
Why do we hate notifications on websites?

We sometimes write proposals to sites about cooperation and integration with our service, but everyone has a very negative reaction to the notifications. They believe that notifications will be very intrusive, that no one likes them, and that there is no benefit from them at all.

But in fact:

They crawl out of all the cracks, trying to get you to press the coveted button. Occurs every time you navigate to the site. They come out at the most unfortunate moments and interfere with your life. Let's look in detail at why we (namely you) don't like notifications on websites.

Subscription, it's everywhere

You go to a news site to read news about politics...

You go to another news site

Maybe sports news?

Maybe just articles?

I once saw a site where I was asked to first subscribe to an Email newsletter, then subscribe to their community on Facebook, and then enable web push notifications on the site. Maybe you should also have a couple of organ tests done?

Instead of content, I see a bunch of subscription boxes. Each site considers it its duty to subscribe me to their news. Every day we are offered “Well, make this cool pop-up window in the service, it’s so cool.” FUCK YOU. No windows. You need to subscribe the user to the newsletter - let him find the widget on your website and click subscribe himself.


I didn’t have time to screenshot it, but one day I came to the computer from the kitchen and 5 notifications from a jellyfish were waiting for me. Someone leaked information about offshore companies and the jellyfish decided to please me with notifications. And they all hung on the screen and waited in the wings. And someone promised to push several times a week.

The TTL for such site alerts will always be high (a month), that is, you will receive push notifications even if you come back from vacation in a huge batch. No one will monitor the priority either - your Android smartphone, if you subscribe to web push notifications, will die in a matter of hours, because... each notification will wake him from deep sleep.

I can't filter this data in any way. I only receive that I wish to send the site. A filter on global notifications solves a lot of problems, as an example - I subscribe to 90+ channels in PushAll, if I received notifications from all of them without a filter, I would go crazy.

Moreover, due to filters, channels push much more, reaching a larger audience. That is, the same jellyfish could send not 5 push notifications per day, but 50, only each user would receive 2-3 push notifications on their topic, and not the mystical 5 push notifications of what is interesting to the jellyfish’s editors.

They hang on the screen

​I love watching TV series while lying in bed. The monitor is large and convenient to watch the new series. But when a notification arrives from any site via web push, it hangs on the screen. It won't disappear after 5-10 seconds like a notification from an add-on. It will hang until you close it.​

Do you know what this reminds me of? Popups

I have to get out of bed (and I usually still lie in the dark and fall asleep under the covers) and go close the notification. It is still white and in dark movie scenes it shines unpleasantly in the eyes.

They are not saved or synchronized


Do you see this ancient picture with Vista and the first generation iPhone? Even they knew how to synchronize, but web pushes cannot. Have you subscribed to a sea of ​​sites on your computer at home, blocked notifications in some places and are no longer bothered by pop-up windows asking you to subscribe?

Not so! Pick up your phone and complete this quest first. Then come to work and take this quest during your breaks too. Yes, yes, start clicking “Deny” automatically.

Also, if you reset your browser settings or reinstall the system, repeat the quest from the beginning. Or maybe you use chrome, ff and Yandex browser? Again, in each browser separately.

Life hack - turn off notifications and don’t suffer. We recommend that each of our users do this. And to any attempts to implement notifications directly on sites with pop-up windows, we say definitely no.

How to create a channel with the right notifications. By the way, we have launched a public beta test of the new version of the application for iOS, you just need to indicate your email in your profile.

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