
Why are the drivers on my laptop not updated? How to easily update video card drivers on your computer or laptop. Problems with driver installation and hardware performance

As a rule, what causes the most problems for the user is not “crooked” software or operating system, but drivers or the lack thereof. For example, the lack sound driver will make your PC dumb, and if there are no video drivers, then the games simply will not start, producing a wide variety of errors.

Let's try to figure out how to update all the drivers on your computer in the most painless way, taking into account the opinions of experts and reviews of ordinary users about certain products. Let's start with the fact that for updating or installing drivers, there is a very varied software that will not only help you make your equipment work correctly, but in some cases the entire base of existing programs.

DriverPack Solution

One of the most popular, and judging by the reviews, best programs in order to update the drivers on your computer. You can get this software on the official website of the developer, where the original is presented in the form ISO image(for a virtual disk), which can be opened using special utilities: “Demon Tools” or “Alcohol 120%.”

It is important to note that you can use the program even on computers that are not connected to the Internet, and this is a significant plus, because most similar utilities often require network connection. After you install the program on your PC and run it, it will automatically scan your system and provide a detailed report on the presence or absence of drivers. The user just needs to check the boxes in the places where he wants to update, or, alternatively, click on the “Update drivers on the computer” button.

After 10-15 minutes, the latest versions of the software will be installed on your computer. It is extremely rare that some specific items require manual intervention, if in the Solution database necessary drivers it didn't turn out. It is also worth warning users: before running this utility for the first time, it is strongly recommended to make a system restore checkpoint (just in case).

Driver Booster

A very good and fully Russified utility for updating drivers on your computer. The program is available in two versions - free and commercial. The software will relatively quickly scan your system for the presence of old versions of drivers (or lack thereof), and moreover, it will indicate which items are the most critical at this moment. That is, what needs to be updated first.

The good thing about the program is that the entire process can be set to automatic mode - click on the “update drivers on your computer automatically” button and the utility itself will create a checkpoint. And in will install necessary programs, while you go about your business. For those who very often work with driver databases, that is, installers or service workers, this program will become an indispensable assistant. But ordinary users can also use it, so understanding the functionality will not be difficult.

Driver Checker

This program is a godsend for those who, for one reason or another, like to reinstall operating systems, but at the same time want to update the driver on their computer. Imagine that you need to install another OS, but you don’t have one at hand installation package drivers. This software allows you to save all existing drivers in the system (backup), and then restore them from the archive at any time convenient for the user, which is extremely useful and convenient.

Any user can understand the functionality of the program, especially since many of the necessary steps are carried out in automatic mode. After launching, the software itself will offer to scan the entire system for outdated programs and then provide a detailed report: what exactly is installed and whether it requires updating.

Slim Drivers

Quite simple and, most importantly, free utility, which will help you update the driver on your computer. She does not have the opportunities that previous respondents had. It is not capable of working in the background, but it copes with its primary task quite well. The utility will scan your computer for old and missing driver versions, giving a detailed list of problem items. Once you select the one you need, you can update it.


An interesting and extremely fast program for updating the driver on your computer. In normal mode, the scanning time does not exceed 20 seconds, and this is a very good result compared to similar software.

The developer has provided two versions of the utility - commercial and free, and for home needs the free version is enough, as they say, “for the eyes”. The paid PRO extension is, rather, for service providers and those who like to reinstall operating systems every day.

Even though the utility interface is English language(there are amateur translations on third-party resources), understanding its functionality will not be difficult. Just as in the first cases, at startup you will be offered a full system scan with a subsequent report. By the way, the report looks extremely detailed and clear. The software will provide update recommendations and remind you of critical driver problems.


Many may argue that this kind of program is a clutter of the system, and you can update the driver on your computer through the official website of the developer. In principle, yes, but only if you know, for example, the model or manufacturer of your video card, and the operating system accidentally contains the basic drivers.

And if your device is so specific or simply old that it is simply not possible to find the brand or manufacturer, and support for this gadget may be discontinued by the supplier itself. This is when this kind of utility comes to the rescue and will help your device work correctly and without failures. In addition, a significant advantage of this kind of program is the ease of installing the necessary drivers, since manually setting up the operation of dozens of devices is still a tedious task.

