
Is it possible to change an iPhone under warranty? How Apple determines whether an iPhone is eligible for warranty repair. How long will it take

Hello! We are completing the series of articles (at least for a while) about service centers and various nuances of iPhone warranty service. We have already figured out (completely new or refurbished?) and what happens to (extended, starts over or completely disappears?) on this very iPhone. And, it would seem, there is nothing more to talk about... nothing like that!

We still have one (but very important!) question left, which we clearly need to understand in more detail. It sounds like this - is it necessary for service centers (if you have a valid warranty and after diagnostics) to exchange your iPhone for a new one? Or is repair still possible and they will give you your old device?

We’ll talk about this today, let’s go!

Once again I would like to note that we are talking specifically about official repair shops, authorized by Apple(list). Naturally, no one will change anything at the market or in a tent near the market (IP Uncle Vasya). They will repair it anyhow and let you go in peace. In general, it is better to avoid such places - they will do it cheaply, but not for long.

So, your iPhone is broken, you turned to a service center for help, and there are two options:

  • You will be repaired using new or used parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability.
  • Will be replaced with a product that is at least functionally identical to the product being replaced.

Lest you think I made this all up, here's a screenshot of the limited warranty provisions from Apple's website.

Thus, it turns out that Apple can choose at its discretion - either repair your iPhone (using both new and used parts :)), or replace it with a similar product (which, by the way, can also be assembled from new and used \at the details :)). But what actually happens in Russian service centers - exchange or repair?

Who can best answer this question? That's right, Apple itself, represented by technical support. Let's ask them...

As you can see, in Russia iPhones can be either repaired under warranty or replaced. How so? After all, they write everywhere that since Apple does not supply original parts to Russia, the only way to repair a defective iPhone should be to replace it! I also asked about this in the chat...

As you can see, Apple sends certified spare parts to Russia so that authorized service centers can repair your iPhone. The only exception is displays, since original screens are not supplied to the Russian Federation.

So what now, if it’s a defect, then just repairs and that’s it? But no, because in reality everything happens exactly the opposite. In most cases that I have heard (read, been told about) everything happens differently. In case of absolutely any manufacturing defect, an authorized service center will rather replace your iPhone with a new one than repair it.

Honestly, I don’t know why this happens - there are spare parts, there are people, is it really cheaper and easier to just replace the device? I don’t have an answer, if you have ideas, write in the comments.


  • iPhone repairs under warranty are possible; Apple supplies spare parts to Russia for this (except for displays).
  • Despite this, in most cases (in fact, in all of which I have heard of), ASCs issue a brand new iPhone instead of a defective one.

Is it really new? I have already written about this, the link is at the beginning of the article - read it, there is a lot of interesting information.

Updated or new total:

  • Starting in the spring of 2017 (thanks to the FAS order), Apple began supplying repair components to Russia iPhone displays. Now official service centers have absolutely all spare parts for warranty repairs.
  • I don’t know whether this is related to the previous point or not, but the fact remains that users are increasingly writing in the comments that their iPhone was repaired and not replaced with a new one.

P.S. I look forward to your opinions and questions.

Have you been wondering for a long time whether your iPhone is subject to warranty repair taking into account various defects? Now you can find out for sure.

In the first document are subject to warranty repair or replacement devices with defects from the green zone. Such cases include:

  • single cracks on the glass located in the corner of the smartphone (there should be no cobwebs)
  • defect front camera(bias)
  • debris under the screen or abnormal (broken) pixels (only upon user request)

To the problems covered non-warranty repairs, relate:

  • liquid ingress (user confirmed this)
  • corrosion of internal components
  • display defects (mechanical damage)
  • single crack from which other cracks emanate
  • various cracks on glass
  • damaged 3.5/Lightning port (junk that cannot be easily removed)
  • severe abrasions on glass, buttons or
    bent body
  • The screen came off (a swollen battery does not count)
  • damaged microphone or speaker (so clogged with debris that it cannot be easily cleaned)

Not subject to official repair:

  • mechanical damage (the user is to blame; use of unlicensed software)
    • there are no internal components
    • non-original battery
    • catastrophic damage (see photo)

    The manual also outlines situations in which liquid getting inside the iPhone could cause it to fail. free repair and cancellation of warranty.

