
I updated the drivers and the sound disappeared in Windows 10. In general, this is what you need to do

Using a computer, laptop or tablet if the sound does not work on it is not very pleasant. Therefore, if your sound stops working when upgrading to Windows 10, we recommend following the advice in this article. These tips will help you figure out why sound doesn't work on Windows 10 and how to restore it.

Sound doesn't work after upgrading to Windows 10

If you migrated from Windows 8.1 or Windows 7, and the sound worked for you on the previous version, but stopped on Windows 10, then the reason in 99% of cases lies in your sound card. So the solution to the problem must be sought in the drivers. Download. This is a small utility; it will select the necessary drivers. After this, the sound should be restored. Or download universal drivers. You will learn the main reasons why sound does not work after upgrading to Windows 10 in this video, and they will also give you solutions:

If you have downloaded and installed the appropriate ones, but the sound has not been restored, then download.

Why doesn't the sound work?

The reason may be not only in drivers or codecs, but also because the speakers are broken, or the system settings are simply wrong. Therefore, check all the hardware - the speakers may be faulty. Since the hardware component does not depend on whether the sound disappeared after updating to Windows 10, or you did not update at all.

There is another trivial reason - your . Yes, programs become outdated and may not work correctly. Therefore, if you want to fix the sound on Windows computer 10, download a modern player. You can choose one of the following: After all the manipulations described in this article, the sound on your computer, tablet or laptop should probably be restored. Of course, do not forget to restart your computer, since some changes are applied only after restarting the entire system. And always keep the OS up to date; for this, do not forget to update via . Since they also affect the work, including the work of sound.

Why doesn't sound work in the browser on Windows 10?

A special case, but very common: sound does not work in the browser. Usually this is also accompanied by the fact that the sound does not work in the system. But if there is sound in other programs, then the solution lies within the . Each has a settings tab. You need to find the audio playback setting and change it. Such settings are available not only in or, but also in unpopular browsers like or.

The sound in the browser may not be played due to the lack of

Greetings, dear readers.

You can often find messages on the Internet from users who express their dissatisfaction with the fact that they suddenly lost sound on their Windows laptop 10. And they have no idea why this happened. Consequently, they don’t know how to deal with the problem. In this case, the disease manifests itself with different “symptoms”. Some have no reproduction at all. For others, only through the front panel. In general, there are many signs. In the article below, I will talk about the most common of them, and also share solutions.

Many people, immediately after they lose sound on their computer, begin to panic. They don't know what to do or how to fix this situation. As mentioned above, the solution directly depends on the reason. But there is the simplest option that will allow you to return everything to its place without careful disassembly. To get started, download free antivirus, for example Dr Web Cureit and scan the system for viruses, if that doesn’t help, you need to do the following:

Updates( )

If the problems started after updating the OS, we perform several steps:

Driver( )

One of the most common variants of the disease is the absence of sound after updating, restoring, or even a clean installation of the operating system. In this case, most often the corresponding pictogram has a familiar appearance. Going to " device Manager", we find out that here too the icons are in order and in general the whole direction " works as expected».

In this case, the sound card may be called “High Audio...” or something similar. It is this situation that primarily indicates that there are incorrect drivers. This can often be seen in Asus laptops, as well as computers with Realtek and VIA HD chips.

The solution to the situation on all devices is to install a normal driver. To do this, you need to perform a chain of actions:

    We go to the search engine, where we enter the model of the laptop or motherboard. This can be found in the Everest app or similar. Moreover, initially it is better to go to the official page of the entire device, and not a specific node.

    Next, you need to select the appropriate utility in the support section and download it. It is worth considering that it may be for previous versions of operating systems - this is normal. But you can’t confuse the bit depth. It can be viewed in " Properties", when you call them to " Computer».

    Installing a new driver.

Unfortunately, this doesn't always help. This way the system shows that the entire process was successful. But in fact, nothing has changed. Why is this happening? This situation is due to the fact that the system decided to leave previous version, because, in her opinion, it is newer or better. This is indicated by "" in the component properties.

