
Android programming training. A selection of free courses on mobile application development: lessons and step-by-step guides. Official Android Resources

Android mobile application development. Level 1

Are you already confident in programming in one or more languages ​​and want to develop applications for Android? Today it is a very prestigious and well-paid profession, which is at the peak of popularity. However, to become a good developer, you need to learn how to write high-quality and functional applications. By completing this course, you will gain practical skills in creating applications and will effectively use the capabilities of the Android platform and resources.

The first level will give you a general knowledge of architecture operating system Android, familiarity with the Android Studio development environment, knowledge of the basic patterns of Android application development. And most importantly, the ability to create applications that do not require interaction with the outside world (through the network, camera and other sensors).

During the training you will learn to develop simple mobile applications in Android emulator. Learn how to make a usability-friendly menu. You will work with internal system services in the Android OS, content providers and databases.

And also test created mobile applications for efficient work. Each module of the program requires the mandatory consolidation of skills in practice and the solution of problems that you will encounter in real life.

Do you want to become a successful and sought-after developer? Sign up for this course. It is the first in the chain for Android application developers.

Android is a popular platform: four out of five smartphones run on Android different versions according to Gartner. and applications for Android smartphones will not be left without a piece of bread and butter.

If you want to see if you'll like writing Java for Android, but are just starting out, give it a try. Developers are like gourmets: they like some things and hate others. But all these impressions are based solely on personal experience– until you try the dish yourself, you will not be able to evaluate its taste. It’s the same in development: until you do something personally, it will be impossible to determine whether this direction is to your taste. The course "" is for those who want to understand their preferences.

Fast start means complete immersion: straight into development without boring theory. According to the teacher himself Igor Dolgov, who, by the way, trained more than 4,000 people, “ training should be concise, require a lot of concentration from participants, “use their brains,” but at the same time easy, funny and fun!” In addition, Igor is a professional who has many implemented projects in the largest corporations in the country.

« The course is suitable for those who have learned the basics of Java and want to try themselves in Android development in a game form, says the teacher - if you are interested in game development, then taking this course is just a small first step in this direction. You have room to grow further. You can dive into the intricacies of a game dev. View libgdx. Learn one of the popular cross-platform game engines: Unity, Unreal Engine etc.

And a unique opportunity: those who want to participate in the team development of this game or something similar to it, if you have time, a positive attitude, inspiration, ideas, qualifications, desire to learn on your own, you can write to the teacher ( [email protected]) to join one of the team projects of the Khasang community»

The purpose of the course is to understand whether this direction is interesting to you and whether it is worth continuing. To do this, you will write a game for an Android smartphone.
The first lesson is installing and configuring tools for developing a game with comments from the teacher. You will need a computer with Windows, Mac or Linux, a desire to learn new skills and acquire useful knowledge.
The following lessons will teach you how to draw the graphics necessary for the game using simple objects as an example. At the same time, you will plunge directly into game design. You will see how graphic objects are created, classes are written and the constructor is used. Learn what refactoring is and how to separate logic from display; what are interfaces and how to use them. Learn to detect screen touches by putting the concept of interactivity into practice. Don't miss collections and inheritance. The teacher explains each written line and the logic behind the formation of the code itself to fully understand what is happening on the screen. After all, the goal of learning is to learn how to do it and understand why it is so.

The entire course code is posted on Github, you will receive a link during the lessons. Also, upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate confirming that you have completed the material and the opportunity to plunge deeper into the fascinating, although sometimes difficult, world of development. Good luck!

From the author: Hi all! Today we will talk about how to become a developer mobile applications for Apple and Android. The number of applications on services such as the Apple Store and Google Play is growing every day. These applications can perform a variety of functions. Some of them allow you to process photos using fashionable retro filters and all kinds of effects. Others help you learn foreign languages, others help you download and read e-books. You can even install a metal detector or building level. In general, applications ready to make our lives easier are now in abundance.

