
Windows password crack disk image. An easy way to reset an account password for any version of Windows! Create a password reset flash drive

Let's describe the problem

  • computer, laptop with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • the built-in user Administrator is disabled or the password is also forgotten
  • all users on the screen Windows logon under a password and you don't know any
  • user from forgotten password- normal local Account, not Windows LiveID (with mail)

If any of the above do not match, the recovery process may be different.

Problem Solving Process

What is necessary:

  • ability to use torrent networks
  • be able to burn an ISO image to disk / USB
  • the disc itself (CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW...) or any blank USB flash drive of any capacity
  • change the boot order of the computer

The method and programs specified below are supplied "as is" - AS IS, they are not responsible for POSSIBLE damage and inoperability. The author has used this method on several computers and so far there have been no problems.

1. Download BootPass

BootPass - boot disk (Windows 7PE x86).

The disk contains full-featured programs for resetting and editing Windows passwords, ransomware banner removal programs

Like most bootable discs, they are downloaded in ISO format.

Because the disk image in ISO format is already a standard and any program can burn it, even standard Windows tools 8.

Download BootPass from the torrent network (for example,

You can not download all the files, but only the necessary - the BootPass.iso file itself.

Others optional:

  • Iso-Burner.exe is a very small program (646kB) for burning an ISO image to disk.
  • Rufus.exe or WiNTBootic.exe to burn ISO image to USB
  • text files- for information and instructions

2. Burn BootPass.iso to disk

Now we write the downloaded BootPass.iso image to optical CD-R disc w or USB.

There are many recording options, we will show only 3:

2.1 Standard Windows 8 tools

In Windows 8, this is very easy. Right click call context menu and select "Burn Disc Image".

Don't forget to insert a blank disc.

2.2 Iso Burner

If you downloaded this program as part of a torrent, then when you start it, a window will appear [email protected] ISO Burner. Only 2 fields - specify the path to the ISO image, select the CD-RW or DVD-RW burner. Press "Burn ISO".

2.3 used to UltraISO

Because she can record both just files and ISO images to optical discs and to USB, HDD, can also create boot disks, save in ISO format. In general, an advanced program.

You can download it from torrents, from the official website,.

P.S. UltraISO shareware product, you need to buy it later if you like it. By the way, you can check the recorded disc whether it will open in Explorer or not.

3. Change the computer boot order

If you already have the boot order set from CD-ROM(DVD-ROM) first, or you know how, feel free to skip this step.

There are 2 ways to change the computer boot order:

3.1 BIOS

In the BIOS of any computer, there are options for choosing a sequence to boot the system. If these options do not appear automatically when you turn on the computer, press the F2 or Del buttons - they may differ depending on the model and build of your BIOS.

In the BIOS, you need to go to the BOOT section and select the CD / DVD as the first boot device in the Boot Sequence.

Save settings and exit (SAVE AND EXIT)

3.2 without BIOS

Most modern computers have the ability to assign a boot order without entering the BIOS. To do this, use the fast boot menu, which is called by pressing a special key immediately after turning on the computer (for example, F10, F12 or even F8 - depending on the model of the motherboard).

Usually when BIOS boot It tells you on the screen which key to press.

P.S. The disc must be inserted into the drive.

4. Loading the BootPass Disk

The recorded disc has been inserted, boot from CD / DVD is set, the drive is working, and then we will have such a window.

We have a variety of programs to choose from that reset Windows passwords.

We have enough Password Reset v3.0. If it doesn't work, you can try others.

  • Select the user with the forgotten password, click OK. The program asks if you are sure of your desires, the answer is YES! (OK)
  • Next, it will ask, repeat (OK) or restart (Reboot) the computer?
  • We repeat how many users need to be cleared of passwords and restart the computer.
  • Confirm restart @Yes
  • Remove the disk from the drive and click OK

5. Verification

As soon as Windows boots up, it will ask which user to select. Windows will not ask you for a password.

If all is well, don't forget to install New Password for your user.

