
Why doesn't Bixby work? Changing the purpose of the Bixby button in the Samsung Galaxy S8. Setting up navigation buttons

After months of waiting voice assistant Bixby Voice has started arriving on smartphones around the world. In an attempt to compete with assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa and Cortana, Samsung, indeed, managed to do a good job with Bixby. In fact, when it comes to execution complex actions In apps, Bixby looks even more convincing than its competitors. To further strengthen its position, Samsung also introduced Bixby Page, which is very similar to the Google Now page on the home screen. It's a pity that Bixby's voice recognition only works with a few languages ​​- in this moment with English (in its American version) and with Korean. On the other hand, Google Assistant still comes pre-installed on these devices. That is, the user always has the opportunity to use only Google Assistant by disabling Bixby. Today we will show you how you can disable Bixby Voice as well as Bixby Page on Samsung Galaxy S8 or .

How to turn off Bixby Voice?

So, if you want to use Bixby Voice, you can either hold down the Bixby button and say “Hi, Bixby,” or access the assistant from the Bixby Cards page. But if you want to disable it, do the following actions:

How do I disable the Bixby page?

As mentioned earlier, the Bixby page is similar to what you get from Google Now Cards. In essence, it's not a bad thing, and the more you use it, the more useful things you discover in it. However, if you want to disable it, click on main screen your device and hold until home page Bixby. Disable this page using switch in the upper right corner. This is all. You will no longer see the Bixby page on your Home screen.

Now that you know how to disable Bixby Voice and Bixby Cards, you can use some other voice assistant, or perhaps do without one at all, on your Samsung device. We have brought the most simple ways, with which you can disable Bixby Voice and Bixby Page on the Samsung Galaxy S8 or Note 8. We are interested in your opinion about this voice assistant: do you use it, are you satisfied with its work, have you already disabled Bixby or are you going to use our instructions to do This? Share information and leave your questions in the comments. Judging by the requests and number search queries, then the torment with disabling the Bixby voice assistant never ended. In principle, this is understandable as one of the options. Smartphones with a Bixby button are becoming cheaper and more and more new users are appearing who are perplexed as to why devices with Russian firmware have an application installed that doesn’t “boom-boom” in Russian. The developers promised to teach this voice assistant the great and mighty by the fall, then in October, but something went wrong. You can talk to the phone in English or Korean, but for firmware “SER/SER/SER” this miracle of Korean IT technology is not available at all.

And suddenly, without declaring war, a standard button appeared, which allows users to disable (important - but only disable) without installing any third-party software.

But all these miracles happened as usual: some had such an opportunity, but others did not. Another bug/feature/this is what the developer intended - I don’t know, but after Bixby was officially turned off, some users simply cannot turn it back on. There is no control for this feature. Absolutely no. The “gear” icon and activation through “Bixby Home Screen” disappear. Maybe Samsung got upset and decided that since they turned it off, then walk around like fools with a button that no longer has any functionality. It's relatively easy - reset. But the fact itself takes place.

So, if you are annoyed by calling the Bixby voice assistant instead of an option, then the instructions below are just right for you. To be honest, I personally did not perform all the “steps” described in the manual on my Samsung phone Galaxy S8 (since the button has already been reassigned), but took part in the “torment” of his colleagues’ devices.

All actions were performed on AQJ5 firmware (settings -> about phone -> software information)

We delete all updates for all Bixby applications (if necessary and if the item is active) Settings -> Applications > what we need > three dots -> Delete updates;

Allow installation from unknown sources: Settings -> Lock screen and protection -> unknown sources;

Install all(!) versions of Bixby applications that are provided in the topic

“The application is not installed” or “A file with the same name is already installed”

This is a common occurrence when we install some fraudulent *apk. For example, when “Gallery” was merged into the network with Android 8 (Oreo), similar steps were performed for installation.

Turn it on or off (depending on the current state), " Safe launch": Settings -> Lock screen and protection;
After activation or deactivation -> reboot the phone

Clearing the data again installed applications(as well as BixbyDummy) Settings -> Applications -> everything installed -> Memory > Clear data;

Launch Bixby -> instead of “Hello, your name” a “gear” should appear -> turn it off

That's it, curtain.

Thank you "RAUB"

P.S. The instructions are working! Of all the phones, only 2 (two) did not succumb to any persuasion with dancing and tambourines. One is “gray” from the UAE, the second was purchased quite recently. The number of approaches to make changes to the Bixby application for the gear to appear is somewhere from 4 to 6. But the number of reboots and cache/data rollbacks, as well as turning security on/off with subsequent reboots, is tired of counting. But we won.

