
Setting microsoft edge hidden settings. Fine-tuning the Microsoft Edge browser. Entering and editing text

The new Microsoft Edge browser is included and replaces Internet Explorer as the default browser. Edge's interface is written completely from scratch, so it doesn't have the old clutter of buttons from Internet Explorer.

Edge will only get better going forward as Microsoft continues to add new features to the browser. In particular, support for extensions is expected, which will give Edge the ability to compete with Chrome and Firefox.

Integration with Cortana

Yes, but only if it is turned on. So first you need to click on the search bar in the taskbar and enter your name for the initial setup of Cortana. You can check if the integration is enabled in the Edge settings. To do this, press the menu button, select "Settings" (Settings), then click the "View advanced settings" button and make sure the option "Have Cortana assist me in Microsoft Edge" included. Keep in mind that to use Cortana, you need to set the US system region as the system region - this functionality is not yet available in Russia.

To take advantage of Cortana's integration with Edge, you can type a question directly into the address bar or into the search field on a new tab. You could, for example, write “the weather in [city name]”, “how old is [celebrity name]”, or “when is [holiday name] [year].” Cortana will quickly provide answers to these questions.

For example, if you want to post a link to Facebook or Twitter, you need to install the Facebook or Twitter app. This makes it easy to share web pages without using browser extensions, just like on Android or Apple iOS.

Reading mode

Like other modern browsers like Apple's Safari, the Edge browser supports Reader Mode, which removes all unnecessary information from the page and leaves only easy-to-read text. To activate this mode, just find a suitable article and click the "Reading view" button in the form of a book in the address bar.

Reading list

Microsoft Edge also has a Reading List. You can add articles that you want to read to it, and not clutter up your favorites list with them. To add an article, click the star button in the address bar, select the Reading list option, and click Add.

To view your reading list later, click the Hub button and select Reading List from there. All pages set aside for reading are collected in a list separately from the favorites.

Web Notes

Some more tips

Edge has plenty of other features befitting a modern browser. Finding them is pretty easy as the interface has become much more concise compared to Internet Explorer.

Private mode. Click the menu button in the toolbar and select the New InPrivate window option to open a new private window that does not save browsing history.

Pinning to the Start menu. By opening the Edge menu and selecting the option "Pin to home screen» (Pin to Start) you can add the current web page to the Start menu or Start screen as a tile to quick access. Clicking on a tile will open the web page in current window Edge, not in a separate one.

View in Internet Explorer. If you need to view a web page in Internet Explorer, just click the Edge menu button and select the "Open with Internet Explorer" option. Internet Explorer itself can be launched through the Start menu, the All Apps list, the Windows Accessories section. An old browser may be needed, for example, to use legacy web applications that require plug-ins like Java or Silverlight.

Dark decor. Like many other universal Windows applications 10, the Edge browser supports dark colors alongside the standard light theme. You can enable it in the menu, item “Settings”, section “Choose a theme”, option “Dark” (Dark).

Disabling Flash. Microsoft Edge has a built-in Flash Player, As in Google Chrome. This is the only plugin that works in Microsoft Edge. If you want to turn it off for security reasons, open Settings, click the See advanced options button, and turn off the Use media player option. Adobe Flash Player” (Use Adobe Flash Player).

Change the default search engine. Microsoft Edge uses Bing by default, but you can choose any other search engine that has an OpenSearch plugin. You can select a search engine in the settings by clicking the "View advanced options" button.


Microsoft Edge is a new browser introduced in Windows 10 and is of interest to many users, as it promises high speed (at the same time, according to some tests, it is higher than that of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox), support for modern network technologies and concise interface (at the same time, Internet Explorer was also preserved in the system, which remained almost the same as it was, see)

This article is an overview Microsoft features Edge, its new features (including those introduced in August 2016), which may be interesting to the user, new browser settings and other points that will help you switch to using it if you wish. At the same time, I will not evaluate it: just like most other popular browsers, for some it may turn out to be just what you need, for others it may not be suitable for their tasks. At the same time, at the end of the article on how to make Google the default search in Microsoft Edge. See also , .