    1 . Liquid got under the display and the Lightning connector began to corrode.

    2 . If the user personally confirms the incapacity of the smartphone due to liquid ingress.

    The warranty does not cover damage caused by liquid entering the device.

    Repairs will be made for money. There is only one chance to remain under warranty: show a dry iPhone without corrosion, with a white/gray indicator (red is kaput). It displays water entering the device.

    The last image shows which cosmetic defects are not covered by the warranty at all. Look and remember.

    Business Insider's sources noted that sometimes there are isolated cases when a smartphone is partially not covered by the warranty. But they will still replace it with a new one.

    The above rules do not apply to AppleCare+ customers. It allows you to repair or change the device even if there is mechanical damage. [Macrumors]

    Hello! No equipment can be insured against manufacturing defects and the iPhone, unfortunately, is no exception. Everyone has problems - there is no escape from them. That is why, in matters of warranty service, how the manufacturer solves these same defects comes to the fore. This is where the true face of the company is revealed... At Apple, in my opinion, everything happens at the highest level - repairs are almost never made, and in most cases the user receives a new gadget to replace the defective one.

    Great? Yes, I think so. But this replacement still needs to be “arrived” in some way. And although there is nothing special or complicated in the process of handing over an iPhone to service under warranty, there are still some important points in this whole matter that are extremely necessary to pay attention to.

    What kind of moments are these? But this is what we will talk about today. Let's go!

    So, your iPhone is broken, and the warranty period () has not yet expired.

    Where should I take my iPhone under warranty - to a store or service?

    The very first thing is to decide where we will take our iPhone for warranty repair. Here the choice will be small:

    1. To the store where the device was purchased.
    2. To an authorized service center.

    The buyer has every right go where it is more convenient for him. But even if you take your iPhone to a store, it will eventually be sent to a service center. And this will be convenient only in one case - when it is not possible to visit the ASC on your own (for example, but it is very far away).

    In all other cases, it is better to take the iPhone to the service center yourself. Why?

    1. In 99% of cases it is much faster. By law, the store has 45 days to fix the defect in your smartphone. As a rule, this is the number of days you will be without an iPhone (well, maybe a little less). Yes, you can ask for a replacement phone number, but not everyone knows about it. And they don’t always give it, preferring to pay a fine.
    2. In the service itself, all issues are resolved much faster.
    3. In a store, you can spend a long time explaining and arguing with salespeople about why you brought your iPhone back. In some cases, they won’t even want to accept it :) For example, today their program, printer, doesn’t work, there’s no person working on it, you need to bring a check, an application, an invoice, a bunch of other papers, etc. In this sense, the service is simpler.

    Of course, everything written above is greatly exaggerated, but the general meaning, I think, is clear. Therefore, if possible, it is better to submit your iPhone for warranty repair directly to the service - it will be faster (that’s for sure) and you will spend less nerves (this is in question).

    What should I take with me and do I need a receipt for purchase?

    Here again, a lot depends on where you go with your broken iPhone. If you go to the store, you may need anything:

    1. Full set.
    2. Cash receipt and sales receipt.
    3. Passport.
    4. Anything else:)

    It is clear that the same receipt and complete equipment are not needed when handing over for repairs - Article 18 of the Labor Code:

    The consumer's absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of purchase of the goods is not grounds for refusal to satisfy his requirements.

    But again, a lot depends on the seller and the store.

    If you take it directly to the service center, we take with us:

    1. The device itself.
    2. Passport.

    Just bring your iPhone (no receipt, headphones, box, charger, stickers, instructions) and that's it. At the service center, they look at the serial number to see if the warranty is still valid and take the phone for repair ().

    There are several nuances to keep in mind:

    1. If this is not your first time using this device and “repair by replacement” has already been performed on it, then a receipt for the previous use may be needed to confirm the warranty.
    2. If you are applying for the second year of the warranty (and this happens!) and the first year has already passed, then the receipt will still be useful (as proof of the date of purchase). Another thing is that everyone got confused with this very second year of service, including Apple itself. It won't be easy to get it.

    What should you do with your iPhone before going to a service center?

