
Registration of the order. We will upgrade the ordering page and checklist. Why do you need my email and phone number?

Good examples were selected according to usability principles. It is also worth noting that some examples are unique and will not be suitable for every site. Always test and improve elements on the checkout page.

If there are doubts about the approaches - .

What makes ordering enjoyable?

Easy to use. While users do not have an account, they must enter their address and payment information to place an order. A good form should simplify this process: enter as little information as possible from the keyboard.

Useful features:

    • Address search or predictive text input.
    • Copying the delivery address to the payment information address.
    • The request to create an account appears at the end when the user is ready to make purchases.
    • Placing an order without registration.
  • Clear error messages so that the user can quickly fix them.

Sources of problems:

    • Forced registration before placing an order.
    • Too many steps.
    • Unnecessary form fields.
    • Unclear error messages.
  • Problems with form confirmation. For example, strict time format rules.

Best examples of checkout forms


Domino's website has placed an emphasis on mobility. It recognizes device types and adapts to them.

The order form is nice and easy to use: no registration, simple fields filling, saved payment information for repeat customers.

Even if the user forgets the password, but uses the same one email address, then he will still be able to place an order. In such situations, many sites simply return the registration form asking you to reset your password. And this is not always convenient.

They also have an app where you can order with one click. Just open the app, wait 10 seconds, and your pizza is sent to you.


Registration can become an obstacle to making purchases. This extra step before placing an order may be overwhelming for many users.

On the other hand, registration allows you to simplify the purchasing process in the future. It is also convenient for users

Offer to register at the end of the checkout process. You can register on the Lowe's website before clicking the 'make an order' button. There shouldn't be any difficulties here.


Excellent ordering form. The user is immediately taken to a page with a shopping cart and payment details. You can place an order without registering, by the way.

The entire order form is on one page. And it's very convenient.


It's easy to make repeat purchases on Amazon. Of course, first you will have to fill out information about yourself, but then Amazon will remember them once and for all.

This minimizes the number of clicks and steps. The process from adding an item to your cart to confirming your order takes three steps. Not everyone can handle that much. Plus, spontaneous buyers will disappear.

The checkout form on their website has a great design. One improvement they should make is to make the checkout form stand out from the rest of the content on the page.

There is a progress indicator, total number of products, price and delivery terms. You can also enter the address using autofill, which is very convenient.


Their team understands the importance of usability and is constantly improving it.

Look at the screenshot below to see the beauty of this page:

    • Safety. At the top is a confirmation that the page is secure and the company's contact information.
    • Notification about delivery and return of goods. Three points above the checkout form remind users about good conditions delivery, discounts and a simple process for returning goods.
    • Progress indicator. Helps users understand how many steps to expect. And the fact that there are three of them already suggests that this is a fast process.
    • Easy registration. Schuh is not interested in registration at this stage, he will offer it later.
    • Links to important information. You don't need to make these links at the bottom too noticeable, but they should be there if the user needs them.
    • Payment Methods. A visual reminder of how users can pay for their order.
  • Centered shape. There are a few distracting elements on the page, but the focus is on making a purchase.

Crate & Barrel

The form has a beautiful and simple design. Everything is arranged logically, every field is marked. There is a progress indicator and there are no distracting elements on the page.


A good example of a one-page order form. It has one advantage - it seems to the user that placing an order is much faster. And it doesn't matter whether it's true.

Nordstrom's website has information about the product and its price, plus empty fields are highlighted in red so the user doesn't miss anything important.

This site I made the registration form in the form of a novel - as soon as the user adds an item to the cart, he is prompted (in the form of a pop-up window) to create an account using email or a Facebook account, or log in to an existing one.

The user is then asked to create a password before continuing.

After this, he is sent to beautiful shape placing an order (although this is not entirely convenient for users who want to add more than one item to the cart).

