
Checking secure connections in mozilla firefox – Operating instructions KASPERSKY LAB KAV2011- Kaspersky anti-virus. Checking secure connections in Mozilla Firefox How to allow viewing of hidden folders in Windows Explorer

When I installed on a newly purchased laptop with operating Windows system 8.1 x64 Kaspersky antivirus, or rather Kaspersky Internet Security for all devices (Version 2016 (, then the first time I tried to access the Yandex website (this is also true for Google), I received the following warning in the window FireFox browser x64 v43.0.0:

At the same time, most other sites operating using the HTTPS protocol, including my blog, opened quite normally. That is, there were no crashes in the browser.

How Kaspersky checks SSL-protected connections

Kaspersky Anti-Virus scans protected SSL connections by installing a Kaspersky Lab certificate (self-signed certificate). And the absence of such a certificate in the browser storage leads to the described error. Automatic installation certificate works for the browser Internet Explorer. And for Mozilla Firefox To correct the error described above, you need to manually register the certificate in the browser settings.

How to add Kaspersky certificate to FireFox

To add a certificate from Kaspersky, follow these steps:
Go to your browser settings

In the "Advanced" section of the "Certificates" menu, click the [View Certificates] button

In the “Certification Authorities” tab, click the [Import...] button

Select a certificate (fake)Kaspersky Anti-Virus personal root certificate.cer. Which for Kaspersky in Windows 8.1 is located at C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP16.0.0\DataCert and click the [Open] button
If you don't see the folder in the browser ProgramData, then read how to fix it.

In the window that appears, select the required options (I selected all). And click [OK]

Now in the list of FireFox certificate stores you should see a Kaspersky Lab certificate, which the browser will consider trusted.

After carrying out all the above steps, Yandex and Google sites began to open normally.

How to allow viewing of hidden folders in Windows Explorer

Go to the control panel and select "Folder Options"

In the “View” tab, check the box at the very bottom “Show hidden files, folders and drives”

An alternative solution for unblocking the HTTPS protocol in Kaspersky

This option consists of disabling Kaspersky scanning of secure connections. To do this, go to your antivirus settings:

In the “Advanced” menu item, select the “network” section:

And in it, disable the scanning of secure connections:

In this case, the antivirus will give you a warning that the level of computer protection in this case will be lower.

If, when you try to establish a secure connection with any site using the https:// protocol (for example, in the window Google browser Chrome you see the following picture, then you need to install root certificate Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate.

To do this, find the certificate on your computer along the path * r, and then in the menu Settings -> Additional settings , In chapter HTTPS/SSL click on the button "Configure certificates" .
If you don’t see such a folder, turn on its display by following instructions.
* Note! The path may differ depending on the version of Kaspersky Lab antivirus installed on you.
If the path is different, it is better to install the latest version of the antivirus. There is a high probability that after this the problem will disappear on its own, and all subsequent actions will not need to be performed.
Download links latest versions Kaspersky Lab products:

** If you can’t get to the certificate through Explorer, turn on the display hidden files and folders according to instructions from articles.

To install the certificate, go to the tab and press the button "Import…",

To select a certificate file, click the button "Review..".

Locate the certificate file on your hard drive along the path c:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP17.0.0\Data\Cert\(fake)Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate.ce r and press the button "Open" and then the button "Next >".

Please note that the default certificate store suggested must be the same as where the root certificate should be placed. If the import was initiated from another section of the certificate store, then you need to select the store using the “Browse…” button "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and press the button "Next >".

Then you should confirm the completion of the wizard by clicking the button "Ready",

next button "Yes", and finally the button "OK".

To control the correctness of the operations performed in the window Certificates open the tab Trusted Root Certification Authorities and at the end of the list, find the root certificate you installed and open the certificate information window by clicking the button "View". Make sure the certificate is valid.

Close all windows, restart your browser and check the validity of the certificate by establishing a secure connection.

Checking secure connections in Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox browser does not use certificate store Microsoft Windows. To check SSL connections when using Firefox, you must install the Kaspersky Lab certificate manually.

To install a Kaspersky Lab certificate, follow these steps:

  1. In the Certificates block, select the Security tab and click the button View certificates.
  2. Certification Authorities and click on the Restore button.
  3. .

To install a Kaspersky Lab certificate for Mozilla Firefox version 3.x, follow these steps:

  1. In the browser menu, select Tools ® Settings.
  2. In the window that opens, select the Advanced section.
  3. On the Encryption tab, click the button View certificates.
  4. In the window that opens, select a bookmark Certification Authorities and click on the Import button.
  5. In the window that opens, select the Kaspersky Lab certificate file. Path to the Kaspersky Lab certificate file: %AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP60MP4\Data\Cert\(fake)Kaspersky Anti-Virus personal root certificate.cer.
  6. In the window that opens, check the boxes to select actions for which the installed certificate will be used for verification. To view information about the certificate, use the View button.

If your computer is running operating system Microsoft Windows Vista, then the path to the Kaspersky Lab certificate file will be as follows: %AllUsersProfile%\Kaspersky Lab\AVP60MP4\Data\Cert\(fake)Kaspersky Anti-Virus personal root certificate.cer.

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