
Setting up and using Siri. Voice assistant Siri from Apple Siri functions on iPhone 6s

Initially, the Siri voice assistant appeared in the App Store as a separate application from Siri Inc. But very soon Apple acquired Siri Inc. and the Siri voice assistant became part of the iOS operating system. Siri can now be enabled and used on all iPhone models starting with the iPhone 4S. In particular, Siri is available on iPhone 4S, 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6s, 7, as well as on iPhone SE. In this material you will learn how to enable the Siri voice assistant on iPhone and how to use it.

If you haven't changed any settings, Siri should be turned on. Try pressing the “Home” button (below the screen) and hold it for about a second. If Siri is turned on, you will hear a beep and the message “How can I help” will appear on the screen. This sign means Siri is turned on and ready to talk.

If after a long press on the “Home” button nothing happens, then this means that the Siri voice assistant has been turned off on your iPhone.

How to enable Siri if it is disabled

In order to turn it back on, you need to open your iPhone settings and go to the “Siri” section. If you have an older version of iOS, the “Siri” section may be located inside the “General” section.

The “Siri” section will contain all the settings that relate to this voice assistant.

At the very top of the screen there will be a switch with which you can turn Siri on or off on your iPhone.

How to set up Siri on iPhone

Other settings will be available at the bottom of the Siri section. For example, here you can enable the “On Locked Screen” function, after which the Siri voice assistant will be turned on even when the iPhone is locked. Another useful feature is called “Allow Hey Siri,” which allows you to turn on Siri using the “Hey Siri” voice command without pressing the Home button.

At the very bottom of the settings screen, you can change the language Siri uses, change the voice, enable or disable audio feedback, and configure how it works with personal data and other applications.

It should be noted that the Russian language is available for Siri only in new versions of the iOS operating system. If you have iOS with a version lower than 8.3, then the Russian language will not be in the Siri settings.

Hi all! Do you use Siri? Even though it's a wonderful voice assistant that you can always talk to, it's not something I use very often. After all, it is far from real artificial intelligence - there are shortcomings and it is stupid to deny them. And when her “deafness” is added to all this, then in general “even if you stand, even if you fall.” Yes, in some cases Siri begins to have problems recognizing your voice - you can yell at your iPhone as much as you like, but she still won’t hear anything.

Although... sometimes screaming really helps. But we are cultured and sane people! Therefore, let’s not immediately raise our voices and yell at our gadget, but let’s try other (calmer) methods to force Siri to pay attention to us. Which ones? Now let's figure it all out. One, two, three, the Christmas tree is on fire. Let's go!

If we consider the situation “in general”, then there are only two reasons why the voice assistant does not distinguish our commands:

  1. Software.
  2. Hardware.

Let's start with the first one...

Reason #1 – iOS malfunctions

While I am writing this instruction, the next version of the software for iPhone and iPad has been released. And, as usual, some errors were eliminated with her arrival, while others were added. I wouldn't mention this, but this story just happened to me:

Having downloaded and installed the latest iOS, I decided to check how things were going with Siri? And I received no response to my cheerful “Hey Siri.” When started “from the button”, it also did not react to the commands in any way - it simply did not hear. And this all happens after updating the firmware! And you say bug fixes...

It's good that everything was cured. But it won’t always be this easy - so here are some more tips for restoring Siri to working in the event of software failures:

These are the simple (with the exception of the last two) steps. True, there is always the possibility that none of this will help. And that's why…

Reason #2 – Microphone failure

Siri “hears” and recognizes our speech thanks to the microphone. Accordingly, if this part does not work, then the voice assistant will not respond to our voice and recognize it. How to find out that the microphone is to blame for everything? There are several ways:

So, if when playing a video (which was recorded on the front camera) you hear noise instead of sound, and all the other problems described above are not alien to your iPhone, then most likely we have found the culprit of Siri problems. What can be done in this case?

Of course, if the iPhone or iPad is under warranty, then you don’t need to do any of this - it’s enough (most likely it will be replaced with a new one).

However, you shouldn’t be upset even after the end of the warranty period - repairs will not be expensive (the price of the cable is small, and the work is not that hard - with proper skill you can do it yourself).

But, as usual, I believe in the best and hope that Siri will begin to recognize your voice without assembling and disassembling the device and visiting a service center.

P.S. It seems to me that for such an outcome of events you definitely need to “like” or click on the social network buttons! And of course, I always look forward to your questions and stories in the comments - write!

The new iPhone X has brought a lot of changes in management. Fortunately, relearning is not very difficult, because after a couple of days of use, all gestures are remembered.

How to call Siri on iPhone X (10)?

One of the most common methods for everyone has always been to long press the Home button. Now this button has been removed, because the iPhone X is frameless and there is no place for buttons here.

Let's go through all the ways to activate Siri, perhaps you didn't know some of them and will start using it.

Just saying "Hey Siri"

Let's say you have your phone on your desk and it's connected to the Internet. If you just say “Hey Siri” + a command (like “what’s the weather”, etc.), it will answer you.

It doesn’t matter whether your iPhone is in an active or locked state. It’s very convenient and sometimes this feature even saved lives.

