
Why it will be difficult for you to implement HR technologies in your company (and how to overcome it). Accelerating routine HR processes using RPA and BluePrism Solutions for automating HR tools

What should the HR strategy of modern companies be? Why passive HR systems that perform a supporting function are no longer viable. How HR automation will help in business development.

For a long time, in most organizations, personnel policy performed only a supporting function. Today this is not enough. For a business to be competitive, HR processes from the auxiliary category must be transformed into a full-fledged personnel strategy.

In other words, HR should become an independent area that influences:

  • creating a differentiated employee experience;
  • operational efficiency and innovation.
HR no longer supports, but influences business strategy

Evolution of HR systems

HR systems have changed a lot over the past 20 years.

  1. There is an understanding that HR policy affects business performance and company profits.
  2. HR systems have become convenient for everyone. At one time, “HR for HR” models were used; they were narrowly focused. Their alternative, “HR for management,” addressed the needs of line managers, not ordinary employees. Modern systems“HR for everyone” is convenient for HR specialists, employees, and business owners.
  3. HR processes have become digital. Automation allows you to work with Big Data, collect and analyze it, and make the right decisions for your business.

HR automation reduces routine operations to a minimum

Automation has relieved the workload of HR specialists, allowing them to concentrate their efforts on working with people. Routine processes associated with the selection, hiring, and assessment of personnel are automated to the maximum. Paper document flow is reduced. At the same time, the company owner receives transparent reporting and optimizes personnel costs.

According to Antal Russia, 81% of companies understand the benefits of innovation and are actively engaged in automating HR processes. And the CEB report notes that over 90% of organizations plan to increase investments in HR IT and HR analytics in the coming years.

What do the new HR features include?

The business strategy for sustainable growth of the company includes measures to introduce innovation and create a sustainable competitive future. But strategic goals can be achieved through the focused efforts of employees. This means that in addition to the standard functions of a modern enterprise, it must include additional strategic planning activities:

  • development of corporate culture;
  • increasing employee efficiency and introducing innovation;
  • formation of command structures;
  • scaling the personnel management system, reengineering.

Development of corporate culture

In recent years, many in the business environment have come to the conclusion that corporate culture is a powerful strategic tool that orients departments and individual employees towards achieving common goals, mobilizes employee initiative and allows for productive communication between them.

The problem is that many companies don't understand their culture and don't know how to develop it. When corporate culture and strategy align, employee performance doubles.

For corporate culture to become a competitive advantage, you need to work to create an emotional connection between the company and employees. HR strategy helps managers instill in employees values ​​that contribute to the formation of the desired corporate culture.

Your company may already have developed a set of shared cultural values ​​that need to be maintained. But it is also important to improve competency models, reinforce behavioral changes through reward systems, and ultimately improve business performance.

HR tools help convey corporate values ​​in a company

The task of HR in this direction is to provide employees with the opportunity for development. It is important to use stories and vivid images to connect the organization's activities with high missions, and the specific achievements of employees with the larger goals of the company. This will help create a differentiated experience for employees and unlock everyone's potential.

Today, it is no longer enough to measure corporate culture and employee engagement only through annual surveys. It should be used to analyze and gain a detailed understanding of culture and goals, and develop policies and programs that meet the needs of people and businesses.

Improving employee efficiency and introducing innovation

In thousands of companies, employee productivity remains the same year after year or increases by a small percentage. Cause? – only a few use comprehensive HR management methods.

The important tasks of HR are to help the company radically change the use of employee experience and stimulate implementation for business development.

Let’s say your organization is already working on automating HR processes. You've invested in core technology that automates routine processes like mass recruiting and saves HR time. The next step is needed - to introduce technologies that allow you to see the big picture and predict how decisions made will affect the business.

This will allow you to manage the development of employees from the moment of hiring, throughout their entire work in the company. The use of individual development trajectories and the introduction of methods and technologies to engage and increase employee productivity, such as gamification, will improve work results.

Formation of command structures

Creating teams is a common approach to dividing an organizational structure into departments. But this issue requires flexibility. Even if you have created effective team structures, you need to continue to increase their potential, productivity, and improve relationships within the team.

Offices are popular in modern business open type: they facilitate interaction within the team, making it more dense and productive. In addition, remote teams are created and interact with them via the Internet and cloud solutions. The HR department must be prepared for such an organization of work.

J’son & Partners Consulting experts predict that by 2020 in Russia every fifth workplace will be deleted. In the US and Japan, the number of remote workers has exceeded 40%.

HR system scalability, reengineering

The diversity of HR processes and the ever-growing flow of data require scalability and reengineering from a modern HR system.

Today, it is no longer enough to conduct tests and market research to determine the value of an HR strategy for a business. You need to be ready to reengineer business processes.

