
Why isn't Twitter indexed? Which social networks are indexed by search engines? Basic advertising campaign settings

Modern society can no longer imagine life without social networks. The Internet audience of active users continues to grow steadily. I propose to look at all this from the perspective of business promotion. Which social media are indexed by search engines and do social factors help in search engine promotion of sites?

Twitter Indexing

Search engines eagerly index tweets. Yandex even has a separate search for tweets. Links in tweets are also indexed, including indirect ones (for example, through services, etc.). At the same time, Twitter is indexed by fast robots; you can find out such links in the search results by the date or time indicated next to them:

Until it is indexed, such a link only transmits traffic from Twitter. The Internet as a whole is moving towards socialism, so it’s time to start “collecting likes on commercial sites” in order to be on the crest of the wave when search engines reconsider their policies.

So, in order for a tweet to be better indexed, you need to:

  • more retweets;
  • adding to favorites;
  • authority account

Thus, Twitter helps promote the site and speeds up its indexing.

Odnoklassniki indexing

About a week ago, the pages of users of the social network “” began to be indexed by search engines. This also applies to groups. Any user can disable the indexing feature to protect their personal information. Also, users of the social network have the opportunity to selectively block their information from search engines - statuses, photos and other information.

Facebook Indexing

Links on Facebook have the nofollow attribute, i.e. weight on them is not transferred to search engines and does not affect the TCI and PageRank. But they are still indexed by search engines. And the greatest benefit comes from liking the company’s social page itself, not the publications on it. These are the links that search engines take into account. The more likes the Facebook page of a promoted site receives, the more links from different pages of social network users will be to the promoted site.

The greatest value and weight, as on Twitter, are likes from authoritative accounts and well-known pages. This also has a positive effect on site traffic. To attract likes to your promoted site, you can create interesting content, conduct various competitions and surveys.

The impact on SEO is slightly lower than that of Twitter, but nevertheless brings some benefits and should not be neglected.

Google+ Indexing

Although Matt Cuts once stated that Google+ does not have a direct impact on site relevancy, in our experience such an impact does exist. In search results, Google gives preference to sites added to Google+ Circles. When searching for local results, Google often ranks local Google+ results above others.

Promotion is positively influenced not only by +1 from authoritative users (Google Author Rank), but also by users of the old Gmail. Verified authorship of information on Google+ serves as a guarantee of trust from the search engine, i.e. in search results, information from a verified account will have greater relevance than information without such verification.

But you shouldn’t artificially increase +1, this is fraught with sanctions from the search engine, because identifying such manipulations is not very difficult for Google.

Indexing VKontakte

On VKontakte, all links are via a redirect, i.e. They are useless for transmitting TCI and PageRank. But in Yandex results you can find profiles from, and in the search by blocks - statuses and notes, where links can also be placed. At a minimum, this will provide additional traffic.

Yandex also pays attention to the number of people in the group of the site being promoted, or rather to the widget located directly on the site. If there are more than 500 of them, the search engine takes this data into account when ranking the site.

Indexing personal profile search engines can be disabled if desired.

YouTube Indexing

Everyone knows well whose service this is) It is indexed very well in Google, a little worse in Yandex. YouTube can give a large number of visitors. To do this, you need to fill out all the fields (description, tags), select a good image for the video cover. Particularly important is the video title and link to your resource.

Pinterest Indexing

In the settings of the social network Pinterest, you can choose whether your profile will be indexed by search engines or not. In Yandex, it was not noticed that it indexed profiles. Everything is fine at Google. If you have a website, it is better to add it to your profile.

Instagram Indexing

Instagram users who prefer to use the private account feature on Instagram do not need to worry about privacy issues with web profiles.

According to the developers, if you have a private account, only logged in users to whom you have given access will be able to see your photos. This also means that only these followers of yours will be able to comment and like your photos online.

Moreover, search engines Instagram photos are not indexed- regardless of privacy settings. If you have a website, it is recommended to add it to your profile. This will be a bonus for both search indexing and recognition.