What’s noteworthy is that the Superbalist website adds a lot of small text that explains the delivery terms and what to enter in the fields. done Good work. On this page you can select the time and date of delivery, and it’s very easy:

The payment page is great. The order amount, delivery date, quantity of goods, etc. are displayed. AO left his contact information so that any user can call immediately if he has any questions.

Joseph Joseph

Another site with a beautiful design of the order form - Joseph Joseph . The page that was chosen as an example is the registration form/checkout without registration.

What they do right: give the customer choice. Some will want to register, while others will not, and they will have the opportunity to place an order without additional procedures.

Good examples, but there is room for improvement...

Zappos website - good example, they focus on customer service and loyalty.

However, the checkout process is not perfect. Creating an account is a mandatory condition that will not suit all users.

Perhaps in the case of Zappos, brand reputation removes this barrier. I wonder if they tried something different.

After registering, users are redirected to the cart page, which is not very convenient.

In addition, the order form is not highlighted. It gets lost in the background of the main navigation menu, search bar, alphabetical index, etc. There are too many distracting elements that will make users reluctant to place an order.

Highlighting your checkout form doesn't mean luring users in, it means making it easier for them to buy.


This checkout form is the worst one out there.

What's bad here: the user must write his address twice - when filling out payment information and delivery information. Using the same default address − good way reduce the form filling time that many sites use.


The forms may not be similar to each other, but each of them has useful features that you can use when creating your website.

What do each of these forms have in common? They aim to make things easier for users. For example, when you want a user to register, it's better to add one or two steps at the end of the checkout rather than at the beginning.

Do you have any examples of checkout forms that are better than those presented? If yes, share them with us in the comments below the post...

- this is a very delicate matter. There are always some changes happening in promotion. Strong competition does not allow Internet marketing development trends to stand still.

If, for example, yesterday the “request a call” button was some kind of attractive innovation, today it is already everywhere and not a single consumer will be surprised by it. That is why the owners of leading online stores are constantly looking for new ideas and new “tricks”. Moreover, it often turns out that you don’t have to go far – sometimes a simple “cosmetic” redesign is enough.

Today we will talk about such a seemingly simple thing as placing an order in an online store. Every website has such a section. However, not every site can boast that the operation of this function is perfect and brings in the maximum number of customers. Most often, just the opposite happens: stores generally “don’t bother” about this. Well, there is an order form and what else is needed.

So, this is a very big misconception. The more difficult and incomprehensible it is to place an order, the greater the chances that about 2/3 of visitors will not even bother purchasing goods in your online store.

Basic rules of the order form

Let's start with the fact that it is always necessary to indicate in how many stages the process occurs placing an order and how long will it all take. For example, the phrase “three simple steps and a few minutes of your time” increases the chance that the buyer will complete the order and complete it.

When a person has already clicked “ and is in the process of making a purchase, he needs to understand what stage he is at and how many stages he still has to overcome. It is best not to use special characters, icons or any pictures to indicate further steps. The client may interpret them incorrectly. It is safer and more correct to write everything with the words: “choose a delivery method” or “confirm the order.” Next to the buttons indicating the action, you should not place anything unnecessary. Let her be alone free space, but visible, accessible and understandable.

From the point of view of human psychology and habit, positive action buttons (“place an order”, “confirm”, etc.) should be located on the right and be attractive and noticeable to the client’s eyes. Buttons of the “return”, “cancel”, etc. series should be on the left and should not stand out against the general background so that there is no incentive to press them.

If, when filling out the form, you ask the client for some personal data, always explain why it is needed: first and last name - to fill out documents for the product, phone number - to contact about delivery issues, email address - to confirm the order.

The registration process must be consistent. It should not be allowed that during any stage the buyer would have to interrupt his actions and go, for example, to register. It is unlikely that after this he will continue his order, stay in your online store or come there again. There should be no reason why a buyer would have to interrupt their ordering process.

Here is an example of incorrect registration, where sudden registration is required during the purchase process. But this is - the largest hypermarket in Russia and here it dictates its own rules.