Chances are you're already using customer data to make business decisions. But what matters is scalability and the ability to synthesize multiple sources and types of customer, employee and workplace data to develop and maintain a competitive advantage in a changing marketplace.

U management of all processes in a single system

A comprehensive system that can grow with business expansion will help.

What results does HR strategy produce?

In the new business world, where evolution means survival, automation and upgrading HR is the only viable path forward. Efforts should be directed towards implementing a modern talent management model that will help build a comprehensive employee potential management system and provide business value.

Bersin™ research shows that companies achieve superior business results with skilled HR services. They are 1.3 times more likely to achieve financial goals and 3.2 times more likely to manage change effectively.

It's time to reconsider your HR strategy and move from HR support and advice to functions that help improve business competitiveness.

Business process engineering/reengineering, as a rule, is needed by those companies that want to optimize their activities and increase their efficiency.

First of all, I would like to remind you that “the best is the enemy of the good”! Therefore, if a company is developing dynamically, its growth should not be limited by bureaucratic frameworks or burdened with complex regulations and procedures.

My experience working in companies, both domestic and with foreign capital, suggests that the process approach is useful for stable and steadily growing organizations. Engineering and/or reengineering is definitely necessary for companies:

  • at the maturity stage (exists for more than five years);
  • with a large number of personnel (more than one hundred people);
  • with low staff turnover.

Over time, the number of support departments and the number of back office employees increases, sometimes outpacing the growth of the business. At the same time, due to insufficient attention to the development of people, monotony of work, and organizational routine, the company’s effectiveness decreases. Although all employees are busy, even overloaded, it is extremely difficult to assess the need for their work...

Formalizing business processes allows us to see many of these problems from a new angle. Description and optimization - a tool that helps to organize more rationally work time employees.

From personal experience, I am convinced that describing business processes makes it possible to:

  • keep track of the working day (take a “photo”) of the company’s employees in order to evaluate the effectiveness of their work;
  • assess the need to perform certain operations, and if necessary, redistribute them or transfer them to outsourcing;
  • assess the possibility of switching to internal client relationships and, accordingly, introducing internal service tariffs;
  • install continuity processes (by reducing the influence of the “human factor”), so that if an employee is absent from the workplace, the process does not stop;
  • automate operations/processes.

Of course, when adopting any experience, one should remember that when transferring best practices from one company to another, it is necessary to customize them (from the English customer - client, consumer) - to bring them into line with the needs of a specific organization.

Project "HR processes"

It is no secret that the results of a project largely depend on its preparation and organization. Even before starting a project to describe HR processes, you need to enlist the support of managers and prepare methodological materials (for methodological materials and an example, see application), and also be patient. If possible, you can ask for help from colleagues who have already implemented similar projects in their organizations. Especially important:

  • choose the right project manager;
  • motivate project team members;
  • provide the project with resources;
  • choose the right project sponsor.

When starting work, you definitely need to properly plan a schedule for completing tasks. Thanks to this, all members of the project team will know exactly what to do at the next stage, as well as see the results of their work.

Supervisor. The effectiveness of any group work is largely determined by the professionalism and personal qualities of the leader: the higher his professionalism and better developed communication skills, the more likely success is.

Since HR processes are a component of the overall management system, it is important that the project manager has an idea of ​​what the management system as a whole should be like and can “see the forest for the trees.” Requirements for such a specialist:

  • good analytical skills;
  • excellent knowledge of the company's organizational structure;
  • understanding the peculiarities of its work and the specifics of production processes.

What is better: to attract an external expert (for example, an employee of a consulting company) to the role of project manager or to appoint one of “our own”? You need to understand that preparing and introducing a new person to the job will require distraction from the work of specialists (as mentors), as well as a long time for the newcomer to adapt and master the specifics of the organization.

Motivation. For performers, describing processes is additional work, so special attention should be paid to the motivation of participants (material and intangible). There are several pitfalls here:

  • small amounts of remuneration may offend performers;
  • too large payments, exceeding initial expectations, discourage (“why do something, because they pay good money without it”);
  • For financial incentives, an additional budget is needed.

It happens that the budget for the implementation of the HR processes project is not allocated, but even in this case there is always the opportunity to use intangible “levers”, to create an atmosphere in the team in which each participant in the project will “give 100%”! For example, motivators could be:

  • the desire to take on challenges and cope with difficulties;
  • intention to acquire new experience and knowledge;
  • the desire to avoid work overload by optimizing procedures (today is the main motive for people).

It is important to celebrate each intermediate stage with at least a small celebration that boosts morale. A pleasant surprise for all HR employees can be payment for overtime hours worked.

Resource support. Of course, for the group to work effectively, they need:

  • workplaces, including computers with a standard set of programs (sometimes you can limit yourself to free packages such as OpenOffice);
  • specialized programs for writing texts and visualization (diagrams, graphs, etc.);
  • stationery, etc.

