
Presentation on the topic of internal computer memory. Computer internal memory. Types of computer memory

Inner memory 4
Computer device
Inner memory
RAM = random access memory
RAM = random access memory
more than 256 MB
Persistent memory
ROM = Read Only Memory
ROM = read only memory
64 KB – BIOS chip (programs for testing and
starting the computer, accessing the equipment)
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

starting from zero, cells.
In every cell
can be stored
binary Code,
eight long
in a cell
1 073 741 823

The amount of computer RAM can be
according to the formula:
Iosy = Icell * N
where: Iyach – the amount of information stored in
N – number of cells

The number of memory cells in a computer is 1,073,741
The amount of information in each cell,
Icell = 8 bits = 1 byte
Then information volume random access memory
of this computer is equal to:
Iop = Icell* N =
1 byte * 1,073,741,824 =
1,073,741,824 bytes/1024 =
1,048,576 KB/1024 =
1024 MB =
1 GB

RAM is manufactured in
memory modules
Memory modules
installed in
connectors on
system board

Inner memory

Computer device
Inner memory
is it possible
transmission speed
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011
read and write
only reading

Memory Specifications

Computer device
Memory Specifications
Volume (capacity)
ROM: 64 KB
RAM: from 256 MB to 16 GB
LMD: from 250 GB to 4 TB
Performance (access time) – time,
required to read the minimum portion of data
RAM: about 10 ns Flash: about 2 ms
LMD: about 4 ms
arbitrary - can be at any time
any data transferred (RAM, hard drive, flash memory)
serial – data can be transmitted
only in a certain sequence
(magnetic tape)
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Cache memory

Computer device
Cache memory
Cache memory (cache – hiding place, reserve) –
high-speed memory located between
processor and RAM.
Problem - clock frequency processor operation
significantly higher than the clock speed of the RAM, processor
"stands idle" waiting for data.
cache memory
Reading from RAM - first to cache. If the desired cell is already
is in the cache, it is taken from the cache (fast).
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Cache memory

Computer device
Cache memory
Multi-stage caching:
128 Kb…4 Mb
64 KB
L1 is faster than L2!
increasing the speed of work if often
need the same cells
ineffective if different ones are needed all the time
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

2. External memory

K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Floppy disks

Flexible magnetic disks
(floppy disk, floppy disk)
Information capacity
floppy disks are small and
is only 1.44
MB Write speed and
reading information
also small (about 50
KB/s) due to slow
disk rotation (360

Floppy disks

disk 2
sides by
80 tracks.
On each
path along
18 sectors.
Volume of one sector = 512 bytes.
Disk capacity = 2*80*18*512=1.44 MB

Floppy magnetic disks (floppy disk, floppy disk)

Hard magnetic disks
Winchester is
component of modern
computer (HDD – Hard
Disk Drive) – represents
is a group of disks,
having magnetic
coating and rotating
at high speed.

Computer device
HDD = hard magnetic disk
HDD = hard disk drive
external hard drives
Capacity: up to 4 TB
Rotation speed: 7200 rpm, 10000 rpm
Connection: IDE, SATA
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Long-term memory
Hard magnetic disk


The first drive on
IBM 350 hard drives
Disk File is developed in
Storage capacity 5
MB consisted of 50
disks with a diameter of 24
inches, rotating from
speed 1200 rpm.
The drive size was
comparable to two

Hard magnetic disks
Write and read speed
information from hard drives
quite large (about 133 MB/s)
due to the rapid rotation of the disks
(7200 rpm).
Hard drive capacity can reach
1 TB

Long-term memory
Optical disc
The surface of an optical disc has areas with different
reflective ability. The laser beam from the disk drive falls on
disk surface, reflected and converted to digital
computer code (reflects – 1, does not reflect – 0).

Hard magnetic disks (hard drive)

Laser (optical) discs: CD Compact Disk
(CD) and
DVD - Digital Video Disk (digital disc)

1.No CD-ROM recording capability
(Compact Disk Read Only Memory) and DVDROM (Digital Video Disk Read Only
2.Write once and write multiple times
reading CD-R and DVD-R;
3.With multiple CD-RW recording and DVDRW (RW – Re Writable).