Another common mistake that is often found on websites and that you have probably encountered. So, you filled out many different fields indicating a lot of data about you, it took some time, click the “next” button and then the system gives you an error that, for example, in some field you wrote something incompletely or incorrectly . And then you see that to correct these errors, you need to fill out all the forms first! At the very least, it's annoying. Maximum – the client leaves your site. Don't allow such a sad misunderstanding.

Do not forget, at all stages of placing an order the most visible important information: cost and composition of the order, delivery terms and payment methods.

And finally, the most ideal option is when you specifically indicate all delivery times and its specific cost. In other words, the phrase “delivery within 5-15 days” sounds vague and does not evoke any positive emotions. The inscription “the product will be delivered on September 1” will please the buyer much more. For example, I really like this technique in online stores when the delivery field automatically determines my city by IP address and immediately calculates the cost of delivery of the goods and time.

Working on an online store website is long and painstaking work. It is necessary to think through every detail and every little detail in this detail, introduce new “tricks”, analyze, change and refine.

Why is it important to properly design the delivery page in an online store, what and how to add to it in order to bring visitors closer to the purchase. Examples. Analysis of errors.

From the article you will learn:

  • why do we need a separate delivery page;
  • what mandatory and optional elements should be there;
  • what successful delivery pages look like;
  • what mistakes to avoid when designing them.

Each store has its own delivery policy. Some include it in the price, others set a flat fee depending on weight or deliver for free within the city. The main thing is that users can obtain this information without problems. AND The best way convey it - create a page with delivery conditions.

Why put delivery conditions on a separate page?

The answer is simple: because it’s more convenient. Both clients and developers.

A visitor enters an online store, views products, compares, and reads reviews. At some point he realizes that he is ready to buy the product. Now he needs to find out how he will receive it and how much delivery will cost. It is at this stage that a person looks for a page with delivery conditions. This is a habitual behavioral pattern. Know-how in this matter (for example, a description of delivery conditions somewhere in the footer or in a pop-up block on the side) can lead to a decrease in conversion.

From a store owner's perspective, a dedicated shipping page also makes life easier. There is no need to think about which section to describe the delivery terms or where to place them on the page so that they are visible and do not take up much space.

There are sites where payment and delivery terms are combined in one section. We analyzed design options for delivery pages of online stores from the top 10 Yandex search results for four search queries. Here's what happened:

In consumer goods niches, delivery terms are separate from payment terms. In industrial goods stores, not everything is so simple.

One way or another, if you separate the payment and delivery information into sections, you won’t have to think about how to combine it on one page. And it will be easier for users to navigate.

If you want to learn how to design a mailing list unsubscribe page on your website and retain customers, read

What should be on the delivery page

The components of the delivery page can be divided into two groups:

  • mandatory: without them, the user will not understand how to receive the goods; they must be present in full on the page;
  • optional: increase page usability, user trust and remove uncertainty.

Required elements

Delivery directions

The buyer must clearly understand whether you can deliver the goods to the address of interest. The phrase “we deliver throughout Russia” will not be enough. At a minimum, highlight your city, surrounding areas, and all other regions. Describe in detail the delivery conditions for each direction.

Delivery methods and terms

Most often there are three delivery methods: courier, Post service and pickup. Depending on the method, the terms and conditions will differ. Describe them. For clarity, place icons of partner transport services and links to their websites.


Please indicate how much delivery will cost. The buyer must understand what the final price of the product will be. His purchasing decision depends on this.

If the cost depends on various factors (product weight, dimensions, delivery region, urgency, etc.), describe all options. Otherwise, if it later turns out that the buyer has to pay something extra, this will result in a negative review.

In some stores, delivery calculations are automated - when placing an order, its cost is visible. If you have similar functionality, write about it in the “Delivery” section.

