
Parental control apps for Android. Parental controls for Android. Free parental control programs Download parental control program for Android

Almost every child has their own smartphone or tablet, which is a window into a huge, attractive and inviting, but far from harmless, virtual world. Parental control tools will help protect minors from harmful information, as well as limit the time they spend on the Internet and playing games. Today they are being developed not only for desktop computers, but also for mobile devices on Android based.

I suggest you get acquainted with several programs that allow you to filter and block unwanted content, and also have other functions useful for parents.

Google Play Features

The simplest parental control tool is present in Android by default - this is one of the functions Google Play. With its help, you can prevent the installation of applications that are not suitable for the child’s age.

For this:

The “Content filtering settings” list has 3 sections: “Applications and games”, “Movies” and “Music”. As for music with explicit lyrics, access to it can be either completely allowed or prohibited.

In the other two sections there is a gradation by age (rating) - from 0 to 18 years. Choose something that is age appropriate for your child.

Unfortunately, the Russian version of Google Play parental controls does not filter all the content that is in the store. For example, it will not prevent a child from downloading a comic or book that contains non-childish information. In addition, this option is ineffective if the child knows how to use a browser, so parents of children over 7-8 years old are better off installing a separate security application - one of those that I will talk about later.

Parental controls from antivirus vendors

Parental control on Android can be organized using an antivirus, which may already be installed on your child’s phone or tablet. Such products include, for example, F-Secure SAFE and Quick Heal Total Security.

There are also separate programs of this class from antivirus manufacturers. They can be used either as a supplement to the main product or on their own. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Safe Kids is available in paid and free versions.

Among its functions:

  • Web content filtering.
  • Search filtering (allows you to exclude sites with unwanted content from search results).
  • Lock your device in set time(excluding calls).
  • Determining geographic location (the parent can find out where the child is).
  • Monitor device usage and send reports to your phone or email parent.

The app is easy to set up and easy to use. All the main ways to protect children's safety are present in it. It is suitable for monitoring both teenagers and young children. But it can only be used by mutual agreement, since it has no protection against uninstallation: if the child objects to the restrictions, he will delete the program without any problems.

Norton Family parental control (Symantec)

Norton Family has almost the same set of features as the Kaspersky product. And it is also available in paid and free versions.

Available in the free version:

  • Function for monitoring website visits (logging).
  • Web content filtering.
  • Immediate warning of parents about unwanted actions of the child.

The paid version additionally includes the ability to selectively control access to applications, create a report on device usage for 90 days, and receive weekly or monthly summaries by email about the time your child spends on the device and the activities on it.

Unlike SafeKids, Norton Family has deletion protection, but some particularly cunning teenagers still manage to disable it.

The range of possibilities is somewhat wider. Available in the free version:

Additional functionality is more suitable for parents of primary schoolchildren who are away from home for a long time.

Standalone parental control apps

Perhaps one of the most functional and flexible parental control tools, but paid (from $5.95 per quarter).

Among its features:

  • Safe search in all popular browsers.
  • Individual settings for blocking sites (black and white lists).
  • Limit web surfing by time (you can create a schedule for every day of the week).
  • Remote control settings and rules (from an adult’s smartphone).
  • Limiting the time you can use the device.
  • Reports on the child’s online activity (time and content of sites visited, search queries).
  • The ability to allow or deny a child access to certain content in real time.
  • Hiding applications not intended for use by children (customizable individually).
  • Blocking applications based on operating time.

Despite the abundance of features, SafeKiddo is quite easy to use. In addition, it can be used to control several children, using separate rules for each.

Kids Zone Parental Controls

Kids Zone Parental Controls are useful for creating separate profiles for children on a device used by an adult. The program is intended mainly for children. Available in free and paid versions.

With Kids Zone you can:

  • Create an individual profile on your phone or tablet for each child, set their personal wallpaper on their desktop. Children's profiles will only display apps that you allow.
  • Protect program settings from changes using a PIN code.
  • Limit the time you use the device.
  • Block outgoing calls and SMS.
  • Deny Internet access.
  • Prohibit downloading and installation of programs from Google Play and other sources.
  • Block access to device settings and personal data of the parent's account.
  • Monitor children's use of the device.
  • Remove the lock by pressing one button (when you need to answer a call).

The only inconvenience of Kids Zone is that it is not translated into Russian. But in all other respects it is quite good.

Reading time: 39 min

Parental controls on Android- This effective method protect your child from unnecessary content, downloading dangerous and unwanted files, as well as viewing sites with adult content. After all, it is extremely difficult to constantly monitor what a child is watching or playing. Such personal control fetters the child, and programs help do the same, only unobtrusively.

Several key tasks of child tracking programs:

  • setting a time limit for games;
  • download ban paid applications;
  • protecting children from harmful content (pornography and violence);
  • protection against potentially harmful code that can enter through downloaded files from unidentified sources.