In this article we will look at how to update the drivers on your computer, no matter whether it is sound card, video driver or video card, motherboard, card reader, network card, wireless Wi-fi equipment and Bluetooth, processor, etc. The process of updating or installing drivers is quite simple and does not require special skills.

Driver- these are specific instructions and rules for proper operation your device from operating system.
I would like to note that timely updating of drivers (the same as timely maintenance for your car or, say, an air conditioner) will help your computer work stably, quickly and start up at the right time new game or application without any problems, which will save your nerves and time.
When tasking with updating drivers, don’t go for the automatic, i.e. update all drivers at once using a program. Using such programs to update and install drivers can often do more harm than good to your computer.
To make it easier for you to understand the driver installation algorithm itself, let’s look at a specific example. Let's say we have Lenovo laptop Y460 s installed system Windows 7 64bit. Let's get started:
1. Type “download drivers for Lenovo” into the Yandex or Google search engine and go to the official website of our laptop manufacturer. Most often it will be the first one found. In this case it is

Let's move along it.
3. You will most often be asked to find drivers by serial number your computer or laptop, and most already support automatic detection of your laptop.

We will consider the manual option where you need to select everything in order.

Select your device: Laptops and netbooks > IdeaPad Y Series laptops > IdeaPad Y460 > All Machine Types > Your operating system (in our case, Windows 7 64bit).
We will see all the drivers for our laptop model, divided into categories (Video, Security, Camera and card reader, Mouse and keyboard, Chipset, Networks: LAN (Ethernet), Networks: WWAN, Networks: Wireless network LAN, Power management, Storage management, Bluetooth and modem, Software and utilities, recovery disks, etc.), on different official websites of laptop manufacturers everything is approximately the same.

For a computer or laptop to work correctly, it is necessary to periodically update it. software, including drivers for devices. This is quite easy to do. In this article we will talk about this in more detail.

How to update drivers? Method 1

Manually. To update the device software, we need to go to the computer properties (opened by pressing the “My Computer” shortcut using the second button of the pointing device). In the window that appears in front of you, find the “Device Manager” tab. This is where the list of all installed hardware components of the computer is located. Let's go there. Next, find the device that needs to be updated or installed drivers, and right-click on it. Select "Update drivers". You will be asked to select an automatic search (on the Internet) or a manual search (on a computer). If there is a way out global network, then it is better to use the first option. The system will go to the manufacturer's website and download the latest version of the software.

How to update drivers? Method 2

Special utilities. You can also use help special programs, which analyze the current versions of drivers installed on your PC and compare them with the versions on the manufacturers' websites. If the utility detects that you are using outdated software, you will be prompted to update. Among such programs are popular: Driver Pack Solution, Driver Genius, and so on. By the way, if you are interested in how to update all drivers, then you

It is better to use this option.

How to update drivers? Method 3

Updating to automatic mode can also be done using standard tools in your OS. If you have Windows versions XP, then you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • go to the “Control Panel”;
  • select the “Security Center” tab;
  • then “automatic update”;
  • select the option to download recommended updates and confirm your choice.

The system will independently install new drivers and, if necessary, prompt you to restart the computer to activate them. How to update drivers? If you have OS version Vista, 7, 8 then you need to use Windows service Update. It can be found in the Start menu - All Programs.

How to update drivers on your computer? Method 4

To search for drivers specific device, for example, video cards, you can visit the manufacturer's website and download them from there. Many companies involved in the production of computer components provide users with the opportunity to automatically find the software they are interested in. You will need to know the name of the device and its model.

These are the methods you can use to keep the software installed on your computer up to date. Don't forget to periodically check for driver updates, and then your system will have a high level of performance and security.

In this step by step instructions we will figure out how to update the drivers of the entire computer at once. Since modern laptops and computers are often sold without special driver disks or without a disk drive at all, the topic of this article will be very useful for readers.

And to update the drivers of a laptop or computer, we need a simple and completely free program Driver Booster. With its help, even a beginner who knows nothing about computers can easily update all drivers in a few mouse clicks.

