
Why letters are not sent and what to do. I can't send mail from Yandex. Why letters are not sent to Yandex.Mail How to exit your mailbox

It's very easy and convenient to read and send emails through the built-in application on your iPhone. This way you can always see the important letters that have come to you and easily write a response to them. But this method However, there is a minus: you cannot send photos from it. To use the built-in mail, you do not need to install any applications on your smartphone, but you will have to tinker a little with the settings for normal operation.

One of the popular postal services is considered among Internet users, so in this article I will try to describe this process in detail. For other email clients the principle is no different.

Setup instructions:

1. Let's go to " Settings" and find there the item " Mail, addresses, calendars».

3. In the next menu, click on the item “ Other" Alas, Apple does not favor Yandex.

4. Select " New account».

5. In the window that opens, you will need to fill in all the fields.

Name– your name, which people will see in messages from you.

Email– your mailing address, which was created for you on

Password– Yours real password from the box.

Descriptionshort description our account, enter yandex or

After all fields are filled in, click “Next”. Our mail setup will begin.

6. In the window that opens, click on “ Save».

7. In most cases, automatic settings are enough for mail to work correctly. Close “Settings” and go to our standard application “ Mail" All our letters should be loaded there immediately and for a more reliable check we send a test letter for reliability. If everything works, then the mail setup was successful.

If mail does not work, then you will need to delve a little further into the settings:

More precisely:

1. Let's go again to " Settings» — « Mail, addresses, calendars"—the mail we created.

2. In it, select SMTP, which is located in the “ Outgoing mail server».

3. If you already have a configured mailbox, then you just need to click on which is located in the “Primary server” section (if you do not have mailboxes, then select “Not configured”, and in the “Node name” field write Next, save and click on ).

4. We check that we have activated the “ Use SSL "and the server port is registered 465 . As you can see in the picture, my mail works well with the port 587 .

5. Click on " Ready»-« Back" and go to the tab " Additionally».

6. Make sure you have in the " Inbox settings"item activated" Use SSL "and the server port is registered 993 .

Now our mail is completely ready and ready to go.

I hope you found this article useful.

Despite all the advantages Email, difficulties often arise when sending letters. Either the letter is not sent, or the post office cannot deliver it to the addressee.

Let's try to figure out why such problems can arise and how to deal with them.

Invalid email address

The most common cause of problems with sending letters is an error in the mailbox address (the “To” field). Although usually the user thinks of anything, but not of this.

If you miss or type at least one “wrong” letter in the mail name, the letter will not be delivered!

In the best case, the mail site will immediately report this, that is, the corresponding inscription will appear, and you simply will not be able to send the letter.

But it could also be different: the letter is sent, but then a notification arrives that it was not delivered (see Undelivered message).

And there is a third option: the letter will “go” to the address, but not to the one needed. This is the most unpleasant thing, because you may not even know about it.

For example, I need to send a letter to the address

But when typing, I accidentally miss one letter in the name. It turns out not, but.

If I do not notice the error and send this letter, then at best it will not be delivered and I will immediately receive a notification about it.

And in the worst case, my message will still be sent, but it will go to another person. To someone who has a box with a name

Common mistakes

The most common address errors that cause problems with shipping and delivery:

Another common mistake is an incorrectly typed email site (the part after the @ sign). That is, if instead of the yandex .ru part you type yandeks .ru or simply yandex (without .ru), then the letter will not be delivered. And again, we may not even know about it.

Here's how to spell the most popular email sites:


Undelivered message

If the post office was unable to deliver your letter, it will inform you about this in a special notification.

It happens like this: some time after sending, a letter arrives in which it is written in Russian or English that your message was not delivered.

Here's what it looks like in Yandex.Mail:

And so - in

So - in

And so - in Rambler:

Thus, the mail tells us that the sending was unsuccessful - no one received the letter.

This happens for two reasons:

1. The address does not exist

This means that such an address does not exist in nature. It may have been deleted, or perhaps you made a typing error.