Optional elements

Directions to the point of delivery of goods

If you have a pick-up point, it is better not only to indicate the address, but also to add directions. This way, a person will not look for a building, an entrance, think about where to leave the car, etc.

For clarity, in addition to the map, attach a photo of the entrance to the building.


Tariff tables are good. But you will make it much easier for the client to choose a delivery method if you add a calculator. In a few clicks, a person will receive the shipping cost. If it does not suit him, he will change, say, courier delivery to postal delivery, evaluate the difference in tariff and make a final decision.

Procedure for delivery and acceptance of goods

Describe the process from placing an order to receiving and accepting it. Do this in the form of a visual flowchart - this way the information is better perceived.

Additional services

If delivery is accompanied additional services, tell us about them. It could be:

  • fitting of clothes and shoes;
  • going up to the floor;
  • delivery of oversized goods;
  • assembly (for example, furniture);
  • connection and configuration (for example, household appliances and electronics).


Problems often arise during the delivery process: the goods did not arrive on time, the courier does not call or is unavailable, the parcel is not tracked by track number, the wrong product arrived, etc. Describe the most common problem situations and provide answers to questions in the FAQ section ( FAQ). This will remove uncertainty for customers and reduce the load on the call center.

Promotional materials

Do your delivery conditions compare favorably with your competitors or are you running a promotion? Place the relevant information in the form of a banner on the delivery page. This will immediately attract attention.

Delivery rules

Often, delivery conditions are described succinctly: we will deliver there, it will cost so much, we will not deliver there. In case of delivery failures, conflicts begin: the client demands compensation, and the seller solves the problem according to the situation.

In the case of a small store, this approach is acceptable. But as the scale of activity increases, delivery conditions need to be regulated. A whole set of rules is drawn up with a detailed description of the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the sender, carrier and recipient.

Essentially, this is a public offer that the buyer accepts when placing an order. A link to these rules is placed in the “Delivery” section.

Contact details

This refers to exactly those contacts of the organization that are best used to contact you with questions about delivery. This way, the client will immediately call or write to where he needs to go, and not to the director, accountant or purchasing department.

In addition, describe the procedure for contacting. For example, so that customers immediately indicate the order number, track number, delivery date, problem, etc.

Examples of successful delivery pages


This online outdoor gear store's shipping page can be used as a teaching tool.

It all starts with the main advantages - not far-fetched ones (like “we have the fastest delivery in the world”), but quite real.

The next block is brief terms of delivery in key directions: 1) Moscow time, St. Petersburg and Moscow region; 2) MSC for 4 hours; 3) Russian Federation. There is enough information here to understand where the company delivers and how much it costs.

Each block contains links to detailed information. From a usability point of view, this is the right decision: a person finds a suitable delivery method and proceeds to detailed description. He does not need to leaf through long tables and read all the conditions in order to find those that suit him.

Pick Point delivery in Russia is described separately. A video has also been added explaining how to use the parcel terminals.

At the end there are rules, as well as a block with contact information.


This online clothing and shoe store has a delivery page that is designed simply and clearly. To receive information, you must enter the name of the city and select the delivery method: courier or pickup. Information on the conditions will be in the table.

Below is the FAQ block. Please note, in order not to overload the page, the answer appears only after clicking on the question.


The delivery page of this perfume and cosmetics store is an example of how wide functionality can be placed in a relatively small space.

The first block is advantages.

After the calculator there is an interactive table with detailed conditions. Five delivery directions have been identified. For each of them, the delivery method, cost, time and interval are indicated. In addition, there are links to useful resources for each delivery option: parcel tracking, selection of parcel machines, video instructions, etc.


Delivery page in minimalist style. There is little information, but everything is implemented very conveniently. Just select the delivery method (courier or pickup) and enter the city. After this, the cost and delivery conditions appear.


An example of how, with the help of competent layout and accents, it was possible to create a concise and understandable delivery page that is pleasant to study.

The intervals for delivery of products by courier are described separately.

