
Bypass activation. Unlock iPad in four days. Paid services. How do they work and is it worth using them?

Mobile devices tend to get lost, and are also one of the objects of close attention for attackers. Apple's Find iPhone service will help protect the owner of an iOS device from loss or theft.

"Find iPhone"(Find My iPhone) will allow you to detect a lost iOS mobile device, and in case of theft, block your iPhone or iPad. In general, the “Find iPhone” function opens up the following opportunities for owners of Apple devices:

  • search for a device and display its location on the map;
  • the ability to play a sound signal via iCloud on your iOS device to detect it. It is extremely important if you have a habit of forgetting your smartphone in the most unexpected places in your apartment or office, for example;
  • in case of theft of a mobile device, the ability to activate the lost mode via iCloud. When using this feature, the owner is asked to lock the iPhone or iPad by first entering a four-digit passcode. In the future, the device can only be unlocked using this password code;
  • and last but not least, the opportunity is to remotely wipe all personal data stored on the mobile device.

What is Activation Lock on iPhone?

Activation Lock is a new Find My iPhone feature introduced with the release of iOS 7. Activation Lock, which automatically turns on when Find My iPhone is activated, makes it impossible to remove personal information from your mobile device or reactivate it without your Apple ID password. .

The fact is that Activation Lock securely assigns the Apple ID to the iPhone or iPad in use, after which deleting content and reactivating requires disabling the Find My iPhone function or entering the Apple ID password. At the same time, even restoring from the mode does not solve the problem.

How to remove activation lock on iPhone

Activation Lock, designed to protect Apple mobile devices, can easily turn into a big problem for owners who have forgotten theirs and are unable to reset it, which makes the issue of disabling Activation Lock especially relevant.

There are currently no official ways to bypass the Activation Lock. However, there are a couple of services with which, as their creators claim, you can disable this protective function.

The second service that allows you to bypass the “Activation Block” is the product of joint creativity of two hacker teams - AquaXetine and MerrukTechnolog - and is known as doulCi. Those who chose doulCi were asked to make changes to the hosts file, in which new server addresses were registered. Then the device was switched to DFU mode, after which, instead of Apple servers, a request was made to the hackers' servers, which read all the necessary information and disabled Activation Lock. However, as noted, unlocked devices with a SIM card stopped working with mobile networks.

At the moment, you cannot use doulCi, since servers to bypass the activation lock are not available. However, you can always follow the news from the doulCi team developers. Perhaps they will activate the servers or find new solutions -

Apple is famous for its attitude towards security and the system as a whole. Authentication systems and multi-level protection are created to ensure the safety of users and protect their personal data from hackers. However, it happens that these same hackers select passwords and then the owner of the phone is faced with an unpleasant situation: the hackers block the phone using icloud and demand money. So is iCloud bypass possible? Is it possible to bypass it on iPhone 5s and is the procedure different for iPhone 4s or iPad?

Now it’s 2017, Apple cares about security and every month corrects the situation, closes “holes” in the system and helps users recover data. And there, information that is relevant now will quite possibly cease to be relevant in a month or even a week. Now we will figure out what methods existed before and contrast them with modern ones.

The idea is to bypass Activation Lock technology impossible. This is what the company itself claims, because they use a system called siriport. And it doesn’t matter whether a person has an iPhone 6 or an iPad – the system and technology are the same. However, every month a new and new method appears.

For example, in 2014, hackers and programmers found ways to intercept the signal that goes to iCloud. Having intercepted its signal, it is sent to another server – doulCi. This method is considered part of jailbreak, which many users deliberately undertake if their device is already hacked. However, hackers obtain all personal information, and the phone no longer supports SIM cards. But instead of a “brick,” the user at least receives a working device.

To bypass Activation Lock , there was an entire manual that many followed to become “free” from Apple’s “surveillance.” Through the computer and the host folder where iTunes is installed, people had to find a file in which certain lines of code were written:


After this, certain manipulations were done with the phone so that the signal was redirected. This is just one iCloud activation bypass.

If we talk about more modern methods, then just recently a bug appeared in iOS 10.1.1 that helps bypass iCloud blocking. With the help of Emoji, timeshift mode and screen rotation, the craftsmen managed to bypass the technology and completely unlock the device, starting its operation from the very beginning. The uniqueness of this method was that it was done without third-party applications, servers, or even a computer. For a while, absolutely anyone could do this and get a working phone, even if it was previously a brick or if a thief stole the phone and couldn’t unlock the device.

However, some time later, apple closed the “hole” in the system and now you can’t use emojis when logging into iCloud.

What to do, if The device has been hacked and a bypass is required

First of all, it’s worth saying that if the device is hacked, then most likely the extortionists are asking for money. They hacked your email, so you should try changing the password on it first. If you cannot log in, use the “forgot password” function and continue to follow the instructions. Not always, but if the attackers forgot or didn’t have time, then using this method you can bypass them and get your phone back.

