
A copy of the Windows 7 system disk. For those who want to create a disk image themselves. Using the Total Commander program

Not all users of the Windows 7 operating system are aware of such a useful function as creating backup copy. What is she? How to backup Windows 7? This and much more will be discussed in this article.

Why do you need backup?

Backup means special function operating system, with which you can create a backup copy of the information on your computer and the operating system as a whole. There are quite a lot of benefits from this function, since it allows you to create an image of the operating system, using which you can restore it in the future. damaged system.

This can be a real lifesaver if a restore point has not been created on the user’s computer to which one could roll back. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to think about creating a restore point either. This is done in case the operating system is damaged. But cases are different, and sometimes even the good old rollback does not have the desired effect. So, for example, the system may refuse to start, and the disk with Windows 7 simply will not be at hand at the right time.

Why not a rollback?

A rollback simply returns the system a few steps back to a previously saved state. Backup makes it possible to save the entire image of the Windows 7 operating system along with user settings. The benefits of performing this action are enormous. So, for example, when you reinstall the operating system, you will be able to restore all user information that was deleted during the OS reinstallation process. In the event that the operating system simply fails, you can always return it to normal using a backup copy. All programs, drivers and personal information will also be restored.

How to perform a backup in Windows 7?

Various utilities can be used to create a backup. However, the Windows 7 operating system itself also has functionality to perform this operation. Before creating a backup, you must perform the following algorithm of actions. Go to the Start menu and find the Maintenance folder in All Programs. In it you need to find and click on the “Backup and Restore” item. There are also several alternative ways performing this procedure.

You can open the Start menu and write the phrase “backup and recovery” into the search bar. When this item appears, simply click on it. You can go to the “Control Panel” and use the “Backup and Restore” item from here. The method of opening this item is not so important. The main thing is that the window with the service is open. Here you can use three functions: create an image of the operating system, set up a backup, and create a disk to return to a normal OS state.
First of all, let's look at how you can back up your OS. We'll deal with the other two functions later.


To create a backup copy, you need to click on the “Set up backup” hyperlink in the “Backup and Restore” window. A window with archiving settings will appear. At this stage you will have to wait. But your patience will be rewarded once the Archive Settings window appears. Here you will be asked to select a location to save the copy. You can use drive D to create a backup copy. If the information stored on the hard drive has been damaged or deleted, the backup copy will be of no use.

For this reason, it is better to store the backup copy on external media. When connecting an external hard drive, the system will automatically prompt you to create a system backup on it. After the choice of storage location for the copy has been made, you must click on the “Next” button. In the next window, the user will need to select files to archive Windows OS. You can also choose the data to be archived yourself, for example, specify individual drives, folders or files. Using this function, you can back up Windows drivers 7.

If you don't trust the operating system, you can manually distribute the data. In the window that appears, select the option “Include disk system image: (C)”. This is necessary so that you can subsequently restore the damaged system using a backup copy. Then you need to click “Next” again. Before you start backing up Windows 7, double-check that all settings are correct. After that, just click “Save and Run”.

Creating an operating system image

To perform this operation, you must select the “Create image” option. In this case, an image will be created that includes the disks necessary for the normal operation of the operating system. As a result, you will find yourself in a window for selecting a location to save the image. For this purpose it is also better to choose a removable HDD. The image size can reach several hundred GB. Then you need to select the disks from which you want to create an image. In the next window, you will need to double-check all the drives used to create the image. Then you need to click on the “Archive” button.

Creating a recovery disc

This operation is done in the same place where a Windows 7 backup is created. However, those users who have Windows 7 on disk do not have to perform this action. They will be able to return the system to normal using the disk. For those users who do not have a disk with the OS, it is better to perform this procedure. This way, if the operating system is damaged, you can restore it. To complete this procedure, you will need a blank CD or DVD. The volume of files for system recovery will be about 150 MB. In the “Backup and Restore” window, select “Create a system disk”. Now insert the disc into the drive and select the “Create disc” option. Wait until this process completes. This disc can be used in case of serious damage to the OS.

Good day.

There are two types of users: the one who makes backups (they are also called backups), and the one who does not yet. As a rule, that day always comes, and users of the second group move to the first...