Laser (optical) discs: CD - Compact Disk (compact disc) and DVD - Digital Video Disk (digital disc)

Computer device
Laser CDs
Audio CDs (compact disk)
diameter 12 cm
74-80 minutes of sound
650-700 MB
CD-ROM - read only
CD-R (blank) – write once
CD-RW - multiple write
mini-CD (-R, -RW)
diameter 8 cm
24 minutes of audio, 210 MB
reliability, durability
low cost
Read and write speeds are lower than those of hard drives
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Classification of laser discs:

Computer device
DVD = Digital Versatile Disk or Digital Video Disk
shorter wavelength laser
single-sided 4.7 GB single-sided 8.5 GB
double-sided 9.4 GB double-sided 17.1 GB
DVD-ROM - read only
DVD-R, DVD+R – write once
DVD-RW, DVD+RW – multiple recording (1000 cycles)
DVD-RAM - multiple write (100,000 cycles)
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Laser CDs

CD capacity =
700 MB
Volume DVD disc
= 4.7 GB or 8.5


Computer device
High Density Blu-ray Discs
Blu-ray Disc = Blue ray Disc, BD
(blue ray – blue laser beam)
BD-ROM, BD-R, BD-RE (rewritable)
capacity, GB
23,3 – 33
46,6 – 66
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Flash – disks (cards)
Flash memory is a non-volatile type of memory,
allows you to record and store data in
Flash memory
placed in
miniature flat
Flash memory chips may contain
billions of cells,
each of which


Information capacity of cards
flash memory can reach
128 GB.
Information recorded on
flash memory can be very
can be stored for a long time (from 20 to 100
Flash memory is more compact and
consumes significantly
less energy (approx.
10-20 times) than magnetic and
disk drives
To read
and records
card reader
information memory card
inserted into special
storage devices (card readers),
built into mobile
devices or connected to
via USB port.
Author: Doroninacomputer
Valerievna, MKOU secondary school No. 1, G.

High Density Blu-ray Discs

Computer device
Flash memory
Flash drives (up to 64 GB)
Flash cards (up to 64 GB)
do not require power for storage
high speed
high price for 1 GB

Photo: fill completely, then wash everything.
Do not edit files on the flash drive!
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Flash – disks (cards)

Long-term memory
Non-volatile memory
Flash disk from the inside:
1. USB connector.
2. Microcontroller.
3. Checkpoints.
4. Flash memory chip.
5. Quartz resonator.
6. LED.
7. Switch "protection from
8. Space for extra
memory chips.

Long-term memory
Non-volatile memory
The flash memory card represents
constitutes a large integral
circuit (LSI) placed in
miniature flat body.
To read information from cards
special memory is used

Flash memory

carrier carrier
1.44 MB
Up to 1
flash memory
4.7 GB,
8.5 GB
up to 128
Hazardous influences
Power overvoltage
Magnetic fields, heating,
physical impact
Beats, change
spatial orientation in
work process
Scratches, dirt

Computer device
SSD drives (solid-state drive)
Based on memory chips (up to 1 TB)
(laptops, netbooks, phones, tablets)
don't make noise
high read and write speed
light weight
low sensitivity to magnetic fields
high price for 1 GB
erase and write wear (100,000 cycles)
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Computer device
Streamer – device
For Reserve copy
data from hard drive to
magnetic tape.
capacity up to 4 TB
cheap magnetic tape
high speed (up to 160 Mb/s)
sequential access to data (“rewind” in
Right place)
low speed search
only for a data stream (entire hard drive or folder),
extremely difficult to work with individual files
Manufacturers: Hewlett Packard, Sony, IBM
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Computer device
Type comparison external memory
By maximum capacity:
650-700 MB
up to 500 GB
flash memory
up to 2 TB
hard drives
Up to 4 TB
streamers (magnetic tape)
up to 4 TB
By maximum speed (reading):
up to 8 MB/s
up to 33 MB/s
flash memory
up to 60 MB/s
hard drives
up to 125 MB/s
streamers (magnetic tape)
up to 160 MB/s
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

SSD drives (solid-state drive)

Computer device
Hazardous influences
Winchesters (HDD = hard magnetic disks):
magnetic fields, shock, vibration
CDs, DVDs:
scratches, dirt
Flash drives:
Power failures, disconnection during recording
K. Polyakov, 2007-2011

Bits Bytes Information structure internal memory - bit-byte

Properties of internal memory 1. Discreteness (lat. discretus) - intermittent, consisting of separate parts) A memory cell that stores one binary character is called a BIT. BIT 0 or 1 Binary encoding 2. Addressability Memory byte is the smallest addressable part of internal memory The processor accesses internal memory by addresses Structure of internal memory BytesBits The serial number of a byte is called its ADDRESS