After launching Microsoft Edge, “My News Feed” opens by default (can be changed in the settings) with a search bar in the middle (you can also enter just the site address there). If you click "Customize" at the top right of the page, you can select news topics that interest you to display on the home page.

Working with tabs is exactly the same as in Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and others). In short, with the plus button you can open a new tab (by default it displays the "best sites" - those that you visit most often), in addition, you can drag the tab so that it becomes a separate browser window .

Features of the new browser

Before moving on to the available settings, I suggest looking at the main interesting Microsoft features Edge, so that in the future there is an understanding of what, in fact, is configured.

Reading View and Reading List

Almost the same as in Safari for OS X, Microsoft Edge has a reading mode: when you open a page, a button with the image of a book appears to the right of its address, by clicking on which, everything unnecessary is removed from the page (advertising, elements navigation, etc.) and only the text, links and images that are directly related to it remain. A very handy item.

You can also use the hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+R to enable Reading Mode. And by pressing Ctrl+G you can open a reading list containing those materials that you have previously added to it to read later.

To add any page to the reading list, click the "star" to the right of the address bar, and choose to add the page not to favorites (bookmarks), but to this list. This feature is also convenient, but compared to the Safari mentioned above, it is somewhat worse - in Microsoft Edge, you cannot read articles from the reading list without access to the Internet.

Apps that support this feature in the store are labeled "Give general access", as in the picture below.

Annotations (Create a web note)

One of the completely new features in the browser is the creation of annotations, or more simply, drawing and creating notes right on top of the page you are viewing, for later sending to someone or just to yourself.

The mode for creating web notes is opened by pressing the corresponding button with the image of a pencil in a square.

Bookmarks, downloads, history

This is not really about new features, but rather about the implementation of access to frequently used things in the browser, which are indicated in the subtitle. If you need your bookmarks, history (and clearing it), downloads or reading list, click the button with the image of three lines.

A panel will open where you can view all of these items, clear them (or add something to the list), and import bookmarks from other browsers. If desired, you can pin this panel by clicking on the pin icon in the upper right corner.

Microsoft Edge settings

The button with three dots in the upper right corner opens a menu of options and settings, most of which are self-explanatory. I will describe only two of them, which may raise questions:

  • New InPrivate Window - Opens a browser window similar to Chrome's Incognito mode. When working in this window, the cache, browsing history, and cookies are not saved.
  • Pin to home screen - allows you to place the site tile in the menu Windows start 10 for a quick jump to it.

In the same menu is the item "Settings", in which you can:

  • Choose a theme (light and dark) and enable the favorites bar (bookmarks bar).
  • Set the browser start page in the "Open with" item. In this case, if you need to specify a specific page, select the appropriate item "Specific page or pages" and specify the address of the desired home page.
  • In the “Open new tabs with” item, you can set what will be displayed in the new tabs you open. “Best sites” are those sites that you visit most often (and until such statistics have been collected, sites popular in Russia will be displayed there).
  • Clear the cache, history, cookies in the browser (the item "Clear browser data").
  • Customize the text and style for the reading mode (I will write about it later).
  • Go to advanced options.

IN advanced settings Microsoft Edge has the ability to:

  • Enable the display of the home page button, as well as set the address of this page.
  • Enable pop-up blocker, Adobe Flash Player, keyboard navigation
  • Change or add a search engine to search using the address bar (item "Search in the address bar using"). Below is information on how to add Google here.
  • Configure privacy settings (saving passwords and form data, using Cortana in the browser Cookies, SmartScreen, page load prediction).

I also recommend that you read the questions and answers on privacy in Microsoft Edge on the official page , it may come in handy.

How to make Google the default search in Microsoft Edge

If you launched Microsoft Edge for the first time, then went to settings - advanced options and decided to add a search engine in the "Search in the address bar using" item, then you will not find it there Google search engine(which surprised me).

However, the solution, as it turned out, is very simple: first go to the website, then repeat the steps with the settings and surprisingly, Google search will be listed.

This browser is present in the operating system Windows system 10.If you have already switched to using current version Windows from Microsoft, you can also use the Internet browser Edge.

The concept of the new browser from Microsoft has changed, the interface has been redesigned and is significantly different from what we saw in Internet Explorer.

