
Is it possible to put a TV on an LG refrigerator? Is it possible to put a TV on a refrigerator? Location of household appliances: what can be placed near the refrigerator compartment

Your favorite home friend, the TV, unfortunately, has an expiration date, so one day it may break down. There used to be workshops where TVs could be repaired. But nowadays there are practically none of these left, because today it is cheaper to buy equipment than to repair it.

Choosing a size

The screen size depends on the size of the room.

Distance to TV / Screen diagonal
  • 1.5 meters – from 37 cm
  • 2 meters – from 43 cm
  • 3 meters – from 63 cm
  • 4 meters – from 81 cm
  • 5 meters – from 94 cm
  • 6 meters – from 107 cm
Is it possible to put a TV in the kitchen?

The kitchen is the room where we spend quality time with our family. That's why small TV it won't hurt there. Of course, if you are not afraid to gain weight. Because watching your favorite TV shows improves your appetite!

It is better to place the TV on a separate table in the opposite corner from the sink or hang it on the wall. But it’s better not to put it on the refrigerator - the electromagnetic field increases, and the devices deteriorate faster.


The dependence of hue and brightness on the viewing angle, unnatural color reproduction, the likelihood of pixels “burning out” (burning dots appear on the screen).

CRT (kinescope) - “simple” TV
Work for an average of 15 years, natural color rendition, low cost. The screen size is limited (about 38 inches), large dimensions and weight. If the screen refresh rate is below 100 Hz, then your eyes become very tired when viewing.
Small thickness, low power consumption, ergonomic in relation to the human eye, high image clarity.
Plasma (PDP)
Good image contrast, natural picture. Small thickness. No screen flickering or harmful radiation. Short-lived (“pixels burn out”). Inaccurate color rendering high cost and energy intensity.
Projection (LCD, DLP and D-ILA) – “home cinema”
Large image size (diameter up to several meters). Natural color reproduction (picture softness, high clarity and brightness). High quality sound. High price.

Remember that you cannot place a cage with parrots next to the TV - this will have a bad effect on the health of the bird. Do not allow cats that like to sleep near a warm monitor to be near equipment.

Almost every home has a TV, and sometimes even several. Most often we associate it with a pleasant time with family or friends. Our eyes are directed towards this electronic device quite often and it doesn’t matter whether it broadcasts television channels or is simply a monitor for watching movies or videos on the Internet.

Let's see how to properly place a TV monitor in a room so that it is as comfortable, safe and convenient for all household members as possible. Read all clauses carefully, constantly looking back at your terms and conditions. All the tips here are closely interrelated, and technical inconsistencies of one of them in the selected room can affect the features of the layout, which would seem to have already been precisely defined.


1. In which part of the room should the TV be placed?

The placement of the TV is dictated by the arrangement of furniture in the room. First of all, decide from which point in the room (or several) you will watch it. This could be a sofa, a dining table, a kitchen work area - but other options are also possible.

A way out of this situation can be window roller blinds or tightly closing curtains with a blackout effect.

Consider how willing you are to close them tightly every time you turn on the TV. For those who have this arrangement, we advise you to take a closer look at curtains on an electric curtain rod, which can be controlled from a remote control or tablet. It’s not that expensive, and this option will add comfort and keep your appearance tidy. appearance and the curtains themselves, which from too frequent mechanical impact can quickly become dirty and lose their original appearance.


2. At what height should you hang the TV?

If you are going to watch TV in the kitchen, say, standing at the stove, stand at an imaginary (if you are currently renovating) or an existing work surface, and then quickly move your gaze to the section of the wall where you plan to mount the TV. The place where you looked (this will most likely be at the level of your eyes or a little lower/above) needs to be remembered and immediately carefully recorded, say, with chalk on the wall. This is supposed to be the center of the monitor.

Using exactly the same principle, you can determine a comfortable height for yourself to place the TV on the wall in any room where it is supposed to be located.