But don't worry, there is a solution:
Right-click on the installer and select “ Properties».
Go to the tab " Compatibility", and select previous version OS. It could be Win 7 or 8 instead of 10.

The following option may also help:

Services( )

In some situations, audio services may not respond. In most cases, this is due to the activity of viruses on the device. First, download Comodo Internet Security and scan your PC for viruses, if this does not help, based on this fact, the following chain of actions is built:

Solution for Asus laptops( )

Separately, I would like to talk about the solution to the problem on laptops from Asus that have the chip installed Via Audio. It is on such devices that the above problems most often occur. Usually the disease is accompanied by the appearance of an error 0x887c0032. The solution is this:

    Let's go to " device Manager" We are interested in the whole point “ Audio outputs and inputs».

    We select each line and delete it along with the drivers (of course, if the system offers this).

    Let's go to " Sound devices" We do the same. We leave only HDMI. A message should appear saying “ No sound devices installed».

    Go to the Internet and download Via Audio With official resource Asus.

    We set compatibility with Win 8.1 or 7. Run as administrator.

Extra options( )

Sometimes users simply forget to view additional settings in the sound menu. And it’s better not to forget about this.

Greetings, reader! If you have this page open, then there is no sound on your computer with Windows 10 and you are looking for a way, what to do and how to fix it. Did you guess it? Let's not languish and start solving the problem right away.

Sound does not work - symptoms

The main symptom is problems with sound in Windows 10. They can be expressed either in its complete absence or in partial sound, when one program has sound, but another refuses to sound. Sometimes it turns out that Windows 10 sound works, but only from the headphones, or vice versa, only from the main speakers, and the headphones are silent.

All the indicators described above indicate that there are problems with sound in the Windows 10 operating system and do not expect comfortable work on a laptop or computer. Try playing your favorite game or watching the latest movies in the movie industry without sound, I don’t think you’ll like it.

Sound not working after Windows 10 update

Before looking for the problem and what to do, check to see if the computer’s sound is turned off! If you have a laptop, then you can press the volume up button, if you have a computer, then left-click on the volume icon.

New operating systems often come with updates that are intended to make the system better, but sometimes this is not the case. In this case, we go to the update manager and look in the event log to see which updates were installed. Sometimes new updates do not work entirely correctly and cause sound problems. If we see those that affect the operation of the equipment, then we copy their name onto paper and delete them one by one with a mandatory reboot. If after a reboot there is still no sound, then the remote update is not to blame and you can install it again, and see its name in the entries made earlier.

System updates are very important; if you determine that the sound does not work precisely because of the update, then do not rush to delete it. It can be very important and then it’s worth looking for other solutions to return sound.

No sound after installing Windows 10

You have worked successfully with Windows XP, 7 or 8 and then decided to upgrade to Windows 10 or install it from scratch. Sometimes after such manipulations the sound disappears. This may be due to various problems. What to do and how to fix it, see below:

  • Perhaps after new installation, the system did not find suitable sound drivers for your computer or laptop. To solve this, you need to go to the official website of the device responsible for the sound in the computer - this is either the motherboard or a separate sound card. We look for the latest driver on the website, download and install it.
  • After updating from more earlier versions Windows, sound driver may not be compatible with new system. In this case, an update from the manufacturer’s website is required, and it is advisable to first remove old version. You can try running the update from Device Manager, but as a rule, this option rarely helps.
  • Another option after installation is incorrect detection of speakers by Windows 10. To correct it, right-click on the button with the image of speakers in the lower right corner of the screen, where the clock is. In the context menu, select the item “Playback devices” and see if the correct device is selected; if not, then change it to the correct one.

What to do and how to fix it in other situations

Firstly, we need to determine the malfunction, namely under what circumstances the sound disappeared on the computer. This will help you understand which direction to dig. If you know of such a case, then try to eliminate it. For example, a new game was installed and then the sound disappeared, then the solution would be to delete the game.

