
Doesn't show the second SIM card. The Android smartphone does not see the SIM card. SIM card is not registered on the network

A SIM card is a required part for using mobile phones. IN Lately More and more often, subscribers are faced with the fact that the Beeline SIM card does not work. Such a breakdown manifests itself as the absence of a signal, the ability to make only emergency calls, etc.

There are several reasons why a SIM card stops performing its intended functions:

  1. The service life has expired.
  2. Deformation or damage to the microcircuit.
  3. Blocked by the operator due to non-payment or long-term dysfunction (more than six months).

In a smartphone with two card slots, when you use one, the second one stops working. Perhaps the telephone is locked to another operator. It is possible that the number was taken over by a fraudster.

If you are unable to determine the cause yourself, you can contact a call center employee by phone: 0611.


If the Beeline SIM card does not work on your phone when traveling abroad, then it means that roaming has been prohibited in the settings. This measure helps you save money when traveling abroad. To solve the problem, you should correct the settings or reconnect to a different tariff plan.

In another region

If the tariff provides for an increase in the cost of calls and other services, then many subscribers place restrictions on communications when traveling outside the home zone. This approach reduces costs. To use mobile communications while outside your home zone, you must change the settings or connect to a different tariff plan.

Emergency call only

If a new Beeline SIM card, just purchased, does not work, then the problem is the following - the new number is not registered on the network. The reason is that the operator mobile communications Cannot set device IMEI.

The reasons for the lack of access to the module identifier are due to unknown reasons, and occurs when using phone models designed for two cards.

Writes: no network registration

Perhaps we are talking about a dirty slot or loose contacts of the device. To fix the problem, just turn off the phone and reinstall the card. If this measure does not help, then you should check the operation of the SIM in another phone.

Beeline SIM card does not work - what to do?

First you need to make sure that there are no limiters installed:

You should not take any action on your own, for example, reflash the device or do a hard reset. Your best bet is to contact customer support. Experienced specialists can easily determine the cause of the problems and help you cope with them. By replacing the card or carrying out repair work.

Why the SIM card in the tablet does not work

To figure out why the Beeline SIM card does not work in the tablet, you should consider each of the possible reasons more details:

  1. A hardware malfunction is a problem on the SIM reader side that occurs when cards are changed frequently. If the contacts are damaged, it becomes necessary to carry out specialized repair work.
  2. Lack of visibility – often Chinese-made devices do not respond to SIM Beeline. You can solve the problem by replacing the device or contacting a repair shop.
  3. Card malfunction - most often, defects appear when cutting the card yourself. If you need to reduce your SIM, please contact service center, where for a small fee the reduction procedure will be carried out in a matter of minutes.

Determining the true cause of problems on your own is not easy. It is best to seek help from a specialist if any problems appear in the operation of your card or mobile device.

After replacing the SIM card it does not work

To configure the network operating mode, perform the following steps:

The new Beeline SIM card does not work and there is no network - what to do?

The most common reasons and solutions:

Remember that many operators, including Beeline, activate the SIM only after the subscriber makes a payment and performs at least one paid action. Before this, the card will show “No network”.

We all know many excellent smartphones with a wide variety of functions and services, without which it is already difficult for us to live even an hour, let alone a whole day. But none of the owners of these phones are immune from problems that arise, and one of the most common is the problem with SIM card recognition, when the phone displays an error message on the display. If you encounter this problem, do not rush to panic - in most cases it is resolved within 5 minutes.

Causes of the problem:

  • Loading time. Every time you turn on your phone, it takes some time for it to launch all the services and drivers for applications to run successfully. Sometimes this happens quite slowly, so the phone does not detect the SIM card right away. In this case, you just need to wait a few minutes until all the necessary services start.
  • Loose contact. If the phone contacts do not fit tightly into the SIM card chip, the system will immediately react and display the error message “SIM card is missing.” This is one of the most common reasons that the phone cannot recognize the SIM card.
  • Dirt on contacts. Over time, dirt accumulates on the SIM card, which prevents the contacts of the phone and the SIM card from connecting.
  • Damage to the SIM card. If the SIM card is damaged, then you should contact your operator and replace it.
  • Damage to phone contacts. This reason is the least common, but it cannot be completely excluded if there is a problem with detecting a SIM card.

Solving the problem with SIM card detection:

The best way to solve this problem is to identify its cause.

If none of the above helped you, you should determine where exactly the problem lies - in the phone or SIM card. To do this, take another SIM card and try to insert it into your phone: if the phone finds it without any problems, then you should contact your operator and possibly replace the SIM card; if the phone cannot find any of the inserted cards, then you should contact the service center.