Quite often it happens that when they left you an email address, it was accidentally entered with an error. That is, it was not even you who made the mistake, but the one who left it.

2. Box is not available

Unavailable - this means that it is working, but for some reason cannot currently receive mail.

This is usually due to overcrowding. That is, there are too many letters in the mailbox and there is simply no room for new ones. In this case, the recipient should delete at least one or two letters from the mailbox.

Another reason: problems with the mail site. That is, the site on which the box is located has stopped working. This is usually a temporary phenomenon that goes away within a few hours.

What to do. It is impossible to independently determine what exactly happened. Therefore, if such a notification arrives, you just need to repeat the sending after some time.

If resending fails, then nothing can be done about it - you will have to contact the recipient in some other way.

How to avoid problems with sending and delivering mail

According to statistics, the most common cause of problems with mail delivery is false. specified address. That is, in essence, it is not the one who receives the letter who is to blame, but the one who writes it.

Therefore, you must be very careful not only when typing the address in the “To” field, but also in the process of “receiving” it.

If, for example, an address is dictated to you over the phone, do not hesitate to clarify whether you understood this or that letter correctly. It is, of course, advisable to receive it in text form, and not try to understand by ear (by SMS, via social network etc.).

You should also remember that email addresses have a specific syntax. That is, there is, so to speak, a set of rules by which each mailbox address on the Internet is formed.

  • Any address consists only from English letters, numbers and some characters (dot, hyphen, underscore). No Russian letters!
  • It cannot contain spaces.
  • In him there is always an @ sign(approximately in the middle) and this sign is only one.
  • The @ sign is always followed by the name of a site. And in this title there is always a point, followed by a few more English letters (for example,,
  • There is no period at the end of the address.

It is advisable, of course, to remember these rules. Then you will not receive the “Invalid email address” error.

Problems with receiving mail on a domain may occur if:

  • domain registration has expired;
  • the domain is blocked by the registrar;
  • the domain has not been delegated or has been withdrawn from delegation by the registrar;
  • delegation settings are not configured correctly;
  • DNS records for Yandex.Mail are not configured or configured incorrectly.

To resolve problems with receiving emails, contact your domain administrator. It was he who provided you with mailboxes. The Mail for Domain support service will not be able to help you in this situation.

If you registered your mailbox on a specific site, then contact the support service of that site.

DNS records

Most often, problems with receiving mail are caused by incorrect MX record settings.

The MX record points to the server that accepts mail for your domain. In order for your mail to be processed by the Yandex server, the MX record must point to it. For more information about setting up an MX record, see the MX record section.

You can check whether the MX record is configured correctly using the dig utility:

    Select the MX record type and run the query.

If the MX record is configured correctly, the response will be something like this:

Yourdomain.tld. 21521 IN MX 10

Possible problems:

    The server does not respond to the request or the value does not match the desired one. This means that either the changes did not take effect, or the MX record was configured incorrectly.

    In addition to the Yandex MX record, the request was responded to by MX records pointing to third-party servers.

    To resolve this issue, remove the third-party server entries. To do this, go to the DNS management section in which you configured the Yandex MX record.

    The entry in the server response looks like "". You must add a dot at the end of the MX record value: “” .

Domain registration has expired

After the domain registration period expires, the registrar removes the domain from delegation or delegates it to blocking servers.

You can check domain delegation information using the service or

    state: (Status: or Domain Status:) you can check the domain status;

    Name Server: or nserver: (there must be two or more) - to which servers the domain is delegated;

    Expiration Date: (paid-till: , Domain Expiration Date: or Expires On:) - when the domain registration expires.

If NS servers are specified:


Contact your registrar's support team. The registrar blocked the domain because the administrator did not confirm the contact email address.

If NS servers are specified: ( or ( or

Find out from the registrar why the domain is blocked. As a rule, this is due to the expiration of the domain registration period.

If your domain has been delegated and its registration period has not yet expired, you can proceed to checking the DNS.

Delegation settings

If the domain registration has not expired and the domain is delegated, check the DNS using the dig utility (for example, or

    Make sure that the "NS" request is answered by the same NS servers that are listed in the Whois information about the domain.