It is important to consider that people will need to be trained to use specialized computer applications.

The fact is that using to describe processes standard programs (text editor Word or Excel) gives the “output” of multi-format, bulky documents. What’s even worse is that, due to the difficulty of understanding the material, they will not be able to be adjusted or used in other projects in the future (such as writing job descriptions, department regulations, or job evaluations). At the same time, many project participants will be extremely overloaded, so the quality of their work will be low.

Experience confirms: automation of such work makes people’s work much more efficient, allows standardization and simplification of standard operations. Therefore, when describing processes, it is better to immediately allocate funds for special applications (such as ARIS Express, Business Studio, ELMA, IBM WebSphere Business Modeler, Fox Manager).

In addition to specialized programs, it is possible to describe business processes in HR modules of systems. If this project is not local and the company has/will be implemented in the near future ERP system, then it is advisable to use the tools available in it.

Project sponsor. A significant figure is the project sponsor. This is not a financier and not necessarily a director of the company (although it is better if it is one of the top managers). The main thing is that this person must understand the need for change before other participants and believe in the benefits of standardization and formalization of processes/procedures. It is he who will manage the finances of the project, “decide its destiny.”

Do you need an external provider?

Another important question that should be resolved before starting the project: will the company be able to “pull” the project on its own, or should it turn to external providers for help?

To make a decision, you need to evaluate the costs/risks/benefits for both options:

1) work on your own;
2) involvement of a third party organization/consultant.

Based on experience in companies that implemented similar projects, if you correctly take into account all the costs (training of employees, the cost of attracting project implementers, debugging and error correction), the first option is not always more effective and cheaper. Only by comparing two budgets and assessing the risks of each option can you decide to carry out the project yourself.

If the company has a separate project office, whose specialists, of course, have experience in describing processes, then HR should involve them in cooperation. For example, the text description can be entrusted to HR service employees, and the development of illustrations can be entrusted to colleagues from the project department.

If it is decided that the company needs outside help to debug HR processes, then the HR task is to find out and then advise the top manager:

  • firstly, on what conditions should a tender be held among providers;
  • secondly, how to do optimal choice for your company.

What difficulties await HR when working with “Varangians”? Having summarized my experience of cooperation with external providers (and not only in the field of process management), I have identified four “scenarios” for the development of events; figuratively they can be called:

  • "Princess Frog";
  • “Catch a fish, big and small”;
  • “Vovka in the Thirtieth Kingdom”;
  • "Turnip".

"Princess Frog". Imagine an ideal provider for the “HR processes” project: you issue a task, and then receive the “ideal product” (like the king in a fairy tale - “We need to embroider two carpets by tomorrow!”). One task - one solution, no changes or additions! Beauty?! - No, it’s bad!

Why can’t a “fairytale” product be considered ideal? The fact is that HR processes are auxiliary; their task is to support the main (technological) processes. HR processes must be clear and flexible, simple and comprehensive.

But business is a very dynamic system, changes are inevitable! Therefore, technological and business processes should also be constantly modified and adjusted to the requirements of the “current moment.”

Of course, it is very difficult to describe an ideal process (and this should be a statement of the current state)! To maintain “ideality,” the process description must be constantly changed to meet business requirements. But if you don’t know how the processes are “structured”, when conditions change or a new problem arises, only the provider will again be able to find the ideal solution. And company employees, not mastering the methodology, will only be able to imitate the development and description of processes. Remember how the wives of Ivan Tsarevich’s brothers hid the remains of food in their sleeves after spying on the Frog Princess... But a miracle will not happen!

conclusions. When choosing the best and most progressive provider, there is always a risk of becoming completely dependent on it. This means that in the process of work there will definitely be additional financial expenses, but the transfer of knowledge and skills from the provider to the company’s employees is unlikely to take place...

“Catch, fish, big and small.” This tale can become a sad prophecy for companies that decide “to be sure” to hire consultants who promise to debug processes “inexpensively and quickly.” As you remember, the Fox never caught a fish herself, but she found something to show the idiot Wolf - fortunately, the day before she very successfully met the unlucky fisherman grandfather with a catch... The provider can also demonstrate “completed projects”, which in fact turn out to be just copied from real masters material.

conclusions . The project manager, who believed the beautiful presentation, will find himself in the role of the Wolf, sitting at the ice hole, waiting for a “bite on his tail,” and the company as a whole will be in the role of the grandfather and grandmother who were left without a fish thanks to the cunning of the Fox, a dishonest provider.

Eichar forcing his colleagues to work on new processes that are not applicable in real life - what a sad fairy tale...

