
Why did the hard drives on my computer disappear? Disk "D" has disappeared on the computer: what to do, how to get it back. What to do if drive “D” disappears after reinstalling Windows

It is one of the most important components in any computer. But sometimes it can cause many problems. One of the most common situations is when HDD disappears, and working or even loading the operating system with programs installed on it becomes impossible. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how to eliminate it possible malfunctions, then we propose to figure it out.

The hard drive periodically disappears: checking the connection

In general, the main reasons why the system suddenly stops detecting a hard drive are hardware problems, not software problems (although this can also happen).

Usually, most experts recommend immediately checking the special cable through which the hard drive connects to motherboard, and the tightness of the cable contacts hard drive on the device itself. Along the way, please note that the train itself should not have a bend of more than ninety degrees, that is, folding it in several layers is strictly prohibited. This is understandable, because the contacts can simply break. If, when connecting the hard drive cable to another device, its full functionality is ensured, this means in most cases that the reason for this phenomenon lies in the hard drive itself. But this is not always the case.

Problems with the power supply

To no less extent have a negative impact on work hard The disk may also be damaged by the power supply, which simply does not have enough power to provide all the “hardware” components of the computer with the required voltage current. This is especially true when the computer configuration is assembled manually. First, read the technical documentation of the device itself, check the supplied current with a tester, and if necessary, replace the entire unit.

Note: sometimes the appearance of constant spontaneous reboots systems.


But let’s assume that this is not due to the reasons described above. Where did the hard drive go when the computer was turned on or in a running system, because before the problem appeared everything seemed to be working fine?

It may very well be that the problem is that the hard drive is constantly overheating. You can find out if this is so using special utility, giving the characteristics of all available devices. For example, you can use the HWMonitor program. After determining the temperature parameters of the hard drive, it will become clear whether the problem is related to overheating. For most hard drives The normal value is considered to be 30 degrees Celsius, and the maximum that can be maintained is no higher than 45 degrees. If the limit is exceeded, it is likely that you will have to deal with either the cooling system or the device itself.

Hard drive malfunctions and errors

Quite often you can come across situations where the computer was working, but at one “wonderful” moment the hard drive disappeared for no apparent reason. The computer does not boot, or this happened directly while working with it, in this case it is not so important. The reason for this is usually attributed to device failure. This can happen, for example, when a hard drive, as they say, began to crumble. Using software methods, as a rule, it is quite difficult to determine the true cause. But first, you can try to connect the hard drive to another computer. If the hard drive is detected, then the problem is in another component (usually the motherboard). If it is not visible, the easiest solution is to buy a new one.

But if the hard drive disappeared for a while and then showed up again, you can at least check it for bad sectors using command line, using the command chkdsk /x/f/r (when starting the console from removable media, you will need to specify the system partition letter with a colon between the main command and attributes).

There is one more way to restore the hard drive. To do this you can use the application HDD Regenerator, which allegedly reverses the surface of the hard drive using a software method.

Why doesn't Windows 10 see my hard drive when waking from sleep or hibernation?

Despite hardware failures, sometimes you can encounter problems related to the operating system itself and its parameters. Often, according to some experts, Windows 10 does not see the hard drive (after a certain period of time) only because the settings of the current power supply plan are set to disable the hard drive.

In this case, it is necessary to set a shutdown prohibition in the circuit parameters. In some cases, you can try to disable fast startup or even deactivate hibernation by running the command powercfg -h off in the command console (at the same time, by the way, the hibernation file, which can take up a lot of space on the system partition, will also disappear from the hard drive).

Troubleshooting problems with system components

But very often the hard drive disappears not even due to the reasons described above. Sometimes this is facilitated by a violation of the integrity of system components. And the fact that the hard drive disappears is only the result of failures in the software part of the operating system.

If the system cannot be booted even using safe mode, you can start from removable media, then call the command line (Shift + F10), and then run the check and restore command system objects sfc /scannow. Sometimes, of course, you can use the DISM toolkit, which allows you to check and restore system images, but usually standard testing is enough.

Data recovery

Why the hard drive disappears and how to deal with it, we figured it out a little. It remains to say a few words about the recovery of important data if the hard drive shows at least some signs of life. In this case, it is recommended, if possible, to copy necessary files on removable media(and not to a logical partition, which is also actually located on the hard drive).

