
Behavioral optimization from Rookee. Behavioral Optimization: Important Issues

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Let me give you an example, let’s say your Internet project is in first place in the search results for the query “sauerkraut recipe”; 2,955 people come to you for this query per month (according to Yandex statistics), and if 2,000 people come to you immediately return to the search (that is, they stayed for less than 15 seconds), then a certain conclusion can be drawn from this.

Conclusion: the majority of users did not find the necessary information from you and your page does not correspond 100% to the request, as a result of which the search engine algorithms, based on the user behavior statistics they collected, will draw a conclusion and lower your blog in the search results, precisely for this request.

Also search engines they collect statistics of behavioral factors in the search results itself, imagine Yandex search results for any request, not all visitors will click on the web resource that is in first place, but will go to the Internet site whose description managed to attract and interest them.

So, if the majority of people in the search results click on the second site, then in a similar way, the search engine algorithms will conclude that the second resource is raised in the search results, and, accordingly, the first one is lowered, but of course the PF on the resource itself will also be taken.

So, search engines evaluate the behavior of visitors both on your Internet site and in their search results, and they keep statistics on this matter.

Statistics are collected on specific requests and they accumulate every day, and over time the PS will draw a conclusion about the quality of the entire web site, and whether people need this site at all!!!

How search engines collect statistics on behavioral factors.

Why do search engines collect statistics of behavioral factors I think you understand, but how do they collect it from each web site?

Well, collecting statistics on behavioral factors in the search results itself is not difficult, but statistics on user behavior on webmasters’ resources is more difficult.

The first and most common method is the offer of the search engines themselves to install a counter on your website to collect user behavior statistics; webmasters themselves can use this statistics.

It’s very convenient to find out how many people came to your blog, where they came from, how much time they spent, how many internal transitions they made, what queries they came from search engines for, and so on, so many webmasters use this offer, and search engines, in turn, use this by collecting statistics on visitor behavior.

At the search engine Google systems there is a Google Analytics counter, and the Yandex search engine offers a Yandex Metrica counter, I talked about how to properly install this analytics tool in the article:, and in the article -, I talked about the important terms that you should know, follow the link there detailed video!

By the way, Yandex Metrica provides statistics on button clicks social networks, the script for these buttons is also provided by Yandex, in the article: , I described in detail how to install them.

Also, user behavior statistics are collected directly from your browsers; many network users have a Yandex bar installed, which sends necessary information search engine Yandex.

There is also an opinion that Yandex uses the statistics of the most popular counter in the RuNet, Liveinternet, I think there is no need to talk about this super-counter, everyone knows about it.

This is how it all happens!

Influence of behavioral factors.

When a user accesses a search, they want a result that is very similar to being selected by a human rather than a robot.

Therefore, search engine algorithms try to imitate humans, and to do this they take a number of measures.

Let's say Yandex uses two technologies to imitate a person, o collecting statistics on behavioral factors I have already said, and in addition to this, there are specialist assessors.

That is, Yandex employs specially trained people who manually evaluate search results pages based on a number of criteria and overall impression.

And so, if any webmaster can manage behavioral factors, then specialists cannot be managed; if they recognize your project as not meeting a specific request, then you will not be able to rise in the search results.

Behavioral factors - types.

At the beginning of the article, I already mentioned some types of user behavior, but now I’ll break it down.

Behavioral factors - types

1. Website clickability in search results.

2. Total site traffic.

Search engines also take into account very important behavioral factor, as the number of visits from different web sites, if you are engaged, then you should have enough transitions from Facebook, Twitter, contact and so on.

And if a lot of users come to you with various internet sites, then the search engine algorithms will give you another plus.

3. Bounce rate.

This is one of the most important behavioral factors that all search engines take into account.

A refusal is when a user viewed only one page of your resource and left it, that is, he considered that he was not interested in anything else here, I talked about this in detail in the article - by clicking on the link you will learn how to reduce refusals significantly.