Secondly, try the methods described above: reboot, check volume, update drivers, uninstall Windows updates 10, selecting the correct device to play sound.

If none of the methods help, then you may have a hardware failure and need professional intervention. This happens during a thunderstorm, when the south bridge burns out, or during overloads in the electrical network, or when the computer ages, when its parts (capacitors, transistors, and others) fail.

When installing or updating the operating system on their computer or laptop, many users encountered a number of problems, including lack of sound. Let’s take a closer look at how to fix this error and what to do if the sound disappears on Windows 10.

Sound disappears on Windows 10 - how to restore

Most users have still not been able to get the sound back when updating the operating system; it either disappears or appears again. The whole point is that the sound settings have gone wrong. It would seem that everything is extremely simple, you need to reinstall the drivers responsible for sound playback, and everything will work out. But, as practice has shown, this step is sometimes not enough.

How to fix the error and get the sound back:

  • Make sure that everything is in order with the speakers, the cord is not damaged, and the speakers are connected to a special connector.
  • On the taskbar, right-click the mouse to select the “Menu Playback Device” tab in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • The next steps will be as follows: select the device that is in this moment actively. Naturally, these will be speakers.
  • You need to left-click on a line to open the menu.
  • Next we go to " Additional settings"and here you need to change some values ​​in the column settings. Instead of Hz44100 you need to put Hz 192000, with the same bit values ​​- 24.
  • If after this manipulation nothing works, there is no sound, then you need to choose a different tactic.

How to get sound back on Windows 10

If nothing worked the first time, try again:

  • In the task menu, launch the device manager.
  • Once it starts, you need to go to the “Audio Devices and Sound” tab.
  • On the current audio playback driver, you need to right-click and select the “Uninstall” option.
  • Now select the “Device Search” tab and this way the driver will be updated and it will be installed automatically.
  • At this point, all actions can be considered completed, the speakers should work and reproduce sound without interruption.

There is also a backup option when the system stubbornly refuses to restore the audio driver. Then you need recently installed drivers Install the sound playback cards again, you just have to look for them on the manufacturer’s website.

No sound on laptop or computer - What to do!

When starting the operating system, did you lose sound on your laptop, and instead of the usual melody, there was deathly silence? Let's figure out why the sound on the computer does not work.

How to restore sound

How can I get my PC to play audio again? To return the “voice” to our device, we first need to understand why the sound on the laptop does not work. There can be a lot of reasons, starting with software problems and ending with hardware failures. Let's look at the most common ways to restore sound on a laptop.

Volume controls

The easiest way to turn on sound on a laptop is to use the volume controls. In the lower right corner, right on the taskbar, there is an icon in the form of a speaker. Click on it. This will open the mixer, which is designed as a slider. It is not difficult to guess that the higher it is, the louder sound. For normal playback, it is enough for the slider to be located at least in the middle.

If you have a playback prohibition icon in your mixer, this means that the sound in your system is completely muted. To fix this, just click on this icon. After this, the sound should return.

If the sound has disappeared in a specific program (for example, music does not play through the browser), then this can be fixed. Just right-click on the icon and a drop-down list will open. In it you need to select the “Open volume mixer” item. A new window will appear containing sliders for specific programs. To turn on the sound in some utility (the same browser), drag the slider at least to the middle.

You can also use this menu to mute an application. For example, you don’t want to be distracted by sound banners on websites while surfing the Internet. What should I do to make the sound disappear on a Windows 10 computer in the search engine? Just move the slider located opposite the browser icon to the very bottom.

Playback Devices

The playback devices may be to blame for the lack of sound on the laptop. Don't be alarmed, because this doesn't mean the speakers aren't working. Maybe operating system he simply doesn’t see them. To fix this, right-click on the already familiar icon and select “Playback devices” from the list. A new dialog will start. It contains a list of devices that are designed to reproduce information. We are interested in the “Speakers” item. We find it and make sure that there is a green check mark next to the column image.