It is possible to set restrictions on some Android functions for children through personalization of Android, interaction with Google Play and installation of special applications.

Restrict access using Settings

Parental control on an Android phone can be done through the access restriction settings for the user. How to do it:

  1. Go to “Settings”;
  2. Select the “Users” section;
  3. Select "Add user";

  1. Set a limit on your child's account.

Now you can give the choice to your child or decide for yourself which programs will appear in the window and which are hidden. An alternative option is to assign a password, for example, for the Google Play store.

Restrictions in PlayMarket

To control the use of the store, just activate tracking in Google program Play:

  1. Go to the store.
  2. Click on "Settings".
  3. Select Parental Controls.
  4. Set a password.

At the end, you need to decide on the age limit for selecting games, movies, applications, and in the audio they set a ban on downloading with profanity; in addition, it is possible to set a password for paid content.

For those who are faced with the question of how to install parental controls on Android, there are special programs. Here are the best and most popular options for utilities for mobile OS:

  • YouTube Kids;
  • Kid's Shell;
  • Screen Time;
  • PlayPad;
  • Safe Lagoon.

YouTube Kids

A specially developed service contains videos of an entertaining and intellectual nature. It is possible to remove videos from the selection; to do this, click “Complain”.

All videos are divided into 4 sectors:

  1. Education.
  2. Music.
  3. Kaleidoscope.

The program has wide buttons that are easy to operate even for the smallest users. There is a function for synchronizing to TV, for watching videos on the big screen.

Settings for parents will allow you to set a limit on the use of the program and prohibit the search function; viewing will only be on the main screen.

Kid's Shell

Key features of the application:

  • prohibition on making purchases in any applications;
  • mode for children, it opens only programs specified by parents;
  • a password is required when exiting the shell;
  • searches on Google Play and advertising links are blocked;

For 200 rubles you can open functions to prohibit the use of the Internet, personalize desktops, set a limit on the phone's operating time, and also a built-in player with useful information for a child.

Screen Time

Thanks to this program, parents will be able to monitor and regulate their child’s time. The application has two parts: the main one and the auxiliary one - Screen Time Companion, which is installed on the child’s gadget. The program allows you to monitor the activity on your children’s smartphone: find out the amount of time allocated to applications, what games are opened, what they listen to and what they prefer in videos.

Several main functions:

  • blocking individual applications;
  • identifying the duration and time of day of program operation;
  • during classes, a ban on using the Internet;
  • the ability to add additional work time for tasks.

To close access or limit time completely, there is no need to take the phone away from the child, you just need to press the appropriate control buttons on your smartphone.


The application was created for children for the purposes of entertainment and development.

The utility has a colorful menu with 4 sections:

  1. Games.
  2. Development.
  3. Education.
  4. Other.

Parents themselves choose the programs for these sections. It is possible to create a ban on calls and messages. The child will have access to changing the style of the desktop and a bonus from the creators of the program - a drawing board.

Safe Lagoon

To use the parental control program, follow these steps:

  1. Download the utility onto your child’s gadget.
  2. Install a management profile.
  3. Specify security settings.
  4. Load a program client with control functions. It is possible to retrieve data from a web account.

Parents in the profile will be able to see activity on the Internet and games, highlight restrictions on the use of applications and set a geo-perimeter, within its boundaries parents will be able to see the whereabouts of the child and will receive a notification when he leaves the specified territory.

Parental controls on Android tablets and smartphones are very useful thing, thanks to which you can protect children from harmful content. What suits you best, the choice is yours.

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The Android operating system differs from the usual Windows in the absence of a parental control function. Because of this, parents of young children often suffer from the fact that their child may press something on the phone, access prohibited sites, or spend all the money from their mobile account. Of course, you can put a password on the device, hide applications, create a special account for your child. However, in this topic we will present some ways to set up parental controls for Android.

Blocking programs while using the phone

This method is suitable in cases where a parent, having turned on a game or cartoon on the phone for their child, denies access to the main menu or other applications. In other words, the child will not be able to exit the game or close the cartoon on the phone. The sensor will not respond to the baby's actions. The function that is responsible for blocking software is called “Blocking in the application.” To enable it, do the following:

  • Select “Menu”, “Settings”, “Security”. Here we find the “App Lock” function.
  • A message will appear telling you that by clicking the Browse button (which looks like a pushpin), you can pin the screen.

  • Now, having turned on the game for the baby, click on the “Browse” button and hold it. To disable the blocking, hold down the “Back” button.

This way, the child will not be able to press anything on the phone or confuse the settings.

Setting up parental controls in the Play Market

Fortunately, such a service as Play Market has a parental control function. In order to enable it, you need to select the “Service Menu”, go to “Settings” and select “Parental Control”.

