
Listen to the adventures of Baron Munchausen. Listen to the audio tale of the adventures of Baron Munchausen online. How Yandex Food works - how the service works

"The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" is one of the most fun books in the world. It has been read in all countries of the world for a good two hundred years, and the book does not age. It is published in dozens of translations, in hundreds of thousands of copies, and a variety of artists are happy to create funny drawings for it.

So what is this book? And who is Baron Munchausen? Did he really exist, or was “the most truthful man in the world” invented specifically to tease him with the name of liars and braggarts?

Imagine it existed! We even know when and where he lived. The baron was born in 1720 in the German town of Bodenwerder on an old noble estate and died there in 1797. For a long time now, in all geographical reference books and tourist guides, Bodenwerder has been spoken of as “the birthplace of the famous Baron Munchausen,” and next to its official coat of arms they draw a funny figure of the baron flying on a cannonball...

Bodenwerder is located at the foot of the green Ekberg mountain, on the banks of the Weser river. An ancient legend says that in ancient times King Henry the Birdcatcher hunted here. And in the 18th century, the thicket of the copses was resounding with the whooping of horsemen, at the head of which flew in the saddle an avid hunter, a man of undaunted courage and indefatigable imagination, Baron Hieronymus Karl Friedrich von Munchausen. Each time he brought back some interesting story from his noisy hunt. In the evening, in the pavilion, which was located in the huge park of the family estate, the baron, sitting comfortably in a chair and lighting his favorite pipe, gathered those eager to listen to extraordinary stories and began to “remember”...

He was a great storyteller. The listeners either froze with curiosity, or rolled with laughter, or shook their heads with a smile: “This can’t be!...”

However, despite a fair amount of fiction, some of these stories were true. We know, for example, that the baron was indeed in military service, that he lived in Russia for many years, took part in battles with the Swedes and Turks, was awarded for excellent bravery, and was known at court. Well, if at the same time the baron was pleased to add a little, say, about his close acquaintance with the Turkish Sultan, then, really, it was such an innocent weakness! And the listeners, who listened to the narrator with delight, forgave him for his inventions: Munchausen was very interesting in how to weave reality with fable, he very convincingly came up with different circumstances, so that it was impossible to distinguish where the truth was and where the lie was. But for the time being, the baron-inventor was known only to a small circle of his neighbors and acquaintances and did not at all think about worldwide fame. To this day, both the park and the house of Hieronymus Carl Friedrich von Munchausen have been preserved in Bodenwerder; there is also a famous pavilion where extraordinary stories were born. In the halls of the house hang hunting trophies, family letters, weapons, even the baron’s own pistol, with which he allegedly went face-to-face with a bear... But all this, perhaps, would not have attracted such huge crowds of tourists, would not have aroused such interest , if it weren’t for the book... And there wouldn’t be a funny monument-fountain in front of the Munchausen Museum, in the center of which, among the water jets, the baron himself flaunts on a horse from which rear end... The monument, of course, arose much later than the time of Munchausen’s life, arose as a tribute to the admiration of readers for a magnificent book of fables, the main character of which is the same baron, only “slightly” changed, who became a world-famous literary hero. True, during his lifetime, Baron Munchausen was not at all delighted when he became so “scandalously” famous... Crowds of curious people bothered him, he received many letters in which complete strangers called him a liar and laughed at him. The baron was so indignant that he even tried to sue the offender - the author of the book, which was snapped up with lightning speed and which only many years later, when the name of its author was accidentally “discovered”, made the writer famous throughout the world. But here's the problem! At that time the court could not even punish the author of the book for “slander”: he was unknown...

