
Clarify the situation. Five ways to clear the air How to clear the air

Clarify the situation causation, knowledge, understanding... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

PLACE- There are enough places. Arch. Until now, until this place. SRNG 18, 128. To be at the place and at the body. Arch. Have permanent job, class. AOC 10, 453. To places not so remote. Razg. Iron. In exile, in prison. BMS 1998, 374. Jump out of a place. Kar. Turn out to be...

Put everything in its place- Razg. Bring clarity, certainty, clarify the situation. F 2, 181 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

COHEN- (Cohen) Hermann (1842 1918) German philosopher, founder and most prominent representative of the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism. Main works: 'Kant's Theory of Experience' (1885), 'Kant's Justification of Ethics' (1877), 'Kant's Justification of Aesthetics' (1889), 'Logic... ...

Put everything in its place

Put everything in its place- PUT EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. PUT EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. Razg. Bring clarity, certainty, clarify (an unclear situation, an ambiguous position, etc.). Have you contacted the battalions? asked Iverzev in an emphatically official manner... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Put everything in its place- PUT EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. PUT EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. Razg. Bring clarity, certainty, clarify (an unclear situation, an ambiguous position, etc.). Have you contacted the battalions? asked Iverzev in an emphatically official manner... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Put everything in place- PUT EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. PUT EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. Razg. Bring clarity, certainty, clarify (an unclear situation, an ambiguous position, etc.). Have you contacted the battalions? asked Iverzev in an emphatically official manner... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

mislead- Syn: to deceive Ant: to clarify (the situation, the situation), to tell the truth... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

QUINE Willard van Orman (1908-1997)- American philosopher and logician. One of the participants in the Vienna Circle (1932-1934). He completed his doctoral studies under Whitehead. He taught at Harvard University (since 1938). According to the testimony of a number of historians of philosophy and science, it had a very... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia - Sentences reflecting the situation of the functional state of natural objects Typical semantics Natural phenomena and time, being in what l. state, discover, exhibit properties, qualities, perceived... Experimental syntactic dictionary

Ecology of consciousness: Psychology. A creative exercise with which you will have the opportunity to clarify a situation for yourself, find answers to questions, and also make changes to your situation.

Art exercise

I would like to offer you an exercise with which you will have the opportunity to clarify a situation for yourself, find answers to questions, and also make changes to the situation. Attached to the article is a form with brief instructions and fields for notes (it can be printed and used)

Preparing the space

  • Find 20-30 minutes of time for yourself when no one will disturb you, you can turn off your phone and devote time only to yourself.
  • Prepare a sheet of A4 paper and colored pencils/pastels/paints. In “camping conditions” you can use paper of any size and any drawing objects. You can also use your imagination instead of drawing. But for efficient work I still recommend taking A4 and pastel/watercolor.
  • Prepare a sheet of paper for writing (or the form that is attached to the article) and a fountain pen.
  • Find yourself a comfortable place. So that you feel comfortable sitting, drawing, writing. You may want to bring a blanket, drinking water, tissues, etc.

Formulating a question

Formulate and write down the question you want to clarify.

This is not fortune telling, so questions “about the future” like “When will I get married?” are not suitable.

These could be questions like “Why is this happening?”, “How can I deal with this?”, “What do I need to do to...?”, “How can I help myself in this situation?”, “Why Is this situation for me? “Why do I have a conflict with my husband?”, “What do I need to do to improve my relationship with my husband?”, “How can I help myself during conflicts with my husband?”, “Why do I stay in this relationship? ”, “Why can’t I let him go?”, “What’s holding me back in this relationship?”, “How can I cope with my fear of public speaking?”, “What doesn’t stop me from changing jobs?” etc.

ABOUT definitely. NECESSARILY!!! Write down your question.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to decipher the information you receive.

After you have written down the question, read it again and draw a picture of “If I were a plant.”

After you draw, take the piece of paper in your hands and look at the drawing at arm's length. After this, place the drawing in a different position from the one in which you drew it, so that you can look at it from a different angle or from a different distance.

For example, place it on your lap or on the floor or “stand” it on a table.

Give the drawing a title and write it down (be sure to write it down!).

If you draw not on paper, but in your imagination, then similarly: imagine a “picture” “if I were a plant” and give a name, write down the name.

If you have questions about this paragraph and want to clarify something, just re-read this paragraph again.

Questions about drawing

Now answer the questions based on your drawing. Be sure to write down your answers, otherwise it will be difficult to decipher the information you receive.

1. What kind of plant is this? Where does it grow? What surrounds him? What is its relationship with its environment (other plants, animals, people, weather, etc.)?

2. How does it feel? In connection with what?

3. What does he want? What is he lacking? In excess? In suitable quantity and quality?

4. Is he safe? How does it protect itself? From whom, from what?

5. What features and abilities does he have? What do you like about it?

6. What is important to him right now?


Look at the picture. What would you like to change? For what? Write down your answers.

Also pay attention to such an aspect of the drawing as the vitality of the plant: How viable, resilient and cheerful is it?

Does it have roots, or is it hanging in the air, or is it cut in a vase, or is it dried in a herbarium? If it does not grow with roots in the ground, then listen to yourself, how do you like what is happening to it? You may want to place it in the ground to help it take root.

Is there enough nutrition for the plant? How rich is the earth, is there water, how good is the air around, is there enough light? You may want to add fertilizer or, conversely, shade.

Are there any pests? Is it isolated from other plants? Or maybe, on the contrary, it grows in the thick of the weeds and withers? You might want to take care of him. Make changes to the drawing that are important to you, look at it again at arm's length, give it a new name and write it down.


Look at the picture and at your notes and summarize: what important things did you gain from this exercise. What have you learned? What did you want to change and what changes did you make? How did the name change? published

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