Communication services of telecommunication operators become available only after installing a SIM card in the corresponding slot of your mobile phone. Question “Why doesn’t the phone see the MTS SIM card?” often visits service specialists technical support, which makes its additional consideration relevant.

In this material we will focus on studying:

  • reasons for the malfunction in the functioning of the SIM card;
  • methods of self-diagnosis;
  • further actions if a malfunction is detected.

A malfunction when the phone does not see the MTS SIM card is directly related to a breakdown of the smartphone connector, damage to the SIM card, errors in the software, or cancellation of the card’s functionality. Each of the above options makes it impossible to make a call and send text messages. Let's take a closer look at the causes of the malfunction.


If you have not been active on your mobile phone number for a long time, and there has been a debt on your personal account balance for a long time - according to the terms of service, the contract with such a subscriber can be terminated unilaterally, and his number will be transferred to a common database for further use by new clients. Contact MTS support service for information on this issue if you have not used communication services for a long time.

If the client actively uses calls and the Internet, and one day the phone no longer sees the SIM card, the reasons may be the following:

  • Damage to SIM contacts. The problem is relevant in the case of frequent removal from the phone module, flooding and physical contact with solid objects. Also, the problem has become more frequent due to the proliferation of various SIM form factors, which is why customers independently cut and damage the element;
  • problems with the phone software. Lack of support for the GSM standard used and failures in the firmware are also quite common. In this case, resetting the settings to the factory level or completely reinstalling the firmware may help;
  • a technical breakdown of the smartphone module, which makes it necessary to carry out diagnostics and repairs at a qualified service center.

What to do if the phone does not see the MTS SIM card

When considering what to do if your phone does not see the MTS SIM card, you can identify the following procedure:

  1. If possible, install the SIM in another mobile phone, which will allow you to diagnose the presence of a breakdown;
  2. If the card does not work in another smartphone, contact the nearest service office where you can exchange the card for a new one;
  3. When the problem is associated with a breakdown technical device, we are talking mainly about software. It is recommended to contact the manufacturer's service center, since independent intervention in the software or technical part will deprive you of warranty service.


Regarding termination of the service contract in the event of a long period of inactivity, you can also submit a corresponding request to the nearest operator service office. If your old number was not activated by another client, you can restore it. Otherwise, a re-conclusion of the agreement with the issuance of new contacts will be required.

The phone does not see the SIM card? This is one of the most common problems that everyone faces. This misfortune always happens unexpectedly, and, despite its apparent obviousness, there can be many reasons - as well as solutions.

It happens that the phone simply refuses to see the card. Sometimes the SIM gets stuck in roaming mode, making it impossible to make calls. Let's figure it out, it's the phone itself or the card. If this is the first option, then you will be able to avoid running to the operator’s salon. You can decide for yourself by poking around in the system menus and trying to understand all the intricacies of Android.

System or software problems

Often it all starts after reinstallation operating system. If you have any doubts, it is better to reinstall the OS and return to factory settings.

Failures of Android updates and installations lead to serious problems. Often the user has to take the device for repair.

Enabling the SIM card

Don’t rush to blame your smartphone for all your troubles. Much more often the cause of the malfunction is obvious - something is wrong with the SIM card. SIM may refuse to activate for various reasons:

  1. Dirty contacts. The first thing to do, if there are no signs of physical damage, is to carefully wipe the contacts with alcohol.
  2. The holder is broken. If you have a new device, you are in luck: you can inspect the SIM card holder yourself. But almost all modern gadgets are deprived of this opportunity - if all methods fail, you will have to send it in for repair.
  3. The card is “missing” because the phone is “locked”, that is, modified to work with a single operator company. You can “get into” such phones if you buy them second-hand or cheaply from abroad, where the practice of limiting the choice of telecom operators is the norm.

Problems with NVRAM

If you are lucky enough to own a device with an MTK processor, you risk catching a typical NVRAM error. NVRAM stores IMEI - international mobile equipment identifier, a unique device number. If there was something wrong with the NVRAM, then the IMEI also cried.

For diagnostics, open the dialer application and dial “*06#”. If the IMEI is not displayed, it becomes clear that it is the NVRAM that is acting up.

The message “NVRAM WARNING: Err = 0x10” when connecting to the Internet also indicates this malfunction. It is possible to solve NVRAM failure using your own means.

