
New photos of Maryana Ro. Biography of Maryana Ro: interesting facts, personal life, photos

Account: Maryana__ro

Occupation: popular video blogger

Maryana Ro started Instagram at the dawn of her popularity. Then the photos were not distinguished by their uniqueness, but now each of them is a bright and colorful action!

Maryana Ro's Instagram account

Maryana Ro's Instagram is full of flowers. And it’s not surprising, because the girl is still very young! In her profile you can find an abundance of charming (or even “cute”) photos. But nevertheless, the girl grows up, so more serious photographic works are not uncommon.

Maryana Ro uses photos from Instagram to share information about her life with her subscribers. So, quite often in the photographs you can see her friends and her beloved boyfriend (Ivangay, aka Ivan Rudskoy). But there are also unobtrusive advertising posts that look organic and non-aggressive on your profile.

Biography of Maryana Ro

  • The girl was born on October 7, 1999 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk into a family of entrepreneurs.
  • The biography of Maryana Ro (aka Maryana Rozhkova) is not distinguished by an abundance of facts. In 2008, she and her family moved to Japan (Sapporo).
  • In 2012, he registered his channel on YouTube. Then she had just turned 13 years old. The channel began to gain rapid momentum.
  • In 2015, Maryana’s YouTube channel gathered more than a million subscribers.
  • At this time, Maryana comes across a photo of Ivangay (Ivan Rudsky, another popular video blogger) online. After this, they begin a whirlwind romance.
  • Filming joint videos with Ivangay brings Maryana unprecedented popularity. Her girlish chatter and cheerful disposition were “to the liking” of an audience of millions.
  • As Maryana Ro herself says, her biography is closely connected with YouTube activities. So in 2015, at the video blogger festival “Vidfest”, she received the “Like Newcomer” award, and together with Ivangay at the “Videofan” festival, she received the “Cutest Couple on Russian YouTube” award.
  • In August 2015, the girl organized a large meeting of subscribers in Moscow, promising to move to the capital.
  • At the moment, Maryana Ro and Ivangay are preparing joint housing in Moscow.

In addition to admirers, Maryana Ro also has many “haters”. They consider the girl immature, unnatural and always making faces. The haters did not forgive Maryana for advertising the “Line” messenger. But the huge support of the girl’s subscribers allows her to create, create new videos and photos, despite the abundant criticism from her anti-fans.

Participant name: Maryana Rozhkova

Age (birthday): 7.10.1999

City: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Los Angeles, Moscow

Channel Directivity: lifestyle blog

Channel created: 01/07/2012

Number of subscribers: over 6 million subscribers

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A girl with a beautiful name Maryana was born in the distant city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Her parents are businessmen and the youngest daughter, Maresya, is growing up in the family.

The Rozhkov family business was registered in Japan, which is why in 2008 they decided to move to the land of the rising sun. Together with both daughters, they move to the city of Otaru. Here Maryana studies and tries to establish contact with her peers.

Oddly enough, the girl is not entirely successful among her classmates, plus she sincerely misses her friends who remained in her homeland. Perhaps this is why she is trying to find new interlocutors on the Internet.

The girl registered her first channel on the YouTube video portal in 2012, but begins to study it closely only after two years.

At the very beginning, Maryana’s videos were not particularly popular, but then there was a sharp increase in subscribers. It is difficult to trace what this is connected with, but growth has not fallen over time.

The main essence of Maryana Ro's videos is based on ordinary girl chatter about everything. Relationships, little things in life, interesting cases are discussed here. There are quite a lot of such channels on YouTube, but Maryan’s videos are distinguished by their great emotionality and, as they say on the Internet, “cuteness.”

Thanks to this trait, most of the Japanese blogger’s audience is female. Although there are a lot of guys there, maybe not half, but definitely thirty percent.

Also, the girl’s subscribers are constantly interested in Japanese culture and Ro willingly reveals it to them. Her videos often include videos where she sweetly speaks Japanese, sings songs in this language, and tries traditional local cuisine.

Of course, Maryana Ro’s channel was quite popular in certain circles, but one of the events in her life led to the fact that the number of subscribers simply skyrocketed. This event was... love! This point is worth considering in more detail.

