
Pay doesn't work. Why doesn't Apple Pay work and what can I do? Ways to solve problems. Why Apple Pay doesn't work

Adding a card to a payment service Apple Pay does not require serious knowledge and skills. Usually the algorithm of actions is intuitive, and the procedure does not cause any problems. All the more unexpected are the situations when an error occurred when setting up Apple Pay. What to do if you cannot digitize a plastic card and link it to the system? We offer step-by-step instructions.

Checking the gadget

Instructions on many sites advise that when a failure occurs, the first thing to do is to make sure whether your gadget supports working with the payment service. We believe this check is unnecessary. If the version of your iPhone or iWatch was not suitable for working with Apple Pay, you simply would not be able to start the process of adding a card - there would be no corresponding button in Wallet.

But what is worth checking if a failure occurs is the version operating system installed on your gadget.

If it is out of date, we recommend downloading the latest release and then rebooting your device.

Important! If Apple Pay setup fails when you try to add a card to your watch or MacBook, check whether your iPhone is synced with these devices. If there is no synchronization, it will not be possible to add a payment instrument.

  • In addition, you should make sure that at the time of binding on the device:
  • fingerprint sensor connected;
  • a fingerprint has been installed to verify the user’s identity;

Logged in to iCould.

If one of these conditions is not met, it will be impossible to use the payment service in principle.

Checking the card

  • If everything is in order with the gadget, but you cannot link a payment instrument to it, you should check the card itself. It must meet the following conditions:
  • belong to the Visa or MasterCard systems;
  • be issued by a bank that cooperates with Apple Pay;

supported by the service. To date, more than 30 Russian banks and payment systems cooperate with Apple Pay. But it should be taken into account that not all cards of the system’s partner banks can work with it. Even if the card belongs to one of the two compatible with Apple service, this does not mean that it can be digitized. The list of cards for working with Apple Pay is determined individually in each bank. So if the add fails apple cards Pay, we recommend that you go to your bank’s website and make sure that the payment instrument is suitable for working with this system.

Important! You can only add bank cards to Apple Pay. Transport cards, for example, the well-known Troika, cannot be digitized and used in the service.

Error connecting to server

You do not need internet to make payments using Apple Pay. But during setup it is necessary. Check:

  • is your gadget connected to the Internet?
  • Is the connection stable, is the speed sufficient?
  • Whether the Apple ID entered on the device is valid.

The last circumstance can be checked using the official Apple website.

In addition, one cannot discount such a circumstance as a possible overload of the company’s servers or problems with them. Try waiting a while and trying to bind again.

Other reasons

To add a card to a payment service, many banks require confirmation of this operation using a one-time SMS password. These include, for example:

  • Sberbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Promsvyazbank and some others.

If your phone is not connected to the SMS notification service (Mobile Banking or its equivalent), the system will not be able to send you a password. Accordingly, linking the card will be impossible.

Important! We should not forget that there are also failures in the operation of SMS notification services, due to which the one-time password may not arrive on time. Check whether the connected service is working, for example, by requesting the card balance via SMS.

By the way, about balance. One of the fairly common reasons why a card is not added to Apple Pay is a simple lack of funds in the account.

To successfully link, you must have at least 1 ruble on the card. If you have just received a card and have not yet managed to top up your account, you will not be able to digitize it and enter it into the system.

When nothing helps If, despite all the steps listed above and the checks carried out, you cannot set up Apple Pay, we recommend contacting the service technical support

Apple. Residents of Russia can contact the company’s specialists using the 24-hour toll-free number 8-800-555-67-34. Important! Before calling support, be sure to find serial number

If you have the Internet at hand, you can go to the official Apple website and contact a support representative via online chat. In some cases this is more convenient than phone conversation, because it allows you to immediately send a screenshot of the error to a specialist.

Lack of access to convenient and familiar services always causes concern and significantly reduces the quality of life. For example, if Apple Pay suddenly stopped working, a modern person could be left in the middle of the city literally without a livelihood. Carry cash with you large quantities We have long lost the habit, and after digitization we prefer to store plastic cards in a safe place, and not in the pocket of a purse. How to understand the causes of the failure and restore the functionality of your gadget? Let's try to figure it out.

The most common causes of failures

The reasons why the Apple Pay service may refuse to work can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • external;
  • software;
  • hardware.

Factors belonging to the first two groups can be checked and eliminated independently. To test hardware problems, we recommend contacting a service that repairs Apple devices. But this, of course, is the most extreme scenario. First, let's discuss what you can do on your own.

Checking external factors

This group of reasons causing payment service failures includes the following factors:

  • payment terminal breakdown;
  • incompatibility of the terminal with the Apple Pay service;
  • failure of the bank that issued the card;
  • The case on the gadget is too tight.