If it is missing, then it becomes clear why the sound on your computer has disappeared. The playback device is simply not synchronized with the PC. To fix this, right-click on the speaker image. In the list that opens, select “Set as default.” If the speaker image is highlighted in gray, and the device itself has the “Disabled” status, then click on the icon and select “Enable”. Once you've done this, be sure to set your device to default mode.

It's a completely different matter if the speakers are not displayed at all in the list of connected devices. If you encounter such a situation and don’t know how to restore sound on your computer, just click on a free area of ​​the window. This will open a dropdown list. In it you need to find the option “Show disabled devices” and click on it. The speakers will then appear and you can connect them.

Checking the sound card

What should I do if there is no sound on the computer even after carrying out all the procedures described above? You need to check the sound chipset, because perhaps it is the root of the problem. So, to make sure the chipset is working, do the following:

There are times when there is nothing in the “Sound Devices” section. If you encounter a similar situation, then try looking for the sound chipset in “Other devices”. If you find your audio device there, and there is an exclamation mark next to the device, then the drivers have disappeared from the audio chipset. To restore the sound, you will have to reinstall them. We'll talk about this in the next section.

Reinstalling drivers

The first thing to do is determine what drivers are needed for the audio adapter. In the Device Manager window, double-click your sound card. After this, a new dialog will open in which you need to go to the “Information” section. There, near the “Properties” inscription, click on the drop-down list and select “Equipment ID”. After that, copy the first entry into the “Value” field.

Open your browser and go to a site called This Internet resource is a huge database of drivers for various devices. To find firewood for your sound card, insert into search bar previously copied text. The website will automatically select suitable firewood for you. All you have to do is find the latest program that fits your operating system. Once done, download the selected driver.

If the driver you downloaded is in .exe format, then simply run it and follow the installer's recommendations. If the firewood has a different format, you will have to resort to alternative way installations. Go to the “Task Manager” again and look for the sound card there. Open its properties and go to the section called “Drivers”. There will be an “Update” button. Click on it and then click on “Perform Search”. Then click on "Browse" and specify system utility path to previously downloaded drivers. The installation process will begin. After installing the drivers, everything should return to normal.

Checking the connection

If the sound problem is still not resolved, then you should check the connection of your playback devices. If you are using a computer, carefully inspect system unit and make sure the speaker wire is in the correct connector. As a rule, it has a green color. To be on the safe side, pull out and reinsert the wire.

If you are using a laptop, make sure that the green connector is not occupied by any devices. For example, many people insert headphones there. If they are currently in the green slot, then simply pull them out from there. After this, sound playback will be carried out through the built-in speakers of the laptop.

It would be a good idea to check the peripherals. Perhaps the reason that there is no sound on a Windows XP computer is bad hardware. Check your headphones and speakers to ensure they are working properly. To do this, connect the devices to another PC or laptop.

Windows Audio Service

Sometimes the reason that there is no sound on a Windows 7 computer can be a failure in system services. Therefore, if you encounter problems with audio playback, make sure that no errors have occurred. For this:

Setting up sound via BIOS

If you have recently changed settings in the system, then it is possible that there is no sound on your Windows 7 computer due to BIOS settings. Most often, people inadvertently disable the function that is responsible for broadcasting audio. To fix this, you first need to enter the BIOS. To do this, restart your computer and when it starts to turn on, press F2 on your keyboard.

After this, the BIOS menu will open. We are interested in the Advanced tab. We go there, after which we look for High Device Configuration. Opposite this characteristic should be the inscription Enabled. If it says Disabled, change this parameter, and then fix the changes made by pressing F10.

