
Why did the Internet icon disappear in Windows 10? Icons have disappeared from the desktop or from the taskbar, what should I do in this case? Starting the Explorer process

Often enough Windows users 10 are faced with a problem such as missing icons from the main computer screen. This situation usually occurs as a result of the next system update, system failures and other unknown reasons, for example, after rebooting the PC.

Microsoft representatives could not name the exact cause of the problem and can only recommend several effective ways to solve it. We will try to consider all the options in as much detail as possible and help you return your desktop to its previous state.

Icon visualization

If desktop icons have disappeared on your computer after updating Windows 10 or a normal reboot, then most likely the system settings have gone wrong. They should be checked first and changed if necessary. It is possible that icon visualization is simply turned off in the settings.

To check this you need:

If the checkbox is checked, try removing it and checking it again. In order for the desktop to change according to the settings, update it using the “Refresh” context menu or the F5 key.

Creating a new element

If the first method does not help, then you can restore the desktop by creating a new element. This helps in cases where the cause is a system glitch.

To do this we do the following:

In some situations, this fairly simple algorithm can quickly fix the problem. If this does not help and the shortcuts are still not displayed, then the object we created needs to be deleted and proceed to the next step.

Settings failed

The new menu that appeared in Windows 10 has a huge number of settings, many of which may not even be known about advanced user. And one of them is a special “tablet mode” - full screen mode, most likely all your files disappeared from your desktop precisely because of it, and tiles appeared instead quick access. Usually it turns on automatically, for example, after updating from more old Windows 7/8 for 10tka.

Disable this mode quite simple:

After this, its state should return to its previous state and your PC will be ready for full operation again.

Desktop completely disappeared on Windows 10

Also, icons (icons, shortcuts) may disappear from the desktop as a result of various system failures, one of which makes itself felt after incorrect completion Windows operation 10. This usually happens after the light blinks, when the computer suddenly turns off. As a result, some system settings may change.

All you need to do is change them back:

This way, you will return the desktop to its previous state, with all the missing icons and shortcuts.

Incorrect conductor operation

Most people who still use old Windows XP are familiar with this method and some of them have probably tried it before. If before this “Explorer” constantly had to be restarted due to the invasion of viruses, today such a scenario is less likely, but still has a right to exist.

Let's decide this problem and return our missing desktop:

This way, you can launch Explorer, which was turned off for some reason, and restore the familiar classic desktop on your laptop.

File "explorer.exe"

If a message appears that the file was not found or the tool is unavailable, then it’s time to scan the operating system for viruses and make sure that the file that is responsible for the Windows 10 window interface is not damaged.

The action plan is as follows:

If this does not help restore shortcuts (icons) on the desktop, be sure to try the following:

I would like to pay special attention to the first point, which is why we will analyze it in detail below.

Registry errors

If you have reached this point, it means previous methods they did not help you, and this in turn indicates that your desktop is missing due to errors in the registry. First, let's briefly talk about what it is. The registry is a kind of database of the Windows 10 operating system. It stores all system settings, settings for programs, applications and connected equipment (printers, scanners, etc.). And even small errors can disrupt the correct operation of the OS.

Therefore it should also be checked:

After changing the settings, a black screen usually appears, which goes away after a few seconds.

Additionally, it should be checked using the Reg Organizer utility. She will find and correct all errors.

Restore the system to a restore point

Another way to return all the icons and icons back to the desktop is to roll back all changes in the system to the point when all the icons and shortcuts were displayed. This effective method, which will certainly solve the problem even if none of the above methods brought the desired result.

To complete this task you need:

  1. Enter the classic “Control Panel” by pressing “Win ​​+ X” or through Start.
  2. In the search bar (you can find it in the upper right corner) you must enter the query “Recovery”.
  3. The search results will display the section we need, go to it.
  4. We launch system recovery by clicking on the appropriate item.
  5. The “Recovery” wizard will open. To roll back and return to the normal appearance of the desktop, you just need to click “Next” and follow the instructions on the screen.
  6. An important step is to select a suitable restore point to which the rollback should be made.
  7. Select a point from those available in the list and click “Next”. If you do not know what to do in this case and which point to select, then you should use the “Search for affected programs” option. To do this, select a point and press this button.
  8. A window will appear on the screen with a list of utilities that will be affected during a system rollback. In the top list you will see applications that will be deleted, and in the bottom list you will see those that will be restored.
  9. Having selected a restore point, click “Finish”.