In this regard, it would be nice to talk about some of the features that have been implemented in the Microsoft Edge browser. This material will be devoted to the innovations introduced, setting up the Edge browser and other features of the latest browser from Microsoft.

Where did the home button go in the Microsoft Edge browser?

This button is hidden by default, which can cause resentment and outright dissatisfaction on the part of users who are used to using it.

To return the display of the Home button (home page) in the Microsoft Edge browser, do the following:

1) Open the Microsoft Edge browser itself.

2) In the upper right corner of the browser window there is a button with three dots - click it.

3) As a result, a menu will be displayed in which you need to follow the path Options -> View additional options.

4) At the very top there will be a toggle for displaying the Home button - just toggle it. And just below you can specify what to open when you click on this button.

Ready. The home page button has been returned to its rightful place in the Microsoft Edge browser.

How to set a specific page (start page) to open when Microsoft Edge is launched

The Edge browser allows you to flexibly customize the display of pages that will be loaded and displayed at the time the browser itself is launched.

The settings have several options to choose from, for example, if you select the option previous pages, then when you open the browser, those sites that were viewed before the moment the browser was closed will be loaded. You can also specify a specific site that should open when the browser starts.

To customize the behavior of the browser when opened, do the following:

While in the browser, click on the button located in the upper right corner with the image of three dots.

If you choose the item Specific page or pages, then in an additional form that appears, you will need to specify specific addresses (URLs of sites) that will open when you start the browser.

On this, the setup of the start page can be considered complete.

Switching the theme in the Microsoft Edge browser

This possibility is not so widely known, and therefore it is worth talking about it. The Microsoft Edge browser supports and allows you to switch between multiple interface color themes.

IN this moment switching between light and dark themes is available. To do this, go to the menu by clicking on the top button with the image of three dots, and in the menu that appears, click on the button Options.

The first item is an option that allows you to switch the currently used theme.

Switching occurs in real time. You can immediately observe changes in the color scheme of the interface Microsoft browser edge.

Pinning a site to the start screen of the Start menu using the Microsoft Edge browser

The ability to pin a site as a live tile to the Start menu existed back in Windows 8, and through Internet Explorer.

In Microsoft Edge, this is done as follows:

Open the now familiar button Additionally, which is located in the upper right corner and has a pattern in the form of three dots.

In the menu that appears, click on the item Pin page to home screen, and then confirm the placement of the site tile in the Start menu.


In this material, we examined some of the features and settings that are available in the new browser from Microsoft, which were implemented in order to simplify work with the World Wide Web. However, this is not a complete list of features and innovations that have been introduced in latest version internet browser from the Redmond giant.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

The Microsoft Edge browser has many settings, some of them are known, others are not so obvious, but both are designed to improve the experience with it. From reading lists to themes, from annotations to private browsing, Edge has everything you need to get online.

Transfer bookmarks and favorites from the previous browser

Since many high-quality browsers are available to users for free, you have probably used different versions from different developers. When working with any browser, a collection of bookmarks is accumulated, without which the user can no longer imagine life. The solution is to import them from one browser to another.

How to Import Bookmarks and Favorites to Edge from Other Browsers

Change your browser start page

You can change the view that opens when you start the browser. You can open the browser on the start page with weather or news, a blank page, pages opened in the last session, or a specific page. Tabs can be opened blank or with suggested content and a list of frequently visited sites.

Changing the view when opening the browser

How to change the content of new tabs

Customizing the Home Button

When working on the Internet, you can climb into unknown places. If you have familiar sites that you visit most often, one of them can be made a favorite, available for access by pressing the "Home" button.

Activating the home button

View Favorites

You probably have more than one regularly visited site. We need to make them easily accessible in Edge. Turn on the favorites bar and buttons with links to the necessary sites will appear on top.

How to enable the favorites bar

Change of topic

Edge allows you to change menu items from light to dark and vice versa. You can do this to better match the look of the rest of the system, or if you want to add brightness or contrast.

How to change themes

Search engine change

Bing is not the most popular search engine, so users may want to choose a different one. This parameter is responsible for the search in which engine is performed when requested in the address bar of the browser.

