
The container plugin loads the processor. Hello! The message "Plugin Container for Firefox" has stopped working in Mozilla constantly appears. This browser field crashes. What can be done? What is Plugin

Mozilla Firefox is considered the most stable browser, but this does not mean that things can’t happen to it various problems. So, for example, today we will talk about the problematic process plugin-container.exe, which at the most inopportune moment can crash, stopping further work Mozilla Firefox.

Plugin Container for Firefox is a special tool in the Mozilla Firefox browser, which allows you to continue using the web browser even if the work of any plugin installed in Firefox has been terminated ( Flash Player, Java, etc.).

The problem is that this method requires a significant amount of work from the computer. more resources, and if the system cannot cope, plugin-container.exe starts to crash.

Thus, to fix the problem, you need to reduce the consumption of CPU resources by the Mozilla Firefox browser and random access memory. This was previously discussed in more detail in one of our articles.

A more radical way to fix the problem is to disable plugin-container.exe. It should be understood that by disabling this tool, if the plugins crash, Mozilla Firefox will also shut down, so this method should be addressed as a last resort.

How to deactivate plugin-container.exe?

We need to get into the menu hidden settings Firefox. To do this, in Mozilla Firefox, using the address bar, follow the following link:


A warning window will appear on the screen in which you will need to click on the button "I promise I'll be careful!" .

A window with a large list of parameters will appear on the screen. To make it easier to find the desired parameter, press the key combination Ctrl+F , calling search bar. IN this line enter the name of the parameter we are looking for:


If the desired parameter is found, you will need to change its value from “True” to “False”. To do this, simply double-click on the parameter, after which the value will be changed.

The problem is that this way disables plugin-container.exe in latest versions Mozilla Firefox will not work, because... Simply, the required parameter will be missing.

In this case, in order to disable plugin-container.exe, you will need to set the system variable MOZ_DISABLE_OOP_PLUGINS .

To do this, open the menu "Control Panel" , set viewing mode « Small icons» and go to section "System" .

In the left area of ​​the window that opens, select the section « Extra options systems" .

In the window that opens, go to the tab "Additionally" and click on the button "Environment Variables" .

In the system variables block, click the button "Create" .

In field "Variable name" write the following name:


In field "Variable value" set the number 1 , and then save the changes.

You will need to restart your computer to complete the new settings.

That's all for today, we hope you were able to fix the problem in Mozilla Firefox.

A huge number of processes are running simultaneously in the system. Some of them are system-based, others are user-specific. The difference between them is the software they run. The article will talk about a process from the second category - the plugin-container.exe plugin. What is it, what is it for and whether it can be disabled - you will learn this and much more from the article.

What is a plugin?

But before we start looking at the plugin-container.exe plugin itself, it’s worth giving the very definition of this term. We will also make a remark by saying that we are talking about browser plugins. So, this process belongs directly to the Firefox web browser.

A plugin is separate from the main application software, which is modular. Its main task is to display website page elements that the browser itself cannot work with (audio, video, presentations, etc.).

Now that we have dealt with the main definition, we can proceed directly to the description of the process itself.

Plugin-container.exe - what is it?

As we already said, plugin-container.exe is a plugin for the Firefox browser. It is required to run other plugins separately from the browser. This allows you to continue Firefox work even if the extension throws an error.

However, this approach also has disadvantages. One of which is the large expenditure of computer power to ensure the operation of this system. If the PC has powerful hardware, then there will be no freezes when opening the web browser, but on a weak computer this is very noticeable, even to the point of a complete freeze in the event of a critical overload of the central processor.

In such cases, it would be wise to disable the process. We will tell you how to do this later in the text.

How to disable plugin-container.exe

We found out that you can reduce the load on the processor by disabling the process, but you should be aware that after this you will not be able to use plugins in the browser until the service is started again. However, let's move on to how to disable the process if plugin-container.exe is loading the system.

  1. Launch the Firefox web browser.
  2. Click on the address bar and enter the following text into it: " about:config " (without quotes).
  3. Press the Enter key to go to the browser settings menu.
  4. A warning message appears. To make it disappear and you can continue setting up, you need to click "I promise I'll be careful!"
  5. On the page, find the field called "Filter" and enter the following text into it: "dom.ipc.plugins.enabled" (without quotes).
  6. Only those processes that are associated with plugin-container.exe will remain in the list.
  7. Change their values ​​from TRUE to FALSE. To do this, just double-click the left mouse button on the process line.

After this, the process will not be involved in the browser, and accordingly, the load on the processor will be significantly reduced.