Holding down the lock button

This is a completely new method and it replaces pressing the Home button. You just need to press the Lock button for three seconds and the assistant window will appear.

Is it convenient? In principle, yes, if you don’t want to use the first method. It has a right to exist, because if your microphone does not work, then there will be trouble.

And you can ask a question using the keyboard, if necessary.

On headphones or a headset

I think very few people know about this method. If you are listening to music and want to ask Siri something, then simply press and hold the center button or the call button until the assistant appears.

What to talk about with the girl on the phone.

Siri, a personal voice assistant, appeared on iOS devices in 2011. Since then, Apple has been actively developing its ability to answer the most complex questions. Below is a list of useful Siri commands that you might not know about.

The following works on iPhone and iPad. Possibly on a Mac running the latest macOS Sierra beta.

1. Find the photos I took...

Siri can filter photos taken by location. Request “find the photographs I took in Moscow” allowed me to easily find the ones I needed among hundreds of photos from the Russian capital. The main thing is that the geolocation service is enabled in the photo application. You can also ask Siri to show you photos and videos from a specific date, month, or year.

2. Remind me about...

Siri makes it easy to create reminders. So much so that I stopped using the application of the same name. Request “remind me about the article when I get home” helps me personally, and you experiment, maintaining the general structure of the phrase. Also, a reminder can be made not by reference to a specific location, but by time - just mention the date in the format “remind me at 22:00”.

3. Turn on Bluetooth

Siri can do many things faster than you. For example, enable/disable network functions. For example, "turn on Bluetooth" or "Airplane mode". However, Siri will remind you that it will no longer be able to work without the Internet.

4. How much will it be...

The voice assistant can count. Say any calculation: "twenty-five thousand minus eighteen thousand two hundred and thirty-one", hear the result out loud. Siri also knows the number of days from a certain date or until a certain event. It can even tell you the distance to a certain point. But the most convenient thing is the opportunity convert values. What is 300 feet in meters, 45 ounces in grams, and so on.

5. Read the latest message from...

Siri can find messages: just ask “read the latest messages from Artyom”. After this, he will offer to answer dictation. This is the best thing when you are driving or just in a hurry. Or if your hands are dirty.

6. Turn off the lights in the living room

If your home is equipped with smart gadgets (for example, smart light bulbs), and the appropriate settings have been made in the HomeKit application, requests to turn devices on/off will click like nuts with Siri. If, of course, there is something to click - “set the temperature to twenty-two degrees” or “turn off the outlets in the living room”.

7. Set an alarm

It's a common thing when I go to bed. "Wake me up at 7 am" or “set the alarm for nine twenty-five”. The timer is also adjustable.

8. What song is playing

You don't have to turn on Shazam to find out the name of the tune being played on the radio. Just ask Siri about it, she will tell you: "What song is playing" or “what kind of track is this”. In addition, the assistant adds the found track to a special tab in the mobile version of iTunes. You won't lose it.

9. Play some music

Simple query, simple result: "Turn on the music"– music from the iOS player is turned on. In addition, you can ask to launch a specific playlist, selection, and genre. It is also possible to launch tracks of specific artists or albums. But be prepared to struggle with the pronunciation of their names, especially if they are English :)

If you subscribe to Apple Music, the assistant will search for music among 30 million songs. A music lover's dream.

10. What's up with the weather?

Siri understands almost any weather-related request: "what's the weather like", "will it rain today", “Is it worth taking an umbrella”, “what will the weather be like in the evening”, “what is the temperature now”. Moreover, her answers are always slightly different, but clearly correspond to the request. He can tell you about the weather on a specific day of the week, he can answer whether you should wait for the sun, and so on.

This is not a complete list of possible commands - it is impressive and is constantly expanding with new firmware. I'm glad that today you can really communicate with Siri, and it really saves time. What used to be in science fiction films has become reality.

There's just one question.

Today we will talk about the most favorite application of many iOS device owners. As many have already understood, we will talk about a program called Siri.

Unsurprisingly, many owners of Apple devices have never even turned it on, and if you suddenly have such a desire, today we’ll talk about how to turn it on Siri on iPhone.

Probably few people know, but at first Siri existed as a separate program and could be downloaded from the well-known Apple Store.

The number of programs that Siri could interact with was very limited and the most you could do at that time was order a taxi, buy movie tickets or simply use maps.

In 2011, the program ceased to exist in the app store. But it was soon revived in the filling; after 11 days, the iPhone 4s appeared, which already had built-in Siri.

The number of program features has increased significantly and now you can find out the weather, control music, clock and many other functions.

Turning on Siri is very easy, you just need to go to Settings, then we look for the item Siri, and then you just need to press the switch so that it turns green.

Now, when you hold down the Home button, Siri will appear in a couple of seconds and you can easily give her voice commands.

How to enable Russian Siri

Russian speech recognition appeared in iOS 8.3. This operating system is supported by iPhone 4S and all devices higher.

If you have this particular OS and do not have Russian Siri, then you can search in the Siri settings, where there is a Language item, in which there is a Russian item.

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