
Why can't my laptop find it? Troubleshooting problems connecting Wi-Fi networks on laptops. The laptop detects an available Wi-Fi network, but does not connect

Quite a lot of people face this problem a large number of users of Wi-Fi networks. This is not surprising, because now almost everyone has a Wi-Fi router in their home or apartment, which allows them to wirelessly connect various gadgets to the Internet, be it laptops, smartphones or TVs.

It is worth noting that the problem when a certain network is not visible in the list of available Wi-Fi networks can be encountered not only on a laptop, but also on any other device with a wireless Internet connection.

Reasons why the required Wi-Fi network is not in the selection list

Let us immediately note that everything written below applies only to cases when at least one Wi-Fi network is visible. If the laptop does not see any Wi-Fi networks, then to you.

So, the main reasons:

  1. Large distance between router and laptop;
  2. Incorrectly displayed.

The first reason should be clear. To check it, just get as close to your router as possible and see if the network you need is visible on the device.

As for the second reason (the most likely), to check it you need. To do this, you need to have the device already connected to your router via Wi-Fi or wired.

We wrote in detail how to enter the router settings in.

After you have entered the router settings, you need to go to the section related to Wi-Fi settings. Depending on the router model, it may look like this.

Options for the location of the setting responsible for the shift Wi-Fi channel on Tp-Link routers

Channel or Channel is what you need. The value of this option is often Auto or 12 (13).

The fact is that channels 12 and 13 are border channels, with which many Wi-Fi modules installed in smartphones and laptops simply cannot work. You need to set the “Channel” option to any value from 1 to 11. After that, save the changes made and reboot the router.


Most often, a laptop or smartphone does not see some Wi-Fi networks due to the installation of a border radio broadcast channel on the router. These channels are 12 and 13. To correct this situation, just go to the router settings, change the channel to any one from the range 1-11, save the settings and reboot the router.

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without the Internet, and even wireless. But it happens that the laptop does not see the wifi network, why this happens and what to do then, let’s look into it in detail!

Why the laptop does not see the wifi network: possible problems and their solutions

Let's go from the most likely to the most difficult - by elimination. Let's get started.

The most common

So why does the laptop not see the wifi network - this may happen due to the fact that wireless Internet basically absent!

  1. Let’s make sure that there is wireless Internet in the coverage area by using other devices: a tablet, smartphone, laptop or PC and check whether they see wifi on the laptop. If yes, we follow further, if not, then he does not see wifi.
    We found out that there is Internet, but the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network, why - it means that something is wrong with our device, as a rule, and there are extremely banal solutions.
  2. See if the adapter is turned on; as a rule, the indicator lights up on the keyboard:
  • turned off - looks like the screenshot below.
  • turn on with the keys, according to the device layout, + from to .
  • after that the search for networks should begin with a notification in the tray and a yellow star near the antenna, see screenshot.
  • if everything works and the laptop sees the Wi-Fi network – enjoy surfing, otherwise further
  • Let's try to run troubleshooting - right click on the antenna → "Diagnosing problems"

  • the procedure helps in most cases, otherwise we are looking for another reason why the laptop does not see wifi.

The driver is an important component!

We urge you not to forget that the driver is the link between the hardware and the OS. Without this talented negotiator, everything works quite crookedly or does not work at all - this may be the answer to the question - why the computer does not see the Wi-Fi network. No matter laptop or desktop PC, external or internal connection adapter, general solution.

  • In the taskbar you can see another icon - a crossed out monitor, see the screenshot.

    If Windows 7 or 8, follow:
  • “Start” → right-click “Computer” → “Properties”

  • " Device Manager"

  • Expanding "Network adapters"→ we are looking for “Intel(R) Centrino”, “Atheros...” is also possible, etc.

    It should look like on the screenshot, without any marks
  • if there are red or yellow symbols, right-click and select "Engage"– Most likely, a driver update will be required.