Now we know who this writer was. And we even know when he met Munchausen. Among the baron's guests in May 1773 was a man in his thirties who listened very carefully to the tales. The fate of this man - Rudolf Erich Raspe (1737-1794) - was also not entirely ordinary. He studied at two German universities and achieved fame among scientists and writers. He was interested in many things - he dreamed of revealing all the treasures of the earth's bowels, studied the properties of stones, was interested in ancient manuscripts, taught antiquity at a college, headed a library, served at court... And then all his so brilliantly begun activities were destroyed due to the whim of his patron. Raspa had to flee, and subsequently go to England. He died in poverty, far from his homeland, friends and family. Here is a description of the appearance of Raspe, who, on the orders of his former ruler, was wanted by the police: “of average height, face rather long than round, small eyes, rather large nose with a hump, red hair under a short wig, fast gait...” Raspe was an unusually energetic, agile man, and a great storyteller. There is a legend that when he was arrested, he so moved the police agent with his story that he gave him the opportunity to escape.

Now many of Erich Raspe’s works are rightly forgotten, but the book he wrote in difficult times, just to earn money, and which was published for the first time in Berlin in 1781 without the name of the author (he simply did not attach much importance to it), glorified him. Subsequently, other stories in the spirit of folk funny stories were added to the “Stories of M-x-z-na”... Raspe essentially created a legend - after all, in fact, as we well know, Baron Munchausen was not such a fantastic braggart at all. Now we, laughing at his extraordinary adventures, retold with inexhaustible humor, understand that in the image of their literary hero Raspe, and after him the poet G. Burger, who completed the book, they ridiculed, and very sharply, not only the arrogant German landowners, but and in general, ignorant people, incredibly self-satisfied, ready to take credit for all sorts of feats that they could accomplish only in a miraculous dream... It is not without reason that in the preface to the “History” the then unknown author called himself “the punisher of lies.”

Well, even if you don’t know all this, anyone who reads “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” will certainly understand that, of course, neither the fox that jumped out of its skin, nor the horse that continued to gallop as if nothing had happened without the hindquarters of its body, neither the “wolf inside out” actually existed, but were a figment of fantasy. And the book will seem like a wonderful fairy tale to all of us...

Let's listen together to what this immortal hero of the funniest book in the world will tell us today!

Today, delivery services for a variety of goods are becoming increasingly popular. People value their time, and they allow them to shop without leaving home. Products of interest quickly reach the buyer, which significantly increases convenience.

The information on the website is provided for informational purposes only. The official website of the service is

The Yandex Food service is the delivery of dishes from restaurants and fast food from the Yandex company. The service was created at the beginning of 2018 based on the FoodFox service application (the company was purchased by Yandex in 2017). Yandex Food initially worked in Moscow and St. Petersburg, then other Russian cities were connected. Today Yandex Food operates in Kazakhstan, in the city of Almaty.

Yandex's food delivery service is constantly improving and expanding. More and more diverse food outlets are joining the application base, allowing users to choose a dish to suit every taste.

How Yandex Food works - how the service works

Yandex Food works quite simply - the user creates an order for food from nearby cafes, restaurants, fast food, and the courier delivers it to the specified location. The city where the order is made is divided into zones in which the points of partners of the Yandex Food service are located.

Due to the fact that the territorial location of partners (restaurants, cafes, fast food) is close to you, couriers arrive quite quickly. For example, in some cities Yandex indicates the time as 32 minutes:

Thanks to which the dish remains hot. A convenient, high-quality delivery container helps keep products in their original form.

Yandex food - a useful service for ordering food at home

Using this service is not difficult at all, you just need to go online. Yandex food works as if from a laptop or desktop computer, and through the mobile application. It is convenient to use the service from a tablet, finding a restaurant or cafe anywhere in Russia.

Direct link to the site –, but you can in search engine type the query “Yandex food”, the site will be at the top of the first page of search results. The service contains a list of catering establishments. If you enter your address where you want the order delivered, the list will show only establishments that can serve this particular location. Mobile application It’s even easier and more convenient to use, because the subscriber’s location is determined automatically.