If unsuccessful, we strongly recommend contacting Apple Support. They also work on the territory of the Russian Federation and, according to reviews from people who find themselves in a similar situation, they often help. How do they do it? Quite simple, because Apple employees have access to phones and all accounts. This is an administration that can correct the situation. Of course, they are unlikely to identify the scammers, but the phone will work again. Most likely, you will have to start working with it all over again, because this is a complete reboot of the system so that the scammers lose access. Therefore, we also recommend using a backup copy.

The backup is created on a computer, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Mac or Windows. There is also a chance to do it using the same iCloud, but this is more risky and restoring the system will be problematic.

One of the tips in such a situation is also that you need to change passwords on all accounts. On mail, VKontakte and other social networks and sites that are important to you. If attackers have taken over your iCloud, then it is quite possible that they are already selecting a similar password for your other accounts.

Also important advice here is one psychological factor: do not give money to extortionists. The person begins to panic, gives the thousand rubles that are asked from him, followed by a request for another, and so on. There is no guarantee that someone will actually unlock something, so you should immediately call the support service and explain the situation. Don’t panic, you will always have time to pay, but why, if there is another method that may bear fruit?

What should I do if, after purchasing an iPhone, another user’s data is entered there?

It often happens that a friend or store manager helps you set up the device for the first time. He enters his default data and after that the user has someone else’s information in the ACloud settings and people use the phone without access to the ACloud. There is also a risk of buying a device with such a setup right away through sales services. This once again proves that it is better to overpay than to give money for a “brick” or for a device that a stranger can track.

This is fraught with certain problems and threats that can strike at any moment:

  • An iPhone or iPad can be locked using iCloud Activation Lock.
  • All synchronized information (photos, contacts, notes, etc.) goes to someone else.
  • The same person is able to track the location using Find My iPhone. Nothing terrible, but unpleasant.
  • The iPhone can simply be formatted.

To correct the situation, you need to find the previous owner, only this will help you customize the phone for yourself and set up your account. The owner simply will not be able to log out of the old account in settings>iCloud Settings > iCloud. In this case, even the official Apple support service will not help. After all, this is the main meaning of the lock function. If the user does not know the password, then let him recover it by phone or via mail. If it can’t, then it means the phone is not for this user!

What to do if you bought or found a locked iPhone or iPad

If you managed to find the phone, then you should return it, because there is no chance of using it, and from a purely human point of view, it will be ethical and according to the rules. If you managed to buy a device at a cheap price, but it turns out that it is a “brick”, then you should take the following actions:

1 Most likely the phone you bought was stolen. The most logical action would be to try to find the previous owner. Law enforcement agencies can help do this. They should provide all the information about who you purchased the device from and hand the phone over to them. This is the best decision. 2 If you couldn’t find the owner and you didn’t hand over the smartphone to a law enforcement agency, then you can simply sell the phone for parts. This is quite profitable, especially if it is an iPad and its screen is sold. 3 Regularly surf the Internet for queries like “bypass Apple iD unbinding from iCloud”, “bypass Activation Lock ", "bypass iCloud iPhone ". There are often videos on YouTube, where foreign or domestic bloggers explain how to bypass and deceive the apple company. Their methods only work for a while, because Apple regularly scans the network for such bypasses and closes the “holes”, correcting the situation. There is a chance to activate phone, but it is small. You might be lucky, you just have to wait for the next bug and take advantage of the moment, again, it’s up to you to decide.


There is only one result here: it is simply impossible to bypass Apple’s technology called iCloud Activation Lock. If the phone is already a “brick”, then this information is deep on Apple’s servers, which means that other than entering the password, it is unlikely that you will be able to use the device. There is still no program or software for a phone or computer that would be able to bypass the technology and allow you to use the phone.

Articles and Lifehacks

The Activation Lock function is an indispensable means of protecting our gadget from unauthorized use. iOS users are often interested in how to bypass iPad activation, meaning activation lock.

The fact is that this service sometimes turns against the very owner of the tablet.

What is a block and how to bypass it

In fact, Activation Lock is a special feature that appeared in iOS relatively recently.

Its main feature is that it prevents access to personal information contained in the device’s memory if the latter falls into the hands of intruders.

This also makes its further resale impossible. If such a lock is enabled, we need to enter the password for our account every time.

If stolen, such a tablet turns into an ordinary expensive “brick” with the Apple logo. In this case, neither a system update nor a recovery procedure will help.

If we are the legal owner of the iPad and suddenly forget our password, this becomes a real problem. Even after flashing the firmware, we will not be able to activate the gadget again.

  1. Let's pay close attention to the lock screen. There is a device management menu.
  2. We switch our tablet to Airplane mode. If your device supports a SIM card, you should also remove it.
  3. As soon as the tablet is disconnected from the network, you can begin to guess the password. In total, we are asked to enter about 10 thousand combinations, which is quite good.
  4. After unlocking, go to the iCloud menu through settings. There you can see your e-mail, which is actually our “Apple” identifier.
  5. Write down your email address and go to the Apple website. You can reset your password in the My Apple ID section.
  6. A link to the corresponding page will be sent to the specified email address, so you will need to briefly connect to the network and rewrite the link.
  7. Once again, disconnect the tablet from the World Wide Web and enter the saved link into the browser of your home computer.
  8. Now we recover the password.