    Enter your domain name (“yourdomain.tld”) as the site address.

    Select the NS record type and run the query.

If the NS servers specified at the registrar respond, then the delegation settings are correct.

If there is no response or other NS servers respond, it means the changes have not yet taken effect or the delegation settings have not been made correctly. For example, when delegating a domain, an error was made in the names of the NS servers at the registrar or the zone for your domain was not configured on the servers to which the domain was delegated.

If not only the NS servers specified by the registrar respond, it means that third-party NS records have been added to the servers to which the domain is delegated. For Mail for a domain to work correctly, the domain should be delegated to the servers of only one company. Delegation should only be done in the registrar control panel.

Domain settings are correct

If you are sure that the domain registration has not expired and all its settings are correct, look for a possible reason in the Yandex.Mail Help section.

Notification letters from the site do not arrive in mailboxes

    Check your domain settings according to the instructions above.

    Contact the administrator of the server on which the site is located. Ask to configure the server correctly. The server on which the site is located may recognize the domain as local and try to send letters to the internal directory.

    Check to see if your hosting provider or registrar has activated email service for your domain. For Mail to work correctly for a domain, this service must be disabled.

You can configure sending emails via the Yandex SMTP server - “”. To do this use:

    port “465” with data encryption via SSL;

    mandatory authentication on the server (you must specify the full address of the mailbox that will be used for sending).

To avoid problems with the delivery of letters, you need to take into account:

The modern user has a huge selection of browsers. Often, owners of PCs, laptops, tablets or smartphones prefer to use several applications simultaneously, choosing the best one for certain tasks. Yandex browser is one of them. Despite the stability and constant improvement of the product, sometimes users encounter errors. Today we will tell you what to do if a failure occurs: “An error has occurred, Yandex browser cannot continue working. Restart?".

Yandex.Browser cannot continue working.

Why is this happening?

First of all, there is damage necessary files or their conflict with Windows. There are a lot of reasons for this:

  • installation of illegal plugins, viruses and other malware;
  • incorrect update or user intervention (deleting or changing work values);
  • blocking by means of protection and much more.
  • Don’t exclude errors from the developers themselves, for example, after the latest updates, a crash appears when trying to synchronize an account.

It is noteworthy that even reinstallation does not help solve the problem, and many users begin to blame the equipment, damage to the operating system and other defects. This is not so, therefore there is reason to panic, and even more so Windows reinstallation, No.

What should be done?

Let's start with standard methods troubleshoot computer problems that are important in any situation.


After all the cleaning and optimization of the system, try updating the program itself. Here brief instructions by updating without deleting.

If the problem suddenly is not solved, then you will have to act more radically.

Reinstalling the browser

Please note that traditional uninstallation and reinstallation is not enough. Some software files remain on the computer even after deletion, and they are often the reason why the error window appears. However, nothing prevents you from trying to uninstall through the control panel and install the browser again, but to save time we recommend a more reliable option.


Finally, I advise you to add this browser to your antivirus and firewall exceptions. After such manipulations, the program should work normally. If this does not happen, then we advise you to contact support, where you will describe in detail: what you did to eliminate the error “Yandex.Browser cannot continue working.” The last option is that the problem is in Windows itself - try to update to the current build and install new components of the Visual C++ and .NET Framework redistribution.

Below are the reasons and solutions to typical problems why mail may not be sent from ePochta Mailer. Even to your own mailing address!