When Apple Pay does not see the terminal, you should first make sure that the payment device at the point of sale is adapted to accept contactless payments. If this is not your first time making purchases at a store where an error occurred, you should try removing the case from the gadget and trying to pay again. It also sometimes helps to hold the iPhone up to the terminal unevenly. back cover

, but on the side. Well, the last try - select another payment card and try to repeat the transaction. If, as a result of any of the above actions, you are able to pay your invoice, you will immediately understand where the problem lies.

Advice: it is also worth checking the functionality of the service in another store, on another terminal. It would also be a good idea to call the technical support of the bank that issued the card on which the failure occurred and check if everything is in order.

All the measures described in the previous paragraph can help with one-time failure payment service. But if Apple Pay does not work all the time or works only once in a while, more serious action will be required. The cause of regular problems may be hidden in the gadget's operating system. To catch it and eliminate it, we recommend that you thoroughly check and update all settings.

Apple. Residents of Russia can contact the company’s specialists using the 24-hour toll-free number 8-800-555-67-34. After completing each item from the list below, you should check the functionality of Apple Pay. It is advisable to do this in at least two or three retail outlets. If the failure persists, move on to the next item in the list.

So, order necessary actions will be like this:

If the above measures do not have an effect, as a last resort you can try updating the device firmware.

How to reinstall the firmware

Before carrying out operations with the firmware, save all data from the iPhone in iTunes or iCould. Next, switch the gadget to DFU mode and download new version firmware via iTunes by connecting the device to the computer. After the update, configure the gadget again. You should not download a backup; perhaps this is where the problem lies.

After completing all operations, check the functionality of the payment service in the nearest terminal. If the service cannot be restored, we recommend contacting Apple technical support specialists. This can be done by calling 8-800-555-67-34 or creating a request on the company’s official website.

Apple. Residents of Russia can contact the company’s specialists using the 24-hour toll-free number 8-800-555-67-34. Before calling specialists, check the serial number of your gadget.

Hardware problems

Sometimes the answer to the question of why Apple Pay doesn’t work lies in the technical condition of the iPhone itself. One small part is responsible for communication with contactless payment terminals - the NFC chip. As practice shows, this part itself fails extremely rarely. Usually the cause of failures is a violation of the contact between the chip and the gadget’s antenna. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • the screws that hold the chip have become loose (for example, as a result of the phone falling);
  • the contact surface is dirty and has lost its conductive properties.

Important! If, while updating the firmware on your gadget, you received error message No. 56, this clearly indicates problems with the contactless payment chip. But Apple devices do not always display such a message, so even its absence does not mean that the chip is working as it should.

The procedure for restoring contact between the NFC chip and the antenna is, in principle, not difficult. All you need is:

Apple. Residents of Russia can contact the company’s specialists using the 24-hour toll-free number 8-800-555-67-34. If a drop of glue or plastic is found under the contact surface of the chip, left as a result of careless assembly of the device, it should be removed.

It is advisable to clean the contact surface with industrial alcohol or vodka. You should not wipe the chip with cologne or other perfumes - the essential oils included in the product will leave a layer on the surface of the part that can disrupt its operation. Also, do not be too zealous in tightening the grounding screws - you can damage the board. In principle, if you have some experience in repairing electronics and suitable tools, you can restore the operation of the device on your own.

Important! If your gadget is under warranty, or you have never repaired digital devices, we recommend that you do not disassemble the phone yourself. and contact a specialized Apple service.

No NFC chip

All the measures described above make sense if the payment service previously worked on your device, and after a while it began to fail. If you have just installed and configured Apple Pay, you are sure that the model of your gadget is suitable for its use, and all binding operations have been performed correctly, but the service does not work - what to do?

Here we recommend that you immediately contact an Apple service center. There are often cases when iPhones, even the latest generations, simply do not have the chip responsible for contactless payment.

This happens when purchasing a gadget secondhand or through unofficial sites. The absence of a chip is evidence that the smartphone was reassembled or restored after a breakdown. The only thing that will help here is purchasing the missing part (on Aliexpress or at phone dismantling points) and installing it in the right place. As you know, Touch ID technology in both “old” and “old” new iPhones significantly simplifies the process of downloading new toys and applications from App Store

. Actually, the user only needs to select a program, and then simply put his finger on the Home button of his Apple smartphone - that, in fact, is the whole process. But the iPhone X Home buttons no, and you can’t press your finger to it anymore. Yes he has Face ID

But, it would seem, you turned your head a couple of times, set up Face ID, and then you can download the application and use Apple Pay even from a locked screen and without going far into the system, you just need to look at your smartphone.

