
Laboratory power supply from BP at. Charger from a computer power supply Charger power supply with current regulation

If you have an old computer power supply (ATX) at home, you shouldn’t throw it away. After all, it can be used to make an excellent power supply for home or laboratory purposes. Minimal modification is required and in the end you will get an almost universal power source with a number of fixed voltages.

Computer power supplies have a high load capacity, high stabilization and short circuit protection.

I took this block. Everyone has such a plate with a number of output voltages and maximum load current. Basic voltages for permanent job 3.3 V; 5 V; 12 V. There are also outputs that can be used for a small current, these are minus 5 V and minus 12 V. You can also get the voltage difference: for example, if you connect to “+5” and “+12”, then you get a voltage of 7 V. If you connect to “+3.3” and “+5”, you get 1.7 V. And so on... So the voltage range is much larger than it might seem at first glance.

Pinout of computer power supply outputs

The color standard is, in principle, the same. And this color connection scheme is 99 percent suitable for you too. Something may be added or removed, but of course everything is not critical.

The rework has begun

What do we need?
  • - Screw terminals.
  • - Resistors with a power of 10 W and a resistance of 10 Ohms (you can try 20 Ohms). We will use composites of two five-watt resistors.
  • - Heat shrink tube.
  • - A pair of LEDs with 330 Ohm quenching resistors.
  • - Switches. One for networking, one for management

Computer power supply modification diagram

Everything is simple here, so don't be afraid. The first thing to do is to disassemble and connect the wires by color. Then, according to the diagram, connect the LEDs. The first one on the left will indicate the presence of power at the output after switching on. And the second one from the right will always be on as long as the mains voltage is present on the block.
Connect the switch. It will start the main circuit by shorting the green wire to common. And turn off the unit when opened.
Also, depending on the brand of the block, you will need to hang a 5-20 Ohm load resistor between the common output and plus five volts, otherwise the block may not start due to the built-in protection. Also, if it doesn’t work, be prepared to put the following resistors on all voltages: “+3.3”, “+12”. But usually one resistor per 5 Volt output is enough.

Let's get started

Remove the top cover of the casing.
We bite off the power connectors going to motherboard computer and other devices.
We untangle the wires by color.
Drill holes in the back wall for the terminals. For accuracy, we first go through with a thin drill, and then with a thick one to match the size of the terminal.
Be careful not to get any metal shavings on the power supply board.

Insert the terminals and tighten.

We put together the black wires, this will be common, and strip them. Then we tin it with a soldering iron and put on a heat-shrinkable tube. We solder it to the terminal and put the tube on the solder and blow it with a hot air gun.

We do this with all the wires. Which you don’t plan to use, bite them off at the root of the board.
We also drill holes for the toggle switch and LEDs.

We install and fix the LEDs with hot glue. Solder according to the diagram.

We place the load resistors on the circuit board and screw them in with screws.
Close the lid. We turn on and test your new laboratory power supply.

It would be a good idea to measure the output voltage at the output of each terminal. To be sure that your old power supply is fully functional and the output voltages are not outside the permissible limits.

As you may have noticed, I used two switches - one is in the circuit, and it starts the block. And the second, which is larger, bipolar, switches the input voltage of 220 V to the input of the unit. You don't have to install it.
So friends, collect your block and use it to your health.

Watch a video of making a laboratory block with your own hands

They often ask questions and complain about failures. To show that alteration is indeed possible and it is not at all difficult, we have prepared another article, with illustrations and explanations.

Let us remind you that you can remake any blocks, both AT and ATX. The first ones are distinguished simply by the absence of a duty officer. As a result, the TL494 in them is powered directly from the output power transformer, and, again, as a consequence, when adjusting at low loads, it simply will not have enough power, because the duty cycle of the pulses on the primary of the transformer will be too small. The introduction of a separate power supply for the microcircuit solves the problem, but requires additional space in the case.

Blocks ATX power supply The advantage here is that you don’t need to add anything, you just need to remove the excess and add, roughly speaking, two variable resistors.

