
Netpeak Spider and Netpeak Checker are the next generation of our favorite SEO tools. Netpeak Spider free download, latest Russian version Side block - settings and reports

Netpeak Spider is a software product for conducting a comprehensive website audit. With the help of the program, you can analyze the SEO parameters of the site and get the main technical indicators.

Key features

Netpeak Spider allows you to collect data to analyze the following SEO indicators:

  • Checking the indexing of site pages.
  • Server response codes.
  • Server response time.
  • Analysis of filling in the Title tag.
  • Analysis of the filling of the Description meta tag.
  • Analysis of the filling of the site page header H1 and subheadings H2 - H6.
  • Determining the amount of content on the pages of the site.
  • Website graphics optimization control.
  • Filling in the rel=”canonical” tag and pagination attributes
  • Definition of duplicate content, tags Title, Description.
  • Identification of "broken links".
  • Calculation of internal Page Rank.
  • Checking and generating "Sitemaps".
  • Site structure analysis.
  • And a number of additional features.

How to get started with Netpick Spider

To get started, you need to go to the Netpeak Software website and register or activate your account. This must be done in order to gain access to download the program.

Product owners provide users with an initial period of 14 days to familiarize themselves with the operation of the tool. Next, you will have to pay for the work with the product.

After downloading and installing the program on your PC, we get to work.

Program interface

The main screen of the program consists of the following parts:

  1. Top Menu.
  2. Toolbar.
  3. Main work area.
  4. Information block - contains extended information on lines from the main block.

Top Menu

The top menu consists of 11 items and allows you to work with all the features of the program.

  1. Item "Project" allows you to manage projects: create new ones, save results, delete unnecessary ones, open and work with previously saved projects.
  2. Item "List of URLs" allows you to specify a list of addresses that the user needs to scan for analysis. There are several options for setting the list, typing manually, placing from the clipboard or file, pasting from the Sitemap.
    Also, these lists can be saved, edited, deleted.
  3. Item "Settings" allows you to configure scanning processes. We will discuss this point in more detail a little later.
  4. Item "Scanning" serves to start, stop and restart the crawler.
  5. Item "Analysis" gives access to information on duplicates, incoming links, canonical chains, allows you to calculate the internal Page Rank.
  6. Item "Database" used for quick access to data via links: incoming, outgoing, internal and external. And also to data on images, list of errors, redirects, canonical pages, titles.
  7. Item "Tools" allows you to access the analysis of the source html code, calculate the internal Page Rank, validate the "Sitemap" Sitemap, generate a Sitemap.
  8. Item "Export" serves to download all available reports in xlsl or csv formats. You can download all reports, or only those that you need.
  9. Item "Transition" simplifies navigation through program blocks.
  10. Item "Window" allows you to work with several windows at the same time.
  11. Item "Help" serves to provide assistance to users, provides an opportunity to communicate with company representatives, access to news on the site, information about changes in various versions programs.


The toolbar is designed to start crawling the site. It duplicates most of the capabilities of the "Scan" menu item.

Allows you to start, stop and restart the site crawl process.
In addition, you can get fast access to tools and report export, upload or update the current spreadsheet, search by scan results, set up a segment.

Side block - settings and reports.

Options tab

Before you start, you need to set the parameters for data scanning. This tab is located in the sidebar.

If you are running the program for the first time, then leave the default crawl settings. In the future, you will choose those settings that interest you.

Reports tab

This tab contains reports on the collected site metrics. Consists of 4 sub-items:

  • Mistakes. You can view reports grouped by error types and severity.
  • Summary. Contains summary information on the results of the program.
  • Site structure. Forms the structure of the site.
  • Parsing. Displays the results of parsing.

Main workspace

Consists of 3 tabs:

  1. All results
  2. Filtered results

Dashboard tab

This tab has 2 functions:

1. Displays the process of site scanning. This allows you to control the operation of the crawler and, if necessary, intervene and perform additional settings scanning.
2. After completion of the work, it displays summary data in the form of clear and accessible graphs.

On the right, there is data on the errors found, they are structured by severity, categories and subcategories.
Next, optimizers will have to turn their heads and figure out what to do with all this information. Which errors should be corrected first, which ones second, and which ones can be ignored.

All results tab contains a table with all the results of the site analysis program.

Filtered Results Tab displays data on some particular part of the site or a specific problem.

Program settings

Access to the settings is possible through the corresponding item " top menu". The settings are divided into 10 tabs, let's briefly go through them.

To indicate a certain possibility, you must activate the corresponding check-box.

