid controversial color combinations and anything that falls under the Internet censorship law.

So, what is allowed and what is better not to do?

  • High quality pictures

Choose a photo in good resolution, those that do not need to be stretched and trimmed. Blurry, pixelated, incorrectly cropped images are bad.

By the way, this is what I will see from a smartphone in such a situation.

Well, at least Vlad himself can be clearly seen, but everything else is unclear.

High-quality, stylish, unique pictures are good. As an example, here is the channel of the Moscow TSUM.

The view from the phone is also quite decent.

  • Helpful information

Don't miss the opportunity to use your channel background image as an advertising platform. This way you will immediately let your clients know who you are, what you do, how to find you, most importantly, add such information correctly.

Another example of smart use of background image space. The picture does not cover the basic information about the areas of the courses provided; contacts have been added. Everything together looks quite harmonious.

The picture in the channel header can be used as a platform for announcing promotions, seasonal offers, launching new activities and much more. Just make changes and upload a new image. For example, like this.

In addition, regularly updating the background screensaver will allow you to promote certain products. For example, implement seasonal offers. In the fall, you can put an advertisement for rubber boots and stylish raincoats in the header of your store. Or so, good example, how to advertise the release of a winter line of cosmetics by making the appropriate design.

  • Moderation

This point is quite subjective. However, many will agree that any design should be done with taste. Remember that sometimes the simpler is better rule works best. For example, if you are not good at working with photo editors.

It should be noted that sometimes brightness and unusualness can still set you apart from other channels and attract the attention of users, becoming your calling card.

But in these cases, it is important to soberly assess not only your Photoshop skills and sense of taste, but also the target audience of your channel and its subject matter.

But here is a quite laconic image.

  • Related image

Another mortal sin is choosing pictures that have nothing in common with your type of activity. Of course, no one is forcing you to think in a standard way and insert into the header a background with the name of your company typed large in the center. You need to attract clients with your business: results, work and much more. But not the sea, the beach and the sand of distant countries (unless you have a travel agency).

The key to success on a YouTube channel is the creation of an active base of subscribers who will regularly watch videos posted by the owner of the service.

To attract users to your channel Its external design is important. To do this, you need to be able to create different backgrounds on the channel.

The newly created channel has a look that is unlikely to attract users. Designed channels instead gray background have beautiful colorful images.

Please note that the size of the background image should not exceed two megabytes.

How to change background image?

How do YouTube channel wallpapers look on different devices?

Wallpapers look different on different device hardware:

  1. On any devices including on mobile phones visible area 1546*423 . All other parts of the picture will not be visible.
  2. Visible part for computers 2560*423.
  3. Visible part for tablets 1855*423.
  4. Full image reproduced on TVs with an aspect ratio of sixteen to nine, which corresponds to 2560*1440.
  5. From the above it follows that all desired elements should be located in the area 1546*423.

Banner characteristics

The banner is located on the background of the video hosting and usually represents a photo of the channel owner or a thematic avatar. Emphasizing the theme of the channel and the mood of its owner:

To create it you need:

  1. Click on the photo, after which it is possible to rotate or crop it using special functions built into the service.

Optimal banner size for a YouTube channel

The size of the image that the channel owner plans to use as a banner is should not exceed 2560x1440 pixels.

If the picture is smaller, the service will install it as a banner, but larger sizes cannot be placed.

When placing a banner on its surface, there is a so-called “safe zone”, which is guaranteed to be within the subscriber’s field of view. This zone corresponds to dimensions 1546x423.

Background and clipart

To create your own exclusive background, and a background with decorative elements around the edges, you can use PhotoShop program.

To do this you need:

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