Error Description and solution
Connecting to:
Socket Error #10051
Network is unavailable
There may be two reasons for the problem:
1 - connection is blocked by security programs
2 - port 25 is closed by the Internet provider.
In the first case - disable security programs and resend the test letter, in the second - contact your Internet provider and ask either to open this port, or use alternative ports for this SMTP server with which it can work and which are not blocked by your Internet -provider.
HELO/HELO rejected You need to open Settings/General Settings/Connection/HELO Value and click "Define".
After that, copy your HELO value and paste it into the appropriate field. blocks as spam Your mailing was accepted as spam on the server. This most often happens when you send an empty letter.
You need to follow the link “” to receive details, or write a letter to « » .
Contact and explain that your mailing list is not spam and demand to know why they are blocking it. Or use a different SMTP server
“Dispatching...” very long If the status "Dispatching..." has been hanging for quite a long time (more than a minute), please check the following:
1. The prepared message has big size and ePochta Mailer takes longer to send it.
2. ePochta Mailer is completely blocked from Internet access by an antivirus or firewall. Set an exception for ePochta Mailer.
Error 450: Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable. The server cannot access the mailbox to deliver the message. This may be caused by the server's dead address purge process, the mailbox may be corrupted, or the mailbox may be on another server that is not currently accessible. Also, the network connection may have been broken during sending, or the remote mail server does not want to accept mail from your server for some reason (IP address, blacklists, etc.). A second attempt to send a letter to this mailbox may be successful.
Error 451: Requested action aborted: local error in processing. This error usually occurs due to your ISP being overloaded or too many messages being sent through your SMTP relay. The next attempt to send a letter may be successful.
Error 500: Syntax error, command unrecognized. Your antivirus/firewall is blocking incoming/outgoing SMTP connections. You should configure your antivirus/firewall to resolve the issue.
Error 501: Syntax error in parameters or arguments. Invalid email addresses or domain name of the mailing address. Sometimes indicates connection problems.
Error 503: Bad sequence of commands or this mail server requires authentication. Repeated 503 errors may indicate connection problems. A 503 response from the SMTP server is most often an indication that the SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct.
Error 512: The host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found (DNS error). One of the servers on the path to the destination server has a problem with the DNS server or the recipient address is incorrect. Check the recipient's address for the correct domain name (spelling errors in the domain name or non-existent domain name).
Error 513: Address type is incorrect or authentication required. Make sure the recipient's email address is correct and free of errors. Then try resending the message. Another reason could be that the SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (usually ESMTP authentication, login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct.
Error 523: The Recipient's mailbox cannot receive messages this big. The message size (message + all its attachments) exceeds the size limits on the recipient's server. Check the size of the message you have prepared to send, in particular the size of the attachments; it may be worth splitting the messages into parts.
Error 530: Access denied. Your provider's SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct. Another reason could be that your SMTP server is blacklisted by the recipient's server. Or the recipient's mailbox does not exist.
Error 535: Username and Password not accepted. Check your SMTP server settings. Make sure that the username and password are entered correctly. Open "Settings"/ " General settings"/"SMTP", there double click on the SMTP server address, and in the window that appears, correct the username and password.
Note 1: Make sure CAPS LOCK is turned off - this is important!
Note 2: Some SMTP servers require a login « » instead of just "user", clarify these points.
Error 541: Recipient Address Rejected - Access denied. This response is almost always sent by the Antispam filter on the recipient's side. Check your message with a spam checker or ask the recipient to whitelist you.
Error 550: Mailbox unavailable. A 550 response from the SMTP server means that the recipient's email address is not on the server. Contact the recipient verbally to obtain their email address. Error 550 can sometimes be sent by the Antispam filter. Another case of a 550 response being returned would be when the recipient's server is down.
Error 552: Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation or size of the incoming message exceeds the incoming size limit. The recipient's mailbox has reached its maximum allowed size. Another case of a 552 response being returned is when the size of the incoming message exceeds the limit specified by the network administrator.
Error 553:Requested action not taken - Mailbox name invalid. Invalid recipient email address. SMTP server response sometimes returns 553 mail server your Internet provider. This happens if you do not have an Internet connection with this provider.
Error 554: Transaction failed. Response 554 from the SMTP server is returned by the antispam filter if the sender's email address, or the sender's IP address, or the sender's mail server is not liked (for example, they are located in RBL). You need to either ask the sender to add you to the whitelist, or you must take steps to have your IP address or ISP server removed from the RBL (Realtime Blackhole List).