Selection of dishes

Selecting dishes is easy and simple, both from the presented menu and by entering the name in the search. For example, if you need to find veal tartare, then this query is entered:

Only establishments that have this dish on their menu will be highlighted. Dishes are also divided into categories for easy searching - sushi, healthy food, veggie, pizza, coffee.

Specific prices for dishes and delivery, as well as the minimum order amount, are indicated. Dishes are also divided into desserts, drinks, side dishes, and salads.

Photos of dishes

It’s also nice that the offers are supplied with photographs; you can see not only the composition and weight of the dish, but also evaluate it visually. The photos are quite high quality and clear.

You just need to choose the dishes you like, add them all to your cart, but register before doing so. The order is placed and selected convenient way payment, cash or by bank card. Fill in the delivery address and that’s it, the order is processed.

What restaurants are represented on the service?

Yandex Food presents only the most famous and popular restaurants and other catering establishments. The dishes are as varied as the cuisines, from European to Asian, there is even a separate category for vegetarians. The base is constantly expanding.

Steps to order food:

  • go through the website or install the application on your smartphone;
  • enter your address;
  • select dishes, add to cart;
  • view the cost of the entire order;
  • enter the address, add a comment if desired;
  • choose a convenient payment method;
  • complete the registration.

The order should arrive soon, it can be tracked. IN personal account the order status is shown. It is also convenient to track the location of the delivery person using a smartphone.

How to pay for an order

Many clients are interested in the question: is it possible to pay for an order with Yandex Money? The order must be paid in cash or using a bank card. The choice options also depend on the amount. If it is less than 5,000 rubles, then you can pay the delivery person in cash or by credit card. For orders above 5,000 rubles, payment is made only in cashless form. For now, Yandex Money will not be able to pay for an order, but the service developers plan to resolve this issue soon.

Delivery area

The delivery area is determined automatically by the service. If a restaurant shows up in the list after you enter an address, it means they deliver to that location. For another region, you can also see the available establishments by entering the address. It is convenient to view the service coverage area on a map. You can write to service specialists to add a catering point.

Promotions and discounts

Fans of discounts and promotions will find a lot of pleasant things in the service. Track profitable offer conveniently via social media. Interestingly, when placing the first order through the application, the client already receives a 20% discount. A promotional code is indicated for this, but the discount can only be obtained when paying by bank transfer. To receive discounts and other advantageous offers through social networks, you need to check the required boxes when registering. Offers may also come to email or mobile phone.

Yandex Food is useful service, which allows you to quickly order your favorite dishes by specified address. In many cases, it will help save not only time, but also money. Through the service it is easy to find a wide variety of dishes, sometimes even exotic or unusual ones. To do this, you don’t need to travel to all the restaurants and cafes, it only takes a minute of your time. This service needs some improvements, but such technologies are the future. The owners and specialists of the service are constantly improving it, making it convenient to use and expanding the base.

Audio tale The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, a work by Erich Raspe. You can listen to the story online or download it. The audiobook “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” is presented in mp3 format.

Audio tale The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, contents:

The funny audio tale The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is a collection of amazing stories told by Baron Munchausen.

At the very beginning of the online audio tale, we meet the narrator himself, who sits comfortably in a chair and, taking a drag from his pipe, talks about the incredible events that happened to him at different times - he killed seven partridges with one shot, flew through the air in a team of forty ducks, and I even visited the moon.

One day, while swimming in the warm Mediterranean Sea, the baron saw a toothy fish and chose to immediately swim through its teeth into his stomach. And then the sailors caught this predator, from whose mouth Munchausen calmly emerged and went to Turkey, where the adventures continued.

Next, the main character meets a funny walker, with whom he continued his journey. And then they saw a man with unusually sensitive hearing. Then they came across an amazingly keen hunter who could even see what was happening around the corner. And he went with them. Then they came across a strong man - and they took him with them!

In this composition they came to the Turkish Sultan, who received them very cordially, invited them to the table and listened with pleasure to several incredible stories. After leaving the Sultan, the baron reached Italy in a few minutes and then went home.

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