After this, the process will be launched and Windows 10 will roll back to the restore point you need.

Based on the available data, we can summarize that returning an old desktop is not difficult, and no specialized knowledge or skills in the computer field are required, since we have explained each method in as much detail as possible.

Surely, many have noticed that with the advent of new operating systems, namely Windows 8 and 10, after installing them, the icons so familiar to everyone disappeared: recycle bin, computer, documents. More precisely, they did not disappear, but simply hid from users and moved to the Start menu, where they were displayed as tiles. But, having found these shortcuts in the start, users had a problem new problem— there was no way to return them back to the desktop. By calling the shortcut property, it could be pinned to the taskbar, but there was not a word about the desktop in the properties.

As a result, the question of how to return icons to the desktop and why they disappeared began to be asked by users more and more often. This is not surprising, since these icons position themselves as things that must be on the desktop. So I, always after or after, first of all, return the icons of my documents, computer and recycle bin to their place.

Bringing desktop icons back

As I said earlier, the desktop icons did not disappear anywhere, but simply moved to Start, but this does not suit us, so let me show you how you can return the desktop icons to their place in Windows 8 and 10.

How to get your desktop icons back in Windows 8

Well, right-click anywhere on the desktop, which will bring up a context menu in which we select “ Personalization».

Now, in the desktop settings window that opens, on the right side, click on “”.

Options will open, where in the desktop icon area we remove or mark the names of those icons that should be displayed on the main screen. For example, for home computers, I note: computer, recycle bin, user files, and control panel. When finished with your selection, click “ Apply" and close the window by clicking on " OK».

That's all, now all the labels are back in their rightful places.

How to get my computer and my documents icons back on Windows 10

Well, everything is clear with Windows 8, let's now figure it out with Windows 10. The principle of returning desktop icons is similar to figure eight, but some menu items have been changed, so, just in case, I will show how to do this in the new system.

To begin with, we execute the same command as above, calling up the context menu where we click on “ Personalization».

In the parameters go to the line “ Themes" and going to the first side, click on "".

As you can see, no one deleted anything, the developers simply hid these icons from the eyes of users, and left them only in the Start menu, which gave ordinary users the opportunity to choose for themselves which shortcuts should be displayed and which should be hidden.

Enable desktop icons in an alternative way

These lines will be useful to those who, for some reason, “Personalization” does not work, for example, because of or for some other reason. In general, this setting can be made through the control panel, by going into which we will enter the word icons in the search bar. The “Personalization” item should appear in the search results, by clicking on which you can restore everything the way you need it.

One more alternative way is to execute one command, which will return the desktop icons to their usual place. So, by calling the “Run” menu with the keyboard shortcut “Win ​​+ R”, copy and paste this command there: Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,5 . And confirm the entry by clicking on “ OK».

This way, everything will fall into place, if you still have questions, or have something to add, then leave comments and, as always, I invite you to join us in

New operating system Windows 10, in fact, like other versions of the OS, is not spared from the same problem - desktop icons disappear for no reason.

Those. recently everything was fine, but after the next start of the computer, the graphical interface turned out to be empty. All folders, shortcuts, and application icons disappeared, leaving only the Start menu and the taskbar.

Below are the simplest actions that should be carried out first in this situation.

The first step is to check whether the display of desktop elements is enabled. Click in an empty, free space GUI right-click, go to “View” and see if the checkbox next to “Display desktop icons” is checked.

You can also try clicking on the “Update” button or creating new folder, file and see whether they will be displayed or not.

Another way is to make changes to the settings. Go to the following path: Start – Settings – System. In the “Tablet Mode” section, we try to switch both switches to the “On” position, and then “Off” again.

In most cases, these methods help restore desktop icons.