Some of them can be downloaded for free, some are not, in any case, the devil paid applications will contain advertising and paid content. But we this moment A slightly different aspect is interesting. The fact is that you can make money by developing mobile applications, and quite well.

Where to start learning how to develop applications for mobile devices?

Becoming a mobile app developer is much easier if you already have an understanding of programming. Then you can safely skip this section. But, as you know, repetition is the school of the artist, and in our case, the programmer. In addition, it is possible that you will have to do some of the work related to graphic design.

If you have no idea about programming, it’s okay, because you can always learn. Moreover, the Internet contains a lot of information devoted to the study of programming.

For those who want to delve into the field of web programming in general and want to “get to the bottom of everything”; For those who are interested in programming not only as a craft, but also as an art, we can advise you to study , CSS, and maybe even jQuery, if you want to truly test yourself and your inquisitive mind =)

Is a diploma really necessary?

There is a stereotype that the best programmers are those who graduated from programming schools and have certificates and diplomas that supposedly confirm their skills. But this is sometimes far from the truth.

Both among professional programmers and among self-taught people, there are people who really find themselves in the right place and who have a penchant for programming. But there are also those who simply consider themselves masters of their craft, although, in reality, web design or something else more related to creativity would be more suitable for them.

And, oddly enough, this picture is observed more often among certified specialists than among those who studied programming on their own. This is explained by the fact that those who really want to master this profession actually study and constantly apply knowledge in practice, and do not just attend classes and wait in line for a diploma.

What does a mobile application developer need to know?

Using modern programming languages ​​that are used to develop mobile applications for Android or iOS, it is quite possible to create your first creation within a month.

Just imagine: in just a month you will become a mobile application developer. Training to become a programmer, of course, is far from being limited to this. Yes, you will be able to develop some simple games and even make a profit from them after monetization.

Go to Google Play or App Store: there are a majority of such applications, especially among games. According to statistics, nine out of ten such applications. This is what the average mobile application developer does. But where to start your training if you don’t want to stop there?

In order not to be that average developer and create something truly original, you need a high-quality foundation. Experienced programmers recommend starting your studies with computer science, data structures, classical algorithms, hash table devices, and so on.

It is necessary to understand the basic concepts that are used in programming, regardless of the language and device. Here it will be useful to know the basics of C++, despite the fact that many already consider it outdated. Perhaps so, but these are the basics, without which Java and PHP would not have arisen. It will be useful to learn about data protection, encryption, network protocols and about the Unix kernel.

So far we have only talked about the technical part of the issue, but this will not be enough for success. Truly high-quality software is not only a program that works without errors. High-quality software implies a well-thought-out interface that would be understandable to the user (and not just the developer), the logic of the program, taking into account all possible options developments of events. Paying attention to details and finding interesting, non-standard solutions is the responsibility of every developer.

Feel like a trend maker

No matter how strange it may seem at first glance, a mobile application developer should not only be a good programmer, but also an astute marketer.

It is important to understand what is currently in demand among users, and then hurry to occupy the niche that has not yet been occupied by your competitors. You don't have to chase what's popular now or what was once popular.

Of course, the new is the well-forgotten old, but successful programmers do not adapt to modern trends. They themselves take responsibility for creating these very trends.

In addition, you should not forget about learning English, because program codes are written in it. By writing these codes, you can only learn technical English, but to communicate with English-speaking customers, you will have to deepen your knowledge. In addition, this will be a useful practice not only for application development.

Only if you harmoniously develop the skills of a programmer, designer and marketer can you achieve success in the field of mobile application development.


When you acquire the necessary knowledge, you can safely offer your services to customers, who can be found in abundance on freelance exchanges. You shouldn’t expect success to fall on you immediately after registering and filling out a portfolio with your work.

At first you will have to carry out small and simple orders, but if you do not stop there, over time you will be able to develop truly impressive projects for customers not only in your country, but throughout the world.

JavaScript. Fast start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of how to create a web application.