The ATX MAV-300W-P4 computer power supply is being reworked. The task is to convert it into a laboratory 0-24V, according to the current - as it turns out. They say that they manage to get 10A. Well, let's check.

Click on the diagram to enlarge
The power supply circuit is easy to google, but you can do without it, because we know that from the TL494 we will need the inputs of both comparators, and these are pins 1, 2, 15, 16, and their common output 3, which is usually used for correction. We also release pin 4, since it is usually used for various protections. However, we leave capacitor C22 and resistor R46 hanging on it for a smooth start. We unsolder only diode D17, disconnecting the voltage monitor from the TL.

Add resistors, regulators, shunt. As the latter, two 0.025 Ohm SMD resistors were used in parallel, which are included in the gap in the negative track from the transformer.

We connect the power supply to the network through a 200W incandescent lamp, which is designed to protect against breakdown of power transistors in the event of an emergency. At idle, the voltage is perfectly regulated from almost 0 to 24 volts. What will happen under load? We connect several powerful halogen lamps and see that the voltage is regulated to 20 volts. This is to be expected since we are using 12V windings and a midpoint rectifier. At a powerful load, PWM is already at its limit and it is no longer possible to get more.

What to do? You can simply use a power supply to power not very powerful loads. But what to do if you really want to get the coveted 10 amps, especially since on the power supply label they are stated for a 12 volt line? Everything is very simple: we change the rectifier to a classic bridge of four diodes, thereby increasing the voltage amplitude at its output. To do this, you will need to install two more diodes. The diagram shows that such diodes were just installed, these are D24 and D25, along the -12 volt line. Unfortunately, their location on the board is not good for our case, so we will have to use diodes in “transistor” packages and either install separate radiators on them, or attach them to a common radiator and solder them with wires. The requirements for diodes are the same: fast, powerful, for the required voltage.

With a converted rectifier, the voltage, even with a powerful load, is regulated from 0 to 24 volts, and current regulation also works.

There is one more problem left to solve - fan power. It is impossible to leave the power supply without active cooling, because the power transistors and rectifier diodes heat up according to the load. Standardly, the fan was powered from a +12 volt line, which we turned into an adjustable one with a voltage range slightly wider than the fan needed. Therefore, the simplest solution is to power it from the duty room. To do this, we replace capacitor C13 with a more capacitive one, increasing its capacity by 10 times. The voltage at the cathode D10 is 16 volts, and we take it for the fan, only through a resistor, the resistance of which must be selected so that the fan is 12 volts. As a bonus, you can output a good five-volt +5VSB power line from this power supply.

The requirements for the inductor are the same: we wind all the windings from the DGS and wind a new one: from 20 turns, 10 wires with a diameter of 0.5 mm in parallel. Of course, such a thick core may not fit into the ring, so the number of parallel wires can be reduced according to your load. For a maximum current of 10 amperes, the inductance of the inductor should be around 20uH.

A shunt built into an ammeter can be used as a shunt, and vice versa - a shunt can be used to connect an ammeter without a built-in shunt. The shunt resistance is around 0.01 Ohm. By decreasing the resistance of resistor R, you can increase the range of voltage adjustment upward.

Today's cost laboratory block food costs approximately 10 thousand rubles. But it turns out that there is an option to convert a computer power supply into a laboratory one. For just a thousand rubles you get short circuit protection, cooling, overload protection and several voltage lines: 3V, 5V and 12V. However, we will be modifying it to provide a range of 1.5 to 24V, which is ideal for most electronics.

I believe that this method of converting a computer power supply to 24 volts is the best, considering that I was able to make it a reality with my own hands at only 14 years old.

WARNING: Electrical work is being done here, be careful and follow safety precautions!

You will need:

  • roulette
  • screwdriver
  • Computer power supply (I recommend 250 W +) and cable for it
  • Wire latches
  • Soldering iron
  • 10 ohm resistor 10W or larger (some new power supplies do not work properly without load, so the resistor should provide it)

Not necessary:

  • switch
  • 2 LEDs of any color (red and green work best)
  • If you are using LEDs, you will need 1 or 2 330 ohm resistors,
  • Heat shrink
  • External case (you can put everything in the original case, or you can take another one).