Currently, Yandex has reconsidered its attitude to this behavioral factor and considers a refusal to be a visitor to spend less than 15 seconds on your blog, and if he stayed longer than this time, it will not be a refusal.

4. Time the visitor spends on the site.

Also a very important behavioral factor is the time spent on your resource; the more time people spend on your project, the better search engines will treat it, considering that there is a lot of useful information.

Therefore, all webmasters need to, by hook or by crook, manage to keep your guests as long as possible!

5. Number of pages viewed by visitors.

Everything is clear here, the more users walk around your project, that is, they make internal transitions, which means your project is interesting to users.

Usually, various metrics contain information about what percentage of visitors viewed only one page, or two, three, and so on; you need to strive for the visitor to view as much information as possible.

6. Returns to the site.

Search engines take into account new and old visitors, that is, if old readers often return to your project, this will be very good, another plus is provided for you.

Refunds can be arranged by subscribing to new comments on the article and general RSS feeds.

So, from all of the above we can conclude: every webmaster needs to strive to keep users on their Internet site for as long as possible, and force them to make a lot of internal transitions, they need to attract people from other resources and also recruit their regular readers who will be there when they leave new publication will come back to you.

Optimization of behavioral factors, or we keep the visitor on our website.

To begin with, I will say that there are special services, thanks to which you can make very good progress in search engine results! What are they doing, they are just increasing the PF, these are the services:

Be sure to watch the webinar, it shows cases of successful promotion through PF:

Optimizing behavioral factors is very difficult, the webmaster can only try to improve the navigation and offer something interesting.

First, the page the user came to must contain the answer to his question, otherwise he will immediately leave.

Therefore, you need to write and optimize articles for a specific request, that is. This is done firstly in order to rise in the search results for the desired query (which many people are looking for), and so that the page meets the person’s expectations (if you do everything correctly, you will see how your performance improves).

In addition to correctly writing an article for a specific request, it is necessary to correctly format the publication to improve it, so to speak, for ease of reading, follow the link and you will learn how to do this correctly.

Very good way to improve the statistics of behavioral factors is to create a display of articles on similar topics, and create, that is, intelligently offer visitors to read something else.

Internal linking is simply the main point in promoting an Internet resource, and of course in improving the statistics of behavioral factors, if done correctly, you can increase significantly both the number of pages viewed and the time spent on the site, using the link I provided above. I told you how I do linking.

You definitely need to create a site map, it will make it easier for the user to navigate your project, and will certainly improve the behavioral factor, we read about creating a site map on WordPress - and.

You can place something on your project interesting video, preferably thematic, to keep a person longer on the page.

And of course, you definitely need to take care of returning users to your Internet project; for this you need to organize your own news channel, that is, RSS.

On WordPress engine this has already been implemented, but not so much on Joomla, how to properly configure RSS on Joomla, read the article:.

But RSS alone is not enough, you need to create a subscription to mailboxes, for this we launch rss through Feedburner.

And of course, set a counter for the number of your subscribers, this will give authority to your project if the number of subscribers exceeds 1000.

It’s just that many users pay attention to the number of subscribers, and if there are a lot of them, then they also think that this resource has a lot of interesting things and automatically subscribe.

I described this whole procedure about the counter and the soap subscription form in the article:

Well I think that's enough talking for today about behavioral factors, we will return to them in other articles.

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    Whatever one may say, behavioral factors are + quality content, these are the two MOST important factors when promoting websites (blogs). And if earlier behavioral ones could be easily and cheaply increased, thereby rising in search engines, now it works exactly the opposite. Search engines have learned to identify natural PFs from artificial ones. And if you still decide to use behavioral ones, then approximately 90% of the time you will receive a filter from search engines. Therefore, you need to write high-quality, unique and useful content; work with the audience (visitors) and promote on social networks.