System Restore

When the sound on the computer disappears, and you know exactly when it happened, then to fix the problem, you can try to restore the OS. If the sound stops working after manipulation by the user or program, then this should help. In extreme Windows versions There is a “System Restore” function. This is what we will use. So, to restore the OS, you need to:


Possibly while loading a movie or new game you caught some kind of virus. To fix this, pay attention to the operation of the system as a whole. There may be other signs that there is malware on your PC. Frequent freezes slow work computer, frequent antivirus warnings, advertising banners - all this indicates viruses.

To combat malicious software, you need to resort to the help of modern antiviruses. Scan your PC and remove everything suspicious files. I would recommend you antivirus Dr. Web. It scans the system thoroughly. At the same time, you can download the antivirus program onto your PC completely free of charge.

Reinstalling the operating system

If after all the actions taken there is no sound on Windows 10, then you need to resort to heavy artillery. It is necessary to demolish the old system and reinstall Windows. If you nevertheless decide to take this radical step, then do not forget to save all important data on some kind of storage device or cloud service.

In addition, download all the drivers to the USB flash drive in advance. After all, after reinstalling Windows you will have to install them again. When you install drivers, start with the audio chipset.


What to do if there is no sound on your laptop? Use the methods described above and most likely you will be able to solve the problem yourself. If nothing helps, and even after complete demolition of the system the sound does not appear, then there is only one way out - to carry the “patient” to service center. Most likely, the problem lies in the hardware. Perhaps the sound card or motherboard is broken. In any case, it will not be possible to deal with a hardware failure without specialized knowledge and special tools. Therefore, you will have to entrust your computer to a specialist.

Why is there no sound on a laptop with Windows 10? Possible causes and their elimination

2017-06-29 at 00:49

Greetings, dear readers.

You can often find messages on the Internet from users who express their dissatisfaction with the fact that they suddenly lost sound on their Windows 10 laptop. And they have no idea why this happened. Consequently, they don’t know how to deal with the problem. In this case, the disease manifests itself with different “symptoms”. Some have no reproduction at all. For others, only through the front panel. In general, there are many signs. In the article below, I will talk about the most common of them, and also share solutions.

A simple and quick solution (to contents)

Many people, immediately after they lose sound on their computer, begin to panic. They don't know what to do or how to fix this situation. As mentioned above, the solution directly depends on the reason. But there is the simplest option that will allow you to return everything to its place without careful disassembly. To do this you need to do the following:

    Next to the clock (usually in the lower right corner) we find a speaker icon. We call on it context menu.

    Select “Detect problems...”. The system will launch the wizard. Next, options will appear, following which you can correct the situation.

Updates(to contents)

If the problems started after updating the OS, we perform several steps:

Driver(to contents)

One of the most common variants of the disease is the absence of sound after updating, restoring, or even a clean installation of the operating system. In this case, most often the corresponding pictogram has a familiar appearance. Having gone to the “Device Manager”, we find out that here, too, the icons are in order and, in general, the whole direction “works as expected”.

In this case, the sound card may be called “High Audio...” or something similar. It is this situation that primarily indicates that the system contains incorrect drivers. This can often be observed in Asus laptops, as well as computers with Realtek and VIA HD chips.

The solution to the situation on all devices is to install a normal driver. To do this, you need to perform a chain of actions:

    We go to the search engine, where we enter the model of the laptop or motherboard. This can be found in the Everest app or similar. Moreover, initially it is better to go to the official page of the entire device, and not a specific node.

    Next, you need to select the appropriate utility in the support section and download it. It is worth considering that it may be for previous versions of operating systems - this is normal. But you can’t confuse the bit depth. You can view it in “Properties” when you call them on “Computer”.

    Installing a new driver.

Unfortunately, this doesn't always help. This way the system shows that the entire process was successful. But in fact, nothing has changed. Why is this happening? This situation is due to the fact that the system decided to leave the previous version, because, in its opinion, it is newer or better. This is indicated in the “Device Manager” in the properties of the component.

But don’t worry, there is a solution: Right-click on the installer and select “Properties”. Go to the “Compatibility” tab and select the previous OS version. It could be Win 7 or 8 instead of 10.