Links from social networks do not have a decisive impact on the site’s position in the search results and do not transfer weight to the site, but nevertheless indirectly affect its promotion. Social networks and the blogosphere are millions of people whose behavioral reactions also reflect their attitude towards sites. And for search engines, social factors are primarily human signals, which can also be used for... You shouldn't neglect SMM. But even if your company does not have its own page/group on a social network, you do not maintain a corporate blog or Twitter, it makes sense to at least place social network buttons on your website to attract additional traffic. This will only be beneficial!

P.S Perhaps I forgot some popular social network that is indexed by search engines, write in the comments.



Are you wrinkling your nose at the pile in the picture? In vain. If you want to speed up site indexing for pennies, you will have to thoroughly delve into online manure. Online manure, if anyone doesn’t understand, is thousands of Twitter bots with meaningless content that no one reads. To get social links useful for the site, you will have to find pearls of humanoid accounts in this heap. They are there, I checked.

Here is one of the test results - about the rapid entry of new pages into the index using Twitter. 25 rubles spent, +150 pages in the index in one day, traffic growth from Yandex - 700 people/day. The article continues to receive questions, primarily regarding the selection of sites. I decided to write instructions on this matter. There is nothing particularly complicated about chasing people through Twitter, it’s just that Yandex robots have become much more picky. The topic has “shrinked” over the past five years. But it just dried up - .

I buy tweets to speed up indexing on prospero, of course you can use other services, I just personally don’t get along with them. In any case, the requirements for donors are the same everywhere.

Basic advertising campaign settings

When creating a campaign, you need to establish fairly strict formal criteria in order to prevent outright low-quality accounts and reduce the amount of manual work.

Klout from 40 is quite enough, you shouldn’t set a higher threshold and don’t really look at it when choosing offers; other characteristics of the site are more important.

What else needs to be considered at the creation stage?

  • Choose a fairly popular word as a hashtag. The logic is simple: hashtag pages are indexed like any other (if not better), sanctions are unlikely to be applied to them (especially if the tag is popular and is used by authoritative users).
  • If a project has its own Twitter account, it would be a shame not to mention it: replays help raise the authority of the profile.
  • We achieve the presence of several entry points for robots to the site: we purchase links to different pages. This is exactly the point of working with cheap accounts.. Note the task text and the empty URL field. I always indicate a hub page in the description (i.e. a 2nd level page with big amount links to other documents, including lower-level hubs) and leave the choice of the link for the tweet to the blogger.

Manual analysis of accounts: choosing the best

If you are writing an assignment in work time and don’t be greedy with the price (5 rubles is the minimum!), then after 15-20 minutes you will receive a dozen or two offers. We consider each profile, paying attention to the following 5 points:

  1. Composition of the tape. The most important thing is that there should be significantly fewer advertising posts (with links) than regular ones. It’s also good if there are recordings different types, reposts of other users, mentions of them, links to authoritative sites, etc. If the entire feed consists of “dead” quotes, jokes made into emptiness, then this is a bad sign.
  2. Posting frequency. The more often the better. Breaks of more than a couple of days are bad.
  3. Do other users repost our candidate’s posts? Everything is obvious here. You shouldn’t expect an abundance of reposts from five-ruble profiles, but at least sometimes they should appear in your feed.
  4. Mentions from other users. If there is only silence in response to mentions from the analyzed account, this is a negative signal. If there is minimal correspondence, that's good.
  5. Overall relevance of content, presence of a unified theme/logic in tweets. Roughly speaking, a glamor account with cats should not contain references to cement factories and fishing. This requirement is optional, but highly desirable.


A couple of examples. I wouldn’t advertise on such an account (although this is far from the worst offer compared to bots):

But this one is worth serious consideration:

Analytics: preparing the ground for the next campaigns

  • The robot's entry points to the site are in the logs.
  • Pages included in the Yandex quick search results.
  • Purchased links and the accounts to which they belong.

By conducting a simple analysis and comparing the lists, you can identify the accounts whose links actually work. We add them to the white list for future use.

However, I myself did such analytics more out of curiosity and a desire to find out the general patterns of interaction between search engines and links on Twitter. In practice, it’s easier to invest a little more money to buy more posts. Some of the budget will be wasted, but time is certainly worth more. You also need to understand that whitelists are becoming outdated: “live” accounts turn into garbage dumps, algorithms change, etc.