If Windows versions 10, we follow:

We see that the drivers are not installed:

  • go to the manufacturer and download the appropriate drivers.
  • install → restart system
  • check, if it works, we’ll finish here, otherwise we’ll look for other reasons.

Let's adapt - adaptation!

There is such a word as adapter - this is the main opportunist in the name of the advent of the Internet, and if it is disabled, nothing will be visible!

Let's check if it is enabled:

Sees everything, but not what is needed!

Why doesn’t the computer see my Wi-Fi network, but catches everyone else - and this happens. Here you already need to understand the router settings. Let's look at it visually on Asus models, and write it down with commands for the rest. First, connect to another available Internet - for example, you can distribute it from your phone.

Now, by TP-Link equipment:

What's in a name…?

One involuntarily recalls the words of the classic A.S. Pushkin. Do not think that this is a joke, sometimes there is an SSID conflict, your computer does not see Wi-Fi, but everyone else does. And believe it or not, it turns out that his change and Voila are enough!

We change it using the example of the Asus router with screenshots.

The most common problems with laptops are setting up and connecting to Wi-Fi networks. Therefore, before starting possible solutions This is exactly the problem, you first need to check whether the connection itself is configured properly or not.

What is the reason?

The fault may lie, for example, in the router that the user is using, or in the operating system itself. The most common reasons why Wi-Fi is not displayed or the laptop does not see it may be due to the fact that: the Wi-Fi router is frozen or not configured, may be various problems With a device that connects to Wi-Fi, Internet access is blocked by a firewall or antivirus, and DHCP does not issue an IP address.


To determine the cause and then resolve the problem, you need to check the router. To do this, you should restart the router and see if the network appears in the list. If this has not happened yet, then you need to disable network cable from the router and move it to the appropriate connector.

This will allow you to check whether the Internet is coming from the provider at all or not. If the Internet is not available, then the problem is directly with the service provider, but otherwise, it will be required. To configure it, you need to go to the address, or, depending on the router model.

If everything is fine in the settings, then you need to update or install drivers for the network adapter. You can easily find them on the Internet, but to do this you will need to know the model. To do this, you need to open the “Control Panel” and select “Device Manager” from the menu. In the list you need to find the “Network adapters” item. Here you will see a list of all network devices running on the computer, and in order to find Wi-Fi, you should select the item where the phrase “ Wireless device...". After searching and installing all drivers, Wi-Fi networks should be displayed.

If none of these methods helped resolve the immediate problem, then most likely the problem lies directly with the device itself, which is trying to find and connect to the wireless network. To check this, you can purchase an inexpensive USB Wi-Fi adapter or borrow it from a friend and install it

While developing wireless networks, developers came up with the wifi standard. This is when one or more computers connect to a wireless access point and access the Internet through it. Or through a router. Before finding out the reasons why the laptop does not see wifi, we think it would be logical to learn something about this technology.

How should the term be understood correctly?

When we ask ourselves why a laptop doesn’t see wifi, we mean that there is no Internet network. In truth, this is not entirely true. It’s just that wifi is and if a device is equipped with it, then it is certified to work in these networks, that is, it is a guarantor normal functioning for the intended purposes. Just as there are copiers from Xerox, and there are copiers from other suppliers. However, out of habit, people call any paper multiplier a “copier”.

WiFi equipment

Among most devices for wireless access, two categories of equipment can be distinguished: “access point” and There is also an extended access point - a multifunctional wifi device.

The hardware of the equipment is similar, it differs in the firmware and, as a result, in the quality of work. If you have problems with the network and you think that the laptop does not see wi-fi router, then the problem is not always in the machine itself. May be unfinished firmware router, which causes unstable communication with the access point.

Optimal choice equipment with high-quality software should include:

  • Reputation of the manufacturer (branded models are less likely to glitch).
  • Careful study of even top-class models. It is recommended to have a review with a specialist.

How to connect to wifi. Connection setup

One way is to use the services of cable network providers, and then install wifi equipment on the wired connection.

