
VKontakte does not log in, what should I do? What to do if you can’t access the “in contact” page. Reasons for lack of access to a social network

As usual, I click on the VKontakte tab, enter my login and password, but the loading does not go well and I cannot log in to the page. Why can’t I log into VK? Such thoughts visited your bright head before you ended up on this page.

Problems with logging into VK are not new today: quite a lot is known about the reasons for such an incident:

  • users social network, living on the territory of Ukraine, cannot go to the site or freely use the VKontakte application - operators and providers are officially prohibited from providing a connection to the site. Bypass blocking with using VPN(the IP address from which the request originates changes to the address of a state where there are no restrictions and you freely use VK);
  • incorrectly entering your login and password does not allow you to enter the page;
  • do not remember your login or password;
  • did not pass the security check (when you enter captcha to prove that you are not a robot or did not send a confirmation code);
  • Internet is disabled;
  • a malicious file or software that gets onto your computer or phone prevents you from gaining access to your account by requesting the sending of some paid SMS. Congratulations, you have become a victim of cybercriminals. It’s good that the functionality of the page is being restored;
  • picked up viruses or installed malware that interferes with normal functioning social network;
  • check the host file - this often causes problems with VKontakte;
  • During maintenance or reboot of the company's servers, access to the site is blocked.

Now that we have figured out “who is to blame,” let’s move on to the “what to do” part.

What to do if I can’t log into VK

I did everything correctly, so why can’t I log into VK? In the next section, we will look at options for action in 6 common situations.

Checking the host file

When you try to log in, a page suspiciously similar to the main page of the VKontakte website loads, and when you enter data, they ask you to send an SMS to the attached number? Got a message about VK being blocked? Most likely, the host file on the computer has been changed and needs to be checked.


Malware does not only mean those that try to steal your personal information or trick you into paying for an SMS to log in. Sometimes antivirus software also falls into this category, denying access to the site, plugins and extensions.

  • To test this hypothesis, turn off the protective screens for a couple of minutes and launch VKontakte.
  • Successful login - problem detected.
  • The solution is the following: expand the list of exclusion sites so that the antivirus does not apply to VK protocols.


Do you have anti-virus software? Isn't it time to update it? Does it provide adequate protection? These are the questions you should ask yourself if you have problems with the VKontakte social network. Update your antivirus to the latest version, run your computer through it and evaluate the result. Were there any infected files? Quarantine or delete.

It is best to use a licensed one software: higher quality – fewer problems.

Internet does not work

It is worth paying attention to the date and time of the network (the browser will indicate this at startup): if the date and time are incorrect, the Internet will not work.

If the VKontakte website does not work, try logging in from a different browser. If the page launched and authorization was successful, the problem is in the browser used. Update to the latest version or reinstall.

Clearing cache

Get rid of cache and temporary files (cookies): they can affect the operation of the site. This is done in the browser settings. The path is different for each viewer, but the meaning is the same: in Settings there is desired button. The following are options for Google Chrome, Opera, Edge, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.


Are you sure you entered it correctly? Check if Caps Lock is enabled, if you are entering the password and login in the correct language, and if all characters are entered. Sometimes inattention creates a mass unnecessary problems. As a rule, if the login (email, phone number) and password are entered incorrectly, the site writes “Authorization error.”


Forgot your password? Temporarily blocked page? They deleted it on purpose, and now you’ve changed your mind? You will have to restore access to the page on the VKontakte social network.

  • Go to the main page, where in addition to the lines for entering your login and password, there will be a line “Forgot your password”, which will automatically take you to the recovery tab.

  • The user is prompted to enter the email address or mobile number to which the page is linked. You may have to enter your last name, confirm that you need to restore the specified page and enter a couple of captchas.
  • An SMS with a code will be sent to your phone number to confirm the action - enter it in the empty field.
  • Since VKontakte will not allow you to use the old compromised password, set a new one and repeat.
  • Try logging into the page with a new password.

I can’t log into VK even though the password and login are correct

Can't log into VK even though your password and login are correct? See if you can log in from another device. If you log in, it means you made a mistake when entering data. If you tried to log in from your phone or computer, but the page is frozen, deleted, or periodically appears online, your account is being used by scammers.

Try to restore access as described in the previous paragraph or contact VKontakte technical support.