  1. General tab. Allows you to select the program interface language, adjust the scanning speed and set basic settings scanning.
  2. Advanced tab. Here we set up page scanning, according to directives from various sources: robots.txt, Cannonical, refresh, and others.
    We also specify whether or not to scan the content of link tags, the conditions for stopping scanning, whether to process cookies and pages with four hundred (4xx) response codes.
  3. virtual robots. Allows you to test robots.txt files for the specified site. This is useful if you are not sure how file directives will work for your resource.
  4. Parsing Tab. Designed to configure the collection of information on the site by regular expressions, css selectors, XPath attributes.
  5. User Agent Tab is used to specify the type of scanning bot for the program to work.
  6. Restrictions Tab serves to set limits for scanning and set up criteria for detecting errors, the maximum length of tags, the number of links, etc.
  7. Rules Tab allows you to enter additional conditions for scanning.
  8. Export tab contains settings for uploading results. XLSL or CSV file format, regional settings, error output settings, export file name generation, cell highlighting when uploading.
  9. Authentication Tab allows you to restrict access to sites.
  10. Proxy tab designed to configure a proxy server, if necessary.

At the beginning of operation, there is no great need to delve into the intricacies of setting up the program. Use the default settings. With further work, gradually master all the possibilities and settings you will not cause difficulties.

Analysis of large sites

In the updated version of the program, the speed of processing sites has significantly improved. This is especially noticeable when working with large sites. Along with a significant increase in scanning, it became possible to suspend this process, and continue at any convenient time.

That is, processing can be divided into several parts.

It is also possible to rescan data in individual tables and even individual pages.
All this makes the work on correcting errors more visual and comfortable.

Additional features

The program allows you to store the entire history of working with it. So, starting to work with the site and conducting its audit, we save the results of the first scan. As we work on the errors, we carry out intermediate runs of the program, and they can also be fixed.

And at the end of the work we carry out the final scan. This makes it possible to compare the final indicators with the initial ones, and, in general, evaluate the effectiveness of work on the internal optimization of the site. This data can be used when working on reports to the customer for website promotion.

It is impossible to describe in detail all the functionality of Netpeak Spider in one post. You can learn more about the intricacies of working with the program only by trying it yourself in practice.

Program cost

To work with the program, you need to purchase a license, the cost of which is $14 per month. When buying a license for a longer period, its cost is reduced. So an annual license will cost $117.60, that is, $9.80 per month. If you purchase more than 1 license, the cost of each is also reduced.

I am a partner of Netpeak Software and for readers of my block there is an opportunity to purchase license to work with the program with a 10% discount. For this, and when buying, you should enter promo code inetmktNS.

What do we get when working with Netpeak Spider?

Using the tools of the Netpeak Spider program in our work, we get the opportunity to conduct a high-quality website audit. This gives us control over all the main technical and SEO parameters of the site.

Identification and correction of errors in the internal optimization of the site improves its Seo parameters. Linking quality assessment allows you to correctly distribute the internal weight within the site and improve Page Rank for important pages. And these are just the main advantages of the program.

These activities will allow us to improve the quality of the site, which will be positively assessed by both visitors and search engines.

The pages of the site will deservedly take places in the TOP, which will ultimately bring new customers to your business and increase the income and prestige of your company.

Netpeak Spider and Netpeak Checker, which tens of thousands of Internet marketers around the world are used to, have become even better! These programs were originally developed for their own purposes and have long been in free access. But now a new stage in the development of Netpeak Spider and Netpeak Checker has come - the foundation of Netpeak Software, a separate company that will use all its knowledge, experience and ideas to improve them.

Meet Netpeak Spider 2.0 and Netpeak Checker 2.0

We are proud to present Netpeak Spider 2.0 and Netpeak Checker 2.0 — now daily SEO tasks will be solved even faster and more efficiently. Programs are currently only English language, but even those who are not at odds with it are unlikely to notice special inconveniences - we tried to think through the user interface to the smallest detail.

Netpeak Spider 2.0 is a tool for comprehensive website SEO audit

The health of your site is in good hands: Netpeak Spider easily identifies internal optimization problems that can hurt your SEO performance.

