
Useful links. Example of performing a typical click task via LinkReader

Previously, when my temporary source additional income there were axle boxes on the Internet, I did not use any special programs to speed up work in these services. But recently, while conducting a 2-day experiment on making money on axleboxes, using ready-made lists of tasks that are formed specifically for students of the master group of the Surfer Community, I realized that I needed some kind of tool that would increase the speed of work, and therefore earnings . After all, in axleboxes, the faster you work, the more you earn.

As a result of my searches, I came across 2 tools. One of them is called LinkReader. This program is very helpful when performing click tasks in boxes, as it allows you to quickly create reports by copying links using hot keys. This will at least double your productivity. I will tell you in detail about working with this program in this article.

When I was looking for the right assistant program, the main criterion for me was that the program could quickly copy links. After all, what is the essence of performing click tasks? The fact is that you view the advertiser’s websites, videos on YouTube, click on various advertising banners and, as a result, you must copy all these links to the advertiser in the report for the task. Based on this, where is the extra time wasted when completing such tasks? The fact that you have to copy each link from the browser and paste it either directly into the advertiser’s report or into some intermediate Text Document. This ends up taking a lot of time, since you need to switch from window to window, copying each link separately.

Using the LinkReader program, we save a lot of time on copying links. Because the program allows you to quickly save links to your temporary report using hotkeys. Those. Having opened the desired page, just press certain keys and the link from the browser is instantly recorded in the program.

It is also known that click tasks usually require long execution due to the fact that you have to linger on each page of the advertising site you are viewing for 10 - 60 seconds, depending on what kind of pauses the advertiser requires. In this case, it is no secret that while you are performing one click task, you can perform another one in parallel while you pause on the pages of the advertiser’s website. But in this case, you will have to prepare 2 reports at once, because you are already completing 2 tasks. And then the time spent copying links increases even more, because you begin to get confused about which link to copy and into which window.

LinkReader also solves this problem, since it allows you to run 3 reports simultaneously and links can be inserted into each report using your own hotkeys. It's very convenient and just awesome saves precious time!

So, let's start analyzing the functionality of the program.

Downloading and launching LinkReader

The program can be downloaded for free from the official website using the link:

After going to the site, click the “Download for free” button and the program will begin downloading immediately:

Nearby you will notice the “Get key for auto mode” button. And although it costs only 25 rubles, in my opinion there is no point in buying it. This is discussed below -.

The program will be downloaded in a regular ZIP archive:

In order to start using the program, you need to unpack it from this archive.

To do this, right-click on the archive, select “Extract all” and specify the folder into which the program will be unpacked.

After unpacking the program, you should have a single file “LinkReader.exe”. This is the program that we will run before performing clicks and other tasks in the boxes.

The archive itself can be deleted after unpacking.

How to use LinkReader

We launch the program by opening the file “LinkReader.exe”. The program looks like this:

The program window is translucent and this can be changed in the settings. The window size itself does not change in any way. You should immediately place the program window in a place on the screen where it is convenient for you, where it will not interfere when performing tasks in the boxes. The only way to drag a window is to drag the mouse on the lower left corner of the program (New 6.1 inscription):

Basics of program management before executing a task

First, let me explain a little about the program. LinkReader allows you to create up to 3 reports simultaneously. To do this, use the tabs at the bottom of the program window Links1, Links2, Links3:

That is, if you manage to perform, for example, 3 tasks in parallel, then you can copy everything that needs to be sent to the advertiser in the report of each task into the 3 corresponding tabs of the program. When performing click tasks, most often you only have to copy links from the pages of the sites you visit. For quick copying links in the program there are 3 keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Alt+Ctrl+Q – to copy a link from a browser tab to the Links1 program tab;
  2. Alt+Ctrl+A – to copy the link to the Links2 tab;
  3. Alt+Ctrl+Z - to copy the link to the Links3 tab.

You just need to open any website, press one of the above key combinations and the link will be immediately copied to one of the program tabs. Subsequent copied links will be added to the previous ones and thus a report will be generated.

This is very convenient because you won't accidentally copy the same link more than once. But you can enable copying of duplicate links in the settings.

Before you start using the program, you should indicate in it the browser through which you will complete the task and copy links. The browser can be specified for each individual program tab. To specify a browser, select one of the tabs (1) and click on the button with the browser logo (2) on the left until the logo of the browser you need appears:

In the same way, you can choose a browser for other tabs if you are preparing 2-3 reports at the same time.

Example of performing a typical click task via LinkReader

Suppose we took on the following task, where you need to watch 9 videos on Youtube and from each video go to an advertising site. In the report, send links to all 9 videos, as well as links to 9 advertising sites that were visited.

I'll show you how the program works using this task as an example.

So, the first thing you need to do is watch 9 videos.

You should know! In such tasks, you do not need to watch each video separately and to the end, or simply wait until one video ends and start the next one. You can open 9 (or as many as required) videos at once, turning off the sound and let them all play to the end at once in different tabs of your browser!