From time to time, users complain that they do not receive letters to Yandex mail. Why might this happen? How to deal with this problem? Is everything really as dangerous as it seems at first glance? All this will be answered further. In fact, there can be a lot of problems. But there is clearly no need to panic. Most situations are resolved without much difficulty.

Network failure

Why don't I receive letters to Yandex mail? The whole issue may lie in the most common system failure of this service. This does not depend on the user. Occurs due to overload of the main server or during an update.

If the network fails, some users may receive emails, but others may not. There are also problems sending messages. There is no need to be afraid. It's enough just to wait a little. As soon as network failures and problems are corrected, mail will begin to work at full capacity.


But this is not the most common problem. Are your emails not coming to Yandex? Most often, the messages actually reach the user's mailbox. All letters are simply placed not in the “Inbox”, but in the “Spam” folder.

If you are expecting to receive a message, but it does not arrive for a long time, it is recommended to check the specified folder. Most likely, this is where the lost letter will be. A very common occurrence related to email settings and filters.

So it is advisable to check your Spam folder in advance. As practice shows, half of users stop complaining about the problem. But these are not all the options for the development of events. There is another reason why letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


It is likely that messages from certain domains or addresses will not reach the recipient. Moreover, it is not necessary to have mail on Yandex; the problem can happen with any hosting. The reason lies in automatic settings services that include blocking certain emails.

In this case, it is recommended to write to technical support"Yandex". Although many users advise simply setting up an email account on a different hosting. Unblocking is not easy. But you can try to resolve the situation on your own. Are you not receiving emails from Yandex from GMail? Just try to work a little with the filters. Maybe it will be possible to remove the blocking without much difficulty.

Working with filters

If letters from a user are placed in the Spam folder or are not received by the user, it is recommended to enable the security filter settings in Yandex. How to do it?

Just follow the instructions:

  1. Log in via email. Next go to "Settings".
  2. Select "Mail Processing Rules" from the menu that appears.
  3. Go to the "White List" section and type there in the appropriate window required address sender.
  4. Click on "Add".

From now on, contacts from the White List will no longer be placed in the Spam folder. And they won’t be recognized as prohibited either. It is clear what to do if letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


But that is not all. Sometimes the reason that letters do not arrive at one or another email address is simply overcrowding with data. Each service has its own limit of incoming and outgoing documents. It is likely that it is exhausted.

From time to time, users complain that they do not receive letters to Yandex mail. Why might this happen? How to deal with this problem? Is everything really as dangerous as it seems at first glance? All this will be answered further. In fact, there can be a lot of problems. But there is clearly no need to panic. Most situations are resolved without much difficulty.

Network failure

Why don't I receive letters to Yandex mail? The whole issue may lie in the most common system failure of this service. This does not depend on the user. Occurs due to overload of the main server or during an update.

If the network fails, some users may receive emails, but others may not. There are also problems sending messages. There is no need to be afraid. It's enough just to wait a little. As soon as network failures and problems are corrected, mail will begin to work at full capacity.


But this is not the most common problem. Are your emails not coming to Yandex? Most often, the messages actually reach the user's mailbox. All letters are simply placed not in the “Inbox”, but in the “Spam” folder.

If you are expecting to receive a message, but it does not arrive for a long time, it is recommended to check the specified folder. Most likely, this is where the lost letter will be. A very common occurrence related to email settings and filters.

So it is advisable to check your Spam folder in advance. As practice shows, half of users stop complaining about the problem. But these are not all the options for the development of events. There is another reason why letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


It is likely that messages from certain domains or addresses will not reach the recipient. Moreover, it is not necessary to have mail on Yandex; the problem can happen with any hosting. The reason lies in the automatic settings of the service, which include blocking of certain emails.

In this case, it is recommended to write to Yandex technical support. Although many users advise simply setting up an email account on a different hosting. Unblocking is not easy. But you can try to resolve the situation on your own. Are you not receiving emails from Yandex from GMail? Just try to work a little with the filters. Maybe it will be possible to remove the blocking without much difficulty.