Windows 10 users may encounter a situation where icons begin to be deleted from the desktop without any action on their part. To solve this problem, you need to find out why it could have appeared.

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Why do labels erase on their own?

The main reasons for shortcuts to disappear is virus infection or a system bug. If there is a system bug, you need to check some system settings, and if infected with viruses, get rid of it, and then return the shortcuts to the desktop manually.

The following reasons for the problem are also identified:

  • Disabled Explorer process.
  • Incorrect disconnection of the 2nd monitor.
  • Activated "Tablet Mode".
  • Incorrect installation of updates.

If a problem appears after installing updates, then most likely they were introduced or downloaded with errors that caused the icons to be removed. You need to check your system settings and re-add the shortcuts.

“Tablet mode” can change some system properties, causing icons to disappear. In some cases, it is enough to disable it so that all the icons return to their place, and sometimes it is necessary to manually add the necessary shortcuts after disabling it.

Removing viruses

Before checking and changing settings, you should make sure that there are no viruses. Some malware has a feature that removes and blocks desktop icons.

You need to run on your computer installed antivirus and perform a full scan. Then we remove the found viruses.

Activating icon display

Check if there is permission to display shortcuts on the desktop:

  • Expand the “View” tab.
  • Check if the “Display icons” value is enabled. If there is no checkmark there, then check it, after which the shortcuts should appear. If there is already a checkmark, then first remove it and then put it back. Perhaps a reboot like this will help.

Creating a new element

There is a way to create any new element. In some situations everything hidden shortcuts appear immediately after this.

  • Right-click on an empty space on the desktop.
  • Expand the “Create” tab.
  • Select any element, for example, a folder. If a folder appears, but there are no other icons, then this method didn’t work and move on to the next one.

Deactivating "Tablet Mode"

If “Tablet Mode” is activated, icons may disappear. To disable it, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • Open computer settings.

  • Select the “System” section.

  • Move the slider over the “Tablet Mode” window to disable its function. If the mode is already disabled, then turn it on and then turn it off again. Perhaps a reboot will solve the issue.

Solution for 2 monitors

If an error occurs while connecting or disconnecting the 2nd monitor, you should change the screen settings:

  • Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “Display Settings.”

  • We try to turn off the 2nd monitor, turn it on, then change the resolution and display parameters. We change all possible indicators, and then return them to their original positions.

Starting the Explorer process

Explorer.exe is responsible for the operation of Explorer. Depends on him correct display desktop shortcuts. Because of system errors The process may shut down, but you can start it manually:

  • Open “Task Manager”.

  • Open the “File” tab and proceed to launch a new task.

  • We enter “explorer” and confirm the action. When the process starts, the shortcuts should return.

  • In the general list of tasks we find the process. If it has already been launched, then you need to stop it, and then follow the 3 steps described above to start it again.

Manually adding icons

If the shortcuts disappear and do not appear after the above steps, you should add them manually. You need to move icons to the desktop or use the New function on the desktop.

Uninstalling updates

If, after uninstalling system updates, problems with your desktop appear, you need to remove them. We perform the following actions:

  • Select “Programs and Features”, which is located in the “Control Panel”.

  • Go to the list of updates, click on “View installed updates”.

  • We select updates that may be causing the problem. Click on the “Delete” button and confirm the action. The changes will take effect after the system is rebooted.

Registry settings

There is a possibility that registry settings have been changed or damaged. To check or restore them, you should follow these steps:

  • Press Win+R, a window will open where we enter the regedit command.

  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, check the parameters: explorer.exe should be for Shell, and C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe should be for Userinit.

  • Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options. If we find a subsection iexplorer.exe or explorer.exe there, delete it.
  • We restart the computer.

other methods

If none of the above methods helped resolve the issue, then all that remains is to reinstall or restore the system. The second option is possible if a system backup has already been created.

By default, restore points are created automatically by the system. We roll back Windows to the moment when the desktop worked stably:

  • Find "Start" through search bar, go to “Recovery”.

  • Select the “Run System Restore” section.

After performing a rollback, problems with displaying desktop shortcuts should disappear.