With Netpeak Spider you can:

Track key parameters of internal site optimization

Analyze inbound and outbound internal site links

Find broken links and redirects

Detect duplicate content: entire pages, Title tags, and Description/Keywords meta tags

Identify the most common optimization errors

Consider instructions for search robots when crawling the site (Robots.txt, Canonical, Meta Robots)

Calculate the internal PageRank of pages to build an efficient site structure and improve internal linking

Set up flexible crawling rules: you can bypass the entire site or only a certain part of it

Comparison of old and new version Netpeak Spider 1.x 2.0
Key features
site scanning
search for duplicates Title, Description, Keywords
search for full page duplicates
link accounting
different types of scanning (by site, only by section, by Google)
Scan Rules feature
settings for accounting instructions for search robots
definition of infinite redirects, limiting the maximum number of redirects
preset User Agent templates
linking the project and scan settings
Parameters and results
the ability to upload scan results for subsequent work in Netpeak Checker
detailed tips for most of the program's functions
"Start Window" for a quick start
optimized and balanced scanning structure
improved URL parsing scheme (decoding of special characters in HTML and URL, base URL accounting, etc.)
dedicated support service

Netpeak Checker 2.0 is a tool for mass SEO analysis and site comparison

Everything is relative. And Netpeak Checker proves it completely. The results of the URL analysis are presented in a convenient table, which will significantly save your time when auditing the site being promoted and comparing its performance with competitors.

With Netpeak Checker you can:

Check the main SEO parameters of the analyzed sites

Get content of Title, Meta Description, Keywords, Robots and Canonical

Parse server response codes, links, h1-h6 headers and even page language

Compare URLs based on parameters obtained from popular services: Moz, Ahrefs, Serpstat, SEMrush, Majestic, etc.

Combine URLs into projects to manage them easily

Add a list of URLs manually, from a file, XML sitemap, and even from the Netpeak Spider project

Filter and sort the received data by any parameter

Use proxy servers and services for solving captcha when working with big amount URL

Save and export the received data for subsequent work in a familiar environment

Comparison of old and new version of Netpeak Checker 1.x 2.0
Key features
mass analysis of sites by selected parameters
base url comparison function
using a proxy
solving CAPTCHA: manually or using services
work with projects
Number of parameters
On-Page parameters (Title, Description, Meta Robots, Canonical URL, etc.) 4 36 32
server settings 3 3
Ahrefs 8 8
Serpstat 0 3 3
Moz 7 7
SEMrush 2 6 4
Majestic 6 6
Alexa 3 3
DMOZ 1 3 2
Whois 3 3
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine 1 2 1
Google (indexing, caching date, merging, etc.) 6 7 1
Bing 1 3 2
Social media 7 8 1
Ways to add a URL
manually list
from txt file
from XML sitemap
from Netpeak Spider scan results
Working with results
export to Excel of all results
export to Excel the current state of the table
advanced filtering and search logic
recheck individual cells/rows
parameter templates
the ability to work optimally with slow sites (timeout, delay between requests, etc.)
definition of chains of redirects, limiting the maximum number of clicks on redirects
preset User Agent templates for On-Page parameters
detailed hints to the parameters and most of the program's functions
major event alerts
monitoring the scanning process using the status panel
optimized and balanced analysis structure
improved URL parsing scheme (decoding of special characters in HTML and URL, recognition of page types, etc.)
support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols
a separate team that develops and tests the product
dedicated support service

How to start using the products

In addition to the Netpeak Spider and Netpeak Checker mentioned above, we have developed Netpeak Launcher is a new desktop application that allows you to unify access to all Netpeak Software programs and ensures that they are updated. You can download Netpeak Launcher from personal account(User Control Panel) immediately after creating your account.

To feel all the benefits of the updated products, use the free trial. He gives full access to all features of Netpeak Software products on 14 days, if you have not used Netpeak Spider and Netpeak Checker before, and 60 days if you already have such experience. Please note that the 60-day trial starts from the release date, i.e. from June 21, 2016 so don't waste your time: check your email We sent an email with all the necessary information.

After the expiration of this test period, i.e. from August 19, 2016, we plan to stop supporting previous versions programs, as we now devote all our attention to new products. However, if you have already registered in the old versions of the programs (1.x), you will be able to use them without any restrictions.

And when you're ready to make a decision about how you want to continue using the software, take a look at the suggested subscription plans . Their period varies from 1 to 12 months, allowing you to get a discount of up to 30% and an additional 10% when buying both products at once.

Let's be friends!

Your feedback is very important to us. Let us know what you think about our products, ask any questions you have, or share your ideas in any way you like.

What webmaster is not interested in conducting a deep audit of the site, as a result of which flaws will be found and eliminated and visibility for search engines will increase? You can do this on your own or with free online services, but there are applications for more advanced site crawling. Their advantages are time saving and integrated approach. One of them we will consider in this review.

Overview of Netpeak Spider — SEO Tool for Webmasters, Developers, SEO Specialists

What is Netpeak Spider

You can start scanning by entering the url of the desired site and clicking the "Start" button.

Netpeak spider 3.0 is notable for its high scanning speed: the analysis of the blog https:// site was carried out in just over 4 minutes, in the process on the Dashboard one could observe the changing data of the counters of processed urls.