Many programmers want to start developing applications for Android. But few people realize what steps need to be taken here. This collection is designed to help beginners in mastering Android development.

Beginning of work

For those new to programming ours will help.

For Android newbies Google has made a good introduction to Android on their website. There's also a great crowdsourced Android guide. There is also a course from Google on Udacity.

If you are experiencing problems with Android, it is highly recommended to check StackOverflow first. It is designed to answer technical questions and is even a .

You can always find it on our website.


I want to start developing for Android. Where do I begin?

The first and most important step in Android development is learning Java and XML. Once you're more or less familiar with both, check out the official Android Documentation and take a few tutorials until you feel confident enough to create your own projects. Good luck!

Do I need an Android device for development?

You can write applications without any Android device using the included emulator (or the advanced Genymotion). However, to take into account hardware requirements, there is no substitute for testing on a real device.

Which IDE should I use?

  • Android Studio- An officially supported IDE for Android development. This is what is used in modern guides and videos, including those from Google.
  • Eclipse has been the primary IDE for Android development for many years, which is why most of the legacy tutorials, resources, videos, and screenshots are made with it.
  • IntelliJ IDEA was an alternative to Eclipse, but nowadays it makes more sense to start with Android Studio. Android Studio is a fork of IntelliJ IDEA, so you get all its benefits plus Android bonuses.

Maybe I should forget about Java and start learning Kotlin?

Google now officially supports Kotlin as an Android development language, but that doesn't mean you can forget about Java support. In the near foreseeable future, documentation, tools, and new platform features will support both Kotlin and Java. Although Kotlin is a newer language with some nice features, you can still create great applications in Java. The choice is up to you, but if you don't care or are a beginner, then it may be better to opt for Kotlin.


Here are the main resources for learning Android development on English language. This is far from full list, but sufficient for a start.

Official Android Resources



  • Android Weekly is a great newsletter to help you stay up to date with the latest Android developments.

Library collections


  • Genymotion is an extremely useful and functional emulator.
  • Android Asset Studio is an excellent collection of tools for creating/editing icons, images, etc.
  • Codota Plug-in for Android Studio - great code examples right in Android Studio.

Examples of open source applications

Application Ideas

So you have an idea for an app... People write about it every day. But before you ask for help in implementing a project, you need to answer the following key questions:

What's my budget?

If you are serious and want to release your product, you should think about your budget. Even for a simple application, you need to think about several thousand dollars. At least.

What is my marketing strategy?

Are you going to use regular word of mouth or are you willing to pay for fame?

What is the list of tasks for this project?

Also, what are the restrictions? How many developers do I need?

Where will the data come from/where will it be stored?

And also, how will they be used? Do I have an appropriate privacy policy?

Is there a goal to make money?

If yes, how are you going to achieve it? Through advertising, IAP, subscriptions, paid applications? All of the above?

How will you pay your developers?

Do you have capital or are you going to pay them after the application starts generating income? Often independent contractors require a portion of the total cost up front. Most developers are not interested in revenue sharing unless they are investing in the app themselves.

What will be the testing method?

What type of device are you going to install it on? How many iterations do you need? What kind of people do you want to engage?

How soon do you want to publish your app to the store?

This will definitely affect the final income.

Will you require or offer social media registration/integration?

Consider implementing this functionality.

What is your target audience?

Is this a niche application or can it be distributed everywhere?

Has my idea already been implemented?

If so, how can I improve it or what is missing from it?

What to do with app ideas if you're not a developer?

You may be looking for developers to join your team to implement an application. If you have money and can pay a developer or company, then everything is simple and clear. Next we'll talk about what to do if you don't have enough money to pay someone.

Realize that your idea may not be unique, and development requires significant effort.

  • Draw the design your application ( appearance and functionality). It can be rough and drawn on paper. But it should be quite specific and not vague.
  • Make a list of your skills related to the idea.
  • Make a list of what you will invest into your idea.

