
EasyPay payment system: easy to pay. Easypay electronic money Easypay electronic

EasyPay (from the English "easy" - easy, convenient; "pay" - pay) is an electronic payment system launched in 2004. The service is designed for instant payment for goods and services on the Internet. The unit of calculation in this system is the Belarusian ruble. The EasyPay project is the brainchild of Belarusian companies Belgazprombank OJSC (a commercial bank of the Republic of Belarus) and Open Contact LLC (a major Internet service provider in Belarus).

Any person can become the owner of the EasyPay e-wallet - both a citizen of the Republic of Belarus and a person who is not a resident of it. However, the legislation of this country establishes age restrictions on the use of electronic money: the purchase of electronic currency by persons under the age of 14, as well as the withdrawal of electronic money by persons under the age of 18, is carried out through their legal representatives.

To register in the system, the user must fill out a special form on the EasyPay official website, agreeing first with the terms of the agreement with Belgazprombank OJSC and Open Contact LLC, and then entering the address of his Email and anti-spam code. After that, a letter is sent to the provided e-mail with registration key(it must be entered in the form to confirm mailbox). Next, the user will need to indicate which country he is a resident of, enter a password to enter the wallet (8-25 characters long, consisting of Latin letters, numbers and additional characters), a question for identification by phone and an answer to it.

The wallet is managed through a web application or using a mobile phone via SMS messages. The last way available only to subscribers of Belarusian operators cellular communication velcom, MTS and life:). You can visit the EasyPay official website.

To activate SMS account management, an EasyPay client will need to specify an operator during the registration process cellular network, of which he is a client and an active mobile phone number from which control will be carried out.

Upon completion of registration, the browser window displays the details of the electronic wallet: a reusable code for confirming payments (four-digit digital code) and an account identification number (eight-digit digital code). This information is secret, and is provided only once - at registration. The specified details should be saved and adequate data protection should be ensured to prevent unauthorized access to the wallet.

A reusable payment confirmation code, as well as a password for entering the system, the user can change in the "Management" section of his electronic wallet.

Features EasyPay

All EasyPay wallets are endowed with a certain status. In total, there are 4 types of wallets in the system: "Simple", "Simple+", "Personal" and "Certified". Depending on the status of the wallet, the user is endowed with one or another volume of available types of transactions. At the same time, the set of available functions is the higher, the higher the status of the wallet.

The minimum set of features is provided to the owners Simple wallet. This status is assigned to each EasyPay user and makes it possible to pay for goods and services from the catalog of goods and services registered in EasyPay. Also, for the owners of the Simple Wallet, there are restrictions on payment (90 base units per day) and the maximum balance of funds (1000 base units).

The base value is an economic indicator that takes into account the purchasing power of money. Currently, one base unit corresponds to 130,000 Belarusian rubles.

In order to increase the level of your wallet to the level Simple+, the user will need to provide the system with their personal data (full name, passport data, residential address, mobile phone number).

The owner of a wallet with the "Simple+" status gets the opportunity to pay for goods and services from the catalog of goods and services registered in EasyPay (up to 90 base units per day); replenish your electronic wallet from other payment systems (up to 30 base units per day and up to 90 base units per month); withdraw funds different ways. The limit on the maximum account balance is 1000 base units.

In order to upgrade the status of the wallet to the level " Personal", the user must link the wallet to their mobile phone number.

The following functions are available to the owners of the Personal Wallet: payment for goods and services from the catalog of goods and services registered in EasyPay (up to 90 base units per day); transfer of funds to other EasyPay users (up to 30 base units per day and up to 90 base units per month); replenishment of the EasyPay account from other payment systems (up to 30 base units per day and up to 90 base units per month); withdrawal of money in cash, to a bank card of Belgazprombank, as well as to other payment systems. The limit on the maximum account balance is 1000 base units.

In order to increase the level of your wallet to the level of " Certified", the user will have to go through the identification procedure, conclude an agreement directly at Belgazprombank and link the Belgazprombank card to their wallet. After that, within 3 banking days, an employee of Belgazprombank assigns the Verified status to the wallet.

There are only 2 restrictions for the owners of Certified wallets: up to 90 base units per day for transferring funds both within the system and outside it (up to 2700 base units for transfers within the system and 450 base units outside the system per month).