Well, okay 🙂 The moral of the line above was aimed only at warning users who rely on Windows backups (or that no emergencies will ever happen to them). In fact, any virus, any problems with the hard drive, etc. troubles can quickly “close” access to your documents and data. Even if you don’t lose them, it will take a long time to restore them...

It would be a different matter if there was a backup copy - even if the disk failed, I bought a new one, deployed a copy on it, and after 20-30 minutes. You can continue working with your documents calmly. And so, first things first...

This copy can only help in certain cases, for example, you installed a driver but it turned out to be faulty, and now something has stopped working for you (the same applies to any program). They may also have picked up some advertising “add-ons” that open pages in the browser. In these cases, you can quickly roll back the system to its previous state and continue working.

But if suddenly your computer (laptop) stops seeing the disk at all (or suddenly half of the files on the system disk disappear) - then this copy will no longer help you...

Therefore, if you not only play on the computer, the moral is simple, make copies!

What programs to choose for creating backups?

Well, in general, now there are dozens (if not hundreds) of programs of this kind. There are both paid and free options among them. Personally, I recommend using (at least as the main one) a program that has been tested by time (and by other users :)).

In general, I would highlight three programs (from three different manufacturers):

1) AOMEI Backupper Standard

One of best programs for system backup. Free, works in all popular Windows operating systems (7, 8, 10), time-tested program. This is what will be the subject of the rest of the article.

2) Acronis True Image

3) Paragon Backup & Recovery Free Edition

A popular program for working with hard drives. To be honest, my experience with it is minimal so far (but many people praise it).

We will assume that you have already downloaded and installed the AOMEI Backupper Standard program. After starting the program, you need to go to the “Backup” section and select the System Backup option (see Fig. 1, copying Windows...).

1) step 1 (step 1) - specify the system drive with Windows. Usually this is not required; the program itself is quite good at determining everything that needs to be included in the copy.

2) step 2 (step 2) - specify the disk on which the backup will be made. Here it is highly advisable to specify a different drive than the one on which you have the system installed ( I emphasize, otherwise many people get confused: it is highly advisable to save a copy to another real disk, and not just to another partition of the same hard drive). You can use, for example external hard disk (they are now more than available, here) or a flash drive (if you have a flash drive with sufficient capacity).

After setting the settings, click the Start backup button. Then the program will ask you again and start copying. The copying itself is quite fast, for example, my disk with 30 GB of information was copied in ~20 minutes.

Rice. 2. Start copying

Do I need a bootable flash drive, should I make one?

The point here is this: to work with the backup file, you need to run the AOMEI Backupper Standard program and open this image in it and specify where to restore it. If your Windows OS boots, then there is nothing to do to run the program. And if not? In this case, a bootable flash drive will come in handy: from it, the computer will be able to load the AOMEI Backupper Standard program and then you can open your backup in it.

To create such a bootable flash drive, any old flash drive will do (I apologize for the tautology, 1 GB, for example, many users have plenty of these...).

How to create it?

Simple enough. In AOMEI Backupper Standard, select the “Utilites” section, then run the Create Bootable Media utility (see Figure 3)

In the next step, you will need to indicate the disk drive of the flash drive (or CD/DVD disk and press the write button. The bootable flash drive is created quite quickly (1-2 minutes). I can’t tell the CD/DVD disk by time (I haven’t worked with them for a long time).

How to restore Windows from such a backup?

By the way, the backup copy itself is a regular file with the extension “.adi” (for example, “System Backup(1).adi”). To launch the recovery function, just launch AOMEI Backupper and go to the Restore section (Fig. 5). Next, click on the Patch button and select the backup location ( Many users get lost at this step, by the way).

Then the program will ask you which disk to restore to and will begin recovery. The procedure itself is very quick (there’s probably no point in describing it in detail).

By the way, if you boot from a bootable USB flash drive, you will see exactly the same program as if you launched it in Windows (all operations in it are done in the same way).