Site analysis takes place in minutes

Upon completion of the scan, a corresponding notification appeared in the lower right corner, and diagrams from the results (on the left) and a list of errors found (on the right) were entered on the Dashboard.

Analysis results

The charts are clickable and allow you to open more detailed information for each sector. Errors are arranged in descending order of criticality, the most significant are marked in red, medium importance - in yellow, minor - in blue.

On the right side of the Dashboard, in addition to "Errors", there are 3 more tabs:

Summary Section

2 Site structure: allows you to select results by sections or groups of pages. Individual results will be shown for each page.

3 Parsing: allows you to configure the collection of user data using templates and displays information about them.

If you expand the list of scanned pages, the urls of pages containing the most critical errors will have a red or yellow background. The table for each page displays detailed information about the server response code and time, the number of detected errors, the presence of meta tags, etc. By clicking on the url, you can see Additional information(summary data) per page in the lower sector of the Dashboard.

The segmentation function allows you to get summary information not for all scanned pages, but for a certain part of them.

The "Configure segments" button allows you to select a section of the site by which the results will be filtered - for example, such a section may be the site's blog. To view the results for it, you need to call the filter and specify the desired part of the url in the "Contains" field. The results will be displayed on the Dashboard in the same form as during a full site check.

The resulting reports may be copied for pasting into external tables. To do this, the "Advanced Copy" function is provided, located on the Reports tab on the right side of the Dashboard. The data of the viewed report can be copied with the "Export" button.

There is no need to scan again and again - the project (website) can be saved in a separate folder on the computer through the menu items "Project - Save" and the scan results can be restored the next time the application is used. After correcting errors on specific urls, you can also rescan only them.


Using this tool, you can see the HTML code of the page without leaving the program interface. All executed requests are stored in the instrument's history.

Reflects information about the relative link weight of a page, which will help improve internal linking and improve the structure of the site.

Parses an existing sitemap at the specified url: enter the address of the sitemap on the site, usually, and click on "Start". The results display errors of various levels of severity: server response speed, sitemap in robots.txt, and others. The program can ping search engines to index the latest version of the sitemap.

Helps to create a sitemap if you didn't take care of it beforehand. The tool has default settings, but it is possible to specify the desired parameters (archiving, sharding for large sites). The map is built based on recommendations search engines.

Version 3.0

The Netspeak Software team is constantly improving its products. While working on the Netpeak Spider 3.0 version, a number of large-scale changes were made that affected about 300 items, as a result of which the functionality of the program was significantly expanded. The latest version is already available for Windows, and Mac OS users will have to wait a bit for the update.

New features of the program that cannot be ignored:

1. Scanning large sites

Sites containing millions of pages have become available for analysis from a computer of any capacity due to optimized use random access memory.

2. Interrupt scan

If it is not possible to complete scanning in the current session, stop the process and resume later by saving the project. By copying the project to a flash drive, you can continue the analysis on a third-party computer. The test is resumed with the "Start" button.

3. More flexible work with url

After fixing the error, it is allowed to rescan only those urls on which it was present. Extra url in reports can be deleted.

4. Adding and Removing Options During Site Review

Simply stop the process, make additional adjustments, and continue analyzing the site.

5. The speed of work is increased by 30 times

The principles of interaction of the application with the database, the table of results and data analysis have been completely revised, which has significantly increased the speed of scanning.

6. Advanced analytics

A Dashboard tab has been added to the application, showing complete information about the scan. During the site check, it reflects the status of the process and the settings used, after - summary data, interactive charts and filters.

7. Conclusion in the report of the site structure

Allows you to filter pages of any level and copy the results by category to external tables.

A unique option that allows you to filter the presentation of data. Examples of use - identifying sections of the site with largest number critical errors, search for errors in a specific category of the site.

9. Export scan results

Now you can download reports based on preconfigured templates.

10. Quick search in all interfaces

You can search for data in tables by calling the search field with the key combination Ctrl+E - to search in all columns, Ctrl+F - to filter, Ctrl+Shift+F - to search by segment.

11. Filters

The filter interface has been completely changed - the ability to search by parameters and apply templates has been implemented.

Netpeak Spider vs. competitors

The official blog of the developer company presents the results of a comparison of Netpeak Spider with analogue programs. The comparison was based on three scanning parameters: RAM consumption, hard disk space consumption, and speed.

For analysis, 2 sites were taken - with 10 thousand pages and with 100 thousand. Competitors that were tested in the work are the market newcomer Sitebulb and the Screaming Frog SEO Spider, WebSite Auditor services that have already earned a name for themselves.

