
The Windows 10 icon was not removed. Using a console command

Many users of computers with the Windows operating system (versions 7 and 8) have recently discovered that somehow a new icon has appeared in the tray - “ Get Windows 10».

Owners of "ancient" operating systems Windows type XP and 2000 did not receive such a “gift” and, most likely, were unlikely to be upset about it :).

The "Get Windows 10" icon sticks out in the system tray and looks like this:

Reasons against using Windows 10:

I recently found (on Habré) and read an article about how blatantly Windows 10 behaves, sending its creators (and perhaps not only them) many, many various information about users and their activities:

  • What programs are installed on the computer;
  • What sites does the user visit;
  • Voice data of IP telephony;
  • Data from the connected video camera;
  • And, perhaps, many, many other things.

And this is not surprising, because Microsoft offers its Windows 10 completely free, that is, for nothing. This means there is a hidden catch! Russians love freebies, but usually not like this. In this case, it turns out to be a wrong freebie, an insidious enticement with consequences that few people have yet assumed or realized.

According to subjective feelings, because of this little lousy Microsoft utility installed without permission, offering “free cheese”, the laptop with Windows 7 began to work much worse - it was wildly slow and stupid. As a result, the decision was made to find the source of the problem and fix it!

How to remove the "Get Windows 10" message?

Let’s not consider the question of how to simply hide the “Get Windows 10” message from the tray, simply removing the icon from the tray will not remove Microsoft’s intrusiveness, and the message with the tenth offer will still remain in the system. And then, you see, you can accidentally upgrade to the hellish ten! :)))

We set the task to remove “THE ANIMAL”, which is the reason for the inscription with the offer to get Windows 10.

The investigation showed that the reason for the appearance of a new tray icon and a message offering to get Windows 10 is the installation of an update from Microsoft - KV3035583. Thus, it is enough to uninstall this update to remove the message about receiving Windows 10.

Therefore, this issue does not occur for Windows users who have the automatic installation of Windows updates disabled. Best option update settings in Windows Update - " Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me".

Procedure for deleting a message about Windows 10:

1. Open the section " Programs and components" (for example, through the Control Panel), on the left click on the phrase " View installed updates":

2. In the list that opens, find the line "" and delete this update:

Attention! If in the window " Installed updates "The time period is very long, and it is difficult to search for them manually, use the search - in the upper right corner you need to write" KB3035583" (without quotes!), and all the "extra" lines will disappear, only the required line will remain - " Update for Microsoft Windows(KB3035583)".

Uninstalling an update KB3035583 launched by double-clicking on a line or clicking on the " button Delete".

3. The operating system, as usual, will not believe you the first time and will ask again about the reality of your cruel intentions:

4. Then it will still perform the deletion:

5. And it will ask you to restart your computer so that the removal is completed completely:

As a result of these actions, the icon " Get Windows 10"disappeared from the tray, and the computer seemed to work faster and slow down less (subjective personal assessment).

This method was used on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

How to prevent a Windows update from installing KB3035583?

6. In order to avoid accidentally installing this nasty update again in the future - KB3035583 you need to add him to the "black list". Open Center Windows updates and find this update in the recommended list:

On the right side of the window it displays something like this detailed information about this update. In fact, this information is not at all detailed, but very brief. Why doesn’t Microsoft write honestly that this update will add an additional icon to the system tray with a Windows 10 offer!

7. Right-click on the update line KB3035583 and in the context menu click on the line " Hide update":

After which the update KB3035583 will become inactive, you can no longer click on its checkbox and, accordingly, you cannot check it:

8. If in Windows Update you go to the " Restore hidden updates":

Then here we will find KB3035583:

In this section you can restore it and then install it, but DO NOT DO THIS! :)

Since the release of Microsoft's latest desktop operating system, Windows 10, Windows users 7 and 8 are bombarded with transition notifications to Windows 10. The notification is a small Windows icon that settles in the system tray next to the clock and is called GWX or " Get Windows 10"We will now discuss how to remove this icon and avoid pushy notifications.