There may, however, be problems with loading from a flash drive, so I’ll give a couple of links:

How to enter BIOS, buttons to enter BIOS settings:

If the BIOS does not see bootable USB flash drive:

This concludes the article. Questions and additions are welcome as always. Good Luck :)

Many have encountered the problem of restoring the Windows 7 operating system after crashes, viruses or incorrect updates. Often the problem can only be solved by reinstalling the entire system and the corresponding loss of many data, forum accounts, browser bookmarks and other information so scrupulously collected during the life of your computer. But at the same time, only a few know that the Windows 7 operating system has a built-in function for backing up system files, which allows you to “roll back” 2-3 days ago and restore the operating system without reinstalling.

How to enable backup

First you need to enable this feature. To do this, click Start – Control Panel and find the “Backup and Restore” item.

On the left side of the window there is a “Create a system image” button. This is very useful feature when you have new computer, with drivers, updates and initial setup. You can make an image of the operating system and, if your computer fails (for example, if your hard drive breaks), you can restore it to functionality without the tedious installation of Windows 7, drivers, and customizing Windows. I highly recommend doing this!

Creating an operating system image

To create a system image you will need an external hard drive, flash drive (16-32 GB) or, if you have second hard disk in system unit, you can create an image there. Never store an operating system image in your home folder or on drive C. If it fails, you will not be able to take the image from there. So, when you have decided on the storage location, in the window that appears, select where to save the image and click “Next”.

In the next window, the system will warn you what it will save. Leave everything unchanged and click “Archive”. When the process is finished, you will have a Windows7 backup customized for your computer and with your presets.

Setting up archiving

Also in “Backup and Restore” there is an item for setting up archiving. It is this setting that will allow you to “roll back” the system 2-3 days ago if a failure occurs.

By selecting the “Archiving Settings” item, you must specify the drive on which the archive will be created. Again, this should not be drive C (if the operating system is installed there). It is also worth understanding that if you use an external hard drive or network storage, then these devices must be accessible during archiving. The ideal option for an archive is a second hard drive in the system unit.

Select the storage location for the archive and click “Next”.

If you do not know what exactly needs to be archived, then it is better to leave the recommended choice, but in “manual” mode you can configure archiving more flexibly. Let's consider the second option. Select “Give me a choice” and click next.

In the next window, select what you want to archive. You can create an archive of users’ home folders: then the archive will contain “My Documents”, “My Drawings”, etc. for selected users. You can archive the entire C drive. You can also archive an image of the entire Windows operating system (highlighted in red in the figure). Then, in addition to the initial image, you will have a complete current image of Windows 7. I recommend checking this box. Keep in mind that if you select this option, you will not be able to store multiple copies of images for different dates. There will be only the latest archive. Click the next button and configure the archiving schedule.

Set the archiving frequency and time. Select the day and time when the computer is most often turned on. It's daytime weekdays, for office computer or evening for home. Click OK. When everything is configured, you can click “Save settings and start archiving.” The initial archiving will begin, which will be supplemented with new data in accordance with the specified schedule.

Operating system recovery disk

Another important feature of setting up archiving and creating an image is the Windows 7 system recovery disk.

This is a disk from which you can initially boot your computer if Windows 7 is unable to boot normally. And after booting from the disk, you can select an archive or image from which the operating system will be restored. To create a disk, select the appropriate item in the “Backup and Restore” window.

The system will ask you to insert the CD into the CD drive. Click "Create Disk". After the operation is completed, you will have a recovery disk ready. If a failure does occur and there is no recovery disk, then you can make one on any other computer with Windows 7. This universal disk, not tied to a specific computer.
The continuation of the article will tell you how to restore the system after a failure.

Nowadays, any computer user is primarily concerned about the safety of their data. There are a huge number of factors that during operation can lead to damage or deletion of any files. These include malware, system and hardware failures, incompetent or accidental user intervention. Not only personal data is at risk, but also the performance of the operating system, which, following the law of meanness, “crashes” at the moment when it is most needed.

Data backup is literally a panacea that solves 100% of problems with lost or damaged files(of course, provided that the backup copy was created according to all the rules). This article will present several options for creating a full backup of the current operating system with all its settings and data stored on the system partition.