    No supernatural actions are required. Minimal manipulations:

    1. Just in case, do it backup copy your data. Perhaps they will update the iPhone software- the information will be lost. If the iPhone is replaced, then your photos, videos, etc. “will go” to the factory along with the old device.
    2. For the same reason, if there is any confidential or very personal data, it is better to erase it in advance. It is possible through.
    3. Disable the Find My iPhone function and remove the password on the lock screen - if this protection is activated, the device simply will not be accepted service center.
    4. Remove jailbreak. – Modified software may be a reason for denial of warranty service.

    Covers, films and glasses (in case you can reuse them) are also better to remove.

    Will the service accept an iPhone with physical damage?

    It would seem that everything is ready - you can safely go and change your iPhone under warranty. But we look at the device and see that it has a few scratches and even a small dent. What to do now? Will our gadget be accepted or “deployed”?

    You must understand that the service center has special instructions in this regard. And this is called natural wear and tear of the device. No one expects you to bring your iPhone in perfect condition for repair. Some things are completely acceptable and are not grounds for denial of warranty service.

    I came across similar instructions a long time ago (back in the days of the iPhone 4 and 4S) and remembering, I can note that they were talking about even minor cracks (as minimal damage passable for warranty repairs), and not just about “ordinary” scratches and abrasions .

    Therefore, if there is no nail sticking out of the screen of your iPhone, then it may well be accepted for warranty repair and subsequently replaced with a new one ().

    These are all the main points you need to know before returning your iPhone under warranty to a store or service center. But if I forgot something or have questions, welcome to the comments. Let's try to figure it out together.

    P.S. By the way, it’s absolutely not forbidden to like or click on the buttons social networks(below the article). I think they even work. But here we need to check - we can’t do it without your help!

    IN Lately There is talk on the Internet about a two-year official Apple warranty in Russia. It is a myth. As always, someone heard something, did not understand it, but trumpeted false information to the whole world. It's time to figure out how long the warranty lasts for the iPhone in the Russian Federation and for other company devices.

    Let's jump ahead a little.

    Warranty for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch in Russia is exactly one year from the date of purchase. It's official.

    Journalists and bloggers who talk about just two years are mistaken. The only device with a two-year warranty is the Apple Watch Edition, the most expensive, made of gold and released back in 2015.

    Now more details.

    Three types of guarantee in Russia

    First of all, let's figure out what kind of warranty applies to Apple equipment in Russia and what it means.

    First, Apple shares warranty obligations under the Consumer Protection Act, its own one-year limited warranty and an AppleCare Protection Plan.

    Separates, but does not limit the effect of the laws of the Russian Federation. At least that's what the company claims.

    Roughly speaking, by law we have 100% of the rights, within the Limited Warranty we have 120%, and with AppleCare we have all 300%. For the latter you will have to pay extra.

    As part of Apple's Annual Limited Warranty, we have all the rights provided for by Russian law, but with nuances from the corporation itself.

    For example, according to the law, the consumer has the right to choose what to do with a low-quality product: demand a refund, demand repairs, or replace the defective product.

    If a claim regarding a low-quality iPhone is filed directly with Apple, the latter will decide what to do: repair the faulty device, replace it, or return the money paid.

    Personally, it’s not entirely clear to me how Apple believes that this is not limited by current legislation. Anyway.

    In any case, most often the company or service centers simply replace the broken device with a new one. In any case, this is much better than gutting your old device, replacing the faulty part, and giving it back to you. Agree.

    There is also a third type of guarantee - AppleCare, which must be purchased separately, and which costs quite a lot of money. We won’t talk about it today; we’ll limit ourselves to “free” service options.

    Disadvantage and significant disadvantage

    This is a small but important digression. It is not directly related to our topic, but it will not be superfluous to understand it.

    According to the law, any smartphone is a technically complex product (has touch screen, satellite communications and so on). Accordingly, you can exchange it or get a refund for it only within the first 15 days after purchase, but only if any defect has been identified. This could be, for example, a broken speaker, a stuck button, or something like that.