A new window will open. Drag the slider to the “On” position.

To prevent your child from spending money on purchasing applications in the Play Market, you should enable the “Authentication upon purchase” function. After its activation, the child will not be able to buy a game or movie on this service without entering the login and password for the account.

Create an account for a child

To create for a child new account, in which only some applications will be available for use, you should go to the “Settings”, “Users” section and click “Add user”.

After that, select “User with limited access" Once the account is created, you need to specify which programs the new owner will be able to use.

Using Kaspersky Safe Kids for parental control

The Kaspersky Safe Kids application was the first that allowed a parent to monitor their child online and beyond. By installing such an application on your smartphone and your child’s smartphone, a parent can specify which programs, sites and resources will be blocked for their child. You can also use this software to track your child’s location.

Initially, the parent is required to create their own account on their device.

Registration must also be carried out on the child’s device. Only after creation linked accounts, the parent can choose the level of protection.

It is important to note that most modern antiviruses for Android have parental controls. Therefore, Kaspersky Safe Kids is not the only option for organizing parental control on a child’s smartphone.

For details on how to set up parental controls on Android, watch the video:

In the century digital technologies It is becoming increasingly difficult to protect children from inappropriate content, because today every phone has access to the Internet. Therefore, developers create applications that make it possible to control the use of the gadget by children. Let's look at how to set parental controls on Android phone, and also configure it correctly.

Important! You can disable the monitoring program only using your parents' login and password. To do this, simply log out of your account and delete the application itself (the child will not be able to do this on his own).

Play Store Parental Controls

Google has built a special function into its proprietary application store that allows you to filter applications.

  1. Open Play Store → Settings.
  2. Go to Parental Controls.
  3. Move the slider to the active position.
  4. In the “Games and Applications” section, specify the age limit for store programs.
  5. In the “Music” Section, block access to songs with obscene language → Save the settings.

    Important! The filter will only operate if the performer has indicated the presence of obscene language.

As practice shows, the filter works quite accurately. The only downside is that you can't configure this mode for the device as a whole.

Third Party Applications

Developers create programs that allow you to fully monitor a child’s activities. Let's look at the most functional ones.

Kaspersky Safe Kids

It seems to me that this is the best Russian-language application in this segment. Free version makes it possible to block programs, websites, track the activity of a phone or tablet, and limit the time they are used. Paid subscription Additionally, it allows you to determine location, track activity on social networks, monitor calls and SMS.

  1. Create a My Kaspersky account on the official website.
  2. Download Kaspersky Safe Kids from Play Store to the child's phone.
  3. Launch the utility, select “Child’s phone” and configure it by specifying gender, age and name.

    Note! A parent application with similar functions can be installed on an Android device from the Play Store.

  4. Go to the utility website by logging into your account → go to the “Children” tab.
  5. On this page you can:

Screen Time

An excellent application in Russian, the functionality of which is enough for full monitoring of the child.

Important! The application is paid, but you can use the demo version. It is provided free of charge for 14 days.

The program is installed on the child's device, as well as the parent's. Through it you can:

  • track which programs are launched by the child;
  • on which sites it is located;
  • how much time he devotes to one activity or another.

The setup is done in the following way:

  1. Install the application from the Play Store on the parent's device.
  2. Set up the program by specifying “I (the parent) use this device.”
  3. Go to " Account» → “Pairing codes” (this code is needed to set up the program on a child’s device).
  4. Install the application from the Play Store on your child’s device.
  5. Once it launches, select “This is your child’s device.”
  6. During installation, enter the code above → Create a password to access the settings.
  7. After setting up from your device you will be able to:

Safe Lagoon

Simple and universal application. The interface is intuitive, allowing you to quickly find the required setting.

The development of technology, the reduction in the cost of electronic equipment, as well as the increase in the number of smartphones and tablets have led to the fact that almost everyone has a modern mobile device. However, if an adult is able to figure out for himself what information will be useful for him and what will not, then children, especially those who have free access to the Internet, need constant parental control (on Android devices in the first place). However, it’s worth checking what your child is doing, regardless of operating system, however, Android is most often installed on inexpensive and affordable gadgets.

Parental control tasks

All the ways to set parental controls on Android serve to perform the following tasks:

  • protect the child from becoming familiar with unwanted information on the Internet (including resources containing violence and pornography);
  • prohibit the downloading of paid applications, the cost of which can be quite high and significantly affect the family budget;
  • prevent the downloading of unknown programs that may be malicious and negatively affect the operation of the device;
  • reduce the time your child spends on a tablet or smartphone. First of all, so that in addition to games and social networks, he would do lessons and other useful things. Secondly, to ban games during school hours.

In addition, the concept of parental control includes blocking incoming and outgoing calls. This allows you to limit children’s communication with strangers and reduce the child’s expenses for conversations (especially those that are not covered by free tariffication). And they allow you to implement such opportunities as those already available in the system Android settings, and installation of additional programs.