Since the store sells food products, transportation conditions are indicated on the delivery page.

Common mistakes when designing a delivery page

"Sheet" text

Traditionally, online store owners pay more attention home page, catalog content, images and descriptions. And the attitude towards service pages is at the level of “it will do.”

This is the wrong approach. The information on the delivery page influences your purchasing decision. And it needs to be presented correctly. Description of delivery conditions small print without formatting elements is not a good idea.

Make visible subheadings, use a font of at least 12-14 pt, use indents between paragraphs, use bold, add graphics to the text, etc.


There are overly formalized delivery conditions with an abundance of bureaucratic language that not everyone will read:

Write simply and clearly, indicate only the most important points in the conditions. If you feel like you can’t do without a detailed description, make it expandable after clicking on the “Full delivery rules” link.

Adding “selling” or SEO text

Each page of an online store serves its own purpose. Landing pages attract leads - selling advertising texts are appropriate here. Directory pages drive traffic from search. Here you need useful texts about products, optimized for key phrases. But for service pages, which include the delivery page, neither one nor the other is suitable.

This is purely informational text. Don't try to sell with it or write in key phrases. A person comes here when he is close to buying - you shouldn’t scare him off with strange texts like:

Hiding information

The “Delivery” page is not created for show. It's not enough to write “buy the product and we will deliver it”:

Add at least a minimum of information: how you will deliver, when, how much it will cost. Even if you have one delivery method (and that one is free), still write down everything point by point.

Extra information

This is the opposite situation. Write to the point. Don’t get carried away and describe, for example, courier delivery services and their success stories:

Lack of interactivity

If there is a lot of information, working with it becomes inconvenient. For example, on the delivery page of one of the large stores, several hundred pickup points with addresses are listed. The usability of such a list is zero:

If this table were interactive, for example, with a drop-down list of cities when you click on the letters of the alphabet, it would take up much less space and would be convenient to use.

"Page not found"

It happens. For various reasons, the delivery page, like any page on the site, may be unavailable. Therefore, periodically monitor server response codes for important site URLs, and if you see a code other than 200 OK, figure out what the reason is.

What is important to remember

  • Place delivery information on a separate page.
  • On the delivery page, be sure to indicate delivery directions, methods, timing and cost.
  • Improve the page with a calculator, map, FAQ and other useful elements.
  • Make the delivery page convenient, understandable and beautiful with the help of proper layout, interactive elements, icons and tables.

If you do not have enough time or experience to design a delivery page yourself, add the site to the PromoPult system and run site optimization in the SEO module. PromoPult specialists will do everything for you. In addition to designing the delivery page, dozens more works will be carried out on the site to improve its usability and the level of optimization for the requirements of search engines.

Answers to the most popular questions about Sendit's work.

1. What information is needed to place an order?

In order for us to accept your order, you must provide the following information:

  • sender's details: city, your first and last name, address (street, building, house), postcode, telephone number for contact
  • recipient details: city, first and last name, address (street, building, house), postal code, contact telephone number
  • delivery parameters: desired pick-up time (an interval of at least three hours), cargo pick-up date (day/month/year), your Email for contact, notes and Additional Information(if there is)
  • cargo contents: indicate what you want to send

We have written a special article about what documents are needed to process an international shipment.

2. Why do you need my email and phone number?

We need your contact information so that we can:

  • send you an order form with delivery parameters after completing the order
  • send you a delivery confirmation
  • contact you if you have any questions about your order

3. Can I change/cancel an order after it has been placed?

Before making payment You are free to cancel your order or change its details, such as the shipping location.

After payment, if there is time left before the courier arrives at the sender at least three working days, you are also free to cancel your order or change its details.

After payment, if there are less than three working days left before the courier arrives at the sender, the courier company may require an additional fee for canceling or changing the order. Contact us, we will try to negotiate with courier service about free cancellation, but we cannot guarantee this.

To change or cancel an order, write to us via

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