
Chinese antivirus Baidu: removing the infection! Baidu - what kind of program is it? How to remove Baidu What kind of program du

What is Baidu? Initially, it was positioned as a good Chinese antivirus, but someone had the crazy idea to start spreading it across the network as a virus.

In the vast majority of cases, the user will not even realize that this software has appeared on his machine, since the installation process is hidden and carried out automatically.

You won’t even have the opportunity to refuse dubious software.

A logical question is brewing: how to remove baidu from a windows computer so that the computer starts working again as it should.

Preliminary preparation

First of all, you need to copy all available addresses on the disks where the miracle antivirus is found. For these purposes, launch the task manager. You can do this in 2 ways:

  2. Right-click on the Start panel and select the desired menu.

In the manager, you need to find and open the tab with processes, and then sort out the malware.

To do this, click on the “image name” column to arrange everything running programs and applications in alphabetical order.

The “Description” column will help you localize the Chinese spy - he will identify himself with hieroglyphs.

In this case, you can observe as many as 6 processes that were opened to support the main one.

Create a new document in Notepad into which you will copy the address of the running application.

The algorithm is incredibly simple: right-click on the task and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

You will see a window with the location. All that remains is to find out the full address, which we will need more than once. We copy this set of characters into our document.

For each process (we had 6 of them) we do the same. Remember that this is very important, and even if the paths are repeated, still copy them into the document.

At the end it will look something like this.

Your path may be different, so don't pay too much attention to the example. Only the algorithm and sequence of actions performed are shown here.

Removing software

Despite the fact that the uninstallation takes place in Chinese, which is incomprehensible to many, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to be careful.

First you need to go to “uninstall programs”. Click “Start” - “control panel”. The item you are looking for, by the way, may also be called “programs and components.”

We wait until the entire list of software is loaded and find a malicious product with a blue label. We are not interested in green.

Right-click on it to delete.

You will see a rather unusual Chinese window. Now you will have to rely only on screenshots with explanations, because confusing the button is as easy as shelling pears.

Click on the highlighted key.

Now onto this one.

A window will appear with a question mark and a strange request. Click on the left set of hieroglyphs, as shown below.

This way you confirm the deletion. Now all that remains is to wait while the set of executable files is uninstalled. Don't rush to rejoice, because at the end the window will come out again.

We press the only button, but under no circumstances put any checkboxes.

Now let’s remember about the second program with the “green” label. You need to get rid of it this way.

Do this until you are finally convinced that the system is more or less “cleansed” of foreign infection of the Chinese type.

Note! If you think that's all, you're wrong. Open the task manager again and make sure that Baidu is still functioning, but to a lesser extent. Now you need to “kill” all residual processes.

Let's say right away that doing this in the standard way will not work. You will see the following message.

You have partially gotten rid of the unwanted guest. All that remains is to clean out all unnecessary debris. For this you will need one Text Document, which was created at the very beginning of the process.

First, reboot into safe mode. Press restart and periodically press F8 on the keyboard. If everything is done correctly, a window like this will open.

We are interested in “Safe Mode”. Open this item using the arrows and pressing Enter. Now Baidu will not be able to start because we have revoked its rights.

All that remains is to “finish off” the unfortunate antivirus.

Open notepad, copy the first path and paste it into Start - the “Run” line. Press “Enter” and go to the desired address.

You see several folders with the desired name, which need to be deleted permanently.

Using the previously copied paths, we delete everything related to malware.

Now that you have done all this cumbersome and time-consuming work, and you have managed to remove baidu antivirus from your computer, you can safely reboot the system into normal mode and enjoy the absence of extraneous software.

Advice! Additionally, we would recommend installing a special cleaning program like or. With their help, it would be a good idea to thoroughly scan and clean drives C and D, and then fix possible mistakes registry This will only benefit you. At the same time, you will finally make sure that you have removed unnecessary software.

Now you are once again convinced that downloading anything on the Internet from unknown and dubious sources is fraught with danger.

At best, you may download the wrong file. At worst, you get a virus, or some miracle antivirus, and you won’t even know that it has penetrated your system.

If you are unsure, ask knowledgeable person help you, or learn to use torrent trackers and safe resources where there is no such “disservice” service. Good luck to you.