Problems with SIM after update

Updates are a frustrating process. Due to hesitation, both minor glitches and complete inoperability of the device can occur. If the problem started because of the OS, try reinstalling it/returning to factory settings. You insert it, but it still doesn’t work? You'll have to turn to specialists.

Phone problems

It’s hard to say what’s worse – when difficulties arise with the phone or with the card itself. Depends on how you prefer to solve the difficulties that arise. What can happen to a mobile phone:

  • the holder is acting up;
  • it is locked;
  • NVRAM problems;
  • dirty contacts;
  • Water has entered the slot/physical damage has occurred.

As a rule, a technician can fix problems with the phone itself. It’s better not to figure it out yourself.

Incompatibility of SIM card and phone

Cell phone doesn't accept SIM card? It may be locked, which is why all SIM cards of a “foreign” operator are not accepted. Perhaps the phone slot is unfamiliar with the card format. There are these types of cards:

  • Mini-SIM;
  • Micro-SIM;
  • Nano-SIM.

Often a brand new phone refuses to understand the old-fashioned card, and it has to be either replaced or cut off. Check the documentation to determine which card is compatible with your device.

Problem with slot and SIM card contacts

Very often everything is solved very simply. If the card has been in use for a long time, its contacts may have become dirty. Wipe with alcohol and try again.

If the reason is related to the smartphone, then it is more difficult to figure out. Modern phones very monolithic, without free access to the card slot, as was before. To check the contacts, you will have to disassemble the mobile phone, which is fraught with even greater complications. It is better to carry out diagnostics at a repair center.

Incorrect firmware: consequences and troubleshooting

If there is a problem with the software, pay attention to the firmware. You may have tried to install custom firmware yourself and something went wrong during the update.

The phone does not see the SIM card of operators such as:

  • Megaphone;
  • Beeline;
  • Tele 2;
  • Yota.

No matter what carrier you have, the solutions are the same. Let's highlight the main reasons if the card refuses to be detected:

  1. The expiration date has expired

Often a Sim simply dies of old age. It happens that there are no external signs of “age”, and the card simply crumbles. To get a new one you will have to go to the operator’s salon. If you are in Russia, don't forget to take your passport.

  1. The operator has blocked the card

If you leave the card for a long time, it will be blocked by the operator. Contact him and ask what to do for resuscitation.

  1. Water/physical damage

If water gets on the card, it will be ruined. If you constantly pull SIM cards out of phones, wear may occur and you will have to replace them.

  1. Failed trimming

Bought new smartphone, does not support the old SIM card? We'll have to reduce it. But this is a delicate process, and if you mess up, you can lose your card. Operators offer circumcision services, but they cost money. If the SIM was damaged, you will have to request a new one.

  1. Phone contacts are damaged

If the SIM slot is damaged, seek help from a repairman.

  1. Locked phone

Did you buy an ultra-cheap phone from abroad, but it doesn’t see the network? It was probably programmed specifically for one operator. You can often get hold of such a device by buying it second-hand. In Russia, getting access to such smartphones is not easy, but it is still possible. Can be unlocked; The process is risky - it is better to trust the masters.

Why doesn't the second SIM card work in my phone?

Smartphones with dual SIM support have ceased to seem rare and have become the norm. Does one card work but the other doesn't? That's okay: sometimes the solution is simple.

Why the second SIM card may not work:

  • It is not activated. Some mobile models offer to disable card slots. Find in the settings “Manage SIM cards and enable the desired slot”
  • Map in “flight mode”. Try to do something from the card - send a message. This can activate it.
  • Your card is blocked. Contact the operator and he will tell you
  • Because of the two radio modules, the IMEI goes off. You can fix it by flashing it - a service center will help.

It often happens that the smartphone works, sees the flash drive, but does not see the SIM card. There are many reasons for this malfunction. From a banal blockage to a broken slot. Let's take a closer look below.

First you need check sim card on another mobile device. If it doesn’t work on another smartphone, it means the SIM card is blocked or has become unusable.

If the SIM card works on another smartphone, then it’s all about your device. You should reboot it and blow out the contacts. Or look in the settings. Airplane mode may be active. If none of this helps, then you need to take your mobile device to a service center.

Main reasons

Let's figure out what you can do if your phone doesn't see the SIM card.

Phone settings

You need to check your phone settings first. Is the SIM card turned on?. Since in some models it may be disabled by default. This most often happens in dual-SIM devices.

To do this, you need to go to the settings of your smartphone. Find function " ControlSimcards" Then find the disabled SIM card and turn it on.