Deposit and withdrawal of funds, service fee

There are five ways to deposit funds into the EasyPay system:

  • by bank card (using a Belgazprombank card linked to the wallet, free of charge, except for credit cards, replenishment from which is subject to a commission of 1.5%; through the Internet banking system of more than 15 banks with a 2% commission; at ATMs and infokiosks with a commission of 2%; through the Internet banking system and ATMs of Belgazprombank no fee is charged for depositing funds);
  • in cash (at post offices throughout Belarus, free of charge; at the cash desks of more than 20 banks, a commission of 2%, except for Belgazprombank, at whose cash desks no commission is taken for entering; in Svyaznoy stores, with a fee of 2% of the amount in favor of EasyPay + salon commission);
  • using payment terminals (through QIWI terminals, fee 2% + terminal commission; Paritetbank infokiosks, fee 2% of the amount + infokiosk commission; Paritetbank terminals, 2% of the amount; Cash-in terminals of Alfabank, 2% of the amount + terminal commission; information kiosks of Belagroprombank, 2% of the payment amount, TBCPay terminals (Georgia), 0% commission);
  • from a personal account of a mobile phone (operators life:) and MTS with a commission of 2% + commission of the iPay payment system);
  • using payment instruments (exchange from WebMoney, Wallet One, LiqPay, Alfa-Click, TeleMoney, Promsvyazbank). The purchase rate is determined at the time of the transaction.

Withdrawal of funds from the EasyPay system can be done in 2 ways:

  • transfer of funds to a Belgazprombank bank card linked to the user's wallet;
  • cash withdrawal at a branch of Belgazprombank. The disadvantage of this method is that the client is limited by the operating mode of the bank, and also that if within 7 banking days from the date of registration of the application for cash withdrawal on the website, the user does not contact the bank branch to receive funds, the amount presented for issuance will be returned to an electronic wallet minus 3% commission.

To withdraw funds from the system, the user must have an electronic wallet with a status not lower than Simple+ (indicate your personal data in your personal account).

A 3% commission is charged for withdrawing funds from the EasyPay system, unless otherwise established individually by an agreement with Belgazprombank.

Users can also exchange EasyPay electronic currency for the currency of other payment systems. The exchange rate is set by each exchange office individually at the time of the transaction.

When paying for goods and services, no commission is charged from the owners of EasyPay wallets, however, crediting funds to the account of suppliers of goods and services that are not connected to the unified settlement and information space(ERIP), occurs with a commission of 2% of the payment amount.

For transfers within funds from one EasyPay wallet to another, the system takes a commission from the sender in the amount of 2%.

For the restoration of the lost wallet details, the user will have to pay 25,000 Belarusian rubles.

The system also provides for the cancellation of a payment or its redirection to new details when an erroneous transaction is made. The search for an erroneous payment is carried out at the request of the user. If the error occurred due to the fault of the user himself, and not the fault of the bank, the cost of this service will be 25,000 Belarusian rubles.

System Security

To ensure security, the EasyPay system provides multi-level protection.

First, the wallet is accessed via a secure SSL connection.

Secondly, all account transactions are confirmed by the wallet owner using a reusable control code issued to the user during registration or using a one-time control code card (1 card contains 30 codes). This card is paid, when ordering by mail, its cost will be 13,000 Belarusian rubles (in terms of the Russian ruble - about 50 rubles). Delivery is carried out only on the territory of Belarus. The card can also be purchased at one of the 8 branches of Belgazprombank.

Thirdly, the user has access to information about all visits to the wallet (the user is provided with information about the IP address of the computer from which he logged in, the date and time of login), as well as about operations on this account.

Fourthly, in order to avoid getting to phishing sites (fake sites that are copies of EasyPay), a welcome phrase is displayed in the wallet of each user (for example, "It's easier for us to manage people than to prevent them from managing us"), the text of which the client can replace on your own.

Fifth, at any time, the user can block his wallet if any suspicions arise.

Sixth, in the "Management" section, the wallet owner has the ability to restrict access to the wallet by IP addresses and countries.

Pros and cons of the payment system


  • high level of security;
  • protection of consumer rights (when making payments for the purchase of goods and services using EasyPay, the user receives a check invoice, which is legally equivalent to a regular cashier's check);
  • convenient management (to work with the wallet, the user does not need to install special software, it is enough to have any browser on his computer and access to the Internet; customers of Belarusian telecom operators can also manage the wallet via SMS).


  • inaccessibility of a number of functions to people living outside the Republic of Belarus;
  • commission for transferring funds within the system;
  • high fees for depositing funds into the system;
  • transfer limits and account balance;
  • limited options for withdrawing funds;
  • inability to withdraw funds for anonymous users;
  • the system works only with the Belarusian ruble.