Once on the Internet, Maryana saw a photograph of an unfamiliar young man. The girl caught her eye and realized that she fell in love! Of course, she understood perfectly well that anyone could be depicted in the photo - a super-celebrity or an ordinary guy from the village. In any case, it will be difficult to find this person.

Maryana suffered for a couple of days, and then simply posted a photo on her social network with the caption “Oh my God, I fell in love!” And then one of her fans recognized the famous blogger Ivan Rudsky or Ivangay in the photo. She immediately reported sympathy in the Rudsky community and even offered to publish a screenshot of the recording with the caption “Vanya, YouTuber Maryana Ro has fallen in love with you.”

Thanks to this fact, the guys met and began to communicate. Over time, they developed mutual feelings and began dating. This fact gave another impetus to Maryana Ro’s popularity on the Internet. Oddly enough, the relationship between the two became not just mutual advertising, but grew into real ones.

Soon the guys became a full-fledged couple. Moreover, in 2015, the guys even won at the VIDEOFAN festival in the category “The cutest couple on Russian YouTube.”

By the way, this is not the girl’s only award - in the same 2015 at the Vidfest festival she won in the “Like for a Newbie” category.

In general, the relationship with Ivangay brought Maryana many anti-fans. Many netizens believe that without the cult blogger, the girl is nothing.

There was talk that their relationship was insincere, created only for advertising. But recent events show that this is not the case.

In 2015, the girl came to Moscow, where she began choosing an apartment together with Ivangay! A little later it became known that the girl was really moving to the capital of Russia in order to live with her beloved.

Later, the guys moved together to Los Angeles, where they rent a house. What awaits the blogger in the future is not clear, but she is clearly guaranteed fame. In December 2016, it became known that Vanya and Maryana broke up. As the girl commented, there was no betrayal.

In the fall of 2017, Maryana Ro began dating the popular performer Ivan Dremin, aka. However, now the guys are no longer together.

Photos of Maryana

Maryana runs Instagram, where she constantly posts new photos from her personal life.

An army of fans of the young and famous Maryana Rozhkova on the website YouTube is steadily approaching the 4 million mark. Earning impressive sums, the 16-year-old does not help her parents, whose love she chose over a relationship with blogger Ivangay. In the funny videos that she shares with her fans, the girl’s life looks ideal, but her subscribers don’t even realize that their idol was abandoned by her seriously ill mother.

Life managed to find a woman who, to this day, hopes that one day her own daughter will ring her doorbell. In a frank interview, Svetlana Rozhkova admitted that before the appearance of her daughter Ivangay in the life of her daughter, there had never been any major quarrels in the family. At first, the parents themselves did not notice that the young YouTuber was negatively influencing Maryana. But soon the situation changed dramatically: unexpectedly for everyone, the blogger abandoned his young passion and fled to his homeland. Having learned about the betrayal of her beloved, the girl locked herself in the bathroom with a jar of sleeping pills, which seriously frightened her relatives.

My mother still remembers with tears about Maryana Rozhkova’s life before and after her meeting with the popular blogger.

What was your relationship with your daughter before Ivangay appeared in your family?

She was my girlfriend. I was always afraid of boys, ran away from them, and was such a mother’s daughter. I took her to salons, got her hair done, no matter how much it cost. I didn’t feel sorry for anything for my daughter. All her outfits were made to order for her. She shared everything with me, even all sorts of affairs with boys. And she told me how she and Vanya met, it was all in front of me. They met on the Internet and communicated on Skype. But suddenly I realized that I was losing my daughter. This happened when Vanya flew to Japan to visit her; my daughter and I lived there. He even entered the university there to be closer to Maryana. At first we dissuaded her from communicating with him: she was 15, and he was 18. But it was all useless - she was in love, her first love. Then he dragged her to Moscow with him. I didn’t let her go, of course, they deceived her into leaving, saying that they needed to make a video for some work.

Has your minor daughter left home without your official permission?