I can’t log into VK from my computer

For some reason you can’t log into VK from your computer? Don't worry, it can be fixed. Don’t rush to panic, perhaps it’s just a matter of simply rebooting the servers or installing updates - give VK time to figure it out.

Why can’t I log into VK from a computer, but I can log in from my phone?

Look at the reasons listed above, we didn’t just pull them out of thin air. The actions described in one of the points will solve the problem. As a last resort, just roll back the system to a date when everything worked perfectly.

I can’t log into VK from my phone

What should I do if I can’t log into VK from my phone? Consider ways to solve problem situations related to authorization from a PC. If none of the suggested options help, try updating or reinstalling the VKontakte application.

I can’t log into VK because of the “I’m not a robot” security check

Have you been sitting there for about 15 minutes entering captchas that have no end in sight? All cars selected road signs, shop windows and other nonsense offered by the site? Tired of it, right?

  1. Restart your computer, or at least your browser. Try to log in. No captcha? Great, contact glitch.
  2. The page could be sending spam or you may be visiting from different places too often, so the site wants to be sure that the owner is not a robot, so be patient and continue to study the variety of pictures offered.

Why can’t I log into VK: it says the password is wrong

The answer lies in the question: you are entering the wrong password. Reset your old password using the “Forgot your password?” button. and come up with a new one, or better yet, write it down so as not to store it in memory.

The “Login” button on VKontakte does not work

Go to the main page, enter your username and password, but on the VKontakte website the “Login” button does not work.

  • Browser bug. Sign in through another one.
  • Check the host file, this may be the issue. Clear everything except the treasured line and save.
  • They give you a fake VKontakte website, but since it’s not the original, you won’t be able to log in. Check your antivirus software and reinstall your browser.
  • Antivirus against your frequent use of social networks. Add to the exclusion list and continue communicating with your friends and comrades.
  • Problems with the Internet connection or router settings. Did you remember to refill? Providers also have problems, and if the problem is with the router, reflash it.
  • More work on the VK side. Just wait here.

Try it, the proposed methods have been tested in practice.

Why does the system not log into VK and what should I do to correct the situation? Every active social network user has asked these questions at least once in their life. And no wonder, because we spend more and more time on the Internet, and parting with the application for even an hour causes irritation. For those who cannot log into their page, we offer several options for solving the problem.

#1 No connection or failure

If the question about “why I can’t log into VK” arose today, and before that the service worked perfectly, then most likely there are no global problems. To check the system, follow these steps:

  1. Try to wait a few minutes - perhaps it is a system failure of the social network itself. networks;
  2. Open any other resource. If it doesn’t load, it means you don’t have an Internet connection. As a rule, a message is displayed on the screen, as in the picture below or with similar text.

What can be done if there is no network access? Try this:

  • Reboot your router;
  • Login to Network and Sharing Center and shared access on your PC and fix the problem.
  • Check whether you have paid for the provider's services.

If this does not help and the question of why you can’t access the VKontakte website from your computer is still relevant, then it’s worth taking into account internal operational problems. Any resource can go down due to server overload, but fortunately, developers quickly solve such problems. Therefore, you can just wait a while. By the way, in this case, problems will occur not only with you, but with your friends. So ask if they are ok with the entry. If not, then you should probably wait for representatives of the social network to resolve the issue.

#2 Browser problems

“I can’t log into Contact from a computer, what should I do?” - unfortunately, this problem is not at all uncommon, especially for those who use the social network through a browser. Have you already tried the above option without success? Then try these steps:

  • Open your browser;
  • Go to settings;
  • Clear cache and cookies;

Did the measures taken fail to help again? Then install any other browser and try to log into VK from it. It happens that a website stops opening in one particular browser.

If this does not solve the problem, then consider others possible reasons problems and figure out why you can’t log into VK.

#3 Deny access

“I can’t log into Contact from a computer” - this is common problem, which is faced by users who do not part with the social network at work or travel to other countries. The fact is that in some cases, access to a social network can be purposefully blocked. Typically, this happens for the following reasons:

  1. on the territory of an educational institution (school);
  2. The employer blocked access to prevent employees from being distracted from performing work tasks;
  3. The VK social network is not available to residents of certain countries - for example, Ukraine. The use is prohibited by law.

If one of these situations applies to you, then the question: why is it impossible to log into VK can be considered closed. And move on to what to do.