Create a special variable

We know that plugin-container.exe is a process that can be disabled on your computer to improve its performance, even moreover, instructions on how to do this have been given above. But unfortunately, if you use Windows Vista or more old version Firefox browser, this method may not work. But there is a second method - you need to create a special system variable:

  1. Open Control Panel. There are a huge number of ways to do this, but the easiest way is to search the system with this name and select the item of the same name in the results.
  2. In the window that appears, find the “System” item and click on it.
  3. In the new window that appears, in the sidebar, click the "Advanced options" link.
  4. In the "System Properties" window, go to the "Advanced" tab, where click on the "Environment Settings" button.
  5. In the System Variables area, click New.
  6. A small window will appear with two input fields. In the first one enter the value "MOZ_DISABLE_OOP_PLUGINS" (without quotes), and in the second - "1" (without quotes).
  7. Click OK.

You can close all windows. The process will be disabled after the computer is restarted.

How to disable Protected Mode

We found out what needs to be done if plugin-container.exe loads the processor, but if you disable this process, then all plugins will stop working, in particular Flash Player, and it is necessary, at a minimum, to watch videos on websites . Now we will tell you what needs to be done so that it continues to work, even after plugin-container.exe is disabled.

  1. If you are using 32-bit operating system, open system disk, go to the "Windows" folder, then to "System32", then to "macromed" and finally to "Flash".
  2. If you are using 64-bit Windows, then instead of the "System32" folder you need to enter the "SysWOW64" folder, the rest of the path remains the same.
  3. Open the file "mms.cfg". If you don’t find it in the folder, then create a new one Text Document with this extension.
  4. Enter the line "ProtectedMode=0" (without quotes) into the file.
  5. Save the document.

After this, the Flash Player plugin will start even with the process disabled.


As a result, we figured out that plugin-container.exe is a Firefox browser plugin process that allows you to run other plugins separately from the browser. It is also important that if there is a heavy load on the central processor, it can be turned off. However, it is worth considering that after this it will be impossible to use browser extensions. We hope the article was useful to you and you found answers to your questions.

The developers have completely stopped supporting NPAPI-based plugins. Player only Adobe Flash still in work as it is needed to play media content.

What is Plugin

The plugin is additional utility, which reproduces audio and video materials, is indispensable for on-line games and presentations that are inaccessible to the Internet browser Firefox, since their creation is based on special patented formats. These utilities operate as additional processes. In cases where the plugin crashes, the main process search engine Firefox will not be affected and the user will not lose any important data.


Sometimes users personal computers people are interested in Plugin container for Firefox, what it is and what to do if errors occur. The point is that when running a task in Firefox browser, your plugin is launched. A new process “plugin-container.exe” is created. The number of similar processes is equal to the number of running utilities with the launch of the Internet browser. If one of the plugins crashes, this will not affect the work of the search engine itself. As a rule, restarting the problematic utility solves the problem.

Plugins are loaded separately from Firefox, allowing the main Firefox process to stay open if a plugin crashes. This article explains what plugin-container is for.

Table of Contents

What is a plugin?

A plugin is a piece of software that displays Internet content that Firefox is not designed to display. These usually include video, audio, online games and presentations that are made in proprietary formats. Plugins are created and distributed by the companies that make those proprietary formats. Some common plugins are Adobe Flash, Java and Silverlight. For more information on plugins, see Use plugins to play audio, video, games and more.

What is plugin-container.exe ?

Each plugin is loaded separately from Firefox in a plugin-container .exe process, allowing the main Firefox process ( firefox.exe) to stay open if a plugin crashes. There are as many plugin-containers .exe processes as plugins launched since the Firefox session startup. For more information on plugin crashes, see Send plugin crash reports to help Mozilla improve Firefox.

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You don’t need to be a specialist who is well versed in computers to know what a plugin is or at least hear about such a concept. If for you it’s just a word whose meaning you don’t know, I’ll tell you a little more. In a nutshell, a plugin is a part of a program that displays page content that the browser is unable to display. An example that is known to absolutely everyone is .

Downloading plugins is somehow connected with the plugin container process. I propose to talk about what it is and why it is needed in this material.

What is plugin container

Starting with version 3.6.4, the Firefox browser has the ability to download and upload absolutely any plugin through the plugin container.exe system, that is, not in the browser itself, but separately from it. Thanks to this feature, if the plugin crashes, the web browser will continue to function, continuing its work and you will not have to install it again or another browser.

But at the same time, there is another side to the coin. Such a download requires a lot of resources, so powerful computer. Otherwise, the web browser may become sluggish and surfing the web can become a nightmare. In addition, there is a possible plugin container for firefox error that will constantly occur and spoil the user’s nerves.

How to disable plugin container.exe

So, if you are working with a compact device or a budget gadget that has entry-level hardware, it makes sense to disable plugin container.exe. To do this you need to take the following steps:

In principle, if you follow the instructions written above, there is nothing complicated. I hope that everything worked out for you, and now surfing the web brings satisfaction, rather than irritation and loss of time correcting errors.

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