I should note that I have nothing against any edition of Windows or its version. It’s just that preference for one or another Windows operating system, be it its seventh reincarnation or 8.1, is a matter of everyone’s taste specific user and I won’t argue with his choice. Everyone decides for themselves whether they should switch to Windows 10 now, or wait a little, or maybe never switch.

Where do legs come from?

Get Windows X or in translation Get Windows 10 (GWX) - the icon and dialog that is located in the system tray puzzled quite a few people who were sure that this was a trick of some kind of malicious program. Let's immediately discard this version. The icon is certainly annoying, but this is not the work of viruses.

Get Windows X - GWX

When you click on this icon, a dialog box will appear that will determine whether your computer is ready for Windows 10 and whether you are eligible for a free upgrade.

Get Windows 10

This icon and its dialog are actually part of an application that was introduced in late April 2015 as a recommended Windows update (KB3035583), and which has undergone several changes to make the update process easier, and to make the process of removing this icon easier for those who switch not needed on Windows 10.

You can find this update in Windows Update for your operating system. It may be listed as an optional update or as an unregistered update.

What is the update KB3035583

Hiding GWX

This simple method works for the current user session, but if the system is rebooted (which undoubtedly happens from time to time), the icon appears again. You can't right-click on an icon and "tell it not to bother you anymore." Even if you delete its entry from the task scheduler, it will not remove the GWX application from your system.

But more importantly: even if the icon is hidden in the system tray, this does not mean that it will not pester you with update notifications.

If you do not want to constantly see this icon, I recommend removing the KB3035583 update from the system. It is still not decisive for upgrading to Windows 10. Even if you suddenly want to see the icon again or decide to update through it, you can always return to Windows Update, and reinstall KB3035583.

Never10: The Best and Easiest Way to Prevent Windows 10

So, I present The best way remove GWX using a small (81Kb) free tool called Never10, which you can download.

Never10 was developed by respected security researcher Steve Gibson, whose software is trustworthy and free of advertising, viruses and other miscellaneous malware. It acts as an interface for hidden settings Microsoft that prevent Windows 10 updates.

Never10 requires no installation and runs as a standalone executable. Once launched, Never10 will tell you whether the Windows 10 update is installed on the system. If yes, then click the button Disable Win10 Upgrade.

Never 10

When you click this button, GWX should not bother you again. Of course, only if Microsoft once again does not try to change the logic of its operation. After a reboot, the icon will no longer appear.

You can also click the button Remove Win 10 Files to remove the update files from the system, which will free up some hard drive space. However, according to Gibson, Windows will delete these files automatically. So it doesn't matter if you remove them now or let Windows do it on its own later.

GWX Control Panel Removal Tool

There is another program called GWX Control Panel that does a similar function to Never 10 and even more. So if you really hate GWX and want to remove all traces of it from your system, GWX Control Panel will allow you to do so. Although it differs slightly in additional functionality from Never10, it is usually not needed by most ordinary users. And if you are tech-savvy and want complete control over the entire uninstallation process, GWX Control Panel is a great option.

GWX Control Panel

Understanding the buttons will not be difficult for a technically savvy user.

The time has come to sum up, and in conclusion I will say the following. If you are using any version of Windows (7 or 8.1), or you have been holding yourself back from upgrading and are still using Vista, XP, the time has come when you can finally take the plunge. Windows 10 is a worthy upgrade and probably an unqualified success for Microsoft. She managed, while preserving the spirit of Windows 7, while correcting the ills of Windows 8.1, to create an operating system that leaves a positive impression on almost every user who decides to upgrade.

Many users of seven and eight noticed in their tray Windows icon 10. It appears as a result of an automatically downloaded update from Microsoft and allows you to reserve Windows 10. Not all users like this notification, so we’ll figure out how to remove the Get Windows 10 icon from the taskbar, hide it or delete it.