Working with filters

If letters from a user are placed in the Spam folder or are not received by the user, it is recommended to enable the security filter settings in Yandex. How to do it?

Just follow the instructions:

  1. Log in via email. Next go to "Settings".
  2. Select "Mail Processing Rules" from the menu that appears.
  3. Go to the "White List" section and enter the required sender's address in the appropriate window.
  4. Click on "Add".

From now on, contacts from the White List will no longer be placed in the Spam folder. And they won’t be recognized as prohibited either. It is clear what to do if letters do not arrive at Yandex mail.


But that is not all. Sometimes the reason that letters do not arrive at one or another email address is simply overcrowding with data. Each service has its own limit of incoming and outgoing documents. It is likely that it is exhausted.

It is enough to simply clear your mail of accumulated letters. After this, you won’t have to wonder why letters don’t arrive at Yandex mail.

When working with the Yandex.Mail email client, users may encounter unexpected errors. To avoid any confusion, today we’ll tell you about error Code: 3, which appears when you try to send a letter. This failure may also be accompanied by the text “The letter cannot be sent because it appears to be spam.” In both cases, the essence of the problem is the same, so first we will tell you about possible reasons this error, and below we will give instructions on how to fix it.

Reasons for the error

If you receive error code 3 or spam messages, there are several options: your mail was hacked to send messages, there was an error in the work of the mail robot that accidentally mistook the letter for Spam, or you yourself are abusing the mailing. In any case, blocking occurs if you have violated one or more rules:

  • Identical or template letters are being sent to different addresses;
  • You sent a large number of emails in the last 24 hours;
  • The mail robot considered your letter suspicious;
  • You are trying to send an email to a non-existent address;
  • Users are complaining about your account due to emails being sent from your address.

The first thing you should check is the sender address field. The address must not contain Cyrillic characters or unacceptable characters. And also end with the correct address mail client. For example: “”, “”, “” “”, “”. If you copied the address into the sender field, try typing it manually. Perhaps there was an extra Cyrillic letter.

Mistakes are wonderful, we are given a hint that something went wrong, and this is a signal to action. After all, it’s easier to solve the problem; it will be worse if your email is delivered to an existing or incorrect address, and you won’t even know about it. Now let's listen to Yandex's recommendations in solving this problem.

Since search robot algorithms are constantly updated, your email could be mistaken for spam. To avoid this in the future, you will need to go to the desktop web mail interface.

Desktop interface means using the email client website, not mobile application or programs for working with letters.

To do this, from your computer or phone, go to:, log into your account and send any letter for the test. This will tell the email robot that our account is good.

What to do if your email is blocked?

If your account was used mass mailing, the email could be blocked for later sending. In this case, only sent messages are blocked. You are allowed to receive and view letters. The blocking itself is removed automatically after 24 hours. If you send emails during this time, it will last another day. While the blocking is expected to be lifted, it is recommended to perform a number of standard actions:

  1. Change your email client password.
  2. Fill in your personal information: first name, last name, date of birth.
  3. Link the correct mobile phone number.
  4. Scan your computer for viruses, for example free program by Dr.Web CureIt.

Write in the comments whether you managed to fix the problem, and whether the information was useful. If you encounter other errors, please use the “Report a problem” form in the side column of the site.

Below are the reasons and solutions to typical problems why mail may not be sent from ePochta Mailer. Even to your own mailing address!

