
A trouble-free way to improve the performance of an iPhone has been revealed. How to speed up your iPhone so it runs faster Adjust location settings

Most manufacturers of mobile devices try by any means to encourage users to buy a new device, but at the same time, Apple is somewhat different from most competitors and quite rarely crosses outdated iPhones and iPads from the list of supported new versions operating system. However, this medal also has a flip side.

The maximum possible iOS version for installation on iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c is iOS 10.3.3, however, the system performance leaves much to be desired.

As a result, users have to make a difficult choice - sacrifice performance for functionality and a new design, or leave everything as is. At the same time, despite the stability of iOS, sooner or later it has to be reinstalled (with rare exceptions), and in this case Apple leaves no choice - only the latest one is available current version. However, speeding up the work of fresh software on an outdated iDevice is not so difficult.

1. Install iOS 10.3.3 via Restore or hard reset followed by “as new” setup

This is one of the main points that really works. In most cases, the operating system will work noticeably faster if you install it not “over the air” through the “ Software Update" in Settings, and through " Recovery» on iTunes without subsequent recovery from backup copy . Our instructions will help you understand and carry out this procedure correctly:

As an alternative method, you can run the full . In this case, a computer is not required.

2. Do a hard reset

If there is too much important data stored on the iPhone, then it is worth performing a “hard” reboot of the device (sometimes this is useful). To do this, you need to press and hold until Apple logo Power and Home buttons (15-20 seconds). This will clear the cache memory and also get rid of temporary files.


3. Turn off geolocation

Many staff and third party applications For one purpose or another, they use (with the user’s permission) geolocation services to determine the location of the device. In some cases this is really necessary (navigators, maps, fitness trackers, etc.), and sometimes it is not at all necessary. To remove unnecessary burden from iOS, you should disable location services completely or for certain programs. You can do this in the menu Settings —> Confidentiality —> Location Services.

Another useful option in iOS 10.3.3, which, however, can negatively affect performance. Automatic update really important and frequently used applications will save time, but in most cases it can be disabled through the menu Settings —> Basic —> Content Update.

5. Reduce transparency and animation

Almost all actions in iOS 10 are accompanied by beautiful and smooth animations, which, naturally, require a significant amount of resources from the device. You can reduce the load on the processor and RAM using the option “ Reduce movement" on the menu Settings —> Universal access . At the same time, transitions between desktops, applications, and multitasking menus will become less smooth, but less resource-intensive.

It would also be a good idea to disable proprietary transparency along the way. Settings —> Universal Access -> Increase Contrast -> Decrease Transparency.

6. Free up storage space

A loaded built-in storage of an iPhone or iPad also negatively affects system performance. To free up at least a couple of gigabytes, you should go to the menu Settings —> Basic —> Storage and iCloud —> Control, which clearly shows which content takes up the most space.

Latest firmware iOS 7, well advertised, Apple claims that it is the best thing that iOS gadgets have ever had, innovative, beautiful, and functional. All this may be partly true, but none of the Apple officials are talking about the problems that owners may have iPhone, iPad or iPod on iOS 7, and there are a lot of them. The operating system was recently updated to iOS versions 7.0.3, but there is still a lot to fix.

One of the main disadvantages of iOS 7 is its heaviness and resource consumption, because of this, its installation on iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G And iPhone 3GS is not available, and edge gadgets iPhone 4 And iPhone 4S after the transition they show terrible performance. Rolling back to iOS 6.1.3(2) is only possible for iPhone 4(); for everyone else this is not yet an available option, and there are a lot of people who would like to roll back.

What should those who switched to the new iOS do, but roll back to previous versions There is no way for them to increase the performance of their devices, below are several ways how this can be done, all tips are relevant not only for the iPhone 4 or 4S, but also for other iOS devices running iOS 7.

Clearing iPhone memory of junk

The less free space there is on an iOS device, the slower it runs. There are several ways to clear the memory of your iPhone, iPad or iPod. By using special programs, For example, PhoneClean You can read how to do this. You can see how much the application uses device memory in the “Statistics” section, you can get into it by clicking on “Settings”, then “General”, then “Statistics”, there we find the “Storage” tab. A lot of memory can be used by various clients for social networks, since they have to constantly download and store “heavy” multimedia content, such as photos or videos, also Safari browser, can use a lot of space to store its data.

Disable visual effects in iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S

The bright, colorful visuals in iOS 7 are... distinguishing feature operating system, but for all the beauty you have to pay for the memory and speed of the device. The iPhone 4 does not have some settings, such as the parallax effect, dynamic wallpaper or transparency, but for other devices, all the settings below are relevant.