Probably, Maryana’s dad let her go, and he gave permission. I constantly ask Maryana’s father why he did this. Because of him she left, because of him this behavior. The relative does not communicate with his mother. And he says: “Why should I get on my nerves? Let him live as he wants.” We are still not officially divorced, but we just don’t live together. We also have a daughter, the youngest. She now lives with him in Japan and goes to school there. And I’m completely alone on Sakhalin. My only support is my son Miroslav. He and I went to visit Maryana and Vanya in Moscow.

How was the meeting with your daughter and her chosen one?

They greeted Vanya and me well. They showed us the apartment in which they live. I helped them with the housework. But then Vanya, taking advantage of the fact that Maryasha was not at home, asked me to take her away. Allegedly, he is tired of her and is afraid of responsibility. “When she turns 18, I’ll take her. Otherwise, now she’s caught a star,” he told us. After these words, my eldest son had a huge row with Ivan. Then Vanya went out to the store and disappeared. It turned out that I bought a plane ticket and flew to my hometown, to Ukraine. Maryana panicked and almost swallowed the pills. She took a can of sleeping pills and locked herself in the bathroom, we barely saved her, Miroslav knocked down the bathroom door. We already needed to return home, she didn’t want to go, she hid from us so as not to be taken away, she spent the night in some hotels or with friends. And, as I found out later, all this time she corresponded with Vanya. I forgave him and begged him to come back. And he set the condition: “If your brother leaves, then I’ll come!” I experienced such stress then that my illness worsened - problems with the spine and coordination began. I now have numbness in one leg due to a hernia, I need urgent surgery. But I don't have that kind of money.

Have you turned to Maryana for help? Are you talking now?

Maryana first said that she would help and give money for the operation. But then I changed my mind. I received treatment in Japan, and everything is expensive there. When the money is completely gone, I had to walk to the hospital through strength and pain. Then she cried incessantly. I once asked my youngest daughter, she is the only one with whom Maryana communicates now: “What about Maryasha?” She replied: “Mom, Maryana said that she won’t give you money, don’t wait!” After our last meeting, I tried to call my daughter again. She did not immediately pick up the phone and dryly replied that she had no time, she was very tired - she was all at work. She said that when she has time, she will call herself. More than a year has passed since then, but my daughter still doesn’t have time... is an analogue of a social network: users can post photos, videos, exchange messages, like and write comments. Fake accounts of famous people are often created, confusing users and trying to monetize the process.

Under the guise, they are also trying to play on the name of a famous Russian blogger, creating pages under the name Maryana Ro, whose Instagram, by the way, recently underwent a total purge - a kind of restart. The girl changed the name of her Instagram and deleted most of the posts, leaving about 30. At the same time, the army of subscribers remained and did not thin out, expecting new photos, videos and stories from the girl.

How is it recorded? The official Instagram of “Maryanaro” now reads like this: @maryanaro. On the girl’s Instagram page there is a link to her YouTube channel and an email for contacting the young blogger.

The number of subscribers on the account has long exceeded 5 million. Most of them moved to this social platform from social networks and the popular YouTube channel.

Due to the huge number of users visiting and leaving comments on the page, even if she wanted to, the girl would not have time to clear them, so there are extraneous advertisements, mutual likes, subscriptions and other nonsense. And given the systematic wave of negativity, insults and misunderstanding pouring on Maryana, looking through comments is not her favorite pastime.

By the way, Maryana Ro, although she is objectively one of the most successful bloggers in Russia, causes a very mixed reaction, and therefore the ranks of haters of her work are constantly growing, forming quite a large-scale army.

Videos and photos on Instagram Maryana Ro

Since the girl positions herself as a beauty blogger, on her Instagram you can find many looks and makeup options that she shared with her subscribers. But this is until recently. Now there are only 33 publications on her page: photos from recent photo shoots and home productions, selfies and ADVERTISING.

Even in 33 posts, the young businesswoman managed to fit in a dozen advertisements. Promotions, services, competitions, products - Maryana advertises everything. Subscribers often complained about the abundance of such publications on her Instagram, but the girl was not too concerned.

The number of likes and comments under each post is off the charts: hundreds of thousands of “hearts” and thousands of comments.