If, then you will notice the GWX.exe process, which launches the application responsible for displaying the icon. The process operates in the background, consuming a minimal share of resources. You can remove the Windows 10 icon, but this will be done within the framework of this session. The next time you start your PC, you will see the Windows 10 icon again.

This is all due to the task scheduler, which launches GWX.exe every time the computer starts, and no matter how much you kill the process, it will always appear. There are enough ways to remove an icon from the taskbar tray, let's start looking at them. It is recommended to use administrator access.

Hiding the icon via taskbar options, registry, task scheduler

These are the most simple ways remove the Windows 10 icon from the taskbar, simply hiding it, in case you decide to upgrade to a new version of the OS. Check out the 3 methods and choose the one that suits you best.

1. If the option to show all tray icons is disabled, you will notice an arrow (pointing up) when you click on it, hidden icons will become visible. Move the cursor over the Windows 10 icon, holding down the left button, and move it to the hidden icons area.

If you need to completely hide Windows 10, then click the “customize” link; if there is no arrow, right-click on the date/time, then click “configure notification icons”.

Find the GWX icon in the list, click the behavior button opposite it, select item 2 and click OK. Better yet, select “show notifications only”, this way the icon will be hidden, but you will be informed when an update becomes available. If you can't specify the behavior, uncheck the option to show all icons. It has been noticed that a number of users have reported that the Windows 10 icon returns after rebooting the PC.

2. Using this method, you can definitely remove the Windows 10 icon from the taskbar, and, if necessary, return everything to its previous form. , enter the command taskschd.msc, click Enter.

In the left menu of the task scheduler library, expand the subsections: Microsoft, then Windows, Setup and select gwx. In the middle panel of gwx, right-click on the launchtrayprocess task, click on the “disable” menu. Do the same for refreshgwxconfig.

Close Task Scheduler. Reboot your system.

3. Through the registry, you can also remove the Windows 10 icon. Opening the registry editor of the seven, described, eight. Get to the GWX section (path in the screenshot). In the right section pane, right-click on "New" and select the DWORD option.

Name the parameter DisableGWX and double-click on it to open the properties modification window. Set the value to 1, click OK.

Restart your computer to see the result. If you are afraid to change the registry, then use a reg file that adds the DisableGWX parameter.

  • Download the archive, unpack it to any folder.
  • Double-click the Otkl Get Windows 10.reg file, then click yes, yes, OK.
  • Restart your computer.

Delete Windows 10 notification files

If you are not satisfied with the methods above, or you are categorically against getting a new OS, then I suggest completely deleting the Windows 10 icon update files, select the “programs” category, then click “view installed updates.”

Find the KB3035583 update in the extensive list; I recommend using the search. Select it, click delete and “yes”.

After a reboot, you will not see the Get Windows 10 icon, but to prevent it from appearing in the future, you must disable the update. , in the left menu, click the “Windows Update” link. In the list of updates to install, find and select the item (KB3035583), right-click, select “hide update”.

You can also remove the Windows 10 icon by deleting files and application folders. Open Windows folder, then System32 and find GWX, where the files will be stored. Terminate the GWX.exe process and delete the directory. If a message prohibiting deletion is displayed, manually obtain access rights to the folder and repeat the procedure.

All the ways to remove the Windows 10 icon from the taskbar are considered. I advise you to use normal hiding and upgrade to ten in the future. The mere existence of the icon does not affect PC performance in any way. Another thing is that if you do not need a new OS, then it is more practical to completely delete the application files and forget about it.

Hello, friends. Just recently, Microsoft launched its update reservation notice to the new Windows versions. For those who came across the article by accident, you can find out everything in detail here: “”. It was this notification that caused very strong emotions among users who have the Windows operating system.