But for direct data recovery, it is better to use the R-Studio program, and not some simple utilities like Recuva. If none of the methods gives the desired effect, and the use HDD programs Regenerator also turned out to be ineffective; the hard drive will either have to be sent in for repairs service center, or replace. There's nothing you can do about it.

Brief conclusions

As is already clear, the most common problems are of a hardware nature, so first it is better to use methods designed to eliminate them. Software failures can only be a consequence of breakdowns or malfunction of the device, so they need to be used only in situations where the initial actions do not reveal problems. If, when the hard drive disappears from the system’s field of view, blue screens, you can determine the exact cause of the failure using the BlueScreenView utility.

It remains to add that the problems associated with changing the file system to the RAW format, issues of reassigning partition letters, initializing the device upon first connection, and virus exposure were not considered here, since all this is only indirectly related to the main situation.

You turn on the computer and partition D is missing, what should you do? The most important thing in this situation is not to panic and think through all your actions, because if you act rashly, you can lose all the data on the missing partition.

How to recover a missing D drive?

1. Right-click on the “my computer” icon and open the “Manage” menu.
2. In the left column of the Management menu, find Disk Management and open it.
3. In the right window, drives marked with letter values ​​will be highlighted. If there is no letter value in place of drive D, you need to set it by right-clicking on the drive without a value and selecting the “change drive letter” menu. Be careful, a 100 MB partition should not have a letter, this is the boot area of ​​the operating system.
4. If drive D is marked as unallocated space, then we will need the Acronis Recovery Expert program, which is included in the software package for working with disk spaces Acronis Disk Director. You'll have to download this program.
5. Launch the Acronis Disk Director software package, find Recovery Expert on the left side of it and launch it.
6. Select manual recovery mode and click next

7. In the menu that appears, select unoccupied space and click next.

8. Then we will be asked to select a search method; we are interested in a quick search.
9. The program will find information about drive D. You need to select it and click next.
10. The recovery process will begin, which may take some time. After the process is completed, you will see the result: Click next in this window. Then in the next window click continue.

Most users create partitions on their hard drive for their convenience. They are usually called C, D, etc., and their usefulness cannot be denied in any way. Let's say you have recorded on one volume operating system, and on the second all other user files (music, photos, movies). When you reinstall the OS, the partition with your files will not even be touched, which will allow you to save the data and continue to use it in the future. new Windows.

One of the extremely common problems that users often encounter is that the computer does not see hard drive partitions and cannot find them. This problem occurs unexpectedly and can be caused by a number of reasons affecting the operation of the hard drive. Let's figure out what to do in this situation and how to solve the problem that has arisen.

Assigning a letter

If your PC or laptop does not see one of the hard drive partitions, then the first thing you need to do is go to the special control menu and check whether it is displayed in the corresponding list. If it is there, then it needs to be assigned a letter.

Let's look at the process in order:

The requested information will be instantly displayed on the screen. It is necessary to look through the local drives, and if there is one that has disappeared, then you need to set the letter.

To do this you need:

For the changes to be successfully applied, you need to restart your computer. As soon as the operating system boots, check whether the partition is visible, it should appear under the letter you specified.

Creating a new volume

It is likely that when you go to the management menu you will not find the missing area, instead there will be an unallocated part that cannot be assigned a letter; you can only create a new volume:

But at the same time, you will completely lose the files stored on it. Therefore, if you do not value them, then feel free to use this method, in other cases I recommend using the method discussed below.

All processes are analyzed into Windows example 7, but in other versions, Windows XP/8/10 they will be similar.

Creating a new partition

If the first method did not help and the computer still does not see the hard drive partitions, then the problem may be that the OS itself cannot see it due to the loss of the file system, as often happens, but the data on it will still be saved.

In this case, to correct the situation, we will use one very effective tool, namely the Acronis Disk Director program. With its help, we will recognize the disappeared local partition of the hard drive, separate a small part from it, from which we will make a new area with file system NTFS and then just merge them.

This may seem very difficult to some, but if you follow the following instructions, which detail what to do in this situation, you will easily cope with this task:

After you create a partition, all that remains is to merge the problematic and new partitions using the “Merge” function.