Error Description and solution
Connecting to:
Socket Error #10051
Network is unavailable
There may be two reasons for the problem:
1 - connection is blocked by security programs
2 - port 25 is closed by the Internet provider.
In the first case - disable security programs and resend the test letter, in the second - contact your Internet provider and ask either to open this port, or use alternative ports for this SMTP server with which it can work and which are not blocked by your Internet -provider.
HELO/HELO rejected You need to open Settings/General Settings/Connection/HELO Value and click "Define".
After that, copy your HELO value and paste it into the appropriate field. blocks as spam Your mailing was accepted as spam on the server. This most often happens when you send an empty letter.
You need to follow the link “” to receive details, or write a letter to « [email protected]» .
Contact and explain that your mailing list is not spam and demand to know why they are blocking it. Or use a different SMTP server
“Dispatching...” very long If the status "Dispatching..." has been hanging for quite a long time (more than a minute), please check the following:
1. The prepared message is large in size and ePochta Mailer takes longer to send it.
2. ePochta Mailer is completely blocked from Internet access by an antivirus or firewall. Set an exception for ePochta Mailer.
Error 450: Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable. The server cannot access the mailbox to deliver the message. This may be caused by the server's dead address purge process, the mailbox may be corrupted, or the mailbox may be on another server that is not currently accessible. Also, the network connection may have been broken during sending, or the remote mail server does not want to accept mail from your server for some reason (IP address, blacklists, etc.). A second attempt to send a letter to this mailbox may be successful.
Error 451: Requested action aborted: local error in processing. This error usually occurs due to your ISP being overloaded or too many messages being sent through your SMTP relay. The next attempt to send a letter may be successful.
Error 500: Syntax error, command unrecognized. Your antivirus/firewall is blocking incoming/outgoing SMTP connections. You should configure your antivirus/firewall to resolve the issue.
Error 501: Syntax error in parameters or arguments. Invalid email addresses or domain name of the mailing address. Sometimes indicates connection problems.
Error 503: Bad sequence of commands or this mail server requires authentication. Repeated 503 errors may indicate connection problems. A 503 response from the SMTP server is most often an indication that the SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct.
Error 512: The host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found (DNS error). One of the servers on the path to the destination server has a problem with the DNS server or the recipient address is incorrect. Check the recipient's address for the correct domain name (spelling errors in the domain name or non-existent domain name).
Error 513: Address type is incorrect or authentication required. Make sure the recipient's email address is correct and free of errors. Then try resending the message. Another reason could be that the SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (usually ESMTP authentication, login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct.
Error 523: The Recipient's mailbox cannot receive messages this big. The message size (message + all its attachments) exceeds the size limits on the recipient's server. Check the size of the message you have prepared to send, in particular the size of the attachments; it may be worth splitting the messages into parts.
Error 530: Access denied. Your provider's SMTP server requires authentication, and you are trying to send a message without authentication (login + password). Check General Settings to ensure the SMTP server settings are correct. Another reason could be that your SMTP server is blacklisted by the recipient's server. Or the recipient's mailbox does not exist.
Error 535: Username and Password not accepted. Check your SMTP server settings. Make sure that the username and password are entered correctly. Open “Settings”/ “General Settings”/ “SMTP”, there double click on the SMTP server address, and in the window that appears, correct the username and password.
Note 1: Make sure CAPS LOCK is turned off - this is important!
Note 2: Some SMTP servers require a login « [email protected]» instead of just "user", clarify these points.
Error 541: Recipient Address Rejected - Access denied. This response is almost always sent by the Antispam filter on the recipient's side. Check your message with a spam checker or ask the recipient to whitelist you.
Error 550: Mailbox unavailable. A 550 response from the SMTP server means that the recipient's email address is not on the server. Contact the recipient verbally to obtain their email address. Error 550 can sometimes be sent by the Antispam filter. Another case of a 550 response being returned would be when the recipient's server is down.
Error 552: Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation or size of the incoming message exceeds the incoming size limit. The recipient's mailbox has reached its maximum allowed size. Another case of a 552 response being returned is when the size of the incoming message exceeds the limit specified by the network administrator.
Error 553:Requested action not taken - Mailbox name invalid. Invalid recipient email address. A 553 response from the SMTP server is sometimes returned by your ISP's mail server. This happens if you do not have an Internet connection with this provider.
Error 554: Transaction failed. Response 554 from the SMTP server is returned by the antispam filter if the sender's email address, or the sender's IP address, or the sender's mail server is not liked (for example, they are located in RBL). You need to either ask the sender to add you to the whitelist, or you must take steps to have your IP address or ISP server removed from the RBL (Realtime Blackhole List).
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