Disable parallax effect so that you don’t feel sick and so that your smartphone works faster. Go to “Settings”, then “General”, then “Universal Access”, find “Motion Reduction” and turn off the mode.

Disable Dynamic Wallpaper. In “Settings”, then “Wallpaper”, select normal.

Disabling geoservices. Geotargeting is one of the modern trends in application development, now everyone wants to know who you are, where you are and what you are doing, to constantly monitor your location it costs as much as RAM device and the battery charge of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. To disable the option, go to “Settings”, then “Privacy”, then the “Location Services” tab.

Disable unnecessary background tasks. Perhaps you watch different podcasts or frequently update applications, if you previously allowed (not prohibited) the system to Wi-Fi connection update applications or content, this will affect the operation of your iPhone, iPad or iPod. You can disable background updating in the settings, open the “General” tab, then “Content Update”, turn off the function for all applications, or select specific ones.

Disable the transparency and blur effect. The option is very heavy and requires a significant amount of processor resources; disabling it will allow the iPhone 4S to work faster. Go to “Settings”, then “General”, then “Universal Access”, “Increase Contrast”, by default the option is turned off, turn it on.

Disabling these UI settings will not only speed up the operation of the iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S (this is also true for other iOS devices), but will also save battery power on your gadgets.

It doesn't matter what iPhone you use: the latest iPhone 7 or earlier model, you definitely won't refuse to extend your smartphone's battery life and increase the speed of iOS. Sooner or later this becomes relevant for any device. This article contains only proven methods that will really help you improve the autonomy and performance of your device. So let's get started.

1. Clear RAM

You can speed up your iPhone by clearing the RAM in a matter of seconds. And this method does not require tedious rebooting of the smartphone.

To clear memory you need:

  1. Hold the power button until the slider to turn off the device appears at the top of the screen.
  2. Release the power button and press Home button, holding it down for five seconds until the home screen appears.

That's all! Now the RAM of the iPhone and iPad is in perfect order.

2. Clear Apple App Cache

Cache overflow can affect iPhone performance. There is one way to solve the problem, which became known only recently.

Cache clearing method works in apps App Store, iTunes Store, Podcasts and some others. You need to quickly perform 10 taps on any button on the bottom panel. If you did everything correctly, the screen will go blank for a moment, and then you will be taken to the application, cleared of unnecessary data.

3. Automatically clear messages after 30 days

You might be surprised by the amount of space that is used to store your messages. To find out this information, go to Settings -> General -> Storage & iCloud -> Manage and look at the size of the Messages application. If, in addition to text, you exchange photos and videos, then the size of the occupied memory can easily reach 5 or 10 GB.

An archive of your conversations can slow down not only Messages, but the iPhone itself as a whole. To fix this, go to Settings -> Messages -> Leave Messages and then change the Lifetime setting to 30 days or 1 year. Believe me, it's worth it.

4. Disable animation

Application launch and transition animations look great, but they require a lot of resources and affect the performance and battery life of your device. Try disabling it by going to Settings -> General -> Accessibility. Here you need to activate the “reduce motion” option.

You will notice the increase in iPhone speed with the naked eye.

5. “Wi-Fi Help”

This method is designed to increase the time battery life devices, although it is quite controversial.

The new Wi-Fi Assist option improves the performance and battery life of your smartphone by using wireless data transfer. cellular network, if your Wi-Fi connection is unstable. But be careful if your tariff plan small traffic limit.

To enable this feature, go to Settings -> Cellular and turn on the Wi-Fi Assist toggle.

6. Use power saving mode

Everyone noticed the system's advice to turn on the power saving mode when the battery level dropped to 20 and 10%. In fact, this option can be activated at any time, significantly extending the operating time.

The power saving mode switch is located in the Settings -> Battery menu. The system will stop receiving email, app activity in the background, and so on.

7. Configure location settings

Some apps need to continuously track your location even when you're not using them. But many of them are not used too often, and significantly reduce the operating time of the iPhone.

By going to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services. Here you will see a list of all applications that have access to location sensors. If you see the “Always” option next to the program name, then think about whether it needs constant access to your geolocation? If not, be sure to enable the “When used” or “Never” option.

8. Stop iPhone from tracking you

By default, the iPhone tracks the owner's every step, keeping records of all places visited.

If you want to disable this tracking, go to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services. Scroll down the screen until you see the System Services section, where you need to turn off the Frequently Visited Places option.

9. Disable Product Improvement Features

It's very kind of you to provide information to Apple to improve their products, but such kindness will come at the cost of battery life and private data.

In the Settings -> Privacy menu, in the Diagnostics and Usage section, disable sending data to Apple. Then go to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services -> System Services and turn off the Diagnostics and Usage, Popular Nearby, Improve Maps, and Routing and Traffic options. In this section, you can deactivate other functions that you think are wasting battery power.

