
Session manager in firefox. How to save and restore Firefox tabs - Session Manager Mozilla Session Manager

Navigate among large number Open web pages are very difficult, and this is exactly how a considerable number of Internet users have to work. The problem is that you need to be able to quickly find the desired tab, and with minimal eye strain. One way to simplify this process is to use an add-on for coloring tabs: ColorfulTabs or ChromaTabs. Both additions color each of open tabs different colors, chosen at random, but the coloring principle implemented in them is different. When using ColorfulTabs, all tabs without exception (including tabs with the same host name in the address) will appear multi-colored.

ChromaTabs colors tabs based on the host name - that is, for example, all pages whose address begins with will have the same color.

You can expand your tab management capabilities using the add-on Tab Mix Plus, which is a real tab manager. This add-on will allow, for example, to clone tabs and restore them accidentally closed tabs, as well as protect and block them - protected tabs cannot be closed, and blocked tabs have links that automatically open in new tabs (the blocked tabs themselves remain unchanged). Similar operations are performed through the context menu called up on the tab name.

In addition, through the Tab Mix Plus settings (command "Tools" > "Tab Mix Plus Settings") it is easy to determine a huge number of nuances of the browser's behavior. In particular, set where to open windows created by links and links from external applications (in a new tab; in a new window; in the current tab), how to open JavaScript pop-up windows, whether to open cloned tabs immediately after the original ones, on what principle to merge windows, which tab should I focus on, etc. In addition, Tab Mix Plus includes a built-in session manager (about the same as Session Manager), which makes it possible to save multiple sessions and quickly open the desired one at the user's request. this moment session time with restoration of the state of all tabs provided in this session. To activate the Tab Mix Plus session manager, you will need to disable the built-in one in the settings. Firefox manager sessions (the "Sessions" tab), and you can work with it through the menu "Tools" > "Session Manager".

Here's an addition Multiple Tab Handler will allow you to perform a number of actions on several tabs at once. Tabs are highlighted when the Ctrl key is pressed, and they can be simultaneously reloaded, duplicated, added to new folder bookmarks, move to a new window, etc. The above operations are performed through the context menu called up on the name of one of the selected tabs.

Fast search and comfortable reading of pages

This add-on will help you find the information you need faster. SmarterFox. Thus, with its help, it will be possible to quickly search for the selected word in one of your favorite search engines, since when you select any piece of text on the page, a pop-up menu immediately appears with the search engines selected during setup. The list of favorite search engines can be easily adjusted through the plugin settings. You can also search for selected text in Wikipedia by calling the "Search Wikipedia..." command from context menu.

In addition, SmarterFox provides fast access to your favorite web pages through the QLauncher panel, called up by pressing the key combination "Ctrl + Space". Essentially, these are ordinary bookmarks, which are located in a separate qLauncher folder in the “Bookmarks” menu. The list of bookmarks in the QLauncher panel is adjustable - you can remove unnecessary bookmarks directly from the panel by clicking on the bookmark cross, and add new ones by simply dragging them into the qLauncher folder. In addition, SmarterFox extends the functionality of the address bar by automatically displaying Google search results in it as you enter a keyword.

Navigate to pages with big amount the text is very difficult. Find it faster necessary information addition will help HighlightAll. Its task is to automatically highlight all words (or phrases) that match the word (or phrase) specified by the user by highlighting it directly on the page. This action is performed only in the mode when the add-on is active - and the “F8” button is responsible for activation/deactivation. The number of words or phrases found and highlighted by HighlightAll is displayed in the status bar.

There are situations when individual images displayed on web pages (say, a product in an online store, often presented in the form of a snapshot that is generally difficult to see) would like to be seen on an enlarged scale. In this case, the add-on will come to the rescue Image Zoom. After installing it, the “Resize” submenu appears in the context menu that opens when you right-click on the picture, allowing you to increase (or decrease) its scale. As a result, the user will not have to save the image to disk and then zoom in on it in the viewer installed on the computer.

Since many users have to visit not only Russian-language sites, but also sites in other languages, the function quick translation web pages from one language to another will be very useful for them. You can make such a translation different ways, including installation of appropriate add-ons. For example, add-ons ImTranslator, which will not only provide real-time translation of text from a wide variety of languages ​​(a total of 1,640 translation directions are possible), but in addition will also provide advanced tools for working with text in a foreign language. To translate, just select a fragment of text on the page and call the "ImTranslator" command from the context menu, adjusting the translation direction if necessary. This will lead to the opening of an additional window (in principle, it can also be called by the command “Tools” > “ImTranslator”), in which the source and translated text fragments will be displayed. In this window you can also translate a separate fragment of manually typed or copied text, check the correct spelling of the text in the spellchecker, clarify the translation and spelling individual words in the dictionary and, if necessary, print the result or send it by email.