P.S. in the password, use capital letters, numbers, and even better, special characters - *-+-=/?...

P.P.S. as a password, you can use phrases (rarely used), written in English layout. For example, "Holy Bagheera1002" -> "Cdznfz

6. What to do if

failed to reset windows password

Go to step 4 and try another program.

Windows stopped loading

Remove all disks and USB. Set BIOS to boot from HDD/SATA/SSD. As a last resort, start Windows Recovery or call the wizard.

How to reset your password in Windows 7 using the "Password & Registry Editor" program. As you know, anything can happen in life, you can even forget the password to enter Windows, and if it happened, you can easily take and reset the password in Windows 7, the good news is that the whole procedure is not at all complicated.

If you have forgotten your password, and you do not have Win 7, but XP or Win 8, then the option discussed below will also suit you. If you are reading these lines and do not have forgotten password problems, then I recommend reading to the end and adopting the information received.

And who knows, you might need help pretty girl who forgot the login password. A great chance to visit and heroically return access to the PC to a nice lady, but after that .... And then I think it's clear. Young woman sits VK, and you smoke on the balcony! ;-)

Action algorithm:
- Create a bootable "USB" with a program that is only 4.12 MB in size.
- Password reset procedure in Windows 7.

As it has already become clear, you need a regular flash drive, pre-formatted in " FAT32". How to format a USB flash drive, you can read in the article (Creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows).

Create a flash drive to reset your password.

Next, we need to select the partition where Windows is located. In my case it is " / dev/ sda1 ". Opposite each section on the left you can see the numbers (1 2 3 4). The desired section is selected with these numbers. That is, to choose my " / dev/ sda1 "and it is opposite the unit, I need to enter" 1 » and press « Enter»

As soon as you decide on the section, and press "Enter", let's see what happens next! As you can see from the last line, the program itself found the section " Windows/ System32/ Config"Okay, that's how it should be. This section contains the "SAM" file, and the program needs it, there are "Hash-s" of passwords.

Here we simply press Enter»

Then we look at what the program offers us. In this case, we are interested in (Password reset) that is, resetting passwords. This parameter is located under the number " 1 "So enter 1 and press as usual" Enter»

Now the program again offers several options for action. Namely, open the registry editor by pressing the " 9 “We don’t care at all!

We are interested in the first option, enter the number "1" and Enter

At this stage, the most interesting comes. The program brought us all the available users in the system. Our task is to select the user who needs to reset the password.
(Well, you should have decided on this a long time ago!)

Learn more about what and how: Here we see in the column " RID» unique number of each user. Below I will explain why we need this " RID» needed. Further in the column "Username" all available users in the system are listed.

Admin: Actually, soon this user, and reset the password. In a collumn " Admin? "You can see what he represents, in this case he has the rights" Administrator".

user: A normal account that does not have administrator rights.

4<8=8 AB@0 B>@ : This is our built-in administrator account. The inscription in this form, because of the Russian-language version of Windows.

> ABL: This does not interest us at all, since this is "Guest"

To reset a user's password, you need to enter it " RID” or his name, if it is in English. We will be resetting the password using "RID" since the name is easy to enter, and "RID" has a feature worth knowing about.

If you look at the penultimate line, then in it you can see such a piece of text " 0 x< RID> » means that the user number must be entered with « 0 x". That is, RID Admin is like this " 03 e8 " means you need to enter " 0 x03 e8 ».

I enter " 0 x03 e8 » and Enter

Now the program knows which user to work with and will offer us 4 options.

1 – Reset password, in other words, the user will not have a password.
2 – In this option, you can set a password for the user. Win 7 doesn't work.
3 – Promote the user to administrator if they are not.
4 – If the user is blocked by the admin, it can be unblocked.

In this case, we are interested in resetting the user's password, so we type " 1 » and Enter

We observe the message "" good!!! The password reset was successful. But it's still too early to reboot and break into the system without a password, since you need to correctly exit the program and save all changes!