10. Set up background content refresh

Did you know that you will continue to receive notifications even if you disable the option to update app content? Many people think that by turning off this function once, they will thereby extend their battery life. Actually this is not true.

Go to Settings -> General -> Content Update and additionally disable the update option for each application. After this, some programs will load information a fraction of a second slower, but iPhone battery will thank you for this.

It's just magic!

Could, for example, the iPhone 5s be faster in any way? iPhone 8 Plus? You will doubt it, but it really can be so. In this manual, we talked about a fail-safe way to improve the performance of any iPhone models, so effective that in one very important parameter the smartphone will begin to outstrip even the iPhone 8 Plus in terms of operating speed. Note that the method we described is known to few and for most users it will be useful.

Attention! The method involves refusing to use Siri.

It is worth understanding that it is impossible to make the iPhone 5s or any other Apple smartphone of previous generations identical to the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus in terms of pure operating speed. But at one point, older iPhones may catch up with the latest models.

Important! This method is especially effective on an iPhone running iOS 11, which currently does not offer excellent performance.

What is the essence of the method

The point of the method presented in these instructions is to powerfully speed up the execution of all actions related to the “Home” button. As we noted earlier, as a result of using the method, Siri will be disabled on the iPhone, so the Home button will remain assigned two main functions:

  • closing applications,
  • Opening the menu for switching between applications.

Both of these actions will be greatly accelerated. On the iPhone 5s, Apple's oldest smartphone with iOS support 11, functions are faster than on the iPhone 8 Plus. But let's not be unfounded.

Opening the multitasking menu on iPhone 5s

Opening the multitasking menu on iPhone 8 Plus

We emphasize that we did not speed up the video - the Home button is a result of changing several iOS settings becomes rapidly fast. So what should you do?

How to speed up any iPhone

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal access».

Step 2. Select the section " Quick commands"at the very bottom of the page and uncheck all the boxes.

Step 3. Return to the previous menu and select the " Home».

Step 4: Change the following settings:

  • In chapter " Velocity"check the box" Default».
  • In chapter " Press and hold to pronounce» select « Off».

Writing how to improve iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s and so on is not easy.

iOS works on the principle that applications that you have not disabled go into sleep mode on their own and do not consume memory, and the system itself is one of the most optimized and flexible.

Older devices may still have problems and reduced performance, and some things can be improved to make the smartphone work better and faster.

As observations show, almost everyone is not against improving the battery. Less demand to improve iPhone performance, photo quality, communication, camera, Internet speed, video, sound, Wi-Fi, performance, camera, cellular communication and recording from a voice recorder. See below for what you can do.

Although Apple products are considered to be some of the fastest, most reliable, and stable devices on the market, over time their performance may degrade and they may begin to run slower than when they were taken out of the box.

This is especially true when we install the latest iOS on an older device. Fortunately, this can be fixed. Here are some steps you can take on your own.

The first step to improve the performance of your iPhone is to turn off “Spotlight”

Spotlight is a feature quick search. To keep track of the location of every file on the system, Spotlight indexes the device even when it's not in use, which of course takes up memory.

If you don't use this feature, turn it off. To do this, simply go to Settings -> General -> Spotlight Search and uncheck Siri Suggestions and apps you don't want Spotlight to search for. The bigger, the better.

The second step to improve the iPhone is the responsiveness of the Home button

Have you noticed the Home button lag? The answer doesn't always have to be resetting everything. iOS has hidden function calibration.

To do this, go to one of the system applications(e.g. Exchange, Weather, Notes), press and hold the power button as if you were turning off the device.

Now just press the Home button and the system will suddenly take you to main screen. After this operation, the Home button should get a second life.

The third step to improve iPhone performance is to reduce movement and transparency

If your device uses animations or the iOS interface doesn't fully work, then lowering the transparency is a must.

You have to make a trade-off: a faster device means a less attractive interface.

Reducing transparency removes the transparency of some interface elements and transforms them into a single background.

To turn off transparency, go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Increase Contrasts and select Reduce Transparency.

Reducing motion causes standard effects to switch between apps or close them down to a simple, hazy transition. It also removes the parallax effect of icons.

Any system animations consume resources. Disabling them will improve the device's performance.

Of course, there is a slight trade-off to be made, as this means the system is less attractive in terms of aesthetics.

The fourth step to improve your iPhone is to regularly delete unnecessary data.

To ensure faster iOS performance, you also need to delete unnecessary data such as apps, messages, photos and videos from time to time.

The fifth step to improve the performance of your iPhone is to disable app updates in the background.

Another important thing is updating in the background. This feature is designed to constantly update information for certain programs, even if they are not currently in use.