3. How to properly mount the TV on the wall

If, in your layout, the location of the TV involves mounting it on the wall, you need to first check technical feasibility performing this operation. Remember - you cannot hang a heavy monitor on a plasterboard wall. It will not withstand more than 30-35 kg and risks simply collapsing.

The monitor can be mounted on a wall made of bricks or blocks using brackets. In this case, make sure in advance that there is no wiring in the places where the dowels are supposed to be located.


4. Where to hide wires and cables

If your apartment is currently under renovation, design and properly prepare in advance the location of the TV and the corresponding terminals for it. What you will definitely need is 3 regular sockets behind the monitor and 1 television socket. In them you will connect the plasma monitor itself, a tuner and/or Wi-Fi adapter. All these outputs can be safely hidden behind the plasma monitor itself, placing the sockets at a distance of 8-10 cm from the top or bottom edge of the monitor (whichever is more convenient in your situation).

If there is a TV stand under the TV, on which other media equipment will presumably be placed, the sockets behind it will also not hurt you.

If the repair has already been done, all the wires can be hidden in a cable box and carefully brought to the TV. Later, this box can be designed to match the style of the wall on which it is located - in order to disguise it as much as possible.

If the TV is located opposite the window and you decide to take advice about curtains on an electric curtain rod, plan another outlet under the ceiling in the place where such a curtain will hang (curtain specialists and an electrician will tell you more about this).


5. How to choose the diagonal size

Many TV fans dream of a large plasma on half the wall. Buying such a TV is not difficult, but before you do it, check to what extent the parameters of your room will allow you to watch such a monitor without harm to your health.

That is, a 40-inch TV needs to be viewed from a distance of 80-120 or 120-160 inches (1 inch equals 2.54 cm). Now we can calculate that the eyes of a person looking at a 40-inch plasma should be located 3-4 meters away from it, and for LCD monitors - 2-3 meters away.


It is not difficult, observing reality, to be convinced that many people neglect this rule, thereby spoiling the eyesight not only of themselves, but also of their loved ones. Don't repeat these mistakes.


We offer interesting ideas for placing the TV in modern interiors:



Often the kitchen space is so small that it is simply impossible to place all the necessary household items in it. In this case, you have to be smart and use the available space more rationally. Owners of small apartments find a solution by placing the TV in the kitchen on the refrigerator. Is it possible to do this? And doesn’t one technique cause harm to another, in the case of such placement?

Negative consequences

Placing a TV on a refrigeration unit is not the best solution. The fact is that both devices have different ranges of electromagnetic radiation. Their interaction leads to the development of the following negative consequences:

  1. Increased electricity consumption.
  2. Rapid failure of both devices.
  3. Negative effects of two powerful electric fields on the human body.

Why can't this be done?

Experts do not recommend placing the TV on the refrigerator for several reasons:

  1. Increased load on the refrigeration unit.
  2. Increased vibration.
  3. Heavy weight of the TV.

For normal functioning refrigerator, it is necessary to provide air ventilation on all sides of the device. When the TV is placed on top of the structure, the air flow decreases, the airflow of the equipment decreases, which leads to increased engine operation. At first glance, the situation is not critical. But, if the refrigeration device is regularly overloaded, it may soon break down.

If the refrigerator is not new, vibration occurs during operation. This, in turn, negatively affects the TV and causes it to display poorly. New models of refrigeration devices operate somewhat differently, without vibration. And therefore they do not in any way affect the functionality of television monitors.

When a large, old TV is placed on top of a refrigerator, the lower unit experiences significant weight pressure. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency and performance of the refrigeration structure.

Many manufacturers household appliances It is prohibited to place television monitors on top of refrigerators. Moreover, this situation automatically deprives users of the warranty on equipment from manufacturers.

Combining two devices

If you want to install a TV in the kitchen, it is recommended to follow several rules that will help maintain the functionality of any equipment.

  1. Purchase a refrigeration unit with a special opening for the TV.
  2. Order a cabinet or shelf that will be attached to the kitchen unit.
  3. Today, there are TV mounting brackets on sale that are fixed to the wall and are independent of other household appliances in the kitchen.