"Vovka in the Thirtieth Kingdom." Brave fellows - “Two from the casket” - help Vovka in everything. Literally in everything! This is especially clearly seen in the episode where they eat buns and candies for him. So with an external provider there is always a risk that he will write the processes “for himself” (or according to some standard model), and the company, like Vovka, will be left with nothing...

conclusions. Don’t look for a company to help you that will undertake a project without understanding all your needs. They will describe the processes, but only the consultants themselves will understand it.

"Turnip". But the fairy tale about Turnip is exactly what you need! Each and every person in the company is inspired by the idea, understands the benefits of process management, and works together to implement the project.

conclusions: in order to involve people in changes, the entire team must be informed - what kind of project this is and why it is needed. And then everyone, from the top manager to the technical specialist, will work together on the necessary and important matter.

In conclusion, I advise my colleagues to keep at hand the teaching materials that are posted in the appendix. Based on them, existing processes have already been described and new processes modeled, so they can safely be taken as the basis for a future project. There is the main thing there: a process template. Even if a decision is made to engage an external provider, I highly recommend writing your own teaching materials - this will help you understand what kind of product should be obtained as a result of the work.

It is necessary to draw up a “process tree”; it simultaneously serves as a work plan and gives a complete picture of the nomenclature of processes. The “Rules for Description of Processes” indicate exactly how to assign a code to a process. Think about how you can model an assessment of the effectiveness of each process, select assessment criteria. This will make it possible to highlight processes that require additional attention and, if necessary, reengineering. Compare the “inputs” and “outputs” of processes to more clearly see the business model - both for a separate area and for the entire company as a whole.

To evaluate the business model, it is advisable to involve experts: let them prepare recommendations based on an “outside view.” The better employees are prepared for the start of a project, the faster and easier its implementation will be. Only with careful preparation “from the inside” can you achieve High Quality(even if the company has invited an external provider).


Buisness process- a stable, purposeful set of interrelated activities (sequence of work), which, using a certain technology, transforms inputs into outputs according to certain rules using certain mechanisms ( rice. 1). A modern approach to managing an organization is business process management. (For example, the ISO 9001:2000 standard explicitly requires the use of a process approach in managing an organization.)

Rice. 1. Process description diagram

As process input may be information (document), inventory, or employee (in the latter case, these are often HR department processes).

Process output there may be the same elements as in the input, but already transformed during the execution of the process.

Process management- information that defines the rules for converting inputs to outputs.

Process mechanism- converting input to output ( rice. 2): employees (structural units) of the organization and the equipment on which they work (machines, office equipment).

Rice. 2. Process description diagram

The output of one process can be the input (control, mechanism) for another or used by a client of the organization ( rice. 3).

Rice. 3. Interaction of processes

Each process has owner- a person who has the authority necessary to organize work on the process and is responsible for the result of its implementation.

The above example displays a business process in IDEF0 notation. This is one of the options for graphically displaying the process. A conceptual diagram of process control is presented in Figure 4.

Rice. 4. Conceptual diagram of process control

Why do you need to describe business processes? Firstly, this is a requirement of the standard. Secondly, it brings tangible benefits to the company:

  1. Understanding. During the description, it becomes clear how the process actually proceeds and problem areas are identified.
  2. Mutual language. Information about the process is recorded and described in clear language (uniform for all employees).
  3. Continuity of information. The description of the process is recorded (on paper or electronic media), so even if the employee responsible for a certain process leaves, knowledge about the sequence and how to perform the work remains in the company - it is transferred to new employees.
  4. Separation of areas of responsibility. Now every employee knows:
  • what exactly does it do;
  • from whom he receives information, orders, etc.;
  • in what form it receives;
  • within what time frame the work is completed;
  • to whom, when and what is transmitted;
  • what he is responsible for.
  • Transparency. Description of processes allows you to track the movement of documents and commodity values ​​in the organization. This helps: a) best prepare for automation of the organization’s management system; b) identify non-optimal routes for the movement of documents and material assets.
  • The described process allows identify the most significant resources for the organization and the extent of their use. As a result, there is a clear picture of the resources actually needed, and it is possible to create a system of high-quality supply for the organization.
  • Well described process allows you to set specific goals to measure it. Thanks to this, it is possible to a) quantitatively measure the processes taking place; b) obtain motives and evaluation criteria that are clear to employees (“everything is transparent and visible to everyone”).
  • Rules for describing processes. Description of a process is a definition of all its characteristics; carried out by a designated responsible person. Processes are described in documented procedures (DP).

    The name and code of the process reflect the essence of the work being described; they are determined by the person or group of persons assigned to describe the process.

    Process code - digital identifier, assigned in the form X.Y.Z.,

      X - division number in the company’s list of affairs (source - secretariat);

    • Y is the number of the company’s structural unit, which is the “owner” of the process (based on the company’s organizational structure);
    • Z is the sequence number of the process in the division process tree.

    Process description template and process characteristics

    1. Purpose.
    1.1. This documented procedure describes the process<код и наименование процесса>and defines<виды работ>.