    Serik, don’t talk nonsense, look at the Yandex metrics web viewer! This is how it monitors, if I see that a visitor was on the page for 3 seconds and left, then the search engine even collects statistics! You are simply not in the subject at all :) Even if the site does not have metrics installed, then everyone has Yandex or Google extensions installed in their browsers, and they transmit the information! but everyone has both metrics and Liv Internet...


    to be honest about the refusals, you wrote nonsense, how can a search engine track how long you were on the site, so you went from a search to any site and spent 3 seconds and went to another resource altogether, it can calculate if the user came from a search and spent 3 seconds on the site and went back to Google search, or if you use Google Chrome, then maybe they are watching, there’s no other way!


    Pavel, thanks for the addition!


    The article is good, with its pros and cons. Let me make my contribution. The main thing that is missing is the conclusion that these factors have a certain “totality” on the basis of which the game of site ranking in the PS takes place. Clickability itself is worth nothing; it’s not for me to tell you that a beautiful title will be of no use if it is hidden behind a sad rewrite. The most important thing in behavioral factors is behavior on the site. Because initially, when the site first appears in the search results, it is the first randomly visiting visitors who form the site’s PF, i.e. The main factors are the time spent on the site and the depth of browsing. Also transitions to the site from bookmarks and direct visits. You can look at this here Click-through rates and links are all cool, but the most important thing is the actions on the site. Although there is a downside - for example, taxi sites. People come to them purely to find out the phone number, and so on with ten to twenty sites... And at the same time, they are also ranked, i.e. as I already said, behavioral factors work together..=)


    Hello, Sergey! Thank you for reading my blog, and for DY :) Always glad to have regular readers! 1) Internal transitions are recorded if the user’s activity on the site is interrupted for more than half an hour, but the user does not close the browser window. After activity resumes, a new user “visit” is created, for which this type will be specified as the source. that is, that “Open in a new window”, that just clicking on a link is the same thing. 2) I often see this picture in Webvisor Metrics! This is certainly very good for the PF site, the Dogs see and appreciate everything. They see that the user has been on one page for a long time, his behavior shows that he reads carefully, then goes to another open tab and reads there for a long time, and so on. Even if the visitor, after reading the article, just briefly looked through these open pages, it's much better when he just read the article and left. 3) In this option, the site on which the user spends more time wins (not just open tab, and the behavior should be exactly that of the person reading - moving the mouse over the text, highlighting part of the text, etc.) and also if you followed links! and if this situation repeats, then the site that constantly wins will rise (of course, it all depends on the request), if LF then it will rise once or twice, but if MF-VK or HF, then other factors are also needed to rise in the results . This is my opinion, which I have verified. Until recently, there was such a program from the megaindex that was installed on the computers of users who exchanged visits to automatic mode for cheating PF, so I managed to try it out! She acted in much the same way, only she quickly closed competitors’ sites, and on the promoted site she made the appearance of reading and a couple of internal transitions. So, low-frequency queries went up once or twice, and competitors went down.


    Hello, Maxim! For some reason I started reading your blog, along with Shakin, Sosnovsky and Ditrius (Who is new). Okay, you write simply and clearly. I know how to thank you - DY :) Tch... Don’t worry, everything is okay and natural, to the minimum :) Maxim, the question of PF has been haunting me for a long time. 1) If the user followed an internal link on a site page to another page of the same site, not as before, classically, but by selecting “Open in a new window” or “Open in a new tab” with the mouse when hovering over the link. What will the Search Engine think about this? Does he consider this the same as a regular transition (just click on a link)? Or does he not count it as an internal transition? 2) And one more thing. From the same opera. Let's say a user is interested in several similar articles, a list of which is displayed at the end of the article. And he took and opened the similar articles he liked from that page, but all in new tabs (well, or windows) of his browser. And then it simply reads them all sequentially, opening already loaded tabs. How will this look in the eyes of the PS, in relation to the PF? Or, the user entered a query into a search engine, received results, and opened, say, 5-7 results (links) in new tabs (windows), and then did everything as described above. What do search engines think about this? Will they consider that the user followed only one link (the one he opened first)? Or how? What is your opinion? And, if so, how can you confirm it? Or is this a guess? What opinions (assumptions) will other visitors to this site have?