The following option may also help:

Services(to contents)

In some situations, audio services may not respond. In most cases, this is due to the activity of viruses on the device. Based on this, the following chain of actions is built:

Solution for Asus laptops(to contents)

Separately, I would like to talk about a solution to the problem on laptops from Asus that have a Via Audio chip installed. It is on such devices that the above problems most often occur. Usually the disease is accompanied by the appearance of error 0x887c0032. The solution is this:

    We go to “Device Manager”. We are interested in the entire “Audio outputs and inputs” item.

    We select each line and delete it along with the drivers (of course, if the system offers this).

    Go to “Sound Devices”. We do the same. We leave only HDMI. A message should appear saying “Sound devices are not installed.”

    We go to the Internet and download Via Audio from the official Asus resource.

    We set compatibility with Win 8.1 or 7. Run as administrator.

Additional parameters (to contents)

Sometimes users simply forget to view additional settings in the sound menu. And it’s better not to forget about this:

The sound became quieter automatically or interference appeared (to contents)

If playback still occurs, but you hear some problems and applications lag with it, you can try the following:

If suddenly you have done everything stated above, the sound does not appear in the speakers, but there is sound in the headphones, try using special program to search for drivers. I previously talked about it in the article Driver booster for Windows 10

Of course, options such as “the sound disappeared after the cable was disconnected” or “as a result of the device falling” were considered. Mechanical damage It is more difficult to “cure” on your own, and therefore it is better to contact a specialist.

Sound is an integral part of the perception of information when working at a computer. Games, programs, movies - everything that runs on a computer has sound. Working with a number of applications without sound is impossible or simply inconvenient. Sound drivers are installed automatically along with the motherboard software. operating room Windows system 10 installs drivers on its own when you first start the computer, but it doesn’t always do it correctly. Sometimes the sound on your computer may disappear for no reason at all, even if it previously worked normally. In most cases, you can solve a sound problem yourself, and below are ways to do it.

Checking the audio device

Before you start software setup computer, you need to make sure that the lack of sound is not due to a malfunction of the speakers or headphones. Connect another audio playback device to the computer and make sure that it also does not work, or, conversely, try connecting headphones or speakers to a smartphone, tablet or other computer to check their serviceability.

Often the sound disappears for no reason precisely because of a malfunction of the sound playback device. For example, the wire through which the signal is transmitted may fray or break, or the elements on the speaker board may fail due to overvoltage.

If, as a result of the check, it was determined that the sound does not work precisely because of the computer, you can proceed to the next steps of the instructions.

Sound failure due to driver issues

As mentioned above, drivers for setting up sound on a computer are installed along with the motherboard drivers. Even if a sound icon is displayed on the notification panel, it is far from certain that the drivers were installed correctly. When you first start Windows 10, the operating system automatically selects drivers from its library and installs them for all elements of the computer. If after this there are problems with the drivers, they need to be reinstalled to the versions recommended by the manufacturers.

To reinstall the sound drivers you will need:

  • On the computer. Determine the model of the motherboard used in the computer. Next, you need to go to the motherboard manufacturer’s website, find your model and download the latest drivers for Windows 10.
  • On a laptop. Find out the laptop model, go to the manufacturer’s website and download the necessary drivers.

Note: If you still have a disk with drivers from your motherboard or laptop, you can try installing the software from it. But it is important to understand that during the time that has passed since the purchase of the device, the drivers may have been updated more than once, and the most current version is available on the manufacturer’s website.

Problems with sounds due to incorrect settings

When reinstalling drivers does not help solve the problem with sound playback on Windows 10, you need to make sure that the settings are correct. To check the audio output settings from your computer, you will need to do the following:

After completing all the settings, restart your computer, after which the sound problems should disappear.

Sound card disabled in BIOS

In the BIOS it is possible to disable the sound card built into motherboard. This may be necessary, for example, if you are using a professional external sound card. When connecting speakers to a computer as standard, the sound card must be activated in the BIOS.

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