An alternative to ImTranslator can be an add-on FoxLingo, which supports two thousand translation directions and provides translation of entire web pages with just one click on the "Auto-translate" button. By default, translation is carried out through the Google Translation online service, but you can change the add-on settings so that the translation is carried out using some other of the supported 36 free services translation.

And if you get an add-on Hyperwords, then you can kill many birds with one stone, since this add-on will allow you to perform a very impressive range of operations in relation to words or phrases highlighted on a web page through an additional context menu that automatically pops up after highlighting a word or phrase. For example, you can get the translation of the highlighted words through an online translation service and search a variety of sources (say, a word search on Google Search or Wikipedia, a map search on Google Maps or Yahoo Maps, a video search on YouTube or Flick, etc. .). Convert currency or units of measure (length, volume, temperature, speed, etc.), get help from a dictionary and look for a product with the corresponding name in online stores. And also write a blog post and create a message Email with a selected phrase, copy text without formatting to the clipboard, highlight all words (or phrases) on the page that match the word (or phrase) selected by the user, and much more.

All context menu items are customizable (command "Tools" > "Add-ons" > "Hyperwords"; button "Settings"). This means that unnecessary functions can be easily disabled ("Layout" tab). And for functions of interest, adjust the parameters (the "Localize" tab) - that is, for example, set up the default translation from English to Russian, install Russian localizations Google services Search and Wikipedia, etc.


Session Manager - Save and restore sessions? Easily!

Quite often, every user is faced with the need to save or restore their previous browser sessions. In the browser Mozilla FireFox this is possible using simple plugin Session Manager.

Using the Session Manager addon, the following functions become available:

1.Saving the state of all tabs before exiting the browser and restoring them when the program starts;

2.Automatically save tabs via certain time, which is set by the user, the number of tabs can also be edited;

3.Editing a saved list of tabs, the name of which is entered manually by the user;

4.Recovering accidentally closed windows and tabs.

How to install Session Manager in your browser:

Step one: to install the addon you need

Step two: open "Add the FireFox"(“Add to FireFox”).

Step three: select a function in the window that opens "Install".

Step four: when the installation is completely completed, you need to click the button "Restart FireFox", or, if desired, restart the browser yourself.

Settings Session Manager in the browser Mazila Firefox.

In the open browser, you need to initially select the tab "Tools", then run "Session Manager", then go to "Manager Settings". Here you can leave the default settings (automatic) or adjust them as you wish, to your taste. After this, when you exit the program, the plugin Session Manager will save all tabs and open sites and restore them again the next time you start the browser.

In this way, it is possible to create and save tabs with a specific set of sites and then restore them when the program starts. In order to open the necessary sites in new tabs, just click on the button "Session Manager" and then select the option "Save session". To load a session, just go to the panel "Session Manager" and select the option "Load session".

To restore sessions in the same form as they were during saving, it is recommended to set the function "Refresh all restored windows", which is located in the Session Manager settings on the tab "Save/Restore".

I think every user is familiar firsthand with the situation when, after a crash in the browser, tabs or open pages. Of course, this is not a problem on a universal scale, however, it is not pleasant. However, it is possible to prevent the problem, and you do not need to have any special knowledge to do this.

As you know, Firefox browser is very popular among users from all over the world. It is very easy to use and is especially valuable because there is nothing superfluous in its interface. However, if desired, the operation of the browser can be improved by downloading certain . Accordingly, I want to devote this material to such an interesting plugin as Session Manager or, simply put, the session manager in Firefox.

What is a session manager

In short, the session manager is a plugin whose main task is to restore the Firefox session, as well as save it. Simply put, if the browser crashes, the system freezes, some error occurs, etc., this add-on automatically saves all data. Thus, the next time you start the web browser, you don’t have to worry: the current session is guaranteed to be preserved.

Installing a session manager

Downloading Session Manager is very simple, I think there is no point in going into detail about it. After downloading, you need to configure it; to do this, do the following:

  1. launch Mozilla, then go to “Tools”;
  2. now you need to find the line “Session Manager” - “Session Manager Settings”;
  3. now set the settings as shown in the screenshot below.

Once you complete these steps, the question of how to save a session in firefox will not be in front of you. Now, when you exit the browser, the plugin will remember the current session, and to restore the previous Firefox session, you just need to restart the browser.

By the way, the add-on allows you to open a session not only when the browser starts, but also during its operation. Just go to the “Session Manager” and set required settings in order to restore the Firefox session the way you need.

Finally, a few words about where sessions are stored in Firefox. You need to open your profile in the browser, and there you will find the sessionstore.js file. As you may have guessed, this is where the current open tabs and windows are displayed.

Of course, a session manager is not exactly the same plugin as, for example, that each of us uses every day. However, it can be very useful if you don't want to lose important information or simply want to protect yourself and your browser from unexpected errors.

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