Now you need to save the changes and reboot the system. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS again and return the boot to its original location - from the Hard Disk. After exiting the BIOS, the system will automatically boot into Windows OS. We check the disk partition again, now it should definitely be displayed correctly.

Partition recovery

In almost all cases when a logical partition of a hard drive disappears, it can be returned. For recovery we will use the same Acronis Disk Director.
So here's how to do it:

The procedure for restoring information from a partition that the PC has stopped seeing can take a significant amount of time. The duration of the process depends on the amount and volume of data available on the disk. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that the computer may work for quite a long time.

We hope that the methods we have listed for solving the problem are easy to implement, and you can use them to fix the problems that have arisen.

Video: how to solve the problem of unallocated space in Windows 10

It is quite rare that a local disk with the letter “D” or “E” simply disappears. In this case, you should not take any action unless you are a professional.

Each incorrect action can increase the risk of data loss on the specified HDD partition. However, it is still possible to fix this problem. So, in order to restore a missing HDD partition, you will need Acronis Disk Director, preferably version 11.

Method #1:

  1. Go to the “Disk Management” section, where you can see the unallocated area in the HDD - this is the missing partition.
  2. Assign the drive letter “D” to the unallocated area, after which the missing disk should appear. Otherwise, read method #2.

Method #2:

If the first method did not help you, then this method should fix the problem. You will need the Acronis Recovery Expert program included with Acronis Disk Director 11.

1) Launch “Acronis Recovery Expert” from “Acronis Disk Director 11”.

4) Select unallocated space, then click “Next”.

5) As a search method, select “Fast”.

7) We wait while the recovery process takes place.

9) Click “Continue”.


Remember that the sooner you begin to recover lost data, the greater the likelihood of this operation being successful. Download and install Acronis Disk Director. It is better to use version 10 or newer. Restart your computer and open Acronis.

In the menu that appears, open the “View” tab and select “Manual Mode”. Now find an image of the unallocated area of ​​your hard drive. Previously, there should have been a hard drive partition there (local drive D). Right-click on it and select “Recovery” from the “Advanced” submenu.

After launching a new menu with the title “Recovery Mode”, select “Manual” and click the “Next” button. In the new window, specify the full search method and click “Next” again. In this mode, the program may take much longer to search for a deleted partition, but the likelihood of its successful recovery increases significantly.

Now wait a while and let the program search for pre-existing partitions. Left-click on the one that was recently deleted. Click the "Next" button to complete the Partition Finder Wizard.

Expand the "Operations" tab and select "Run". Wait until Acronis finishes running. The speed of partition recovery depends on its size, how busy it is, and computer performance.

Close the program after completing the utility. Restart your computer and check the status of the recovered partition. If important files were lost during the recovery process, use the Easy Recovery utility to get them back. In this case, it is better to work with the Deleted Recovery function. This will increase the likelihood of successful data recovery after partition removal.


  • how to remove d drive

It is always and everywhere advised not to store important information on the hard drive, as this is fraught with losses at the most crucial moment. But, unfortunately, not everyone does backups on other media. If something bad happened to you, or you lost a landmark report or term paper on the eve of delivery, the main thing is not to worry. We will tell you how to recover a hard drive partition.

You will need

  • - Testdisk program


After opening a new window, check the box next to “Manually” and click the “Next” button. In the next window, specify full way search and click “Next”.

Next, a search for previously existing sections will automatically start. Select the local drive you deleted and click Next. Now go to the "Operations" menu located on the program toolbar. Select "Run".

After this, a new “Pending Operations” window will open. Carefully check the partition recovery options again. If all data is entered correctly, click the “Proceed” button.

Wait while the program performs the recovery previous version section. Close the program after completing the procedure.

Now proceed to recover your lost files (if any). Install Easy program Recovery and run it. Find the item in the left column of the menu that opens Data Recovery and go to it.

In the new menu, select the Format Recovery menu. Select the recently recovered hard drive partition, select the All Files option, and click Next.

After completing the search deleted files Select the ones you want to restore and click Next. Select the folder where the recovered files will be saved, click Next and wait until the recovery process is completed.

While working on a computer, different situations happen. Sometimes incorrect operation of applications and crashes can lead to the operating system no longer recognizing one of the drives (D, E - the name depends on the number of drives installed on a particular computer). What can be done in this case?