How to remove Baidu from your computer. Baidu how to get rid of the Chinese program

How to remove Baidu antivirus from Windows computer forever? detailed instructions

Delete Chinese program Baidu PC Faster from the user's computer presents some difficulty for those who do not know how to do it. Today we will tell you how to solve this problem.

We won’t find out what prompted you to install the Baidu PC Faster optimizer on your computer. But we will look at how to remove such nonsense in this article.

Baidu PC Faster can be installed with some program, this sometimes happens, you want to install one free program for yourself, but they start forcing something else on you that you don’t need at all. This happens all the time now (remember Mail RU or Yandex browser).

Some sites recommend installing the SpyHunter utility to remove Baidu, they just forget to warn the user that this utility will find a bunch of problems (and sometimes non-existent ones) on your personal computer and offer to buy it for $40 to remove these problems, but in free mode the utility will not do anything.

And this is how to remove Baidu from the user’s computer:

1. First of all, you need to look into the task manager (press the key combination Ctrl + shift + Esc) or right-click on the taskbar and select task manager.

2. You need to disable some processes to remove Baidu. The picture shows the processes that we will disable (their names may differ, you can safely disable processes with the letter B), to do this, point to the process we are interested in and right-click, select end the process in the window that appears.

Such processes may or may not exist in safe mode or it will be written “Access denied”, then we take the next step.

3. Usually Baidu puts 4 folders under itself, but sometimes there are more, then go to the search (there is such a line in the start) and enter the word Baidu

What we found, we delete everything calmly! If we can’t delete it, we rename the folder (right-click rename) and delete it. If you still can’t delete it, then we’ll leave it and we’ll delete it all with you after restarting the computer, performing a second search.

If you did everything correctly through the search, then you don’t need to read below and immediately move on to the next step. If not, then let's see where the baidu folders might be:

C:\Program Files\Baidu- delete this folder. If you can’t delete the folder, then rename it and delete it (right-click and select rename).

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Baidu perform the same action. A message may appear notifying us that the files will be completely deleted after rebooting the computer.

C:\ProgramData\Baidu- perform the same actions as before. To see hidden folder you need to press alt and select folder options in the service, check the box next to it - show hidden files and folders.

4. Install the CCleaner program on your computer (if you don’t have it installed). We launch and go into the service, then autoload and delete all the inscriptions that contain baidu.

we find it right away context menu and delete everything written in Chinese

5. In order to be on the safe side and for sure completely remove Baidu Let's go to the system registry, and to do this, click on "Start" - "Run" enter in the field regedit, go to “Edit” - find and enter baidu and click “Find next”. We delete all lines that are found without regret, and there can be a lot of such lines.

In the registry, you should only delete what is found using the search phrase baidu. If you delete something else, you may not download at all. operating system. If you can’t delete it, rename it by right-clicking and then try to delete it again.

First, delete one line, and immediately look for another, press the key combination ctrl + f or go to edit - search. There can be many such lines.

Go to “Start” - “All Programs” and if there is a folder in Chinese, then rename it with the right mouse button, after copying its name. Next, we look for files in the registry by this name and delete them.

We reboot the computer. And now we delete those folders that we could not delete earlier; for this we will use the search again.

From now on, be careful what you install on your computer!

What is Baidu? In fact, this is a popular company originally from China. She developed the same name search engine and various programs that help speed up your computer and protect your computer from viruses. But due to mistakes made, Baidu disrupts the operation of the operating system, as a result of which it freezes and reboots, especially for laptops. Therefore, many users decide to remove Baida from their computer once and for all.

Let's try to figure it out how to remove baidu from your computer and why antivirus cannot always help us with this.

Where does Baidu come from?

Baidu is usually installed by the user "in company" when installing other free programs, such as, for example, Agent Mail.Ru. Just regular user does not remove “extra” checkboxes during the installation process, but “clicks” further and, along with the program being installed, allows all programs “attached” to it to be installed. As a result, applications are installed on the user’s computer that he did not plan to install:

  • search engines;
  • antivirus software (antivirus);
  • programs that should improve system performance.

Why is Baidu bad?

At first glance, Baidu only benefits, but, unfortunately, the application behaves very unfriendly:

  • overload the operating system;
  • They try to individually manage the entire amount of RAM.

As a result, the system freezes and stops responding in a timely manner to mouse clicks and commands issued directly from the keyboard. It becomes impossible to enter the Start menu; folders and programs take a long time to open. Rebooting the operating system solves these problems to some extent, but not for long, about 15-20 minutes. Then everything repeats cyclically.