When buying a refrigerator with an opening for a TV, remember that the opening has certain dimensions for which you will have to select a TV monitor. It’s better to do this right away in the store. Sales consultants will help with the choice and tell you how to combine two devices in this case.

If renovation work in the kitchen has not been completed, it is recommended to order a kitchen set with a shelf to accommodate the TV. This will help to effectively solve the problem of combining the monitor with any other equipment in the kitchen. Ordering a bracket for mounting the TV will help in the same way.

Summing up

You can arrange all the necessary equipment in a small kitchen. When thinking about the placement of each device, do not forget to follow the rules of planning and arrangement of interior items in the room. If you want to place the TV on the refrigerator, use the advice of professionals. They will help you place the equipment correctly and extend the life of each device.

Is it possible to put a microwave on a refrigerator: 3 types of consequences

To save space, the microwave can be placed on the refrigerator The average Russian can no longer do without a microwave. This device significantly saves time and effort when preparing food. A microwave is a very practical and functional device. That is why it has not very small dimensions. The convenience of its use, as well as the safety of the device, depends on the location of the microwave. That is why many people ask the question: “Can a microwave be placed on a refrigerator?” This is the combination that is most often found in the kitchen.

Is it possible to put a microwave on the refrigerator?

After purchasing a microwave, many begin to think about where to place it. It is worth noting that you cannot install a microwave in all corners of the kitchen. Before placing a microwave oven on a refrigerator, it is worth considering whether these two types of devices are compatible: after all, one is heating and the other is cooling.

Before placing a microwave on top of a refrigerator, you need to ask yourself the question: “Will this affect the efficiency of both appliances?”

Many microwave users claim that it can sit on the refrigerator for several years without breaking down and working efficiently. Their statement can be justified by the fact that both devices can be classified as isolated. This means that external factors cannot affect the performance of the device.

Before you put the microwave on the refrigerator, think about how it can be done correctly.

What you need to know when installing a microwave on a refrigerator:

  1. Many microwave ovens have vents that are located not only on the side or top, but also on the bottom. With the latter option, the microwave can stand on the refrigerator if it has legs. In this way, free air ventilation will be ensured.
  2. If the microwave has no legs, and the bottom ventilation is clogged with various debris, then air ventilation will occur incorrectly or not at all, which can soon lead to damage to the device.
  3. Before installing the microwave on the refrigerator, you should check that there is no cellophane, oilcloth or other similar materials between them. It is best to place plywood or other solid insulating material on the piece.

When installing a microwave on a refrigerator, you should consider the height of the refrigerator. There is no need to place a microwave on a tall refrigerator: using it will be inconvenient and even dangerous. A high position can lead to traumatic moments when, when taking out hot food, it can be spilled or tipped over on yourself.

What will happen: is it possible to put the TV on the refrigerator?

Saving space is a pressing problem for a kitchen where a large number of technical devices, furniture and dishes. Many people decide to increase space by placing a smaller device on a larger one. Before placing any object on another, you should make sure that this can be done.

For many people, a TV in the kitchen is a necessary thing. Therefore, the relevant question is: “Is it possible to place the TV on the refrigerator?” Answer: “No.”

Many owners often neglect this rule, appealing to the fact that nothing bad is happening. And modern manufacturers produce refrigerator models that already have a built-in TV, claiming that it is safe and practical. But before you place the TV on the refrigerator, and especially on freezer, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances.

It is not recommended to place the TV on the refrigerator; it is better to find a more suitable place for this.

What happens when the TV is placed on the refrigerator:

  • Increase in electromagnetic radiation several times.
  • The unit begins to operate under a heavier load, which can lead to breakdown of the technical device.

Of course, everyone decides for himself whether, for the sake of economy, he should risk the work of one or several at once. technical devices. If a kitchen without a TV is unthinkable, it is better to install it on a special shelf or brackets. Reliable installation will ensure the safety of using the TV and refrigerator, and will also extend the life of the devices.