Profile with restrictions

On Android tablets starting with version 4.3, you can create profiles with limited rights. To do this you should:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to “Users”.
  3. Click on the add user button and select a profile with access restrictions.
  4. Set up an account by selecting applications that will not be available to your child, including Google Play.

The created profile allows children to independently customize the design home page. But even when turning on most applications and games, the child will receive either certain restrictions or completely closed access. For example, if parents do not want their children to access the Internet, browsing is limited. And to protect against unreasonable purchases, you should set a password on Google Play or set age restrictions here, as a result of which “adult” applications will be inaccessible.

Provide parental controls on Android without installing additional ones software allows not only a tablet, but also a smartphone with CyanogenMod firmware. To switch to an account with restrictions, you just need to press one button. The functionality of the profile intended for the child is set in the system settings.

Online content filtering

Despite the ability to restrict a child's access to certain programs, the Android system does not have built-in functions that protect against certain materials on the Internet. The only way to prevent children from reading inappropriate information is to completely ban them from using the Internet. At the same time, sometimes the network is needed to perform important tasks - learning languages, searching for information to do homework or self-improvement. Therefore, in order to implement parental control on an Android phone or tablet, you will have to install the appropriate application on them - for example, a built-in server such as OpenDNS or SetDNS.

If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi networks, parents have the opportunity to specially configure the router. Some routers allow parental controls for all devices connected to it at once. Although when using mobile internet this option is useless.

Access to a specific application

If the mobile device has an operating system Android systems 5.0 and higher, you can limit children’s access to third-party resources by simply pinning a specific application to the screen. Thus, the child will be able to use only one program (a game, an educational service, or, for example, a “reader” for books). And to switch to another application, you will have to enter a password.

You can enable such parental controls on your Android tablet as follows:

  1. Open settings screen
  2. Select a security item.
  3. Activate app pinning.
  4. Set protection using a PIN code or pattern.
  5. Click the “Browse” button on the device.
  6. Go to the desired application.
  7. Press the blue button resembling a paperclip to confirm the attachment.
  8. To exit the application attachment mode, click “Browse” again and enter the requested code (or pattern).

Parental Control Launcher

A special “Parental Control” program for Android in the form of a launcher (a shell that allows you to launch other applications) further simplifies the task of restricting access. Its features (some of them are paid, the rest are provided free of charge) include:

  • ensuring access only to authorized applications;
  • blocking purchases through any services;
  • banning calls (both incoming and outgoing) and SMS;
  • restricting changes to device settings (including disabling parental controls);
  • control of the time during which the application is used. For example, you can set the duration of the game to no more than 1 hour per day;
  • prohibition of use mobile device during a certain period (for example, from 8-00 to 13-00, when the child is in class);
  • monitoring the child’s location using GPS and even plotting the path he has traveled over the last 12 hours.

TimeAway app

The small app TimeAway also provides remote parental control on an Android smartphone or tablet. Its use allows:

  • deny access to certain programs (most often games and Internet browsers);
  • check which applications the child launched during a certain period of time;
  • control when the device is turned on and off. As a rule, using this function you can check when the child went to bed.

The advantages of TimeAway are an intuitive interface and great control capabilities. A disadvantage is the poor translation into Russian. Although the opportunity to use the application for free not only during the trial period, but constantly, outweighs this small minus.

KidRead gaming system

Another way to install parental controls on Android is the KidRead launcher. With its help, you can not only prevent children from running certain programs, but also turn the process of using a mobile device into a game. So, to receive points, the child must launch “useful” applications. And when using “harmful” games, the accumulated score decreases. If you run out of points, access to gaming applications is limited.

To prevent children from changing the launcher settings on their own, they are protected using a password or a math problem. And parents can view statistics on their child’s program launches using the official website.

Norton utility

Norton Family Premier (free for 30 days) provides parental controls on your Android smartphone, allowing you to:

  • control your child’s online activities;
  • restrict access to sites with inappropriate content;
  • effectively plan the time you use your smartphone or tablet;
  • receive a notification about a child’s unsafe behavior (visiting a prohibited website, communicating on undesirable topics).

Denying access from Kaspersky

You can organize parental control on Android using antivirus software. For example, F-Secure SAFE, Eset NOD or Avast. There are also separate applications that allow you to protect your child from unnecessary information and prevent him from playing too much instead of studying and doing more useful things. One of the most functional programs of this type is Kaspersky Safe Kids, which is available in paid and free versions.

Among the features of the application from a well-known manufacturer of antivirus software:

  • blocking applications from launching at a certain time;
  • checking the use of a mobile device and creating a report;
  • determining the location of the child;
  • removal from results search queries sites with prohibited content.
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