File – named space on a disk for storing information Information on external media has a file organization Information structure of external memory Information structure of external memory – file Views information: text, numeric, graphic, sound

Magnetic tape drives NML (streamers) Cassette drives Magnetic disk drives NMD (disk drives) Compact disk drives Optical (laser) drives Floppy disk drives (floppy disks) Hard disk drives (hard drives) CD-R, CD-RW DVD drives -ROM

A device for writing and reading information from floppy magnetic disks is a disk drive (FDD - Floppy Disk Drive). The information capacity of the floppy disk is small and is only 1.44 MB. The speed of writing and reading information is also low (about 50 KB/s) due to the slow rotation of the disk (360 rpm). Floppy magnetic disks (floppy disk, floppy disk)

In order for information to be stored on a disk, the disk must be formatted, i.e. The physical and logical structure of the disk must be created. During the formatting process, concentric tracks are formed on the disk, which, in turn, are divided into sectors; for this, the magnetic head of the drive places track and sector marks in certain places on the disk.

After formatting a 3.5" floppy disk, its parameters will be as follows:

The first hard drive was developed by IBM in 1973 and had a capacity of 16 KB. Hard magnetic disks are several disks placed on one axis, enclosed in a metal case and rotating at high angular speed. Due to the multiple tracks on each side and large quantity disks, the information capacity of hard disks can be tens of thousands of times greater than the information capacity of floppy disks and reach hundreds of GB. The speed of writing and reading information from hard drives is quite high (about 133 MB/s) due to the fast rotation of the disks (7200 rpm).

Magnetic tapes A device for writing and reading information from flexible magnetic tapes is called a streamer. Magnetic tapes are: Cassette; Reel; designed for creating data archives and backup; is a flexible plastic tape coated with a thin magnetic layer; information is recorded via magnetic recording; The capacity of magnetic tape can reach several gigabytes.

Used to store a large amount of information in a small area; the disc is made of polycarbonate, which is coated on one side with a reflective layer; information is recorded through optical recording; optical disk capacity - from 640 MB and above Laser (optical) disks

MAGNETO-OPTICAL DISK is used in the construction of optical libraries; is a polycarbonate substrate 1.2 mm thick, on which several thin-film layers are applied; information is recorded both through magnetic and optical recording; Magneto-optical optical disk capacity up to 9.1 GB.

Flash – disks (cards) Flash memory is a non-volatile type of memory that allows you to record and store data in microcircuits. Devices based on flash memory do not have moving parts, which ensures high data security when used in mobile devices. Flash memory is a chip housed in a miniature package. To write or read information, drives are connected to a computer via a USB port. Information capacity of memory cards from 256 MB – 4 GB. Reading devices – Card reader.

The first samples of flash memory were developed by Toshiba back in 1984, but its mass use began only a few years ago with the advent of digital cameras. Flash memory is increasingly used for storing and transferring data. Today, manufacturers produce several types of cards and USB drives that first appeared in 2001.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The relevance of the project is due to the fact that the modern computer market is so diverse that it is quite difficult to determine the PC configuration with the required characteristics. The goal of the project is to study the architecture of modern personal computers. Understand the purpose of basic memory devices.

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COMPUTER MEMORY How is computer memory organized? It can be thought of as a long page made up of individual lines. Each such line is called a memory cell BIT 0 or 1 Binary encoding Bytes Bits 001011000 101001101.... The memory cell, in turn, is divided into bits. The contents of any bit can be 0 or 1.

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So, a certain set of zeros and ones is written into any memory cell - a machine word. All memory cells are numbered. The cell number is called its address

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INTERNAL MEMORY Internal memory is used to store information. Consists of individual bits combined into groups of 8 bits (bytes). Each byte has its own number (address). Internal memory includes: random access memory (RAM) read-only memory (ROM)

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So, the internal memory is bit-based. Note that the organization of external memory is not the same. The information structure of the external memory is file-based. The smallest named unit in external memory is a file. Computers whose memory has a linear organization, and whose processor consists of three parts we have considered, are called Neumann.

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RAM Random access memory is a fast storage device of not very large capacity, which is directly connected to the processor and designed to write, read and store executable programs and data that are processed by these programs.

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ROM ROM is read-only memory. Information is usually entered into it at the factory and is stored permanently. The ROM contains a computer self-test program

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BIOS Immediately after turning on the computer, the electronic “clock” of the main bus begins to “tick”. Their impulses push the sleepy processor away, and it can start working. But the processor needs commands to operate. The design of the ROM chip differs from RAM chips, but logically these are the same cells in which some numbers are written, except that they are not erased when the power is turned off. Each cell has its own address.

