
Setting up Xiaomi power consumption from scratch. Xiaomi engineering menu How to enable Push notifications for VKontakte, Viber and other applications on MIUI

Developer mode allows advanced users to make deeper phone settings that are not available in normal mode.

It is mainly used to enable USB debugging, USB configuration, etc. To enable developer mode on Xiaomi phones, you need to do the following.

How to enable developer mode on Xiaomi

2. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and go to the “About phone” section.

3. In the “About phone” section, find the “MIUI Version” item, then click on it seven times until the message “Developer mode is open” appears.

How to enter developer mode on Xiaomi

1. Exit the “About phone” section by clicking on the “Back” icon at the top of the window.

2. B phone settings, find the “System and Device” section, then go to the “Advanced” item.

3. Find the item “For Developers” and go to it.

How to disable developer mode on Xiaomi

1. Go to your phone settings.

2. In the "Application settings" section, go to the "All applications" item.

In this article we will tell you how to adjust the energy efficiency of your MIUI 9. This will be useful both after purchase and simply after updating.

We will look at the most important settings for users:
System performance settings;
Settings for smooth operation of the interface;
Correct operation of notifications in standby mode;
Extending the life of your smartphone on a single battery charge;
And others.

In this review, we will only touch on those settings and features that are available without Root rights.

In addition to this article, another one will be released a little later, which will describe setting up a smartphone with .


Let's start with the settings that are available in the section Engineering menu("For developers").

To go to the engineering menu, you need to go to “Settings” - “About phone” - “MIUI version” (press 8 times until the message “You have become a developer” appears). Next, go to: “Settings” - “Advanced settings” - “For developers”.

Activate "Developer Mode".

Disable animation.

Disable “System Memory Optimization” (reboot required).

Turn off MIUI optimization (reboot required).


Full time job various sensors negatively affects the power consumption of the smartphone. Let's turn off sensors whose operation is not needed in constant mode.


Go to “Settings” - “Display” - “Brightness”. Disable the “Auto Configuration” item.

Also, in the “Settings” - “Display” - “Color Tone and Contrast” section, set the value to “Standard”.


“Settings” - “Display” - “Auto-rotate screen” - “off”.


Here we will look at how to properly configure application permissions, autorun, and background operation. This is necessary in order to limit the operation of some applications, disable access to some functions and services, and, conversely, configure those applications that need to function constantly so that notifications are received from them.

Launch “Security” (shortcut on the desktop). Go to the “Applications” section.

Go to the “Permissions” section.


We select applications that will launch automatically when you turn on the phone (you need to add those from which you need notifications: “Mail”, “Messengers”, etc.).

The next section is “Application Permissions”.

This section configures application permissions for various smartphone services, such as: “SMS”, “Calendar”, “Camera”, “Contacts”, etc.

Disable everything unnecessary. For example: “Location” - select only those programs that need location determination: “Maps” (if you use), Navitel Navigator (or some other), Taxi service, etc. “Microphone” - we leave only those that need voice recording: “Dictaphone”, “Skype”, “Telegram”, etc. And so on for all points. Don’t be afraid to disable unnecessary things; if a certain program needs access to one of the services (and access is denied), it will ask you to provide it.

"Other permissions."

In the first tab “Applications”, you can select a specific application, visually see which permissions are granted and which are not, and adjust them if necessary.

In the second tab “Permissions”, various permissions are again configured. “System Settings”, “Wi-Fi Status”, “Bluetooth Status”, etc.

Here you should pay attention to the “Run in the background” section and again disable those applications that need to be unloaded from memory.

Go to the “Nutrition” section.

Section "Energy Saving".

Here we can enable saving mode by activating the corresponding item.

Or assign activation of this mode in certain time, for example at night, thereby reducing battery consumption when the phone is not in use. In this case from 23.00 to 7.00.

The next section is “Energy consumption”.

In this section we can see which applications (or services) consume large quantity battery energy (in percent).

If necessary, you can terminate the “gluttonous” application, or delete it altogether.

We can also see (in the “Devices” tab) which smartphone modules (“Screen”, “Wi-Fi”, “Bluetooth”, etc.) consume charge (in percentage).

Or view the “Detailed History” by clicking on the “clock” icon in the upper right corner.

Section "Application Activity".

In this section, we can limit the activity of various applications (services) “in the background” in various ways.

To display Services ( system applications) you need to click the “three dots” in the upper right corner and click “Show system processes”.

There are several options for application restrictions.