    2. Purpose of the process(a necessary or desirable result of a process as an activity to achieve which a given process is being implemented at the enterprise).
    2.1. The purpose of this process is<цель процесса>.

    3. Scope.
    3.1. The provisions of this documented procedure apply to<участники процесса>.
    Participants in the process are employees of the enterprise who are directly involved in the management and implementation of this process.

    4. Responsibility.
    4.1. <Должность ответственного за процесс/ роль>who is responsible for<сфера ответственности>, as well as for monitoring the provision of resources and assessing the effectiveness of this process.
    4.2. <Должность/ роль>responsible for<сфера ответственности>.

    5. Definitions and abbreviations.
    5.1. Definitions<раскрыть значение используемых определений>.
    5.2. Abbreviations<раскрыть значение используемых сокращений>.

    6. Resource support for the process.

    Process resources - required to perform work within the framework of this process: a) personnel; b) information; c) infrastructure, etc. Sections define the planning, preparation, initiation and execution of work, which results in the expected result.

    7. <Наименование раздела>.
    7.1.<Описательная часть>(describes the procedure for planning, ensuring, performing and monitoring all types of work within the process, indicating all normative and regulatory documents used).
    7.2.<Описательная часть>:


    Process aspect

    Initial data
    DevelopmentDepartment head: based on initial data up to<дата>;
    transfer for approval to the head of the party
    CoordinationParty leader: before<дата>;
    submission for approval
    Change order

    8. Monitoring and control of the process(observations of process indicators).
    8.1.<Указываются объекты, методы, средства и исполнители всех видов мониторинга и контроля>:

    Process measurement - obtaining measurable values ​​of process characteristics and indicators.

    Process control is the activity of comparing actual indicators/process results with their standards.

    Process monitoring, measurement and control are carried out to provide evidence of the ability of processes to fulfill their specified requirements and objectives.

    Process effectiveness (as part of process measurement) is the degree to which planned activities are implemented and planned results are achieved, that is, quantitative indicators that determine the degree to which the actually obtained process results correspond to the planned ones.

    Process performance assessment is carried out for:

    • obtaining information about the extent to which the process allows achieving the set goals in its current state (order of organization, degree of implementation);
    • determining the causes of identified inconsistencies and their further elimination;
    • identifying positive trends in process changes and consolidating them.

    Assessment of the effectiveness of the process is given by indicators, the values ​​of which are reduced to measurable values. Performance indicators are determined based on an assessment of the effectiveness of the process.

    9. Assessing the effectiveness of the process.
    9.1. Process performance assessment is carried out<должность владельца процесса>one time in<периодичность>.
    9.2. Performance evaluation criteria and sources of information:

    9.3. Calculation of performance coefficients:

    K 1 = 1 –<значение поправки за единичное отклонение по первому показателю>X<количество единичных фактов отклонения>, Where<значение поправки за единичное отклонение по первому показателю>- correction for<описание сути отклонения>.

    Example. K 1 = 1 – 0.1 x<количество единичных фактов отклонения>, where for a single fact of failure, the delivery time is one day correction = 0.1.

    K 2 = 1 –<значение поправки за единичное отклонение по второму показателю>X<количество единичных фактов отклонения>, Where<значение поправки за единичное отклонение по второму показателю>- correction for<описание сути отклонения>.

    9.4. Calculation of process effectiveness:

    R<код процесса> = <весовой коэффициент первого критерия>x K 1 +<весовой коэффициент второго критерия>x K 2 + … +<весовой коэффициент m-го критерия >x K m

    Example. R 7.5.1 = 0.5 x K 1 + 0.3 x K 2 + 0.2 x K 3.

    9.5. Formatting a performance assessment:

    Evaluation of process effectiveness

    Process aspect

    Name of the control object

    Formation<Должность ответственного за процесс>: according to the form “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the process” to<срок формирования>; broadcast<должность полномочного лица, принимающего решения>
    Making decisions
    according to proposals
    <Должность полномочного лица>: within two days with inclusion in the “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the process”, transfer<должность ответственного за процесс>
    Transferring the process to work<Должность ответственного за процесс>: Transfer a copy
    Event Registration<Должность>: V<место регистрации>
    Organization of execution
    Responsible executors: as assigned
    Registration of resultsResponsible executors: in<место регистрации>
    Execution control
    <должность ответственного за процесс>; <должность вышестоящего руководителя>PVR: using<место регистрации>

    Form “Evaluation of process effectiveness”
    <код и наименование процесса>behind<период>

    1. Process performance criteria:
    …HR Tools

    1 -1

    Today no one disputes the fact that HR processes, or enterprise personnel management processes, are one of the most important factors affecting the efficiency of the organization as a whole. At the same time, the concept of “personnel management” should be considered not only from an economic or statistical point of view, but also supplemented with psychological and even philosophical approaches.