The principle of operation of Driver Booster is to completely scan the system to detect the absence of drivers or their inconsistency latest updates. You just need to download and install the Driver Booster program, click on the “Start” button and, after scanning, start updating the drivers.

The good thing about the program is that it doesn’t require you to know any of the intricacies of programming; you don’t have to go into the details of how your computer or laptop works on your own in order to update the drivers. Driver Booster will perform all these actions independently.

How to update drivers with Driver Booster: step-by-step instructions

Step #1

To begin with, it is important to make sure that you have access to the Internet. If so, let's continue. If not, first set up an Internet connection, and then solve the problem of how to update the drivers.

Step #2

If access to the Network works fine, download Driver Booster from the official website using the link

Step #3

Once Driver Booster is downloaded and installed, you can update your drivers. To do this, you will have to start scanning the program using the “Start” button.

Step #4

After scanning, Driver Booster (if it detects problems with drivers) will offer to update your computer or laptop drivers. To start the update process automatically, click the “Update ALL” or “Update ALL” button.

Step #5

The program will create a system restore point, download the latest versions of drivers for your computer or laptop, and update the drivers automatically, one by one. As soon as Driver Booster finishes working, you better restart your computer. Perhaps the system itself will offer to do this.

After restarting the laptop or computer, the question of how to update all drivers will be resolved! Moreover, minimal effort will be required on your part:

— download Driver Booster for free and without registration;
— install Driver Booster;
— run Driver Booster scanning;
— agree with the program’s proposal and update your “firewood”;
— restart the computer.

Step #6

After all these operations, you can run the test again. During subsequent checks, Driver Booster often suggests updating system programs and applications such as Java and script libraries needed for the normal operation of a laptop or computer. But even if you are not offered anything like this, do not rush to remove Driver Booster.

Updating your computer's drivers once is not enough. It is important to constantly monitor updates and new versions system programs. This is why you should leave Driver Booster, which will automatically check for updates throughout its operation. And if new drivers for your computer’s devices appear tomorrow, the system will notify you about it.

If everything is normal and driver updates are not needed, you will see the message: “ Drivers condition – EXCELLENT».

IMPORTANT: if for any reason Driver Booster violates Windows work, no problem! You can return to your previous settings from a restore point that the program previously creates. How to restore Windows is the topic of a separate article, which you may not need.

From personal experience : We have launched Driver Booster more than once at the most different computers and laptops, helped update all drivers for free, never caused any harm to Windows or computer operation...

BUT the program performed extremely negatively on old computers (there are user reviews)! After updating drivers to latest versions your old computer can seriously become worn out and slow down. Remember this! We are not responsible for the results of third-party programs.

Beginning of work

Driver program Pack Solution is designed to search and update drivers on your computer. Among the advantages of the solution is a simply huge database of drivers computer components and the presence of a web version that allows you to download the necessary software using the hardware ID obtained in the device manager. The service also has disadvantages, for example, the installer freezes, the chance to get blue screen(black screen on Windows 10) after unsuccessful driver update and third party programs, with which the developers generously “fertilized” the installer. Fortunately, they are not malicious. But don't worry, you can update Windows drivers without installing add-ons - to do this, switch to “Expert Mode” after starting DPRSU.

Getting rid of excess

Go to the "Software" tab and uncheck the programs that you do not want to see on your computer. Do the same on the “Security” tab - below you will see checkboxes selected for one of several antiviruses. But the troubleshooter is worth listening to. It often identifies truly malicious applications based on statistics of user actions (deleted or left). We recommend removing suspicious ones so as not to harm the system. personal computer in future.


Now go to the Drivers tab. In the window that opens, you will see a list of devices that require updating (there are newer versions in the database). Select devices that do not need an update in your opinion (uncheck the boxes if necessary), and then click on the “Update” item or the “Install” button (depending on the version). The application creates a restore point and starts working. Wait for the process to complete (the computer may freeze during the process, just wait), restart the PC and test the operation. If something goes wrong, you can always rollback to a checkpoint standard means Windows or reinstall the drivers manually in recovery mode / using specialized programs.

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