There is active discussion on the Internet that Baidu applications are, in fact, a Chinese-made virus. However, it is not. The main feature of viral and spyware is the creation of similar copies of itself, implementation into the program codes of other applications and the operating system. Baidu doesn't do this. Baidu works more like standard software. As a result, antivirus and various utilities that check the system for viruses cannot recognize and remove this program.

However, be aware that the Baidu software is so tightly integrated with the operating system that many utilities consider the program's processes to be system processes, making it impossible to stop Baidu from running through Task Manager. This behavior of the program is very reminiscent of viral activity.
We can state that BaiduAn, BaiduSD 360safe, UC and other applications with similar names simply devour almost all the computer resources before our eyes, and only an antivirus will not help here.

Removing Baida from your PC

At first glance, it seems completely impossible to uninstall all Baidu applications, it is so well integrated into the operating system. It is also alarming that after removing any of the components, the program independently tries to restore it.

It is important to remember that it is not always possible to remove Baidu only using the “Programs and Software” component. Another reason that increases the complexity of Baidu removal lies in the fact that the uninstalling element of the malicious software It only supports Chinese. Accordingly, it becomes even more difficult to remove Baidu.

But don’t be upset, effective and at the same time simple methods Baidu's anti-apps are there.

If after all the procedures described above, Baidu remains on your computer, this means that it is loaded from other programs stored in the operating system. You must try to detect and remove them. Then sanitize the operating system using an antivirus and check it with utilities to eliminate malware. It must be admitted that Baidu applications bring many viruses into the system, so after removing it, you need to install the best antivirus and check the system.

More and more often, users are interested in how to remove Baida from their computer. What is this anyway? And how is this software removed? Answering these questions is not as difficult as it seems. Maybe the application you are studying is not only harmless, but also useful? Then there is no point in thinking about getting rid of it. Only now users are thinking about this topic more and more often. And there are reasons for this.

Good encryption

"Baidu" is the name Chinese virus Baidu. It is very well encrypted. After all, this infection is presented by a Chinese antivirus application. The creators promise that their software will reliably protect your computer from various infections.

At the same time, "Baidu" is a separate virus that is very difficult to remove. It not only destroys the operating system, but also steals user data. Therefore, you have to think about how to remove Baida from your computer once and for all. There are many options this virus. But the cleaning process itself does not change.

Preliminary preparation

The virus being studied is not the most harmless application. Additional preparation required. What exactly needs to be done to facilitate the removal of "Baidu"? For this it is recommended:

  1. Install good antivirus. Dr.Web or Avast will do. You can use Nod32 or Kaspersky. It all depends on the user's preferences.
  2. Save important data to removable media. Often when Baidu is deleted it affects system files or user documents. Losing data is not the best outcome. But it can be prevented by taking care in advance about the safety of information.
  3. Download auxiliary software - CCleaner and SpyHunter4. The first program is designed to work with the PC registry, the second - to remove and search for computer spies.
  4. Prepare installation disk with the operating system you are using. Useful in case your computer is severely damaged by a virus. Sometimes it’s easier to reinstall the OS than to treat it for “Baida”.

The preparations are complete. Now you can remove Baidu PC Faster and other types of the virus being studied. But how to do that?

Through folders

It’s not a fact that the first method will work, but it’s worth a try. If the user noticed "Baidu" immediately after its appearance, you can use one trick.

The thing is that this infection is represented by an antivirus application. This means it is installed somewhere. You need to go to the Program Files folder and find Baidu there. There will be various files inside.

How to remove Baida from your computer? To do this, you will need to run uninstall.exe. This process will start the uninstaller. All the time you need to press the white buttons, at the very end - the blue one. Next, the computer reboots. Has Baidu disappeared? Then you don't have to follow the rest of the advice. If the virus still bothers you, you will have to solve the problem using another method.


The real fight against a virus begins with studying the processes running on the computer. This is a very important point, without which you cannot get rid of Baidu. After all, every time you start the system, this infection will turn on again and again.

Useful information that users share with each other indicates that the first step is to eliminate the processes launched by the virus. To do this, you need to go to the "Task Manager", then find all the processes that contain hieroglyphs or a mention of the Baidu virus.