    Basic HR processes

    The phenomena of HR processes in management can be divided into key points, each of which can also be further subdivided:

    • personnel search;
    • personnel selection;
    • personnel adaptation;
    • assessment of personnel capabilities;
    • staff development;
    • career management;
    • training;
    • motivation through remuneration;
    • personnel accounting.

    From the employee’s point of view, all human resource management processes come down to the simplified scheme “Get a job - Work - Dismissal”.

    It is necessary to consider the main stages of HR processes in management, where personnel management is based on the functions of the personnel department.

    HR policy planning and implementation of HR processes

    These processes are the result of general planning of the enterprise. Planning allows you to timely determine and solve problems to provide the enterprise with workers in the required quantity and quality. This allows for the improvement and development of social relationships.

    Personnel planning allows you to determine how much labor and with what level of qualifications the enterprise will need. Planning also specifies the place and expected time of occurrence of the need for personnel.

    HR policy planning and strategy development allow you to determine in advance the level of requirements that will be placed on various categories of employees. Also, competent planning of personnel issues allows you to solve the issues of attracting the workers necessary for the enterprise and reducing employees who are useless for production.

    Planning takes into account the issues of increasing the qualifications of workers and resolving the issue of ensuring correct remuneration. Also, with the help of planned activities, a motivation program for the organization’s employees is developed and implemented and ways to resolve possible social issues are found.

    Definition of vacancies

    An obligatory part of personnel policy planning is preliminary accounting of the financial costs necessary to implement planned activities at each stage of the process. Based on the existing staffing plan and information about the employees working at the enterprise at this moment, the personnel department determines the availability of job vacancies to be filled.

    If there are vacancies, HR managers launch the processes of recruiting and selecting the necessary employees. This work is carried out in several stages, including detailing the basic requirements for a job vacancy and developing the requirements for the applicant.

    Recruitment and selection

    Afterwards, based on the existing selection criteria, the selection of potentially suitable candidates is carried out first, and then the selection of workers needed by the enterprise from among the candidates is carried out with further registration of their employment at the enterprise.

    Development and documentation of requirements for candidates is an indispensable condition for conducting professionally competent selection. Most often, the requirements for candidates are formalized in the form of a job description, which provides a detailed explanation of the basic requirements put forward by the enterprise and the functional responsibilities of an employee performing his professional duties in a similar workplace.

    Such a job description should be prepared not only by managers - it is necessary to involve the head of the structural unit in whose service there is a vacant job.

    After creating a job description, processes for attracting candidates are launched. There are a certain number of established methods, including both a search among the company’s employees and a search in external personnel sources.

    The most commonly used methods are:

    • selection based on employee recommendations;
    • announcements through the media;
    • placing advertisements on specialized Internet sites;
    • selection among students of specialized educational institutions;
    • placement of information in the state employment service and commercial recruitment agencies.

    The preliminary selection stage allows you to create a reserve of candidates, and this is where managers will begin further work. Based on the analysis of documents provided by candidates (application forms, resumes, characteristics), managers make a selection, identifying total number candidates of applicants who will be asked to undergo an interview, and which will screen out another 90% of applicants.

    Candidate testing

    The next check is testing, which allows us to identify the strongest and move on to the final stage of the selection process, namely, a personal interview with the line manager.

    It should be noted that as a result of the initial selection work and subsequent testing, a group of the strongest applicants, most often consisting of 3 people, is allowed to the final stage of selection.

    An HR manager is present at the interview and provides advisory assistance to the manager. Sometimes, in addition to the HR specialist, a full-time psychologist is also involved in such interviews.

    Adaptation of an employee to a team

    The process associated with the adaptation of a new employee to the conditions and content of a new professional activity is most comfortably carried out using an orientation course. Organizing the completion of this course by an employee is the task of the HR management service: the general orientation course should include familiarizing the employee with the rules and policies of the enterprise, working conditions, relations with trade unions, methods of solving everyday problems, labor protection, and safety precautions.

    Adaptation varies in its focus. There are three main types:

    Development of the enterprise personnel

    The most significant task of an organization's personnel service is to provide conditions and measures for the continuous development of personnel.

    Methods of solution are organizational measures carried out by the personnel management service to train employees, improve their professional qualifications and career growth. The activities carried out to implement the task involve resolving issues of employee training, carrying out work with the personnel reserve, as well as career planning and its further development.

    Basic methods of advanced training:

    • production and technical courses;
    • schools exploring innovative methods;
    • courses for a second profession and specialty;
    • targeted courses conducted by the enterprise;
    • faculties and institutes of advanced training.

    Advanced training is directly related to the employee’s career growth opportunities. One of the understandings of a career is not only advancement through the ranks, but also the desire to improve one’s professional skills, thereby achieving an increase in the efficiency of the work performed.