The next option is to connect through the appropriate access point on the provider’s local network, if such a service is provided by them.

The access point is a hardware radio wave amplifier with the function of receiving and transmitting content. A radio signal of the wifi standard arrives from the PC, which is received by it. The signal is unified for equipment from different manufacturers, which allows you to avoid developing thoughts like “the laptop doesn’t see wifi, it’s probably because my equipment is incompatible with the access center.”

Connecting wifi in windows xp via laptop

Step-by-step setup is discussed below.

  1. Enable with a hardware button or key combination (depending on the model). In this case, as a rule, the indicator light should light up - a light bulb indicating that the receiver is turned on.
  2. For some laptop models, enabling the wi-fi module is provided by special instructions regulating the procedure. If necessary, check whether this is the case in the relevant documentation.
  3. If your receiver uses Wimax technology, you can configure this operating mode using special software.
  4. Enable the wireless access service (right click on the My Computer icon - management - services and applications - services - wireless setup - start, if the service is not running).

If the laptop does not see wifi router, and the system reports this, which means that most likely a special driver utility from the wifi equipment manufacturer is responsible for managing the wireless connection. Open “Network Neighborhood” - “view available wireless networks”.

If the router does not respond at all, then the problem is purely technical. In this situation, you should look for a problem in the wires, power supply, or take the router for repair. As a rule, it is easier to replace the router with a new one than to send it to service centers for inspection.


As you know, any equipment requires software, which guarantees stable operation. If the laptop does not detect WiFi, then you should check the drivers. Even if they are installed, it is recommended to update them.

You can check drivers through the control panel. In the “device manager” section there is a line “network adapters”, which should contain the name of the router if the problem is with the drivers. Right-click on it and look at the driver version. Compare it with the real version, which can be found on the Internet.

If the version is outdated, then download a new one and install. It's best to download from official sources. Drivers for equipment are distributed by developers free of charge, and there is no point in risking the “health” of your operating system.

Signal distance

If, after searching for a network, the answer appears: “No connections available,” think about the signal. In apartments, this option is not very relevant, since modern routers have a strong signal and distribute it quite far. But in private homes or other places where the distance can be quite large, the signal simply may not reach the laptop. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the Internet suddenly disappeared while you were walking around the house or yard.

Mac address

There are situations when I was able to connect, but the router does not see the Internet through my WiFi or has stopped seeing it. When using services from some providers, the user cannot simply change network adapter, since the Mac address changes.

The Mac address is written on each router and the user just needs to call the operator to bind a new address to replace the old one. You may be asked to dictate it in full or to specify only the last few values ​​of the entire number.

Antivirus or third party programs

Third-party programs installed on a laptop may conflict with drivers or interfere with the correct establishment of an Internet connection, which often happens when the device sees wifi but does not connect. In addition, sometimes antiviruses interfere with creating a connection. If possible, it is better to try connecting to the Internet without a router first. If everything is fine, then the programs are not to blame.

In addition to those listed, there can be many reasons. Basically, the variety of reasons is due to problems with the operating system.

Therefore, if all else fails, try reinstalling your operating system. Perhaps all the problems come from here.

For those who are wondering why the laptop does not see wifi in Windows 7, first of all, you need to try manually turning on the wireless network.

To do this you need:

In Windows 8, activity is checked through the “PC Settings” item. Next, you need to select the “wireless connection” line and move the slider on the right side of the menu to the “On” state.

The wireless network when using Windows XP does not require manual activation and, as a rule, connects like Windows 7. It is enough to activate it through the control panel or through the wireless icon through the bottom panel of the system.

Video: how to create and configure a WI-FI network

How to set up a wireless network

For comfortable use of the network, some users resort to settings. Usually, standard settings are enough, but if you want, you can delve into your personal account. It is through your personal account that parameters are changed.

The login and password are specified by the router manufacturers, and you can find this data in the instructions. The address that will take you to Personal Area. It is best to replace the default data so that no one can use it.