Consequences: is it possible to put a TV on a microwave?

Any household appliance emits electromagnetic waves that have an effect on the human body; the reception is not very favorable. But modern people can no longer do without technical devices that make life easier and save time. The most interesting thing is that a large accumulation of devices in a room with a small area has an even more negative effect on a person.

The close proximity of some devices may affect their performance.

In this case, it is appropriate to ask the question that many owners of small kitchens ask: “Can I put a TV on a microwave?” These devices can be located next to each other, but subject to certain conditions. It is important to consider the types of devices and the distance at which they will interact.

The TV can be placed near the microwave oven, but some rules should be followed

What affects the consequences of placing the TV on the microwave:

  • It is important to know whether microwave leakage occurs. This will not happen if the oven has a sufficient degree of shielding.
  • The grille should be positioned so as not to interfere with air flow ventilation.
  • The type of TV is important, since the placement of a modern plasma TV on a stand will be different from an older screen-beam device.

When placing the TV on the microwave, you should take into account the simultaneous operation of two devices. Some people install TVs on the microwave, without questioning the health safety of such a union. This is not to say that this is too dangerous, but if it is possible to avoid this, then it is better to place the TV on a shelf or attach it to brackets.

Foreign object: is it possible to place a microwave on a washing machine?

Many years ago, no one would have thought that the microwave would become such an integral part of our daily lives. Today, almost every kitchen is equipped with a convenient microwave oven, which saves time and greatly simplifies cooking. But the problem of the arrangement of appliances, especially in a small kitchen, makes itself felt.

Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to place a microwave on a washing machine?” Answer: “It’s not worth it.”

Owners of appliances often want to save space in the kitchen by installing a lightweight appliance on a more stable and heavier one. But such interaction between devices leads to frequent equipment breakdowns. Before installing the microwave on any surface, you must study the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

The microwave oven should not be placed on top of the washing machine.

Consequences of installation:

  • Usually in the instructions washing machines It is written that objects exceeding a weight of 15 kg cannot be placed on them.
  • By placing the microwave on washing machine, you cannot be sure that it will not fall, since there are no guards.
  • During washing, the machine vibrates, which is unsafe for the oven.

Before placing the microwave on the machine, you should find out about a fact that may lead to abandonment of the idea. Usually the instructions say that you cannot install other equipment on the machine. Violation may result in denial of warranty service both devices.

Most The best way install the microwave - place it in a specially designated place. However, many people face the problem of lack of space in the kitchen. That’s when all sorts of ideas come to mind: putting the stove on the windowsill, the washing machine or dishwasher, on the refrigerator, etc.

When installing a microwave oven in the work area, you should immediately take into account that heating devices such as a stove or electric kettle should not be nearby.

If the microwave is installed on a table, you should not place a laptop, tablet or smartphone next to it. Many people ask the question: “Why?” Answer: “Because the devices emit electromagnetic waves, which when interacting become unsafe.”

It is best to install the microwave on a shelf or bracket.

What is the best place to install a microwave:

  • Shelf;
  • Brackets.

Location options will largely depend on the microwave model and its functionality. The dimensions of the device play a big role. You should take into account the regularity of use of the stove, as well as the duration of its service.

Expert answer: how best to place a microwave in the kitchen (video)

After purchasing a microwave, many people breathe a sigh of relief. But often owners face new challenges - the correct placement of the device. The microwave takes up a lot of space, so many people think different ways save space. You should not install a microwave on larger appliances. This may be unsafe for health, and may also lead to breakdown of both types of equipment.

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In modern homes there are televisions in almost all rooms. And, of course, I would like them to fit well into the interior, supporting the design of the premises, as well as allowing people to sit comfortably while watching movies and TV shows. Many people, when rearranging their homes, think about how to properly position the TV. Of course, a lot here depends on personal tastes. But, nevertheless, there are a number of rules, following which you can provide yourself with the most comfortable viewing conditions, as well as make this piece of equipment a real decoration of the room.