Need to top up your mobile account quickly? No problem! The EasyPay payment service allows you to instantly transfer money to your phone from a plastic card, electronic wallet or other mobile account. The service is available to subscribers of all mobile operators working on the territory of Ukraine. Interesting? Then about everything in more detail.

How to recharge a mobile phone account with a bank card

What cards are accepted for payment?

There are several requirements. You can put money on the phone with a hryvnia Visa or MasterCard issued in Ukraine. For payment, not only a debit card, but also a credit card is suitable. The issuing bank does not matter, because the EasyPay service works with the products of all Ukrainian banks, including: PrivatBank, Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Oschadbank, UkrSotsBank, PUMB, Alfa-Bank, " Ukreximbank, UkrSibbank, OTP BANK, KredoBank, VTB Bank, Ukrgasbank and others.

How else can I top up my account?

Method 1. Using an electronic wallet (only for registered EasyPay users). At the stage of choosing a payment method, click on the "Wallets" tab, check the balance and confirm the transfer of funds from the desired account.

Method 2. Mobile money. Go to the appropriate tab, enter the phone number of Kyivstar or Lifecell, from which the required amount will be deducted, and click on the "Pay" button.

How to fund your account without commission

Free card from EasyPay and FORWARD BANK - and pay for mobile communications, Internet and public utilities no commission. The card also allows you to receive cashback, use a credit limit of up to UAH 100,000, top up your balance without additional service fees.

As you can see, replenishing a mobile account can be not only simple, but also profitable. Stay connected - choose EasyPay.

Easypay electronic money - a complex for payment mobile communications, services, goods on the international web of the Internet and money transfer. Residents and non-residents of the Republic of Belarus who have reached the age of 18 can register and receive a log/password. Use EasyPay from any place where there is Internet access.

What is this service?

From January 1, 2015, in order to use the advanced features of the EasyPay complex, the user undergoes an additional identification procedure by contacting OJSC Belgazprombank or RUE Belpochta with a passport.

Wallet types

The EasyPay payment complex provides for the opening of 4 payment wallets: "Simple", "Simple+", "Personal" and "Certified", each of which has advantages.

Important! To receive the first 2 wallets, the user registers and binds the number of his cell phone, but to open a personal and entrusted EasyPay wallets, additional identification with a financial institution is required.

To access the wallet, a person installs a special electronic application on his work computer, where he sees his wallets, performs the required financial transactions.


How to fund your EasyPay wallet account:

  1. By using bank card Belgazprombank: a person links a payment card to an EasyPay wallet and replenishes the account through ATMs or the Internet banking system.
  2. In the branches of RUE "Belpochta", "Svyaznoy" stores and branches of "Belgazprombank" by the wallet number provided to the operator.
  3. Through the payment terminals of Qiwi, Partitetbank, TBCPay, Alfabank, where they enter the number of the electronic wallet and replenish the account in cash.
  4. By transfer from a mobile account (for Life and MTS subscribers).
  5. Through an exchange service from LiqPay, WebMoney, Alfa-click, Promsvyazbank or TeleMoney systems.


Withdraw money from the wallet in one of two ways:

  1. At the branch of Belgazrombank, where a person applies with a passport, having previously generated an application for withdrawal of funds on the website.
  2. By transferring to a payment card of Belgazprombank, which is previously tied to an electronic wallet.

Payment for goods and services

To purchase goods, pay for services, transfer funds in favor of third parties, replenish mobile phone or make another financial transaction, the user enters the official website of the system Next, he enters the wallet number and password, getting into his Personal Area, after which it enters the product catalog and selects the desired category.

With the help of the complex, the user pays for:

  1. Traffic police fines.
  2. Services cable television, Internet providers, mobile communications.
  3. Learning.
  4. Games.
  5. Goods on different websites of the company that have a cooperation agreement with the Easypay payment system.

Transfer from card to card

To make a transfer from card to EasyPay card, a person must have an electronic wallet of the "Personal" or "Certified" level. You can perform the operation from the main website of the system or through exchange services that have an agreement with EasyPay for making payments.


EasyPay instant payments have proven themselves positively, so the popularity of the complex is growing, it is used by citizens of other countries, including Russia. The convenience of paying bills, goods and services makes EasyPay practical and accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Of all payment systems operating in this moment in Belarus, EasyPay is one of the oldest. But it still has a number of features that highlight this decision among the closest analogues. This applies, among other things, to the methods of making transactions, the security of making payments, and so on. EasyPay is a purely Belarusian invention. What can not be said, for example, about WebMoney with its Russian roots. But citizens of other states can also use this system of electronic payments.