Depending on which method for adjustable block power supply from the computer power supply you use (more on this later):

  • Terminal blocks
  • Drill
  • Resistor 120 Ohm
  • Variable resistor 5 kOhm
  • Connectors
  • Alligator clips

Step 1: Assembling and preparing the power supply


Capacitors can give you an electric shock, which is quite painful. Let the power supply sit for a few days to drain, or connect a 10 ohm resistor to the red and black wires.

If you hear a buzzing noise when you turn on the power, it means there is a short circuit or other serious problem going on somewhere. If you hear a buzzing sound (not from the soldering iron) while soldering, it means the power supply is connected. Remember that if a unit that is connected to power is turned off with a button, there will still be current in it.

Okay, let's remove the power supply from the computer. It is usually attached with 4 screws to the rear panel of the case. Remove the wires from the hole, then group them by color and cut off the ends.

By the way, you just voided your warranty.

Step 2: Do the wiring

Now let's get to the tricky part where you need to add LEDs, switches and other such parts. We have a lot of each type of wire, so I recommend using 2-4 wires. Some people do everything inside the box, but I did everything outside. It depends on which method you use in the next step.

If you want to add a standby indicator or a power-on indicator, you will need an LED (red is recommended, but not required) and a 330 ohm resistor. Solder the black wire to one end of the resistor and the short end of the LED to the other. The resistor will reduce the voltage so as not to damage the LED. Before soldering, apply a small piece of heat shrink to protect the contacts from short circuiting. Solder the purple wire to the longer leg and when you apply power (not turning on the unit) the LED should light up.

For the power supply that is on, you can also set a different LED (I recommend green). Some people say to use a gray wire to power the LED, but then you need another 330 ohm resistor. I just connected it to the orange 3.3V wire.

If you are using the gray wire method:
Before soldering it, put on another piece of heat shrink to prevent short circuit. Solder the gray wire to one end of the resistor and the other end of the resistor to the longer leg of the LED. Solder the black wire to the short leg.

When using the orange 3.3V wire:
Before soldering it, put on another piece of heat shrink to prevent short circuit. Solder the orange wire to the longer leg of the LED and the black wire to the shorter leg.

Now to the switch: if there is already a switch on the back of your power supply, this item will not be of much use to you. Connect the green wire to one terminal on the switch and the black wire to the other. If you don't want to use a switch, just connect the green and black wires.

You can also use a 1A fuse. All you have to do is cut the black wires approximately in the middle, and connect them to the fuse in the holder.

Some power supplies require a load to proper operation. To provide this load, solder the red wire to one end of the 10 Ohm\10 W resistor and the black wire to the other. This way the block will think it is doing something.

If you don't understand anything, take a look at the diagram I've attached. It shows how to connect the wires. I'll talk about this in the next step. It shows a method with a gray wire to the LED (but you can use orange as described above), and also shows the wiring for a high resistance resistor.

Step 3: Let's start the current!

In the tutorials I've read, there are many in various ways connecting connectors to connect your devices to power. We'll start with the best and work our way down to the worst.

Some tutorials will tell you how to assemble all the parts inside the case, but this is dangerous and will cause excessive heat and damage. I recommend using external mounting.

Adding a Variable Resistor

I personally think that this is best method as it can provide any voltage from 1.5 to 24V. The reason it is 22V and not 12V is because it uses a blue wire which is -12V rather than a normal ground (black wire) .

We will need:

  • Voltage regulator LM317 or LM338K
  • 100nF capacitors (ceramics or tantalum)
  • Capacitors 1uF Electrolytic
  • Power diode 1N4001 or 1N4002
  • Resistor 120 Ohm
  • Variable resistor 5 kOhm

First build the circuit from the main image and connect your +12V and -12V lines. Then drill holes in the power supply or external case to install the variable resistor. All other parts must be inside. Now I suggest adding two terminal blocks so that you can connect devices directly. You can also connect “crocodiles” to them. When you turn the variable resistor, the voltage should be between 1.5 and 24 V.