Type "Exclamation point (!)" and again, as always, Enter

That's all, the work on resetting the password is over. It remains only to press the key combination "CTRL + ALT + DELETE" the computer will go into reboot. Now you can log in as Admin without a password.

As we see, in fact reset windows password It is not difficult and any user can perform these actions. I advise you to get yourself a flash drive with this program, just in case.

If you have any questions about this topic or additions, then write in the comments, I will be glad!

Due to numerous requests from readers, I decided to write a detailed and simple instruction, how to reset a user account password in any version of Windows: 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP.
So, you turned on the computer, and the system asks you to enter a password to enter. You enter the user password, but it does not match: an “invalid password” error occurs. What to do if no password is suitable, but you need to log in? There is a solution - the password can be reset using a special program recorded on a bootable USB flash drive. Now I will tell you how to create such a flash drive.

You will need to briefly use any others computer. To do this, you can contact a relative, friend, neighbor, maybe there is a computer at work - I think this is not a problem now.

So, we sit down at another computer or laptop. We insert any flash drive into it:

Download the free program to reset Windows passwords -. You can download it from the official site (or from my Yandex.Disk):

Run downloaded file lsrmphdsetup.exe: Install the program as usual: i.e. we agree with everything and in all windows we press the button “ Next". In the last installation window, click the “ Finish” – the program will start automatically and its shortcut will be created on the desktop:

In the start window, click the button Burn Bootable CD/USB Disk Now!(“Burn a bootable CD/USB disk now”):

In the next window select Windows version, which is installed on the computer where we will then reset the password. Not in the list Windows 10, but it's not scary: if you have a "ten", then choose here Windows 8.1 with your grade.

By the way, on one of the forums I saw a message that you can create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8.1 64-bit, and it is suitable for resetting the password on any version of Windows (I checked on Windows 10 64-bit and on Windows 7 64-bit - so and is):

After you have selected the desired version of Windows, click the “ Next”:

In the next window, put a marker on the item USB Flash and select the letter of our flash drive (it is already inserted into the computer). In my case, the letter of the flash drive: F.
Then press the button " Start”:

The program will download the necessary components from the Microsoft website for some time:

After that, the program will ask: “ Format USB drive now?” All files, if they are on the flash drive, will be deleted. We press the button " Yes”:

Now we are waiting for the bootable USB flash drive to be created:

At the end of the process - click the " Finish”:

Everything! A bootable USB flash drive with a password reset program is ready. We take it out and carry it to our computer.

Insert a bootable USB flash drive into your computer. And now comes the most important, and at the same time the most difficult moment for those who will do it for the first time. We need set up computer boot from our flash drive .

Those who know how to boot a computer from a USB flash drive can immediately skip to the end of this article. For those who do not know how to boot from a USB flash drive, I will try to explain as clearly as possible:


In order to “force” the computer to boot not as usual (i.e. from the hard disk), but from the device we need (in our case, from a USB flash drive), you need to enable a certain setting in Bios computer.

To get into this very Bios, we must immediately after turning on the computer press a certain key on the keyboard (and press not once, but many, many times until we see Bios on the screen).

On different computers and laptops, this key is different:

  • The most commonly used key Delete(or Del ).
  • Also, often Bios can be called up with the key F2(and on some laptops Fn+F2 ).
  • Less commonly used keys Esc, F1, F6 and others.

In general, immediately after you press the Power button on your computer or laptop, do not wait until Windows starts loading, but immediately start pressing the key many times Delete on keyboard. After a few seconds (5-10) the screen should appear Bios.

If nothing of the sort appeared, but the loading of your Windows started as usual, then we don’t expect anything else: we restart our computer again (you can directly with the Reset button) and try to press another key many times already - F2.

If you didn’t get into the BIOS again, restart the computer again and try to press the next key - Esc. Then F6 etc. But I hope you don't have to experiment so much: in the vast majority of cases, either the Delete key or F2 works.