    The main goals that career management solves:

    • ensuring the enterprise's needs for consistent personnel management;
    • providing systematic staff training;
    • providing employees with high potential and a desire for career growth with promotion opportunities.

    Certification assessment of employee level

    Being an important part of an enterprise’s HR processes, certification of an organization’s employees should be carried out at least once every five years, as it allows one to control the level of potential capabilities of employees.

    The HR service is responsible for preparing for certification and performs the following functions:

    • creating a schedule for certification;
    • determination of the composition of the commission;
    • working with personnel to explain the purposes of the certifications.

    Based on the results of certification, the HR service provides the management of the enterprise with a final certificate, as well as an action plan drawn up jointly with the heads of departments.

    The results of employee certification are the basis for his promotion or application of disciplinary measures, the feasibility of his career growth and its timing.

    Conflict of interests

    Conflicts invariably result from the interaction of enterprise employees with each other. Conflict is a confrontation between divergent goals, opinions, and interests.

    The causes of conflict are usually shortcomings in the organization of production processes, incorrect actions of both managers and subordinates. The causes of the conflict should also include psychological incompatibility of workers, violations of the law, etc.

    Conflicts in production are divided into horizontal (between persons who have equal social status) and vertical (when one person is subordinate to another).

    Conflict resolution using HR management methods is carried out either by eliminating the causes of the conflict, or by influencing the parties to the conflict to change their goals.

    Activities carried out by the personnel service to prevent conflicts:

    • constant improvement of working conditions and remuneration;
    • strict compliance with legal regulations;
    • compliance with ethical standards;
    • taking into account the wishes of subordinate employees.

    Office work in HR management

    The personnel management service, by the nature of its activities, is associated with a very significant document flow - registration of personnel movements, which includes registration of employment, various transfers, vacation or dismissal of an employee.

    Registration of any personnel movements is a statutory responsibility of the employer in general and the organization’s personnel service in particular.

    An organization's personnel documents are divided into mandatory, recommended and desirable. The total volume of documented information is the basis for management and the basis for decisions, and also serves as legislative force.

    Thus, it is not difficult to determine that these are HR processes. This is the implementation of the functions of the HR department - from determining the need for specialists to their adaptation in production and certification. All this is necessary for the enterprise to achieve its goals and be competitive.

    The rules of organizational management exist objectively. They are in many ways unique to each organization. These rules determine (formalize) WHO can initiate the process, WHO and at what step, in what order joins it to perform certain actions, WHO completes the process and with what. Moreover, these WHO are not specific names, these WHO are the positions of employees in the organization!

    The concept of an employee’s position is multifaceted - in essence, these are cells in the multidimensional space of an organization that can be occupied today by some people, tomorrow by other people with their full names. These may be positions in accordance with the staffing table, linear, matrix or hierarchical subordination model, project participation, managerial division of roles and functions, position profile indicators, personal data, personal performance results, etc. and so on. Sometimes positions can be determined even by simply personalized management customs that have taken root in the organization.

    All this “knows” (more precisely, it must “know” by its very purpose) Information system, supporting organizational and personal management. Usually this is an HRM system; it most often acts as the basic supplier of information on process participants for the BPM and ECM environment. Now, using BOSS-Kadrovik, you don’t have to go beyond the HRMS perimeter, at least when automating HRM processes.

    BOSS-Kadrovik, having become a process system, combines the richest accounting and settlement functionality in the field of human resource management with modern trends in the digital transformation of enterprises and the gradual transition to the Digital HRM concept.

    The range of HR management processes is wide in any organization; it is enough to recall the basic groups of HRM processes:

    • Vacation planning and control
    • Planning and control of business trips
    • Planning and control of training and retraining
    • Planning production tasks and monitoring their implementation
    • Planning and control of time costs
    • Management of staffing, management and operational placement
    • Compensation planning and control
    • Evaluation of personnel performance and bonuses based on results
    • Assessing employees and managers (for compliance with job profiles)
    • Completion of adaptation procedures and probationary periods for new employees
    • Participation in various HR programs, events, surveys and questionnaires
    • Assigning access rights to various organizational resources (including IT systems) based on standard profiles the positions they occupy.

    A significant part of these processes can be fully implemented through application campaigns within the organization (initiation - approval - approval - fixation) with robotic checks by the IT system of the correctness of the application content and the progress of the execution process. BOSS-Kadrovik already in the distribution configuration supports the processes of managing vacations, business trips, time off, work on weekends and holidays. In this case, dynamic routing (RBC) can also be used. Having a built-in universal process driver, BOSS-Kadrovik provides the fundamental opportunity to gradually automate the entire process layer in the field of HRM in any organization.

    HeadHunter, the leader in online recruitment in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Azerbaijan, decided to find out what data HR departments collect and analyze on a regular basis Russian companies, as well as how automated their processes for working with employees are.