To rid your device of unnecessary processes and at the same time increase battery life, try disabling updates for some programs.

Yes, the update is useful for instant messengers or mail clients, but not everything you have on your phone needs to be updated all the time.

By updating just a few apps in the background, your device will be more efficient and use less battery power.

It's just a few clicks: Settings -> General -> Content Update - Move the slider to the left to change from green to gray.

Only the update of iOS itself does not need to be disabled, since this, on the contrary, should lead to improved performance of the phone.

For example, iOS 10.3 includes new file system APFS, which will significantly improve device performance.

The sixth step to improve your iPhone is to reset the settings.

If your device is really performing poorly, it is recommended to restore or erase all data and settings on your phone.

Usually this is the most effective method, but not entirely convenient: after resetting, you will need to restore the previous settings and reinstall all applications.

An alternative to restoring is to delete only the settings. This option is available in the Settings -> General -> Reset -> All Settings menu.

You won't lose any data on your device, but all settings such as passwords, icon layouts, and any other changes will be factory default.

Seventh step to improve iPhone performance - delete cookies and cache in Safari

Cookies are information that sites enter into your device's memory. While they can speed up the opening of previously visited pages, they also fill up the disk.

Browser cache works the same way and how cookies, may store unnecessary data.

To delete Safari cookies, cache, and browsing history, go to Settings -> Safari and click “Delete history and data.”

Eighth step to improve your iPhone - perform a hard reset

If your device occasionally stops or gets stuck in one of the processes, it is recommended to perform a “hard reset”.

This operation is performed by pressing the Home and Power buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo startup screen appears.

The ninth step to improve the performance of your iPhone - do not close “open” applications

More and more often you hear about manually closing open / background applications(which we see in the multitasking view by double-clicking Home).

Many developers claim that such applications do not use and do not negatively affect the speed of the device.

Additionally, shutting down and restarting an app can slow down your device because it will have to use extra processing power.

iOS is supposed to handle fine running applications, completely puts them to sleep when not in use.

Closing apps manually forces them to load the next time you open them, and when they are launched only from sleep, they wake up immediately.

Step Ten: Improve Battery Performance

I've been using an iPhone for a long time and test it occasionally over the course of a few weeks, especially the battery life.

So I decided to write some tips that I use. Of course, some of the methods will limit some functions of your system or some applications, so it is important that everyone customizes them for themselves.

Airplane mode significantly reduces battery consumption, but at least you won't be able to make or receive calls.

Turn off Wi-Fi when you're not nearby available network. Wi-Fi is less energy efficient than 3G/LTE.

Turn off Bluetooth when not using this connection. Turn off cellular data when you don't need it.

Turn off notifications for apps you don't care about. This will save you not only battery life, but also time spent viewing them.

Reduce movement. Enabling this option will result in a less "fancy" interface, with fewer animations, however they are completely useless (except for the new iMessage features), so you can safely enable this feature.

Update in the background. Here you can choose which apps can update your data in the background to reduce data consumption and, most importantly, battery life.

Date and time. Turn off the "Set Automatically" option, which will significantly reduce your phone's GPS usage. Remember that when you travel, you'll then have to manually adjust the time zone you're in—a minor inconvenience, but it saves battery.

Automatic screen brightness. If this option is disabled, the screen brightness is adjusted manually.

Automatic brightness adjustment will make the screen shine more in a dark place and if you are too lazy to adjust the screen brightness manually, then it is better to leave this setting on automatic mode. Only if the light sensor is inactive does battery consumption decrease.

Auto-Lock. Set up a screen lock that will not only save battery but also increase the security of our data (after locking the screen when you wake up, you must enter a PIN or finger for Touch ID)

Wallpaper. Instead of dynamic ones, choose static wallpapers (preferably dark ones). Siri. If you are not using it, turn it off

Energy saving mode. In this mode, Hey Siri mail loading, background updates, and some visual effects are disabled.

Battery percentage. Disabling will cause the system to not frequently check the battery level, which also has a positive effect on battery consumption.

Diagnostics and use. By checking "Do not send" you will reduce data usage and battery life

Limit ad tracking. Enabling this option will reduce the amount of data your iPhone will collect/send, which can have a positive impact on battery consumption.

You don't have to let your phone run down to charge it, but you do want to charge it fully before unplugging it from the charger.

You don't need to turn off apps when you're not using them, as long as they're not in the background and using GPS.

Do not keep your phone in extremely high temperatures (do not leave the device in the sun or in a hot car) or in very cold temperatures.

As you can see, I don't use any fancy tricks - the only thing I do is spend some time setting up the system, app access, and location. I hope these tips help you extend your phone's battery life. Good luck.

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