On the other hand, if you are working simultaneously on a number of large projects where you constantly need to encourage robots, then competent analytics can already help save time by quickly selecting donors.

P.S. Don't forget that Twitter is only an auxiliary tool to speed up site indexing. About other methods for achieving index completeness.

If you, like me, asked this question, then I am not alone. My Twitter account, created specifically for this site, did not want to be indexed by Yandex. Why isn't twitter indexed?

I have already written here more than once that Yandex is a strange guy, he does what he wants. But it’s okay if Yandex doesn’t index a regular website or even a separate article, but should it index a Twitter account? What could be the reason?

I asked the ash tree, I asked the poplar, I asked Yandex:

And you know, he doesn’t know, no one knows. The RuNet is full of articles on how to speed up the indexing of a website using Twitter, but no one writes how to speed up the indexing of Twitter itself. Maybe I'm the only one having this problem?

It’s unlikely, it’s just that many people don’t ask this question, they just tweet and that’s it. And you paste the URL of your Twitter account into search bar Yandex and check what the search returns?

My other two accounts are indexed with a bang and even help me index my sites. And this one:(

There is only one way out: add links to this Twitter account of mine wherever possible, so that Yandex understands that my Twitter wants to visit it.

I’ll post the results in the comments to this post. Do you have any thoughts?

Less than half a year has passed since my Twitter account fell into the mercy of Yandex.

Only two posts were included in the index, not a lot, but this is a feature of Twitter - even on well-promoted Twitter accounts, only a small part of posts are included in the Yandex index. Probably the problem is that they are very short and Yandex does not index them. Only those that have been retweeted or replied to can be indexed, as this creates correspondence that is generally larger in size.

What can be concluded? You need to communicate on your Twitter, and then it will be better indexed.

But how can you first add your new Twitter account to the Yandex index? Here are some recommendations:

2. If you don’t have your own website, you can comment on different sites and enter the URL of your Twitter account in the SITE field. It is better to comment in this way on top blogs in LiveJournal, which is simply well indexed by Yandex.

All this will be enough for Yandex to index your Twitter soon.

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7 comments to the article “Why is Twitter not indexed?”

    I also need to add Twitter to Ya.RU - to my diaries.

When posting content on a website, it is important that the pages are quickly indexed by search engines.
It’s no secret that even properly optimized unique content does not immediately get into the search engine index.

For a number of reasons, indexing of new content sometimes takes from several weeks to several months, and sometimes does not happen at all.
And here they provide serious help mentions with links to relevant pages in Twitter accounts.

Recently, search engines take such social cues into account well. Thanks to this, your content will easily and quickly get into the index of Google, Yandex, Mail and other search engines.

The Yandex company agreed to cooperate with Twitter, as a result of which this search engine received full access to user tweets. This was reported in a Yandex press release posted on the Internet.

Now Yandex users find tweets a few moments after they are published. For the search, microblogs are used, in which at least sometimes there are entries in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian or Kazakh. Accordingly, links in tweets are indexed by this search engine.

“Search by tweets” is now available in the previously existing “search by blogs” and directly on the page

But using exchanges to buy tweets with the necessary links is not very convenient and not so cheap. The average price of such tweets ranges from 2 to 15 rubles.

We offer for quick solution Problems with indexing new content is an inexpensive but most effective way.

Cross-posting via RSS or manual posting with the addition of popular “charged” hashtags to announcement tweets with links to pages of your site.

This method does not involve finding the Twitter accounts used in the search engine index.

Work algorithm

  • Purchase of 5-10 Twitter accounts with 500 readers for one main site.
  • Manual selection of popular (charged) #hashtags on the topic of the site.
  • Unique cross-posting via RSS (AUTOMATED) with the addition of selected #hashtags to tweets.
  • or Semi-manual posting (USING SOFTWARE) of tweets announcing new pages, adding selected #hashtags to the tweets.
  • Result = Indexing of new pages with new unique content in a few hours.
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