    The study is based on an online survey conducted by HeadHunter among 310 company representatives in August 2015.

    As it turned out, on a regular basis, HR specialists collect data on the sources, timing, quality and quantity of candidates selected (selection funnel, 60%), duration of work in the company (59%), employee performance and KPI implementation (58%).

    Each respondent stated that their company regularly monitors the alignment of its employee compensation package with the market. 38% of HR specialists regularly evaluate staff. Interestingly, about 9% of surveyed HR specialists do not collect statistics on an ongoing basis.

    As the study showed, most companies have automated HR accounting and personnel administration processes (74%), another third of companies have automated them (33%), 27% have automated compensation and benefits, and 23% have automated HR analytics.

    Every fifth company has automated (21%) and assessment/training, as well as personnel development (21%). In 15% of companies, all HR processes are processed manually.

    Note that large companies more often try to free themselves from manual labor by automating HR processes, compared to small ones

    What should be the ideal automated process in HR?

    We asked this open question to HR specialists. As a result, it turned out that such a process has the following key features:

    • Autonomy
    • Efficiency
    • Reducing time to solve problems
    • Mobility (accessibility from anywhere and from any device)
    • Universality and consolidating functions (including all HR processes with a single database)
    • Availability (for all employees)
    • Ease of use
    • Transparency
    • Operation stability
    • Efficiency (uploading any report in finished form in a matter of seconds)
    • Flexibility (flexible configuration of unloading according to user needs)

    Examples of respondents' answers

    Automated processing incoming resumes. Processing KPI implementation and drawing up job profiles with a development plan
    — Automatic salary revision (several stages: loading the revision matrix and reference salaries, then offering a % salary revision to the employee, approval by the manager and confirmation by HR)
    Automatic addition resume to the database. Reflection of all communications with the candidate. Sending letters, SMS messages to candidates and customers. Creating a resume using the KA form for the customer
    — A database replenished from various sources, the ability to generate various reports, the ability to test company employees and candidates, etc.
    — All HR activities should be automated by one tool, where selection, adaptation, training planning, etc. coexist. using an example: the resume is saved in the database, an interview is scheduled in the system and the time is agreed upon with other participants. Here the results of the interview on the job profile are entered, the opinions of several experts are combined, a decision is made - “the person has been accepted”, then, based on the adaptation plan, the employee himself monitors his progress in the position, passeswelcome-training, for example, after adaptation, the IPR tool is connected, personnel assessments with customizable personalized role-based access, through Personal Area an employee can view his progress, note his successes, schedule training, etc., upon dismissal, information based on the results of the exit interview is entered. Thus, information monitoring and numerical calculations become available to all participants in the process.
    — A unified HR ERP system integrated with the staffing table, where it is possible to open a recruitment request with the approval of a senior manager and verification withHR. The system may have the ability to maintain a database of candidates. Further, when a specific candidate is accepted, he is transferred to the status of an employee with the establishment of a personal file. And in personal file it would be possible to conduct and reflect all HR processes (adaptation, training, etc.)
    — Must: 1. Include everythingHR processes. 2. Be able to download any report. It is desirable to be able to create report fields. 3. Be accessible to all company employees. 4. Increase employee engagement (communications, chats, tasks, surveys, etc.).
    — It should be possible to construct analytical reports according to any parameters, when selecting personnel, to obtain information from all currently possible sources and compare it.
    — Let’s say, if this is personnel selection, then all incoming resumes should be synchronized with 1:C, which makes it possible to automatically upload data on the candidate who will be hired by the company.
    — A unified database at all stages and areas of work with personnel, allowing you to display the current picture and issue analytics based on any criterion, the ability to instantly generate reports.
    - An ideal automated process when carrying out a dismissal order - this click creates and places a vacancy in all sources / automatically selects candidates, conducting psychological testing and a polygraph test, and the second the dismissal order is issued, the system issues several candidates ideally suited for this vacancy.
    — Integration into the HR system of key performance indicators of employees and analytics of these indicators.
    - Candidate card - see the entire cycle: hiring, date of internship, date of training with assessments, date of certification with result, performance indicators for each month. Division map - employee data, indicators, flags if indicators are not met, turnover, flags if turnover exceeds the average for the company or industry, average time to fill a vacancy in the division. Company map - macro view.
    — Optimization of manual labor when working with an array of data, processing and calculation of any indicators in the program, electronic document management.
    — When applying for a job, a candidate undergoes a block of entrance tests for compliance - this process is automated, but it is very expensive. At the same time, the risks of accepting a mentally ill person or drug addict, etc. into the company are reduced.
    — You indicate your full name, you receive all the personnel characteristics in your company, data from all work and government websites and social networks, you can make a selection according to the area of ​​interest, for example, how much of the time of work according to the work book the person was on vacation.
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