How to place a TV in the living room

The very first thing you should worry about is the functionality of the TV. Regardless of your design preferences, the TV should be positioned so that direct sunlight and lamp light do not fall on the screen. This means that the TV cannot be placed in front of a window. And when making lamps in the room, you need to make sure that the area where the TV is located does not have very bright lighting. It is best to use lamps with bulbs no more than 40 W. This will allow you to create the effect of a cinema without damaging your vision with complete darkness.

What should be the distance from the TV to the sofa? The most optimal distance for watching television is considered to be a distance from the screen to the viewer equal to 2-3 screen diagonals. If you plan to install a 32-inch diagonal TV, the sofa should be placed at a distance of 2 m from the TV. If you want to take bigger screen, then the distance should accordingly be greater. For a TV with a diagonal of 46-47 inches, a distance of 3 m is required, and for a screen with a diagonal of 60 inches, a distance of 4 m is required. You should not put a huge TV in a small room. Believe me, you will not get any pleasure from watching films on such a large screen.

At what height should the TV be placed? If we assume that the viewer will sit in a chair, then the optimal location of the TV is such that the center of the screen is at a height of 0.8-1.4 m from the floor. It is very important that there is enough space around the screen free space. In addition, when thinking about how to place the TV in the living room, you also need to decide on the placement of the audio system components. You need to find a place for the front side speakers (on both sides of the screen at a distance of 90-100 cm), the subwoofer (to the right or left of the TV), the center speaker (under the screen clearly in the middle) and the rear side speakers (behind the viewer, in mirror image relative to the front side speakers). The height of the audio system must be determined so that the high-frequency tweeters are at the level of the viewer's ears.

Having decided on the location of the TV, you need to choose how to install it. If previously most people preferred installing the TV on a bedside table or stand, now it is more popular to mount the TV on the wall. This allows you to significantly save space by removing unnecessary furniture and “lightening” the interior. Nowadays, people no longer make the TV the main decoration of the room; on the contrary, they try to hide the presence of technology by playing up the flat screen in the form of a picture or mirror, carefully fitting it between bookshelves and other decorative elements. Also, wall-mounted LCD panels solve the problem of where to place the TV in the kitchen. After all, kitchens are often so small, and there are so many household appliances in them, that there is no room for a large TV.

How to place a TV on the wall

In order to place the TV on the wall, you need to purchase a special mounting panel or bracket. It can be designed for rigid fixation of the TV without the ability to rotate the screen, or for a flexible mount that allows you to change the position of the screen in space. The swivel bracket, of course, costs more, but it is more convenient. It is also important to consider the weight of the TV when purchasing a mounting panel. And before you place the TV on the wall, you need to make sure that it can support the weight of the entire structure. For example, experts do not recommend hanging a TV weighing more than 30 kg on a plasterboard wall.

You only need to connect the cable to the TV after it has been installed. And be sure to make sure that when turning the screen there is no tension on the cable. This can be dangerous in terms of sparking and fire. Another important point that you need to pay special attention to is good ventilation of the TV. If you place it in a closed niche, it may one day overheat and fail.

Having dealt with the complexities of installation, you need to think about how to position the TV in the room so that it completely fits into the interior. Here, a lot depends on the layout of the space, as well as on the design of the room. Nowadays it is very popular to integrate TVs into furniture. Almost all modern cabinets require a separate space for the TV. This could be a large central niche between the vertical side posts, or a small niche on the side adjacent to the bookshelves.

You can also hang the TV on an open wall, effectively decorating the surrounding space. The area around the TV can be highlighted using plasterboard construction or a contrasting color. It is believed that the best background for a TV is a dim, plain paint of a pleasant shade that does not distract the eye from the screen. Although many people paint the area around the TV quite brightly. Often the wall where the TV is located is decorated with artificial stone, photo wallpaper, mirrors or arched structures. And around the screen they make a frame or backlight. When placing a TV in the room, rely on your taste and try to make the screen harmoniously fit into the style of your interior.

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