I open 9 videos in different tabs:

I immediately copy the links to the video, going to each video tab in turn and pressing the key combination “Alt+Ctrl+Q”. This keyboard shortcut by default copies the link from the browser to the 1st tab of the LinkReader program. You can change the keyboard shortcut for copying links in the settings described.

As you can see, 9 links were copied in the “Links1” tab.

In the same way, being on each tab, press the key combination to copy the link from the browser (by default Alt+Ctrl+Q).

As a result, each of the links will be added to the same tab of the LinkReader program:

In the lower right corner of the program the total number of links copied into the preliminary report is indicated.

After waiting 30 seconds, you can submit a report to the advertiser. To do this, we need to use the key combination Shift+Alt+Space (by default) to cut out all the links from the preliminary report compiled in the program and paste them into the report on the SEOSprint website. By pressing the above keys, everything that was in the report will be cut out, that is, it will disappear from the Links1 tab.

Go to the tab where the started is open SEOSprint task and by pressing Ctrl+V (key combination for pasting cut or copied information) paste what was cut out from the time report of the LinkReader program:

All you have to do is click the send report button and you’re done, the task is completed!

Analysis of all other functions and buttons of the program

From the example above, you probably already understand how to work with the program when performing regular click tasks, i.e., how to quickly copy links and, thereby, create preliminary reports for advertisers. Now let's look at all those functions and buttons that I didn't mention in the example above.

At the bottom of the program there is a field where you can enter your IP address, so that it will then be automatically added to your report:

You can quickly find out the IP address by visiting the website: or, for example. Once you find out your IP before completing the task, enter it in this field.

On the left side of the program there are 4 buttons:

You already know the purpose of the lowest one - this is to change the browser from which you will copy links.

The purpose of the remaining buttons from top to bottom:

    Get the link. By clicking on this button, the link opened to the selected report tab will be copied to this moment browser tabs. Simply put, the action of this button is similar to the hot keys Alt+Ctrl+Q, Alt+Ctrl+A, Alt+Ctrl+Z.

    Cut links to buffer. By clicking on this button, everything that you had in the report will be cut to the system clipboard. Those. You can insert all this information, for example, into a report field on SEOSprint. The action of this button is similar to the keyboard shortcut Shift+Alt+Space, which was mentioned in the example above.

    Clear list of links. By clicking the button, the entire selected tab in the program will simply be cleared.

You should understand that if you use the above buttons, you will greatly reduce the speed of your work! After all, you will have to click on these buttons with the mouse every time to perform the action. It’s better to perform these actions using hotkeys, this will significantly speed up the work!

At the bottom, next to the tabs for preparing reports, there is a “Notes” tab:

On this tab you can make any notes regarding your assignments or anything else. Typically this tab is not used.

The program also has a separate small window called the “Information Window”. It displays a timer, the number of links saved in the report, as well as the browser through which you are working:

Initially, this window may be hidden. In order to enable it, you need to right-click on the program icon in the Windows tray (1) and in the list that appears, click “Information Window”:

Whether or not to use this additional window is up to you. I didn’t use it because the timer on this panel makes sense to be used only when working with one task. If you are going to perform only one task in one unit of time, then when you go to the next page of the advertiser’s website, you can use the built-in timer for convenience, so as not to count the time of your presence on the pages offhand in your head or not to time the time with any inconvenient timers , the constant reset of which takes a lot of time.

This information window can be moved separately from the main window and placed in a place where it will be convenient for you to observe it.

In order to start the timer, you should right-click on this window (hereinafter referred to as “RMB”) and select one of the specified time periods, from 10 seconds to 5 minutes:

To reset the timer, also right-click on the window and select “Reset”. As a result, the timer will start again with the previously specified interval.

The timer can also be started using hot keys, which can be specified in the settings. This has been discussed.

LinkReader program settings

Let's look at the program settings.

When you launch a program, its icon will be displayed in the Windows tray (bottom right area). Right-click on the program icon:

Here are the options from the list that appears that I recommend enabling/disabling:

These were the basic settings that are indicated when you right-click on the program icon.

All other program settings are located directly in the settings section.

To go to the settings section, you can click on the corresponding button in the program window:

You can also go to settings by right-clicking on the program icon in the tray and selecting “Settings”:

There will be 6 tabs in the settings:

    Basic Tab. There are 2 main options here:

    • Get duplicate links (1). By enabling this function, the program will copy even those links that you already have in your report;
    • Consider the cursor position when adding a link (2). If this option is disabled, then links will always be added to the end of the report. If you enable the option, then all new links will be added to the place in the report where your cursor is located.

    Everything else is best configured as in the image above.

    Hot Keys Tab. Here you can see the default hotkeys for certain actions, and change them if necessary or add new ones. Please note that many actions have no default hotkeys at all!