Airplane mode enabled

If it turns out that you turned on the SIM card, but the phone does not see it, then look at the upper right corner of the screen. If you see there airplane image- this means that you have airplane mode turned on. In order to disable it, you need to go to “phone settings” - “advanced” - “airplane mode”. Disable it.

Incorrect update

The smartphone may not see the SIM card if the update is incorrect. In order to resolve this issue, needs to be reset mobile device back to factory settings. Before performing a reset, be sure to save backup copy data on a flash card.

Phone problems

Let's look at some malfunctions that are directly related to the mobile gadget.

The smartphone is locked

When purchasing, some smartphones are flashed specially only for one operator. For example, in a smartphone locked to Beeline, SIM cards from MTS, Tele2, Megafon and other operators will not work. That is, SIM cards from another operator will not be compatible with this device. It is often quite difficult to correct such an error. To do this, you will have to reflash the gadget and at the same time lose the warranty.

The card reader is damaged

It's another matter if the card reader is damaged. The user himself will not be able to fix the problem. Therefore, it is best to contact a service center if simple cleaning wet wipe contacts did not help. You can also try to insert the card correctly. It happens that many users ignore the instructions and insert the SIM card into the slot incorrectly.

Software glitches

An Android smartphone may not see the SIM card if damaged software. In this case it is recommended reset settings phone to factory settings. Or reflash the smartphone again. If this does not help, then contact the service center.

Firmware errors

If after flashing the phone the phone does not see the SIM card, then you need to reinstall it. reflash the device via a computer or install a communication patch via TWRP Recovery.

In addition to the fact that the phone does not see the SIM card, it can takes a long time to load after switching on, due to which the card is not detected. It is recommended to check it for viruses and remove all applications that you do not use. Clean Android with any specialized program.

IMEI glitches
No code IMEI smartphone will not be able to read the SIM card. This happens when data about him is erased from the phone. There are two ways to restore from. The first is with the help engineering menu.

Go to your phone settings.

Select the “About phone” item. Next go to general information about him.

Select the IMEI code data and enter the information there. The code can usually be found on the back of the smartphone.

You can also restore IMEI using the flashtools program on your computer. To do this, install the utility on your computer and drivers for your phone. Then do the following:

and select the scatter file.
  • Click on the item Readback.
  • Click Add. Double click on the one that appears new line. You will need to enter the file name. Save the IMEI and name the file nvram.img.
  • In the Readback block start address that appears, select EMMC_User (MT6592 and higher). Open the scatter file from your firmware and find the NVRAM item.
  • Copy values linear_start_addr and partition_size in SP Flash Tool in Start Address and Length.
  • Click ReadBack.
  • Turn off the device and turn it on again after a minute. Connect to your computer. If after this a window with a green checkmark appears in the program, then everything was done correctly.
  • SIM card problems

    If everything is fine with the firmware, then there may be problems with the card itself. It may expire or be blocked. For this it is necessary contact the operator and solve this problem.

    It is possible that the SIM card needs activation. To do this you need to call the short number service number. Once the card is activated, the owner can start using it.

    You can contact operators to unblock a card or for any other reason at the following numbers:

    • For Beeline– 0611 – 1 – 0, from landline – 8 800 550 05 00.
    • For MTS– 0890, from the city – 8 800 550 05 00.
    • For Megaphone– 611, from the city – 8 800 550 05 00.

    It happens that the user I cut my SIM card incorrectly. To solve this problem, it is better to use the services of a specialist in this field.

    If you remove a non-working card and find small physical damage , scratches or failures of gold plating, it is better to replace it.

    If the phone sees the SIM card, but does not see the network, then the problem is either a damaged antenna or a faulty radio module. In both cases, it is better to take the smartphone to a service bureau.

    Common causes of malfunctions on popular smartphones

    The causes of breakdowns are divided into mechanical and software; let’s look at them in more detail.


    For example, breakdowns on Xiaomi phones may be as follows:

    • The SIM card is poorly cut.
    • Unstable contact.
    • Does not support Russian operators.
    • Mechanical breakdowns.

    Recommended installTWRP. This utility is suitable for reviving a dead phone, and will also allow you to reflash or restore the phone's functionality.


    In Samsung there are problems the following reasons:

    • Due to oxidation.
    • Defects or breakdown of the telephone board.
    • Incorrect software installation.


    Common problems with SIM cards on iPhones:

    • Contacts are oxidized.
    • Contacts are damaged.
    • Needs activation.
    • Device glitch.

    To solve these problems download iTunes program. Then it is installed and the user registers in it. Using it, you can restore your device. The utility contains a special function for recovery.

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