  • Try logging in with mobile phone– sometimes only the local network is blocked;
  • Download a VPN extension to your PC or smartphone that allows you to bypass restrictions and connect to the network, or use a browser proxy.

#4 Incorrect data

Another reason why you can’t log into VK today is entering incorrect login information:

  1. Make sure the CAPS LOCK input is disabled;
  2. Make sure that the included layout is correct.

Did you fail to enter the correct password because you completely forgot the combination, or your page was hacked? Then here's how to restore access:

  • Click the “Forgot your password?” icon under the authorization form;
  • Select the captcha to confirm. Enter it as carefully as possible, sometimes it is an incorrect captcha that prevents you from logging into VK;
  • Enter the last name from your page;
  • Confirm that this page is yours;
  • A digital code will be sent to your smartphone - enter it in a special window and click the “Change” button;

Why can’t I log into VK on my page from my phone or computer if the password is correct? Make sure you entered the captcha correctly:

  1. Refresh the picture to see the distinguishable symbols;
  2. Check the layout.

#5 Fraudulent activities

If the reason why the question “I can’t log into my VKontakte page, what should I do” appeared is a request to transfer funds, you should be as careful as possible.

Do not send messages under any circumstances - in such situations you risk losing a large amount of money!

To protect yourself, you must:

  • Install or update your antivirus program;
  • Run a system scan;
  • Activate search;
  • If you find a file, urgently delete it from your computer manually or using special program(eg CCleaner).

Edit the host file:

  • Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc;

I can’t log into Contact - The contact is blocked.

A lot of people periodically face the fact that they cannot get in touch. In some cases, an error is displayed, and sometimes you get to the main page of the social network, but cannot log in for unknown reasons. Most often, the problem lies in the inattention of the users themselves. In this review, we will look at the most typical situations when users are unable to access their page and the question arises - “ Doesn't make contact, what should I do?" or " How to get in touch if access is blocked?«.

One of the most common reasons when users cannot get in touch is viruses that are distributed by attackers in order to take over your finances. The virus works in such a way that the user is redirected to a fake page and is asked to send an SMS to one of the short numbers.

What to do if you don’t make contact? 3 steps.

1) step. Using any text editor, such as Notepad, open the hosts file located on drive C in WINDOWS directory- system32 - drivers - etc. If the file cannot be opened, you need to right-click on it and select “Open with…”. In the dialog box, select Notepad.

2) step. After opening, look at the contents of the file and delete all lines containing the entry “” or “”.

3) step. Sometimes a virus can block opening or editing this file. Then you will need to restart the computer and press the F8 key at boot time. In the dialog box that appears, select Safe Mode. After downloading operating system complete the first two steps again.

Delete all lines containing the entry “” or “” in order to unblock your contact account.

What to do if you don’t get in touch even after correcting or deleting “hosts”...

If this method did not help or everything is fine in the hosts file, then Access to the social network “VKontakte” is blocked other types of viruses. To get rid of them, you can try going to Start and selecting Search. Enter the phrase “vkontakte.exe” into the search field and all found files with that name must be deleted. Repeat this procedure for the phrase “svc.exe”. After deleting the found files, you need to restart your computer.

But in any case, most effective method fighting viruses are antivirus programs. Therefore, it is highly recommended to scan your computer for viruses. Moreover, they can affect not only the performance of the VKontakte page, but also all other functions of the computer.

In some cases, users are unable to connect due to incorrect browser settings. This is most often observed in browsers such as Opera, Safari and Firefox. Therefore, you can try to access your page using Google browser Chrome, which has a simple interface and fast, stable operation.

If the browser displays a message that the server was not found, this indicates the impossibility of connecting. The reason for this may be a reboot of the VKontakte server. In this case, other users will not be able to access the site. This is temporary and you can try to log in again in one or two hours. Another reason is the lack network connection on the user’s computer, which may be caused by a hardware malfunction at the provider or technical problems on the user’s PC.

The page cannot be displayed. How to unblock a contact to enter your page if it says that the server was not found and does not contact.

If you can’t get in touch, then you should pay attention to the following points. You need to check your Internet connection and try visiting some other sites. There is also a possibility that the VKontakte administration has temporarily blocked the user’s account due to spam or other reasons. In this case, it is recommended to wait a few days and try to log in again.