NOTE. There is a typo in the main image that should be taken into account: +24V instead of 22V. If you have an old voltmeter, you can connect it to the circuit to monitor the voltage output.


Now you need to install the connectors to connect the equipment. Drill holes for them (be sure to wrap printed circuit board plastic, as metal shards can short it out) and then check that they fit properly by inserting the connectors and tightening the bolt. Select what voltage should go to each connector and how many connectors you want to insert. Wire color codes:

  • Red: +5V
  • Yellow: +12V
  • Orange: +3.3V
  • Black: Earth
  • White: -5V

Above is an image using the connector method.

Alligator clips

If you don't have much experience or don't have the above parts and for some reason you can't buy them, you can just connect whatever voltage lines you want to the alligator clips. If you choose this option, I recommend using insulation to prevent short circuits.

  1. Don't be afraid to add ingredients to the box: LEDs, stickers, etc.
  2. Make sure you are using an ATX power supply. If it's an AT or older power supply, it will most likely have a different color scheme for the wires. If you don't have the wiring details, don't even start any work or you'll just break your unit.
  3. If the LED on the front panel does not light up, the legs are not connected correctly. Just swap the wires and it should light up.
  4. Some modern power supplies have a "Signal" wire feedback stabilizer", which must be connected to the power source for the unit to operate. If the wire is grey, connect it to the orange wire, if it is pink, connect it to the red wire.
  5. A high wattage power resistor can get quite hot; you can use a radiator to cool it down, but make sure it doesn't create a short circuit.
  6. If you decide to mount parts inside the case, you can mount the fan outside to free up some space.
  7. The fan can be noisy because it is powered by 12V. Since this is not a computer that gets very hot, you can cut the red fan wire and connect the orange 3.3V. Monitor the temperature after that. If it is too large, reconnect the red wire.

Congratulations! You have successfully made your power supply.

Usually, for converting computer power supplies, ATX units assembled on TL494 (KA7500) chips are used, but in Lately such blocks are not found. They began to be assembled on more specialized microcircuits, on which it is more difficult to adjust current and voltage from scratch. For this reason, an old 200W AT type unit that was available was taken for modification.

Remodeling stages

1. Board installed charger from mobile Nokia phone AC-12E with modification. In principle, other chargers can be used.

The modification consisted of rewinding the third winding of the transformer and installing an additional diode and capacitor. After the modification, the unit began to output voltages of +8V to power the fan and voltmeter-ammeter and +20V to power the TL494N control chip.

2. The self-starting parts of the primary circuit and the output voltage regulation circuit are soldered off the AT block board. All secondary rectifiers were also removed.

The output rectifier is converted to a bridge circuit. Three used diode assemblies MBR20100CT. The choke is rewound - ring diameter 27 mm, 50 turns in 2 PEL wires 1 mm. A 26V 0.12A incandescent lamp was used as a nonlinear load. With it, voltage and current are well regulated from zero.
To ensure stable operation of the microcircuit, the correction circuits have been changed. For coarse and fine adjustments of voltage and current, a special connection of potentiometers is used. This connection allows you to smoothly change the voltage and current anywhere at any position of the coarse adjustment potentiometer.

The shunt requires special attention; the wires for adjustment and measurement must be connected directly to its terminals, since the voltage removed from it is small. In the diagram these connections are shown with purple arrows. The measured voltage for the control circuit is removed from the divider with correction to eliminate self-excitation in the control circuits.
The upper limit of the voltage setting is selected by resistors R38, R39 and R40. The upper limit of the current setting is selected by resistor R13.

3. A voltmeter-ammeter is used to measure current and voltage

The basis is the diagram “Super simple ammeter and voltmeter on super accessible parts (auto range selection)” from Eddy71.
The circuit includes adjustment of the op-amp balance when measuring current, which dramatically improves linearity. In the diagram, this is the “O-Amp Balance” potentiometer, the voltage from which is supplied to the direct or inverse inputs (it is selected where to connect, indicated in the diagram by green lines).
Automatic selection of the measurement range is implemented in software. The first range is up to 9.99A, indicating hundredths of an ampere, the second is up to 12A, indicating tenths of an ampere.