“Smart Mode” appeared in MIUI 9 (it didn’t exist before). Because V this mode notifications from applications arrive (applications do not close), we will focus only on two modes. For applications that need to work “in the background”, set “Smart Mode”. For everyone else - “Hard Restriction”. Such applications will be automatically unloaded from memory at the specified interval (Configured in the “Power” section, click the “gear” in the upper right corner, in the “Clear memory” item), set the frequency, for example 5 minutes.


Let's move on to other settings that affect increased battery consumption.

Go to “Settings” - “Wi-Fi” - “Advanced settings” - disable the “Always search for networks” item.

In “Settings” - “Sound and vibration” - turn off unnecessary sounds and vibration feedback.

In “Settings” - “Notifications and status bar” - “Application notifications” - we turn off notifications for all applications from which we do not need notifications.

In “Settings” - “Advanced settings” - “Date and time” - deactivate the “Network date and time” and “Network time zone” items, thereby disabling constant synchronization with the service.

In “Settings” - “Advanced settings” - “Privacy” - “Location” - disable access to location. This service It consumes battery power very actively, we do not recommend keeping this module constantly on, and there is most likely no need for it.

In “Settings” - “Advanced settings” - “Indicator light” - “Backlight duration” - we set the time for the buttons under the screen to glow at a convenient time for you (of course, the lower the value, the better).

You can also disable the “Indicator Light” here (if this function you don't need it).

In “Settings” - “Advanced settings” - “Special”. capabilities" - disable unnecessary services.

In “Settings” - “Synchronization” - disable synchronization of unnecessary applications.


By disabling unnecessary services, applications, etc., the operation of which is not required in a constant mode, as well as setting up permissions, restrictions, and autostart for them, you can significantly increase the operating time of the device on a single battery charge. Perhaps now you will not need to charge your smartphone every day, because... The charge will last for two to three days (and possibly more).

Here is an example of how a configured Redmi Note 3 Pro SE works:

As you can see from the screenshot, the smartphone worked for three and a half days on one charge. Moreover, during the measurements, the smartphone was used “as the main one” (“Calls”, “SMS”, “Internet”, “Messengers”, etc.). We think that not every one of you can boast of such operating time for your smartphone. To be fair, we note that you will hardly be able to achieve such energy efficiency (as in the screenshot) using only the tips described in this article. As stated above, there will be another article that will describe more fine settings systems that are possible with Root rights. The article is divided into two parts, because... We took into account the wishes of our readers (comments on previous articles), in which many asked to pay more attention to settings, capabilities, etc., specifically without Root rights. Those. The settings described in this article apply to all users, and the second part will be released for “advanced users” who have the appropriate rights on their smartphone.

Where is USB debugging located in Xiaomi Redmi 3s and what is it?


USB debugging mode is usually required for getting root access (superuser rights) or modification and modification of firmware, in other words, making changes to the OS at a deeper level. This mode was originally created for developers; it allows you to:

  • Optimize applications and operating system
  • Check how the created program functions with the OS
  • Detect operational failures
  • Test hardware components
  • Update software
  • Create a backup
  • Access file system smartphone from computer
  • Restore your phone
  • Receive detailed process statistics

The debugging service itself is called ADB (Android Debug Bridge). You can enable debugging mode on all Xiaomi devices through the phone/tablet settings. Depending on the version of your system, the location of the menu item you need may vary slightly.

  1. Go to the following path: Settings-General-About smartphone
  2. Find the line with the build number (miui version), then click on it about 7 - 10 times
  3. There should be a notification about enabling the menu for developers
  4. We return to the settings, go to “Advanced” and find the item “For Developers”
  5. In this menu we find the “USB Debugging” option and check the box next to it, that’s all.

It is worth mentioning that after connecting to the computer for the first time in debugging mode, you will need to confirm the connection on your phone.

If the smartphone is not detected, there are usually three reasons:

  • The device is locked - you just need to unlock the smartphone
  • Unsuitable usb port- use only ports located at the back and version 2.0
  • Drivers are missing - download MI PC Suite or find drivers separately

Increasingly, functionality available by default in Xiaomi smartphones lacks. Many people need more subtle settings and functions that are available only after certain activation steps. It is because of this that even ordinary people are starting to use developer mode, even though it is not intended for them.

Developer mode, as its name suggests, is mostly intended for developers.