But NO! This is where everything is not very simple.

The fact is that for insurance, that is, so that the user does not download and/or buy something unnecessary, the creators They came up with a “double-click” mechanism. In the original it sounds like Double Click to Install And Double Click to Pay, i.e. not even a click, but a “double click”. And despite the fact that this mechanism also has its own, sort of, limit clear instructions, not all users understand the first time what kind of “click” this is and what to do with it.

So let's explain. So:

What is "double tap" on iPhone X

This means that if, at the stage of confirming a download or purchase using Face ID, the “double tap” does not work, then it is very likely that you are clicking in the wrong place. Many users, seeing on iPhone screen X invitation to press twice, they immediately start tapping their finger all over the screen (and some even swipe on the inscription itself).

And in this particular case, what is required is not a touch on the screen, not a swipe, but a real press, and a double one at that. Like double click computer mouse. And you need to press not on the screen, but to the side button , which the text hint actually points to.

So you need to click on it twice. And then look at your iPhone X, and only after that Face ID will allow you to download the application or pay for the purchase. This is the trick.

Well, as a bonus, about...

what to do if the “double tap” on the iPhone X really doesn’t work (yes, this happens):
  • This may be a glitch of a separate application, then and then open again;
  • this may be an iOS glitch, then you need reboot iPhone X(maybe even force a reboot);
  • the system does not work if the smartphone is not connected to the Internet, so you need to check whether the airplane mode is turned on, or the network connection status of your mobile operator or the nearest WiFi network;
  • If app Store does not open at all, then you need to go to the “ Restrictions" and check if you have the option " Installing programs » ( );
  • if the iPhone X says that in-app purchases are prohibited, then tap too “Settings” → “General” → “Restrictions” and see if the option “ In-App Purchases «;
  • if Apple Pay doesn't work at all, tap and check whether this function is enabled for the service Apple Pay ;
  • if you don’t see any inscription on the screen indicating where to double-click, then tap “Settings” → “Face ID and passcode” and check if this function is enabled for "iTunes Store and App Store" ;
  • if you suspect that Face ID is not working entirely correctly, then in this post you will find details about “

Thanks to modern technologies, you can completely abandon conventional paper money by making purchases using your iPhone smartphone. This became possible thanks to new technology Apple Pay used on phones Apple. However, nothing is perfect: any program and hardware can fail. Therefore, sometimes when you bring your smartphone to the terminal, you cannot pay the bill. Sometimes this happens due to problems on the part of the bank, or the device case interfered with data transfer. But if Apple problem Pay arises all the time, you need to take some action.

Let's look at the reasons and ways to resolve problems with Apple Pay:

1. Problems in the operating room iOS system as a reason why Apple Pay doesn't work

To make sure that Apple Pay refuses to work due to internal problems with the device OS, you need to follow a few simple steps:

The most unpleasant and difficult part of this procedure is to constantly check the functionality of the wireless payment technology. You can try this at your nearest McDonalds.

2. Apple Pay inoperability due to external factors

Problems can be caused not only by problems with the software, but also by some external factors, which include:

  • Non-original case produced by a little-known Chinese brand.
  • Problems in the online banking system, with a payment card. First you need to try to pay for your purchase in another store. If the problem persists, contact the bank employees.

3. Hardware problem associated with the inoperability or absence of the NFC antenna

The NFC module installed in devices is designed to transfer data to the terminal. If it fails, you will not be able to make a purchase using contactless payment technology.

On new devices, problems with the NFC module are extremely rare. Most often it fails after repairs made by unqualified craftsmen. Sometimes, when flashing an iPhone, error “56” may occur, indicating that there are problems with the NFC chip. But the device does not always give this signal.

If you decide to disassemble the smartphone yourself, you need to carefully inspect the main board and perform the following steps:

1) Check for the presence of an NFC antenna.

2) Make sure that the grounding screws have been tightened all the way. This must be done especially carefully so as not to damage the circuit.

3) Replace the module with a new one.

Taking into account all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • If the Apple Pay technology sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t, the reason lies in the software, or there are problems with the bank itself (with the payment card, terminal, database).
  • If you cannot pay for a purchase using a contactless method at all, even after following the steps above, there is most likely a problem with the NFC module itself.

Be that as it may, disassembling the iPhone yourself is highly not recommended. Without experience and the required tools, you can damage the main parts of the device, and the only solution will be to buy a new smartphone. It is better to entrust this work to professionals, who are the workers of our repair service. We will quickly diagnose the device, find the cause of the problem and, if necessary, carry out high-quality repairs at an affordable price.

Still modern technologies- this is a very cool thing. Just a few years ago, no one could have imagined that when going out to the store to shop, you wouldn’t need to take your wallet or plastic card with you - after all, everything can be paid for with iPhone help. It's really cool and convenient!