In many public organizations, work offices and classrooms, the system administrator local network artificially blocks access to some sites, including VKontakte. You need to ask other people working at a computer in this organization if access to social networks is allowed here; perhaps you are not getting in touch because this site is blocked at your work.

Why can’t I get into contact? Just in case, check the following points:

  • Do you have an Internet connection? Go to any other site and see if it loads.
  • If you are not at home, find out if access to the VKontakte website is allowed in this organization. Often in schools, institutes, and at work, access to social networks is prohibited.
  • Perhaps you were blocked by site administrators for sending spam, frequently changing your name, or something else, although this happens extremely rarely. But if this happens, wait a day or two, then try to log in again.

We have looked at the most common options for why you may not make contact. We really hope that this information will help you. Good luck!

Very often people ask, I can’t get in touch, what should I do? This site is very popular, but the problem continues to be relevant to this day. In this article, you will find out the main reasons why contact is not made, and how to solve this problem yourself.

The most common reasons why contact is not made:

  1. It is a very rare reason when the contact “lies” for technical reasons. In this case, all you have to do is wait until you have the opportunity to access your page.
  2. Access to the site is blocked by the system (local) administrator. This can happen if at work or at school you decide to while away the time on the VK website. The explanation for this is the following: management is interested in you not being distracted, but doing your job. The usual blocking can be bypassed using the Hosts file, but problems may arise with the director if you are “caught”, it all depends on the severity of the authorities.
  3. Blocking of your account by the site administration for violations or by mistake. in this case, you need to write to the Support Service and wait for a solution.
  4. Hacking your account and changing your password. In this case, you need to try to recover your password, go to your page and immediately change the settings, changing the password to a more secure one.
  5. The most common cause is viruses. It is very easy to become their victim, just click on any of the attractive messages or follow the link. Attackers distributing malware, pursue mainly two goals: data theft and withdrawal of money from the phone account linked to the VK page.

It happens that a virus can change the hosts file. You need to find it, C—> Windows—>System32—> drivers—>etc and change it to normal, you can download it from the link below.

Fraudsters come up with new hacking methods every day and hone their skills. If you are vigilant, the risk of your PC becoming infected will be minimized. To do this you need to know basic things:

  • You should not follow unknown links;
  • there is no need to go to sites even with a bad reputation if you can look at the information elsewhere;
  • do not download programs from unverified suppliers, do not send SMS;
  • you need to learn to recognize phishing links;
  • do not register on dubious sites, do not leave your data and phone numbers. Install good antivirus to your computer and periodically scan it for malware.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple, you just need to learn to follow them, now you know why you don’t make contact, and what you need to do in such a situation.


First, you need to establish the real reason why you cannot log into your account. It can be

  • Blocked access to social media networks at work;
  • Viruses and other harmful software;
  • Problems with network equipment;
  • Account blocking by VK administration;
  • You have been hacked.

The main thing for us now is to determine the reason for the lack of access to social media. networks. First, try to get in touch from another computer, phone or tablet. If there is access, it means we have problems on our computer (blocked by an administrator, viruses, an incorrectly configured router), and not problems with the login and password on social media. networks.

If you can’t log into your account on another device, then the problem is in the account itself. Either you have been hacked, or your page has been blocked by the VK administration, or you are simply entering the wrong login and password. Depending on the source of the problem, specific actions will be needed. Now we will describe each problem and solutions for them.

If the site does not open at all, I mean the address similar address with exactly the same design as on the official page may open), you can definitely tell your problems are in the computer itself and the network settings. Instead of the official page, a phishing site may open, where when you enter your login and password, you will give them to “completely normal” thieves.

In this case, access is blocked by the system administrator. The solution to the problem is to use the anonymizer or VPN extensions for the browser. Use anonymizers only from well-known developers and with caution, because through them your password and login can be stolen. All data in the browser first passes through a proxy server (anonymizer) and only after that is returned to you. If you connect to an unknown anonymizer, there are many chances that your data will simply be stolen.

If it is possible to install additional expansion For a browser such as Frigate, be sure to install it.

After installation, you will need to add VK to the application list so that access is through unblocked IP addresses. To do this, right-click on the application icon in the browser and select Settings.

We enter the name of the new list without spaces between words - Moisotsseti, for example (I have an example here with a bit of an error - we do the name of the list without spaces if it consists of several words).