In fact, this is a section in the gadget’s OS that significantly expands the range of user capabilities. For obvious reasons, it is hidden by default, because with the help of its functionality you can either make the phone more convenient or configure something incorrectly, due to which use will no longer be possible. But for people who understand what they are doing, this OS functionality is more than useful.

Not everyone knows how to activate the mode, because different Android versions different location and names of sections, and for shells the difference may be even greater. For example, like the family of smartphones from Xiaomi, which have the MIUI shell built into them by default.

Instructions for inclusion

  1. So, first we need to open Xiaomi.
  2. There, scrolling to the very bottom, we find the “About phone” tab, then click on it and look for the line “MIUI Version”, in which the version of your firmware is written.
  3. Next, no matter how strange it may sound, you need to click on this line exactly seven times. You should press quickly enough, without stopping. With each further press, a notification will pop up on the screen indicating the remaining number of presses.
  4. The final notification will be congratulations that you have opened developer mode. The list of available opportunities may vary. This is most influenced by the version of the operating system and shell, as well as the installed firmware.

It is worth noting that this functionality is mainly needed ordinary users only for one interesting purpose - USB debugging. Thanks to its activation, with Xiaomi phone You can do a lot of manipulations:

  • install various applications via a personal computer;
  • update installed software;
  • conduct tests of hardware components;
  • tune your smartphone for more optimal performance, increasing optimization of applications and the entire system;
  • carry out scanning to identify various failures in the operation of the OS.

Use Cases

In order to use all the available settings of this mode in the future, you need to go to the root tab of the Xiomi device settings and find the “Advanced” item there. It is here that a new section called “For Developers” will appear.

First of all, we can conduct a touchscreen test; to do this, we need to activate the “Show clicks” function. Obviously, the displayed touch marks should completely follow your movements, without interruption, twitching or slowing down. The clearer the click marks move, the better condition your operating system is.

There are also various cosmetic functions, for example, you can increase or decrease various types of animations. This can create a different effect on the speed of the phone. For example, by increasing the animation speed, you will give the phone additional time for certain processes to work (depending on your choices).

Disconnection methods

There are different ways to disable developer mode. The Xiaomi user has the opportunity to simply set the slider to the disabled state, or he can completely remove traces of activation.

  1. To simply disconnect, go to the open section "For developers" and click on the activation button. This will be enough to turn it off.
  2. If you need to completely remove the section itself, then open the main menu of the smartphone settings, find and select “Applications” or "Program Manager", then the “All” tab, and in it we are interested in the item. Just click on it "Erase all data" and "Clear Cache". After this, all settings will be reset to factory settings, and this section will again become hidden.

To turn it on, you will have to repeat the above steps again.

* Recommended to upload a 720*312 image as the cover image

Article Description

The following are features that are often used when you are in developer mode: USB Debugging: Allow your Android device communicate via USB port on your computer with using Android Debug Bridge (ADB). You can also cancel authorization USB debugging: When you use your computer for USB debugging for the first time, you need to authorize it and set up a key pair. This option overrides this. This is very important/important if you are trying to communicate with the device via PC. Show Touches: This option adds a visual cue on the screen wherever a touch is detected. Window Animation Scale: Set the playback speed of the window animation. The lower the number, the faster. Transition Animation Scale: Set the speed at which the transition animation plays. Again, the reduction is faster. Background Process Limit: Allow a configurable setting of how many processes can be running in the background at once. It is highly recommended that we do not tinker with it often, if at all. Memory Optimization: This option sets the page file for multitasking. The size depends on the device configuration and RAM. In this case, my Mi4i device has 1 GB RAM and you can refer to the table below. - High: 767 MB to 1 GB - Medium: 767 MB to 1 GB - Low: Page file disabled - Off: Page file disabled Enable MIUI optimization: This option allows you to use many MIUI-based options and optimizations according to the guidelines set by the MIUI developers. It helps to load the application and application data in parallel, reducing loading time and providing a better user experience. This setting can sometimes cause a lot of problems for non-MIUI apps like Google Apps & Apps from Google Playstore. It's better to disable it if you rely on Google Playstore for apps and services or are using global stable or global beta MIUI ROMs. This will help multitasking and prevent the launcher from constantly reloading. It synchronizes the UI thread with animation timing, so keeping it disabled will have a timer The timer doesn't have to wait for the animation to start/stop. The CPU renders the animations seamlessly without waiting for the MIUI framework to sync the animations. MIUI 9 Memory Management continuously cleans up some apps running in the background to provide more RAM experience and more multitasking, however, this may clear out important apps that are running in the background. needs to run in the background.

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