All other settings are made on the laptop itself, and they are installed using the Network Control Center.

WiFi without internet due to Windows

There are rare cases when the operating system itself does not want to determine wireless connection and shows that there is no external network at all. This option may exist when using non-licensed OS. Some people prefer to use amateur assemblies, which do not load the system as much and allow you to squeeze more out of the hardware.

Another reason could be a clogged system. System folders, over time, become clogged with unnecessary files, and if defragmentation is not carried out, the processor will be increasingly overloaded. Antiviruses also cannot keep a laptop clean forever.

In any case, all problems with the OS can be solved by a simple reinstallation. After reinstalling Windows everything should work. Thus, the solution to the problem lies only in the functionality of the router, turned on WiFi on the laptop, or the presence of the necessary software. If these points are observed, WiFi will not present difficulties and will delight the user with stable operation.

A fairly common problem among owners of laptops with Windows 10, Windows 7 or 8 (8.1) - at one point in the notification area, instead of the usual wireless Wi-Fi connection icon, a red cross is displayed, and when you hover over it, a message stating that there are no available connections.

Moreover, in most cases, this happens on a completely working laptop - just yesterday, perhaps, you successfully connected to an access point at home, but today this is the situation. The reasons for this behavior may vary, but in general terms, the operating system believes that Wi-Fi adapter is turned off, and therefore reports that there are no connections available. And now about ways to fix this.

If Wi-Fi has not been used on this laptop before, or you have reinstalled Windows

No access to Wi-Fi network

If the laptop does not see wireless network, then the first thing you need to do is check whether the adapter is turned on on the laptop. Take a look at the row of keys F1-F12: on one of the keys there should be a designation of the antenna receiving the signal. Find this key and press it in combination with the Fn button - for example, Fn and F2.

Some laptop models use a hardware switch instead of hot keys, which is located in the front of the case. After pressing a keyboard shortcut or using a hardware switch, a message should appear indicating that Wi+Fi is on/off. Naturally, you need to put it in an active state.

But that's not all: sometimes the wireless connection in the system is turned off, while the adapter itself is working. To resolve this issue:

  1. Open Network and Sharing Center.
  2. Go to the "Change settings" section.
  3. Find your wireless network and make sure it is working.

If the adapter is turned on, the wireless network is active, but you still cannot access the Internet, then it makes sense to check your Wi-Fi drivers. This is especially true if connection problems began after reinstalling Windows.

  1. Right-click the Computer icon.
  2. Open the Manage tool.
  3. Go to Device Manager.
  4. Find the wireless connection module among the network adapters.

Even if it says that the equipment works correctly, do not be lazy to go to the official website of the laptop and download drivers for Wi-Fi module exactly your laptop model.

Checking router settings

If the laptop does not pick up the wireless network, but you see that everything is fine in the system, then you should pay close attention to the router. Make sure the alarm device is working correctly. Go to its web interface and look at the Wi-Fi settings.

  1. Enter the router's address in the browser ( or another specified on the router).
  2. Open advanced settings and make sure Wi-Fi is turned on.
  3. Save the correct configuration and close the router interface.

After applying the new configuration, try connecting to your wireless connection again. For it to appear in the list of available networks, turn off and turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop.

Local network problems

WITH wireless connection we figured it out, now let's see more difficult situation- the device is not visible local network, although you connected the Internet cable to the connector network card. What to do in this case?

First check if the wire is damaged. Often it is the faulty state of the cable that leads to the fact that the laptop cannot detect the local network. If the wire is broken or cut, it needs to be replaced.

The second step is to check the network card connector into which the Internet cable is inserted. If you removed the wire carelessly or dropped the laptop, the connector could be damaged. The problem is resolved at the service center, where they will replace your broken port. Another one unpleasant situation This kind of thing is a burnt-out network card. It is also better to entrust the operation of replacing it to specialists: after all, a laptop is not a computer where modules can be changed at home.