Windows 10 OS is full of mysteries for most of its users. Despite the fact that it appeared more than a year ago, questions about its use remain to this day. Among them is the problem with the lack of shortcuts from the desktop. Dealing with this situation on your own is somewhat problematic. This article will discuss what to do if icons from Windows 10 have disappeared.

The disappearance of shortcuts on a personal computer may be due to several reasons:

The display setting in system properties is disabled;

A virus has appeared on your hard drive software that disrupt the operation of the system;

Laptop mode is activated or personal computer as a tablet.

It cannot be ruled out that badges have disappeared from the worker Windows desktop 10 and for a number of other reasons. However, the above circumstances most often lead to the fact that the user is not able to launch programs on the computer through shortcuts.

Checking shortcut display settings

Hiding icons in the workspace can be initiated by the user. For example, if you need to hide everything that is located in a given zone. You can check which mode is activated on your computer quite simply. You need to click on the workspace space and select “View”. There are several settings here that allow you to manage the content. Among them is the “Show icons” option. If the box next to it is checked, then program shortcuts and other files should be displayed on the desktop. This setting allows you to display or hide all the data that was placed here.

If this checkbox is missing, then it is not surprising why the icons are missing from the Windows 10 desktop. There is a way to check whether the missing shortcuts are due to this setting or not. Just open Explorer and select “Desktop” on the left side. If the icons appear in the window, then you really just need to enable the display setting.

Deactivating tablet mode

The lack of icons on the desktop may be due to the fact that the device is in tablet mode. To check whether the current problem is related to this setting, you should go to the Notification Center. This section is located in the lower right part of the screen (on Then you need to select the “All settings” settings block). This section contains tools for managing the operating system.

After selecting the “System” section, a list of options will be displayed on the left side of the screen, including “Tablet Mode”. To deactivate it, set the slider to the “disabled” state (here this is necessary for the very first “Additional features” setting touch control Windows when using the device as a tablet"). If all actions are carried out correctly, then you will no longer have to think about why icons disappeared from the Windows 10 desktop.

Force a call to an explorer session

If the system has problems with the work of the explorer, then it is not surprising that icons have disappeared from the desktop; its work can be done forcibly. This can be done by simply restarting the computer or through a tool such as Task Manager. If everything is clear with the first method, then the second requires explanation.

You can open the manager by clicking on the taskbar and selecting the appropriate item. In the form that appears, execute the “File” command and initiate the creation of a new task. In the “Open” field you need to enter a name and confirm the entry with the “OK” button. After completing these steps, an explorer window will open, which is also responsible for the presence of shortcuts on the user’s desktop.

Refresh desktop

Sometimes the lack of shortcuts can be due to a system glitch. To eliminate this reason, you can try or update the desktop using the command of the same name context menu, or add a new object in the free area (for example, a folder, document, etc.). If the newly formed object is displayed, then perhaps someone was just playing a joke and removed all the shortcuts, causing the user to get pretty worried.

Checking your computer for viruses and malware

If icons have disappeared from the Windows 10 desktop and it was not possible to get them to display using the above methods, then it makes sense to check the system for malware. This can be done using antivirus program which is already present on the PC or use third party utility. It is possible that the lack of icons was the result of malware disrupting the systems.

One more universal method is to use the recovery tool built into the operating system. With its help, you can return your desktop to its previous state. These tools are accessed through the “Start” menu, “All Programs” section. In the list you should find “Standard”, and then “Service”. Of course, such a “rollback” of the system will overwrite some of the settings that were made during the period from the moment the restore point was created to the current moment.


Do not despair if icons have disappeared from the Windows 10 desktop. We discussed earlier in this article how to get them back, as well as other files and documents that were on it. Typically, one of the above methods can help resolve this situation. The absence of icons in the work area is often due to the fact that the user himself, without noticing it, turns off their display.

Viruses and other things can also be to blame. malware, which can penetrate your computer via the Internet or external equipment (disks, flash drives, mobile devices). Before taking drastic measures (such as system recovery), you should use the previously discussed tips to understand why all the icons disappeared from the Windows 10 desktop.

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