    After 15 days after purchase, we have two options: either agree to repairs or wait until a significant defect is identified. The latter presupposes a newly identified defect after its elimination, the presence of various defects (two or more) or a defect that cannot be eliminated without losses incommensurate with the cost of the device. For example, a smartphone costs 50 thousand rubles. If you have to change motherboard, which costs 26 thousand rubles, then congratulations - this is a significant drawback. It can be expressed not only in money, but also in time. For example, it takes more than 45 days to eliminate such a defect for one reason or another. After this we can demand a refund. The only way.

    In Russia, the warranty is 1 year

    We figured out that in Russia there are several types of guarantees. At least, there are only two free ones: under the Consumer Protection Act and Apple's One-Year Limited Warranty. The latter is one year and period. There is nothing more to discuss here.

    But according to the law, we have a slightly different situation. I'll explain now.

    During the one year warranty we can contact:

    • Apple
    • directly to the salon where we bought the device in white
    • to an authorized service center

    During the first year of the warranty, the warranty from the seller or the manufacturer will always be valid - there is not much difference.

    What to do if the marriage manifests itself after a year and a half?

    Then the second year of warranty will apply, provided only by the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. For the “second year of warranty by law” to take effect, three important components must be present simultaneously.

    First- the product must have been guaranteed by the manufacturer or seller. If, for example, the iPhone was bought in Russia, in white, then there are no problems - the warranty will always be for a year, which means the first condition is met.

    Second- if the gadget breaks down during the second year of use, the first warranty should expire by this time. It’s logical, but believe me, situations can be different. For example, the second year of use has already begun, but the seller’s warranty has not yet expired, since the device was being repaired, and accordingly, the warranty period is extended during the repair.

    Third and most important— you will have to prove that the product is defective. Quality checks, examination - if you are deployed to an authorized service center (they really can), you will be required to carry out all these delights yourself and at your own expense. And only with an official piece of paper that there is a manufacturing defect in the smartphone will you be able to contact the service center, and the latter will be obliged to accept your product.

    If the organization hesitates, you can always go to court and punish the negligent service with compensation for moral damages, a fine, penalties, and so on.

    Why is everyone talking about year 2?

    Firstly, Apple itself caused confusion by not very correctly posting this wording on its website.

    Moreover, it is not clear what kind of “delivery” we are talking about there. The law has a clear concept - transfer of goods to the consumer, which in reality implies the date of purchase. And yes, sometimes the goods can be delivered to the consumer. Perhaps this was what was meant.

    Secondly, knowing everything that I talked about above, authorized service centers meet the consumer and without any delay accept the defective product within the second year from the date of purchase. And this is where the myth came from that in Russia Apple equipment has a two-year warranty.

    But one more time. Any service center has the right to accept the device for repair for the second year after the expiration of the main warranty, but is never obliged to do this. It's at his discretion.

    Therefore, do not be surprised if some, even a triple-authorized service center, suddenly refuses you warranty repairs in the 15th month of using your smartphone. In this case, it will be you who will prove the existence of a marriage. Accordingly, you cannot demand examinations or quality checks - this is only at your own request and at your own expense.

    Third year warranty. It happens?

    Yes, this is not a mistake. In case of a defect, you can demand a refund even in the third year from the date of purchase.

    You can make a claim regarding a defect in the device even within 3 years!

    Few people know about this, but it is true.

    Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, namely, Part 6 of Art. 19 gives us this opportunity. But this, of course, did not come without additional conditions.

    First— the deficiency must be 100% significant. We have already discussed above what this means. Second— you will have to prove the presence of a significant deficiency yourself. Third- You can apply beyond two years from the date of purchase, but during the entire service life of the product. For Apple it is always 3 years. Hence the deadline for appeal. For example, if you bought a sofa, and its passport indicates a service life of 10 years, then you can contact us about its defectiveness two years after use, but within these same 10 years.

    According to the logic of the law, at the end of the service life of a product, it must be thrown away. In fact, it is clear that no.

    Personally, I had no practice in dealing with a deficiency beyond two years. Making a claim after the end of the warranty, but within two years - yes, but I haven’t tested the three-year period the hard way. Share famous cases in the comments, it’s interesting.

    When does the warranty begin?

    Another common misconception. Many people believe that the warranty begins to expire from the moment of activation. This is true, but only partly.