You can copy documents in the old fashioned way for safekeeping onto flash drives or parallel hard drive partitions, worry about the darkness of settings in the operating system, fiddle with each system file while installing third-party themes and icons. But manual labor is now a thing of the past - the network has enough software, which has proven itself to be a reliable means for complete backup of the entire system. A little bit wrong after the next experiments - you can return to the saved version at any time.

operating room Windows system 7 also has a built-in function to create a copy of itself, and we will also talk about that in this article.

Method 1: AOMEI Backupper

It is rightfully considered one of the best backup programs. It has only one drawback - the lack of a Russian interface, only English. However, with the instructions below, even a novice user can create a backup.

The program is free and paid version, however, for the needs regular user grabs the head first. It contains everything necessary tools to create, compress and verify a backup copy of the system partition. The number of copies is limited only free space on the computer.

  1. Go to the official website of the developer using the link above, download the installation package to your computer, double-click it and follow the simple Installation Wizard.
  2. Once the program is integrated into the system, launch it using the desktop shortcut. Once launched, AOMEI Backupper is immediately ready to work, but it is advisable to perform a few important settings, which will improve the quality of the backup. Open settings by clicking the button "Menu" at the top of the window, select the item in the drop-down box "Settings".
  3. In the first tab of the settings that open, there are parameters responsible for compressing the created copy to save space on the computer.
    • "None"— copying will be performed without compression. The size of the resulting file will be equal to the size of the data that will be written to it.
    • "Normal" is the default selected option. The copy will be compressed approximately 1.5-2 times the original file size.
    • "High"— the copy is compressed 2.5-3 times. This mode greatly saves space on your computer when creating multiple copies of the system, but it requires more time and system resources to create a copy.
    • Select the option you need, then immediately go to the tab "Intelligent Sector"

  4. The tab that opens contains parameters responsible for the partition sectors that the program will copy.
    • "Intelligent Sector Backup"— the program will save a copy of the data of those sectors that are most often used. All fall into this category file system and recently used sectors (emptied trash and freed space). Recommended for creating intermediate points before experimenting with the system.
    • "Make an Exact Backup"— absolutely all sectors that are in the section will be included in the copy. Recommended for hard drives, which have been in use for a long time, information suitable for recovery can be stored in unused sectors special programs. If the copy will be restored after defeat working system virus, the program will overwrite the entire disk down to the last sector, leaving the virus no chance to recover.

    Having selected the required item, go to the last tab "Other".

  5. Here you need to check the first box. He is responsible for automatic check backup after it has been created. This setting is the key to successful recovery. This will almost double the copying time, but the user will definitely be confident in the safety of the data. Save the settings by pressing the button "OK", the program setup is completed.
  6. After this, you can proceed directly to copying. Click on the big button in the middle of the program window "Create New Backup".
  7. Select the first item "System Backup"— he is the one responsible for copying the system partition.
  8. In the next window you need to set the final backup parameters.
    • In the field we indicate the name of the backup copy. It is advisable to use only Latin characters to avoid problems with associations during recovery.
    • You need to specify the folder where the final file will be saved. You must use a partition other than the system partition to protect against a file being deleted from the partition during an operating system failure. The path must also contain only Latin characters in its name.

    Start copying by clicking the button "Start Backup".

  9. The program will begin copying the system, which may take from 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the selected settings and the size of the data that needs to be saved.
  10. First, all specified data will be copied according to the configured algorithm, then a check will be performed. Once the operation is complete, the copy is ready to be restored at any time.

AOMEI Backupper has a number of minor settings that will definitely come in handy for a user who is seriously concerned about their system. Here you can find the configuration of deferred and periodic backup tasks, partitioning created file into pieces of a certain size for loading into cloud storage and entries on removable media, encrypting a copy with a password for confidentiality, as well as copying individual folders and files (great for saving critical system objects).

Method 2: Restore Point

Now let's move on to the built-in functions of the operating system itself. The most popular and in a fast way create a system backup is a restore point. It takes up relatively little space and is created almost instantly. Restore Point has the ability to return the computer to a checkpoint, restoring critical system files without affecting user data.

Method 3: Data Archiving

Windows 7 has another way to back up data from system disk- archiving. At correct setting this tool will save all system files for later recovery. There is one global drawback - it is impossible to archive those executable files and some drivers that are in this moment are used. However, this is an option from the developers themselves, so it also needs to be taken into account.