By the way, a hint about which key to load BIOS usually flashes at the bottom of the screen immediately after turning on the computer. But for some reason, no one looks at her, or does not have time to consider.

On different computers Bios different, and it looks different for everyone.

On my computer it looks like this:

On another computer it will look like this:

On the third computer:
That is, I say this to the fact that it is almost impossible to write a separate instruction for each Bios.

The main thing that anyone who needs to set up booting from a USB flash drive should know is that in Bios (no matter how it looks to you) you need to find a section where the word Boot(from English “Loading”). Using the arrows on the keyboard to go to this section, we put it in first place in the list of boot devices flash drive.

In BIOS, a flash drive can be displayed with its own name (for example, Transcend), or how USB-HDD; there are other options. One thing is important: it must be selected as the first device from which the computer will boot.

Usually, the flash drive is “raised” to the first place using the arrows on the keyboard, or with the keys +/- , or F5/F6.

Having set the setting we need in BIOS, we must leave it, not forgetting to save the changes made. To do this, go to the section exit(it is usually the last one) - and there select the item “ Save and Exit” (“Save and Exit”). And then once again confirm that we are exiting by pressing “ Yes”.

That's all: if you did everything right, the computer will reboot and the download will start from the USB flash drive (press the Delete key again, or F2, or something else - no need!).

Many do not even want to mess with creating a bootable USB flash drive with any software, because. they are afraid that they still will not be able to configure the computer to boot from it. I tried to describe this whole process of booting from a USB flash drive in as much detail as possible. If you have mastered this text, I hope it has become at least a little clearer and now it remains only to practice.


So, I created a bootable USB flash drive with a password reset program on another computer. I insert this flash drive into my computer and turn it on.

I immediately press the key many, many times Delete on keyboard. A few seconds later I'm in Bios.

Navigate using the arrows on the keyboard to the section Boot(although in my Bios you can also work with a mouse - in older versions of Bios this will not work).

Here I have the first device now HDD(ACHIPO: WDC WD50…):
I select this line with the arrow on the keyboard and press the key Enter. A list of devices from which you can boot opens. In my case, this is a hard drive and my flash drive (it is listed here already twice). Raising to the top of the list - flash drive(if there is a choice: USB or UEFI, then select UEFI). We do this using the arrows on the keyboard, or with the keys +/- , or F5/F6:

Now the flash drive is in first place in the list of bootable devices:

Now we exit from here, saving the changes. To do this, move the arrow on the keyboard to the last section exit. Highlight a line Save Changes and Exit- press key Enter:

Then choose Yes:

After a while, a menu opens, in which the key Enter we choose the point Lazesoft Live CD:

Waiting for the download:

In the next window, check that the item is selected Reset Windows Password(“Reset Windows password”) and press the button Next:

A window pops up with a message about the non-commercial use of the program - click Yes:

Click again Next:

In the next window highlight the username, the password of which will be reset and click Next:

Click on the button RESET/UNLOCK:

Password reset successfully - click OK. Then Finish:

We go to " Start” and press Reboot Computer("To restart a computer"):

Click OK:

After the computer has restarted, we can login to windows without password!

Today we will consider a situation that many computer users have already encountered and / or may still encounter. Namely, what to do if you forgot the password to turn on the computer. This can happen to anyone. You can also forget or lose a note with a password in a jiffy. Especially when this password often has to be changed, as some users do (for example, mothers trying to limit the time their children spend on the computer).

So, today we will consider one of the ways to effectively solve this problem. Of course there are many methods resetting or recovering (or cracking) a forgotten Windows login password or user unlock. Gradually I will add descriptions and others.

This method is distinguished by its versatility. That is, This method of resetting a forgotten password from a computer is suitable for various Windows operating systems : 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, etc.

Let's use the utility.

Accordingly, in the first case, we write the image file to disk (we read how to burn the iso image to disk), in the second, we create a bootable USB flash drive (in this case, we simply copy all the files of their archive to a blank USB flash drive). Choose which option is more convenient for you.