How to change search engine

Getting rid of Flash

Flash is a reminder of the young days of the Internet. It is now one of the top security threats, browser crashes and incompatibilities. More and more companies are refusing to use it. Usually, users do not even notice this, and if necessary, they can activate Flash manually.

How to disable Flash in Edge

Let Cortana answer questions

If you like working with Cortana, you can do it inside Edge as well. Then Cortana will, if possible, give answers to search terms in the address bar. It helps to quickly view the definition of a word, equation, distance between two points without having to open a new tab.

How to enable Cortana in Edge

For this, Cortana must be enabled and configured on Windows 10.

Reading mode

On the net, you can stumble upon many interesting pages, which you can’t read all at once. Advertising, links, bright headlines distract and do not allow you to concentrate. Edge's solution is reading mode: in it you will only see the title, text, and images that are important to the article. You can change the background color and font size.

How to turn on Reader Mode

How to switch reading mode styles

How to change the font size in reading mode

Save for reading later

If all interesting pages are added to favorites, it can quickly fill up. Having a reading list in Edge will allow you to separate interesting articles from a set of constantly visited sites. This is especially useful when working on a project; do your research and save your articles so you can continue working with them later.

How to add articles to the reading list

How to open articles from the reading list

How to delete articles and reading list


If you're reading an article, you can mark interesting areas. You can sign the drawings and give comments to them. The Web Note mode gives you a pen, highlighter, and eraser.

How to take a note

Content Sharing

Using Internet Explorer for incompatible web pages

At times, there are pages that cannot be opened in Edge, or videos that do not start. These sites may use the Silverlight framework (an alternative to Flash) that is not compatible with Edge. You can try to open the page or video in Internet Explorer.

How to open a page in Internet Explorer via Edge

Selecting text without a mouse

Sometimes it is difficult to select, copy or paste text with the mouse and touchpad (for example, when shaking on a train). Edge has key navigation, which gives you control over the cursor with keyboard keys.

How to enable key navigation

Private work in the browser

Private mode does not save cookies, browsing history and temporary files. Of course, your visits are saved by the provider, so don't feel like you've become completely invisible.

How to open a private browsing window

Microsoft's new browser may have dropped the "Spartan" moniker, but if you open it up you'll find that for all its functionality, it's still quite "spartan".

At the moment (Windows 10 Pro preview 10158), there aren't many things you can do to set up appearance new browser so it looks and works the way you want it to. But you can change the browser theme, customize start page and the appearance of a new tab (well, at least something). Here's how to customize Edge.

Change theme.

Edge does not currently support third-party themes like Firefox and Chrome (although this may change in the future). But you can change the look of Edge by switching to Microsoft's built-in theme - you have two great options: Light theme (default) or Dark theme.

To switch the theme, click the "..." button in the upper right corner of the window, go to "Settings" and in the "Select Theme" section, click the drop-down menu to select a light or dark theme. The light theme includes traditional light gray shades, while the dark theme repaints the toolbar and menus almost black.

Setting the start page.

What do you want to see when you first open Edge? Microsoft offers four options: the MSN homepage, the new tab page (the same page you see when you open a new tab), previous pages, or a specific page(s).

To customize the start page, click the "..." button, go to the "Settings" menu, and go to the "Open with" section. Here you can choose " Main page" (Start page), "New tab page", "Previous pages" (Previous pages), or "A specific page or pages" (A specific page or pages).

If you select "Specific Page or Pages", the drop-down menu will show options: MSN, Bing, and Custom. To set up your own page or set of pages, select "Custom", enter your desired URL in the text box that appears, and click the "+" icon. To add another page, enter the URL in the new text field, click the "+" icon again (and so on). To delete a page, click the "X" symbol next to its address. You can change the page order by drag and drop.

Setting up a new tab.

Now that you've set your start page, what do you want to see when you open a new tab in Edge? You have three options: Top sites and suggested content, Top sites, or blank page. Internet Explorer users may deplore the lack of a custom page option (you can't select a custom URL or open new tabs with the home page).

To select a new tab page, click the "..." button, go to the "Settings" menu, and navigate to "Open new tabs with" and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
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