If you are sure that all the necessary drives are physically connected (all the necessary cables are in the connectors intended for them), check the drives through the “System” component. You can call it in several ways. First option: via the Start menu, open Control Panel, in the Performance and Maintenance category, select the System icon. Another option: from the “Desktop”, right-click on the “My Computer” element icon and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.

In the “System Properties” window that opens, go to the “Hardware” tab and click the “Device Manager” button in the group of the same name. A new window will open. From the list of available devices, select required disk and double-click on it with the left mouse button to open its properties window. Click the General tab and make sure that the Device Usage group is set to "This device is in use (enabled)."

Call the Computer Management component and make sure that the disk is given the correct name (sometimes it happens that the letters “fly off”). To call the specified component, open the “Control Panel” through the “Start” menu. In the Performance and Maintenance category, select the Administrative Tools icon and the Computer Management shortcut. This component can also be accessed through the Documents and Settings folder. An approximate path might look like this: C: (or another drive with the system)/Documents and Settings/[user account]/Main menu/Programs/Administration.

In the left part of the “Computer Management” window that opens, expand the “Storage devices” item and left-click on the “Disk Management” item. In the right part of the window, select the disk you need from the list and right-click on it. From the drop-down menu, select Change Drive Letter or Drive Path. In the new window, highlight the current name and click on the “Change” button. In the additional window, use the drop-down list to assign the desired letter, click OK and close the window.


  • Problems installing the game

If you have deleted a hard drive partition, you must immediately begin the procedure for restoring it. This will allow you to save most of the information that was on this local disk.

You will need

  • - Acronis Disk Director.


There are several reliable programs for this. Install Acronis Disk Director utility and restart your computer. Try to complete this procedure as quickly as possible. This will increase the likelihood of successful completion of the necessary operations. Launch Acronis and open the View menu.

Click on the “Manual mode” item. This will allow you to independently set disk partition recovery parameters. Examine the graphical representation of the hard drive status and find the “Unallocated area” block there. Right-click on it and wait for a new menu to appear. Hover over "Advanced" and select "Recovery".

After opening a window with the title “Recovery Mode”, click on the “Manual” option and click the “Next” button. In the new menu, select the full partition search type and click the “Next” button again. Immediately after this, the process of searching for previously existing sections begins. Their names will appear in the menu that opens. After finding what you need local disk left-click on it and click “Next”.

Now the selected section will be displayed in graphical interface hard drive. Open the Operations menu and select Run. Wait for the new menu to launch and click the “Proceed” button. Wait until the program completes the procedure for restoring the deleted partition.

Check the integrity of the restored local disk. If you haven't found necessary files, then install the Easy Recovery program and use it to find the lost data. In this case, it is better to use the Format Recovery function in the Data Recovery menu.

Laptop hard drives and desktop computers It is customary to break it down into sections. After deleting one of them, you need to create a new volume or restore the old partition. The second option is used when it is necessary to return information located on a remote partition.

You will need

  • - Paragon Partition Manager.


Download Partition program Manager. To do this, it is better to use the official website of the developers of this utility Download the trial version of the program if you do not plan to use it constantly.

Install Partition Manager and restart your computer. This will allow the program to obtain the necessary information about the status of the hard disk partitions. Launch the Partition Manager utility and wait for the menu to open quick access. Select "Mode for experienced users».

Open the “Wizards” tab and go to the “Recover a deleted partition” item. Click the “Next” button and select the hard drive on which the deleted volume was located. Now select the unallocated area where the desired section used to be. Click "Next".

Check the box next to Thorough Search. This is necessary for deep scanning hard drive. Click "Next". Immediately after this, the search procedure for deleted partitions will start. After the desired top appears in the list, click the “Stop Search” button.

Select the desired section and click the “Next” button. Click the "Done" button to exit the pre-preparation menu. Now open the Changes tab. Find the “Apply changes” item and click on it. Click the "Yes" button and wait until the program finishes.

Restart your computer and open any file manager. Make sure that all the necessary files are present on the new partition. If you need to recover specific data, use the Easy utility Recovery Pro or its analogue.

Video on the topic

While configuring hard disk Problems often arise related to the accidental deletion of an important partition. In such cases, it is necessary to use the correct algorithm to save important files.

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