And then click on the newly created list.

After adding the URL to the application list, traffic for VK will be encrypted and the IP address of the site will change. Access to the contact will be open even if your system administrator has blocked it.

Account blocking by VK administration

Usually, when you log into your account, if you are blocked, the blocking period and reason are indicated. If you do not agree or are not guilty of what you are accused of - for example, sending spam and other materials, write to the support service. Only these people can help you. Only correspondence with technical support will help you.

Be sure to read the social certificate. networks on this issue -

You have been hacked

If you have been hacked, the only solution to the problem is to change your password, if you can’t log in and recover your password (use your phone number for this), and in this case your main assistant is technical. support. It is advisable that the page be registered with your data and a telephone number available to you is linked; restoring access to the page using the number is very simple.

If the phone number you registered your account with is available to you, click on home page Forgot your password or follow the link Fill out the required forms and change your password.

Viruses and malware

Viruses redirect you to a phishing site, where they ask you to send SMS and other data supposedly to the contact servers. This is a lie and you definitely won’t get access to your page this way. The solution to the problem is to install an antivirus that blocks harmful sites, or at least a free browser plugin - Dr.Web Link Checker, which will block all this automatically. You can also check the site URL online with an antivirus. Alternatively, log into your account from another device - phone, computer, tablet. If you can log in, it means you have a virus or other harmful software on your computer.

Even after scanning and removing viruses from the system, access may not be restored. The final steps need to be taken. We will need to reset some network settings to default values ​​as they may have been changed by viruses.

To automate cleaning and resetting the system network parameters, use AVZ utility. Using AVZ you do not have to manually edit the Host file and other parameters. There is no need to install the program, you just need to unzip the application files into the desired folder and run the application as an administrator.

Opening File - System Restore.

Put a checkmark like in my screenshot and click Perform the marked operations.

If you don’t want to download and run the software, then at least look at the Host. The Host file is used in Windows to convert symbolic URLs to IP addresses specified in the document. This is where attackers can configure your system so that you can go to a fraudulent VK website that is completely identical in appearance to the official one. And when entering data, you, of course, will not be able to enter your page.

To edit the host file, launch Notepad or another text editor on behalf of the administrator. Let's go to File – Open, in the display options, select All files, since the host file does not have an extension, and open the Host file along this path C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc.

The document should not contain any entries containing, vkontakte, etc. If there are any, delete them while these entries are in host file You will not be able to access VK. Before exiting, be sure to save the document and exit the program.

If the problem is a virus or some other software, you can perform a system restore as an option. It is necessary that at the time of the system restore point there is access to VK. After restoring the system, be sure to check the system for viruses. If you cannot restore from normal system mode, boot from safe mode, if this also does not work, perform a recovery using a disk or flash drive with Windows.

Left proxies in system parameters

By simply clicking on a malicious link, you can set the wrong settings in the proxy server settings on your computer. And the attackers will receive all the traffic - all the data in open form, which you send or receive from the network. These are passwords, logins and other confidential information. In general, absolutely everything, and not in encrypted form. When scanning, the antivirus will not even pay attention to your proxy; it is not a virus or malware.

To check the proxy, look for the Proxy server settings option in the control panel and make sure that the window that opens looks like the screenshot below. If you have data registered here, please contact system administrator or simply disable the proxy if you know for sure that these parameters should not be there.

Problems with the router or modem

The problem with accessing the contact may be the left DNS servers registered in the modem. The problem can only be solved in the modem, not on the computer - we reset all settings to default and configure Internet access again. Usually, to reset the settings, you need to hold down a special button on the modem or router for 5-10 seconds. If this does not work, see the instructions for the device. The solution to the problem is to reset the settings to default values. Don’t forget to then change the default login information - admin/admin and choose strong passwords for your WiFi network.


Do not install little-known and suspicious programs, cracks for them and other components for hacking programs for which you need to disable the antivirus. This is not safe, if possible, download and install only cracks that have been tested by many users, and it is better, of course, not to install them at all.

Do not follow suspicious links on websites, social networks. networks and e-mail. To protect yourself, install an antivirus with the function of blocking suspicious sites, or at least a free browser extension - Dr.Web Link Checker, which will protect you from phishing and fraudulent sites.

If you have already visited such a site, be smart and pay attention to suspicious elements of the site - the URL address is different from

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