    Hello Maxim. It seemed like I had already read a lot about SEO (from the same Shakin), but I’m constantly learning something new from you. A refusal is when a visitor viewed only one page of your site and left it, that is, he felt that he was no longer interested in anything here. I didn’t know about this, how important it is. Well, I knew that it was necessary to retain the visitor for as long as possible, but if the user visited one page and never went anywhere else, this is considered bad by search engines. I'll be waiting for an article on the topic of refusals - but in what future will it be published? In the distant or near (future). And your writing is interesting, it’s very easy and understandable to read. I also wanted to ask - why don’t you give descriptions of the videos? It seems to me that it would be nice to describe it in a nutshell.

Behavioral factors are all user actions on the site:

  • visits to the site;
  • time spent on the site;
  • clicks on links on the site;
  • repeated returns to the site;
  • viewing depth (number of transitions within the site);
  • bounce rate (users leaving the site after viewing one page);
  • page clickability in search results (number of transitions from search engines).

These factors are taken into account by search engines when ranking. Simply put, how active a site’s users are will determine its position in search results to a certain extent. The idea of ​​using behavioral factors in ranking is as simple as possible: provide users with content (articles, videos, music files, pictures, etc.) that has passed a kind of test to ensure it meets expectations. The introduction of behavioral factors into ranking results has improved the quality of web resources, their overall usefulness and competitiveness.

Learn more about behavioral factors and their optimization

  1. Site CTR (click-through rate in search results).
    The more clicks from search engines, the more profitable the site looks in the eyes of the latter. It happens that a site ranked eighth in search results has a higher CRT than the one in first place. It is more useful for users, which means that the search engine can promote it higher in the search results, despite the fact that competitors have more link mass.
    How to optimize?
    Here you need to work with the snippet ( short description site), title (Title meta tag) and URL. The correct title is as informative as possible, contains keywords and attracts attention. To create a high-quality snippet, it is recommended to use . With it, the page description will be as informative as possible for users, which will attract their attention, and therefore increase CRT. As for the URL, it should be as clear as possible to the user (CNC). There shouldn’t be any addresses like>33/stranica_1.html!
  2. Attendance.
    This is the full volume of resource visitors from all sources (forums, social networks, blogs, bookmarks, thematic sites, as well as direct visits). Here search engines take into account how many people visited the site, and from how many sources.
    How to optimize?
    Everything is simple here: the more channels for attracting users to the site, the better. Therefore, if there is minimal traffic coming from any direction, then this is a signal to start active actions in this direction. Optimizing traffic is the first step to moving users from the “visitors” category to the “buyers” category.
  3. User behavior.
    • Refusals. These are visitors who left the site after viewing one page. The higher this indicator, the worse.
    • Time on site. The time period during which the visitor was on the site pages.
    • View depth. Here, too, everything is quite simple: the more pages the user visited, the more interested he was in the site.
    How to optimize?
    In order to minimize failures and increase the time spent on the site/the number of pages viewed, you should saturate the resource with interesting content and services. If there are no clicks on the links on the pages, this is a “wake-up call”. Search engines may consider such links unnecessary, which can lead to a lower ranking of the site. Will help solve the problem internal linking(oh we). Links should be placed in the body of the content (in the text), in blocks “ similar posts" Links should be as clear as possible for users. If visitors follow the links, the bounce rate will decrease significantly, and the time spent on the site will increase, as will the number of pages viewed. Links to other resources are also necessary: ​​however, if there are no clicks on them, the search engine may consider them “sales”.
    In addition, you should pay attention to the speed of the hosting (page loading time depends on this) and the usability of the site. And finally, you simply need to post only high-quality and unique content that will be useful to users.
  4. Core audience.
    This is a special category of users who visit the site regularly. The frequency of visits can be completely different: once a day or once a week. Such users most often come to the site from bookmarks.
    How to optimize?
    Here you should pay special attention to the usability of the site, as well as high-quality and relevant content. Its popularity among users depends on how convenient and understandable a resource is. Agree, even high-quality content will not save a site if it is simply inconvenient to use. Well, high-quality content (text and multimedia) is generally the most important “whale” on which the interest of regular or intending to become regular users rests. You can read about how to properly write articles for people here. At the same time, do not forget about keywords, which should be implemented into the text as harmoniously as possible.