Additional Security Measures

Firstly, you can prevent access to the control menu directly from the lock screen. It is also recommended to use different mailboxes - one for the account, the other for the iPad. In addition, you can enable the gadget to be locked using a password after it is switched to Airplane mode.

A smartphone is a multifunctional device that stores an abundance of information that is so important for its owner. This data must be strictly protected by modern encryption methods.

The security of user data and protecting devices from attackers has always been Apple's main goal. This is the main principle of the company, which is the cornerstone in its foundation, which the corporation has managed to maintain to this day, introducing more and more protective tools. The level of security in iOS has reached an unprecedented level, to the point where stealing a phone has become almost pointless.

What is Activation Lock on iPhone?

Activation Lock is a security tool that has become an extension of the previously introduced Find My iPhone option. Activation Lock was introduced into the iOS operating system in 2013 with the release of the seventh generation of software and is described by the company as an ideal tool against thieves.

Indeed, the Californian corporation has already managed to report that the number of iPhone thefts has decreased significantly, and those that continue to occur are no longer accompanied by data loss and falling into the wrong hands.

The question arises: can such a seemingly ideal protection system harm the rightful owner of the iPhone? Activation blocking, unfortunately, was instantly learned by attackers and is often used for extortion and blackmail.

Principle of operation

If Find My iPhone is enabled on one of your Apple devices and is running a 7th generation or later operating system, all data, including activation information, is moved to Apple servers and stored there until Find My iPhone is turned off. disabled by the device owner. In fact, the device is completely tied to one single ID. Only the true owner of the device will be able to activate it after updating it and fully control all the data stored on it and in the digital cloud. No keys are stored, so even Apple employees will not be able to access the data, which indicates the maximum security of this technology.

iPhone Activation Lock Check

Why might this be needed? First of all, this is important for those who give/sell their gadget to a third party, and, naturally, for those who buy the device, as they say, second-hand. When enabled, this function can cause a lot of problems for both the old owner of the device and the new one. Therefore, it is worth making sure that your iPhone activation lock is turned on. You can check this on the iCloud website by entering the gadget or IMEI number.

You can also check the lock status by trying to turn on the gadget. At a certain stage, the locked phone will ask you to enter the password for your Apple ID (which was previously activated on this smartphone).

Blocking how to remove protection?

The bottom line is that Activation Lock is directly related to the Find My iPhone feature, so you need to disable it. To do this you need:

  • Go to device settings.
  • Find and select the iCloud sub-item.
  • Scroll down and select the "Find iPhone" submenu.
  • Switch the toggle switch to the off position.

That's all, in a few simple steps you can unlink your device from your account. If necessary, this procedure can be done remotely using the website. To do this you need:

  • Go to
  • Select "Find iPhone".
  • Find the required gadget in the list of devices and remove it from the list.
  • Enter your account information to confirm.

System pitfalls

Oddly enough, such an advanced protection mechanism can backfire on the end user, both through his own fault and because of scammers. First things first.

It is important to understand that unsuccessful attempts to sign in to your account may trigger security mechanisms in your iPhone. Activation lock will not keep you waiting, regardless of whether you forgot your password or someone else entered it incorrectly. Apple will restrict access to the device until the password is reset.

The second problem with scammers is a little more complicated. Novice ransomware, under various pretexts, forces careless users to enter the Apple ID data offered by the attacker on their smartphone, after which they immediately switch it to theft mode and ask the user to transfer a certain amount of money if he wants to use the device again. Naturally, there is no need to pay anyone, since there are at least two options for solving the problem.

Bypassing protection through hacking (Jailbreak)

If it so happens that access to an iPhone 4 with iOS 7 installed on it was stolen, then you can use the JB iOS utility, which will allow you to regain access to the device, albeit in a limited form. The phone will stop working with the SIM card and, in fact, will be something similar to This approach does not work with other models, such as the iPhone 5. In this case, the activation lock will not be removed.

Regaining access to your device with the help of Apple technical support

The most effective, honest and legal way to get your gadget back is to call Apple support. You can contact the Russian support service (you can order a call on the official website), but they need proof that the device was officially purchased. In addition, you need a sales receipt. If there is none, you need to contact the store where the gadget was purchased (the receipt must be stored in the database for up to 4 years).

If you don’t have a receipt, you can try your luck and contact the American support service. They can be “reached” by calling Skype 1-800-MY-IPHONE. To confirm the fact that you are the owner of the device, you will need to provide IMEI, serial number, answer security questions (very important), and know what purchases were made in the AppStore and iTunes Store. In most cases, US specialists accommodate inexperienced users and restore access to the device within half an hour. Russian technical support, alas, cannot boast of such loyalty.

Instead of a conclusion

Regardless of the advanced security mechanisms of the gadget, you should always think twice before making any suspicious manipulations, and first of all rely on yourself, and not on the computer.

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