A bit of history
Back in 2002, Belgazprombank OJSC began work on creating its own payment system. But the system does not start working until organizational issues are resolved. Moreover, even this is not enough to launch. It was impossible to do without the legislative base of the relevant subject, but at that time it was simply absent in Belarus. Only in November 2033, the Government of the Republic adopted a resolution that regulated the operation of payment systems that processed electronic money. The Easyay system itself began its work in autumn 2004, exactly one year later. is the address of the site where the creators settled.

At that time, WebMoney also worked outside the legal field. And EasyPay was considered as one of the possible alternatives. But it was not so easy to change the habits of users who still trusted the same WebMoney more. In the new payment system every day there were more and more registered users, but their total number grew very slowly. And EasyPay could not offer as many opportunities as the Russian development.

Now the two main competitors coexist among themselves quite peacefully. OOO " Open Contact”is responsible for the technical side of the issue, BelgazPromBank OJSC services customer transactions.

The Belarusian ruble is the main monetary unit in the system.

True, OJSC "BelgazPromBank" for some reason refuses to provide information on the money turnover, the total number of users.

EasyPay and main features

Naturally, the main work of the system is aimed at making it easier for customers to make purchases in online stores. Already more than 100 projects of this kind accept funds from the EasyPay system. Of course, the outlets that support the system are Belarusian. They deliver their goods throughout the Republic.

In addition, using EasyPay you can pay with some Internet providers, pay for the services of all mobile operators working in the country. The opportunity to pay utility bills is provided so far only to residents of Minsk.

Users can transfer money to each other themselves. But such transactions should not be commercial in nature. It means that payment system EasyPay does not allow you to officially pay for goods and services if the payments are made between specific people. True, no one will check this. And in general, from a practical point of view, such calculations between users have not yet become widespread. After all, while the electronic money themselves, the systems are not very common.

A high percentage of commission on transfers is another important factor, restraining the active spread of such schemes. In EasyPay, it is equal to two percent. Even Webmoney itself doesn't charge that much. But on the other hand, no commissions are charged from buyers when paying for services, making purchases.

But EasyPay also has its advantages. For example, you can use SMS messages to make purchases. However, only Velcom and MTS subscribers received such an opportunity. But everyone understands that thanks to this, working with the system is much easier. You do not need to install a special application on your phone to use this service. official mobile app Yes, but not all models support it. Again, unlike WebMoney.

How is security here?

It should be said right away that these issues were implemented here at the highest level. EasyPay has its own unique solutions that are not found anywhere else.

For example, "control one-time codes" are used here. In fact, this is the second password that is needed for more secure transactions. This means that with each operation, users enter not only their main password, but also the control one. Thanks to this solution, you can easily track situations if, for example, a client logged into the system and then left the computer. Without knowing the control code, no one other than the owner of the equipment will be able to make a purchase.

Reusable control is given to all users after they complete registration. But you can purchase a one-time control code card for 1400 rubles. There are several of them, but after use, each immediately becomes invalid. Therefore, each operation really becomes safer.

In addition, they use their own virtual keyboard. It helps to protect against spyware that monitors the keys. It differs from the usual one in that letters are typed on the screen using the mouse. This is especially true for those who work on someone else's computer.

The passphrase helps protect against phishing. Each user chooses his own unique catch phrase for this. Seeing the passphrase on the main screen, the user immediately understands that he is on a real site, and not on a fake one.

Deposit and withdrawal of money

You can fund your EasyPay account in the following ways.

1. By transferring funds from a Maestro plastic card issued by the bank. The operation is carried out only in the system itself.

2. Through any post office. Then there are no commissions for purchases at all.

3. Infokiosks and ATMs of Belagroprombank OJSC, Belinvestbank OJSC

4. Branches of settlement and commercial centers of the same banks

In different cases, you will have to pay a commission from 0 to 3 percent. It takes from 2 minutes to one banking day to transfer money. The fastest transfers are from Maestro plastic cards. There are far fewer ways to withdraw funds than to replenish them.

For example, on the same Maestro cards. For this you will have to pay a commission of 2 percent. The operation is performed in 2-20 minutes. One and a half percent of the withdrawal amount will be taken if an ATM of another bank was used for this operation. But the total commission payment should not exceed 500 rubles for each client.

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