We recently talked about how voice functions virtual assistant Bixby, which debuted in Samsung flagships Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ are now available in select countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Today, the corresponding functionality has reached the CIS. EAC models began to receive updates to key services, after installation of which the basic capabilities of Bixby for voice control of a smartphone became active. True, so far the assistant only understands two languages ​​– Korean and English (Samsung promises to add other localizations “soon”), but voice dictation works with the Russian layout and recognizes speech quite clearly. There is a system of accumulating points to increase the level and receive rewards; you can choose a male or female voice. The list of commands is divided into categories depending on the application. At this stage, many standard applications are available (including Gallery, Camera, My Files), as well as some third party programs(mostly social media). In the future, their number should be expanded. Do you use voice assistants?

Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ smartphones. One of their distinctive capabilities is the Bixby virtual assistant, which makes interacting with your device, services and applications more instinctive and simpler.

Bixby was created to provide a more personalized experience to improve how people interact with their smartphones and the world around them. As noted, Bixby is not your average voice assistant, but rather an intuitive and comprehensive interface that takes a contextual approach to learn users' habits and respond accordingly.

Bixby offers four main features: Voice, Vision, Reminder and Home.

To launch Bixby Voice, you need to press and hold the hardware button on the side of the Galaxy S8 and say “Bixby.” You can also launch it from the main screen. After this, the smartphone can be controlled voice commands. At the same time, using natural language understanding, Bixby can adapt to the user's unique speech style. But if Bixby doesn't understand the user's command, it will ask Additional information so that he can complete the task. English and Korean will be supported initially.

As noted, Bixby works simultaneously in several applications (Call, Camera, Gallery, Settings and Message, the number will be expanded in the future) and has the ability to manage all the settings and functions of each service. For example, if a user wants to send photos to a friend, they can select images from their Gallery by tapping them, and then tell Bixby to send the selected photos to the specified contact. Bixby itself works in the background.

With Vision, Bixby tracks the user's gaze, making it easier to find images and information, translate text, and more. You can also use this system to take a photo of an item and then use Vision to search for and purchase it online. In addition, Vision can scan QR codes, and in some countries, barcodes.

There is an intelligent reminder system, and it works not only for, but also for marking places on videos and similar tasks.

At launch, Vision's shopping service will be available in 11 countries, including the US, UK and Korea, and will expand to more in the future.

Finally, Bixby's home screen allows users to see the content they're most interested in, allowing the shortcuts and items they use most often to be brought to the home slot.

This is in case you really can't wait to try out Bixby voice functionality on your Galaxy S8. Samsung recently announced a call for participants for open beta testing of the Bixby Voice service.

And now we will briefly tell you what you need to do in order to take part in this exciting event.

As you know, the official page of the Bixby service on the Internet until recently consistently stated that “ new voice features are coming "(that is, there will be voice control, but later). And it seems that this “later” has finally arrived. Almost.

Since yesterday, Samsung has been inviting people to test the new feature on their Galaxy S8 or Galaxy S8+.

So, what do you need to install Bixby Voice on Galaxy S8?

Of course, the very first condition for participation in the program is the presence Galaxy smartphone S8 or Galaxy S8+. Secondly, you will also need your Samsung account, plus you also need to register on a special beta test page. In order, we do the following:

  • go to the page for beta testers of Bixby Voice;
  • scroll the screen to the very bottom and check the checkboxes “ I Agree with the above Terms and Conditions » (« I agree with the terms and conditions...") And " I have a Galaxy S8/8+ » (« I have a Galaxy S8/8+"), then…
  • enter address Email , to which your Samsung account is “linked” (if it doesn’t already exist, then first create it: “Settings” -> “Accounts” -> “Accounts” - “Add account" -> "Create an account");
  • tap the button Sign Up .

It’s worth noting here that Samsung, of course, invites you, but not everyone. In accordance with the rules of the promotion, the number of participants is limited. Therefore, after registration, all you have to do is wait for a letter from Samsung confirming your participation. Participation is completely free - you are simply given access to Bixby Voice before everyone else.

The event promises to be interesting. With Bixby Voice you can dial and send text messages, change smartphone settings and make calls. To do this, you just press the Bixby button and talk to your Galaxy S8 (although in beta testing in English). Samsung promises that Bixby will understand natural speech. As you use Bixby Voice, the digital assistant will learn and adapt to your voice and habits.

As for the official release of Bixby Voice, previously the most relevant information was considered to be Samsung’s plans to release Bixby voice by the end of June. True, as we see, since only the beta is starting now, they may not have time. Although we won't guess. So stay tuned for the news.

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