Understand that development requires significant effort. Imagine a developer working full time (8 hours) for 2 months to create your app. And you also work full time. What are you doing at this time? If your work, in your opinion, ends earlier, then you need to reconsider the idea. In this scenario, the developer does most of the work and you are, frankly, useless. What you can give after the app is finished doesn't really matter and won't motivate the developer to finish the product.

Revisiting your idea

If the developer does more work than you, the idea needs to be reconsidered to distribute the work more equitably. This will give you the benefits of working together. Look at your list of skills and think about how they can be applied. It's okay if the application differs from the initial idea. Revise it until your work and the developer's work are at least equal.

  • Distribute work as fairly as possible.
  • Focus on your skills first.
  • Your workload should be approximately equal to 2 months of full-time work. For simple applications the download may of course be less. You can ask the community (eg.

Do you know how to become an Android programmer in just 8 months and earn at least 100,000 rubles a month, working from home and traveling endlessly? Do you want to open your own business and be respected and appreciated by everyone?

Then I want to to some extent warn you against trying to educate yourself using numerous paid Internet courses, which very often scam suckers. If you are interested search engine optimization, web design and programming, then you need to understand a simple thing...

Firstly, all the reviews are like “I sold CDs in transition, but after buying access to lectures on Geek brains, after 3 months of hard work I became a programmer. Guys, the main thing is to believe!” written by copywriters. Secondly, none of the course sellers will warn you about what level of knowledge you already need to have in order to start training. There is a good chance that you will open the textbooks and... not even understand how to install the program to create code. And your money will not be returned to you.

They say that the same website Java rush, where Java is taught as a game and in a rather chaotic manner, may have some benefit, but provided that you already... here I’ll ask for a minute, know other programming languages. How many years does it take to learn Java thoroughly? A professional programmer, educated at the institute, told me that he writes in it and continues to learn it for 5 years, but still has not mastered it perfectly. He already has his own small business behind him, knowledge of several other languages, many completed projects, and he keeps learning Java!

Key skills:

Knowledge of Java Core

Knowledge of Android SDK

Experience in IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Android Studio

Experience developing Android applications in Java

Experience with XML, JSON, HTTP, sockets

Knowledge of Android API, understanding of Android architecture, user interface, menus, dialogs, resources, logcat, MVC

Intents, Fragments, Content providers, broadcast receivers, Google Maps, widgets, telephony, sensors, bluetooth, graphics and animation

SQLite, Web, Concurrency

Basic familiarity with the latest version of Android guides

Understanding the features of the mobile application in the conditions weak signal communications

Confident knowledge of basic design patterns

Creative approach to assigned tasks

Ability to write clean code and correctly create and use unit tests

Ability and desire to acquire new skills and master new technologies

Ability to quickly understand someone else's code if needed

But how much money they promise for Geek brains in the end. That is, they assure that most of you will receive this much already during the training process:

Android programmer - 100,000 rubles

Mobile developer - 130,000 rubles

Web developer - 100,000 rubles

Java programmer - 110,000 rubles

Development of mobile applications for Android (Level 1, beginner):

Are you already confident in programming in one or more languages ​​and want to develop applications for Android? Today it is a very prestigious and well-paid profession, which is at the peak of popularity. However, to become a good developer, you need to learn how to write high-quality and functional applications. By completing this course, you will gain practical skills in creating applications and will effectively use the capabilities of the Android platform and resources.

Let's say you dream of becoming a programmer. You come and say:

— Sign me up to study as an Android programmer!

And they answer you:

- Not yet. Well then, write it in Java SE8, and only then...

— Do you know C and C++?

- Uh... No.

- Sign me up in C!

- If you know the basics of programming and databases and have equivalent training...

This means that before the Android programming course, you will have to take 3-5 more different courses. And after passing, you can already sign up for the 6th. Please note, this is only the first level, initial. There is no talk at all about any employment in six months or a year as an “Android programmer”.

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