Despite the fact that the operating system has built-in functionality for creating backup copies, it does not inspire sufficient trust. While recovery points very often help out experimental users, problems often arise with restoring archived data. The use of third-party software significantly increases the reliability of copying, eliminates manual labor by automating the process, and provides sufficiently precise settings for maximum convenience.

It is advisable to store backup copies on other partitions, ideally on third-party physically disconnected media. IN cloud services Only download backup copies encrypted with a strong password to safely store personal data. Regularly create new copies of the system to avoid losing valuable data and settings.


Security of information and the ability to quickly restore it in case of failures, critical errors and breakdowns of computer hardware components are extremely worrying for many users. In this regard, data backup comes to one of the first places in the list of knowledge and skills of anyone who works with modern computer equipment.

Many users experience irritation and express indignation when the operating system begins to work intermittently due to various factors - accumulated program errors, actions computer viruses, hardware problems... I really want, and sometimes I just need to return everything to its previous state. A timely created image of the operating system will provide invaluable assistance at this moment.

Windows Backup Tools

Fortunately, today there are special tools that make it easy to create backup copies of individual files, folders, partitions or entire disks. With the help of such software, you can restore the functionality of your computer without losing important data at any time. Let's figure out how to work with Windows archiving tools, including installed programs, settings, users, files and other important information.

Method 1: Acronis True Image

  1. We launch Paragon Hard Disk Manager and get into the main program window, which is somewhat overloaded various menus, links and buttons. This is the mode "For experienced users» . To create a regular backup of a Windows partition, the functionality is sufficient "Easy mode". To go to the simplified interface, press the button "Easy Mode" in the upper right part of the window.
  2. In simple mode, to create a backup we need a button "Archiving", press it.
  3. An ascetic window opens , here we press the button "Further".
  4. In the window that opens, select the item "Archive files"- this will allow you to indicate in more detail to the program exactly what data needs to be archived.
  5. To create a system image in the improvised Explorer that opens, you should expand local disk, on which the OS is installed and tick the folder "Windows", "System Volume Information", "Users". If backup is required installed programs, additionally mark folders "Program Files", "Program Files(86)", "Program Data". If you are concerned that a folder has been forgotten, the best option there will be a selection of the entire disk with Windows and programs installed. After everything you need is checked, press the button "Further".
  6. The next step is to select the storage location and, if desired, the name of the future backup file, as well as its description. Define the parameters and press the button "Further". Everything is ready to create the image. Click on the button “Create archive now”

    and watch the progress bar. You can minimize the window by clicking on a special link and continue working on your computer without interrupting the archiving process.

  7. Upon completion of the operation, a window appears confirming that everything was successful. At this point, the creation of a backup copy can be considered complete.
  8. In the case of Paragon Hard Disk Manager, the backup copy is a folder with files, which is stored in the path specified during the wizard. Rename, delete and move separate files in this folder is highly not recommended. But the entire folder can be renamed, archived, moved, password protected, etc.

Method 3: AOMEI Backupper

The backup solution from Chinese programmers will delight lovers of simplicity and minimalism. The AOMEI Backupper program has a small distribution size, is not overloaded with “unnecessary” functions, and has a very pleasant and intuitive interface. At the same time, it has gained popularity among users due to its effectiveness. In general, it can be recommended for novice users and people who do not want to understand the settings and intricacies of the process. The only thing that can upset us is the lack of official support for the Russian interface language, although enthusiasts have created a Russifier.

Method 4: Built-in Windows OS Tools

Microsoft offers its users operating systems own backup tools. These tools are integrated into the OS, moving from one Windows versions in subsequent years and are used by a certain circle of users.

The utilities in question in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 work identically, only their name and method of calling are slightly different. In the "seven" - you will need a tool called "Archiving and recovery" V "Control Panels", having the function "Creating a system image". In later versions, the ability to create a system image is for some reason not so obvious.

As you can see, creating a Windows backup is a fairly simple task to complete, and there are many methods for solving it. Whichever method of the above is chosen, it is important to do the archiving procedure regularly and ensure that the resulting files are stored on reliable media and in a safe place.

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