4. The program for the microcontroller is written in SI (mikroC PRO for PIC) and provided with comments.

Construction and details

Structurally, all elements are placed in the AT block housing. The charger board is mounted on a radiator with power transistors. The network connectors have been removed and a switch and output terminals have been installed in their place. On the side of the block cover there are resistors for setting voltage and current and a voltmeter-ammeter indicator. They are fixed to the false panel on the inside of the lid.

The drawings were made in the Frontplatten-Designer 1.0 program. The interstage transformer of the AT block is not modified. The output transformer of the AT block is also not modified, just the middle tap coming out of the coil is unsoldered from the board and isolated. The rectifier diodes were replaced with new ones indicated in the diagram.
The shunt was taken from a faulty tester and mounted on insulating stands on a radiator with diodes. The board for the voltmeter-ammeter is used from “Super simple ammeter and voltmeter on super affordable parts (auto range selection)” from Eddy71 with subsequent modification (paths were cut according to the diagram).

Observed features and disadvantages

An AT 200 W unit was used as the base unit. Unfortunately, it has a rather small heatsink for power transistors. In this case, the fan is connected to a voltage of 8 Volts (to reduce the noise generated), so currents greater than 6 - 7 Amperes can only be removed for a short time, in order to avoid overheating of the transistors.


Files of circuits, boards, drawings and sources and firmware
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Not only for radio amateurs, but also simply in everyday life, you may need powerful block nutrition. So that there is up to 10A output current at a maximum voltage of up to 20 volts or more. Of course, the thought immediately goes to unnecessary ATX computer power supplies. Before you start remaking, find a diagram for your specific power supply.

Sequence of actions for converting an ATX power supply into a regulated laboratory one.

1. Remove jumper J13 (you can use wire cutters)

2. Remove diode D29 (you can just lift one leg)

3. The PS-ON jumper to ground is already installed.

4. Turn on the PB only for a short time, since the input voltage will be maximum (approximately 20-24V). This is actually what we want to see. Don't forget about the output electrolytes, designed for 16V. They might get a little warm. Considering your “bloatiness”, they will still have to be sent to the swamp, it’s not a pity. I repeat: remove all the wires, they are in the way, and only ground wires will be used and +12V will then be soldered back.

5. Remove the 3.3-volt part: R32, Q5, R35, R34, IC2, C22, C21.

6. Removing 5V: Schottky assembly HS2, C17, C18, R28, or “choke type” L5.

7. Remove -12V -5V: D13-D16, D17, C20, R30, C19, R29.

8. We change the bad ones: replace C11, C12 (preferably with a larger capacity C11 - 1000uF, C12 - 470uF).

9. We change the inappropriate components: C16 (preferably 3300uF x 35V like mine, well, at least 2200uF x 35V is a must!) and resistor R27 - you no longer have it, and that’s great. I advise you to replace it with a more powerful one, for example 2W and take the resistance to 360-560 Ohms. We look at my board and repeat:

10. We remove everything from the legs TL494 1,2,3 for this we remove the resistors: R49-51 (free the 1st leg), R52-54 (...2nd leg), C26, J11 (...3- my leg)

11. I don’t know why, but my R38 was cut by someone :) I recommend that you cut it too. It participates in voltage feedback and is parallel to R37.

12. We separate the 15th and 16th legs of the microcircuit from “all the rest”, to do this we make 3 cuts in the existing tracks and restore the connection to the 14th leg with a jumper, as shown in the photo.

13. Now we solder the cable from the regulator board to the points according to the diagram, I used the holes from the soldered resistors, but by the 14th and 15th I had to peel off the varnish and drill holes, in the photo.

14. The core of cable No. 7 (the regulator’s power supply) can be taken from the +17V power supply of the TL, in the area of ​​the jumper, more precisely from it J10/ Drill a hole into the track, clear the varnish and there. It is better to drill from the print side.

I would also advise changing the high-voltage capacitors at the input (C1, C2). You have them in a very small container and are probably already pretty dry. There it will be normal to be 680uF x 200V. Now, let's assemble a small scarf on which there will be adjustment elements. See supporting files
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