After this is done, we insert our disk or USB flash drive into the computer (we need to boot from one of these media) and turn it on. If your operating system still starts up and asks you to enter a forgotten password, then you will have to do a little more magic to run the utility from a disk / flash drive. Read how to boot from external media.

If such a picture appears on the screen, then everything was done correctly, and you managed to load Offline NT Password and Registry editor from a disk / flash drive.

Click Enter and we are waiting. Now the program prompts us to select the partition on which the operating system is installed (in other words, where we will reset the password). The disk is selected by entering the desired number. On the screen, we are prompted how many sections the program sees at the moment, and what volumes they have. Actually, this is the only information available to us here about the sections, so we can only focus on it. But don't worry, if you select the wrong partition by mistake, the utility simply won't be able to clear the password and you'll be returned to this menu where you can enter a different partition number and try again.

In my case, two partitions are displayed: 1 - 10.7 GB, 2 - 5490 MB. If you remember how big your Local drive C , then choose a partition that has a similar size. I select section 1. I enter a number from the keyboard 1 and press Enter .

Next, you need to specify the directory where the file is located. SAM(keeping the registry branch). The program itself offers us a default directory ( Windows/System32/config ), where this file is usually located. We agree, click Enter .

Next, we are asked to choose what action we want to perform. Enter a number 1 , which corresponds password reset (password reset), and press Enter .

The next step is also to select the desired action. Enter a number 1 - change accounts and passwords (Edit user data and passwords ). Click Enter .

Before us appears a plate, which lists all usernames (Username) and them identifiers (RIDs) . The program prompts you to enter a username from the list for which you want to reset the password. The program immediately offered me Admin- It is on this account that I want to erase the password. So I just click Enter .

Retreat. Of course, you can enter another username, but it is probably better to unlock the administrator account, and only then change passwords for everyone who needs it.

If your username is written in Russian, then normally it will not be reflected due to the Cyrillic alphabet. In this case, instead of the username, specify it RID in the following form: 0xRID. That is, in my case: 0x01f4. Click Enter .

Now the program offers us the following options for the selected account: 1 - clear the password, 2 - change the password, 3 - make the user an administrator, 4 - unlock the account, q - exit and return to choosing an account. Enter 1 and press Enter .

Password removed! The job is done, it remains to exit the application. Enter Exclamation point and click Enter .

Enter q and click Enter .

We confirm the changes. Enter y and press Enter .

We refuse to continue working in Offline NT Password and Registry editor and enter n , then press Enter .

We remove the disk from the wire or the USB flash drive from the usb socket, restart the computer and enjoy the result. Windows login password reset!

Naturally, the article is intended to help those who really forgot password and would have no other choice but to reinstall the system. Under no circumstances is the information provided can not use for any harmful purpose.

Today I want to tell you how to create a bootable USB flash drive to reset the Administrator password in Windows. Earlier, I talked about how to create a forgotten administrator password reset diskette in Windows, Now let's talk about creating a special bootable USB flash drive. We will create it using the Rufus utility and the Passware Windows KeyEnterprise 11 program.

To create a bootable USB flash drive, download the Rufus utility from the link above, the Passware WindowsKey Enterprise11 program can be . The program itself is packaged in iso image. With this program, you can reset the password on Windows operating systems starting from 2000, except for Windows 8 .

By running the Rufus utility, select a removable disk (flash drive),

We launch the Passware Windows Key Enterprise password reset program, for this you need to go into the BIOS , using the F2 or Delete key and in the BOOT section select the option "Boot from USB, press the F10 key and ENTER. At the first start, the program will detect the drive on which the operating system is installed.

Press 1 at the bottom of the window to continue. The next step is to specify the user who needs to reset the password.

Having selected the user at the bottom of the window, press the Y key (we agree) to reset the password. Confirm password reset Y and at the bottom of the window press the N key

We remove the USB flash drive, restart the PC and enter the system.

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