But we must remember that nothing is perfect and Apple Pay, unfortunately, is no exception. What is “imperfection”? It's simple. In some cases, the contactless payment technology from the American company may simply not work the moment you bring your iPhone to the payment terminal.

To start

Besides software, there are some other factors that may affect the performance of contactless payments using iPhone. These include:

  • Case. It’s clear that a regular plastic or silicone pad is unlikely to interfere with Apple Pay. But if you use some kind of ultra-protected case from the unknown Chinese's better to remove it.
  • Malfunctions of the terminal, bank, card. In this case, you need to at least try to pay in another store, and at maximum, call the bank and find out “is everything okay with them?”

Not that much, right? But you shouldn’t forget about this. If this doesn't help, move on.

Checking the terminal

Besides general settings, it is important to remember that to make purchases with using Apple Pay requires terminals that support contactless payment - PayPass, PayWave, NFC. These devices have an icon for any of these services (or ask the cashier if such a system is supported in this store). The purchase procedure consists of only two steps:

  • put your finger on the Touch ID sensor and bring the smartphone to the terminal display;
  • The payment is processed automatically, just don’t let go of your finger.

Apple Pay doesn't work on iPhone 5 or 5s

Because all models up to iPhone 6 lack an NFS module, thanks to which communication with the payment terminal is established. And then a little trick comes to the rescue for owners of iPhone 5-5c or 5s: you need to buy more Apple Watch(if you have wanted to do this for a long time, perhaps now is a very favorable moment, since after the release of more modern models, the corporation reduces prices for previous ones). By the way, it will be cheaper than buying a new iPhone.

We cure iOS glitches

As many have noted, iOS is no longer as stable and bug-free as it used to be. Perhaps the reason for this was the constant addition of new functions, perhaps something else... but the fact remains that it was better before.

So, to rule out the fact that problems with Apple Pay are caused by operating system failures, we need to perform the following steps:

  • Force and hard reboot the device.
  • Erase network settings(Settings - General - Reset - Reset network settings).
  • Resetting network settings on iPhone
  • In the Wallet application, delete and then re-link the card.
  • Change the region (Settings - General - Language and region) to any other where Apple Pay is supported (for example, to the UK). Changing the region - Apple Pay can start working
  • Reinstall the firmware via DFU mode. After this, check the operation of contactless payments without restoring the phone from a backup copy.

As you can see, nothing complicated. The hardest thing is to constantly run around and check if the system is working? Although you can always use Macdonalds and its self-service terminals.

The NFC chip has failed

For Apple works Pay on iPhone uses an NFC chip. This module rarely fails. Most often, the contact between it and the smartphone’s antenna simply disappears. The bracket, which is responsible for signal transmission, is located in the upper right corner of the case. It is a small jumper.

This jumper often has poor contact with the antenna housing and because of this, the payment service refuses to work. It is enough to tighten a couple of screws more tightly and the problem is solved. Sometimes good contact clogged dust or debris is in the way, you need to completely unscrew the jumper, clean the contact, blow it out and install the part in place. In some cases, a drop of glue or plastic that was carelessly left when assembling the device interferes with adhesion.

Sometimes users who open their smartphone are in for a slight shock - the required spare part is not there at all, as are the two screws that should ensure reliable contact.

You can find the part in service centers and workshops that buy iPhones for use.
You can order the jumper on AliExpress. There is nothing super-technological in it; it is not necessary to chase the original.

The mount could become loose due to a strong shake or fall of the gadget.

If it is not there at all, this is a sure sign that the iPhone has been rebuilt. It could be sold under the guise of a restored one or even a new one. This often happens at unauthorized points of sale, when purchasing second-hand, or when ordering an iPhone abroad.

Perhaps the device was repaired and they either deliberately or accidentally forgot to screw on a “useless” part. In any case, no luck, all that remains is to fix the problem so that everything works.

If all else fails

Most likely, you will be unlucky and restoring the firmware will not work. In this case, you need to take the iPhone to a service center. When the device is under warranty, there is nothing to worry about, but if the device was purchased second-hand without documents or the warranty period has expired, you can end up with “expensive repairs.”

Depending on the impudence of the technician, they can charge from one and a half to five thousand rubles to fix the problem, and this is not the limit.

Some are "serious" service centers and may refuse such repairs altogether.


If there were problems with the device's firmware or there was a software glitch, resetting and restoring the firmware would be a way out.

When the iPhone completely refuses to respond to all contactless payment terminals, the only thing left to do is take the smartphone for repair. Unfortunately, there is no other way to check the NFC module in iOS.


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