We won’t say that Maryana posts something super-interesting on Instagram, but for fans every photo is worth its weight in gold, and even videos of a girl fooling around are generally priceless. Let's not forget that Ro is not even 20 yet, so she can afford childish behavior.

Previously, the number of posts almost reached a thousand. Among them were photographs with bright make-up in trendy looks, fashion shows in a swimsuit and ordinary get-togethers with friends, and photographs with former lover Ivan Guy, a fellow blogger. It is noteworthy that now Maryana Ro does not post photos on Instagram with Face, a famous Russian rapper and the current boyfriend of the scandalous girl.

Previously, the blogger often pampered her subscribers with stories and live broadcasts from Instagram, but now she has retired from business.

Biography of Maryana Ro

The story of the little blogger began on October 7, 1999. The entrepreneurial spirit was inherited from his businessman parents. After living for some time in Yukhno-Sakhalinsk, the family moved to Japan, where Maryana Ro (Maryana Rozhkova is the real name of the blogger) began her creative activity.

Having created a YouTube channel, a 13-year-old girl began to cheerfully and enthusiastically talk about things familiar to every girl. The channel's audience quickly expanded, reaching teenagers under 16 years old.

At that time, the opinions of viewers were divided: some heartily watched her video over and over again, others sincerely disliked her, considering her to be an immature show-off.

In 2015, Maryana’s channel received a new round of development, and popularity and fame grew due to collaborations with another famous blogger, Ivan Guy. The festival of video bloggers, held in the same year, gave her the “Like Newcomer” award, and the “Videofan” fest gave a joint award to the blogger couple as the cutest in the vastness of Russian YouTube.

Now the girl lives in Moscow, is actively developing her sites and making money from them no less actively, without forgetting about her personal life.

Maryana Ro: personal life

Opinions about creativity may vary, but there is no doubt about Maryana’s beauty and attractiveness. She, like any girl, wants to love and be loved, to have a relationship.

The public knows about the blogger’s two high-profile novels: the first, in addition to romantic feelings, will take her career to a new level, and the second, apparently, helps to take the career of her new lover to a new level.

For a long time, the teenage couple “Ivan Gai and Maryana Ro” was the most discussed on YouTube: they themselves are from there. This story also began on the Internet: a girl, living in Japan, saw a photo of a cute blogger, wrote and off she went. The romance lasted for several years. Maryana returned to Moscow, where the couple planned to live together. After the breakup, the blogger’s fans actively wrote to his ex-passion, which brought him to tears and hysterics.

Soon Maryana wiped away her tears, and a new hero appeared in Rozhkova’s life - the young and unusual rapper Face. Ironically, it was Instagram that brought this couple together. We talked, met, and realized that they were suitable for each other. A spark ran and feelings flared up, which the lovers do not hesitate to talk about on the entire Internet, although they hid the relationship for a long time.

For the first time, rapper Face spoke about him and Ro during an interview with Yuri Dud, confessing his love to the girl and saying that he sees her as his wife in the future.

The statement was quickly picked up by fans, and at every opportunity the couple receives the question “When?”, and in light of recent events - three times more often. Maryana Ro (official Instagram page @maryanaro) posted a photo in which she gently strokes her tummy, giving rise to a lot of rumors.

Maryana Ro is pregnant: latest news

At some point, rumors began to spread about Maryana’s pregnancy. Maryana Ro and Face did not give any comments on this matter either for the press or on Instagram. It looked, and continues to look, like a way to hype up the topic of a possible child for an extravagant couple.

Questions immediately flew about the wedding, the timing, the condition of the expectant mother, but no one answered any of these questions.

At the beginning of 2019, the rapper confirmed on his Twitter that the blogger was pregnant, but there was absolutely no evidence, which means that the guys wanted to stir up interest in their persons or were just joking.

Follow the updates on the “Maryana Ro” page (the girl’s official Instagram website is @maryanaro).

How did an ordinary teenage girl become a recognizable celebrity on the Internet? Did Maryana Ro's outstanding or special biography help her become a youth idol? To do this, let's look at the basic facts of her life.