But how exactly did they manifest themselves in the computer world? For many, for various reasons, the Windows 10 update icon did not appear on the taskbar, which caused a lot of negativity and anxiety among users due to the fact that they would not be able to receive free update Windows 10

For others, on the contrary, a message notifying about the update appeared and was displayed in the lower right corner in the form of an operating system icon. As a result, everyone who could rushed to fill out the forms that were required for the reservation and then calmly went about their business and waited for the next notification, but this time notifying about the jump in updates.

But over time, this icon lost its popularity. And now, instead of asking what needs to be done to make the icon appear, users ask about the following: how to remove the annoying Windows 10 update icon from the taskbar. Because, from time to time, this notification could open again by itself or by clicking on any icon on the taskbar, you could accidentally miss, which again led to the same result.

This became annoying to many and forced them to look for a way to remove the update reservation icon for Windows 10.

How to remove the Windows 10 update receipt icon

So, initially this icon appeared on your computer using automatic update. More precisely, after downloading the update provided by Microsoft, the computer installed it and placed it in startup, which launched the icon every time the computer booted. I’ll say right away that you definitely won’t find it there in the panel in the “Startup” tab, so you don’t even have to try to look for it there.

And in order to remove the icon getting Windows 10 perform the following steps in order:

    1. First press " Start» –> « Control Panel»;
    2. From large quantity icon we find " Programs and components»;

    1. Next, click on the item “ View installed updates»;
    2. In the next step, on the right side of the window, look for a section with the name “ Microsoft Windows»:
    3. Now from the list of all updates we find the one we need, this is - KB3035583;

    1. Next, having highlighted what you need, call context menu using the mouse and select “ Delete" Or, having noted the update at the top of the window, click “Delete”;

  1. Don't forget to restart your computer after completing the above steps;

After all the steps have been completed, the Windows 10 update icon should disappear. By the way, we also used the removal of updates to solve a problem that was caused by these same updates. So, I remind you once again, subscribe to new articles on my blog, and you will soon be able to solve any computer problem.


To get rid of the Windows 10 icon, appeared new list updates that should also be checked and removed:

  • Windows 7 - 2952664, 3021917;
  • Windows 8 - 2976978;

Also, after removing unnecessary packages, be sure to.

Microsoft is actively promoting its new operating system - Windows 10. But it is doing this too intrusively, in my opinion. Whether the user wants to install Ten or stay on the previous version of the OS - he still decides, but Ten is already starting to gradually download to HDD from the Internet. The Get Windows 10 icon appears in the system tray and will remain there until you decide to upgrade. But here’s the problem: what should a user do if he is quite satisfied with the previous Windows version(Seven or Eight) and update to new version he doesn't want to?! In this case, you can simply remove the alert icon and continue using your old system.

For installation on a computer or laptop new Windows V previous versions The special update KB3035583 is responsible.
Therefore, to remove the “Get Windows 10” icon, you just need to remove this update from the system. You can do this in three ways:

1. Through installation and removal of programs

Open the Control Panel and go to the “Uninstall programs” >>> “View installed updates” section.

Find the one you need in the list, select it and click on the “Delete” button.

2. With console command

Press the Win+R key combination to launch the Run command window.
Enter the command in the “Open” line:


Press Enter and wait for the procedure to complete.

If suddenly the user under whom you are logged in does not have enough rights to execute the command, then run command line Windows with administrator rights and run the command again.
After this, it is advisable to completely disable automatic installation updates in your operating system, otherwise update will be downloaded again, installed and will again bother you with the tray icon.
Attention! If even after you have removed KB3035583 from the system, Windows icon 10 still appears in the system tray - try uninstalling the following updates:
in Windows 7 - KB2952664
in Windows 8 - KB2976978

3. I Don’t Want Windows 10 utility

Click on the “I Agree” button and wait for the operation to complete.

That's it - after using any of these three ways You will be able to remove the “Get Windows 10” notification from the tray. Good luck!

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