Dishonest Methods for Improving Behavioral Factors

Some optimizers prefer not to bother and use special services. Thus, the site has gained some popularity. Here, webmasters can, for a certain fee, hire users who will spend enough time on the pages of the desired resource, will go to it using links from other sites and from search engines, and will also be active (view not one, but many pages) .

Is it worth using this method of improving behavioral factors to increase rankings in search results? Well, actually, no one forbids it. But this is just a method of black optimization, which the RIGHT optimizer will disdain to use.

Methods for taking into account behavioral factors

So how do you track behavioral factors? How to understand which aspects of the site’s operation and promotion need to be improved? It's very simple: you need to use one of the statistics tools. Let's look at the most popular one - Yandex.Metrica.

Yandex.Metrica tools:


When working on website promotion, do not forget about behavioral factors. After all, the whole point is to make sites meaningful, convenient and useful for users. And the simplest method of solving this problem is observing and analyzing user actions on the site.

In the last post I wrote about various social factors when promoting a website, and today I want to talk about a similar area - behavioral ones. Both those and other factors are among the most relevant now. This is due to the shift in the emphasis of search engines towards natural promotion. In addition, this is not the first post about, and I have already considered several systems for improving/cheating the PF. However, the automatic promotion service offers a slightly different concept of working with PF, which has nothing to do with cheating!

OPF technology fromRookee is to attract visitors to the site with the best PF indicators through low-frequency queries (from search or RTB). Here you can include various keywords with little competition, close to the TOP-10, as well as those that have PF values ​​above the average for your project. In fact, Rookee carries out additional automatic promotion of the most effective queries that will ensure an increase in behavioral factors. That is why the OPF technology from Rookee does not in any way contradict the rules of search engines.

OPF operation algorithm:

  • You activate the Behavioral Factors Optimization service.
  • In the process of analyzing the site and its visitors, a set of hundreds of low frequency queries is formed.

  • Rookee buys links from similar thematic sites. At the same time, in essence, the visibility of the site in the PS increases due to the dilution of the anchor list.
  • Every 2 weeks, the system optimizes the list of queries: keywords without transitions are removed, new more effective ones are added, and the promotion strategy of some of them is changed.

Considering that we are talking about hundreds of requests, then such an analysis would take you several days. And all this for the sake of low frequency keywords, would you bother with this? I think no. Here in Rookee everything is done automatically, and you can pay attention to the high and midrange keys. After connecting to the Behavioral Factors Optimization service, you do not need to configure anything additional.

When connecting OPF you can count on:

In general, not only do behavioral factors improve (naturally!), but you also get an increase in rankings in search results with a parallel increase in traffic and attracting visitors who are really interested in the site.

The behavioral optimization service was launched relatively recently, but you can already see the first results of its work. There are two articles on the Rookee blog that address this issue. The first summed up the results of the month of work of the OPF. Here is an example of a site: topic: dentistry, Moscow region, 4 years, 250 pages each in the PS index.

Globally, the results are as follows.

  • For most sites, conversions from search increased by 20% (both from Yandex and Google).
  • Average viewing time on the site increased by 15%.
  • The bounce rate has not changed.

The second article contains much more information for analysis. More than 300 sites connected to the OPF were studied (200 of them worked for 2 months). Here's what happened:

As you can see, all the main parameters of behavioral factors (view depth, time on the site, repeat visits) have increased. At the same time, the bounce rate column shows the number (%) of sites for which this value has decreased - that is, only 58% of projects (slightly more than half) received a decrease. It’s not for nothing that this is the most difficult indicator.