On the site with 10K pages, Netpeak Spider was the first in terms of the minimum consumption of RAM - 235 MB, analogues require at least 2 times more. The best crawl speed — 3 minutes — was shown by Netpeak Spider and Screaming Frog SEO Spider Memory at the same time.

On a large site (100K url), Netpeak Spider was again the first in terms of scanning speed and minimal RAM consumption, although 2 competitors were ahead of it in terms of the least amount of memory occupied hard drive. The second place was shared by Sitebulb and Screaming Frog SEO Spider Memory, the third by WebSiteAuditor, the last in all respects was Screaming Frog SEO Spider DataBase.


The latest version 3.0 allows you to test the full functionality of the Netpeak Spider application for free for 14 days. After the trial period is over, you need to buy a license. Payment for using the application depends on the number of licenses purchased and the number of months for which payment is made.

If you order up to 5 licenses for 1 month, each will cost $14, 3 months - $12.6, 6 months - $11.2, 12 months - $9.8. When buying more than 5 licenses, a 5% discount is added. An individual subscription system is possible - to discuss it, you need to leave a message through the site. The acquisition of a large number of licenses (from 50) is also considered separately.

How to buy even cheaper?

Use promo code 9ac8aef8 and you will get another 10% discount

Tariff plans Netpeak Spider

Netpeak Spider is a new, free, compact, fast and, in many respects, extremely positive website optimization software. The name of the program characterizes the way it works, which is in many ways similar to the way search engine robots work, crawling sites to compile an adequate issue.

website promotion

The weight of the program installer file is 2.9 mb. Netpeak Spider runs on computers running Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. Netpeak Spider is a new, free, compact, fast and, in many respects, extremely positive site optimization software. The name of the program characterizes the way it works, which is in many ways similar to the way search engine robots work, crawling sites to compile an adequate issue.

The program scans the site, following all the found internal links and unloads all the information received about the pages and their SEO indicators, organizes it in the form of a convenient table, looks for errors, broken links, duplicate headings, incorrect redirects and other unpleasant details that make it difficult to promote the site.

Initially, the program was written for internal use by specialists from the Internet marketing agency NetSpeak. But, apparently, the guys wrote something even better for themselves 🙂 In general, if we discard the version about the altruistic motives of a commercial organization that the official press release offers and do not look for a catch in the freeness of such a good program, then all that remains for us is - enjoy.

And there is something to enjoy: in addition to the high speed of work, which is achieved through the use of a multi-threaded mode of operation, the Netpeak Spider program also boasts a convenient, simple and thoughtful interface, a very well-implemented export of received data to Excel and a unique, for free programs, the ability to calculate PR for internal pages site.

The times when a site could be promoted by "chasing" it through two thousand dubious directories are long gone. Today, website promotion is a complex, scientific process, closely related to analytical activities and mental work. Therefore, this, in fact, an analytical program is very popular among people for whom SEO is a job.

The weight of the program installer file is 2.9 mb. Netpeak Spider runs on computers running Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7.

Every webmaster has to constantly solve everyday problems related to SEO optimization and website promotion. And one of best tools that allows you to do this is the Netpeak Spider program. Thanks to it, you can scan and analyze web resources, making this process simple and convenient.

Installing Netpeak Spider

You can download the program on the official website of the developer at the link But before that, you need to register, as well as buy a paid version or run a trial for 14 days. After registration, you will be able to download setup file Netpick Spider. The installation process itself is intuitive, and even a novice webmaster can handle it.

The installed package contains 2 programs - Netpeak Spider itself, and Netpeak Checker - a service for mass SEO analysis. Each program will have to be installed separately.

Features of this program for seo analysis

With Netpeak Spider you can:

    track over 50 main characteristics related to resource optimization;

    get a list of links, both external and internal;

    detect if your site has broken links and redirects;

    find out if the resource contains duplicate pages and meta tags title, description, h1;

    check if the robots.txt files and canonical tags used comply with the recommendations of popular search engines;

    check both the entire resource and its part;

Instructions for using Netpick Spider

The first thing to do is to change the language of the program for seo analysis from English to Russian. After that, it becomes even easier to work with her.

To start the scanner, you need to enter the site URL in a special input field, and click the "Start" button. The program will display a list of errors and problems that you can filter if you wish. Click on any of the categories to view all the errors included in it.

In the "Tools" tab, you can analyze the source code of the resource, calculate the internal Page Rank of pages, and also generate a site map - Sitemap.

To get a list of problems from another resource, you will have to create a new project. You can do this in the "Project" tab. Here you can save the scan results or open previously received ones.

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