Real name

Before creating a channel on the Internet, many bloggers choose a euphonious pseudonym or shorten their name. This is what the heroine of the article did. Her real name is Maryana Rozhkova.

Place and date of birth

The favorite of millions was born on October 7, 1999 in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. For the first nine years of her life, the girl and her family lived in the Far East.

Maryana Ro: biography, family, moving to Japan

The girl’s parents were always successful in business and were wealthy entrepreneurs, so the baby had the happiest childhood. Maryana has a sister, Maresya, whom the girl loves very much and maintains a close relationship with.

In her tenth year of life, an unexpected revolution occurred for Maryana Ro: the family’s biography was diversified by the move to Japan. The choice of a new place of residence was not accidental. It was in the Land of the Rising Sun that my father organized a business.

Currently the girl lives in Moscow. Maryana Ro does not particularly disclose the biography of her parents.

Divorce of parents, relationship with father and mother

All people have unpleasant moments in their lives, and children experience family dramas especially hard. Maryana Ro’s biography was overshadowed by her parents’ divorce several years after moving abroad. After these changes, the girl remained to live with her mother. Fortunately, she managed to maintain a good relationship with her father. By the way, it was he who helped her choose her type of activity. Her father gave her active support in creating a personal blog.

Vlog: the beginning

Maryana Ro, a biography whose personal life was initially of little interest to anyone, decided to create her own channel on the Internet on January 7, 2012. At that time the girl was 13 years old. But the first video that appeared on the site dates back to 2014. It turns out that the channel was empty for 2 years.

Gradually, the number of subscribers began to increase and reached 30,000 people. The growing channel was visited by a huge number of people every day. User activity grew exponentially.

Reason for popularity

Visitors to the girl’s personal page are sure that she owes her popularity to her wealthy parents and advertising. After several years of the blog’s existence, most visitors to Internet resources knew the name Maryana Ro. Ivangay, whose biography is also marked by the development of his own video channel, also had a hand in the process of promoting the young blogger.

Video subjects

Life in Japan could not help but affect the storyline of the videos that the girl films. During adolescence, anime culture is most interesting, so the emphasis in editing the video was placed on this moment. Maryana Ro's biography, which allowed her to live abroad, gave millions of her subscribers the opportunity to get acquainted with a topic of interest first-hand.

She is also one of the first to review the most trendy new items in the fashion world, which allows her subscribers to always stay up to date.

Personal charm

In her videos, Maryana Ro looks very cute, which captivates the audience. She always sincerely expresses her own opinion and is not afraid to be open to society. When a girl describes any event that happened to her, she does not hide her emotions.

Maryana Ro and Ivangay: biography of relationships

The young people met by chance. You could say she found him. Looking at photos of social network users, the girl singled out one guy for herself named (nickname: Ivangay). She told her subscribers about her sympathy: she posted a link to the page of the person she liked and made a meaningful signature about her love.

Such bright news does not stay on the Internet for long, so soon Ivangay was already rushing to his first date with a new acquaintance. It was he who made a loud advertisement for Maryana, and some of his subscribers automatically subscribed to her. To meet the girl, he had to fly to Japan. All the guys’ subscribers watched the development of their relationship and were worried when rumors of a separation appeared.

Did not get along

The relationship between the young people could not be called stable: they constantly quarreled and periodically broke up. Gradually, Ivangai stopped appearing in the company of his girlfriend. Photos together began to disappear from all resources. He bought Maryana tickets to Japan in order to endure the separation less painfully.

Now the young man officially declares that since December last year he is completely free and ready for a new relationship. He has a whole army of fans, as his attractive appearance attracts girls. It is obvious that soon the entire Internet will be following the development of a new love story.

Mutual PR or love?

But it turns out that not everyone loved this couple. The guys have a fairly large number of haters who create groups of anti-fans. The main reason that provokes this public behavior is the couple’s insincerity. There are opinions that there was never love and sympathy in their couple, it was only about mutual PR and playing for the public. Perhaps their quarrels were specially staged for naive viewers in order to increase the number of subscribers.

In any case, together or separately, the young people are already well-known Internet stars, and Maryana Ro’s vivid biography continues to be replenished with interesting facts.

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