If we talk about traffic, then for sites with less than 100 unique entries per day, it increased quite seriously - 65% and 87% for the first and second months, respectively. For sites with more than 100 hosts per day, the increase is 15 and 19%. According to Rookee developers, this is quite normal growth after the start of promotion, which will look as natural as possible in the eyes of search engines.

Rank growth for the sites studied also improved.

Updating behavioral factors for a particular site can take from 2 to 4 months, so it will be interesting to see the results after some time. Overall it is very unusual. This is a truly non-trivial approach in the form of cheating, which many people use. The advantages in this case are obvious: dilution of the seed core and improved visibility in search engines, an increase in transitions from search, and a direct improvement in the behavioral factors themselves.

Optimization of behavioral factors (PF) from one of the leading automated promotion services - this is reality.

The solution of Rookee specialists is not a trivial increase in PF software, not attracting students and high school students who provide transitions to your site for a small fee.

This modern technology to attract targeted visitors to the site who are interested in receiving information specifically on your site. They will come to review the information and purchase goods and services offered on your resource.

As a pleasant side effect, behavioral factors will also noticeably improve and this will not go unnoticed by Yandex and Google.

It should be especially noted that actions to optimize behavioral factors from the service do not violate any rules and regulations of search engines. There is no reason to worry that as a result of such promotion, your site may be suspected of manipulating the results and be subject to sanctions by search engines.

How Behavioral Factors Affect Website Positions

Good indicators of behavioral factors are one of the main points on which you have to spend time and money for the successful development and promotion of any website.

All these efforts take a lot of time and require serious knowledge and skills.

To speed up this process and obtain quick and high-quality results, ROOKEE service specialists have developed a service that allows you to automate an important and labor-intensive process - OPF or Behavioral Factors Optimization.

The technology for implementing OPF (Optimization of Behavioral Factors) is to attract users to the promoted site who are interested in the information on your site.

For this ROOKEE service identifies pages on your site that have good traffic and good Behavioral Factors. Also, these pages should be in the TOP10 or close to them. Thus, the system determines a block of requests for promotion and the pages corresponding to them.

This completes the first stage of work.

Then the Rookee OPF system begins to promote these pages in search engines. This happens by purchasing high-quality topical links from reliable trust sites.

After two weeks of operation, the system analyzes the results obtained. Some requests are removed from the promotion block as unpromising; for others, the promotion method is replaced, and new pages and requests are additionally connected.

First results

In the first month of operation, more than two hundred customers ordered the service for optimizing behavioral factors in the ROOKEE service, sites participating in a variety of topics.

More than one hundred thousand requests were selected for all promoted sites.
During the month of operation, the average increase in traffic for promoted queries increased by 20%, and both Yandex and Google responded positively.

It should be taken into account that optimization of behavioral factors does not produce results immediately, but after certain time. This process is not easy and requires an integrated approach, so the effect is delayed.

Promotion results after 2 months

Two months after the start of the provision of the OPF (behavioral factor optimization) service, more than 300 sites were connected to the service, of which more than two hundred were promoted for two months. More than half of them improved their scores on behavioral factors.

  • 80% of sites increased traffic
  • 68% increased their Browsing Depth
  • 60% increased the time visitors spent on the site
  • 58% increased “Return visit time”
  • 50% reduced bounce rate

The improvement of these indicators led to an increase in positions in search results. As a result, the number of targeted visitors increased and conversion increased significantly.

The natural growth of traffic with high rates of behavioral factors does not cause a negative reaction from search engines, even for those sites that had very low traffic.

Specialists of the service noticed that projects promoted using the OPF system (optimization of behavioral factors) show higher rates of growth in positions in search engines than other sites.

Two main conclusions can be drawn from this conclusion.