    Time / Timer tab. There are 4 settings that you may need:

    • Automatically insert a date string into a report (1). I recommend turning on this function and then, when you cut a completed report from the program tabs, the date will be automatically added to it. Some advertisers require you to indicate the date in click tasks.

      Countdown (2). If this option is enabled, the timer will start counting down. Otherwise, the timer will start from zero.

      Ending sound (3). If the option is enabled, a sound will be played when the timer expires.

      Please note that if you turn off general sound in the settings of the program, it is turned on or off this function will no longer play a role.

      Reset when receiving a link (4). If the option is enabled, then as soon as you copy the link into the report using a special button or hot keys, the timer will be reset and a new countdown will begin. The option is useful when you perform only one task and then it turns out that by going to the next page of the site and copying the link, the timer will automatically work. This is exactly what is needed, because advertisers ask to stay on each page for the same amount of time.

      But, as I mentioned above, the idea of ​​​​a timer from this program does not make sense if you are performing more than one task in parallel.

    On this tab you can set up a page where the program can take your IP address. But the easiest way is to manually enter the IP in the appropriate field at the bottom of the program before you start performing tasks, because the method of obtaining IP via the Internet may be buggy.

    Interface Tab.

    There are 2 options here that you can configure for yourself:

    • Main window transparency (1). As you noticed, when installing the program, its window will be translucent. The slider of this option just adjusts the transparency of the window. If, for example, you move the slider to the extreme right, the window will become completely transparent; if you move it the other way around, the window will be almost completely transparent. Set it up the way it suits you.

      Link list text size (2). Using the number in this option, you can adjust the font size of the text in the preliminary program report. The default is “8” and personally suits me.

    This tab only makes sense if you have paid for auto mode for the program. It costs 25 rubles and allows you to automatically copy links to the selected program tab, even without using hotkeys. The link will be copied as soon as you open a new tab.

    I already mentioned above that there is no point in buying this option and here’s why... Because the program will automatically copy links to absolutely all sites you open in the browser. This means that a lot of unnecessary links will be copied into the report anyway. For example, if you accidentally opened a website, the link will be immediately copied and then you will have to find it among all the normal links and delete it. You may also accidentally open the wrong site and, again, an extra link will be copied into the report.

    And the settings on the “Auto Mode” tab will allow you to add to exceptions those sites whose links will not be automatically copied into the report. But this will not help you in any way, since you can accidentally or by mistake open completely different sites when completing tasks.

This covers the basics of working with the LinkReader program. If you work in axleboxes, be sure to use the program, it will save you a lot of time and speed up the process of your work in any tasks. I will also be looking for others useful programs for working in boxes, perhaps as a replacement for LinkReader, and if I find something useful, I’ll definitely tell you about it in the next article!

That's all. Have a nice day and good mood! Bye;)

Task Assistant - Linkreader Instructions

Welcome! Since you're here, it means you're interested in the linkreader assignment helper, and for good reason. If you often earn money on tasks, then you are already familiar and just decided download task assistant, because you accidentally deleted it, want to switch from another to it, etc.. If you are a beginner and are going to earn money on paid tasks from the clique sections, then I will suggest this program as the best for this. With it, you can complete a click task 3-5 times faster.

With the help of this program you will find it very pleasant, since you will provide yourself with 30-45 rubles. at every hour in non-stop work and at first you will be pleasantly surprised. The assignment assistant will make it much easier for you to copy and paste links all at once and with the click of a button. Task Assistant linkreader It’s also convenient in that you can customize it the way it’s convenient for you and set up hot keys to suit your needs, and you can also perform 3 tasks at the same time. When will you need to put IP in the report? Task Helper linlreader, will do it for you automatically. The program does not require installation.

Linkreader instructions:

Additional functions

  • If necessary, put a checkmark next to the IP address so that it is added to the beginning of the list.
  • To get it from the Internet, click on the button on the right side of the IP address (for automatic update IP addresses, right-click on this button).
  • To change hotkeys and other settings, click the “settings” button at the bottom right.
  • You can open a window with a timer through the menu using the right mouse button.
  • You can move the program using the “LR” inscription on the bottom right, and using the main buttons (you need to press and hold the “Ctrl” key).

User verification. Did he complete the task on the same day and with the same IP (for web-ip and seosprint participants).

  • In the settings we assign hotkeys.
  • Select WMID and User Login (it doesn’t matter how much text is selected, you can use the entire line).
  • Press copy (Ctrl+C), then a combination of hot keys, and the program will give you a message in the form of a tooltip if there is no repeat, and a dialog box if there is a repeat.
  • Operations must be carried out for each task.
  • The user log is kept in the file "LogUser.txt" in the folder with the program.

Task Assistant – Instructions for linkreader

I think you have no ambiguities left and now you can start completing the tasks. Know earnings on tasks very suitable for those who are looking for, so look for those and offer them this assignment assistant and I’m sure they won’t refuse to become your partners. Happy earnings!

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