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CMOS On motherboard There is another chip - CMOS memory. It stores the settings necessary for operation. BIOS programs. In particular, the current date and time, parameters of hard drives and some other devices are stored here. This memory can be neither operational nor permanent. It is made non-volatile and is constantly powered by a small rechargeable battery, also located on the motherboard. The charge of this battery is enough to ensure that the computer does not lose settings, even if it is not turned on for several years.

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CACH MEMORY Cache memory is a high-speed random access memory used by the computer processor to temporarily store information. It improves performance by keeping the most frequently used data and commands "closer" to the processor, where they can be retrieved faster. Cache memory directly affects the speed of calculations and helps the processor work with a more even load.

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The cache memory is located “between” the microprocessor and the RAM, and when the microprocessor accesses the memory, it first searches for the required data in the cache memory. Since access time to cache memory is several times less than to conventional memory, and in most cases the data needed by the microprocessor is contained in cache memory, the average memory access time is reduced.

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VIDEO RAM Graphics card (also known as graphics card, video card, video adapter) (eng. video card) - a device that converts an image located in the computer’s memory into a video signal for the monitor. Usually a video card is an expansion card and is inserted into a special slot for video cards on the motherboard, but it can also be built-in. Modern video cards are not limited to simple image output; they have a built-in microprocessor that can perform additional processing, relieving the computer's central processor from these tasks.

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THE GRAPHICS BOARD CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING PARTS: GPU(GPU) - deals with calculations of the output image, relieving the central processor of this responsibility, and makes calculations for processing three-dimensional graphics commands. It is the basis of the graphics card; the performance and capabilities of the entire device depend on it.

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Video controller - is responsible for forming an image in video memory, gives RAMDAC commands to generate scan signals for the monitor and processes requests from the central processor. In addition, there is usually an external data bus controller, an internal data bus controller, and a video memory controller. The width of the internal bus and the video memory bus are usually wider.

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Digital-to-analog converter DAC (RAMDAC) - serves to convert the image generated by the video controller into color intensity levels supplied to the analog monitor. The possible color range of the image is determined only by the RAMDAC parameters. Most often, RAMDAC has four main blocks - three digital-to-analog converters, one for each color channel (red, blue, green, RGB), and SRAM for storing correction gamma data.

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Video ROM (Video ROM) is a permanent storage device in which video BIOS, screen fonts, service tables, etc. are written. ROM is not used directly by the video controller - only the central processor accesses it. The video BIOS stored in ROM ensures the initialization and operation of the video card before loading the main one. operating system, and also contains system data that can be read and interpreted by the video driver during operation

"Hard disk device"- Electronics board. Hard Disk Drive (HDD). Horizontal dimensions of hard drives: Landing Zone). The main purpose hard drive: HDD. Device and principle work hard disk. Form factor: Winchester. The electronics board contains: Storage medium. Information from history: Read-write heads.

“Personal computer device”- What is the difference between optical-mechanical and optical mice? A printer. There are two types of scanners: hand-held flatbed. What does " Personal Computer"? Information is entered in the form of alphanumeric character data. There are three types of printers: matrix inkjet laser. System unit. Keyboard.

"Computer Commands"- 1) call next. A. 1946 American ENIAC 1952 IAS Von Neumann. Advantages and disadvantages. Then wait for the value to be read. Both approaches have the right to life! Command execution block. Basic principles for the development of modern computers. Conveyors. Operand fetch block.

"Flash memory"- Flash memory Characteristics. Initially, the CD was created for digital audio storage (the so-called Presentation. So the indicated speed of 100x means 100 × 150 Kb/s = 15,000 Kb/s = 14.65 MB/s. Flash memory Applications. Flash memory Disadvantages Some HDDs use one plate, others use several on one axis.

"Triggers"- With values ​​of Rt=St=1, the trigger state is undefined. UGO RS trigger with inverse inputs. R-S TRIGGERS truth table. Classification of triggers. In a steady state, always, if Q=1, then!Q=0 and, if Q=0, then!Q=1. Structural equation of an RS-type trigger. Trigger definition. Table R-S transitions trigger.

"Memory device"- Backbone-modular principle of computer construction. Laser disk drives use the optical principle of reading information. Read-only memory (ROM, English. Usually RAM made from integrated circuits. ROM can only be read. Ports are also called standard interface devices: serial, parallel.

There are a total of 33 presentations in the topic

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