  1. Search engines do place a lot of importance on Behavioral Factors, and improving these metrics is a must.
  2. Connect your projects to promotion in the automated promotion system using the “Optimization of Behavioral Factors” system.

I wish you successful promotion, high positions, good behavioral factors and high conversion.

Not long ago, a new service appeared on the market called optimization of behavioral factors, which contributes to the growth of positions. But before we consider it, let's figure out how some experts resort to cheating behavioral factors:

  • the resource is added to the service that promotes PF;
  • Next, select the cheating method: manual or automatic;
  • automatic – allows you to bring robots from search engines that perform specified automated processes.

In many cases, the site receives sanctions for cheating PF, which are very difficult to remove, and sometimes even impossible. Search engines easily figure out such cheating, since robots are “scorched” by IP addresses, identical browsers, screen resolutions and other similar characteristics and actions. Realizing this, some optimizers resort to special promotion of competitors in order to lower their positions. However, if you have never increased the PF, and all this is the work of your competitors, then over time the site will regain its position.

As for manual promotion, all actions are performed by real people. They receive tasks, for example, to go to the site for a specific search query, which is in position 20, and spend 3-4 minutes on it, making transitions to several internal positions. Many people think that the manual method cannot be detected by search engines. But in fact, it is enough to enter dubious IPs into the database that are actively visiting sites of various topics, and the scheme will be calculated. Most often, a user visits the same sites over the course of a month, and, of course, such activity will arouse suspicion from search engines. Against the backdrop of a boom in behavioral factors, Yandex will also soon learn to calculate such manual cheating.

What do the creators of website promotion services offer website owners by optimizing behavioral factors?

The essence of this method is as follows:

  • Users who like it come to your site. It sounds funny, of course. How can someone who has never been to your site know that they like it? In fact, it's easy to determine. A huge number of low-frequency requests are prepared, and periods are carried out on them.
  • People who are interested in these queries will definitely find something that interests them on your website (if, of course, you write high-quality texts). Statistics services analyze those who came using these low-frequency keywords and see which of them gave the maximum effect.
  • Based on the data received, the service determines which indicators are optimal for your resource. Surely you know that spending too long on a resource, a large number of views are not always good indicators of PF. A user who enters the query “what is the date today” will not stay on your resource for 7 minutes and actively move between pages, reading articles of 3-5 thousand characters. It is enough for him to see information that provides an answer to his question. After he recognized her, most likely the site will be closed. In this regard, minimal time spent and a quick answer to a question tend to have a positive effect.
  • The service allows you to analyze the benefits of your low frequency queries and adjusts their list every month. So, only the most profitable ones for your resource remain. As a result, the site naturally increases its position.

Behavioral optimization: important questions:

  • Will they get banned for this? You will not be able to get a filter for such traffic, since there is no artificiality here. Your resource is rated by real people, and you don’t pay for them to go to it and click on it. As a result, there is a natural growth of positions.
  • Why transitions based on low-frequency queries? Because it cheap traffic. No high price, no competition. And the indicators of behavioral factors for low frequency queries are quite stable.
  • How long does it take to wait for results? As practice shows, everything starts after the first month. The most serious effect can be seen after 5-6 months. It may take longer than cheating, but you don’t risk your positions.
  • Is this method of boosting a site suitable? Today, behavioral factors are taken into account almost in the same way as off-page optimization. This method is equally suitable for both “young” sites and those that were created a long time ago.

PF optimization is effective in promotion provided that the following requirements for the site are met:

  • there must be at least 50 pages in the Google and Yandex index;
  • The website must have a Yandex counter. Metrica” so that the search robot notices the visitors referred to;
  • provide access to Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics so that the Rookee service can track and analyze the behavior of visitors on the site.

Attention! The Rookee service, against the backdrop of “link cancellation”, is also developing and offering a new service. This is an innovation from an exchange that used to sell temporary links. In addition, it offers audits and SEO-optimized texts. Unlike other services, they offer not just promotion, but give preference to natural promotion.

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