But before you go to the service, be sure to check the network card drivers: they may have failed. This can be done through the “Device Manager”, the launch procedure for which we described above. The principle is the same - download drivers for the network card from the official website of the laptop manufacturer and install them, and then check again whether the local network is detected.

A wireless Internet connection has many advantages, but there is often a situation when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. To begin troubleshooting the problem, you first need to understand what exactly is going on. Sometimes the laptop “refuses” to see a specific connection point, in other cases the device cannot connect to any wireless network at all.

Why doesn't my laptop see the network?

The most common situation is when the laptop does not find any Wi-Fi access point at all. In this case, the following conditions are met:

  • The home Wi-Fi router is working fine and connection to the access point is allowed
  • Have you tested the laptop in other places where there is wireless Internet, for example, in a cafe
  • phone, tablet or other devices connect to Wi-Fi normally

To understand why this is happening and to deal with the problem, you must first try to manually turn on the network adapter. Depending on the operating system, this is done in the following ways.

For Windows 7 the sequence looks like this:

  1. You need to go to the Control Panel and select Network and Sharing Center, and in it - Change adapter settings.
  2. If the wireless network icon is inactive, you need to right-click on it and turn it on.

If you have windows computer 8, then the activity check is done through the PC Settings section, which is located in the Control Panel. You need to select the item Wireless connection and move the slider to the “Enabled” position.

In Windows XP, the adapter usually does not need to be enabled manually. If this is still necessary, then this is done in the same way as in Windows 7 or through the icon on the taskbar.

The same can be done through Device Manager - Network Adapters.

Whatever the operating system, if a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark glows next to the adapter icon, this means that either the adapter is not active, or the driver of the wrong version is installed for it. If the device does not show a connection due to the driver, then you should download the required version, suitable for your laptop.

The network is disabled by hardware

Network access can be disabled on the laptop itself using a keyboard shortcut or a special switch on the case. How to make the device connect to the Internet? You must press the same combination again.

For different models On laptops, this action is performed using various key combinations: “FN+F2”, “FN+F12”, “FN+F3”, “FN+F9”. These combinations help you turn off the network, for example, before a flight - this option is called “On the plane” and is available on all modern mobile devices.

No network after cleaning

Also, sometimes you may find that the laptop has stopped seeing the Internet after cleaning the dust from inside. If this happens, then you probably accidentally turned off the wireless module or disconnected the wires somewhere during the cleaning process. In this case, the laptop does not even search for the network. To fix the problem, you will need to reconnect the adapter, and if this does not help, replace it with a new one.

All devices except the laptop see Wi-Fi

Now let’s consider another case, namely, when there is one wifi access point that can be seen by the phone, netbook and other devices, but the laptop does not catch it. In such a situation, the sequence of actions looks like this:

  • First try changing the encryption method by going to your wifi security settings
  • Try installing different meanings in the “Channel” item, perhaps after this the computer will connect to the network
  • You can also give the network a new name, avoiding overly complex symbol combinations.

Another common reason that a device ignores a certain network or does not see access points at all, including on Windows 10, may be the presence of virus software in the system. In this case, you need to scan your PC for viruses and remove them.

Problems with the router

The “culprit” for the fact that the PC does not find the network may be the wifi router itself. What to do in this case?

  1. First, you should find out if the router has the latest firmware installed. If it's already out a new version, then, accordingly, it needs to be installed on the device.
  2. A more radical option is to reset your home Wi-Fi router to factory settings and configure the device again
  3. Sometimes you have to act more cunningly. More than one is installed first old version firmware, then all network parameters are configured, after which the firmware is updated.

Whatever problem causes the laptop to not see the wireless network, it can be solved using any of the methods listed above. First, in any case, it is worth installing the latest drivers and checking whether the wifi module is functioning normally.

Video - what to do in such a situation?

To prevent such problems from returning in the future, it is worth periodically installing the latest versions of software on your laptop or netbook. This can be done either manually or using special programs.

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