    Activating the device (turning it on for the first time and entering Apple ID data) is a signal from the company itself that the device has begun to be used. For one reason or another, Apple may not have information about the sale of the device. In this case, the warranty will begin either from the activation date or from the date the device is shipped to the partner.

    In fact, the official warranty for an iPhone, iPad or other gadget begins to run from the date of sale of the device and only if the product was purchased from an authorized partner of the company or directly from the online Apple Store (there are no physical stores in Russia).

    If the site indicates a date different from the date of purchase from the officials, then the site has a special form through which you can contact the support service. You will need to present a copy of the receipt. Subsequently, the warranty start date will change to the current one. Read more.

    Checks are different

    On its website, Apple always refers to a sales receipt (not a cash receipt). In general, it is not of fundamental importance to contact the service center with a cash or sales receipt. However, in order to avoid problems and misunderstandings in the future, when purchasing an Apple device, it is better to ask the seller to issue, in addition to the cash register, a sales receipt. It won't be redundant.

    By the way, there is another pitfall here.

    If the seller did not give you a cash receipt, but immediately gave you a sales receipt, then, most likely, this device is not officially sold, and the money you transferred for it will not go to the cash register, but into the pocket of a specific seller. This is fraud, a criminal offense and all that, so you should always ask for a cashier's receipt, that is, a cashier's receipt. The merchandise is just an addition to the cash receipt.

    Despite the outstanding reliability of devices with the apple logo on back cover, sooner or later there is a need to visit service centers. You should always be prepared for such cases in advance. As they say, prepare your sleigh in the summer. And if such a need arises, we want to prepare you for it and help you save your money. At first glance, Apple's warranty looks complicated, but in fact everything is simple and clear.

    Due to the increasing number of questions about the warranty for Apple products and the conditions for its provision for this equipment in Russia, we decided to tell you all the nuances of warranty cases and sort out all the information on the shelves.

    1. Any Apple products that are not prohibited for sale in our country are subject to warranty service in Russia. You can find out the range of Apple products supplied to our country on the company’s official website.

    2. Guarantee period for the product is calculated from the moment of its purchase and is confirmed by the purchase document. The warranty period for Apple products is 12 months (1 year). The period can be extended to three years if you purchase and activate the Apple Care Protection Plan (I’ll tell you more about it a little later).

    3. Warranty support is provided only by authorized Apple service centers. Their list can be found in the “Support” section on the official website of the company from Cupertino.

    4. It’s also worth knowing about the iPhone warranty situation. Authorized Apple service centers do not accept guaranteed iPhone service. The worldwide warranty does not apply to the phone. iPhone is subject to warranty service only in the country of its “primary” sale. That is, if you buy it in the UK, only there will it be guaranteed. In our country, regarding iPhone warranty issues, you must contact the seller or operator cellular communications from whom the phone was purchased. Thus, an iPhone purchased on the territory of our country from OSS MTS will be guaranteed only in the territory of the Russian Federation and from OSS MTS. Don't forget this.

    5. When launching new Apple products, the products are subject to warranty service only from the moment of the official launch of sales in each individual country.

    6. An authorized Apple service center has the right to refuse warranty repairs to you if you do not have documentary or actual evidence of the purchase of the product in the country in which it was supplied by the manufacturer for sale.

    7. The product is considered under warranty and must be repaired free of charge if documents on the purchase of the product in the country of sale, issued to a private individual, are provided. In this case, the person is regarded as temporarily arriving abroad at the time of purchase of the product, or temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation. In the first and second cases, the product is covered by Apple's worldwide warranty.

    8. When buying a new one Apple technology, be sure to check the availability of a document describing the warranty conditions for a specific product. The warranty terms and conditions for all Apple products can be found here.

    9. Detailed explanations regarding support and warranty can be found in a special section on the official Apple website.

    10. To check the warranty of your device, you can follow the link and enter serial number devices. If it is in the database, then you can safely go to an authorized Apple service center.

    AppleCare Protection Plan

    All Apple products come with 90 days of free telephone technical support and one year of free Apple Authorized Service Center support. By purchasing the AppleCare Protection Plan, you extend your warranty coverage to three years from the date you purchased the product.
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