They just need to be completed. Only after this can you think about further actions. This action will not cause any harm. The main thing is not to restart the computer. As soon as processes with hieroglyphs are deleted, you should proceed to the next step.


We are talking about scanning the operating system. Removing Hao123 by Baidu and "Baidu" in principle without this step unthinkable. After all, these applications are viruses. And they can be completely removed from the operating system only after scanning the computer for viruses.

Don't forget about SpyHunter4. This application helps to find spies in the operating system. Acts on the principle of an antivirus. You will need to launch SpyHunter, then scan, and then delete all detected objects.

Work on the application

The next stage is getting rid of the program. from laptop? With proper preparation, implementing the idea is not so difficult. After all the above points, you need to visit the “Control Panel”. There, find and start the “Add or Remove Programs” service.

A list of all installed software will appear on the screen. You need to find Baidu in it. The line mentioning this virus is highlighted, after which you need to click on the “Delete” button.

The uninstaller will launch. You need to press the white button all the time. And at the very end - to blue. Once the uninstallation process is complete, you can close Add or Remove Programs.


There is only one step left - and it is worth looking at the result of all the manipulations performed. It's about cleaning system registry. This can be done manually or automatically. The fastest and most reliable way is to use CCleaner. This program will quickly check the registry and help get rid of files stored in it.

The application must be installed and launched. Next, on the left side of the screen, configure scanning of all sections hard drives. In the lower right corner there will be an inscription "Analysis". The user must click on it. After a few seconds, “Cleaning” will appear. One more click and the registry is clean. To verify this, you can analyze the operating system again.

That's all. You can restart your computer and see if you can get rid of the application called “Baidu”. It should not be in programs or running processes. If all the above steps do not help, it is recommended to simply reinstall the operating system. A “clean” installation is carried out with preliminary hard formatting disk.

It's actually not that difficult. Now it’s clear how to remove Baida from your computer once and for all. The main thing is to follow all instructions. And then the chances of success will be maximum.

The Chinese Baidu antivirus is distributed using malware/adware methods and is installed regardless of the operation of other antiviruses; as a result, a conflict between antiviruses causes excessive slowdown of the Windows OS.
Removing Baidu software is difficult due to the fact that standard uninstall programs exist only for two components; they do not remove kernel-level drivers; moreover, the next time the computer boots, this software is installed again. At the same time, it is difficult to remove canoe drivers due to the fact that they block writing to “their” registry branches and block access to their files.

I wrote simple instructions for complete removal harmful Bayda from Windows 7 and 8 without the use of bootable media, it is intended for use by computer service technicians (“enikeyists”) and is suitable for any more or less experienced user.

The instructions are especially relevant for 64-bit Windows versions, because AVZ does not work in them (more precisely, there is no 64-bit AVZ Guard driver).


First, a picture of the “button” that you need to press in the uninstallation programs:

In uninstaller programs, the button is usually located on the left and is not selected by default.


In the system tool for uninstalling programs (“Uninstall Panel” - “Programs and Features”) at the very bottom there are two items with inscriptions in hieroglyphs. The blue icon is “Browser protection”, the green one is “Antivirus”.
Mark the line with the green icon and click “Delete/Change”. A window with hieroglyphs appears, press the left button in it, wait for completion, press confirmation.
Mark the line with the blue icon and click “Delete/Change”. A window appears, in it we select the right cell with the trash can icon, press the left button at the bottom, wait for completion, press the left button.

Reboot the computer into “safe mode”.

In safe mode:

  1. using the autoruns program from the “Sysinternals Suite” we delete all references to baidu, including: BBenhance, bd0001-bd0004, baiduhips, etc., and the bd0004 service is not deleted - the error message “Service is not installed” is displayed, so use the registry editor or the reg program delete the registry branch of this service: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\bd0004 ;
  2. conductor, FAR or Total commander delete all files in the description or digital signature which is the word Baidu.
List of Baida files.
In the "%WINDIR%\System32\drivers" directory (usually C:\Windows\System32\drivers):
Full catalogs:
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Baidu
Screenshots of the properties of the "baida" files:

In addition to Baidu itself, Kingsoft software is often installed simultaneously with it. Internet Security" It is also impossible to completely remove it with the standard uninstaller; you have to manually remove the “Kingsoft Internet Security K Plus Driver” driver (file %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\ksapi64.sys) and the file “%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\kisknl_del.sys” .

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